This is from Prophecy 105, YAHUVEH said to put this up on all Prophecies from now on: I warned you a long time ago Elisabeth (Elisheva) not to name this Ministry after a man or a woman even before there was a Ministry. I put it in your spirit for none of this has been done by your hand, none of this has come forth from your mouth. It is from the Mouth of YAHUVEH that has given birth. It is from the Mouth of YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH that has given birth. It is from the Mouth of the RUACH ha KODESH your IMMAYAH that has given birth. If it had only been by your hand it would have failed long ago. It is by the SHKHINYAH GLORY’S Wind that blows across this earth, the Holy Wind of Revival, it is not by your breath or it would have failed. (Isaiah 42:8)
Given to Prophet Sherrie Elijah (Elisheva Sherrie Eliyahu)
This is from Prophecy 105, YAHUVEH said to put this up on all Prophecies from
now on: I warned you a long time ago Elisabeth (Elisheva) not to name this
Ministry after a man or a woman even before there was a Ministry. I put it in
your spirit for none of this has been done by your hand, none of this has come
forth from your mouth. It is from the Mouth of YAHUVEH that has given birth. It
is from the Mouth of YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH that has given birth. It is from the
Mouth of the RUACH ha KODESH your IMMAYAH that has given birth. If it had only
been by your hand it would have failed long ago. It is by the SHKHINYAH GLORY’S
Wind that blows across this earth, the Holy Wind of Revival, it is not by your
breath or it would have failed. (Isaiah 42:8)
In July 2010 YAHUVEH GOD also said to add the following from 2nd Chronicles
before every Prophecy:
2 Chronicles 36:16, “But they mocked the Messengers of GOD, despised HIS Words,
and scoffed at HIS Prophets, until the wrath of the LORD arose against HIS
people, till there was no remedy.”
* * * * * * *
The Hem of MY garment, it’s not enough to just touch it anymore. Keep knocking
at MY door, then when the answer doesn’t come fast enough, pound. When you get
weary, keep on asking, seeking and ye shall find, but don’t stop till you hear
from Heaven.
For I have promised you MY Children, bread and not the crumbs of this world. For
you see judgment has come to the house of YAHUVEH and it’s not as easy as
touching MY hem, or knocking softly for your answers, you better be prepared it
may take wrestling for your blessing, like Jacob. But it only proves your faith
and makes it stronger, which is needed in these end times. So keep on saying no
more crumbs. You will not be denied. For you’re the Blood bought Bride of
I will answer and deliver you. I do not lie. For you are promised not the crumbs
of this world, but the bread of life, the children’s bread of healing,
deliverance, prosperity, life abundantly and full of glory. For YAHUSHUA is your
Bread of Life and I want to see if you will still praise ME, and hang on to your
faith though I don’t answer right away. I am not always a microwave God.
Yes, I know about microwaves, who do you think gave you the invention? You have
scripture to stand on, read Matthew 15: 22-28 about a Canaanite woman’s faith.
She was worshipping YAHUSHUA, yet he ignored her, let the disciples rebuke her,
call her a dog, said the blessing was for another not her. You say, “Why
YAHUSHUA, why would you have done all this?” Because in these last days, all of
this will happen to MY most faithful followers, those that worship ME, this will
be done by others in MY Name.
You will be insulted, rejected, persecuted, yet if you continue to hold on to
your faith, though I don’t rescue right away, then like this Canaanite woman you
will be rewarded. For I will see how great your faith is. For in these end-times
I am preparing MY body in this way, when I come again how many will have hung on
to their faith? How many will turn away when they call out in prayer for a need
and I don’t answer right away?
You must tell them to be willing to wrestle with ME for their blessing like
Jacob did. For I desire to bless. I only want to test and see how badly you want
this blessing. Will you still worship ME when I don’t answer right away? It’s
not MY chastisement that is causing this, for the woman fell and worshipped at
MY feet. You are worshipping at MY feet. But judgment has started at the house
of YAHUVEH and one of the things I am testing is how strong is your faith?
How loyal and how much will you rely on ME? Like the Canaanite woman, your faith
and loyalty will be rewarded for you shall see what you desire, and even more
exceedingly and more abundantly will I shower down MY blessings like a river
overflowing. You will have so much joy. And I will bless you so much. You will
be forced to give unto others. Hold on tight to the hem of MY garment. Don’t let
go. Keep knocking till the door opens to your blessings you have asked for. I
will answer eventually. Lean not unto thy own understanding but in all thy ways
acknowledge ME and I shall direct your paths.
Remember the trials of your faith are more precious than gold. Keep your eyes on
your Savior and not on the turbulence of the sea or the waves will drown you.
But I am here to save you. For I am your Savior and redeemer am I not? I will
not fail you nor forsake you. I know how much pressure to put on the clay before
it breaks, how much fire to allow you to go through before you get consumed. The
waves of despair will not drown you. For I am here to rescue and deliver not
only your soul, but mind, body and Spirit. Trust ME and ye shall see it come to
pass. Then remember who delivered you ’twas no man or woman, but your God who
created you.
Yet it is I who will answer your call, for I know what you want even before you
ask. In the spiritual realm it is finished, I am only waiting for MY perfect
timing to manifest in the physical realm. Your faith helps this to come forth.
Does not MY Word say it’s impossible to please YAHUVEH without faith? You please
ME by showing your faith in a God who cares and hears and knows all.
You show your faith when you realize you cannot deliver yourselves, but need ME,
your Savior to deliver you, and so I shall. For am I not your Master and Savior?
Is the God you serve deaf? No. Is MY arm too short to deliver you? No. Is your
faith being tested? Yes. Do I desire to bless you? Yes. Will you be one of those
that hangs on tight to the hem of MY garment, and keeps knocking? Will you be
one of those that stands and waits for MY deliverance and the blessings I have
promised you? It’s your choice. I have spoken forth this day from this
handmaiden, so you will understand why some things promised have not yet come to
pass. Keep holding fast to the measure of faith I have given you and deliverance
you shall soon see at last.
Given to Prophet Sherrie Elijah (Elisheva Sherrie Eliyahu)
* * * * * * *
This is the latest prophecy given to me to pass on and feed YAHUVEH’s sheep.
Hold on tight to the hem of his garment. Though my long blonde hair is trailing
in the dirt as he passes through the crowd, my face is looking upward at his,
and I am not going to let go. When you’re going through this and I was meant to
read this when I did, to receive it so I could pass this on to others that want
to know why they are not getting their prayers answered quickly.
