This is from Prophecy 105, YAHUVEH said to put this up on all Prophecies from now on: I warned you a long time ago Elisabeth (Elisheva) not to name this Ministry after a man or a woman even before there was a Ministry. I put it in your spirit for none of this has been done by your hand, none of this has come forth from your mouth. It is from the Mouth of YAHUVEH that has given birth. It is from the Mouth of YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH that has given birth. It is from the Mouth of the RUACH ha KODESH your IMMAYAH that has given birth. If it had only been by your hand it would have failed long ago. It is by the SHKHINYAH GLORY’S Wind that blows across this earth, the Holy Wind of Revival, it is not by your breath or it would have failed. (Isaiah 42:8)
Elisabeth’s (Elisheva’s) comments: Warning! This might be the most
controversial Prophecy given to me thus far. Some of it contains personal
revelations to me and that is why my name is mentioned by the RUACH HA KODESH.
However, I do not want to censor this Heavenly Message.
This Word was received in the eve of Shavu’ot 2017, Hebrew term for
(My brother, my Bff of 14 years, member of Congregation who also stirs up
anointing in me volunteered to temporarily cover me in prayer before the
prophecy is spoken forth until YAH sends a holy spiritual male prayer covering).
* * * * * * *
Below is the Prophecy as it came forth
—with Prophet Elisheva's "Holy tongues," as GOD’S SPIRIT gives utterance (Acts
2:3-4) of heavenly or earthly languages (1 Co 13:1). Elisheva speaks forth in
tongues bringing Prophecy (1 Co 14:6).
It contains the HEBREW NAMES of GOD:
YAH / YAHU יה is GOD'S HOLY, SACRED NAME as in “Alleluia” or “Hallelu YAH”
הללו-יה which literally means “Praise YAH”: YAHUVEH / YAHWEH י-ה-ו-ה GOD THE
means “THE MESSIAH”; ELOHIM אלוהים means “GOD.”)
The Revelation of “SH'KHINYAH GLORY” שכניה תפארה —as the PERSONAL NAME of RUACH
HA KODESH רוח הקדש, (in English “The HOLY SPIRIT”)—is also on this site.
Additionally, ABBA YAH אבא יה means “FATHER YAH”
and IMMA YAH אמא יה means “MOTHER YAH.”
Scripture quotes are KJV or NKJV unless otherwise indicated. Right click
footnote numbers to open a second tab.
* * * * * * *
YAHUVEH'S Words to Elisheva to be added before the Prophecies:
I warned you a long time ago Elisabeth [Elisheva], not to name this Ministry
after a man or a woman. Even before there was a Ministry, I put it in your
For none of this has been done by your hands. None of this has come forth from
your mouth.
It is from the Mouth of YAHUVEH that has given birth. It is from the Mouth of
YAHUSHUA, your MASHIACH, that it has been given birth. It is from the Mouth of
the RUACH HA KODESH, your IMMAYAH, that it has been given birth.
If it had only been by your hand, it would have failed long ago.
It is by the SHKHINYAH GLORY’S WIND that blows across this earth, the HOLY WIND
OF REVIVAL. It is not by your breath, or it would have failed.
“I AM the LORD YAHUVEH: that is MY NAME: And MY GLORY I will not give to
another, Neither MY PRAISE to graven images.” Isaiah 42:8
(Prophecy 105)
In July 2010, YAHUVEH GOD also said to add the following as a warning to those
who mock:
But they mocked the Messengers of GOD, despised HIS Words, and scoffed at HIS
Prophets, until the Wrath of YAHUVEH arose against HIS People, till there was no
—2 Chronicles 36:16
Then, in July 2016:
Woe be unto anyone that dares to try to harm—these two anointed ones. You will
regret the day you ever were born. Touch not MY anointed and neither do these
two Prophets any harm (see Ps 105:15; 1 Ch 16:22). It would be better for you if
I, ABBA YAHUVEH, would tear out your tongue!
(Prophecy 128)
And from Prophet Ezra:
I warn you all—those who are coming against this Ministry AND THESE PROPHECIES
and Elisheva and I, all the Ministers of AmightyWind Ministry—I warn you now,
‘Touch not YAH'S Anointed and do HIS Prophets no harm’ (Ps 105:15; 1 Ch 16:22)
lest the Wrath of the Rod of YAH come upon you. But for those who are blessed
and are a blessing for this Ministry, and faithful, and who receive the
Prophecies, much blessing will come on you—all to protect what belongs to YAH in
* * * * * * *
Story Behind Prophecy 89
Letter written September 2008
Before this Prophetic Word came forth, the other women in AmightyWind Ministry
and I were discussing our favorite subject: YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA and the RUACH ha
KADOSH! I raised the question, “Could the RUACH HA KODESH be female?”
I thought, “Why couldn’t the RUACH HA KODESH be female? The Holy Scripture says
mankind is made in the IMAGE OF YAHUVEH GOD, male and female (Gn 1:27). Wouldn’t
it stand to reason women were made in HER IMAGE?” We had a brief discussion
about it.
Shortly after that Kathrynyah heard the Voice of IMMAYAH and wrote down the
Words she heard. They were so beautiful, so loving and so different from the
Voice of FATHER YAHUVEH or YAHUSHUA, like a loving mother has a voice and
sweetness different than a father. I asked our BELOVED RUACH HA KODESH if SHE
would give me a Word, for I so longed to hear HER Voice. SHE heard my plea and
gave me the beautiful Prophetic Words you will read in this book.
As I look back, I am sure IMMAYAH, our HOLY MOTHER put it upon my spirit to ask
this question, to open the door for HER to answer in HER own blessed way that
cannot be imitated!
Please don’t stone the Messenger. As the Holy Scriptures say in Amos 3:7,
“YAHUVEH GOD shares HIS secrets with the Prophets.” There is much Scripture to
back up the Truth of the HOLY SPIRIT or RUACH HA KODESH in Hebrew, being female.
May you, the reader, be blessed by the Revelations our HOLY MOTHER, IMMAYAH, has
given to me.
Elisabeth Sherrie Elijah
(Elisheva Eliyahu)
* * * * * * *
This was recorded on tape, unfortuneately of very poor quality
so the audio cannot be posted, but here is the transcription.
[Elisheva praying:] All of us want to know YOU, MOMMA RUACH. Man calls YOU a
“HE” for they would never give credit to YOU in the past. Holy, Holy, Holy,
Holy…we just call upon YOU, MOMMA RUACH HA KODESH. Won’t YOU please reveal
YOURSELF to me? Won’t YOU reveal yourself to us? Kathy [Kathrynyah] has
Beautiful Writings that I know that YOU are writing through her in a whole
different tone of voice. YOU’RE so gentle. YOU’RE everything a woman should be.
As a woman my desire is to be more like YOU. YOU’RE THE DEFINITION OF THE WORD
Prophecy 89 Begins:
January 27, 2007
Wait, wait, wait….
Now is not yet the time for ME to reveal, in the way that you have asked ME to
But I shall do it. And you shall teach it. And the lies shall be combated.
It is I that gives the desire to say this prayer.
It is I that gives the desire to know WHO I AM.
For it is I, WHO, you did lay your head upon the shoulder [of] in Heaven.
I give you a glimpse to see how much those who love YAHUSHUA are loved by ME.
The family is a copy of what is in Heaven. Where do you think it came from? The
mother? The father? And the children? This doesn’t mean in Heaven birth is as it
is here on Earth. It was never meant to be so. It was because of Eve’s sin and
Adam’s sin, it became a painful process.
There is no discord in Heaven. There is no pain in Heaven. There is only Love
Peace Joy. There is only Happiness.
[Elisheva:] What else MOMMA? What else do YOU want to tell me?
Elisabeth [Elisheva],
You who have craved for the love of a mother...since you were conceived, even in
your mother’s womb you cried out to ME!
This is why I fill you now, in the way that I do, with such a unique Anointing,
so you will never feel that void again.
[To many others:]
You were starved for attention. Your earthly mother did the best she could with
the spirit that she was working with. But I too fill you with MY LOVE. Elisabeth
[Elisheva], when you rock and you pray, it is ME that rocks you. Keep striving
to know WHO I AM. I will reveal more to you. I will bring you a remembrance of
what it was like in Heaven when you beheld MY FACE.
There is not only one Throne; there are Three Thrones in Heaven WE rule in
unison. How do you think your prayers reach your ABBA YAHUVEH’S Ears? It is I
that send them to HIM. For I AM in the believers, those who love MY SON,
YAHUSHUA. It is I, THE ANOINTED WIND, that blows them to HIM as I blow a kiss to
Heaven. I speak in symbolism you can understand. When you lift up prayers,
it’s like blowing kisses to your ABBA YAHUVEH—when you pray in MY SON’S NAME.
For it takes all THREE of US for you to be heard and answered.
This is just the beginning of the Teaching. It’s only for those who I tell you
to tell. Of course, all of this family, you will share this with. But I will
move you with caution unlike any other Word spoken. For these are Secrets satan
never wanted revealed. And he will fight you with a fight like you have never
encountered before. That’s why it’s not yet time to give the Word to the world.
I will speak to you in things no man or woman has heard...
Why do you think lucifer came and tempted Eve first? It was to mock ME. For Eve
was made in MY IMAGE; as Adam was made in YAHUVEH’S IMAGE; as Abel was made in
Cain slew Abel. Just as it was by the spirit of Cain’s hand, again satan used to
crucify MY SON YAHUSHUA, although it was part of ALL of OUR plan—for those of
you whose names are written in the LAMB’S Book of Life—to Heaven, you could
There was no other way. So a New Blood Covenant was birthed that day—to replace
the Old Blood Covenant that could not stand. You want to know one of the things
that grieves ME? You want to know one of the things that offends ME? Elisabeth [Elisheva],
when you feel MY Anger MY Rage—they speak of the FATHER’S Rage, of ABBA
YAHUVEH’S Rage—you know not—you do not have a clue of the Rage of the MOTHER OF
CREATION! You just have a fraction of MY Rage—when you feel that volcano ready
to blow inside of your head, and it’s in the name of righteousness—you just have
a fraction of MY Rage!
When you read in the Word that’s been translated and they DARE to call MY SON,
YAHUSHUA, “the son of man”—HE was NEVER the son of a man! HE’S THE SON OF
YAHUVEH! THE SON OF YAH! When you see that in the translation—for how long now—I
have caused you to grieve. And you’ve never felt peace in this! And yet you
explain, “All the translations do this.” It was NOT by MY Hand! This is by
satan’s plan.
Although HE was born in a human frame, Although HE suffered on the Cross the
pain, HE was NEVER—NEVER—NEVER the son of “man”! HE is the SON OF YAH and HIS
NAME, Even to the world PROCLAIMED!
Why do you think satan in the translation tried to regulate HIM and give HIM the
name of a man? I’ve had to allow this and at this time: before the Great
Tribulation, the Name of ‘JESUS’ will stand…
Oh but in the Great Tribulation, those who are saved now and have been living
Holy before ME—MY SPIRIT is within them—just as you were saved in the Name of
‘JESUS’, you’d still be calling upon HIM in that Name [during the Great
Tribulation]. And do not misunderstand ME. There is Power, Heavenly Power to
back up that Name [before the Great Tribulation], because of the Mercy of your
ABBA YAHUVEH. But in the Great Tribulation, so many shall die [calling on that
name]—even though they’re saved now. So many will wonder why their prayers are
not answered. It is not because WE do not love them. (And I do not speak of
those who will go to the Sunday churches and take the mark [of the beast, Rv
13:16; 14:9])! I speak to those, who will call out in “the Name of ‘JESUS’,” who
know that HE was the ONE that was crucified and rose again from the dead and on
the third day did arise. I wait for them in Heaven!
But they must understand, while now [before the Great Tribulation] there’s power
in that Name, there will be no power then [during the Great Tribulation] in that
name. That doesn’t mean—for those who are still walking Holy before ME—they will
not return to Heaven, but it means [during the Great Tribulation] I cannot
answer them. As I said it is [by] MY Anointing like blowing a kiss to ABBA
YAHUVEH, that their prayers are answered!
But on that Day I cannot back up the words they say. For there will be another
on the face of this earth who will say, “I am ‘Jesus’.” And although I know what
‘JESUS’ they speak and call to—because that name will be as a curse, their
prayers will not reach Heaven. And they will wonder why...This is why you're
warning them now!
[BEFORE the Great Tribulation!]
This is the importance of that HEBREW NAME!
