Shabbat Shalom!
Welcome to Bo / Come - this week’s Torah reading
Exodus 10:1–13:16
1 And YAHUVEH said to Moses, Go in to Pharaoh, for I have made his heart
heavy and the heart of his servants, so that I may set these signs of Mine in
their midst; 2 and so that you may recount in the ears of your son and the son of your son
what I exerted Myself to do against Egypt, and My signs which I have done among
them, and you may know that I am YAHUVEH. 3 And Moses and Aaron went in to Pharaoh and said to him, So says YAHUVEH Elohe
of the Hebrews, Until when will you refuse to humble yourself before Me? Send
away My people so that they may serve Me. 4 For if you refuse to send away My people, behold, I am going to bring locusts
into your territory tomorrow. 5 And they will cover the eye of the land, and no one will be able to see the
land. And they will eat the rest of that which escaped, that which is left to
you from the hail. And they will eat every tree that sprouts to you from the
field. 6 And your houses will be full, and the houses of all your servants, and the
houses of the Egyptians, which neither your fathers nor the fathers of your
fathers have seen; from the day of their being on the earth until this day. And
he turned and went out from Pharaoh. 7 And Pharaoh’s servants said to him, How long shall this one be a snare to us?
Send away the men that they may serve YAHUVEH their ELOHIM. Do you not yet know
that Egypt is perishing? 8 And Moses and Aaron were brought back to Pharaoh. And he said to them, Go,
serve YAHUVEH your ELOHIM. Who and who are the ones going? 9 And Moses said, We will go with our young and with our old, with our sons and
with our daughters. We will go with our flocks and with our herds. For it is a
feast of YAHUVEH to us. 10 And he said to them, May YAHUVEH be so with you, as I send you away, and your
little ones. Watch! For evil is before your face! 11 Not so! You and the men go now and serve YAHUVEH; for you were seeking it.
And he drove them out from the face of Pharaoh. 12 And YAHUVEH said to Moses, Stretch out your hand for the locusts over the
land of Egypt, so that they may go up on the land of Egypt and may eat every
plant of the land, all that the hail left. 13 And Moses stretched out his staff over the land of Egypt. And YAHUVEH brought
an east wind on the land all that day and all that night. And at morning the
east wind lifted up the locusts. 14 And the locusts went up over all the land of Egypt, and rested on all the
territory of Egypt, exceedingly many. Never were there locusts like them before,
and afterward none will be like them. 15 And they covered the eye of the earth, and the land became dark. And they ate
every plant of the land, and all the fruit of the trees that the hail had left.
And no greenness was left in the trees and in the plants of the field in all the
land of Egypt. 16 And Pharaoh hurried to call Moses and Aaron. And he said, I have sinned
against YAHUVEH your ELOHIM and against you. 17 And now pray forgive my sins only this time, and pray to YAHUVEH your ELOHIM
that He may take away from me this death only. 18 And he went out from Pharaoh, and he prayed to YAHUVEH. 19 And YAHUVEH changed to a west wind, very strong. And it carried the locusts
and threw them into the Sea of Reeds. Not one locust was left in all the
territory of Egypt. 20 And YAHUVEH made strong the heart of Pharaoh, and he did not send away the
sons of Israel. 21 And YAHUVEH said to Moses, Stretch out your hand to the heavens so that
darkness may be on the land of Egypt, and one may feel darkness. 22 And Moses stretched out his hand to the heavens, and darkness of gloom was in
all the land of Egypt three days. 23 They did not see each one his brother, and they did not rise up, each one
from his place for three days. Yet to all the sons of Israel there was light in
their dwellings. 24 And Pharaoh called to Moses and said, Go, serve YAHUVEH. Only leave your
flocks and your herds behind. Your little ones may go with you. 25 And Moses said, You must also give into our hands sacrifices and burnt
offerings so that we may prepare for YAHUVEH our ELOHIM. 26 And also our livestock shall go with us. Not a hoof shall be left. For we
shall take from them to serve YAHUVEH our ELOHIM. And we do not know with what
we shall serve YAHUVEH until we come there. 27 And YAHUVEH made strong the heart of Pharaoh, and he was not willing to send
them away. 28 And Pharaoh said to him, Go away from me. Be careful for yourself. Do not see
my face again, for in the day you see my face you shall die. 29 And Moses said, You have spoken rightly. I will not see your face again.