Is YAHUVEH deaf? No! Is his arm too short to reach us? No. As YAHUSHUA said, our
faith is being tested, not a pleasant experience is it? But necessary for it to
grow. I am right now like Jacob wrestling with God till he blesses me with the
deliverance he has promised me. But I have ground in my heels and told my Master
YAHUSHUA I will not be denied for he has promised me no more crumbs. The world
gives crumbs, but we are promised the bread of life, the children’s bread of
healing, deliverance and prosperity. We have been promised life and life more
abundantly. My knuckles are sore from pounding. My eyesight is dim from weeping.
But we must persevere on. When YAHUSHUA comes again how many will he find that
still have faith? I want to be counted in that number, don’t you?
In the Master, Savior YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH service a broken vessel of clay but a
mighty warrior in YAHUSHUA, Pastor Sherrie Elijah (Elisheva Sherrie Eliyahu).
Now if you have not been tried yet with a prayer you have waited so long for and
not have seen it come to pass, (I have waited 21 years) then you will not
understand what I am talking about. But I am sent to those that have not had
their prayers yet fulfilled in the physical realm, although it was promised in
the spiritual realm. That’s why in these end-times even YAHUSHUA said, “Will he
find faith when he comes back?” I must warn the people. Now you must warn the
people. So they will understand and not give up on YAHUSHUA and turn to the
world for answers or turn to the spirit of the antichrist.
This is from Prophecy 105, YAHUVEH said to put this up on all Prophecies from
now on: I warned you a long time ago Elisabeth (Elisheva) not to name this
Ministry after a man or a woman even before there was a Ministry. I put it in
your spirit for none of this has been done by your hand, none of this has come
forth from your mouth. It is from the Mouth of YAHUVEH that has given birth. It
is from the Mouth of YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH that has given birth. It is from the
Mouth of the RUACH ha KODESH your IMMAYAH that has given birth. If it had only
been by your hand it would have failed long ago. It is by the SHKHINYAH GLORY’S
Wind that blows across this earth, the Holy Wind of Revival, it is not by your
breath or it would have failed. (Isaiah 42:8)
In July 2010 YAHUVEH GOD also said to add the following from 2nd Chronicles
before every Prophecy:
2 Chronicles 36:16, “But they mocked the Messengers of GOD, despised HIS Words,
and scoffed at HIS Prophets, until the wrath of the LORD arose against HIS
people, till there was no remedy.”
* * * * * * *
Transcribed from audio tape:
Elisabeth [Elisheva] says:
I’ve been hearing that something was supposed to happen on March 27. This one
movie that was going to be at the cinema, well but anyway, so I thought oh there
was a countdown on that, thinking it was going to be on TV.
But the main thing is that isn’t what it was. There was something special today,
it was after we [Amightywind leadership] did communion and we’re asking whether
[to] run to the store to go get a few things because it honors Father and HE
protects when we ask. All of a sudden HE (YAHUVEH) started speaking about faith
and HE was saying how HE rewards us when you do something that YAHUVEH tells you
to do and it takes a great step of faith to do it. You have to fight all of your
flesh, you have to fight your fear, you have to fight circumstances, but you
will obey when YAHUVEH tells you to take that step of faith. HE says watch and
see if I will not bless you more than you ever dreamed possible.
Then the next thing HE said to me, HE said it was just like we never had a nice
home to live in. We’re always only, oh my gosh we won’t even go the short terms
we were living in places and what the landlords did to us or we were living in a
bus or always having to run from one place to the next. It was horrible. It was
horrible. We were not blessed when we were in America. Except for when we took
the greatest step of faith, well in my eyes we weren’t [blessed in America], we
took our greatest step of faith though and I thought everything within me—that
was one place I wanted no part of. I took my greatest step of faith though when
I woke up that morning—I would never have done it if YAHUSHUA hadn’t told me and
HE said we were to go to Alaska. Through tears I told [the leadership team] that
YAH said we had to go to Alaska.
Even though I don’t consider that log cabin a blessing for those 6 months, I
will say good things came forth out of it because HE raised up somebody, Cathy
[This next paragraph was accidently erased off the audio when [we were] working
on it to post. So this next paragraph is not on the streaming audio – we
apologize for this.
Though she is an enemy now and we were able, first of all, first of all we
didn’t know how we were going to get the money to be able to go to Alaska to
obey. HE raised up another woman to send the money, just totally surprised us.
That young woman that just got saved and just found the truth through this
Ministry and that is how we got to Alaska and that was a huge step of faith to
move to Alaska. Then when we were told we were to leave Alaska and we didn’t
understand where we were going to go, what we were going do, HE raised up Cathy
O. and again that was a huge step of faith to leave America.]
(On streaming audio again Part 2)
Then HE just said to me as I was praying HE said that I truly, the blessings
truly didn’t pour forth until we took a step of faith when HE said, “You will
never return back to America, you are never to return to America.” I don’t know,
I’m believing in faith HE will never allow someone to force us to do it but by
our own volition (will) we will never return to America. That’s, that’s
humungous, I mean all of our families are back there, biological families are
back there and to know that we’ll never, ever go back there. Yet HE said, “I
have poured forth MY blessings” and HE has. HE’s blessed us exceedingly and
abundantly ever since we took that giant step of faith and left America.
Just like Kathrynyah, then HE started talking to me about Kathrynyah and her
giant step of faith. Now look what she has been rewarded with, she has her
beloved Adam and our precious sister just wanted so much just to meet us and now
she lives with us and she took that giant step of faith. I mean every one of us
and so this is the lesson today on March 27th. YAH has made a promise, when you
take a giant step of faith that HE is telling you to do, HE will bless you
exceedingly and abundantly more than you dare dream or ask. That is what I
learned today on March 27, 2009.
HE is also reminding me of my giant, giant, giant step of faith. With me my, my
humungous, humungous step of faith was ever to trust another man again, ah I
never trusted a man to begin with until Adam [my bother and associate minister].
I said, “Well YAH I’m obeying YOU” and I never ever, ever regretted any of it. I
just Thank YOU ABBA YAHUVEH for YOUR promise, as long as we really are hearing
YOU and YOU tell us to take that step of faith, YOU have to be faithful and
protect us and YOU will do it and YOU will exceedingly and abundantly bless us.
(Streaming audio Part 3 starts here)
I have a step of faith because I did obey. So, that’s all I’ve got to say on
that. We just give YOU the Glory ABBA YAHUVEH. YOU are so faithful.
Every time—to the store, every single time out this door we have faith [to]
return safely again. We rejoice at that door, we don’t take it casually because
YAH told us not to. So DADDY YAH we just Thank YOU and we Praise YOU. Now we are
going to take it to prayer whether to go get a few things because DADDY says,
“Every time we do this,” ABBA YAHUVEH says that it honors HIM and it pleases HIM
that we are obeying and not taking this casually. So that’s what I have to say.
