I am sharing this painful memory just recently brought to the surface because
of something that happened to my youngest son. GOD gave me a promise long ago
"Be not ashamed of your past for I will use it for MY GLORY."
I was in elementary school and very unpopular in class. Everyone mocked me
because of my mom and her reputation. After all she was most likely sleeping
with fathers of the boys in my classes!
When I was living with my mother as a youngster she was known as a woman with
loose morals to say the least. She was married 10 times - not counting the men
she lived with. She never was home and spent all night at the bars
One of the painful memories I have of my mother is when I would walk to school.
Much to my shame my mother was a beautiful woman and wanted the MEN to know it,
so to draw attention to herself, she would sit out on the front lawn in a lawn
chair wearing only negligees. Yes in a suburb. It wasn’t the see through stuff
but still pretty risqué. She would be dating the other classmates’ fathers and
the classmates would blame me.
I have very painful memories of name-calling. I understand how cruel children
can be. I have to say though I proved to the world thus far that I am not "like
mother like daughter." Because of the reputation my mother had I was determined
NO ONE could ever say "like mother like daughter" my morals are extremely HIGH
and will stay that way. I am grateful for my mother’s Jewish blood and maiden
name, ELIAS...it sure didn't help her though ...she is most likely in the lowest
pit in Hell. My mother’s name was Kathrine and I was judged for what my mother
was and did.
Like his mother when she was younger, my son now is judged and hurt by what his
mother does. It is the opposite, because I am HOLY he pays for it, they know I
am a Pastor and we are messianic Jews, another reason the kids hate him. Anyway,
I feel my son’s pain very deeply.
My son was taught that Jesus’ real name was NOT Greek but Hebrew, Yah Shua. We
celebrate the Jewish feasts and Holy days. How can I avoid NOT mentioning this?
My son only wants to share what he has learned at home in Bible class at his
Christian School where the bible is taught but NOT the gifts of the HOLY SPIRIT.
My son told the other kids this and tried to tell the kids Jesus’ name is YAHUSHUA, for Mary wouldn't have given Jesus a Greek name, and there is no J in
Hebrew. They mock him and call him a liar. They mock him at the food he refuses
to eat at lunch. They tell him everything has pork in it. I taught him these
things that are getting him unpopular, so am I to blame?
I especially feel my son’s pain of unpopularity in school for his classmates
know he is a Messianic Jew and he is NOT ashamed of it. When I was in Elementary
school I was unpopular but NOT for being Jewish. I was unpopular because of my
mothers unholy behavior...the enemy taunts Danny because of his mother’s Holy
behavior, this is a cycle of some kind.
Now I would like to add a note before I go into WHY this triggered a Painful
Valentine memory for me. My Son's principal gave the most anointed speech to the
class about how they treat him and afterwards without her mentioning any names
some of the most cruel classmates came and apologized to him. The Pastor of that
school taught on what a Messianic Jew is that following week!
My son had seen an angel and has been seeing angels starting at the beginning of
this year. What he has seen will be posted for it is not meant for US alone to
be encouraged but ALL who need it. The principal told the Children some are
blessed to see angels! GOD used my son to be a beacon light in that school
teaching about Messianic Jews and planting good seed. This was VERY traumatic
for me as GOD dug up some old wounds because of what my son went through.
In Elementary School I felt like my youngest son did, and I too hated school. On
Valentines Day I received NO valentine card and it was so embarrassing I
couldn't hide the tears. I must have been 10 years old.
Then on the day AFTER Valentines Day something strange happened. I barely
remember and OH I wish I could remember the name of the teacher! I was excused
from class sent out for some reason, in the mean time I didn't know my teacher
had given a speech to my class about the way they had been persecuting me
because I didn’t have a normal home life or family. I have NO idea what else was
said that day.
I didn't know until the next day when I went back to school the day AFTER
Valentines Day...the teacher had a special party thrown for ME! Of my worst
enemies, one was named JACK and lived in the town I am in now, walked up to me
FIRST and handed me a VALENTINE and a GIFT! He became a friend after that! Then
one kid after another did the same thing! I can't tell you what I did or felt
for I have blocked those emotions.
The principal of my son’s school giving a speech on behalf of my son triggered
this memory. It brought tears to my eyes. By the way I wasn't unpopular ever
again in that class. All were my friends especially that teacher. Who I know now
must have been a HOLY SPIRIT filled Christian.
This isn't about what my appearance or morals are and why my son was being
persecuted in a Christian School; this is about how God can use one person to
make a difference.
A close friend and minister said that my son is different and the enemy uses the
children to make him think that being different is bad. We are GOD’S peculiar
people. The more anointed the more peculiar.
One person standing up for what is right is all it took to change things.
GOD reminded me of this today: JESUS (YAHUSHUA) was there even at the worst
moments of my life although I didn’t yet know HIM the way I do now. I praise YAHUSHUA, HE was and IS there all the time!
Someone needed to hear this I pray you will let me know if it is you.