*~Exodus Chapter 11 ~*
1 And YAHUVEH said to Moses, I will bring yet one more plague on Pharaoh and on
Egypt. Afterward he will send you from here. When he sends you away completely,
surely He will drive you out from here. 2 Now speak in the ears of the people, and let them ask, each man from his
neighbor, articles of silver and articles of gold. 3 And YAHUVEH gave favor in the eyes of the Egyptians toward the people. And the
man Moses was very great in the land of Egypt, in the eyes of the servants of
Pharaoh, and in the eyes of the people. 4 And Moses said, So says YAHUVEH, About the middle of the night I will go out
in the midst of Egypt. 5 And every first-born in the land of Egypt shall die, from the first-born of
Pharaoh, the one sitting on his throne, to the first-born of the slave-girl who
is behind the mill; and every first born of animals. 6 And a great cry shall be in all the land of Egypt, such as never has been, and
nothing like it shall be again. 7 And a dog shall not sharpen his tongue against all the sons of Israel, toward
man and toward livestock, so that you may know that YAHUVEH distinguishes
between Egypt and Israel. 8 And all these servants of yours will come down to me, and bow to me, saying,
Go out, you and all the people at your feet. And afterward I will go out. And he
went out from Pharaoh in the heat of anger. 9 And YAHUVEH said to Moses, Pharaoh will not listen to you, so that My miracles
may multiply in the land of Egypt. 10 And Moses and Aaron did all these miracles before Pharaoh. And YAHUVEH
hardened the heart of Pharaoh, and he did not send away the sons of Israel from
his land.
*~Exodus Chapter 12 ~*
1 And YAHUVEH said to Moses and to Aaron in the land of Egypt, saying, 2 This month shall be the head of months for you. It shall be the first of the
months of the year for you. 3 Speak to all the congregation of Israel, saying, On the tenth of this month,
they shall each take for themselves an animal of the flock for a father’s house,
a flock animal for a house. 4 And if the house is too small for a flock animal, he and his neighbor next to
his house shall take according to the number of souls, each one according to the
mouth of his eating, you shall count concerning the flock animal. 5 A flock animal, a male without blemish, a yearling, shall be to you. You shall
take from the sheep or from the goats. 6 And it shall be for you to keep until the fourteenth day of this month. And
all the assembly of the congregation of Israel shall kill it between the
evenings. 7 And they shall take from the blood, and put it on the two side doorposts and
on the upper doorpost, on the houses in which they eat it. 8 And they shall eat the flesh in this night, roasted with fire, and they shall
eat it with unleavened bread and bitter herbs. 9 Do not eat it raw, or at all boiled in water, but roasted with fire; its head
with its legs and with its inward parts. 10 And you shall not leave any of it until morning. And you shall burn with fire
that left from it until morning. 11 And you shall eat it this way: with your loins girded, your sandals on your
feet, and your staff in your hand. And you shall eat it in awe. It is the
Passover to YAHUVEH. 12 And I will pass through in the land of Egypt in this night. And I will strike
every first-born in the land of Egypt, from man even to livestock. And I will
execute judgments on all the Elohe of Egypt. I am YAHUVEH! 13 And the blood shall be a sign to you, on the houses where you are. And I will
see the blood, and I will pass over you. And the plague shall not be on you to
destroy, when I strike in the land of Egypt. 14 And the day shall be a memorial for you. And you shall celebrate it as a
feast to YAHUVEH, for your generations. You shall celebrate it as a law forever. 15 You shall eat unleavened bread seven days. Indeed, on the first day you shall
cause leaven to cease from your houses. For anyone eating any leaven, that soul
shall be cut off from Israel, from the first day until the seventh day. 16 And on the first day shall be a holy assembly, and in the seventh day a holy
assembly, shall be to you. Not any work may be done on them. Only what must be
eaten by each soul that alone may be done by you. 17 And you shall observe the unleavened bread for on this very day I brought out
your armies from the land of Egypt. And you shall observe this day for your
generations, a statute forever. 18 In the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month, at evening you shall
eat unleavened bread, until the twenty-first day of the month, at evening. 19 For seven days no leaven shall be found in your houses. For anyone eating any
leaven, that soul shall be cut off from the congregation of Israel, among the
foreigners, and among the natives of the land. 20 You shall not eat anything leaven. You shall eat unleavened bread in all your
dwellings. 21 And Moses called to all the elders of Israel and said to them, Draw out and
take of the flock for you and for your families, and kill the passover. 22 And take a bunch of hyssop and dip in the blood in the basin. And touch some
of the blood in the basin to the lintel and on the two doorposts. And you shall
not go out, anyone from the door of his house until morning. 23 And YAHUVEH will pass through to strike Egypt. And He will see the blood on
the lintel and on the two doorposts, and YAHUVEH will pass over the door. And He
will not allow the destroyer to come into your houses to strike you. 24 And you shall observe this Word for an ordinance for you, and for your sons
forever. 25 And it shall be, when you come into the land which YAHUVEH shall give to you,
as He has spoken, you shall observe this service. 26 And it shall be, when your sons say to you, What is this service to you? 27Then you shall say, A sacrifice of a passover of YAHUVEH, who passed over the
houses of the sons of Israel in Egypt when He struck Egypt. And He delivered our
houses. And the people bowed and worshiped. 28 And the sons of Israel went out and did as YAHUVEH commanded Moses and Aaron.
So they did. 29 And it happened at midnight. YAHUVEH struck every first-born in the land of
Egypt, from the first-born of Pharaoh, the one sitting on the throne, to the
first-born of the captive who was in the prison house, and every first-born of
animals. 30 And Pharaoh arose by night, he and all his servants, and all the Egyptians.