(I did not say it on the tape but one of my biggest steps of faith was when we
were told by ABBA YAHUVEH that we were to go to Africa. NO, NO, NO way did I
want to go to Africa! It was even worse than going to Alaska. I had visions in
my head of living in a grass hut with no air conditioning and I was so upset.
But then our Beloved YAHUVEH gave me a Word and HE reminded me that HE calls me
HIS “air conditioner baby” and that HE would take care of us and bless us for
obeying. YAHUVEH is so faithful because this is when we really started to get
blessed and we have continued to be blessed more every day as we obey. The
bigger the step of faith is, the bigger the blessings are. Oh ya, we had air
conditioning everywhere we stayed too. PRAISE YAHUSHUA!)
[Elisabeth (Elisheva) starts praying in tongues:]
You have thanked ME for MY faithfulness MY Beloved Ones, but I Thank you for
your faithfulness. For all 5 of your faithfulness, for all 5 of you have given
ME your life and said, “Use it as YOU will, use it to bring YOU Glory, use it to
bring YOUR SON YAHUSHUA Glory”. All 5 of you are living sacrifices unto ME. I am
constantly in your thoughts. You put ME in your plans. You say, “What will YOU
have me to do ABBA”, and this pleases ME. You faithfully, faithfully strive to
obey and please ME in every way and reach souls for the Glory of MY SON. You
faithfully worship and praise. You do not take US for granted.
And now I speak not only to you, but I speak to the faithful YDS’s (YAHUSHUA’S
Demon Stompers prayer intercessors) for they do the same. This is the mark; this
is the seal of those who are called the Bride of YAHUSHUA. They are faithful.
They are loyal. They will not compromise. They will not back down. They will
stand for what is right. They will rebuke what is wrong.
What kind of marriage would you [husbands and wives] have if you did not know
one another were faithful? I do not have to be concerned that your eye would go
for a false god because I know you are faithful. So you Thank ME for MY
faithfulness. I Thank you for your faithfulness.
I Thank you for all the times that you make your plans and say, “I will do this
or that on this day,” and I Thank you for your faithfulness even when I rip your
plans up and say, “No MY Children, you’re going to do it this way.” You
faithfully still give ME the praise and say, “Abba YAHUVEH have it YOUR way.”
You faithfully strive to please and obey. So then MY Children I ask you this
question. Why would I not want to abundantly bless you in every way? When I ask
you to take the greatest step of faith, why would I not faithfully protect you,
bless you as long as you’re doing it MY way?
I speak this message to all, all, all who put I, YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA and the
Precious RUACH ha KODESH your IMMAYAH first in your life and your love. I speak
to all the Bride of YAHUSHUA. Thank you for your faithfulness. Thank you for
your faithfulness, that you continually rebuke satan. You will not compromise
with sin. Your eyes are ever on Heaven. Thank you for your faithfulness and be
assured as you are faithful unto ME, I am faithful unto you. MY eye is ever on
you. MY ear is inclined to every word you speak.
Just because I don’t answer your prayers right away, in the way that you think
that I should, think not that I don’t hear you. I will answer, sometimes it’s
yes, sometimes the answer is no and many times the answer is wait it is not MY
time yet. But be assured I am not deaf I, YAHUVEH, am not blind and anything
that concerns you concerns ME. I, YAHUVEH, am your Creator and I know what is
best for you, even when you don’t know what’s best for yourself. As you
faithfully trust ME, I faithfully will not let you down.
So again I want to say, Thank you for your faithfulness. Continue to trust in
ME. Continue to lean not unto your own understanding. Even when you don’t
understand what is going on in the world, even when you don’t know what to do.
Continue to remain faithful, that I will show you what to do. Even when you fall
MY Little Ones, I am there to faithfully pick you up and nurse your wounds. I am
faithful MY Little Ones to pour MY wrath upon your enemies. Just because your
own eyes don’t see what I do, don’t think that I am not faithful in defending
you. Remain faithful and know this, the Blood of YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH will
never lose its power, the healing, delivering, forgiving, resurrection power.
Know this, the Word that was made flesh cannot lie. Every Word in the Holy
Scriptures is a “yea” and a “amen”. MY Word will not return unto ME void it will
do all that I called it to accomplish to do.
So I just wanted to say and on this day of March 27, 2009, I give you a new
Prophetic Message for those who are like deer panting for water. They come to
this Ministry for fresh LIVING WATER. I can say and prophesy of that which is
going to come to pass but you don’t need to hear this now. You just need to
hear, no matter what happens. No matter what you see. No matter what comes in
the sky. No matter what shakes the earth. No matter the weapon that’s formed
against you, be it by the hand of the devil, be it by the hand of man, be it by
the hand of an alien. Know this, I will faithfully protect all those who are
MINE. Call upon ME in the time of trouble. Call upon ME. Call upon ME through
the Name of YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH. I am faithful to hear your cries. I am
faithful to deliver you and vindicate you.
You’re going to need this, this year. You’re going to need this to be reminded,
no matter what happens I am faithful. YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH is faithful. The
sweet RUACH ha KODESH your IMMAYAH, SHE is faithful. To those who are faithful
to US, WE will provide a way for you where there seemeth to be none. Keep your
eyes not on the waves and on the storm otherwise you will drown. Put not your
faith in the currency of your nation or you’ll be cast down. Keep your faith in
ME. Keep your faith in YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH. WE are your Providers. WE are
your Shelter. WE are the One that feeds you manna from Heaven. WE are the one
that gives you the LIVING WATER to drink.
And again I want to say, Thank you for your faithfulness that this Message you
receive. Thank you for your faithfulness although with your physical eyes Heaven
you’ve not yet seen, you still believe, for WE do reward those that diligently
seek after US. WE do reward those who diligently serve US. WE do reward those
who diligently obey US. There are rewards for being Holy and there are
consequences for being unholy. I AM YAHUVEH, and I faithfully will take
vengeance on MY enemies! Think not that they are getting away with mocking ME!
This world will very shortly see what happens to a people that have forsaken and
mocked ME. But MY Beloved Faithful look up, look up Bride of YAHUSHUA; look up
for truly your redemption draweth nigh.
End of Word
Thank YOU, Thank YOU, Thank YOU, Thank YOU, Thank YOU, Halleluyah, Praise YOUR
Holy Name ABBA YAHUVEH. Praise YOUR Holy Name Beloved YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH.
Praise YOUR Holy Name sweet HOLY SPIRIT our IMMAYAH our Beloved MOMMA WISDOM.
Praise, oh Praise, oh Praise, oh Praise YOUR Holy Name!
