Dr. Eby saw YAHUSHUA in heaven.
YAHUSHUA told the Doctor that he would not die before HIS second coming. Dr. Eby
is still alive.
Dr. Richard Eby was a professor and obstetrician with a successful practice. In
1972, he fell off a balcony in Chicago and hit his head causing him to die.
After speaking with YAHUSHUA for a time he was sent back.
In 1978, Dr. Eby closed his medical practice in order to follow his calling into
a full-time ministry. At a later time Dr. Eby was inside Lazarus' empty tomb and
was allowed to visit hell and return.
Eby's health has deteriorated greatly during the past year, both physically and
mentally, so much so that it was thought that he did have much longer. As did
Dr. Eby himself, everyone saw this as a sign of the soon rapture.
However, today I am told by a reliable source that he suddenly has improved
markedly, and that his mind is now much clearer, and he seems to be able to
think much more clearly.
But there is one thing especially remarkable -- as his mind has come back, he is
proclaiming the extreme nearness of the rapture with a new fervency and
intensity, and he is warning people to be ready as never before -- still not
physically up to par, but strong enough for this mission.
My source, who I must keep anonymous, gets the impression that the Lord has
brought him out of it at this particular time for this final purpose.
I am told that Dr. Eby believes the rapture is so near that it could be today or
tomorrow, and certainly not later than the next few months.
Let us hope. This is compatible with several biblical interpretations and
personal revelations recently reported.
Let us be ready. Let us look for the Christ and not the antichrist. What a day
of rejoicing that will be!
* * * * * * *
Do not pray for the death of Dr. Eby to expedite the Rapture, for his life and
the time of the Rapture of the Bride is in YAHUVEH's hands.