And there was a great cry in Egypt, for there was not a house where there was
not a one who had died. 31 And he sent a proclamation to Moses and Aaron by night, and it read, Arise,
go out from the midst of my people, both you and the sons of Israel. And go
serve YAHUVEH according to your word. 32 Take both your flocks and your herds, as you said, and go. And bless me also. 33 And the Egyptians were strong on the people, to hasten to send them away from
the land. For they said, All of us will be dead. 34 And the people took up their dough before it was leavened, their kneading
troughs being bound up in their clothing on their shoulders. 35 And the sons of Israel did according to the word of Moses. And they asked
from the Egyptians articles of silver and articles of gold, and clothing. 36 And YAHUVEH gave favor to the people in the eyes of the Egyptians. And they
granted their requests. And they plundered Egypt. 37 And the sons of Israel traveled from Rameses to Succoth, the men being about
six hundred thousand on foot, apart from little ones. 38 And also a mixed multitude went up with them, and flocks, and herds, very
many livestock. 39 And they baked the dough which they brought out from Egypt into unleavened
cakes. For it was not leavened, because they were driven out from Egypt, and
they were not able to delay. And also they had not prepared food for a journey
for themselves. 40 And the time of the dwelling of the sons of Israel, which they dwelt in
Egypt, was four hundred and thirty years. 41 And it happened, from the end of four hundred and thirty years, it happened
on this day, all the armies of YAHUVEH went out from the land of Egypt. 42 It is a night of celebration to YAHUVEH, for bringing them out from the land
of Egypt. This night is a celebration for all the sons of Israel to their
generations. (Ex 16:1) 43 And YAHUVEH said to Moses and Aaron, This is the ordinance of the Passover.
No heathen may eat of it. 44 And every man’s slave, a purchase of silver, you shall circumcise him, then
he may eat of it. 45 A foreigner and a hired servant may not eat of it. 46 It shall be eaten in one house. You shall not carry any of the flesh outside
from the house. And you shall not break a bone in it. 47 All the congregation of Israel shall prepare it. 48 And when a visitor shall stay with you, and will do the Passover to YAHUVEH,
let every male to him be cir-cumcised, (in covenant relationship) and then he
may come near to prepare it. And he shall be like a native of the land. But any
uncircumcised (non-covenant person) may not eat of it. 49 One law shall be to the native, and to the visitor, the one staying in your
midst. 50 And all the sons of Israel did as YAHUVEH commanded Moses and Aaron; so they
did. 51 And it happened on this day, YAHUVEH brought out the sons of Israel from the
land of Egypt by their armies.
*~Exodus Chapter 13 ~*
1 And YAHUVEH spoke to Moses, saying, 2 Set apart to Me every first-born, the one opening the womb among the sons of
Israel, among men and among livestock; they shall be Mine. 3 And Moses said to the people, Remember this day in which you went out from
Egypt, from the house of slaves. For by the might of His hand YAHUVEH brought
you out from here. And no leaven shall be eaten. 4 Today, in the month of the Aviv, you are going out. 5 And it shall be when YAHUVEH brings you into the land of the Canaanite, and
the Hittite, and the Amorite, and the Hivite, and the Jebusite, which He swore
to your fathers to give to you, a land flowing with milk and honey, you shall do
this service in this month. 6 Seven days you shall eat unleavened bread, and on the seventh day keep a feast
to YAHUVEH. 7 Unleavened bread shall be eaten the seven days. And leavened bread for you
shall not be seen; yea, no leaven shall be seen among you in all your
boundaries. 8 And you shall tell your son in that day, saying, It is because of what YAHUVEH
did for me when I came out from Egypt. 9 And it shall be for a sign to you on your hand, and a memorial between your
eyes, so that the Torah of YAHUVEH may be in your mouth. For with a strong hand
YAHUVEH brought you out from Egypt. 10 And you shall keep this ordinance at its appointed time, from year to year. 11 And it shall be when YAHUVEH brings you into the land of the Canaanite, as He
swore to you and to your fathers, and gives it to you, 12 you shall set apart to YAHUVEH every one opening the womb, and every
firstling, the offspring of animals which are yours; the males belong to
YAHUVEH. 13 And every firstling of a donkey you shall redeem with a flock animal. And if
you do not redeem, you shall break its neck. And every first-born of men among
your sons you shall redeem. 14 And it shall be when your son asks you in the future, saying, What is this?
You shall say to him, YAHUVEH brought us out from Egypt by the might of His
hand, from the house of slaves. 15 And it happened when Pharaoh hardened himself against sending us away,
YAHUVEH killed every first-born one in the land of Egypt, from the first-born of
men even to the first-born of animals. On account of this I sacrifice to YAHUVEH
every one of the males opening the womb, and I redeem every first-born of my
sons. 16 And it shall be for a sign on your hand, and frontlets between your eyes. For
YAHUVEH brought us out from Egypt by the might of His hand.