YOU kept telling me and telling me and telling me “March 27, March 27”, and I
said, “What happened on March 27? What is it that’s supposed to happen on March
27?” When we least expected it after communion our DADDY gave us a beautiful
Word and we hang on to YOUR faithfulness ABBA YAHUVEH. No matter how YOU shake
this world we faithfully believe that YOU will not allow us to be shaken. You
will not allow our faith to be shaken. We faithfully, faithfully, faithfully
believe ABBA YAHUVEH YOU will protect us.
Oh Thank YOU DADDY for this Word. Thank YOU for encouraging those Heavenly
FATHER who have lost their jobs, those Heavenly FATHER that can’t pay their
bills, those that don’t know where they’re going to live, those where illness
and sickness and disease have taken over their households Heavenly FATHER and
they’re so weak and they don’t know what to do. Thank YOU for YOUR faithfulness
ABBA YAHUVEH and Beloved YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH. Right now faith is going to come
into them Heavenly FATHER, those that don’t know what to do. Those in a marriage
that are unequally yoked and they don’t know what to do Heavenly FATHER. They
are on the brink of divorce Heavenly FATHER and they don’t know what to do
Heavenly FATHER. We Thank YOU for YOUR faithfulness Heavenly FATHER in the Name
of YAHUSHUA our Beloved MASHIACH YOU will use the dividing sword on the
marriages that need to be divided Heavenly FATHER and YOU will bring together
the marriages that need to be brought together through the love of YAHUSHUA our
Thank YOU for YOUR faithfulness Heavenly FATHER for returning the children
FATHER once again to walk the path of Holiness Heavenly FATHER. Thank YOU for
your faithfulness Beloved YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH for the shed Blood of YAHUSHUA
and salvation coming to the homes of those who have prayed for the salvation of
their loved ones. Thank YOU for your faithfulness ABBA YAHUVEH for protecting us
from the governments, the corrupt governments of these nations Heavenly FATHER.
ABBA YAHUVEH in the Name of YAHUSHUA our Beloved MASHIACH, Thank YOU for YOUR
faithfulness and YOUR force field that’s protecting us Heavenly FATHER and
causing us to be invisible Heavenly FATHER through the shed Blood of YAHUSHUA
our MASHIACH, so that the enemies cannot see us and we will be hidden and we
will be invisible.
Thank YOU for destroying the paperwork the enemy has on us Heavenly FATHER.
Thank YOU and Praise YOU ABBA YAHUVEH right now. You know what paperwork I speak
of Heavenly FATHER. You know the secrets the governments hold Heavenly FATHER. I
speak of the paperwork Heavenly FATHER that’s being held against everyone who is
Holy Heavenly FATHER as they track and they register their names ABBA YAHUVEH in
a database Heavenly FATHER marked for extinction FATHER. Thank YOU ABBA YAHUVEH
for sending Holy linking angels right now to surround and protect (with) domes
over their homes Heavenly FATHER. Thank YOU ABBA YAHUVEH just as surely as YOU
spared Lot, just as surely as YOU spared Noah and his family, just as surely as
YOU spared Daniel in the lions’ den and Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in the
fiery furnace. We Thank YOU for your faithfulness ABBA YAHUVEH to protect all
those who truly, truly, truly belong to YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH.
Thank YOU for YOUR faithfulness to protect us as they spread the poison in the
air Heavenly FATHER, through what is called chemtrails all over the world to
decrease the population. They think what they have done in secret is not known.
When YOU ABBA YAHUVEH have said, “when you see these things plead the Blood of
YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH, pray the weapon back upon the pilot, pray the weapon
back upon the one who created these poisons, pray the weapons back upon the
governments that allow it, that send it”. Let the Blood of YAHUSHUA our Beloved
MASHIACH be as an antibiotic. Confound the enemy, we Thank YOU and we Praise YOU
we send confusion into the enemies’ camp. They think they have the antibiotic
and they give it to their friends and their family oh but ABBA YAHUVEH YOU put
death in those injections. You put death in those pills. Instead it is the Holy
that is protected for they cannot harm us unless YOU allow it. So faithful ones,
when you see the poison chemtrails in the air remember to say the prayer, “I
plead the Blood of YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH on this. I return this weapon back upon
the pilot the chemists that created it and the governments who send it”.
For YAHUVEH is faithful and when they poison the food and the water and even the
very airwaves send death, disease. We Thank YOU for ABBA YAHUVEH’S faithfulness
that we shall be protected from all of this. But it’s the one who sends forth
these weapons it shall go back upon themselves, for there’s no protection
against the wrath of ABBA YAHUVEH for HE has promised to faithfully protect us
and take vengeance on our enemies.
Thank YOU Daddy YAHUVEH for hiding us underneath your wings as Psalm 91 says.
Thank YOU ABBA YAHUVEH with our own eyes we shall see the reward of the wicked.
Any enemy of YOURS ABBA YAHUVEH and Beloved YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH is an enemy of
ours. Anyone ABBA YAHUVEH that defends unholiness, that condones sin whether
they know it or not they serve satan and they’re an enemy of the Holy Bride of
We will faithfully serve YOU ABBA YAHUVEH, Beloved YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH and
Precious RUACH ha KODESH all the days of our lives here on this earth and
forever in eternity in Heaven. Just as we Praise and worship YOU here we will
praise and worship YOU faithfully forever in Heaven. We ask ABBA YAHUVEH and I
stand now for the Bride of YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH and we ask that death not touch
these bodies, that we will have a testimony as unto Enoch and before he was
translated to Heaven he was found pleasing our ABBA YAHUVEH.
Each and every day we faithfully promise to strive to please YOU more each day
ABBA YAHUVEH. To bring YOU all Praise, Honor and Glory through the Name and the
Blood of YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH. We Worship YOU. YOU are our Majesty. We Worship
YOU. We Love YOU. We Adore YOU. We Praise YOU, Abba YAHUVEH, Beloved YAHUSHUA
SHKHINYAH our MOMMA GLORY. You are all of these things oh Precious HOLY SPIRIT
and we Worship YOU.
We Thank YOU for the Anointing that YOU have put upon me this day to hear YOUR
voice in this unexpected way just to say to YOUR loved ones, “Thank you for your
faithfulness”. It all started out with us thanking YOU for YOUR faithfulness and
YOU ended up thanking us.
Thank YOU. Amen.
