This is from Prophecy 105, YAHUVEH said to put this up on all Prophecies from now on: I warned you a long time ago Elisabeth (Elisheva) not to name this Ministry after a man or a woman even before there was a Ministry. I put it in your spirit for none of this has been done by your hand, none of this has come forth from your mouth. It is from the Mouth of YAHUVEH that has given birth. It is from the Mouth of YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH that has given birth. It is from the Mouth of the RUACH ha KODESH your IMMAYAH that has given birth. If it had only been by your hand it would have failed long ago. It is by the SHKHINYAH GLORY’S Wind that blows across this earth, the Holy Wind of Revival, it is not by your breath or it would have failed. (Isaiah 42:8)
A word for 1999.
Spoken to this vessel of clay,
under the anointing of the RUACH ha KODESH
to Apostle Sherrie Elijah (Elisheva Sherrie Eliyahu),
January 1, 1999 @ 9:00 P.M.
This is from Prophecy 105, YAHUVEH said to put this up on all Prophecies from
now on: I warned you a long time ago Elisabeth (Elisheva) not to name this
Ministry after a man or a woman even before there was a Ministry. I put it in
your spirit for none of this has been done by your hand, none of this has come
forth from your mouth. It is from the Mouth of YAHUVEH that has given birth. It
is from the Mouth of YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH that has given birth. It is from the
Mouth of the RUACH ha KODESH your IMMAYAH that has given birth. If it had only
been by your hand it would have failed long ago. It is by the SHKHINYAH GLORY’S
Wind that blows across this earth, the Holy Wind of Revival, it is not by your
breath or it would have failed. (Isaiah 42:8)
In July 2010 YAHUVEH GOD also said to add the following from 2nd Chronicles
before every Prophecy:
2 Chronicles 36:16, “But they mocked the Messengers of GOD, despised HIS Words,
and scoffed at HIS Prophets, until the wrath of the LORD arose against HIS
people, till there was no remedy.”
* * * * * * *
Important Note About This Prophecy!
YAHUVEH held back what has been happening this year! Just like Jonah, Judgment
was delayed, and now in 2001 it has begun! Pray it will be delayed again!
* * * * * * *
MY Beloved, hear MY Words and instructions for the coming days of 1999 and
onward. I hear MY Children cry out. I am not deaf, nor blind, MY hand is not too
short to deliver you from the trials to come. Just walk by faith and not by
sight. Your natural ears and eyes will fail or deceive you. Listen not to the
prognosticators of doom that say I will forsake MY Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones or
Elect. Stand on MY Word, believe it and say in your heart “YAHUVEH said it, I
In 1999, the words “Fear of Flying” will take on a new meaning. MY Babies and
Bride will not fear. Rumors of war will no longer be rumors and will be more
than one country at a time. I see and hear MY Babies, MY Children, I feel your
pain as you listen and run in terror in every direction or you are overwhelmed
and paralyzed, as if in shock and your faith draining daily at the world’s news
reports. Many of MY little ones are in a panic for they say, “I cannot hear
YAHUVEH’s voice.” They weep and wail in fear and pray, “Please YAHUVEH, tell me
where to go and what to do.”
MY Children, hear ME you have not heard what to do or where to go for it is not
yet time. Tarry a while longer, I will speak and confirm to your Spirit in many
different ways. I have not forsaken MY beloved Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones or
Elect. Nor will I. Your names are engraved on MY palms.
Many of MY Children are trying to calculate MY next move. Have you not realized
MY ways are above the way you do things? That is why I am the great God “I AM”
and I apologize to no one for anything I do. In 1999 you will do well to learn
as you should have long ago to lean not onto your own understanding, but in all
your ways acknowledge ME, ask of ME and your Heavenly Father, Almighty God
YAHUVEH will direct your path.
Stop trying to understand ME. It is not your place to understand ME, rather it
is I that understands your every thought, action, motive, intentions of the
heart. You but think a thought and before you speak, I know what you will say. I
am the potter; you are the clay, stop arguing with ME.
Many of you are making decisions based on fear. I have not given you the fear of
your heavenly Father forsaking or forgetting MY Children. Satan has given you
this fear, along with spirits of depression and hopelessness. Keep your hope
alive; keep your faith alive by renewing your mind. Read MY Word. All that I
have done in times of old.
Since the times of old, I have taken care of MY Children who serve and worship,
try to obey ME, have I not? Many spiritual leaders frighten you with facts, how
MY Children are tortured and murdered for MY sake. But I say onto you now, yes
there are martyrs, I have always had beloved children willing to lay down their
lives for MY sake. I always will have martyrs; their blood is so precious to ME,
as MY Son willingly gave his life at Calvary so these also spill their blood for
MY glory. “I AM” who “I AM,” and I change not neither for man, nor woman or your
seasons nor times.
I will bless those who are a blessing onto ME, curse those that are a curse onto
ME. Those who bring ME shame shall live eternally cut off from their creator, in
pain and anguish untold. Again in 1999 and onward, a new meaning to the above
words, “I will bless those who are a blessing onto ME and curse those that are a
curse onto ME.” These words will be felt by all. Hear ME! Fear ME! Believe ME! I
do not lie! What I prophesy will come to pass in 1999. “I AM” who “I AM,”
Almighty God YAHUVEH, the Alpha and Omega, whom is the Holy Trinity.
I will reward MY true children, who diligently seek to please ME in all ways. I
will protect MY Children in 1999 with the coming trials and tribulations for MY
Glory’s sake. Not their glory’s sakes. I will protect all those who insist on
being Holy as I am Holy, living Holy, thinking Holy, speaking Holy, a living
witness to the heathen. MY Bride, MY Children, you have been set apart for
YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA’s Glory alone. I delight in blessing those who do these
MY true Sheep and Lambs will never have any other god before ME. MY Bride will
not compromise in any way that which I have decreed as Holy. MY Bride will honor
MY Commandments, including one that has been overlooked by multitudes. It has
been misunderstood, mocked, or the spirit of rebellion that has entered and
hardened hearts. Yet MY Bride now will be held accountable as some of you will
hang your heads in shame, not knowing how you grieved MY RUACH ha KODESH by not
keeping MY Sabbath Day Holy.
Oh but I can see you shaking your head, and saying “Not I, surely you speak to
another, for I attend church services on Sunday.” Every Sunday, some even boast.
“Oh but MY darling little ones IT IS YOU, WHO HAVE GRIEVED MY RUACH ha KODESH.
For did you not read MY Word, Exodus 31:12-18: “And the Lord spake unto Moses
saying, Speak thou also unto the children of Israel, saying, Verily MY Sabbaths
ye shall keep: for it is a sign between ME and you throughout your generations;
that ye may know that I am the Lord that doth sanctify you.
Ye shall keep the Sabbath therefore; for it is holy unto you; everyone that
defileth it shall surely be put to death, for whosoever doeth any work therein,
that soul shall be cut off from among his people. Six days may work be done: but
in the seventh is the Sabbath of rest, holy to the Lord; whosoever doeth any
work in the Sabbath day, he shall surely be put to death. Wherefore the children
of Israel shall keep the Sabbath, to observe the Sabbath throughout their
generations, for a perpetual covenant. It is a sign between ME and the children
of Israel forever: for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, and on the
seventh day HE rested, and was refreshed and HE gave unto Moses, when he had
made an end of communing with him upon Mount Sinai, two tables of testimony,
tables of stone, written with the finger of YAHUVEH.”
Your work must be done in six days, but on the seventh you are to rest, Friday
sundown until Saturday sundown. Pray and I will show you how to set these days
apart and teach you to rest in ME and you will hear MY voice, be encouraged,
refreshed in a new way, blessed and protected against your enemies. Did I not
say I am the great God, “I AM?” and I and MY Word change not, for no man nor
woman, or time nor season.
Your spiritual leaders who have not taught this must repent. Turn away from this
evil of doing things man’s way, with man-made doctrines. Again I say, MY ways
are higher than your ways. Flee from any spiritual leaders refusing to teach MY
Holy Word without compromising. Again I say, flee. It is far better to learn the
truth from this handmaiden than die in that lie. Practice now to keep MY Sabbath
day holy. The hard times are approaching and you will be held accountable for
what you now know. You no longer have any excuses.
Once again, you who are MY true Babies and Bride will never have any other gods
before ME. MY Bride will honor ME by keeping MY Sabbath’s Holy. Say not which
Sabbath day for I have plainly told you it is not Sunday. My elect have known it
all along. Everyday you are to worship and acknowledge ME, but on the Sabbath
day, Friday sunset to Saturday sunset, you are to rest, learn of ME, for I
jealously want you on that day to only be MINE on the day I call MY Sabbath.