You see, satan does not want to use the word “YAH”—oh, I have many enemies out
there who now dare to operate their ministries and use the NAME “YAH” to deceive
the wolves and the lambs. But the son of satan does not want to use the NAME
“YAH”—he wants to use the name that the world became familiar with and that was
the name of J-E-S-U-S. So although those whose names are written in the LAMB’S
Book of Life—during the Great Tribulation, they will return to Heaven, [but
those who insist on the name J-E-S-U-S] it will mean they have to give their
life. But they will NEVER, EVER enter into a Sunday church for their name would
be blotted out.
And there will be no [new] salvations at that time in the name of J-E-S-U-S. It
will only be in YAHUSHUA[‘S NAME]. Some will say, “YAHSHUA,” but the NAME “YAH”
will not be left out. For the anointed 144,000 will not be teaching the name of
This is now. That will be then. I have given you this Message to warn again.
That’s just like now [before the Great Tribulation], that does not mean all
those who attend Sunday churches don't belong to ME, aren't filled with MY
SPIRIT. But it does mean in the Great Tribulation, it will not be allowed for
this is where they sell out to the beast.
Do you understand?
[Before the Great Tribulation,]
Souls are saved now in the name of J-E-S-U-S, I anoint in the name of J-E-S-U-S,
I heal in the name of J-E-S-U-S, I deliver in the name of J-E-S-U-S. But that
will not be then,
[during the Great Tribulation].
Warn them. How could I answer then? How could MY SON YAHUSHUA answer then? When
they scream out, “‘Jesus!’ Help me!” And the son of satan is there, and says,
“Here I am!”
[They'll cry out] “‘Jesus!’ Save me! Forgive me of my sins!” And the son of
satan will say, “Here I am!”
Can you not see the danger?! Can you not understand?!
You do not know the grief that I will feel when those whose names written in the
LAMB’S Book of Life—who know better than to go to the Sunday churches and take
the mark of the beast—will run and hide, will have to give their lives because
they will be crying out and they will refuse to say the NAME OF YAHUSHUA. They
will hold onto what they were taught and they will say the name of ‘Jesus’ and
their prayers will not reach Heaven for I will not blow them like a kiss because
the son of satan will cry out, “Here I am.”
This does not mean their name is blotted out; it merely means...I cannot save
their life. I cannot hide them. I cannot feed them. I cannot deliver them.
This is why I raise up Ministries such as this, that teach the NAME OF YAHSHUA,
that teach the NAME OF YAHUSHUA—it doesn’t matter [if you say either YAHSHUA or
YAHUSHUA]. So many refuse to speak the NAME the way I’ve given you [as
YAHUSHUA], but THE NAME “YAH” cannot be left out. For even HIS NAME means “YAH
SAVES.” I gave you the dream when the flying saucers come. Truly they are
satan’s army, but they have a right to those who will cry out in the wrong name
because [the son of satan] he'll claim, “Here I am.”
So beware! Now it has already started. There is one who is risen up. He has a
worldwide following. And he calls himself ‘Jesus Christ.’ But the key is, he
throws out all that is Holy. Beware the one coming! For this one is just a mere
man. But beware the one coming! For it will be as Judas has returned once again.
And he is truly the son of satan, the son of lucifer.
Warn them now.
There is a time and there is a season. You will know when to let this Word go.
But Elisabeth [Elisheva], never again will you have to crave the love of a
mother. For I have showed you, I have filled that void.
End of Prophecy. Enlightening some, offending most,
Apostle Elisabeth Elijah (Elisheva Eliyahu)
[End comments on audio:]
[Elisheva:] I’ve just got to say the Revelation SHE gave me—when men kept saying
[in the Bible when referring to the RUACH HA KODESH] “HE, HE, HE.” (It’s only
one letter off). Because men were always saying, “We were made in GOD’S Image,”
and [to] the woman, “You’re not made in HIS Image, I am.”
So MOMMA RUACH has just confirmed the fact women, females—Eve was created in HER
IMAGE SHE sits on the other side of YAHUVEH SHE is CO-CREATOR! So we are made in
truly GODDESS RUACH HA KODESH, our MOMMA’S IMAGE. Take that men of the world!
[Spoken in loving jest, fun.]
End of Recording
Dream: The UFOs Are Coming
What Will You Do?
March 2005 Mentioned in Prophecy 89
I have never believed in UFOs or evil aliens from other planets until I had a
dream sometime in March 2005. Since then I have had revelations of what this is
and worst of all, it is real.
I saw myself in what appeared to be a city. I saw people running in terror from
the UFOs, especially a huge cigar shaped UFO with 2 fins on one end of the UFO.
Men and women were yelling, “‘JESUS!’ Help me!”/> Then I saw this cigar shaped
UFO shoot out a single beam of light that looked bluish/green in color. The
bluish/green light would hit the people and it picked them up and pulled them
into the space craft.
The people were screaming, “‘JESUS!’ Help me!” Yet they were still taken by that
beam of light into the belly of the cigar shaped UFO. The people could not out
run the UFO.
Then the cigar shaped UFO hovered over me and I tried to out run it, but I
couldn’t. I saw the beam of light come towards me in the air and I yelled as it
was directly over me, “YAHUSHUA prove to me YOU hear my prayer! Help me!” The
beam of light stopped in mid air and went to the nearest person to me who was
yelling ‘JESUS’ and they were taken by that beam of light, kicking and screaming
in horror right into the belly of the cigar shaped UFO.
End of Dream
This Ministry warns why it is urgent for people to know the HEBREW NAME for our
MESSIAH YAHUSHUA or YAHSHUA. The Name of ‘JESUS CHRIST’ has Saving, Anointing,
Healing, Delivering, Resurrection Power now, but will not in the Great
I don’t believe I will be in the Great Tribulation in this mortal body. I was
there to warn you now. However in the dream it is a warning that the antichrist
who is the son of satan, will be using the name of ‘Jesus Christ’ because
Christians all over the world, in multitudes of languages, use the beloved Name
of ‘JESUS CHRIST’. The most famous TV evangelists are setting the people up for
the blue beam rapture, which is a counterfeit rapture.
Scriptures regarding
Gender of the HOLY SPIRIT
RUACH ha KODESH Bible References: Isaiah 63:10 Psalm 51:11
Female Gender – ‘SHE’ – RUACH HA KODESH – CHOKHMAH (WISDOM) feminine word in
Proverbs 1:20…WISDOM calls out outside. SHE raises HER voice in the open
Proverbs 1:21…SHE speaks HER words.
Proverbs 1:23…Turn at MY reproof; surely I will pour out MY SPIRIT on you.
Proverbs 3:18…SHE is a tree of life to those who take hold of HER.
Proverbs 4:6…Do not forsake HER and SHE will preserve you. Love HER and SHE will
keep you.
Proverbs 4:13…Keep HER for SHE is your life.
Proverbs 9:1…WISDOM has built HER house. SHE has hewn out HER seven pillars.
Revelation 4:5…Seven Spirits of YAH. (Are they the same as the seven pillars of
Matthew 11:19…But WISDOM is justified by HER children.
Proverbs 7:4…To WISDOM, say, “My sister.”
(All references are from New KJV.)
Book of WISDOM – The Jerusalem Bible
Book of Wisdom 1:6…WISDOM is a SPIRIT, a friend to man, though SHE will not
pardon the words of a blasphemer, since YAH sees into the innermost part of him…
Book of Wisdom 7:11…In HER company all good things come to me.
Book of Wisdom 7:12…All these I delight in, since WISDOM brings them, but as yet
I did not know SHE was their MOTHER.
Book of Wisdom 7:22-30…For within Her is an intelligent spirit, Holy, unique,
manifold, subtle, active, incisive, unsullied, lucid, invulnerable, benevolent,
sharp, beneficent, loving to man, steadfast, dependable, unperturbed, almighty,
Book of Wisdom 6:12-22…WISDOM is bright and does not grow dim. By those who love
HER, SHE is readily seen, and found by those who look for HER. Quick to
anticipate those who desire her, she makes herself known to them.
(Quotations from New KJV.)
Proverbs 1: 8-9…MY Son, hear the instruction of your Father, and do not forsake
the law of your MOTHER for they will be graceful ornaments on your head, a chain
about your neck.
Proverbs 6:20-23…MY Son, keep your Father’s command and do not forsake the law
of your MOTHER.
Proverbs 6:21…Bind THEM continually on your heart; tie them around your neck.
Proverbs 6:22…When you roam, THEY will lead you; and when you awake, THEY will
speak with you.
Proverbs 6:23…For the commandment is a lamp and the law is light.
(A similar expression is found in Psalm 119 referring to ELOHIM.)
Psalm 119:105…Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.
(From the above, we conclude the lamp and light to come probably from our
Who is our MOTHER?
Galatians 4:26 But the Jerusalem above is free, which is the Mother of us all.
Nature of the HOLY SPIRIT – Bible Verses
Genesis 1:2
The earth was without form and void and darkness was on the face of the deep and
the SPIRIT OF GOD was hovering over the face of the waters.
Genesis 2:7
And YAHUVEH GOD formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed1 into his
nostrils the Breath of Life and man became a living being.
Genesis 6:3
And YAHUVEH said, “MY SPIRIT shall not strive with man forever, for he is indeed
Numbers 11:25
YAHUVEH came down in the cloud and spoke to him and took of the SPIRIT that was
upon him and placed the same upon seventy elders and it happened when the SPIRIT
rested upon them that they prophesied although they never did so again.
1 Samuel 16: 13-14
Then Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the midst of his brothers;
and the SPIRIT of the YAHUVEH came upon David from that day forward. But the
SPIRIT of the LORD departed from Saul…
Psalm 104:30
YOU send forth YOUR SPIRIT, they are created and YOU renew the face of the
Isaiah 40:13-14
Who has directed the SPIRIT of the LORD or as HIS COUNSELOR has taught HIM? With
whom did HE take counsel and who instructed HIM and taught HIM in the path of
justice? Who taught HIM knowledge and showed HIM the way of understanding?
Isaiah 42:1
I have put MY SPIRIT upon him…
Isaiah 48:16
And now the LORD YAHUVEH, with HIS SPIRIT, sends me.
Isaiah 63:10
But they rebelled and grieved HIS HOLY SPIRIT; So HE turned HIMSELF against them
as an enemy, and HE fought against them.
Ezekiel 36:27
I will put MY SPIRIT within you and cause you to walk in MY statues and you will
keep MY judgments.
Ezekiel 37:14
I will put MY SPIRIT in you and you shall live and I will place you in your own
Joel 2:28
And it shall come to pass afterward that I will pour out MY SPIRIT on all flesh.
Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy. Your old men shall dream dreams;
your young men shall see visions.
Zechariah 4:6
Not by might nor by power but by MY SPIRIT says the LORD OF HOSTS.
Matthew 3:16-17
And YAHUSHUA, when HE was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and,
lo, the Heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the SPIRIT OF GOD descending
like a dove, and lighting upon HIM: And lo a voice from Heaven, saying, This is
MY BELOVED SON, in WHOM I AM well pleased.
Luke 1:35
And the angel answered and said to her, “The HOLY SPIRIT” will come upon you and
the power of the HIGHEST will overshadow you.
John 3:5-6
YAHUSHUA answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of
water and of the SPIRIT, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of GOD. That which is
born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the SPIRIT is spirit.
Acts 1:8
But you shall receive power when the HOLY SPIRIT has come upon you; and you
shall be witnesses to ME in Jerusalem, and in all Judea Samaria, and to the End
of the Earth.
Acts 2:2-4
And suddenly there came a sound from Heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind and it
filled the whole house where they were sitting. Then there appeared to them
divided tongues, as of fire and one sat upon each of them. And they were filled
with the HOLY SPIRIT and began to speak with other tongues, as the SPIRIT gave
them utterance.
Acts 8:17
Then they laid hands on them and they received the HOLY SPIRIT.
Acts 10:44, 47
While Peter was still speaking these words, the HOLY SPIRIT fell upon all those
who heard the word...Surely no one can refuse the water for these to be baptized
who have received the HOLY SPIRIT just as we did...?
Acts 16:6
Now, when they had gone through Phrygia and the region of Galatia, they were
forbidden by the HOLY SPIRIT to preach the word in Asia.
Romans 8:9
But you are not in the flesh, but in the SPIRIT, if indeed the SPIRIT of GOD
dwells in you. Now if anyone does not have the SPIRIT of the MESSIAH, he is not
1 Corinthians 12: 4; 7-11
4Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same SPIRIT. But the manifestation
of the SPIRIT is given to each one for the profit of all; for to one is given
the word of WISDOM through the SPIRIT, to another the Word of Knowledge through
the same SPIRIT; to another faith by the same SPIRIT, to another gifts of
healing by the same SPIRIT; to another the working of miracles, to another
prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of
tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. But one and the same Spirit
works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills.