Spoken through Apostle Elisabeth Elijah (Elisheva Eliyahu)
This is from Prophecy 105, YAHUVEH said to put this up on all Prophecies from
now on: I warned you a long time ago Elisabeth (Elisheva) not to name this
Ministry after a man or a woman even before there was a Ministry. I put it in
your spirit for none of this has been done by your hand, none of this has come
forth from your mouth. It is from the Mouth of YAHUVEH that has given birth. It
is from the Mouth of YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH that has given birth. It is from the
Mouth of the RUACH ha KODESH your IMMAYAH that has given birth. If it had only
been by your hand it would have failed long ago. It is by the SHKHINYAH GLORY’S
Wind that blows across this earth, the Holy Wind of Revival, it is not by your
breath or it would have failed. (Isaiah 42:8)
In July 2010 YAHUVEH GOD also said to add the following from 2nd Chronicles
before every Prophecy:
2 Chronicles 36:16, “But they mocked the Messengers of GOD, despised HIS Words,
and scoffed at HIS Prophets, until the wrath of the LORD arose against HIS
people, till there was no remedy.”
* * * * * * *
1 Sam. 15:22, “And Samuel said, Hath the LORD as great delight in burnt
offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold, to obey
is better than sacrifice,
and to hearken than the fat of rams.”
Ph. 2:12, “Wherefore, MY beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in MY
presence only, but now much more in MY absence, work out your own salvation with
fear and trembling.”
* * * * * * *
Elisabeth [Elisheva]: [Praying as the anointing is so intense and she feels the
presence of YAHUSHUA.] What is it YAHUVEH? What is it Beloved YAHUSHUA? In the
midst of my prayers YOU started speaking and I started feeling within my bones,
the Holy fire. YOU woke me today and YOU told me that YOU wanted to speak. Holy,
Holy, Holy, we worship YOU. We praise YOU. We love YOU. We adore YOU. What is it
* * * * * * *
Prophetic Word begins:
Oh MY Beloved Ones, I awake you this day and I put you in remembrance of what
happens to the enemies that satan sends this way. I remind you of names long
forgotten, yet they are not forgotten by I, YAHUVEH.
To protect your emotions from these treacherous, painful memories you block them
out. But only I know the pain that they’ve caused. Yet I use this Elisabeth [Elisheva],
for MY Glory, to prove to satan over again and again that neither for fame, nor
fortune, and even your own life being threatened again and again, the suffering
you endured from the hand of satan, yet you would not betray ME. You would not
sell ME out. You did not give this Ministry to satan.
The words that your enemies speak hurt YAHUSHUA oh so deep. How dare any enemy
cross the BLOOD LINE to say, “This Ministry serves satan,” and accuse you of
being a false prophet and leading souls to satan? You pray that they repent, but
MY dear one Judgment was already set! Although the enemies, especially lukewarm
Christians, only want prophecies that sooth their itching ears, they are angry
when you speak forth MY Warnings to repent, and you tell them to stop having a
form of holiness but there is no holiness within! Just like with King Saul the
spirit of insanity took hold as he continued to persecute and harm David of Old.
These enemies are filled with dark demons of hatred for this Ministry and all
who are Holy before ME. The evil shepherds lie and confuse, trying to turn MY
Sheep and Lambs away from you because you speak forth MY truths.
Judgment Day Is Already Set!!!
Woe be unto all who will stand before an angry YAHUVEH on Judgment Day! The Holy
Books shall be opened up and all their names are listed, as those who betrayed
tried to destroy all that is Holy! Some of MY Children are martyrs and forced to
die because of the enemies who hate ME; for reward they told slanderous lies.
The enemies now and in what is called the Great Tribulation, will betray even
family members to death and torture (Matt 24, Mark 13:12-13). The enemies you
fight now some will repent, run away from lawlessness, and be martyred for
Evil enemies you will meet and fight on spiritual Mt. Carmel. The enemies’ works
of evil shall be judged just like the false prophets of baal (1 Kings 18:17-40).
I will use you as I did Elijah of Old when the time comes, for I call you MY
Elijah of New [in Hebrew, Eliyahu].
Judas sold his soul for 30 pieces of silver!
Many of the enemies who attack you now and in the future will sell their soul
like Judas did with the 30 pieces of silver and receive the mark of the beast
for all to see (Matt 26:14-16, Rev 14:9-11). Warn them now this is an
unforgivable sin. Reprobate souls who mock and hate all that is Holy will wear
Jeremiah 6:27-30 and MY wrath shall cover them fully. There are no accidents as
to who finds this Ministry, some will be the Bride of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, some
will be the Guests at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, some will be enemies of
your soul, for they are MY enemies for all will be tested!
All, all, all who come to Amightywind Ministry, all who read or listen to one
Word from it, are being tested. How they receive you is how they receive ME.
They can deceive others but what they sow they shall reap (Gal 6:7-8)!
Everyone needs to pray and ask this question, “Do they measure up to the
measurement of Holiness? Are they covered in the shed Blood of YAHUSHUA HA
MASHIACH? Do they have the desire and do they strive to obey MY Words in the
Holy Scriptures and Prophecies?”
Do they shrug their shoulders, cover their ears, and say, “Go away! I can sin
all I want. No one can stop me. After all, JESUS CHRIST died and arose for me.
If you tell me to repent and turn away from my sins, I will just curse you
again!” Children do you not realize your fruit represents the way you live your
life for YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH (John 15:1-16)? You cannot live like the devil and
say, “I claim I am a Christian so grace and mercy will cover me anyway.”
I warn you now, you shall be hated and your name spoken evil of, even when you
minister in truth and love (Luke 6:22-23). The enemies, and especially those
that call themselves Christians but by their evil fruit you know it is a lie
(Matt 7:15-23), the enemies hate this Prophet and they hate all who are part of
Amightywind Ministry, for I, YAHUVEH, will not allow the Leadership, who follows
MY footsteps, to compromise with sin. YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH’S Bride will never
compromise what they know to be true! They will get in the face of satan and
rebuke his servants’ lies!
MY Beloved Children, I am pleased as you have rebuked sin and sinners who refuse
to repent and turn away from their sin, and you refuse to be swayed by the
sinner’s lies. I tell you a secret, in Heaven I have a golden jeweled book that
has been designed just for each of MY Holy Children who rebuke sin and sinners,
who strive to obey, and who rebuke satan in YAHUSHUA’S NAME. Here is a secret
(To Sheren who says this ministry has many secrets, The Bible says in Amos 3:7
“YAHUVEH shares HIS secrets with the Prophets”.), in your special book there are
names that you have long forgotten as they mocked and persecuted, hated you
without cause, when all you did for them was pray that they would forsake their
I, YAHUVEH, have each tear that you shed in a jeweled vial with a Holy Angel
tending to it (Psalm 56:8). And when you’re persecuted for YAHUSHUA HA
MASHIACH’S NAME sake, know as the evil try to judge and accuse you, I, YAHUVEH,
have judged some vicious enemies of yours as you prayed, and will continue to
judge them! The Holy who cry out to ME, “Deliver me from the hand of these evil
enemies!” shall be delivered (Jer 15:21)!