The world deems it foolish and thinks it’s their day to sin and party or work;
instead MY People will refuse to work and party. Proving that the days of men
are foolishness and telling MY People to be a Sabbath keeper is foolish. Yet
this is MY Holy Day and satan has used your religious system to mock ME on that
I want to encourage you. Those who are called Sabbath keepers, you are MY TRUE
BRIDE. Your aroma is pleasing to MY nostrils, but being a Sabbath keeper alone
will not save you. It must be combined with accepting YAHUSHUA as MESSIAH. As
the sinful world you live in continues to teach rebellion, trashing or editing
MY Ten Commandments, as in the days of Moses I will show what I do with a people
with a rebellious heart.
Multitudes claiming to be believers in YAHUSHUA and YAHUVEH are breaking the two
tablets of stone once again as Moses did, but this time in another way. For the
rebellious children break MY heart when they break MY commandments and say
keeping the Sabbath holy is no longer important. The tablets of stone are the
stony cold hearts far from ME, indifferent to MY commandments. Spiritual leaders
are rewriting MY commandments that I gave Moses, mocking them, breaking them as
they chose. Playing god as to what was written and what their idea behind the
meaning of MY commandments are.
What is a commandment? It is just that, a command, a law, orders decreed from
heaven from YAHUVEH. The same commands on earth are followed in heaven. Soldiers
take orders from the commander-in-chief, yet MY soldiers question ME when I give
Why is this so? Am I not the same great God “I AM,” that parted the Red Sea? Am
I not the same great God “I AM,” that provided for Noah and Moses? Did I not
send an angel to shut the mouth of the lion for Daniel? Did I not protect
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the fiery furnace? Can you believe that I
will do it again? It is the aroma of MY sweet anointing that kept them from
smelling like smoke. Pray and believe in faith I will keep you from bowing down
to other false gods.
Put ME first in all your ways as these three Hebrew children did. Am I not the
same great God “I AM,” that used a woman named Deborah as a judge to defeat
thousands, taking MY enemies to the grave and the pits of hell? Am I not the
same great God “I AM,” that used a shepherd boy and one small rock to cause
Goliath to forever fall? Am I not the same great God “I AM,” that cursed evil
Pharaoh? I created him for destruction to prove “I AM” who “I AM?”
No one oppresses or attempts to possess MY Chosen Ones, MY Elect who worship and
serve ME, putting YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA above all else. Those who curse MY Elect
I shall curse. Those who dare to kill, torture, oppress, possess and attempt to
silence MY Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones or Elect. I will repay them as in the days
of David and Goliath, as in the days of the evil Pharaoh. This coming year of
1999 what you have read about in the past, I shall do it again. You will see MY
great hand of wrath or mercy all will see the reality of which God they have
These spiritual leaders that are apostles, prophets, teachers, preachers and
evangelists that say it does not matter which day is called the Sabbath, teach
MY People a lie. Those that say YAHUSHUA is the Sabbath but in the next breath
condemn themselves by saying everyday we are to worship YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA,
this is true, ahh, but listen for the next word to test the Spirit that speaks
to those professing to know ME and yet do not know ME, now is their chance to
repent and teach the truth for they say any day can be the Sabbath.
I say onto you now satan has stolen MY Day of worship and rest, substituted a
day for convenience of mankind! A day man decreed and now again writes orders to
worship and rest on what is now called Sunday. But I decreed, and MY chosen and
elect know the day of rest. It is not meant to be a convenience to mankind, but
a blessing to mankind and I, YAHUVEH. It is now a day that you just fit into
your busy work and play schedule.
They have even changed the beginning and ending of the week to suite their
schedule. Even those who don’t accept MY Son, YAHUSHUA as their MESSIAH, accept
and honor MY Sabbath day as rest and keep it holy. And they have more favor in
MY eyes than you who call yourself MINE, yet accept MY Son as MESSIAH, but dare
to rewrite MY commandments. HEAR ME! FEAR ME! BELIEVE ME! Vengeance is MINE,
saith YAHUVEH.
You, who are under the spiritual leadership that refuse to teach MY Word without
omitting a jot or tittle, beware. Flee, from these churches, from this day
forward you will be sowing seed into shallow hard ground. MY RUACH ha KODESH
will be taken from these places. What you did in ignorance, I will forgive. I
will forgive your spiritual leaders if you will repent and teach and do what is
right. This coming year of 1999, many churches will be sitting desolate, for
judgment has come to the house of the Lord.
HEAR ME! FEAR ME! BELIEVE ME! I am not a God to be mocked! When I had finished
speaking to Moses on Mount Sinai I gave him the two tablets of stone inscribed
by MY finger, the laws of YAHUVEH. Yet why have so many believed the lie that
YAHUSHUA canceled the Ten Commandments? Many teach breaking the Ten Commandments
is no longer sin. After all, YAHUSHUA paid the price they say. These evil
spiritual leaders twist MY Word; teach MY People keeping the Ten Commandments is
Don’t forget that I have put MY RUACH ha KODESH within you that provides a way
of escape with every temptation that besets you. Other evil teachers say to
break the least of the commandments is not sin. They forget that breaking one is
to break all. Man numbered the commandments 1-10, I say “Why do you say you love
ME and not obey ME? Would I give you commandments that are impossible to keep?”
Keep MY commandments; put them in to practice, stray neither to the right nor to
the left. To truly love your Creator and your MESSIAH, YAHUSHUA is the essence
of the law.
MY Babies and Bride all have broken MY laws and none can say otherwise, or they
lie. That is before you accepted YAHUSHUA as MESSIAH. Now you have MY RUACH ha
KODESH who convicts and reminds you when your feet stray to the left or right.
In this year 1999, the Godly shall radiate MY presence in their speech, actions;
even their faces shall shine forth with MY RUACH ha KODESH. Also in 1999, from
this time forward, the ungodly will become more ungodly.
These will become like unto the son of perdition and will manifest a radiance
also like the angel of light once called Lucifer or the countenances of the
ungodly shall become as a dark fog. As MY Son approaches earth, the dividing of
MY sheep and satan’s goats will become more evident. The earth quakes in great
fear of the coming judgment. Hell spews forth molten lava. The Lake of Fire is
MY wrath that overflows. Hell is kindled by MY wrath. The river of life flows
forth from MY throne with great love and mercy. For MY Babies, Bride, Chosen
Ones and Elect 1999 will be a year full of deliverance for those who put ME
first. MY Children will know great blessings for boldly keeping MY Sabbath Holy
and who know the importance of keeping MY Commandments. MY Children also know
when they sin against ME and repent; turning away from that sin only YAHUSHUA’s
Holy Blood shed at Calvary will wash them clean again.
In 1999, MY Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones and Elect will see MY loving hand of
deliverance reaching forth from Heaven and see YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA and the RUACH
ha KODESH deliver MY Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones and Elect, doing what was
otherwise thought impossible. Listen and learn how in 1999 learn not to trust in
the natural, but instead trust that YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA will provide for you
I, the Lord your God YAHUVEH am not confined to do things by man’s way of
providing for you. For I have all of Heaven at MY disposal. For those of you who
lack faith, can you explain why the sun is hot? Who causes the ice to be cold? I
will prove what I have spoken will happen. I am speaking it through MY true
Prophets and Apostles and this is only the beginning.
Starting in 1999, I will speak forth bolder, louder, more frequently, as MY Son
YAHUSHUA approaches. None will be able to say I have not warned. Signs in the
sky and fearing what none thought to fear. Even atheists will shudder at what I
am going to do in 1999 and 2000. But remember, not all the wrath you will see
will be coming from ME. Satan is very angry, his time is short. Satan will send
his servants forth and steal, kill and destroy in a greater way. What satan
cannot accomplish, in satan’s name he will deceive and accomplish using MY Son,
YAHUSHUA’s (satan will use the name of ‘JESUS’ to deceive billions in the Great
Tribulation) Name. Satan will even deceive using MY Name YAHUVEH.
You MY Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones and Elect, will recognize the evil done in the
name of science, government and religion. Hear and fear, ye enemies of the
Gospel of YAHUSHUA, I will always have a people! MY Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones
and Elect when I say FLEE it will be as when I open the Red Sea and I will show
you the way. DO NOT FEAR, JUST FLEE! As Lot fled, DO NOT NOT LOOK BACK!
At the end of 1998, many thought this was a hard year, you, who toasted one
another, celebrated the end of the year 1998, counting down the minutes till it
was gone, do not know I counted also, holding back MY rage for the sake of
One day you will long to see 1998 again, you will be sorry you threw MY
blessings away. You will regret you did not obey. You will regret you did not
sow seed for the troubled days ahead. MY true children will arise in victory,
for they have given their all, they hold nothing back. Even if need be, they
will give me their lives.
