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Good Bye South Africa, Hello Europe, We are back!

April, 9, 2007

Beloved Family in YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH,


We love you! We send our hugs to you in the name of YAHUSHUA!
While in South Africa, we met the most beautiful people. We stayed on the Oceanfront in Cape town to Port Elisheva, Jeffrey's Bay, Port Alfred in the Marina area in a gated community. We always stayed in safe secure area's and next to the ocean. South Africa has beautiful land but the spirit of greed is as great as the spirit of poverty. The prophecy for Africa , could not be released until we left Africa.

I am sorry I could not accept all the invitations to other parts of Africa like Kenya, Nigeria, Zambia, and many other churches in various parts of Africa. There just was not time to do all I wanted to do. We love and appreciate all of you, who are a blessing to this Ministry. Truly the harvest is great and the laborers so few. Only when you get to Heaven, and you see how many souls you helped us reach, and how much of the burdens you have lifted off of us, with your love and prayers and financial support will then realize, how much of a blessing you are to others and us. You will stand by our side in Heaven and YAHUSHUA says HE will introduce us to our Brothers and Sisters around this world that this Ministry was used to reach as a blessing.

We pray you had a blessed Passover and Resurrection Day! We apologize we have not been in touch with you for so long. We have been so busy and just said GOOD BYE to SOUTH AFRICA! After 9 months, our job is done. HELLO EUROPE! We have returned to meet the European Bride of YAHUSHUA! If you want to meet with us, or fellowship by phone or email, contact us ASAP! Your prayers are like a magnet under the anointing from Heaven, and has brought us back again. We have received so many emails from Europe, and it was after we had moved to South Africa. I wrote you back and told you that we would not be returning again. SURPRISE! WE ARE BACK!

Watch out Devil the Bride of YAHUSHUA has returned to Europe and we are a force to be reckoned with in the name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH! We are here to help our Holy Brothers and Sisters in YAHUSHUA! Please do not think I have not been given, fresh new prophetic messages that are like manna from Heaven. Just because they have not been loosed yet. In South Africa, I received so many prophetic messages but was unable to release them, until we left South Africa. I am like a pregnant woman, ready to give birth!

The newest prophecy will really anger the organized churches and be UNLIKE any of the prophesies thus far. It will take much boldness to release this. First we must get settled in a home, and rested for the battle to come.

Beautiful Sisters and Brothers from Europe, so many countries I can't list them all, PLEASE write me and let us get to know one another! If you believe the truths spoken forth in this Ministry, we are ONE in YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH! Sweden, we need to hear from you! Holland, We need to hear from you! France we need to hear from you, Switzerland we need to hear from you! Italy we need to hear from you, I know the Bride of YAHUSHUA is here! The European Bride of YAHUSHUA is loved so much. All those that love YAHUSHUA, who have prayed for a greater anointing, a new anointing to hit Europe, it was prophesied it happened when we landed in Europe!

We landed in Amsterdam on March 22, 2007 the 5 of us. We were so close to one of our Sisters who wrote me an email from Switzerland and after going through thousands of emails I gave up looking, I cannot find your email address. Please write me back! I have tried to find your email but it is going through thousands of emails in one account alone!

We are looking for a man named, prophet Allan from Lyon France, who prophesied and met with us in 2006. If anyone knows of him, his phone number, or email, please contact me ASAP. He is part of the Bride of YAHUSHUA. Agree with us in prayer please that he will return to this Site, or a dream will come to him, and give Prophet Allan, my name or the name of this Ministry. I must speak with him. We have an urgent need for a Holy Brother or Sister to be a French Translator and write the prophesies in French.

We have left France and we are only going where YAHUSHUA is leading us.

We are homeless right now, traveling and looking like tourists but really like the Apostles of old.
Let me encourage our Brothers and Sisters who are also being tested like us, we were told by YAHUSHUA that we would not be celebrating the Passover like in the past with a home and Passover Seder, we are LIVING IT! We need your intercessory prayers. We will also pray for you. Let us know where you live.

We are being tested for the trials of our faith are more precious than gold. YAHUSHUA said we are in a college crash course heading for a Masters degree! Heaven's tests are hard now, but nothing compared to what they would be without YAHUSHUA'S grace and Mercy, for the time is so short now! The Bride of YAHUSHUA, can not just live anywhere. Pray and see if it is time for you to move out of America or Canada, before you are boxed in by land, air and sea! We are HIS chess pieces and HE is getting us to places of safety. For us we were told to do an Exodus from America in 2006 immediately after Passover and not to return. Our Son unfortunately, returned to America, despite the prophecy spoken before the world, please pray he returns to us quickly, and stops behaving like a Jonah.

This morning I had a dream. 4/4/2007, A man had shackled me to a steel pole, the pole was from ceiling to floor and I was hand cuffed and there were short chains on the hand cuffs and the man I know represented satan. He thought he could leave me alone and I would not be able to free myself. Yet in the dream although the cuffs were tight and hurt, I kept on rubbing the short chain against the metal pole. I knew I had to get free to rescue my child that another woman was claiming as hers.

I prayed and all of a sudden, the chain snapped! I ran to a park, and on the park bench was my baby girl. She had long blonde hair and it was warm outside on a park bench. The child was crying hard. The woman had taken off her underwear and she was exposed. I grabbed my child and I said this is my baby, give me my baby back! I quickly put her panties back on and picked her up and soothed her, she quickly calmed down and fell asleep in my arms peaceful, because she was back where she felt protected with her mother again. (please send me your gift of discernment for this dream, to see if it is what I have heard."

Satan, thinks he has me chained unable to find a place to live for the 5 of us. He does not want us in Europe. He has made it very hard for us. However, in the dream I am still able to break free from the chains that have kept us from finding a home here in Europe, and financial chains that bind us. The Bride of YAHUSHUA is victorious in the name and blood of YAHUSHUA! If this Ministry is a blessing to you, will you prayerfully consider being a blessing to us at this time.

We were given a mandate by YAHUSHUA, to go where the wealthy are; because although they think they are wealthy, most are lost sheep, poor in spirit and bankrupt in Heaven. Yet YAHUSHUA sends us to Europe, to lead the way to the only good Shepherd YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.
This has not been fun, missing out on the Passover Meal, and not feasting on Resurrection Day, which was Sat. April 7th this year. We had no where to eat but McDonalds today on what is commonly called Easter, because on Sunday everything is closed. On Passover we didn't get the privilege to have a Passover Seder with Lamb, like all the other years, we didn't get to just celebrate it, we are LIVING IT! Big difference! Wait until you experience this, than you will understand.

We have been sent back to Europe to celebrate with the European Bride of YAHUSHUA, to encourage and mentor and meet with them. Satan has fought us hard since we have left South Africa. Please we need your deep intercession and others you trust to intercede with us. Thank you! Please send your phone number if you are led by YAHUSHUA to intercede for us or want to send an offering to us quickly. We shall pray one for another.
Who is the Bride of YAHUSHUA? Everyone that truly strives to obey, love, worship and serve YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA, and the RUACH ha KODESH, and live their life to please HIM and not with hold anything, but willing to sacrifice everything if need be. Living Holy unto YAHUSHUA, forsaking man made doctrines, organized church system, is the BRIDE OF YAHUSHUA!

We need you!
We need one another!

With love and blessings in YAHUSHUA'S name
Your Sister in YAHUSHUA
Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu

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