Elisabeth [Elisheva], many of your most vicious enemies are in hell now, for by
MY hand I let them live long enough to dig their grave with their tongue, to
keep piling up their unrepented sins, until they symbolically reached the level
of hell which I foreknew they would descend. You did not hear from them anymore
because I, YAHUVEH, delivered you from the hand of the enemies who tried to take
your life, and I removed them when they least expected it off the face of this
earth! Some you know the names of (Angie Ray, Bobbie Barnes to name just two),
for you heard they had died. Other enemies you are battling, take scriptures and
twist them and say that this Ministry is a hate ministry. Foolish men and women,
do they not know this is not her hate for sin it is I, YAHUVEH’S, for sin! For
every unrepented sin there is a price to pay (Rom 6:23). The enemies are digging
with their mouths now [to] the level of hell they will reside when they die, if
they do not repent and turn away from this evil!
The 'educated fool' doesn't look so smart now!!!
Remember the man you called the “educated fool?”
You put his letter before the world as he mocked all that is Holy. You wrote him
and told him as he persecuted you, that he would not be alive next year at the
same time. What you prophesied came to pass and he died before that time. I sent
you to warn him. He was sent to the Ministry and he called it a curse, taught
his young son there is no need to fear GOD because GOD does not exist. You
warned him, he did not listen, and now he wishes he did! The educated fool who
bragged to you of his college degrees, now is in hell and has found out what you
said was true and he cries loudly, “YAHUVEH I now believe in YOU!”
I could go into detail but it would serve no purpose. Only know this, like
dominoes your enemies and the enemies of all YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH’S Bride will
fall as a Goliath never to rise again. Your enemies’ lives have never been the
same. For those who still live, there is still time to repent and humble
yourself and apologize. For when you try and destroy Holy Ministries like this
and others, you do not touch a mere woman or man, you touched the apple of MY
You who behave like a wolf in a sheepskin, you yell so loud, “Get away from
Amightywind Ministry!” I shall judge you as you chased the Sheep and Lambs
astray if you do not quickly repent and apologize for speaking forth evil
slanderous lies. Admit you hated and touched a Holy Ministry. It is not your job
to judge it, for this Ministry is ordained by ME. I, YAHUVEH, refuse to allow
you Elisabeth [Elisheva] to make excuses for them as they compromise with sin.
When I show you a reprobate soul do not pray that they repent, for they’re only
fit for MY Judgment (Jer 7:16, 11:14, 14:11-12; 1 John 5:16). Like Cain, Esau,
and Judas, they will be hell sent!
Now I, YAHUVEH, speak a new Word on another subject. What stirred this anointing
up in you is when in prayer you prayed blessings on YAHUSHA’S demon Stompers, MY
beloved prayer intercessors that I use like a shield to deflect the weapons
aimed against the leadership of the Ministry. YAHUSHUA’S demon Stompers have
been tested as loyal and are trusted on the front lines. Oh how much sacrifice,
how many tears they have shed! They are MY Beloved YDS and truly their rewards
shall follow them to Heaven and all of their prayers are a blessing to ME and
are Heaven sent.
Do not grieve when people accept the truths in the Holy Prophecies and then turn
back to the dog’s vomit again and they turn against this Holy Ministry as they
say, “It is no fun to live Holy and I [would] rather return to my sinful ways”
(Prov. 26:11, 2 Peter 2:22). Not everyone is fit to be in MY Heavenly Military.
I’m telling you this, now that you know, I foretell you of enemies attacking you
in a spiritual war this year 2008 like none other thus far. Do not be concerned.
Through the NAME and the BLOOD of YAHUSHUA you will win! Fasting, also
communion, and the Jericho Marches is a weapon you need for not only yourselves
but for others to have victory. Communion is a secret weapon. Use it liberally.
Do not stop what you know works.
Do not cast your pearls before swine!
Remember MY Beloved Ones, cast not your pearls before swine (Matt 7:6). The
swine are those who refuse to listen to truth. I send you forth to others I have
sent who will listen and obey to every Word in the Holy Prophecies that I say.
I, YAHUVEH, prophesy this all, all, all, all the Prophetic Messages I have
spoken forth from you shall not only be in English but shall be in Samoan. And
the strongest anointing Elisabeth [Elisheva] you ever knew I put on you in Maui,
Hawaii before a room full of witnesses. A Buddhist admitted that Buddha could
not do what he just saw JESUS CHRIST do as I anointed you Elisabeth [Elisheva],
and this man named Frank, as you prayed for the people in Maui, Hawaii, Frank
gave his life to YAHUSHUA that day and has been leading souls to Heaven and
tells everyone YAHUSHUA, JESUS CHRIST cannot fail!
A Samoan pastor who ruled his church with an iron fist, heard you prophesy. And
although he forbid any woman in his church to preach, do not forget the day this
miracle I sent as he asked you with a humble spirit to come and prophesy and
preach at his church in Maui, Hawaii. You reached out to the Samoan people where
I sent you forth to that Samoan pastor.
You grieved because you never saw the fruition of being able to pastor in that
Samoan church, as the first woman allowed to do so, because you were in a
divorce child custody battle and had to leave.
I have spoken forth a Prophetic word that your voice shall be heard in the voice
of Samoan. I have sent you forth so New Zealand will hear the truths I have
spoken forth in the Holy Prophecies. Samoans who listen and accept YAHUSHUA HA
MASHIACH as ALMIGHTY GOD, LORD, and SAVIOUR shall be blessed.
I, YAHUVEH, prophesied the same through your mouth for Africa. The (Prophetic)
Words will not only be in Afrikaans. The Prophecies shall be transcribed by many
around the world. I, YAHUVEH, toy with your enemies and laugh at them. See the
confusion of the enemy? They have brought this sin upon themselves. Do I not
warn in the Holy Scriptures, “Touch not MY anointed and neither do MY Prophets
any harm” (1 Chronicles 16:22, Psalm 105:15)? Yet they refuse to obey, instead
mock and scorn what they do not even bother to ask you or pray to ME what they
do not understand.
The enemies watch Amightywind Ministers in fear knowing they cannot silence
them. The enemies helplessly watch Almightywind Ministries flourish and grow
before their very eyes. I hear their plots and schemes to try and wear you down,
to give up ministering. I, YAHUVEH, send confusion into the enemies’ camp and I
will divide those that speak forth lawlessness and teach this. It means I,
YAHUSHUA, warn I have MY dividing sword and I am dividing families who are a
danger to MY Holy Ones in the soon coming days (Matt 10:34-36)! The enemies do
not know how to stop you from speaking forth the Holy Prophecies. The enemies’
camp are frustrated and defeated as I raise up the same Prophetic Words in many
different [lands] and this is just the beginning.