For at last MY Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones and Elect will see the hand of YAHUVEH
and YAHUSHUA deliver and slay the Goliath’s of this world, causing their enemies
to flee in seven different directions. MY Children who can trust ME in this new
year of 1999, in a world seemingly filled with chaos, and yet in that chaos, MY
Children will sense the peace that passes all understanding. MY Babies, Bride,
Chosen Ones and Elect will have more blessings, wisdom, knowledge, revelations
to know how to evade the enemies’ traps.
MY Children will be as a Joshua and watch the enemies and their walls of evil
come tumbling down upon these evil ones. This year 1999, at mid-point
especially, you will see and remember what has been spoken this day through this
handmaiden on 12/31/98. One more thing, although this handmaiden is of Jewish
descent, both mother and father, and I speak this not for her benefit, but for
others. It is not whether you are a Jew or a Gentile that will save you, but
rather have you accepted MY Son YAHUSHUA as MESSIAH? Have you had a Blood
transfusion from YAHUSHUA’s Blood shed at Calvary?
Do not be like the synagogues of satan, who do profess to be MINE and yet do not
keep MY laws and Sabbaths and have not truly received the gift of YAHUSHUA at
Calvary. MY Jewish people keep MY laws and Sabbaths, and yet they refuse
YAHUSHUA as MESSIAH. There will be no other MESSIAH!
You wait in vain at the cost of your souls. I speak this boldly through this
handmaiden, who I will send to deliver this message in person to Israel and
Jerusalem and other parts of the world, in MY love not only hers, as I have sent
MY other servants forth to say to the Jewish people, “You love and worship and
serve YAHUVEH, you even try to keep MY laws, feasts and Sabbath day, yet this
alone cannot save anyone, be they Jew or Gentile.
Be warned, you’re only loving half of ME, if you’re not acknowledging, accepting
MY Son YAHUSHUA as the only MESSIAH, both for Jew and Gentile. The only door to
heaven! The only intercessor before I, YAHUVEH, the Father. All your sacrifices
have been done in vain, for all those who have not accepted MY gift at Calvary,
YAHUSHUA is his Name!
Do not hate MY messengers I send forth with this message, rather love MY
messengers for loving you enough for the sake of your souls have spoken the
truth in boldness despite the cost or persecution. It would have been easier for
them to stay silent, but I would not allow their lips to be silenced, for I love
MY Jewish people. What will it take for you to see your God YAHUVEH’s gift I
gave at Calvary?
Satan seeks to have lawmakers to silence MY messengers sent with this message.
Their lives are in danger, but there has always been a great cost to speak MY
Words without compromise. 1999 will be a year MY true servants will stand and
say to the world “I have decided to follow YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA and the RUACH ha
KODESH.” Preaching the word in season and out of season, in lack or abundance,
There is a spiritual leader, with another spiritual leader yet to come, who sits
on a great throne, he wears a crown of jewels, holds a scepter in his hand,
people bow low to him, worship, reverence him, laws are passed by this unholy
manmade king that was created by the Roman Empire. And in boldness through MY
handmaiden I say in 1999 you will see this so called unholy king rewrite MY
commandments putting another god before the people. This time a woman who is to
be a goddess. She is said to be part of the godhead, but is NOT!
BEWARE when they attach the name Mary to Father, Son and HOLY GHOST. Beware of
the doctrines of men. There is but one Godhead, the Great God “I AM,” YAHUVEH,
who is your Creator and heavenly Father and YAHUSHUA, MY Son who is your MESSIAH
and the RUACH ha KODESH! NONE OTHER! There are NO other intercessors in Heaven.
Only coming to ME in the Name of YAHUSHUA will I hear you. For those who refuse
to believe this, what will you do when you find all your sacrifices, prayers in
other Saint’s names have been in vain.
It is satan that has deceived you. For you have put other gods before ME that
are no gods at all! What will you say when you stand before YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA
when you find out there is no Purgatory, only Heaven or hell and you can not
pray anyone out of hell no matter how many candles you light. You cannot be
forgiven no matter how many Hail Mary’s you say. At the hour of your death, stop
calling on the name of MY Son’s mother, Mary, she cannot help you, only the Name
of YAHUSHUA can. It was not her blood shed at Calvary, but MY Son, YAHUSHUA’s
Blood shed at Calvary. That is the only atonement for sin.
MY beloved Children, who are MY Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones and Elect, the
heathen calls you narrow minded when you say there is but one way to God the
Father’s throne and in one Name, the Name of YAHUSHUA, that I will answer
prayers. You tell them, “Yes, I am narrow minded for the word of YAHUVEH cannot
lie and YAHUVEH says only in the Name of YAHUSHUA will I hear your prayers and
the pathway to Heaven is narrow and he road to Hell is broad!”
You tell them “It is the broad-minded that will end up suffering in agony, first
in hell, then in the Lake of Fire! Because you love YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA and
them, warn them, MY Children! Love them enough to incur their wrath. Love them
enough to be an offense. I, YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA and the RUACH ha KODESH speak
the truth, the majority doesn’t want to hear and we are an offense to many.
1999 is not only a year for great deliverance, for it will come to MY People,
remember 9 is the number symbolizing deliverance and you have it 3 times. 3
times is the number of MY Trinity, therefore you have complete harmony, Father,
Son and Ruach ha Kodesh. Beware, satan will take 1999 and reverse the direction,
turning it upside down and it will be 6661. As he takes everything Holy and
counterfeits it by doing things backwards, perverting even MY Holy prayers in
his satanic services. So this year, 1999 will be full of satanic power. You will
see manifested the power of satan, anti-christ and the false prophet, the unholy
trinity, using science, government and religion and man-made doctrines to
deceive many.
Satan will use science and say it is being used for good, instead beware it is
being used for evil. Be warned again, this is also for the government, religion
and charities. Evil will be done in the name of God and worse. MY beloved, you
cannot say I did not send MY Prophets and Apostles to warn you, so you would not
fall into the enemy’s snares.
For the people who live to see the end of 1999, even the atheists and heathen
will have to admit, signs, wonders and miracles, delivering power, followed all
those that believe, serve, hung on to their faith, obeying ME and because of
this multitudes will be saved, for they kept their faith in YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA
and boldly spoke out that their God would save them. Because of their boldness,
multitudes will hear and be saved.
Because of this, multitudes will hear and be damned. For the heathen will still
deny YAHUSHUA as MESSIAH and be held accountable even after YAHUSHUA proves his
delivering power for all eyes to see. Say not as the heathens say, “Happy New
Year!” For the heathen’s know not what is to come! But oh for MY Babies, Bride,
Chosen Ones and Elect, you have nothing to fear.
The heathen’s woes are not MY Children’s woes. I am the God of the past, present
and future and all MY Children have to do is be as a little lamb or sheep, trust
the shepherd, they do not worry or fret, they have faith in the good shepherd
providing for them. That’s all I ask of you, hold on tight to your faith in 1999
and don’t let go. I will deliver you.
* * * * * * *
Spoken by the anointing of the RUACH ha KODESH through this vessel of clay, but
a mighty warrior in YAHUSHUA’s name, Rev. Elisabeth Sherrie Elijah (Elisheva
Spoken under the Anointing of the RUACH HA KODESH
Through Apostle Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu on January 1, 1999
This is from Prophecy 105, YAHUVEH said to put this up on all Prophecies from
now on: I warned you a long time ago Elisabeth (Elisheva) not to name this
Ministry after a man or a woman even before there was a Ministry. I put it in
your spirit for none of this has been done by your hand, none of this has come
forth from your mouth. It is from the Mouth of YAHUVEH that has given birth. It
is from the Mouth of YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH that has given birth. It is from the
Mouth of the RUACH ha KODESH your IMMAYAH that has given birth. If it had only
been by your hand it would have failed long ago. It is by the SHKHINYAH GLORY’S
Wind that blows across this earth, the Holy Wind of Revival, it is not by your
breath or it would have failed. (Isaiah 42:8)
In July 2010 YAHUVEH GOD also said to add the following from 2nd Chronicles
before every Prophecy:
2 Chronicles 36:16, “But they mocked the Messengers of GOD, despised HIS Words,
and scoffed at HIS Prophets, until the wrath of the LORD arose against HIS
people, till there was no remedy.”
* * * * * * *
As in the times of old I will once again destroy like I did the walls of
Jericho. Nations and economies shall tumble. It has already begun. Nations and
people that say I will not do what I say will feel MY wrath in ways they have
never experienced before. For I am mocked on even the faces of the ones who call
themselves set apart for ME and yet they turn to golden idols and declare I am
speaking forth from and manifesting from these golden idols. Man made and demon
made idols. The houses of worship once worshipped ME and now although they call
upon MY Name and sing songs of worship to ME and pray in MY Name, where the
manifestation of gold is appearing in mouths and on bodies I am not found there.