Galatians 5: 16-17, 22 - 23
Instead, I tell you, be guided by the SPIRIT, and you will no longer yield to
self-indulgence. The desires of self-indulgence are always in opposition to the
SPIRIT, and the desires of the SPIRIT are in opposition to self-indulgence: they
are opposites, one against the other; that is how you are prevented from doing
the things that you want to… But the Fruit of the SPIRIT is Love, Joy, Peace,
Longsuffering,Kindness,GoodnessFaithfulness, Humility, Self Control. Nothing in
the Torah stands against such things.
Ephesians 5:18-19
And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation, but be filled with the
SPIRIT, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing
and making melody in your heart to the LORD
Ephesians 6:18
Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the SPIRIT being watchful to
this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints.
2 Timothy 1:7
For GOD has not given us a SPIRIT of fear but of Power and of Love and of a
Sound Mind.
Hebrews 3:7-8
Wherefore, as the HOLY GHOST saith, To day if ye will hear HIS Voice, Harden not
your hearts, as in the provocation, in the day of temptation in the
Hebrews 6:4-6
For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the
HEAVENLY GIFT, and were made partakers of the HOLY GHOST, And have tasted the
GOOD WORD OF GOD, and the powers of the world to come, If they shall fall away,
to renew them again unto repentance
Hebrews 10:15-17, 29
Whereof the HOLY GHOST also is a witness to us: for after that HE [YAHUVEH] had
said before, This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days,
saith YAHUVEH, I will put MY Laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I
write them; And their sins and iniquities will I remember no more....Of how much
sorer punishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden under
foot the SON OF GOD and hath counted the BLOOD OF THE COVENANT, wherewith he was
sanctified, an unholy thing, and hath done despite unto the SPIRIT OF GRACE?
Revelation 2:7; 11; 17; 2:29; 3:6; 13; 4:22
He that hath an ear, let him hear what the SPIRIT saith unto the churches.
Nature of WISDOM (Book of Proverbs, The NKV)
1. Given by God (2:6).
2. SHE calls, cries out, asks questions, reproves, warns, offers counsel and
knowledge, offers protection from calamities (1:20-33).
3. SHE gives discernment and understanding and knowledge of God and
understanding of righteousness and justice (2:1-9).
4. HER proceeds are better than profits of siver and gold (3:14).
5. SHE a tree of life to those who take hold of HER (3:18).
6. By HER the Lord founded the earth (3:19).
7. SHE is the principal thing; she preserves us and keeps us, and if we exalt
HER, she will promote us and bring honor and place on our head ornament of grace
and a crown of glory (4:7-9).
8. SHE dwells with Prudence. Counsel is HER, and sound9 wisdom. SHE is
understanding and has strength. By HER kings raign (8:12-15).
9. SHE may be found (8:17).
10. Lord YAHUVEH possesed HER at the beginning and SHE is the master craftsman;
SHE rejoices; HER delight was with the sons of me (8:22-31).
11. Whoever finds HER finds life and obtains favor from the Lord (8:35-36).
Nature of WISDOM (Book of Wisdom, the Jerusalem Bible)
Wisdom 1:6 WISDOM is a SPIRIT friendly to humanity, though SHE will not let a
blasphemer's words go unpunished; since GOD observes the very soul and
accurately surveys the heart, listening to every word.
Wisdom 6:12 WISDOM is brilliant, SHE never fades. By those who love HER, SHE is
readily seen, By those who seek HER, SHE is readily found.
Book of Wisdom Chapter 7
24 For WISDOM is quicker to move than any motion; SHE is so pure, SHE pervades
and permeates all things.
ALMIGHTY; so nothing impure can find its way into HER.
27 Although SHE is alone, SHE can do everything;
HERSELF unchanging, SHE renews the world, and,
generation after generation, passing into Holy souls,
SHE makes them into GOD'S Friends Prophets;
Added June 9, 2010
Sirach/Ecclesiasticus: Wisdom of the Son of Sirach
Ecclesiasticus, Wisdom of the Son of Sirach, Book of the All-Virtuous Wisdom of
Joshua ben Sira, Wisdom of Sirach or simply, Sirach is a book included in the
early Hebrew Greek Bibles. It is believed to have been written in the 2nd
century B.C. The early Greek church also called it, “The All-Virtuous Wisdom.”
In Hebrew the book was known as the Book of Ben Sirach, Proverbs of Ben Sirach,
or Wisdom of Ben Sirach. Ecclesiasticus is a Latin word meaning, “churchly,” and
would describe any book that was read in church or received ecclesiastical or
church sanction. Ben Sira, Hebrew meaning the “son of Sirach,” was a scholar,
and a scribe thoroughly knowledgeable of Jewish Law, and especially of the
“Books of Wisdom.”
(New Jerusalem Bible)
Sirach Chapter 1 (Forward Verses 1, 4-20)
Forward: The Law, the Prophets, and the other writers succeeding them have
passed on to us great lessons, in consequence of which Israel must be commended
for Learning Wisdom…
1 ALL WISDOM comes from the LORD YAHUVEH, SHE is with HIM for ever.
4 WISDOM was created before everything, PRUDENT UNDERSTANDING subsists from
remotest ages...
5 [missing verse].
6 For whom has the root of WISDOM ever been uncovered? HER resourceful ways, who
knows them?...
7 [missing verse].
8 ONE only is wise, terrible indeed,
9 seated on HIS Throne, the LORD.
It was HE, WHO created, inspected and weighed HER up, and then poured HER out on
all HIS works…..
10 The BASIS of WISDOM is to fear the LORD; SHE was created with the faithful in
their mothers’ womb;
12 THE FEAR OF THE LORD YAHUVEH gladdens the heart, giving Happiness, Joy Long
13 For those who fear the LORD YAHUVEH, all will end well: on their dying day
they will be blessed.
14 The Basis of WISDOM is to fear the LORD YAHUVEH; SHE was [joined] with the
faithful in their mothers' womb;
15 SHE has made a home in the human race, an age-old foundation, and to their
descendants will SHE faithfully cling.
16 The fullness of WISDOM is to fear the LORD YAHUVEH; SHE intoxicates them with
HER fruits;
17 SHE fills their entire house with treasures and their storerooms with HER
18 The Crown of WISDOM is to fear the LORD YAHUVEH: SHE makes Peace Health
19 The LORD YAHUVEH has seen and assessed HER, HE has showered down KNOWLEDGE
INTELLIGENCE, HE has exalted the renown of those who possess HER.
20 The root of WISDOM is to fear the LORD YAHUVEH, and HER Branches are long
Sirach Chapter 4 (Verses 11-19)
11 WISDOM brings up HER own children and cares for those who seek HER.
12 Whoever loves HER loves life, those who seek HER early will be filled with
13 Whoever possesses HER will inherit honor, and wherever he walks the LORD
YAHUVEH will bless him.
14 Those who serve HER minister to the HOLY ONE, and the LORD YAHUVEH loves
those who love HER.
15 Whoever obeys HER rules the nations, whoever pays attention to HER dwells
16 If he trusts himself to HER, he will inherit HER, and his descendants will
remain in possession of HER;
17 for though SHE takes him at first through winding ways, bringing fear and
faintness on him, trying him out with HER Discipline till SHE can trust him, and
testing him with HER Ordeals,
18 SHE then comes back to him on the straight road, makes him happy and reveals
HER Secrets to him.
19 If he goes astray, however, SHE abandons him and leaves him to his own
Sirach Chapter 24
1 WISDOM speaks HER own praises,
2 In the midst of HER people, SHE glories in HERSELF.
3 SHE opens HER Mouth in the assembly of the MOST HIGH, SHE glories in HERSELF
4 ‘I came forth from the Mouth of the MOST HIGH, and I covered the earth like
5 I had MY Tent in the heights, and MY Throne was a PILLAR OF CLOUD.
6 Alone, I have made the circuit of the Heavens and walked through the depths of
the abyss.
7 Over the waves of the sea and over the whole Earth, and over every people and
nation I have held sway.
8 Among all these I searched for rest, and looked to see in whose territory I
might pitch camp.
9 Then the CREATOR OF ALL things instructed ME and HE WHO created ME fixed a
place for MY Tent. HE said, ‘Pitch your tent in Jacob, make Israel your
10 From Eternity, in the beginning, HE created ME, and for Eternity I shall
11 In the Holy Tent I ministered before HIM and thus became established in Zion.
12 In the Beloved City, HE has given ME rest, and in Jerusalem I wield MY
13 I have taken root in a privileged people, in the LORD YAHUVEH’S Property, in
HIS Inheritance.
14 I have grown tall as a cedar on Lebanon, as a cypress on Mount Hermon;
15 I have grown tall as a palm in En-Gedi, as the rose bushes of Jericho; as a
fine olive in the plain, as a plane tree, I have grown tall.
16 Like cinnamon and acanthus, I have yielded a perfume, like choice myrrh, have
breathed out a scent, like galbanum, onycha, labdanum,
like the smoke of incense in the tent.
17 I have spread MY Branches like a terebinth, and MY Branches are glorious and
18 I AM like a VINE putting out graceful shoots, MY Blossoms bear the Fruit of
Glory Wealth.
19 [missing verse].
20 Approach ME, you who desire ME, and take your fill of MY Fruits,
21 for memories of ME are sweeter than honey, inheriting ME is sweeter than the
22 They who eat ME will hunger for more, They who drink ME will thirst for more.
23 No one who obeys ME will ever have to blush, No one who acts as I dictate
will ever sin.
24 All this is no other than the Book of the Covenant of the MOST HIGH GOD, the
Law that Moses enjoined on us, an inheritance for the communities of Jacob.
25 [missing verse]
26 This is what makes WISDOM brim over like the Pishon, like the Tigris in the
season of fruit,
27 what makes INTELLIGENCE overflow like the Euphrates, like the Jordan at
harvest time;
28 and makes DISCIPLINE flow like the Nile, like the Gihon when the grapes are
29 The first man did not finish discovering about HER, nor has the most recent
tracked HER down;
30 for HER Thoughts are wider than the sea, and HER Designs more profound than
the abyss.
31 And I, like a conduit from a river, like a watercourse running into a garden,
32 I said, ‘I AM going to water MY orchard, I intend to irrigate MY flower
beds.’ And see, MY conduit has grown into a river, and MY river has grown into a
33 Making Discipline shine forth from daybreak, I shall send its light far and
34 I shall pour out Teaching like Prophecy, as a legacy to all future
35 And note, I have been working not merely for MYSELF, but for all who are
seeking WISDOM.
Sirach Chapter 51 (Verses 13-30)
13 When I was still a youth, before I went traveling, in my prayers I asked
outright for WISDOM.
14 Outside the Sanctuary I would pray for HER, and to the last I shall continue
to seek HER.
15 From HER blossoming to the ripening of HER grape my heart has taken its
delight in HER. My foot has pursued a straight path, I have sought HER ever
since my youth.
16 By bowing my ear a little, I have received HER, and have found much
17 Thanks to HER I have advanced; Glory be to HIM WHO has given me WISDOM!
18 For I was determined to put HER into practice, have earnestly pursued the
good, and shall not be put to shame.
19 My soul has fought to possess HER, I have been scrupulous in keeping the Law;
I have stretched out my hands to Heaven and bewailed how little I knew of HER;
20 I have directed my soul towards HER, and in purity I have found HER; having
my heart fixed on HER from the outset, I shall never be deserted;
21 my very core having yearned to discover HER, I have now acquired a GOOD
22 In reward the LORD has given me a tongue with which I shall sing HIS PRAISES.
23 Come close to me, you ignorant, take your place in my school.
24 Why complain about lacking these things when your souls are so thirsty for
25 I have opened my mouth, I have said: ‘Buy HER without money,
26 Put your necks under HER yoke, Let your souls receive instruction, SHE is
near, within your reach.’
27 See for yourselves: how slight my efforts have been to win so much peace.
28 Buy INSTRUCTION with a large sum of silver, Thanks to HER you will gain much
29 May your souls rejoice in the MERCY OF THE LORD, May you never be ashamed of
praising HIM.
30 Do your work before the appointed time and at the appointed time HE will give
you your reward.
Spoken under the Anointing of the RUACH HA KODESH
Through Apostle Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu on January 27, 2007
Prophecy 136 The HOLY TRINITY Needs to be Comforted Also!
* * * * * * *
Below is the Prophecy as it came forth
—with Prophets Ezra & Elisheva’s “Holy tongues,” as GOD’S SPIRIT gives utterance
(Acts 2:3-4) of heavenly or earthly languages (1 Co 13:1). Elisheva speaks forth
in tongues bringing Prophecy (1 Co 14:6). Ezra begins prayer with intercessory
tongues (Ro 8:26-27; 1 Co 14:15).