I, YAHUVEH, many years ago, birthed this Ministry through Elisabeth [Elisheva].
If her suffering had not been great, this Ministry would not have a great
anointing, for the servant is not greater than the master (John 13:16, 15:20).
YAHUSHUA is the MASTER. The pain that she endured, no one will ever know but I.
The price that she paid, no one will ever know but I. Even the man who she calls
her ex husband, which was never a husband in Heaven’s eyes, would say to her
again and again he “had to stop this Ministry,” and he “had to do what satan had
planned to stop this Ministry.” He would taunt her as he abused her and said, “I
warned you to stop ministering. See what your GOD is letting me do?” But I
thwarted those evil plans of satan as I rescued her life many times from this
evil man who tried to kill her.
I answered her prayers. She has been tested. And now I have proven who I,
YAHUVEH, can trust—who will obey ME as leaders of this Ministry [i.e. I trust
those who obey ME.] Where there once was one woman leader of this Ministry I
ordained and anointed, now there are leaders of this Ministry (AmightyWind
leadership team) and I call them.
I give a mandate to all I ordain and anoint to be Spiritual leaders in a
Ministry: I require your obedience in all ways to I, YAHUVEH, for this is a
witness how much you love YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. As you obey HIM, you obey and
please ME (John 14:23-24).
The walls of Jericho come tumbling down!
When you do a Jericho March and fast you need it for yourself as much as you
need it for others. Take the names of the reprobate enemies to ME when you pray
and just as I did for Joshua at Jericho, and the walls came tumbling down
(Joshua 6)! So too I speak this warning to anyone who tries to destroy what I,
YAHUVEH, brought forth. MY enemies, who are your enemies, will be crushed
underneath the spiritual walls of Jericho once again!
This very year with your own ears you will see, you will hear how I have
rewarded reprobate sinners who have persecuted my Holy Ministry calling evil
what I, YAHUVEH, have called good! Your enemies are MY enemies and they hate you
for speaking forth the truth, for they prefer the lies. The evil ones attack all
who are living Holy who teach, “Repent, turn away from sin before you go to
hell!” The most dangerous enemies are those who call themselves Christians but
are not (2 Cor 11:12-14). They are of the synagogue of satan (Rev 2:9, 3:9)!
The evil enemies that satan sends to torment you practice each day how to anger
I, YAHUVEH, and mock the Shed BLOOD of YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH! Some claim they
know MY SON and yet they only know HIM with their head not with their heart.
There is no fear when they know they have sinned and offended HIM. The beginning
of wisdom is to fear offending your CREATOR! The Holy have become more Holy, the
wicked have become more wicked. MY vengeance, MY judgment has come down and will
continue to come down until MY wrath is spent.
Holy Bride you ask for MY Judgment against homosexuality and this mockery of
same sex marriage, the cloning of man, the mixing of a human embryo and an
animal. You’re going to see MY Judgment come down. Keep lifting these things up
to ME (1 Thess 5:17). Do not be weary when you pray (Luke 18:1-8). March in
Victory and know that I am going to answer as swift Judgment shall come on these
enemies. Line upon line, precept upon precept you shall see these things come to
When Elisabeth [Elisheva] would say, “There’s not one person we can trust. We
keep meeting the counterfeit Bride of YAHUSHUA. Where are the genuine Holy Bride
that refuses to compromise with sin?” I kept telling [her] to wait, I would
bring the true Bride of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. Now I, YAHUVEH, have brought some
of YAHUSHUA’S Bride to live side by side. Remember, when I look at one of
YAHUSHUA’S Holy Bride I see all of you at the same time.
Those that are called YAHUSHUA’S demon Stompers Prayer Warriors, the
Intercessory Prayer Warriors of this Ministry, you already know the trusted
ones, they rebuke sin and do not compromise with sin, nor make excuses for
unrepented sinners who refuse to fight sins of the flesh. YAHUSHUA’S demon
Stompers stand fighting by your side.
YAHUSHUA demon Stompers are spread all over the world. You do not even know
their names but they know yours and you have blessed them through the Words I,
YAHUVEH, have given this Ministry. MY Children receive MY words of life I speak
forth in the Prophecies and the Prophetic Words spoken mixed with faith in who
YAHUSHUA is, have taken root and grown to where those who are blessed grow by
leaps and bounds!
Peoples’ lives are changed because when they hear the anointed Words from Heaven
they give Glory to YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. When you open your mouth and allow ME
to fill it with MY Words of Prophecy, I give them a Word of life that has
promises in it for them. Elisabeth [Elisheva], you will meet those who have been
blessed by the Holy Prophecies in Heaven even if you don’t meet them on earth.
Holy Prophets are persecuted for YAHUSHUA’S NAME sake, so are evangelists (John
15:20). Great, great, great are your rewards in Heaven (Matt 5:11-12, Luke
One of your rewards Elisabeth [Elisheva] is all the people that are a blessing,
who support you in all ways and help you. Evangelists reaching souls help you
lead the people to YAHUSHUA MESSIAH. People who are fishers of men bringing
souls to YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, you will be rewarded for this in Heaven. Again,
this promise is not only for Elisabeth [Elisheva], but all evangelists. You
shall be introduced to them in Heaven, each soul that you touched and warned for
YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH’S Glory alone. Remember when you glorify HIM and serve HIM
and love HIM you are doing it unto the RUACH HA KODESH and unto ME. When you
give so much as a drink of water to this Prophet you do it as unto ME and that
goes for all of you that I call YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH’S Bride (Matt 10:40-42).
I loose this Prophetic Word, Elisabeth [Elisheva], on your birth mother’s
birthday June 6. Whereas she now resides in hell, you tried to lead her to
YAHUSHUA and now satan makes her suffer more untold agony for she failed in her
attempts to take your life before this Ministry could be birthed. You see I,
YAHUVEH, had a purpose and MY purpose is being accomplished and no matter how
anyone tried to take your life, and still does, I sheltered you then, and I,
YAHUVEH, shelter, provide, and protect you now like a baby chick in the palm of
MY hand. No matter what weapon formed against you, not only your life but this
Ministry has survived (Isaiah 54:17). And much to the dismay of your enemies who
hate those who obey MY commandments, you’re alive! And ALEPH & TAV Almightywind
RUACH ha KODESH Ministries still grows in the Anointing and not only lives but
thrives! And I use this Ministry for YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH’S Glory to change
So it is spoken, so it is written.
Rev. Elisabeth Sherrie Elijah (Elisheva Eliyahu)
June 6, 2008.
For YOUR Glory ABBA YAHUVEH. Amen! Amen!