The souls they think they are leading to ME are really led to another. They
shall see what happens as they offer up this incense of prayers that is an
offense to MY nostrils as they offer up to me this strange fire. I have warned
through this prophetic handmaiden as I told Elijah of Old [in Hebrew, Eliyahu]
to speak forth and confront the prophets of Baal so I now use MY ‘Elijah of New’
[in Hebrew, Eliyahu] to do the same.
Reader take note if this has not come to your churches yet to tempt you it shall
for satan wants to set apart and MARK those who belong to him and without them
knowing they have already begun to be MARKED! Not the MARK that leads to any
redemption, but it is the beginning of the deceit that will lead to the MARK of
the Beast! The Mark of the Beast will be just as readily accepted as this golden
MARK is now. (Gold teeth fillings or gold teeth or gold dust) When the Mark of
the Beast comes people will think it is a blessing when they in truth have
damned their very souls to eternal fire and brimstone. Because MY Elijah of New
[in Hebrew, Eliyahu] speaks forth MY Words she is shunned and slandered by
others who only want to hear MY blessings that edify and not hear what MY curses
are for those who refuse to listen to the words I speak.
Because the majority refuse to listen and warn others I will allow satan to
continue to MARK and deceive those who are his by filling their mouths with gold
sent from hell, and allow them to believe a lie for they refused to study and
show themselves approved. They refused the truth so I am allowing them to
believe a great deception for they hate the messengers sent to them to warn and
they slander them in all manners, speaking curses upon them so I will allow
satan to fill mouths where truth was shunned with the lust of this world gold!
They will come to ME one day and I will say to them as they say “Lord, Lord” and
I will say, “Depart from ME ye worker of inequity, I never knew you!”
Flee from this manifestation of gold that is found in the churches in many
lands. This is only the beginning of the deceptions to come to those who say
they are MINE and yet are not. Leaders who say they are MINE and yet have
unknowingly been filled with demons producing demonic manifestations and think
they are following after ME and yet are following the god of the lust of this
world his name is satan. Those who continue to take part in what I have warned
against, who continue to slander and show hatred towards those that are merely
speaking forth MY warnings shall feel MY wrath in ways they have never dreamed
of. Those who once I called MY friend now I call MY enemies. Gold dust has
blinded their eyes. I forewarn you now, “As you lift your hands toward the
prophets who warn, I shall lift MY hand and swat you away from MY true
messengers sent with MY messages and not their own!”
What do MY true Prophets have to gain by speaking forth words that the majority
refuse to listen to? They certainly are not rewarded financially even by those
who deem them prophets for how few will help them when the time is necessary.
But these trusted messengers of mine have gained the trust of their creator. The
few who have blessed this prophet speaking, I will continue to protect and what
is MINE is thine and what is thine is MINE. I protect and bless all that bless
and pray for blessings upon the ones who speak MY messages as this prophet is
doing now. I will share MY secrets with them and warn before the enemy can
strike, so they can move out of the way and warn others to do the same. Holy
Scriptures are spoken out of context by false prophets and leaders. READ MY
Did I not tell a man who was doing all he could to please and obey ME and yet
when he came and said, “What should I do to be your disciple?” Do you not
remember YAHUSHUA said to him, “Sell all you have and follow ME?” I said this
for I knew he was a very wealthy man and his eyes were upon his wealth and
although he loved ME and obeyed MY laws he had another God before ME and it was
his wealth. Does not MY Word say the man turned and walked away for what I had
asked him to do he refused to do. This man could have been MY disciple but chose
the wealth of the lust of this gold to entice him and put his wealth before the
God he worshipped. How many of you do the same thing?
For those of you who are not doing this I know who prays, Father show me how I
can use this money to glorify you? How can I use these blessings you have given
ME to glorify you? I know your hearts and they are pleasing unto ME. You have
not put the riches of this world above your God and you I call MY disciples.
Where your treasure is there your heart is also. You cannot serve two masters.
You will hate one and love the other or love one and hate the other. I am not
telling you to sell all and follow ME but rather offer it up to ME as a pleasing
sacrifice. I will bless you for doing so. Continue to build your treasures up in
Heaven and not on earth for one is eternal and the other is temporal.
The gold I offer you is the gold which is your trials that you come through. Not
the supernatural filling of holes in your teeth. Not the sprinkling of gold
flecks on your body. Does not MY Word plainly say, “The trials of your faith are
more precious than gold?” The old books are now discarded in what I once called
MY Temples of worship. Do they not understand MY laws have not changed nor has
the God “I AM” changed. MY Son did not come to change what I decreed as law. MY
Torah changes not, for no man woman or child! “I AM” the same yesterday, today
and forever, eternally!
All of the earth will tremble for “I AM” has begun to stomp this earth and it is
only with one foot. When I stomp on this earth with BOTH FEET it will be in such
a way no nation or city or land will be spared from the shaking! But again those
who are mine and keep MY Sabbaths Holy, who worship ME in power and in truth I
will spare, I will shelter you. Learn who “I AM” really is. I have not even
begun to blow on this world yet but you shall see what happens when the creator
of Heaven and earth and all that lies in between and around, blows on this world
with the breath of “I AM” in ANGER and fierce WRATH!
Man thinks they can control the atmosphere and they seed the clouds with poison.
They seed the air with poison, they seed the water with poison, they seed the
food with poison, even your clothes carry the poison to sicken you and you know
it not. Even the detergents you use, the cosmetics, toiletries carry poisons.
Even the doctor’s poison those who they are suppose to cure. The doctors now
kill what I gave them the wisdom to save. Satan the god of this earth poisons
you in all ways and you foolish ones do not even see what he does with the
leaders of this land as your minds, bodies, spirits, and souls are poisoned.
Your church leaders poison your spirits leading you astray with poisoned lies
and twisting of scriptures and false signs, wonders and miracles. How few will
desire to hear the truth that could set them free.
Now I speak words you will again not want to hear and yet I warn ahead of time,
do not stone MY messenger, these are not her words. Where are MY other prophets
who hear MY voice and refuse to speak forth the messages that offend the flesh
of this world? I will judge you for doing this and not speaking up and warning
of this manifestation that is sweeping the temples and churches with false
signs, wonders and miracles. A carnival atmosphere! Only “I AM” is not amused.
Where are MY Prophets who I told to warn this world to stay Holy and set apart?
Where are MY Apostles and Prophets and others who are not playing follow the
leader and warning to not take part in this demonic MARK that is placed in the
teeth of congregations and sprinkled upon their bodies making them think they
are more Holy and privileged than those who do not have this. FOOLS! Satan sets
you up and you know it not. Hitler pulled the gold from the mouths once before
and the anti-christ will do it again. You who believe this have been deceived
and have gold fever forsaking the truth for lies sent from hell.
I now speak to MY Children who recognize this evil as evil. You are to be MY
Joshua’s and do as Joshua did and whatever evil stands in your way to keep you
in bondage march around it for six days one time. On the Seventh day march
around it SEVEN times blow the Shofar horn if you have one then SHOUT what I
tell you to say! You will see victory if you do this and obey all I tell you to
do. Make sure your hearts are pure and not hiding treasures of this heathen
world like that of Jericho. Make sure you are sincere and whatever has held you
in bondage, if you have the faith to believe and you’re living Holy before ME,
you will see VICTORY in ways you never dreamed of.
Is it a pack of cigarettes that hold you in bondage? Is it alcohol or
pornography? Is there a person who holds you in bondage? What is it MY child?
What wall of Jericho do you want to see come crashing down? But beware, for
remember DEATH came to Jericho. DEATH came to MY enemies and also to the ones
who disobeyed. Those who did the marching I gave the victory! Read MY book
Joshua 6, the walls of Jericho will come crashing down as those who have faith
to believe they will see once again not by the hands of a woman or man but by
the hands of Almighty God, “I AM” who “I AM” there is none other!
Now I speak about this coming earthquake that is prophesied to come that will
devastate this earth like never before. I now release this prophet to speak what
I told her days ago. What shall I do stomp both MY feet now at the wickedness of
this world and allow the man made evil to go ahead of MY schedule? What shall I
do? I have seen the fasting and heard the prayers to postpone what I was going
to allow. But does not MY Word say “If MY People will humble themselves and fall
on their faces I will heal their land?” Not very many are doing this and this
grieves ME but what should I do with the few who grieve over wars and grieve
over the wickedness of this land? What should I do? If I allow this, then MY
People who trust that I will not do this and it happens will think their prayers
and fasting have been in vain. Even satanic followers and worshippers, those
bowing their knee to Baal know there is power in fasting in unity, how much more
power when MY People who are called by MY Name do so. Do not MY Holy Scriptures
say some things only change by fasting and prayer.