It contains the HEBREW NAMES of GOD:
YAH / YAHU is GOD’S HOLY, SACRED NAME as in “Alleluia” or “Hallelu YAH which
English “The HOLY SPIRIT”)—is also on this site. (HA SH’KHINAH {SHEKINAH} is
Additionally, ABBA YAH means “FATHER YAH” and IMMA YAH means “MOTHER YAH.” In
Hebrew, the SPIRIT OF GOD is feminine, referred to as “SHE,” and reflected this
way in the Prophecy and Scriptural quotes below.
Scripture quotes are KJV or NKJV unless otherwise indicated.
* * * * * * *
YAHUVEH’S Warning to be added before the Prophecies:
I warned you a long time ago Elisabeth [Elisheva],
not to name this Ministry after a man or a woman.
Even before there was a Ministry, I put it in your spirit.
For none of this has been done by your hands.
None of this has come forth from your mouth.
It is from the Mouth of YAHUVEH that has given birth.
It is from the Mouth of YAHUSHUA,
your MASHIACH, that it has been given birth.
It is from the Mouth of the RUACH HA KODESH,
your IMMAYAH, that it has been given birth.
If it had only been by your hand, it would have failed long ago.
that blows across this earth, the HOLY WIND OF REVIVAL.
It is not by your breath, or it would have failed.
“I AM the LORD YAHUVEH: that is MY NAME:
And MY GLORY I will not give to another,
Neither MY PRAISE to graven images.” Isaiah 42:8
(Prophecy 105)
In July 2010, YAHUVEH GOD also said to add the following as a warning to those
who mock:
But they mocked the Messengers of GOD, despised HIS Words,
and scoffed at HIS Prophets, until the Wrath of YAHUVEH
arose against HIS People, till there was no remedy.
—2 Chronicles 36:16
Then, in July 2016:
Woe be unto anyone that dares to try to harm—these two anointed ones. You will
regret the day you ever were born. Touch not MY anointed and neither do these
two Prophets any harm (see Ps 105:15; 1 Ch 16:22). It would be better for you if
I, ABBA YAHUVEH, would tear out your tongue!
(Prophecy 128)
And from Prophet Ezra:
I warn you all—those who are coming against this Ministry AND THESE PROPHECIES
and Elisheva and I, all the Ministers of AmightyWind Ministry—I warn you now,
‘Touch not YAH’S Anointed and do HIS Prophets no harm’ (Ps 105:15; 1 Ch 16:22)
lest the Wrath of the Rod of YAH come upon you. But for those who are blessed
and are a blessing for this Ministry, and faithful, and who receive the
Prophecies, much blessing will come on you—all to protect what belongs to YAH in
* * * * * * *
Prophecy 136
The HOLY TRINITY Needs to be Comforted Also!
This Prophecy was recorded via audio. Here is the transcription.
[ Ezra prays in Holy tongues… ]
Elisheva: That’s beautiful. Oh ABBA YAHUVEH we just thank YOU and we praise YOU
in the NAME OF YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH as we come before YOUR Throne with
thanksgiving and praise! Thank YOU for the shavu’ot [weeks]! Thank YOU for the
countdown of the omer! Thank YOU for this harvest time. Thank YOU ABBA YAHUVEH
that [as] YOU bring the shavu’ot, YOU also celebrate the same time HEAVENLY
FATHER that YOU brought me a new male leader HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME OF
YAHUSHUA. This is how much YOU honor not only YOUR Ministry but YOU honor YOUR
That is beyond, beyond love HEAVENLY FATHER because YAHUSHUA, YOU didn’t just go
to the Cross and pour out YOUR BLOOD for the ATONEMENT of our sins. For none of
us, none of us on this earth is perfect. But instead HEAVENLY FATHER & BELOVED
YAHUSHUA, YOU also said, YAHUSHUA, that YOU would not leave us alone (Jn 14:18)
that when YOU departed, YOU also said YOU would send the COMFORTER (Jn 15:26;
16:7). The COMFORTER would come.
And YOU told YOUR disciples to wait and count down the days till the upper room
and YOU gave them the date to be there and YOU said the COMFORTER would be
John 14:17-18
—the SPIRIT OF TRUTH. The world cannot receive HER, because it neither sees HER
nor knows HER. But you do know HER for SHE abides with you and SHE will be in
you. I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.
John 15:26
But when the COMFORTER is come, WHOM I will send unto you from the FATHER, even
the SPIRIT OF TRUTH, which proceedeth from the FATHER, SHE shall testify of ME.
We know WHO the COMFORTER is. It is the HOLY SPIRIT. It is the SWEET, SWEET HOLY
SPIRIT, the RUACH HA KODESH in Hebrew, and IMMAYAH. We thank YOU and we praise
Oh, I ask now for a Word. What is it, the Word, YOU want to say on Shavu’ot? For
7 days we will celebrate HEAVENLY FATHER that [on Shavu’ot 2016] YOU brought
this new male leader, an Israeli Prophet—that is now my beloved husband when we
were married on October 2, 2016 and it was on Rosh ha Shana day, when we were
waiting for YOU YAHUSHUA to return on a Rosh ha Shana. For YOU are our first
And we just wait for YOU and we ask what is it YOU want to say right now?
Please, what is on YOUR Heart? For we want the people to come and we them to get
to know YOU better.
They need to know you better. They are not learning WHO YOU are ABBA YAHUVEH,
WHO some call “Jehovah” but YOUR NAME is YAHUVEH. YOU have HEBREW NAMES and this
Ministry is to teach these HEBREW NAMES.
What is it YOU want to say? How can we get the people to know YOU better—to know
that YOU are not just a GOD OF WRATH but YOU are GOD OF EVERLASTING LOVE &
But there comes a time when they cross the line, when they’ve thrown the BLOOD,
the ATONING BLOOD that YAHUSHUA shed at Calvary back into HIS Very Face and say,
“I want to do it my way! I’m going to live life my way! And I’m not going to do
anything Holy for that is boring.”
But YOU have a Word to say and I want to know, we need to know—as my husband has
prayed in Holy tongues and they were Holy tongues of protection (Ro 8:26-27; 1
Co 14:15) where it says ‘Touch not MINE Anointed neither do MY Prophets any
harm’ (Ps 195:15; 1 Chron 16:22)—what is it YOU want to say ABBA YAH? For the
Prophets have not been done away! We are still valid and we are YOUR Eyes and we
are YOUR Ears and we want to know.
Romans 8:26-27
26 Likewise the SPIRIT also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we
should pray for as we ought: but the SPIRIT HERSELF maketh intercession for us
with groanings which cannot be uttered. 27 And he that searcheth the hearts
knoweth what is the Mind of the SPIRIT, because SHE maketh intercession for the
saints according to the will of GOD.
1 Corinthians 14:15
15 What is it then? I will pray with the spirit, and I will pray with the
understanding also: I will sing with the spirit, and I will sing with the
understanding also.
Psalm 105:15 & 1 Chronicles 16:22
15 Saying, Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm.
[ Elisheva prays in Holy tongues… ]
Prophecy 136
The HOLY TRINITY Needs to be Comforted Also! Shavu’ot 2017
Prophecy Begins:
This is your ABBA YAHUVEH! I love when you call ME “FATHER”. I AM your LOVING
FATHER! I gave MY ONLY BEGOTTEN SON so you could return to Heaven again. For
none of you, none of you are perfect! Only YAHUSHUA is perfect, WHOM some call
“JESUS CHRIST.” But I want you to call HIM “YAHUSHUA,” by HIS HEBREW NAME.
You will find there is more Power and Anointing in the HEBREW NAME, but there is
still power and anointing in the Name of ‘JESUS CHRIST.’
Just please, I want to get to know you better on this Shavu’ot whom they call
the Day of Pentecost. So many just say, “It’s just the Day of Pentecost”—and
this [Prophecy] is to be released on Shavu’ot—that is why I’m calling it
Shavu’ot. This is what MY prayer is for you MY children. This is what I ask of
you MY children.
MY children! MY children! MY children! MY babies! MY babies! MY babies! I want
to get to know you better! I AM your CREATOR! There is none other! You never put
religions together!
This is not about a religion! This is about a relationship with your CREATOR.
This is about your MESSIAH, your SAVIOUR YAHUSHUA WHO paid the PRICE at
Calvary—so from hell [you’d be saved], you would not go, so I could hear your
prayers again, so I could forgive you of your sins—HE shed HIS OWN BLOOD! For
HIS BLOOD was perfect! It came from Heaven!
HE is not just the SON OF GOD ALMIGHTY, I YAHUVEH! HE is not just the SON OF
of US are ONE (1 Jn 5:7; also see Jn 1:1-2; 10:30; Pv 8:23, 27, 30)! Teach them
MY child! Teach them!
1 John 5:7
7 For there are THREE that bear record in Heaven, THE FATHER, THE WORD, & THE
HOLY GHOST: and these THREE are ONE.
John 1:1-2 & 10:30
1 In the beginning was the WORD, and the WORD was with GOD, and the WORD was
GOD. 2 The same was in the beginning with GOD.
10 I and MY FATHER are ONE.
Proverbs 8:
23 I [WISDOM, THE HOLY SPIRIT] was set up from Everlasting, from the Beginning,
or ever the earth was.[…] 27 When HE prepared the heavens, I was there […] 30
Then I was by HIM, as ONE brought up with HIM: and I was daily HIS delight,
rejoicing always before HIM.
Tell them to look at an egg! What part is the egg? I taught you this from the
very beginning! I’m going to tell you to teach it again. Tell them. Tell them MY
child. Look at an egg! Is the egg the shell? Is the egg the yolk? Is the egg the
white? What part is the egg? It is the entirety! The egg is an egg.
WE THREE, the TRINITY are ONE (1 Jn 5:7)! I the LORD thy GOD are ONE! ABBA
is what I want you to teach them on Shavu’ot!
Deuteronomy 6:4
Hear, O Israel! YAHUVEH [is] our GOD, YAHUVEH [is] ONE!
Hear, O Israel! YAH is our GOD, YAH is ONE!
This is what I want the Jews to understand! They cannot argue when they look at
an egg. I speak as though they are a child now. I speak as though all of you are
children, because you are children (Acts 17:28)! You who think you know so much,
know so little (Jb 38:2; 1 Cor 3:19-20).
Acts 17:28
For in HIM we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own
poets have said, For we are also HIS offspring [children].
Job 38:1-2
Then YAHUVEH answered Job out of the whirlwind, and said, “Who is this that
darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge?”
1 Corinthians 3:19-20
19For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with GOD. For it is written, HE
taketh the wise in their own craftiness. 20And again, YAHUVEH knoweth the
thoughts of the wise, that they are vain.
I want to teach you as a child—this Ministry is to be taught as though everyone
is a child (Mt 11:25; Lk 10:21). Come to ME now—as a child (Mk 10:15). Let us
start over again.
Luke 10:21, see Matthew 11:25
21 In that hour YAHUSHUA rejoiced in SPIRIT, and said, I thank thee, O FATHER,
LORD OF HEAVEN & EARTH, that THOU hast hid these things from the wise and
prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes: even so, FATHER; for so it seemed
good in THY sight.
Mark 10:15
Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a
little child, he shall not enter therein.
Do not believe what is being taught now that all religions can come together (1
Cor 8:5-6; 2 Cor 6:14; Jn 14:6). No! No! No! and No!
1 Corinthians 8:5-6
5 For even if there are so-called gods, whether in Heaven or on earth as there
are many “gods” and many “lords”), 6 yet for us there is ONE GOD, THE FATHER, of
WHOM are all things, and we for HIM; and ONE LORD YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, through
WHOM are all things, and through WHOM we live.
2 Corinthians 6:14
Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath
righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?
John 14:6
6 YAHUSHUA saith unto him, I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH, & THE LIFE: no man cometh
unto the FATHER, but by ME.
Those that call him “Allah” or “Mohammed”—where is the ATONEMENT for the sins?
For there is no forgiveness of sin without the Blood Atonement (Lv 17:11; Heb
Leviticus 17:11
11 For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon
the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh
an atonement for the soul.
Hebrews 9:22
22 And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding
of blood is no remission [of sin].
YAHUSHUA is the ONLY ONE WHO paid the PRICE! And HE took the place of that
passover lamb! HE is that PASSOVER LAMB! HE was even killed at the same time
that the passover lamb was killed (Nm 9:2-3)!
Number 9:2-3 (JPS)
Let the Israelite people offer the passover sacrifice at its set time: you shall
offer it on the fourteenth day of this month, at twilight, at its set time; you
shall offer it in accordance with all its rites and rules.
And HE was hung on that cross and HE was tortured and HE was beaten and HE was
humiliated and HE carried your shame and every disease, every sickness (see
Isaiah 53)!