* * * * * * *
Comment from Elisheva: Know that YAHUSHUA will forgive you of your sins and then
you must forgive yourself! You must repent, turn away from sin, and believe that
through YAHUSHUA you too have the power to rebuke sin. You pray that through HIM
you have the power to rebuke sin. You must believe that YAHUSHUA has forgiven
you and then you go forward with a clean slate again. Ps. 51:2-4, “Wash me
thoroughly from mine iniquity and cleanse from my sin for I acknowledge my
transgressions and my sin is ever before me. Against thee, thee only have I
sinned and done this evil in THY sight. That YOU may be found just when YOU
speak, and blameless when YOU judge.”
Every Prophecy is backed up Scripture. Here are the Scriptures backing this up:
Deut 32:41
“If I whet MY glittering sword and MINE hand take hold on Judgment; I will
render vengeance to MINE enemies, and will reward them that hate ME!”
Isaiah 59:19
“When the enemy shall come in, like a flood the SPIRIT of YAHUVEH shall lift up
a standard against him.”
1 Cor. 16:22
“If any man love not YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, let him be anathema (cursed).
Maranatha!” Come YAHUSHUA! Come!
1 Cor. 1:27
“But YAHUVEH GOD hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the
wise; and YAHUVEH GOD hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the
things which are mighty.”
Jer. 7:23, 24
“But this thing commanded I them saying obey MY voice and I will be your GOD and
ye shall be MY People. Walk ye in all the ways that I have commanded you that it
may be well unto you. But they harken not nor incline their ear, but walked in
the counsels and in the imagination of their evil heart and went backwards not
Jer. 7:27, 28
“Therefore thou shall speak all these words unto them but they will not harken
to thee. Thou shall call unto them but they will not answer thee. But thou shall
say unto them, this is a nation that obeyeth not the voice of the LORD their GOD
nor receiveth correction: truth is perished, and is cut off from their mouth.”
Important Links:
The “educated fool”
Anointed in Hawaii
* * * * * * *
On Wednesday night February 3, 2010, a very rare occurrence of Fireballs in the
sky were seen traveling North from So. Ireland going to No. Ireland where
Fasting YAHUSHUA demon Stompers Fasting Warriors live on both sides of Ireland.
This was seen at sundown on the last day of the 21st day of fasting! Fasting on
water only began on Jan.14 for 10 days and the fast ended 21 days later on
Feb.3, 2010. YAHUVEH said to Elisheva to have the YDS Fasting Warriors Fast for
21 days for it took 21 days for Daniel to get the answer to his prayers.
YAHUVEH is furious at the enemies of this Ministry and ABBA YAHUVEH gave
Elisheva and all YDS fasting Warriors a sign HE will take vengeance on all those
that have slandered this Ministry and Holy Prophet! It is in HIS timing and HIS
way when they least expect it. The worst enemies of this Ministry are not those
who are outwardly evil but are those claim to be a Christian and pray in the
name of JESUS CHRIST! They hate this Ministry for it refuses to make excuses for
sin or sinners, and the messages in all the Prophecies are repent, turn away
from sin, do not live like the devil and expect to go to Heaven. She has been
branded all manner of evil names for teaching that you must obey the 10
commandments! She has been called a false Prophet for teaching that there is a
hell to pay if you do not obey YAHUVEH!
Elisheva Eliyahu and all the YDS Holy Prayer Intercessors have been praying for
YAHUVEH to take vengeance on HIS enemies and Elisheva prayed, “Please prove this
fast has not been in vain and that ABBA YAHUVEH would reign down HIS judgment on
the enemies.” YAHUVEH answered Elisheva’s (Elisheva’s) prayers and put the sign
in the sky with fireballs that are very rare in Ireland going 100,000 miles an
hour! Woe be unto the enemies the YDS’s fasted and prayed that Judgment from
YAHUVEH would come down upon, just like when Elijah of Old fought the false
Prophets of Baal!
The Miracle Red Sea Fast lasted for 21 days, and we saw many miracles come
forth, but this is right at the top of the list!
This Prophecy had not been released to the public, only 5 people had heard it.
We thought it was a personal Prophecy given on June 6, 2008 and some personal
parts have been ommitted that were not any interest to the public. Our associate
Minister found this Prophecy on Feb. 3, 2010 looking for something else YAHUVEH
had spoken through Elisheva. Instead she knew when she read this she was to call
Elisheva. As she read this Word both she and Elisheva heard clearly the
anointing in it had increased and this was to be released for it fit the
circumstances they are battling now with the false Prophets of Baal, and Jezebel
Spirit in those who call themselves Christians, but there is no Christ in them!
YAHUVEH said now is the time to release this as Prophecy 117 because nothing has
changed. It is the same war as in 2008 with the Spirit of false Prophet of Baal,
Pharisees and Jezebel, just different faces to come under Judgment of YAHUVEH!
ABBA YAHUVEH said the 21 day fast increased the anointing and Judgment was set
as it is shared with all, especially spoken aloud so the enemies hear it! This
is now in the process of being done.
Malcom Heap, Linda NewKirk, Jack Barr, Sherry Shriner, Steve Thompson, the
enemies list is in YAHUVEH’S hands and HE proved by giving Elisheva, as others
prayed and fasted, she would also be given the same powers in YAHUVEH’S timing
as Elijah of Old when he prayed he was given a miracle on Mt. Carmel and YAHUVEH
sent a sign with fire. So YAHUVEH did the same and sent Elisheva Eliyahu a sign
of fire in the sky too!
It is not important the name of which YAHUSHUA demon Stompers Prayer
Intercessors live in S. Ireland and N. Ireland, but what is important is the
Fireballs went from S. Ireland where the fast was first proclaimed to where they
claim the meteors or Fire in the Sky landed in North Ireland where a Holy
associate Minister lives and insisted on doing the water fast longer than the
rest of the YDS Holy fasting Prayer Intercessors!
Go ahead and mock enemies, but soon you also will feel the fire of YAHUVEH
consume you in HIS wrath just like these Fireballs in the sky! This Ministry
does not belong to a woman or man, it carries only the names of the HOLY
TRINITY! The Prophecies you slander are not from a woman but from YAHUVEH the
Ancient of Days, Eternal HEAVENLY FATHER, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, and the Precious
RUACH HA KODESH who is the HOLY SPIRIT! We will not weep for you when it happens
for you were warned to stop calling what is good as evil and now you shall reap
what you have sowed. Instead of weeping we shall be like Deborah of Old and
rejoice that YAHUVEH has vindicated this Ministry and destroyed HIS enemies just
like the false Prophets of Baal, and Jezebel.
Need prayer or Salvation? Do you have comments or questions? Please Contact
Apostle Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu!
Contact Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu