Shabbat Shalom!
Welcome to Sukkot Shabbat Chol Hamoed - this week’s Prophetic reading
Prophecy 10, 63, 120;
Exodus 33:12-34:26;
Ezekiel 38:18-39:16;
John 7:31-43;
Ezekiel 38:18-39:16
18 And it shall be on that day, when Gog comes against the land of Israel,
declares Adonai YAHUVEH, My fury shall come up in My face. 19 And in My jealousy, in the fire of My wrath, I have spoken. Surely, in that
day there shall be a great quaking in the land of Israel. 20 And the fish of the sea, and the birds of the heavens, and the beasts of the
field, and all creeping things that creep on the earth, and all men on the face
of the earth, shall quake at My face. And the mountains shall be thrown down, and the
steep places shall fall, and every wall shall fall to the ground. (Nah 1:5-6) 21 And I shall call a sword against him on all My mountains, declares Adonai
YAHUVEH. Each man's sword shall be against his brother. 22 And I will judge him with a plague and with blood, and an overflowing shower,
and hailstones. I will rain fire and brimstone on him, and on his bands, and on
the many peoples who are with him. (Rev 9:7, 16:21) 23 And I will magnify Myself and sanctify Myself. And I will be known in the
eyes of the many nations, and they shall know that I am YAHUVEH.
*~Ezekiel Chapter 39 ~*
1 And you, son of man, prophesy against Gog and say, So says Adonai YAHUVEH:
Behold, I am against you, O Gog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal. 2 And I will turn you back and lead you on. And I will bring you up from the
recesses of the north, and will bring you on the mountains of Israel. 3 And I will strike your bow out of your left hand, and I will cause your arrows
to fall out of your right hand. 4 You shall fall on the mountains of Israel, you and all your bands, and the
people with you. I will give you for food to the birds of prey, a bird of every
wing, and to the beasts of the field. (Rev 19:17-18) 5 You shall fall on the face of the field, for I have spoken, declares Adonai
YAHUVEH. 6 And I will send a fire on Magog, and on those living securely on the coasts.
And they shall know that I am YAHUVEH. 7 And I will make My holy name known in the midst of My people Israel1. And I
will not let My holy name be profaned any more. And the nations shall know that
I am YAHUVEH, the Holy One of Israel. 8 Behold! It has come, and it has happened, declares Adonai YAHUVEH. That is the
day of which I have spoken. 9 And those living in the cities of Israel shall go out and shall set afire and
burn the weapons, even the shield and the buckler, the bow and the arrows, and
the hand staff, and the spears. And they shall burn them with fire seven years.
(Mic 4:3) 10 And they shall not take wood out of the field and shall not cut down out of
the forest. For they shall burn the weapons with fire. And they shall plunder
those who plundered them, and rob those who robbed them, declares Adonai
YAHUVEH. 11 And it will be on that day, I will give to Gog a place there, a grave in
Israel, the valley of those who pass by, east of the sea. And it shall stop
those who pass by. And they shall bury Gog and all his multitude there, and they
shall call it The Valley of the Multitude of Gog. 12 And the house of Israel shall bury them, in order to cleanse the land, seven
months. 13 And the people of the land shall bury. And it shall be for a name to them,
the day when I am glorified, declares Adonai YAHUVEH. 14 And they shall separate men who continually pass through the land, burying
those who passed through, who remain on the face of the earth, to cleanse it. At
the end of seven months, they shall make a search. 15 And as they pass, those who pass through the land, and any sees a bone of a
man, then he shall build a post beside it until the ones burying have buried it
in The Valley of the Multitude of Gog. 16 And also the name of the city is Hamunah1 (The Multitude). And they shall
cleanse the land.
John 7:31-43
31 But many of the crowd believed into Him, and said, The Messiah, when He comes
will He do more miracles than these which this One did? 32 The Pharisees heard the crowd murmuring these things about Him, and the
Pharisees and the chief priests sent officers, that they might seize Him. 33 Then YAHUSHUA said to them, Yet a little while I am with you, and I go to Him
who sent Me. 34 You will seek Me, and will not find Me; and where I am, you are not able to
come. 35 Then the Jews said amongst themselves, Where is this One about to go that we
will not find Him? Why, indeed, is He about to go to the countries of the
Gentiles and teach the pagans? 36 What is this teaching which He said, You will seek Me and will not find Me,
and, Where I am, you are not able to come? 37 Now on the High day, which is the last of the feast1, YAHUSHUA was standing
and He cried out and said, If a man thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. 38 Anyone who believes in me as the scriptures have said, rivers of living water
will flow from his belly. 39 But He said this concerning the Spirit, whom the ones believing into Him were
about to receive; for the Holy Spirit was not yet given, because YAHUSHUA was
not yet glorified. 40 Then hearing the Word, many of the crowd said, This is truly the Prophet. 41 Others said, This is the Messiah. But others said, No! For does the Messiah
come out of Galilee? 42 Has not the Scripture said that the Messiah comes from the seed of David, and
from Bethlehem, the village where David was? (Mic. 5:2) 43 Then a division occurred in the crowd because of Him.