HE did this for you MY children but HE did not just die—for no one could take
HIS Life (Jn 10:18-19) as HE hung on that cross for 3 hours, perfectly innocent!
Perfectly pure and Holy! Not even a thought of sin could enter HIS Head (see Heb
4:15 etc)!
John 10:17-18
17 Therefore doth MY FATHER love ME, because I lay down MY Life, that I might
take it again. 18 No man taketh it from ME, but I lay it down of myself. I have
power to lay it down, and I have Power to take it again. This commandment have I
received of MY FATHER.
Although HE was tempted by satan for 40 days (see Mt 4: 1-2; Mk 1:13; Lk 4:1-2),
never once even a thought of sin entered HIS Head. Be ye Holy! Live Holy! HE
gave HIS Life for you but that did not mean that man took HIS Life (see Jn
10:18-19 above). Even HE is the ONE who said, “It is finished!” and then HE died
(Jn 19:30).
John 19:30
[…] HE said, It is finished: and HE bowed HIS Head, and gave up HIS SPIRIT
But oh I want you to celebrate on Shavuot! On the 3rd day HE proved HE was alive
(see 1 Cor 15)! And HE walked into a door that was barred (Jn 20:19) where the
disciples were hiding and grieving. For HE showed HIMSELF after HE had gone to
hell and let the devil and the demons know they had failed (see Eph 4:8-10)!
They had failed for HE is GOD ALMIGHTY!
HE is your LORD & SAVIOUR! HE is MY SON! But HE wears the Title of “LORD GOD
ALMIGHTY”! HE is the MESSIAH! HE is the SAVIOUR! And the disciples rejoiced as I
ask you to rejoice on Shavu’ot. For you see HE did not leave you without saying
that HE was going to send the COMFORTER. HE appeared before the disciples and
said, ‘I AM sending the COMFORTER!’ (see Jn 16:7). And the COMFORTER is the
Now I tell you a secret on this Shavu’ot.
So many of you do not know—and you who do not know anything of the Bible—these
Words that I speak now: You must first repent. Get on your knees before ME.
Before I could not hear your prayers for YAHUSHUA had to be crucified and give
HIS OWN BLOOD to take your place on that cross at Calvary. HE suffered for you!
So when you confess and repent of your sins and you truly try to do your best to
live Holy before ME, obeying not just the 10 Commandments, but the Torah Laws,
which is the full instructions of YAHUSHUA that apply to this time now.
Repent means you say that you are sorry. It is not like [President] Donald Trump
had said (before he knew better) that he never asked to be forgiven. Now he
knows he must ask to be forgiven. All must ask to be forgiven.
Oh Shavu’ot is such a Holy time! And the countdown of the omer—if you’ve not
been doing this—even YAHUSHUA did this. Oh this means harvest time!
There is so much more I want to teach you but it is not yet now. I will speak
forth more Prophecies of this. Right now I just want you to know how much, how
much, how much WE need your comfort also.
Now I speak to those who are saved, sanctified and filled with the HOLY SPIRIT,
the SWEET RUACH HA KODESH. I speak to those who do their very best not to offend
ME. These are the ones I want to speak to. WE need your comfort. Do you know
that the HOLY TRINITY needs your comfort?
I speak to the Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones and Elect. You come to US and you need
comforting and WE are there! You come to us with your prayers and WE are there.
You ask of ME and you receive, for WE are there.
But do you not understand? We weep. I, YAHUVEH weep. YAHUSHUA weeps. IMMAYAH
weeps. WE weep! We laugh with you! We want to laugh with you! We want to play
with you. You are children! What father does not want to play with his child?
What father does not want his child to ask him questions? What good father? What
Holy father?
I do not speak of anyone now other than those who truly belong to YAHUSHUA HA
MASHIACH. The others will not even understand. And for those who do not
understand, this Word is not even for you so just don’t even listen. Don’t
bother to complain. Don’t bother to call her a false prophet for I have plainly
warned, ‘Touch not MINE Anointed and neither do MY Prophets any harm’ (Ps
105:15; 1 Ch 16:22).
I want a relationship with MY beloved ones. I do not only want you to fear
ME—but fear is the beginning of Wisdom (see Pv 9:10; Ps 111:10)—I want you to
obey ME.
Proverbs 9:10
The Fear of YAHUVEH is the beginning of Wisdom: and the Knowledge of the HOLY
[ONE] is Understanding.
Psalm 111:10
The Fear of YAHUVEH is the beginning of Wisdom: a good understanding have all
they that do his commandments: HIS Praise endureth for ever.
Strive, strive, strive to live Holy! And when you fail—and sooner or later
you’re going to be like a disobedient child and you will fail but repent—ask
forgiveness and do not think that YAHUSHUA died on that cross just to give you
an excuse so you can sin again. You are held accountable for what you know (Mt
Matthew 12:36
36 But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall
give account thereof in the Day of Judgment.
David was a man after MY Own Heart (see 1 Sam 13:14; Acts 13:22) for one reason.
He knew how to repent. He grieved and he cried and he asked forgiveness. And I
could speak through him and I could speak to him. And I want to speak to you.
I’m going to have Elisheva and Ezra now, this Israeli Prophet that is now
Elisheva’s husband and the male leader of this Ministry—I chose him, I appointed
him, I anointed him to take the place of the counterfeit that was there and
stopped even believing in ME over 7 years ago. Diaper salvation does not count!
Tricycle salvation does not count! That’s just a little child’s bike. They start
out trying to do what is right—and then they forsake ME. They forsake Holiness.
They say, “It’s too hard to do it YAHUVEH’S way.”
Oh but you Ezra and Elisheva, you please ME! You please ME because you try and
all you others that I speak to now that are the children of YAHUSHUA HA
MASHIACH—all because of the PRICE that was paid at Calvary—because you believe
that HE did not stay dead but on the 3rd day HE did arise; and HE did ascend to
Heaven; and HE did come back with instructions to the disciples; and as HE
ascended so HE will come again (Acts 1:11) just don’t put any date on it.
Acts 1:11
[An angel] which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into
Heaven? this same YAHUSHUA, which is taken up from you into Heaven, shall so
come in like manner as ye have seen HIM go into Heaven.
But I tell you this. Look at the signs of the world, look at the signs of the
sky (see Mt 24; Mk 13; Lk 21 etc). Read every single Prophecy and devour it. For
you see these are not just mere words. MY daughter who is prophesying now, who
is an Apostle, a Prophet and whom I call MY Ringmaiden, started in 1995 online
where I YAHUVEH gave birth to this Ministry to bring souls to YAHUSHUA HA
MASHIACH, not one by one but by millions at a time—in so many different
languages she cannot even keep track of the number any more.
And even as the book has been written explaining WHO the HOLY SPIRIT is and—the
Secrets of the HOLY SPIRIT that took so long to write, to back up with
Scripture—who do you think WISDOM is? (see Books of Wisdom) Why do you think
even the King James Version Bible calls HER a SHE (see Pr 1-9)? In what image do
you think Eve was made in (Gn 1)? When I said let us make man into “OUR” Image,
I did not say “MY” Image. I said “OUR” Image (Gn 1:26). It is not just I, but it
was IMMAYAH. And that IMMAYAH is the image of Eve. And you men are made in the
image of I YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA.
So teach them! Teach them even on Shavu’ot. Sing to ME. Sing to the HOLY
TRINITY! Do not just enter into prayers and ask questions but sing, praise!
Enter into MY Heavenly Courts before MY Throne with reverence, love with worship
in the NAME OF YAHUSHUA (Ps 100:4)! Never think you can enter into MY PRESENCE
in your own name (Heb 4:14-16). For only will I listen in the NAME OF YAHUSHUA,
WHOM some call ‘JESUS CHRIST’ (Acts 4:12). But I’m asking you, learn the HEBREW
NAME now before it is counterfeited in the Great Tribulation.
Psalm 100:4
Enter into HIS gates with thanksgiving, and into HIS courts with praise: be
thankful unto HIM, and bless HIS NAME.
Acts 4:12
Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other NAME under
Heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.
Ezra & Elisheva you please ME so much for you don’t only sing to ME, you don’t
only pray to ME but Elisheva you do so much more. Both of you, you teach all
that I give you. You lead souls to MY SON YAHUSHUA. And YAHUSHUA, YOU bring
those souls to ME. I said I would not miss one.
When the names are written in the LAMB’S Book of Life, there is also a Book of
the Damnation and also the Book of the Blotted Out (Rv 20:11-12; also see Ps
69:28 etc).
Revelation 20:11
And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before GOD; and the Books were
opened: and another Book was opened, which is the Book of Life: and the dead
were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to
their works.
But I speak of the Book of Life and when the name is written down and you have
given up and you have turned away—I’ve already foreknown this as Romans 8 (v29;
9:22 etc) plainly says—as soon as the name has been written, it is immediately
blotted out as if it was never there and it appears in the Book of the
Romans 8: 29
For whom HE did foreknow, HE also did predestinate to be conformed to the image
of HIS SON, that HE might be the FIRSTBORN among many brethren.
Romans 9: 22
What if GOD, willing to shew HIS wrath, and to make HIS power known, endured
with much longsuffering the vessels of wrath fitted to destruction: 23 And that
HE might make known the riches of HIS GLORY on the vessels of mercy, which HE
had afore prepared unto Glory.
These are secrets I tell you this day that are even greater than the prayers I
had said before, that I had told you to pray. Pray that your name never be found
in the Book of the Blotted Out for it is better to be already put in the Book of
the Damnation. For that is the only reward you will receive—on this earth, is to
live your life, living for the devil, doing it your way in a short number of
years and—then comes hell and the lake of fire.
Oh but you who do it MY way! You are in the Book of Life to stay! And you say,
“I will not do it my way for it is I that do not live but we ask YOU YAHUSHUA to
live YOUR life through me” (compare Gal 2:20) and YOU do it I YAHUVEH’S way.
Galatians 2:20
I am crucified with YAHUSHUA: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but YAHUSHUA
liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh [body] I live by the
faith of the SON OF GOD, WHO loved me, and gave HIMSELF for me.
So I do want you to take time to comfort US. Do you know that the GOD of your
the HOLY SPIRIT you could not have come to YAHUSHUA (Jn 16:8-9; 1 Cor 12:3; Jn
3:5; see also Rv 22:17; Heb 10:29; 1 Jn 5:6-7; Pv 1:20-23; 8:1-4; Pr 9:10; 19:8;
8:35-36)? SHE is the ONE WHO compels you. SHE is the ONE WHO draws you, or you
would not even care.
John 16:8
8 And when SHE is come, SHE will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness,
and of judgment:
1 Corinthians 12:3
3 […] no man can say that YAHUSHUA is the LORD, but by the HOLY SPIRIT.
John 3:5
5 YAHUSHUA answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of
water and of the SPIRIT, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of GOD.
Now I want you to know what the other prophets have not said. How do you think
WE feel when even the Name of ‘JESUS CHRIST’ is used as a curse word? When I and
YAHUSHUA and even all—IMMAYAH the SWEET HOLY SPIRIT and the Bible, all the Holy
Scriptures are now mocked? How few even want to live Holy?
Now OUR Book—the Book you call the Bible—but it is truly called the Holy
Scriptures for it is not just one book. There are other books like the book of
Enoch. They call them the “Lost Books of the Bible” but they are not all lost.
They can be found if you will but look.
Lost Books of the Bible Library
I want to teach you. I want to teach you that you must have a testimony as unto
Enoch (Heb 11:5-6). For he did not see death but he walked with ME. And he was
MY friend and he did not see death. Instead he was raptured to Heaven (Gn
Hebrew 11:5-6
5By faith Enoch was translated [to Heaven] that he should not see death; and was
not found, because GOD had translated him: for before his translation he had
this testimony, that he pleased GOD. 6 But without faith it is impossible to
please HIM: for he that cometh to GOD must believe that HE is, and that HE is a
REWARDER of them that diligently seek HIM.
Genesis 5: 23
And all the days of Enoch were three hundred sixty and five years: 24 And Enoch
walked with GOD: and HE was not; for GOD took HIM.
He walked with ME. The angels, as Enoch was upon their backs, carried him to
Heaven—where he even [had] seen where [some of] the fallen angels are [bound],
just so I could warn you now (see Secrets of Enoch 18:1-4). There is a Heaven
and there is a hell and there is a place where the fallen angels are.
And the enemies of this Ministry, I tell you this, [at the midnight hour May
27th-28th 2017] war has been decreed from Heaven if you do not repent!
