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What do you do when you run out of faith
and wonder if....YAHUSHUA Really SAVE Souls?!

Oh, dearest Brother and Sister!
Don't give up what you know to be true! Listen to words of wisdom from the HOLY SPIRIT ! When you start wondering if YAHUSHUA is real. If there is salvation! Heaven, and Hell! YAHUSHUA coming again?! Remember this is a spiritual attack! I have been there before, also. Hasn't every Christian questioned whether what we believe is really true? We must all have some Peter in US! First we walk on the water with YAHUSHUA. Then we start doubting as we remember physically we can't walk on the water!

But again I hear the HOLY SPIRIT saying to you and me, we don't walk by feelings but by faith! It's by Faith we are even saved! Is it NOT?

Ok, so you can't see GOD, right? I have been blessed to have a visitation of HIM 3 times! But believe me, plenty of times I have said, YAHUSHUA I want you to come and sit down here with me, like I saw HIM once sit on the side of my bed, and it wasn't a vision but a visitation! And I tell HIM, Please come let me see you again and answer some of these questions for me....guess what? HE hasn't come and sat with me again, where I could physically see HIM, but HE does speak to me by the Power of the HOLY GHOST! For you see the bible says, Blessed are those that have believed and NOT YET SEEN!

Ok, you say you don't know if you have enough faith to believe anymore. This is what the HOLY SPIRIT is telling me to say to you. Do you see the atoms and molecules that hold everything together? NO! Without them there would be no solid substance, right? No computer, or chair, or house, or even a body! But we can't see them! Yet we know it's there! Right?

Ok, how about the air you breathe, do you know for sure that the next breath you take that the oxygon will be there? Do you know if your lungs will work? Do you know your heart will continue beating? You can't see the oxygon but you know you have faith it's there! You can't see your lungs or heart but you know they're working! Right?

Here is another one, how about when you get in your car, can you tell without testing whether your brakes will work? Whether your car will even start, when you turn the key? How do you know when you slam on your brakes they will stop the car? You don't, but you have just proven you have faith. When you push the gas to go, you also know you will be able to stop the car again! All of these examples prove you have faith in that which you can't see!

When you turn on the lights you expect them to light the room, don't you? Why? You don't understand how electricity works. Or this computer...but you have faith it will or else you wouldn't turn it on, right?

What fool would get into a elevator and push a button and NOT believe the elevator would NOT crash! That proves you have faith! This proves you cannot live in this world without faith! You don't go by your feelings but by faith! To believe YAHUSHUA is Messiah and HE died on the cross so we could be saved from Hell. That HIS blood is so Holy it washes away every trace of sin! And HE died for US and arose for US and we will live again with HIM in Heaven, and HE is coming back again! That takes FAITH not FEELINGS but FAITH!

All of our Faith gets shook up when things don't happen and we don't understand why not. You're NOT the only one! I have the office of Apostle/Prophet and if you don't think it takes FAITH to speak forth a, thus sayeth the LORD, when the devil is yelling in your ear "Who do you think you are to say you hear GOD speak?" Well, you're wrong! Always I say the same prayer, YAHUSHUA if this isn't you speaking by the anointing of the HOLY GHOST then Please don't let me prophecy anymore to your people! Please take away the very desire to prophecy! I never want to say thus sayeth the LORD if its NOT truly GOD speaking to me! And it takes FAITH to not only speak them forth, but then to speak them to others! So believe me dear one, I understand! My feelings say NO WAY! Why would Almighty GOD Creator of this universe speak out of a nobody like me! And yet I have to go by Faith and not by feelings! You also must do the same, if we don't then we miss Heaven, and HELL is the only alternative!

I tell people look if I find out I am wrong and there is NO GOD then I have lost nothing by serving YAHUSHUA! But if they refuse to use their faith, and the bible says "every person is given a measure of faith", and they refuse to accept YAHUSHUA as LORD and Savior, then they have lost everything when they find out HE IS REALLY LORD AND SAVIOR! ALMIGHTY GOD!

So I hope this has helped you when you're making your choice whether to believe again or not....I couldn't bear to live if I didn't have the hope of Heaven one day! No one is guraranteed another day! How do the Unbelievers have the security to deny YAHUSHUA when they know death is a reality and it can happen at any time?! How can they be so sure that YAHUSHUA is NOT real? Heaven is NOT real? And Satan and Hell and damnation for refusing YAHUSHUA (Jesus) is NOT real? I would say they must have a lot of faith to not worry, but that's NOT faith they are exhibiting, to deny YAHUSHUA as Messiah that is STUPIDITY in the highest form! For the only hope we have is the Blessed Hope of Heaven and YAHUSHUA coming again!

There is an old saying "You won't find any atheists in the front lines in war, when those bullets hit, or barely miss and you're trapped. Everyone thinks of GOD then!"

They may deny later, but for a split moment they think of the Creator and hope they will be spared.

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