Yet if I don’t do this and show forth MY rage, stomping on lands around this
world at one time, MY Prophets will be mocked and called false prophets! They
will be labeled as Jonah was labeled when the people of Ninevah thought he
prophesied falsely. He became angry with ME. Yet I tell you those who did
prophecy of the great devastation to come on May 8 did not lie to you. Yet
because of the prayers and fasting and clean hearts and tears I have delayed
Judgment but for a very short time! There will be stomping but not to the degree
that was spoken not at this time, you have been given a stay of execution, use
it wisely. Dare not slander or mock MY Prophets who warned you. Instead be very
grateful. If they had not warned then May would have been a month like none
other on the face of this earth thus far.
Now for the bad news because I have withheld MY Judgment for a short time MY
anger only grows fiercer for I am holding back MY wrath but it only grows hotter
against the evil of this world. Your prayers have only delayed the inevitable
just like Nineveh. Dare not mock for those who mock MY Prophets will see what
happens when I mock them. Those who mock and are not grateful for this stay of
execution, BEWARE. No matter what others think of you I will judge you by the
words you speak. You will not have a stay of execution but at an appointed time
the God of Heaven will destroy you and all your household that mocks with you
and all you have, I will give the blessings to MY beloved who dare not mock but
instead praise ME for this stay of execution.
I do this so many can see I am a God of Mercy and love as well as wrath. I do
this so you will see the power of prayer and fasting when combined in the Name
of YAHUSHUA will move MY hand and delay MY coming judgments. But darlings, as
the judgment is delayed so too is MY coming. When I come again great devastation
will be taking place on this earth like at no other time. No warnings will be
given other than what the prophets speak and according to MY Holy Scrolls which
you call scriptures.
I must also issue this warning through MY handmaiden now I told her in a dream
April 20, 1999 and yet did not release her to speak this forth until now but to
a few trusted ones. Now is the time I speak it forth. Dare not rail against MY
messenger for again what does she have to gain through releasing a message that
itching ears will not want to hear?
I spoke to her in her dream and told her to tell you this; the time has come
when it is dangerous to live in the same dwelling as the unbelievers. For
spouses shall betray one another, children shall betray the parents and so on.
You who have been unequally yoked and yet manage to live together with both
serving different Gods although the unbeliever may claim to believe in a God, it
is not the God you serve and worship and put first. Pray now for a way of escape
before you are delivered up to be a sacrifice. For those who have no way of
escape and yet have prayed for a way of escape I will make a way of escape for
you. I understand, only speak it in prayer and I will do what I have not done
before I will crash the wall of Jericho down for you and the unbeliever shall be
no longer a hindrance to you in worshipping and serving ME. You will truly be
able to say, “As for me and my house we will serve the Lord!”
Many of you I have provided a way out financially and yet you have not moved
when I said, ‘FLEE NOW!’ Many of you have places to go and yet choose to remain
with the unbelievers. You have made your bed and will lie in it. I grieve for
this. Many of you have begged and wept for a way of escape and have found none.
These are the ones I will deliver in ways they think not. Not one tear that you
have shed at the wickedness that surrounds you in your home, through another in
your home, through your spouses or children have gone unnoticed. All the tears
are stored up and I will wipe away your tears and bless you in ways you have
never deemed possible. AM I NOT YOUR PASSOVER? Did I not say in MY Holy Words,
“What does Lightness have to do with Darkness?” MY child there will either be
darkness or Light there can not be both. Where lightness is I dwell, where
darkness dwells satan dwells. Speak up now and prove to ME which God you serve!
As you have been patient so have I been patient but now the time is drawing
close and the year is coming close to the end and if you do not listen now next
year you will pray you can obey ME and depart from workers of inequity, again
for multitudes it will be too late.
The unbelievers will offer you up as a sacrifice and I forewarn you now of what
is to come. I ordered MY prophet of old as stated in the Holy Scriptures to
command MY priests to divorce from the heathen who worship other Gods did I not?
The priests had children by these heathen women and yet I did not decree these
marriages. You have seen a house divided against itself cannot stand. As it was
then, so it will be again. The priests resisted and I had MY prophet slap their
faces and pull their beards. Do you want ME to do this again? Only this time it
won’t be a prophet but Almighty God “I AM” who does this and far worse! Despair
not MY Children; those who desire to be free and yet know not how to do this.
I know who of you are able to do this, and who are not able to do this, I will
deliver those who have been unable but they must speak it to ME, pray to ME and
put ME first, daring to offend where they had not offended before! MY People
must not fear the unbeliever, the scoffer, the mocker, for although this world
deems you as one, I have never decreed you are one with the unbeliever. I will
deliver as I delivered Joshua at Jericho once again. Believe with not only your
mind but with your Spirit. Do a Jericho march around that which you want MY hand
to deliver you from. Pray and I will show you MY deliverance. AS I DID IT BEFORE
MY Handmaiden speaking forth this word has paid the price for the anointing to
speak forth this prophetic message to set the captives free in the Name of
YAHUSHUA! Only I know the price she pays and those that will rise up against
her, for satan will be forced to loose multitudes in unequally yoked marriages
and households.
Fasting and prayers once again and Jericho Marches will force the walls to come
tumbling down. But MY People who do this will not be left in a spirit of poverty
for read again MY book of Joshua see how I blessed them, taking the wealth of
the wicked and giving it to the righteous. This wealth is not used for pleasures
of this world but for MY Kingdom to continue to support those few prophets I
have like this handmaiden who dares to speak what no prophet has yet dared to
speak so boldly despite the consequences. How many of you will hide MY Prophets
and disciples when the time comes?
Who will do what Rahab did in the book of Joshua? You need not fear for did I
not tell Joshua to spare the prostitute and her family and all her dwelling and
all she owned? Before he took the city after the walls came crashing down.
Jericho walls that were erected to protect this wicked city and yet I used MY
People to shout a WAR CRY and the WALLS came crashing down to DUST! I used MY
People who heard MY voice and obeyed ME and said not a word as they marched
first once for six days then seven times around on the SEVENTH DAY and then
shouted the victory war cry! Because unity is important become united and do as
Joshua did.
I command this prophet now to pray for a day set aside when together you will
shout and do a Jericho March over whatever you want removed in your lives that
does not bring ME Praise, Honor and Glory! Even those that need not have
anything removed I command you to join in this Jericho March for your Brothers
and Sisters who do need deliverance! Stop being smug in you own blessings,
unless I take them away from you and give them to another. You need not even
physically be together only know what is needed to be removed. March around your
own houses for the sake of those whose houses are divided by unbelievers and
Pray and I will show you how to help set your brothers and sisters in YAHUSHUA
FREE! It will be your fasting, prayers and Jericho march that will be used as a
key that will turn locks that have been there so long it is as if it is rusted
shut, yet in the Name of YAHUSHUA as you do this in unity it will be opened and
what “I AM” opens no man or devil will shut again if only you can believe in
faith this deliverance you will at last see. Break the lock of your captive
brothers and sisters and set them free in unity. Offer up to ME all unequally
yoked households as Abraham did Isaac and see what I do with your sacrifices.
Multitudes will be freed if only you can BELIEVE!
Given to Apostle Elisabeth Sherrie Elijah (Elisheva Eliyahu)
This is from Prophecy 105, YAHUVEH said to put this up on all Prophecies from
now on: I warned you a long time ago Elisabeth (Elisheva) not to name this
Ministry after a man or a woman even before there was a Ministry. I put it in
your spirit for none of this has been done by your hand, none of this has come
forth from your mouth. It is from the Mouth of YAHUVEH that has given birth. It
is from the Mouth of YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH that has given birth. It is from the
Mouth of the RUACH ha KODESH your IMMAYAH that has given birth. If it had only
been by your hand it would have failed long ago. It is by the SHKHINYAH GLORY’S
Wind that blows across this earth, the Holy Wind of Revival, it is not by your
breath or it would have failed. (Isaiah 42:8)
In July 2010 YAHUVEH GOD also said to add the following from 2nd Chronicles
before every Prophecy:
2 Chronicles 36:16, “But they mocked the Messengers of GOD, despised HIS Words,
and scoffed at HIS Prophets, until the wrath of the LORD arose against HIS
people, till there was no remedy.”
* * * * * * *
I sent MY Holy Angel to this handmaiden months ago with this prophetic message.
As MY Holy Angel dictated it to her while standing beside her bed, she wrote
this Prophetic Message down where I share a secret yet untold until now. MY
Angel told her now is not the time to release this message it was for an
appointed time now is that time to reveal what was concealed! I tell MY secrets
to MY Apostles and Prophets and all who listen.