And to the reprobate, [the damned] and you know who you are—you not only hate
these Prophets, the leadership and I tell you this: they only take orders from I
YAHUVEH for truly only the TRINITY is the LEADERSHIP but I had to have someone
on earth just like I’ve done in the old books, to be MY mouth. And that’s what
this Prophet is. She hears from ME. MY True Prophets will speak Holiness.
MY true Prophets will not be afraid to offend—for the sake of your soul—learn of
On Shavu’ot [or Pentecost], when they started praying in tongues (Acts 2:4) the
disciples that gathered in the Upper Room (see Acts 1-2)—and the witnesses that
witnessed this, as they gathered around and mocked and they even said that they
were drunk (Acts 2:19), but it is a gift from Heaven so you can hear from ME
more clearly (1 Co 14:6)! But it is not—if you do not have the gift of tongues,
it does not mean that you are not saved (1 Co 12:4-12; 13:1). Do not believe
this lie.
Acts 2:1-4
1 And when the Day of Pentecost [Shavu’ot] was fully come, they were all with
one accord in one place. 2 And suddenly there came a sound from Heaven as of A
RUSHING MIGHTY WIND, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. 3 And
there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of
them. 4 And they were all filled with the HOLY GHOST [HOLY SPIRIT], and began to
speak with other tongues, as the SPIRIT gave them utterance.
You are saved when you truly strive to obey every Word YAHUSHUA says and I
YAHUVEH and when you get on your knees and you say, “Come into my heart. Come
into my life. Come into my soul. Come into my body. Come into my mind. YAHUSHUA
take over. Live YOUR life through me. For YOU gave YOUR life so that I could be
set free from the devil and the demons and from hell! YOU did it in such a way
no one can deny.”
That’s why even the initials B.C. (Before CHRIST) has not been erased from the
time of history for they know that HE lived. And HE still lives and is alive.
I, YAHUVEH, speak to you now. WE need to be comforted! Sing to US! Will you
please sing to US? Will you please weep for US?
Do you know that they call the Holy Scriptures now nothing but ‘fairy tales’? Do
you know how many in this world have turned away even from believing in this
Holy Book called the Bible, the Tanakh. They laugh at MY Torah Laws, those that
apply for today—for remember those who truly are MY children understand what
applies to now. But the 10 Commandments (Ex 20:1-17; Dt 5:4-21) you cannot
escape. For you are to love the LORD thy GOD—above all else—and that means the
Do not just speak to the FATHER, I YAHUVEH, but speak to YAHUSHUA WHO paid the
PRICE at Calvary and speak to IMMAYAH the SWEET HOLY SPIRIT that waits for you,
that I announce before the world WHO SHE is. SHE is WISDOM (Proverbs 1-9; also
see Books of Wisdom).
Proverbs 3: 15-18
SHE is more precious than rubies: and all the things thou canst desire are not
to be compared unto HER. 16 Length of days is in HER Right Hand; and in HER Left
Hand riches and honour. 17 HER ways are ways of pleasantness, and all HER paths
are peace. 18 SHE is a TREE OF LIFE to them that lay hold upon HER: and happy is
every one that retaineth HER.
Now I tell you another secret that I told Elisheva long ago. Every day she
awoke—and remember this Ministry has been online for over 22 years but she
started long before that—to ask ME, “What is it YOU want me to know today?”
And I gave her these instructions I now pass on to you, if you so choose to do.
There will be a blessing in it and again I do not speak to the heathen, I speak
to those who truly know ME and know MY SON and know WHO the HOLY SPIRIT is. For
the others, you will not understand.
You take that Bible, one with a soft binder that can open up, and you pray over
that Bible. You pray protection. You rebuke satan and you make sure no sin is
within, that you have asked forgiveness of any sin. And you do this after
communion. These are new instructions I give on Shavuot in 2017. For I love to
teach you new, even though for Elisheva it is old.
And you say, “ABBA YAHUVEH I come to YOU with praise, and love and thanksgiving.
Thank YOU for YOUR SON YAHUSHUA to be my LORD, GOD & SAVIOUR. For thus saith the
Word, ‘Submit yourself to the LORD YAHUSHUA and resist the devil and he must
flee!’ (see Jms 4:7). So therefore I quote this Scripture to thee. For YOUR Word
cannot return unto YOU void (Is 55:11). And I ask of YOU, use this Word now.
Speak to me. Open this Bible as I right now plead the Blood of YAHUSHUA over
You can even anoint it, the cover, and ask ME, “In the NAME OF YAHUSHUA, SWEET
HOLY SPIRIT, RUACH HA KODESH, IMMAYAH, where do YOU want me to read today? What
do YOU want to speak to me today?” and watch as you hold it in your hand closed,
see if I will not open it.
See if I will not have the Sweet Hands of the RUACH HA KODESH open it. It must
have a soft binder. But look and see how it will just open ever so slowly and a
Word will be seen by your eyes and where your eye hits, is what I want you to
Perhaps it will be the same entire chapter. Perhaps it will only be a sentence.
Perhaps you just seek one word. I want to speak to you. I want you to read MY
Word. I want you to see it’s alive. I want it to be heard!
“What is it ABBA YAH YOU have to say to me today? In the NAME OF YAHUSHUA HA
MASHIACH, I pray.”
Watch and see what I will do. Like for right now, I keep telling Elisheva and
Ezra something they do not yet understand but I give thee explanations. If not
right away, keep pondering on it until you get the message I want you to know.
And I have given them first [chapter of] Ezekiel, verse 17. And I’ve even told
them to turn the page. I want them to know a certain Word. And I’m only saying
this now so they will be reminded. But you too can look.
Ezekiel 1:17
When they went, they went upon their four sides: and they turned not when they
I just want you to start the day—without any excuses—of hearing MY Words, even
if it be on your cell phone. Read MY Words. Ask ME, “What book do YOU want me to
read today?” Whether it be in the Old [Testament] or the New [Testament] that
really is one [Testament], ask ME. For it will be something I want you to know
that you need to know at the stage of life that you’re in.
To the heathen, this will not work. This is not like a psychic prediction. I
speak these Words to the Holy now. I want to give you more if you can take it.
And I want to show you MY Word is alive.
And as for the Prophecies, read a Prophecy a day! You ask ME which Prophecy. I
promise to bless you and show you.
MY Words are alive! The letter killeth and the SPIRIT giveth life (2 Cor 3:6)!
The HOLY SPIRIT will give life and no matter how many times you read the
Prophecies you will see just like that Bible, the Words are alive.
2 Corinthians 3:6
[GOD] WHO also hath made us able ministers of the new testament; not of the
letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life.
And you will read Words and you will see a sentence that you had not understood
or comprehended before. It will be like it leaps right off the pages and it will
be words that you need to know at that stage of your life.
This is what I want to teach you on Shavu’ot, on the celebration—a
celebration!—so many thousands were saved (Acts 2:41, 47 etc) as the SWEET HOLY
SPIRIT fell on so many at the same time and they spoke in new tongues .
It was not only tongues of men, of [human] languages that they did not know, but
it is tongues of angels (1 Co 13:1). And the devil cannot comprehend nor
understand, even the Words that are being spoken now. So I desire for you to
learn these lessons now.
MY Words are a lamp unto your feet (Ps 119:105). Let ME guide you by MY Words.
Psalm 119:105
Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.
They are footsteps—for even in the darkest of the darkest hour.
Meditate on Psalm 91: the answers are there even for the Jews if they will but
comprehend; the NAME OF YAHUSHUA is there—teaching of Salvation, teaching the
Sacred Names, those who call out in MY NAME! Jews hear ME!
Psalm 91:14-16
14 Because he hath set his love upon ME, therefore will I deliver him: I will
set him on high, because he hath known MY NAME. 15 He shall call upon ME, and I
will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour
him. 16 With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him MY SALVATION.
What child doesn’t know the father’s name (Pr 30:4)?
Proverbs 30:4
WHO hath ascended up into Heaven, or descended? […] WHO hath established all the
ends of the earth? what is HIS NAME, and what is HIS SON’S NAME, if thou canst
—satan has deceived you! He does not want you to speak MY NAME forth.
In MY NAME and in the NAME OF YAHUSHUA MY SON that was crucified at Calvary and
raised again from the dead so you could be set free, oh MY darling ones, listen
to ME!
The Book is not fairy tales! And when I say “the Book,” I speak of the Holy
Scriptures, the Bible, even some of the Lost Books (see Library) but some are
counterfeit so beware—satan always counterfeits the genuine.
And when you pray together and when you pray alone, ask ME in the NAME OF
YAHUSHUA, “DADDY YAH, ABBA YAH, what is it YOU have to say to me?”
Just even if you do it one time a day. But whenever you need a Word from ME,
when you need a Word of comfort, I gave this Book. And those who say, “Oh it was
only written by men,” will be the same one who will say, “Oh this is only just a
Word coming from a woman,” but it’s so, so much more (2 Tim 3:16; 2 Pt 1:21).
2 Timothy 3:16-17
16 All Scripture is given by INSPIRATION OF GOD, and is profitable for doctrine,
for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 17 That the man
of GOD may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.
2 Peter 1:20-21
20 Knowing this first, that no Prophecy of the Scripture is of any private
interpretation. 21 For the Prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but
Holy men of GOD spake as they were moved by the HOLY GHOST [HOLY SPIRIT].
Remember it will be the text that your eyes will fall upon and perhaps you’ll
have to turn a page to put the context in it. Remember the context of the verses
that you read, must apply.
WE are the HOLY TRINITY. Let no one tell you that WE are not. And as you bow
down before I YAHUVEH, you bow down before YAHUSHUA & IMMAYAH the SWEET RUACH HA
KODESH. And WE will lift you up and we will tell you this, you are but children
in OUR Eyes. You cannot come to Heaven in any other way—no matter how much
education you think you have (Mt 2:3-4). When you come to Heaven, it will be
cast away and only the Words that I have spoken will apply, the Words that
YAHUSHUA spoke (Mt 24:35).
Matthew 18:3-4
3 And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little
children, ye shall not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. 4 Whosoever therefore
shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the Kingdom
of Heaven.
1 Corinthians 3:19-20
19For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with GOD. For it is written, HE
taketh the wise in their own craftiness. 20And again, YAHUVEH knoweth the
thoughts of the wise, that they are vain.
Listen to IMMAYAH. Listen to the SWEET HOLY SPIRIT, the words of WISDOM WHO
[the] King James Version Bible calls a “SHE” (see Proverbs, Mt 11:19; Lk 7:35).
Listen to the words so WE can speak. And as you listen do not just listen, read
it aloud. Do not just read it to yourself. Let the words flow forth from your
lips. And do your best and strive to obey. And learn [that] the instructions
that I have given you must, must be obeyed.
You who are the Bride of YAHUSHUA, you already know who you are for you treasure
these Words. You treasure the shavu’ot [weeks]—you know that you could not have
been saved without, not only, the NAME and the BLOOD OF YAHUSHUA but [also] the
COMFORTER had to come, the SWEET HOLY SPIRIT. I will not let you down! I told
you this!
WE treasure you! Do you know that we treasure each one of OUR children
Do you know this? WE know our children: WE know where you are weak; WE know
where you are strong. IMMAYAH the SWEET RUACH HA KODESH, the HOLY SPIRIT, when
you truly are saved, lives within you—how could SHE not know?
And it depends on how much you’ve done. What have you done for YAHUSHUA? How
many souls have you brought to YAHUSHUA—even if you’ve just told one?
Do you know that YAHUSHUA gives you as a gift to ME?
And [HE] says, “FATHER see, I’m not going to miss one whose name has been
written in the LAMB’S Book of Life. No matter what must be done, even though I
must bring them to their lowest—even though they think their life has been
destroyed—I will have them look up and I will have them repent and ask
forgiveness and accept ME, the BLOOD ATONEMENT. And I will tell them to obey and
I will tell them I forgive them.”
And then I will present them as a gift to YOU.
And then it’s up to them whether they continue to walk Holy and listen to the
Words that I speak and the words are in the Holy Scriptures. It is their choice
and it’s already been preordained as Romans 8 clearly says.
Romans 8: 29
For whom HE did foreknow, HE also did predestinate to be conformed to the image
of HIS SON, that HE might be the FIRSTBORN among many brethren.
And then I say, “Here I bring you another and I bring another.”
But how do I do this? I use you MY children. I use you like this little one
speaking now. I use MY Prophets. I use you even those who are not prophets.
You don’t need to be a prophet to bring a soul to Heaven. Just speak the truth
that’s in the Holy Scriptures. Just tell them they must obey the Holy Scriptures
and tell them when they fall, [you have a MESSIAH]—for none are perfect (Ro
3:23) even the prophet speaking needs a MESSIAH for none are perfect. But
keeping the 10 Commandments is the first baby steps you must take, then you go
on to the Torah that applies for today.
