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Beware, Dreamseeker, Webmistress for a Night!

I trusted this women to be my webmanager after Larry Davis betrayed me.
She offered her services for free and worked in private on the site for two weeks. She would never show me what she was doing.

When she unveiled her work on 2/3/99 I was shocked. She had linked my site to lead people to her five sites where she sold Amway. The people left Amightywind and couldn't get back out of her web. She preached a different doctrine than what we believe in, she mocked doom and gloom prophets and it was clear that she served a different God. She used this church site to lead to a moneychangers market.

When I discovered this defilement I blocked her out of the site and asked another supporter to write her and tell her how she had offended. I gave her the opportunity to apologize and instead she wrote the below. I expose this now and offer an apology for all those that were offended, who came looking for YAHUSHUA and instead found Amway.

Everything she has done has been removed and we found hidden evil graphics, which pertain to the mark of the Beast system on the site. The only reason I have taken her name down as of 2/25/99 is because the HOLY SPIRIT has shown me she is a very physically sick women and I do not wish to harm her but only explain to those that came to the site the night she had taken over. Ministries who need webmanagers beware, there are wolves out there seeking to devour your ministry. They come as a blessing and they turn into a curse.

Examine the letter below and discern her spirit.


Rev. Elisheva Eliyahu

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It was brought to my attention, that if I did not send you a bill, for my services, I would be making the pure and righteous supporters of yours, out to be a liar!

Here is my bill:

60 hours at $29.00=$1,740.00
2 Banners at $10.00 each= $20.00
one image=$20.00

total $ 1,740.00

Paid in full this date:2/5/1999

Please do not pray for me. I am to evil for repentance!
Do yourself a favor, and remember my evil presence in your life. And it is now effecting your site. If you wish you remove this evil, remove my evil presence from your site, altogether. Not just my address, but also the love scripture on the first page, the banner, and buttons, on the contents page, the song of joy page, prayer page, friends page, which all were borrowed from my evil site, any backgrounds and of course the statement on the prophetic pages, and where ever else, showed my presence. A Holy site should never, show works of my master, even if the work was done in the name of YAHUSHUA.

Remember that even my master, knows the truth of the Lord and can use this information, for evil.

Any former witch will tell you that objects, can carry curses on them and in them. Larry Davis, is a well known ex-witch! It would seem a simple understanding that if they can, place curses on objects, they can easily put curses, on web images. Thus if I am a witch, and evil, then it would only seem right, that I too would put a curse on anything I touched, so that it would do its job and destroy your ministry and your life.

After all, I must want you dead! Other wise, I would not be so evil. Thus if I am to be stopped, then you must remove anything I have touched from your site, for it has been influenced by Satan. Even my web address, In fact change yours real soon, I may use it to send a virus, to destroy your computer. On the other hand, it would be a far more destructive, if I had planted it in site, your website, that way I could destroy more lives.

I may very well have, after all I am evil! And my master is evil! This may very well include, any other images, that have been created under the influence of an evil person. Anyone working in purity and righteousness, should have warned you that evil can not be allowed to have any influence on your site. How, forgetful they have become, not to have warned you of this simple fact, instead of telling you that they are copyrighted, so they belong to you. They are yours to keep! That was the evil plan! I would tell you to keep them, so that their influence, could destroy your life. Woops, I let it slip, how wrong of me, know I will be punished, by my master! Well if I am going to be punished, I guess I will go all the way!

My master knows the weakness in mankind, after all he has been studying you from the begining. He was there when man was created. And if your life has any darkness, he will know it! and will use it if he can so be warned, he has sent evil into your ranks, trust no one! I ought to know, my evil, easily wormed its way into your life! My words of Love and comfort, my words of Joy, peace, encouragement, were just a ploy to get on your good side! So I could wiggle my evil love into your life, and destroy you with it. After all my master knows that Love will destroy Him, It destroyed His works at the cross, It gave you wicked people hope, and life, and a future. But if He can keep you from seeing love! Then you are his forever! HA! HA! HA! Because Love is the only thing that sets people truly free! And If you can't see it, He has won! He has won!

Webmistress for 1 night on 2/3/99

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