(I have included much scripture to teach along with YAHUSHUA’s words HE spoke
through me. I know persecution will come with this new revelation but please
remember I am only the messenger of the message I also am seeking more
revelation as to what this all means. Please don’t stone the messenger with your
insults but if you do I know it is not I you persecute but the God YAHUVEH and
YAHUSHUA that anoints me and sends me forth to both Jew and Gentile.)
I am YAHUVEH Ancient of Days; MY demand for Holiness has not changed. I, YAHUVEH
have been patient but I cannot be patient much longer or I will have to
apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah. (Gen 18:20-19:30) Oh evil and perverse endtime
generation, you cannot consecrate and ask MY Blessings on the seed of satan or
on a bishop ordained from hell which I will vomit out of MY mouth. (Rev.3:16)
Church of the Episcopalians I warn you now, to those who have condoned this
evil, those who did not protest first against abortion and now homosexuality,
you have made your bed with Jezebel (Rev. 2: 20-23) and if you do not flee this
church of Babylon you shall make your bed in hell and the Lake of Fire.
MY Word cannot lie, the Holy have become more Holy and the evil have become more
evil. Where are MY Holy ones to protest against the sinful abominations which is
taking place not only outside of that which is like unto Sodom and Gomorrah, but
now that same sinful abomination is inside the buildings with people that claim
they are Holy. By allowing the sinful perverted lifestyle and other sinful
abominations, not rebuking nor warning those who partake in these abominations,
you have welcomed and invited in the spirits like unto a Sodom and Gomorrah into
your churches and temples. All those who have done this I vow you do not know
You who have denied, removed MY Ten Commandments also called the Torah, you
stood by and watched without protest as a tablet of stone was removed in Alabama
without lifting up a prayer of protest or weeping and wailing or helping Judge
Roy Moore in anyway. I tell you this; YOU DO NOT EVEN KNOW ME! I have allowed
this test as I told this handmaiden to fulfill this prophecy in Ezekiel 9. How
few protested and protest even now. Where are the millions around the world who
should be protecting MY commandments? Only a remnant has done so.
You who have denied MY Sacred Name, MY Torah and continue to live in sin even
though at one time you accepted the shed Blood of forgiveness of MY Son
YAHUSHUA. Because you insist on living in the pigpen and serving satan, you have
trampled the shed blood and mercy of MY Son YAHUSHUA under your feet. (Heb
10:26-29) There is no more forgiveness, knowing it is wrong and watched,
listened or partaken of these sinful abominations that I hate. I speak this
warning to those who claim they are MINE not to the heathen who don’t know any
I rebuke those that have not prayed to the same God YAHUVEH who reigned down
fire and brimstone on the same sins like unto Sodom and Gomorrah. You have not
prayed that I, YAHUVEH, take vengeance from Heaven on the seed of satan as it is
done again. (Psalm 94:1) (Romans 12:19) I, YAHUVEH, am not blind or deaf! I,
YAHUVEH, am the same Creator and MY Beloved Son is the same MESSIAH, We are the
same God Yesterday, today and forever. WE do not conform into man’s image or
manmade doctrines nor man’s idea what sin is. I, YAHUVEH, am Holy and I demand
Holiness from those who claim they belong to ME and MY Son YAHUSHUA. I demand
Holiness from all those who say “They are washed in the shed Blood of MY Son
YAHUSHUA was given as a flawless sacrificial lamb to wash away the sins of man;
and yet now these people who claimed that blood, now do sinful abominations,
even evil behind the pulpits. (Heb 6:4-7) proving they are not MINE nor
YAHUSHUA’s but are the seed of satan. There are those that are war-mongers, they
delight and take pride in shedding innocent blood for greed, wealth, lands and
prosperities sake. These also are the seed of satan. I ask you, “What is the
price of oil?” What is the price and value of a life?” (Matt 6:26)
You who do these things or condone this or stay silent by not protesting or
praying against these sinful abominations are a coward and you shall make your
abode in hell and swim eternally in the Lake of Fire with your true father satan.
For you have chosen to follow satan, believed satan, obeyed satan and deceived
others, so you shall reap satan’s reward.
Woe to America. I warned through this handmaiden in prophetic warnings in the
past that America would burn if it did not repent. I, YAHUVEH, am a God of
Consuming Fire, (Deut. 4:24) MY breath is full of burning rage that keeps hell
an inferno, that fury has been pent up far too long (Rev.18:2-24). Alas the more
mercy I show and the more time I give to repent, the more this world has become
full of un-holiness, perversions, abominations and un-repentance. Where are
those that call themselves Holy? Where are the prayer intercessors and warriors?
Why are not those who speak MY words of old and new protesting, rebuking and
warning? I have a remnant who are but oh so very few. (Zeph 3:13) (Amos 5:15)
You who gather together to view an old sick man full of demons and he is under
MY wrath for he steals MY glory and encourages the people to worship him, bow
down to him, kiss his hand, a hand made of mere dust and bow down to mere idols.
Millions listen and strive to obey one who calls himself a pope. You who call
yourselves Catholics I command you now, flee the churches of Babylon. My Torah
commandments plainly state ‘thou shall have no other gods before ME.’ (Ex 20:3)
Who is your creator and yet how many have done this. You call yourself MINE and
yet you do not even know ME if you do not flee, hell and the Lake of fire is
what you shall see.
Be not deceived I know who MY sheep are and who are of satan’s seed, also called
the goats. MY sheep only feed where the Good Shepherd YAHUSHUA leads them to
green pastures. Satan’s goats, his seed will eat anything, swallows any false
doctrines or lies.
Satan sows his own seed of rebellion and disobedience into the goats defying all
that is Holy, defying all that is truth, twisting MY Holy Scriptures to conform
to man’s twisted perversions, rebutting, rejecting and rewriting MY Torah and
commands. Satan’s seed is doing the same sins that were in the beginning even
before the foundation of the earth when your souls were formed in Heaven.
I, YAHUVEH, who created your souls knew who would follow, love, obey and to ME
be loyal. (Jer 1:4-5) I, YAHUVEH, knew who would follow in rebellion and covet
MY authority and dominion. (John 17:12) As satan fought to be god before the
foundation of the world, (Isa 14:12-15) he has convinced his seed now that they
are the manifested sons of God, equal to YAHUSHUA in all ways. Less anyone
forget only through YAHUSHUA’s Name and shed Blood can anyone have access to I,
YAHUVEH. How many have been deceived for they forget I grafted in all those I
call Holy now. (Rom 11:13-36) For all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory
of I, YAHUVEH, except one, his Name is YAHUSHUA. It is only because of John 3:
All of the souls who betrayed I, YAHUVEH, in the battle before the foundation of
the earth, have and will betray I, YAHUVEH, again. This is how I, YAHUVEH,
predestined and foreknew whose names would be found or not found in the Lambs
Book of Life (Rev.17:8). When the 3 books are opened where will your name be
found? Will it be in the book of redemption, the book of the blotted out, (Ex
32:32-33) (Rev. 3:5) or the book of the damned? Now you can understand MY Holy
Scripture that says ‘You all work out your own salvation with fear and
trembling’ (Phil. 2:12)
Reincarnation is a lie of the father of all lies. You do not die and keep coming
back to earth in other lives until you are fit for Heaven. As the Holy
Scriptures say ‘man is appointed once to die and than the judgment. (Heb 9:27)
Every soul already made that choice before the foundation of the earth was
formed. Whether your allegiance was to I, YAHUVEH, or to satan the father of all
lies. The first lie satan told was that satan would become like I, YAHUVEH, and
have MY authority. 1/3 of all the angels believed this lie along with multitudes
of souls who chose sides. For in every soul I have given them the gift of
free-will. (Rev. 12:4-9)
As I judged satan whose name was Lucifer, I also judged and condemned and handed
out the sentences to not only Lucifer but all his fallen angels and all souls
who betrayed I, YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA. The souls that were loyal to I, YAHUVEH,
before the foundation of the earth as well as the souls that betrayed I,
YAHUVEH, I send to the earth through the seed of Adam and Eve. Satan was also
cast down. Satan again sought to turn MY creations against ME, both man and
beast. Again MY Children disobeyed and rebelled against their loving Father.
Satan’s motivation was to provoke I, YAHUVEH, to such a rage I would destroy
what I, YAHUVEH, and MY Son YAHUSHUA so lovingly created, but instead, after the
fall of Adam and Eve MY own beloved Son YAHUSHUA offered himself as a redeemer,
to be born as a human created only by I, YAHUVEH supernaturally.
YAHUSHUA became like a Second Adam with flesh and blood, but as Adam brought sin
into the world, MY HOLY BLOOD IN YAHUSHUA washed the sins away and the desire to
sin away from all who accepted MY Gift I, YAHUVEH, gave at Calvary. Only the
souls before the foundation of the earth, who were loyal to I, YAHUVEH and
YAHUSHUA then, will accept, love, obey, fight un-holiness and fight satan and
all these abominations now.
The souls that were created before the foundation of the earth who followed
Lucifer in rebellion against I, YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA and MY Host of Holy
Angels, (Rev.12:9) were given a choice at that time before the foundation of the
earth, but when birthed on earth the choice of those souls were already made.
The souls that followed Lucifer then have no choice but to follow satan again on
earth and reap what satan sowed. This is the judgment of man.
Salvation was already pre-destined. The reprobate shall remain reprobate for
eternity. (Jer 6: 27-30) clearly states I, YAHUVEH, call them rejected silver,
they are as dross or lead, dead weight. The souls that did not worship and serve
I, YAHUVEH, before the foundation of the earth will have no desire to serve I,
YAHUVEH, on earth.
Just as the evil pharaoh although given a chance time and again could not repent
and turn from evil because I, YAHUVEH, hardened his heart as his soul betrayed
ME before the foundation of the earth. (Ex 7:13) Now you can understand why
Jacob I loved and Esau I hated (Rom 9:13, Mal.1:3) along with Goliath, Ahab,
Jezebel, Judas, Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5:1-10) just to give examples of who
were birthed for destruction. The decision they made on earth was already done
in heaven when the battle of good vs. evil was first fought. That decision of
every soul that is born on earth is birthed in every baby born on earth.
You walk on top of hell and although hell was created for satan and his angels
that rebelled against I, YAHUVEH (Matt 25:41). I, YAHUVEH, the Creator of your
souls already knew if you would join these in hell. (II Pet 2:2-10) and whether
you will make your abode in the Lake of Fire with satan, the false prophet, and
the anti messiah (Rev.19:20) (Rev.21:8) and all of satan’s seed who followed
satan before the foundation of the earth. Not one soul that was created from the
foundation of the earth whose names are already recorded in Heaven will be lost
just as YAHUSHUA stated in the Holy Scriptures.
Anyone who does not acknowledge YAHUSHUA as God/MESSIAH the only begotten Son of
YAHUVEH the Father God Creator of all, made that decision before the foundation
of the earth and their mind and hearts cannot be changed. No matter what
religion you claim, only the souls that did not betray MY Son YAHUSHUA and I,
YAHUVEH, before the foundation of the earth will be saved from hell and the Lake
of Fire. All others are reprobate and shall share in the same fate or are
already in hell. NOW is the time of salvation.
As you read this there is an anointing unlike any I, YAHUVEH, have given anyone
thus far. Read this aloud and the scales will fall from your eyes, spiritually
your deaf ears will be opened. You will no longer be able to have a form of
Godliness with no Godliness within, deceiving others, if you hear I, YAHUVEH,
and believe this prophetic message. The decision you made before you were born
on earth will be manifested before all. This is a warning to all good and evil.
The souls who were in the battle before the foundation of the earth who started
to fight on the side of Holiness against Lucifer and his 1/3 of angels and then
allowed Lucifer’s lies to penetrate their souls, they too betrayed I, YAHUVEH.
They now pay the price for their names are written in the book of the blotted
out, traitors first in Heaven and now on earth. These people start out following
I, YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA believing the bible, obeying MY Commands, MY Torah and
then forsaking all that is Holy. These souls were formed and put into a human
body and are doomed to reap satans reward of hell and the Lake of Fire.
Everyone reading this now hear this, I, YAHUVEH, command you to share this with
all the people you know, to reassure them, not one person whose name is written
in the Lambs Book of Life will worship the beast or accept the Mark of the
Beast! (Rev 13:15-17) Not one person will I, YAHUVEH, lose to satan and his
kingdom. Not any who were loyal to I, YAHUVEH, and MY Son YAHUSHUA in that great
battle before the foundation of the earth will go to hell or the Lake of Fire.
Just as I YAHUVEH sent MY Son YAHUSHUA to save MY beloved children from the sin
brought on by Adam and Eve. I, YAHUVEH, will once again send MY Beloved Son
YAHUSHUA to save MY Loyal Holy Children. Look up children, though the world
scoffs and mocks truly your redemption draweth nigh. (Luke 21:28)
Beloved Ones, this world is not your home. You are just travelers passing
through. Your mansions, treasures, and rewards await you in Heaven. Store up
not, earthly treasures that you cannot take with you, but store them in Heaven,
let your storehouses be full in Heaven. (Matt 6 19-20) (Mal 3:8-12) So Children,
as you see this world consumed by I, YAHUVEH, a God that is a consuming Fire,
(Heb 12:29). Know this, it is the Living Water, (John 4:10) the Name and the
Blood of YAHUSHUA that will protect you from the fire of MY Wrath. Know this
Children, it is only the Name and the Blood of YAHUSHUA that hides you and only
if you are worshipping and serving YAHUSHUA and strive to obey. I am YAHUVEH and
I will not be mocked.
California, Phoenix Arizona, Montana, Canada and all over the world you have
felt the heat of MY wrath one way or another. Why do you not put your Creator
and Savior first in your life and love? Why do you love your homes more than the
Creator that gave you your homes land wealth and possessions? Do you not realize
how not only did the fires come but how many lives I spared because of MY mercy
and love? This is only a sample of what is to come before the Great Tribulation.
Get your priorities straight now before it is too late. (Deut 9:3)
Now this world and people are experiencing labor pains. The earth travails in
pain as the ground quakes and shakes before I, YAHUVEH, birth the Great
Tribulation that will be unlike any horror yet seen. (Matt 24) (Mark 13:8) Not
one soul before the foundation of the world who defended I, YAHUVEH, then will I
forsake. MY great wrath is for MY enemies, as it was then, so it shall be again.
You who stay silent in the Churches, You who are pew warmers and attend services
regularly, you who sing psalms and hymns to I, YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA and you
quote Holy Scriptures and yet you do not demand your spiritual leaders to speak
out or protest against these sinful abominations. You see those who call
themselves bishops, pastors, spiritual leaders, political leaders and Christian
musicians leading souls astray by not doing anything to protest, not even
holding all night prayer intercessions. Abortion is murder! Homosexuality is an
abomination! You who call yourself MINE, call yourself Holy and yet do not warn
others, I hold you accountable as well as your spiritual leaders. You have
remained silent too long.
You who call yourself Spiritual leaders but in MY eyes you are no leader at all
for you sold yourselves to the highest bidder as a common whore as you take the
tax free bribes and allow the Government to muzzle you. You became a traitor and
a coward, Need I remind you in the Book of Revelations where cowards and
traitors end up? Beware congregations the Spirit of the Pastor or Spiritual
leader is the Spirit of the Churches and Temples. You with spiritual ears to
listen and spiritual eyes to see have been given the gift of discernment. I,
YAHUVEH, now give you the command to speak up now before it is too late and your
freedom of speech is completely taken away.
Why are MY Holy people not rallying, boycotting, or protesting loudly when
lesbian musicians promote the spirit of homosexuality directed at the youth of
this world? With an open mouth kiss between Britney Spears and Madonna mockingly
called a kiss that was felt and heard around this world. Do you not yet
recognize the seed of satan? Is this what you want your Children to become?
There was another kiss long ago felt and heard around this world and it was when
Judas kissed YAHUSHUA on the cheek. So satan uses a kiss to mock again and where
are the Holy people to shout loudly and protest? (Lev 18:22) (Rom 1:24-32)
Where are the Holy people I, YAHUVEH, have blessed abundantly with the wealth
and possessions of this world? Who will help the few remnants like this
handmaiden who sounds the trumpet? Who will assemble together on this wall?
Remember you will be held accountable for what you do with the blessings,
talents and gifts I, YAHUVEH, have given you.
Satan gives wealth to his servants who are his seed to deceive the masses of
people. Where are MY Holy ones that I abundantly blessed? Why are you not
raising up for such a time as this? Why do you not join hands with this ministry
and other ministries who I, YAHUVEH, use as MY mouthpieces? Do you not yet
understand I, YAHUVEH, blessed you with your jobs, with wealth and your
possessions and lands, homes, for it to be used not only for your needs but for
the Kingdom of Heaven’s Glory, to speak forth, to fight, to rebuke and warn all
that is unholy.
I, YAHUVEH, do not give you the wealth, land and possessions to build up your
treasures on earth where fires, floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes,
volcanoes and thieves can take it away in seconds. I admonish you now, to use
your income and possessions to bring I, YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA praise honor and
glory. Build up your treasures not on earth but in Heaven, for I warn you, do
you not realize how many reading this now, should you make it to Heaven, will
find out in Heaven it will be as though you were bankrupt, your storehouses and
vaults are empty.