You see YAHUSHUA is GOD also—remember WE are ONE! Remember how many times HE
said, I cannot do anything I have not seen MY FATHER [do], did and does. I
cannot speak anything HE does not speak and has spoken (compare Jn 5:19-30)
John 5: 19
Then answered YAHUSHUA and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The
SON can do nothing of HIMSELF, but what HE seeth the FATHER do: for what things
soever HE doeth, these also doeth the SON likewise. 20 For the FATHER loveth the
SON, and sheweth HIM all things that HIMSELF doeth: and HE will shew HIM greater
works than these, that ye may marvel. 30 I can of MINE OWN SELF do nothing: as I
hear, I judge: and MY judgment is just; because I seek not MINE own will, but
the will of the FATHER which hath sent ME.
For YAHUSHUA cannot lie. I YAHUVEH cannot lie and the SWEET HOLY SPIRIT cannot
lie (Ro 3:3-5). So remember this my darling children.
Children, oh children, oh children, oh children, you are in the end of the end
days—now—it is no longer minutes away, you are seconds away in MY time. And I
give you these new instructions.
You do not miss doing the communions. It is a reminder of the PRICE, YAHUSHUA
paid at Calvary but remember you must repent of your sins first. You must repent
and you must be living a life of Holiness. Otherwise MY children you are
drinking the cup of damnation (1 Co 11:28-29).
1 Corinthians 11:28-29
28 But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of
that cup. 29 For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh
damnation to himself, not discerning the LORD’S BODY.
Remember this MY children, ask forgiveness before you take that communion wafer,
a piece of bread, whatever you have to represent the bread that is the [body of]
flesh that was YAHUSHUA that was hung on that cross.
And the blood, it is atonement for your sins. HE paid the PRICE. One drop is all
it would have taken to cleanse this world of the sins that now is within if they
would but receive.
So you take that grape juice or you take whatever you have. You go and you read
the instructions for communion, it is never the same—would you speak the same
words of love to a loved one, your spouse? Speak to YAHUSHUA as if HE were your
spouse for HE is to be the LOVE OF YOUR LIFE as I AM the LOVE OF YOUR LIFE, as
the HOLY SPIRIT is the LOVE OF YOUR LIFE. No one must ever come before.
You must always remember, do not love the gifts that I have given you more than
HA KODESH. Your children, your spouses must always come second.
Oh MY children, MY children, MY children, MY children! MY Babies, MY Bride, MY
Elect, all of you are being tested. And you have been sorely tested. But for
those of you who are doing your best to live in Holiness and leaving the rest at
the cross at Calvary and asking YAHUSHUA, “Oh set me free and forgive me,” you
are forgiven. But beware of the churches that now stand (Jude 1:4). For many of
them say—yea I say the majority will tell you—“Don’t worry about sinning
Jude 1:4
For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to
this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the Grace of our GOD into
lasciviousness, and denying the ONLY LORD GOD, and OUR LORD YAHUSHUA HA
You cannot put the religions together. Did not YAHUSHUA say before HE left, as
the word says, the Holy Scripture, the Bible, “MY desire for you is to be one” (Jn
17:20-23)? That is not a Muslim. For they do not receive YAHUSHUA as MESSIAH.
They have their own prophet, Mohammed and that will not get you into Heaven.
John 17:20-23
20 Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on ME
through their word; 21 That they all may be one; as THOU, FATHER, art in ME, and
I in THEE, that they also may be one in US: that the world may believe that THOU
hast sent ME. 22 And the GLORY which thou gavest ME I have given them; that they
may be one, even as WE are ONE: 23 I in them, and THOU in ME, that they may be
made perfect in one; and that the world may know that THOU hast sent ME, and
hast loved them, as THOU hast loved ME.
So what Trump has done—when even the Pope claims he is god [LINK TO Prophecy
66]—I will tell you in secret at another time what is going on.
For the Trump that Elisheva prophesied of, there is more than one [Trump].
Clones are real and doubles are real. So I will explain more on this at another
You cannot mix Catholicism—what the pope preaches now and says, as he carries a
twisted cross that mocks YAHUSHUA and proclaims himself as god that he has
anything to do with YAHUSHUA [Salvation Prayer] with anything to do with the
Holy Scriptures.
For sin is sin and it has not changed no matter the so-called modern times that
you think that you’re in.
Remember the trials of your faith is more precious than gold (1 Pt 1:7). You who
suffer much and you wonder why when you belong to ME and you live Holy before
ME—and you worship YAHUSHUA and HIS NAME is continually on your lips and
continually you are praying and you bring souls to ME and you work so hard for
ME—and yet you suffer so much, remember this. “The trials of your faith [are]
more precious than gold” (1 Pt 1:7).
Remember Job. Read the book of Job. Remember “many are the afflictions of the
righteous” (Ps 34:19)—I did not say few, I said—many are the afflictions of the
righteous, but I the LORD thy GOD YAHUVEH in the NAME OF YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH,
will deliver you from each one. If it is not here on earth, it’s going to be in
Psalm 34:19
Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but YAHUVEH delivereth him out of
them all.
And Elisheva, and now I speak to you MY beloved Israeli Prophet Ezra, MY
Apostle, as both you are—and I speak to both of you who are the Ringmaiden and
the Ringbearer, now that the counterfeit is gone, now I tell you this. Anyone
who tries to rip your relationship of husband and wife apart, the more I shall
pour MY vengeance down. And it shall come straight from Heaven.
And I shall take the lives not only of them in an agonizing way at the time they
least expect, but I will take anything of value including their jobs (see Dt
28). I mean anything and anyone including their children. [That goes] for anyone
who tries to destroy this Holy Ministry that does not belong to any woman or
man, but truly is birthed from Heaven and anyone who tries to rip and tear apart
the Holy Prophecies that do not come from any woman or man—I only use this woman
as a Holy vessel, a Messenger that I can trust, [also] as I use this Holy man.
This is what a Prophet does. They tell the secrets so you will not be surprised
where others will not open their eyes. You will not find everything in the Holy
Book called the Bible for there are other books such as I said and that is the
Book of Enoch—there are other books mentioned even in the Scriptures of the
Bible: the Book of Jasher you were told to study and read—how many even know
this?—and the Book of Enoch.
I warn you. You had better not touch this anointed one—you had better not touch
MY anointed sons and daughters. It is better you cover your mouth.
You will know a false prophet. They will not lead you to Heaven. They will not
tell you to repent. They will not tell you to rebuke the devil. They will not
teach you how. They will not foretell what is to come. They will just use the
news that anyone can use.
I say this again. Do not touch this Ministry! For it plainly and humbly says—and
Elisheva is not even allowed in a video so you do not think or look at her as if
she is GOD just because she speaks forth GOD’s Words; she is merely saved by the
Blood, the same Blood that you are [saved by].
And I have set her and Ezra apart to do the Mission and the jobs that I have
ordained and I have appointed them to do, as I have appointed you to do.
But you must be the one who seeks ME to find out: Why was I born on this earth?
How can I help YOU? How can I comfort YOU? What is it YOU want me to say? What
is it YOU want me to do?
Do not expect this Prophet to have the answer for you. At times I will tell her,
but they cannot reply to thousands upon thousands of emails. They cannot reply
to thousands upon thousands, yea I would even say millions of letters, of phone
calls and communications. They cannot even speak your language. They must rely
on others to translate the languages.
Oh enemies, you reprobates, you are the ones I hate! And you say, “Oh but YOU
should not hate us!” But did not David say, ‘Should I not hate those that hate
you? Yes I should hate them with a perfect hatred’ (Ps 139:21). What is a
perfect hatred? It is those who I call reprobate Jeremiah 6, read it!
Psalm 139:21-22
21 Do not I hate them, O Lord, that hate thee? and am not I grieved with those
that rise up against thee? 22 I hate them with perfect hatred: I count them mine
Jeremiah 6: 28-30
28 They are all grievous revolters, walking with slanders: they are brass and
iron; they are all corrupters. 29 The bellows are burned, the lead is consumed
of the fire; the founder melteth in vain: for the wicked are not plucked away.
30 Reprobate silver shall men call them, because the Lord hath rejected them.
The story of the 5 Wise Virgins! Read it! (See Mt 25 below.) There’s only 5 Wise
Virgins and I don’t literally mean the number 5—I mean those who truly obey.
And there are the prayer intercessors called “YAHUSHUA’S demon stompers” that I
sent the Holy angels to her personally, with her own eyes she saw the wings. She
felt the feathers. She heard the words. And I gave that name! And woe be unto
anyone who was part of this prayer intercessory group that I trusted—yet I knew,
just like Judas it could only be for so long and they betrayed them [the
Ministry] as they could not take the standard of living and the Holiness.
Look upon this and I have told them this secret: When Moshe (Moses) went to the
top of Mount Sinai for the 10 Commandments, the 10 Laws that I, YAHUVEH, wrote
with MY fiery finger and I meditated16 with him as I taught him so much. I
listened to him speak and I listened to his questions and they were many. And he
spoke to ME and he asked ME questions, they were many.
Oh but the children of Israel that I had brought forth out of the slavery of
Egypt, they could not wait for him to return. And they asked Aaron, “Where is
he? He’s not coming back, so we’re going to go make our own gods.” And they took
the gold and the silver, and they took the jewels and the gems, and they made a
golden calf to worship it and they fell before it. And they worshipped something
they could see and all kinds of debauchery was done from homosexuality to
fornication, to all the sins I need not name to where when Moses came down this
is what he saw (see Ex 32).
And Ezra and Elisheva you have wondered why there are those who joined the YDS,
“YAHUSHUA’S demon stompers” prayer intercessors, who came and actually lived
with you but could not take the standard of Holiness that is required to be the
Bride of YAHUSHUA, the 5 Wise Virgins (see later, Mt 24). But now you understand
as I gave a private Word to you today and I told you no longer cry and grieve
when they leave you and they turn into an enemy or they just walk away quietly.
Now you are to look upon them and no longer grieve. And you are to remember they
turned away from what I taught. For all of them knew the Prophecies were true,
even those who walked away. And someone who was once called a leader, before
Ezra, told you one day—on your 14th [wedding] anniversary day and you know that
it has been over 7 years [that] he refused to do what I told him to do. He was
never a leader.
There’s never been a leader to this Ministry but one and that’s until Ezra came.
Now there’s a male leader. Before, it was only you. Before, it was only you
Elisheva. There never was another leader except one and it was you Eilsheva that
heard MY instructions from Heaven and did obey.
But now I bring Judah and Ephraim together (Ezk 37:19). And I want you to
celebrate that on Shavuot. I bring you an Israeli Prophet, Ezra, and this
Ministry has gone a different way as I teach you more, the Jewish ways, as Judah
and Ephraim have been married together.
Ezekiel 37:19-22
19 Say unto them, Thus saith YAHUVEH GOD; Behold, I will take the stick of
Joseph, which is in the hand of Ephraim, and the tribes of Israel his fellows,
and will put them with him, even with the stick of Judah, and make them one
stick, and they shall be one in mine hand. 20 And the sticks whereon thou
writest shall be in thine hand before their eyes. 21 And say unto them, Thus
saith YAHUVEH GOD; Behold, I will take the children of Israel from among the
heathen, whither they be gone, and will gather them on every side, and bring
them into their own land
Neither of them will ever teach you to sin. If they ever teach you to sin, then
that’s when you are to run away. They will never tell you to look at any other
god than the HOLY TRINITY. They will never teach you to turn away from the Holy
Scriptures, then tell you there is another MESSIAH. For I have anointed them to
only tell you the truth.
So again I say war has been decreed from Heaven, from I YAHUVEH. For all of
those that have written their words that on this Internet have stayed, and full
of lies and slander, you are reprobate in MY eyes! You shall hang where the
fallen angels hang in that which Enoch calls the 3rd Heaven,18 but you know it
as hell. And your suffering and your torturing shall even be greater than the
fallen angels for you who have done this.
You never would repent even though you know I speak the Truths through her. You
made a deal with the devil and you refuse to get out of it. And you will pay a
price for every tear that has been shed when you have hurt this leadership and
those who minister along her side.
For every time you slandered and you libelled their names, for every tear that
was shed, I multiply it now a million times—as once again I wait and I tell them
do not release this Word until Shavu’ot day—you who mocked the Holy tongues, I
will show you how I mock you as everything is taken away. For all you reprobates
and all of you who refuse to repent, listen to this. Go read Deuteronomy 28, the
curses of I YAHUVEH! For you will reap each and every one!
And all of you who strive to obey and worship YAHUSHUA & I YAHUVEH & IMMAYAH
(the SWEET RUACH HA KODESH, the HOLY SPIRIT), read Deuteronomy 28, the blessings
that I have reserved for you who strive to obey every Word I say.
