August 29, 2007
On the verge of suicide
and with a knife to his wrist a fear hit him which he now recognizes as
the fear of GOD. He dropped his knife and went to his knees and asked
the LORD to forgive him of his sins and he gave his life to the LORD. He
was immediately freed from all addictions and was given a desire to tell
others about YAHUSHUA.
One night when in prayer he received a vision of
hell and the floor of his room opened up he kept falling down and down
in a deep dark hole for miles and miles. It was very real and he could
see, touch, smell, feel everything. Fear was filling his whole being.
A wind was blowing from this hole that seemed to be bottomless and the
odor was so strong it was sickening. By looking between his feet he
could see a distant orange glow. As he approached this orange glow it
became bigger and bigger and he then entered a cavern and he was over a
huge area of what looked like lava sending flames hundreds of feet into
the air. Earth shattering explosions could also be heard. He knew he was
still about 10,000 feet above this burning sea and even at that distance
the heat was almost too much to bear and it felt like his skin was
actually burning off.
The smell was so nauseating that it made him cough and gasp for air but
there was none. His ears than began to be filled with a very eerie sound
that sounded like humming. This sound was constant and got louder and
louder as he approached the lava. God opened his understanding as to
what the sound was. The sound was actually human beings screaming in
unbelievable agony. He realized that God was showing him a vision of
At about 200 feet above this lake of lava, fire and brimstone, the pain
got almost too much to bear. He then saw some objects bobbing up and
down in this burning sea of what looked like lava. There were tens of
thousands of these objects. These objects were actually human beings
bobbing up and down and back and forth. These people were weeping and
wailing in extreme agony. No relief from pain was available to them.
Their bodies were burned black in this sea of fire and brimstone.
Suddenly he plunged into the lava and it covered him and filled his
eyes, nose throat, lungs etc. His eyes felt like they were being
consumed out of their sockets and could barely breathe. He finds it
difficult to explain the amount of pain he was experiencing. He also
knew hell was eternal and no chance of getting out.
He was shown that selfishness is the gateway to hell. Excruciating pain
overtook him fully as he was submerged in this sea of fire and brimstone
that looked like lava. As he was sucked down into this sea he was in
total darkness with no light at all. He was suffocating and could not
take a breath but yet he was not dying. When he returned to the surface
he realized that he was till intact and his five senses were very much
There were other creatures in the sea of fire that looked like huge
worms. They would come to the surface and then disappear and then return
to the surface. About 20 feet from him he saw them coming to the surface
and they were coming towards him. When they reached him they began
boring into him and went inside his body and brain and were coming out
of his eyes. They were driving him insane. (Where the worm dieth not.)
There is no end to these things in hell. They are eternal. There is no
place to go for any relief. There is no love there. It is totally void
of love. An emptiness beyond comprehension enveloped him.
Although there were many, many others there, there were no
communications whatsoever. Your memory is also there still with you and
you can remember everything that went on in your life, including each
time the Gospel was presented to you and you refused. He then was
gripped with an intense thirst. There was no way to quench this thirst.
(Rich man and Lazarus.)
If the message of the Gospel is rejected you
will be forever tormented in hell like the Bible so clearly says. The
voice of GOD then echoed across the sea of fire and brimstone and lava
telling hell to release him and he was returned back to his room.