To those who give millions to charities in your name, for your glory and for tax
exemptions; no rewards in Heaven await you if you do not do this in the name of
YAHUSHUA, if you do not do this as a child of YAHUSHUA. Your good works follow
you to Heaven only after you have accepted YAHUSHUA as MESSIAH and strive to
obey him and love him first in your life, and only when you do this for
YAHUSHUA’s glory and for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven will it stand.
To all those that are heathen and refuse YAHUSHUA as MESSIAH, refuse to obey MY
Ten Commandments, any good works you do no matter how many millions you give it
will not buy you a home in Heaven. Again I say your good works will be
remembered no more and you will reside in hell along with the heathen poor.
I have given this handmaiden speaking forth this promise and a glimpse of her
rewards. Now the same promise I give to you who are partners in this ministry,
laboring with this ministry as you sacrifice your tithes and offerings with them
this is a reminder of where you are storing your treasures. All of you will
stand together and share the same rewards in Heaven.
The greatest reward I showed MY Apostolic prophetic handmaiden Apostle Elisabeth
Elijah [Elisheva Eliyahu] in a vision will be meeting and embracing all the
souls around the world who have been blessed through this ministry and heard the
secret truths I, YAHUVEH, have revealed.
Did you not wonder why you have witnessed so many times to others about the
saving Blood of YAHUSHUA and you knew you spoke under the anointing and
authority of YAHUSHUA and yet you were rejected, insulted, and mocked? Now you
understand in a way you have not understood before. You see a man due to be
ordained before the world, (11/2/03) boasting how he is a homosexual and proud
of it. You see him put up as a spiritual leader behind a church pulpit but I,
YAHUVEH, tell you this, all who condone this abomination, all who remain silent
or even call themselves by that denominations name, your name will not be found
in the Lambs Book of Life. It was already predestined long ago. (Lev 18:22)
I, YAHUVEH, first created Adam and Eve, as male and female and this is a mockery
of marriage and I, YAHUVEH, will not be mocked. All you people, pastors,
spiritual and political leaders who remain silent or change MY laws will feel
the wrath of YAHUVEH in a way you have not known before. Be not deceived same
sex marriage I have not decreed. How long will you continue to mock I, YAHUVEH,
America? Woe, Woe, Woe, be unto you America. You have done and will do what no
nation on the face of this earth has yet done. Did I, YAHUVEH, not prophesy
through this handmaiden Elisabeth [Elisheva], America I, YAHUVEH, save the worst
for last, for you. California, do you not feel the heat of MY anger as I,
YAHUVEH, fanned the fires with MY breath and blew flames on you. Phoenix Arizona
did I, YAHUVEH, not warn through MY Prophets you would burn, still how few
Your political leaders pass laws defying I, YAHUVEH, once again. Even as this is
written they debate when to strike out the word God from your currency, pledge,
and rewrite the constitution, while stripping MY 10 commandments from public
view. All those who have done this or not protested or not prayed and wept
against this, know this, you have been tested as in Ezekiel 9. I, YAHUVEH, wrote
the Ten Commandments in a tablet of stone, now your hearts are hardened like
unto a stone. You were a rebel before the foundation of the earth and you have
not changed. All those who don’t weep and protest against abortion, you are a
rebel also and have not changed. And can only change depending on the choice you
made in the battle good vs. evil before the foundation of the world.
All those who promote homosexuality, boast, flaunt, participate or teach others
this is only another alternate lifestyle, teach others they were born this way,
this is a lie of satan and you who refuse to repent you are a rebel and you have
not changed. You will reap what you have sowed before the foundation of this
world. (Rom 1:24-32)
I am YAHUVEH the Creator of creation. You rebels who are like unto a Judas, you
rebels worship the creation and worship created objects. You rebels refuse to
obey I, YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA before the foundation of the earth and now you
refuse to obey YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA today.
I, YAHUVEH, have a warning to all the political and spiritual leaders who refuse
to speak out against and vote against what you know MY Holy Scriptures Condemn
as abominations and sin. You have compromised with satan. You betrayed I,
YAHUVEH, before the foundation of the earth and you betray I, YAHUVEH, now. Take
your comfort now in your wealth and possessions for truly that is the only
comfort you will have for all eternity. Your next bed shall be in hell and then
the Lake of Fire where worms shall be your sheets and maggots your blankets.
You worldly musicians satan has given you the gift of deceiving people in what
is called music. I, YAHUVEH, blessed some souls who I created with a beautiful
voice and musical talents. When I gave this gift I intended it to be a blessing
unto I, YAHUVEH, then you betrayed I, YAHUVEH, before the foundation of the
world and now the majority use these gifts to glorify satan, to lull souls to a
spiritual sleep, to plant demonic spirits deep within and to lead people astray
with a hypnotic voice and a satanic beat.
Some of you who call yourselves musicians don’t even realize what satan is doing
and how satan has used you. If you don’t repent you shall dance at the tune of
satan’s feet and together with him you shall be tortured in the lake of fire
that is oh so deep. The suffering you cannot begin to conceive.
A warning to most actors and musicians, you sold your soul for satan’s promise
of fame and fortune and you signed satan’s contract and made a deal. Now your
sinful lifestyles to the world you flaunt your body, boast and reveal and
homosexuality you no longer try and hide and conceal. Mock now pay later for you
will feel I, YAHUVEH’s Great wrath very shortly.
Know this all of human creation, know that I, YAHUVEH, and My Beloved Son
YAHUSHUA, at OUR Thrones ALL shall bow and kneel. All souls were created and
tested at the same time. Only the souls that were loyal and fought against
Lucifer before the foundation of the world now carry the redemption seal. This
is the truth I am using MY Daughter and handmaiden to reveal, what satan has
tried to hide and conceal. All those with spiritual ears to hear and spiritual
eyes to see will hear I, YAHUVEH’s voice for you are MY sheep. You will no
longer be blinded to the truth. All souls as once were rebels will be again and
remain spiritually deaf and blind and continue to follow satan’s path by
swallowing satan’s lies.
To those of MY Children who have prayed and wept and wondered why I, YAHUVEH,
allowed these abominations I remind you again Judgment starts at the house of I,
YAHUVEH. Study Ezekiel 9, which one are you? The good vs. evil battle is again
being played out on earth as it was done in Heaven before the foundation of the
earth. Every soul created was tested.
Only if you were loyal with the battle with Lucifer will you accept MY Son
YAHUSHUA now on earth as MESSIAH/God. The first battle was in the Spiritual
realm in Heaven, now you battle satan and his servants now here on earth using
YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA’s spiritual weapons that I, YAHUVEH, have given you in the
Name of YAHUSHUA through the shed Blood of YAHUSHUA.
I, YAHUVEH, sent MY Holy Ones to fight on top of hell, to fight against satan
and all that is un holy. To be a witness for YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA’s Glory and to
prove MY Children are more than conquerors through YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH the Name
and the Blood of MY only Begotten Son. Many say they care but how few prove they
care. I told this to MY handmaiden when she was praying and asking ME why the
majority of the people who say this ministry and the prophecies and teachings I,
YAHUVEH, speak forth is a blessing and yet many don’t do anything to help lift
the heavy load or be a blessing in anyway.
I speak this again through her; you must put action behind your words. You must
not only say you care, but prove you care. Rebuke and warn those who do
abominations and love and support those that are putting action behind MY Holy
words. Faith without works is dead. Woe be unto a Creation who doesn’t worship
the Creator of all. Only the Potter has the authority to destroy His clay
vessels. Some vessels were created to bring ME Glory; some were only fit for
destruction. Look around you, even the sun explodes with MY fiery rage like
never before.
I sent MY Holy angel to this handmaiden months ago with this prophetic message.
As MY Holy Angel dictated it to her while standing beside her bed, she wrote
this prophetic message down where I share a secret yet untold until now. MY Holy
angel told her now is not the time to release this message it was for an
appointed time now is that time to reveal what was concealed. I tell MY secrets
to MY Apostles and Prophets and all who listen.
I, YAHUVEH, sealed it as she couldn’t read her own handwriting except one part
which is ‘MY greatest army is not registered on earth but is registered in
Heaven! (Rev 4:8,11:17,15:3,16:7) This handmaiden is sent out now and released
now as Ezekiel 9 to seal with this word to those who are marked with the seal of
protection and the fine linen garment that is worn stands for the righteousness
of MY Son YAHUSHUA. The appointed day is the day before a homosexual is ordained
from hell as a bishop in the Episcopalian Church. I speak these secrets and warn
once again come out of the churches of Babylon, flee the churches of Babylon.
* * * * * * *
So it is spoken, so it is written on this day 11/01/03 11:15 am 2:45 pm Given to
this Handmaiden Child of YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA on a Sabbath day (Sat.) during a
fast I awoke praying and this word came forth unexpectantly.
Apostle Elisabeth Elijah (Elisheva Eliyahu)