Why would I say, “Be Ye Holy as I am Holy,” (1 Pt 1:16 etc) if there was no such
thing as Holiness? It’s because I put the RUACH HA KODESH within you so you know
right from wrong and you know when you’re sinning and when you’re not.
Do not assume that you sin each day. For when I say all have sinned and fell
short of the glory of YAH (Ro 3:23), it just means sometime in your life you had
done this before you gave your life to YAHUSHUA. But no one, no one, no one who
truly belongs to YAHUSHUA will premeditate sin (1 Jn 5:16-17), will already
ahead [of time] plan to see how far they can lean over hell before they fall in.
1 John 5: 16-17
16 If you see a fellow believer sinning in a way that does not lead to death,
you should pray, and GOD will give that person life. But there is a sin that
leads to death, and I am not saying you should pray for those who commit it. 17
All wicked actions are sin, but not every sin leads to death. 18 We know that
God’s children do not make a practice of sinning [i.e. do not premeditate sin].
These are the Words of Comfort I have for you as you take the time to comfort
Weep for US the HOLY TRINITY. You see WE didn’t want—and hell was not built for
humanity. WE did not want you to sin. WE did not want you to rebel in Heaven.
You already worked out that decision, whose side you would fight on, whether it
would be I YAHUVEH’S or lucifer’s.19 And now you work out your own salvation
with fear and trembling (Phil 2:12). For your soul already knows where it will
But no one is reprobate if they still desire—and even hear these Words now and
know they are Truth. Just repent. Ask forgiveness of YAHUSHUA. Ask for a new
beginning and your sins will be as far away as the East is from the West.
For there is one sin that can never be forgiven and that is blasphemy [of the
HOLY SPIRIT] (Mt 12:31 etc). But remember when you call that which is good evil
(Is 5:20), you are also in great danger of your soul for you have not insulted
that person. You’ve insulted I YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA & IMMAYAH. There are different
definitions of the word blasphemy, so you repent while there is yet a chance.
Isaiah 5:20
20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for
light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
Comfort US. How do you think WE feel knowing that one who says they love US from
the start, receive the Ministry, receive the Prophecies in love, thank them for
leading them to YAHUSHUA. How many emails come and how many times it’s been
said, “Thank you, thank you for leading us and teaching us that abortion is a
sin, homosexuality is a sin” (for your churches will not preach what Holiness is
anymore) and then you fall away. And you don’t even fall quickly. You fall
slowly as rebellion and your own desire to live your life creeps within. And one
day you open your eyes and you realize you fell from Grace. You fell from Mercy.
Now that’s all that’s left is reprobate.
You are held accountable for what you know (Mt 12:36).
So I’ve given instructions to Elisheva and to Ezra. Elisheva is not to shed
another tear for another one that she calls a “child” [yet falls away].
For you see and I speak to all those around the world now, you are not just a
congregation to them. When you accept the truths of this Ministry and the
Prophecies, they are told to call you “children.” And they pray for you as
children. And Elisheva’s been given a heart of IMMAYAH. And MY Ezra, he is like
a Moshe of New as she is as an Eliyahu of New. So beware when you offend them.
But know when you send blessings—even if they can’t write you back or call you,
they can only do this when I tell them to—they do read these blessings and they
send those same blessings back to you.
And “YAHUSHUA’S demon stompers,” the true faithful ones, Elisheva and Ezra do
not even know all your names for you’re spread all over the world. And there’s
500,000 that are gathered on a wall. It’s a spiritual wall for this Ministry is
a Temple without walls for it encompasses the world in now over 45 languages
that they know of.
But it has been spread by word of mouth and even when they speak in tongues for
the Holy ones [saints, believers], they do not even know they lift these two’s
names up. And I tell you listen, listen, listen, listen and ask ME who they are.
And to the Holy ones [saints, believers that live Holy], I will tell you the
Truth. And you will be pleased when they send a blessing back to you.
These are the Words of comfort I have for you.
When I weep, when WE weep, the HOLY TRINITY, and WE do weep for each one that
falls even though WE know you’re going to fall and never rise again and hell
will be your home—WE still created you and as a baby WE loved you until the time
you turned reprobate.
And for the Guests, remember all are blessed who are invited to the Marriage
Supper of the LAMB (Rv 19:9). The Bride is only 288,000 (Rev 14 & 7) and WE are
weeding them out and it all has to do with obedience. Will you obey? Or will you
turn away? Will you only be lukewarm and still think you’re going to get into
Remember again the Parable of the 5 Wise Virgins. Remember there was also the
Foolish [virgins] there, but there’s one more group (Mt 25:11-12) that seldom
are mentioned: and it’s those who beat on the door of the BRIDEGROOM after
YAHUSHUA went into the chamber and HE locked the door. And they beat on the door
and they said, “Let us in” just like they did at Noah’s Ark and he said, “Go
away you workers of iniquity for I never knew you.”23
Matthew 24
25 “Then the Kingdom of Heaven shall be likened to ten virgins who took their
lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. 2 Now five of them were wise, and
five were foolish. 3 Those who were foolish took their lamps and took no oil
with them, 4 but the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. 5 But
while the Bridegroom was delayed, they all slumbered and slept.
6 “And at midnight a cry was heard: ‘Behold, the bridegroom is coming; go out to
meet him!’ 7 Then all those virgins arose and trimmed their lamps. 8 And the
foolish said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going
out.’ 9 But the wise answered, saying, ‘No, lest there should not be enough for
us and you; but go rather to those who sell, and buy for yourselves.’ 10 And
while they went to buy, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in
with him to the wedding; and the door was shut.
11 “Afterward the other virgins came also, saying, ‘Lord, Lord, open to us!’ 12
But he answered and said, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, I do not know you.’
13 “Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour in which the BEN
ADAM [SON OF ADAM [& SON OF YAH] is coming.
Make sure you really know WHO GOD THE FATHER and GOD THE SON and GOD THE HOLY
SPIRIT, that all THREE are ONE, make sure WHO you really know although WE are
separate WE still always agree and always are ONE.
And these are the reprobates that beat on that door. These are the ones there is
no forgiveness for.
Oh grieve for US! Weep for US! Comfort US!
I give you a beautiful world. Now the skies are poison. The water is poison. The
food is poison. You must pray over everything. Take nothing for granted. Even
the very clothes you wear—you know not—chemicals have been placed there to kill
Now the rulers of this evil world of satan (Eph 6:12 etc)—when Adam fell this
world fell into the hand of satan, and the satanic elite, the illuminati rose up
and now all they say, “We must kill. There’s too great of a population.” And so
they poison the skies and it’s called “chemtrails” and it’s meant so plagues
will walk in.
That’s why I told you to memorize Psalm 91 as I told Elisheva in 2001. Repeat it
each day. Claim it. Stand on it and also Psalm 23, hang on to it. Don’t let go!
And the more you find ways to comfort US as WE see what they’ve done to this
earth—as WE see what Monsanto has done, as WE see now they even make jewellery
of the aborted foetuses and you know it not. You think you’re putting face cream
on to restore your youth. You know it not and there, is blood of DNA.
Oh MY children! MY children! MY children! There’s only 2 ways out of this world!
You better get on your knees now before it’s too late!
I tell you this, now Salvation is free but if you are not of the Bride of the
288,000 (Revelation 7 & Revelation 14)—and [Bride of] Revelation 14, I tell you
this, you are to go before [Bride of] Revelation 7. And there is another secret
that I will not reveal now that Elisheva and Ezra and “YAHUSHUA’S demon
stompers” know, there is one thing more that must happen. And I speak not of the
things of this world. I speak of a Heavenly Revelation, a gift I’ve given to
Ezra and Elisheva, but they still are Revelation 14—to the others I say: If you
cannot do it now when it is free, how will you do it in the Great Tribulation?
How will you accept ME in the Great Tribulation, MY SON YAHUSHUA in the Great
Tribulation when you are told, “All religions are to be one”?—when it’s already
been—a President has already signed it into executive order that which I did not
want done. For all religions and those who serve other gods, do not serve I
Never can all religions join together and expect to be found in Heaven—if they
do not repent and turn away from the false gods—they have done nothing more than
build a golden calf just as in the time of Moses (Moshe) on Mt. Sinai that I
have just told the story of.
WE need to be comforted. WE need to be known—that WE are loved. WE need to hear
that WE are treasured. WE need to know that you care when the aborted babies are
just discarded as garbage and their organs are sold and they are torn out even
when they are alive.
Don’t you think WE cry when the satanic ritual abuse and torture and the
sodomizing—even [to] newborns—is done? Is there anything more beautiful than a
newborn or a child? Yet you stand there quiet and do nothing! You’re afraid to
even join a march to protest and say, “We are to protect our children! We are
not to kill our children!”
How many of you are there at these marches as these men are not afraid to lay
their life down or even be jailed? You are cowards in MY Eyes and at the Throne
of Judgment you will hear and you will know what I have to say as I tell you,
“Depart from ME ye workers of iniquity” for you never even cared when you heard
of these atrocities that I call the pedophiles.
You do not know, you do not understand. You think you can get away with just
denying the truth but you’re not going to after reading this! No, you’re not
going to after reading this! For you’re going to be held accountable for what
you know (Mt 12:36)!
What do you do to support them? How and—what do you do to encourage those who
will lay their life down to say, “Abortion is wrong, abortion is sin, abortion
is murder!”
You cannot fornicate with children and think that I the CREATOR YAHUVEH have
blinded MY Eyes and deafened MY Ears or shut MY Mouth to the cries and to the
screams of the little innocent ones.
Oh you will see! On this earth, you think you are free to do these atrocities
and I speak to you who call yourself a “father”! You are no father! You are
biological sperm that was made to join with that egg to make a child, but you
are no father!
You who would harm a child (Mt 19:6; Mk 9:42)!
Mark 9:42
And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it is
better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast
into the sea.
And you satanic elite who think this is fun for you’ve had all the fame and the
riches and you’ve done every sin that can be done. So you turn yourself even
more to satan and you say, “What more can I do to serve you?” So even when he
tells you to rip a child apart in two, with your bare hands you will try to rip
their arms off! You will break their fingers off! You will drink their blood!
You will smear it on the face and they will call it “face cream”.
You don’t know what’s in that cream! You don’t know what’s in that lipstick! You
don’t know what they have done—only the satanic elite as they laugh at you.
Even these who think they have spoken against the atrocities, you must truly
pray over everything you use on this earth!
You do not know what is in the skies that’s already been hidden from your eyes.
All you can see are the streaks of white but you don’t know what’s coming down.
I will tell you what’s coming down, but it will not yet be on this Shavuot. Not
at yet this time. I will tell you this. It’s not on this day, in this Prophecy,
but it’s coming up. And even this Prophet is going to take a chance for she
knows who is in control of the Internet.
Children, those who I call MY children, take MY Word seriously [to fight against
the pedophilia] (see Mk 9:42 above).
You who have done these, ritual abuse, satanic sacrifices of children and
fornication and sodomizing, you will hang on the level of hell just as the Book
of Enoch says with the fallen angels. And they who thought they were so great
and mighty and once they were and now it just says in the Book of Enoch, they
scream in torture. This is where you will go.
So you think you got away with murder. And you know who I speak of, oh
politicians. You’re in the Congress. You’re in the Senate. You’re in the
Judicial system. You’ve even been presidents and I speak to the USA now. And yet
I do not stop there. I speak to the UK.
I speak to every [land] around this world. You know, and the people will know,
who they are.
I try to keep the tongues shorter now, so you do not lose interest. As I build
the boldness up in MY child, this Prophet, this Apostle, MY Ringmaiden, but I
want to speak plainly.
Even to those who call yourself the Bride of YAHUSHUA, you better just pray that
you’re counted worthy to be called the Bride of YAHUSHUA until you really reach
Heaven. For there’s many traps that satan has set. And how many have already
fallen into it?
So comfort US! Ask US, what can we do for YOU oh HEAVENLY FATHER?
Do you know this? The Word says this—and that is the Bible—that the very rocks
shall cry out and they will praise ME when you don’t praise ME. (Scrip)
Do you know this? I tell you a secret.
When YAHUSHUA comes in all of HIS GLORY—and I speak not of the First Coming, I
speak not of when it’s the time of the catching up, [rapture]—I speak of when
all the world is going to know, [when] reprobates have cried out. They will cry
to the very mountains to fall on them and hide them from HE—I YAHUVEH—WHO SITS
ON THE THRONE and from the Wrath of the LAMB WHO is YAHUSHUA (Rv 6:16)!
You see, only one time was YAHUSHUA crucified! Only one time did HE say, “FATHER
forgive them” (Lk 23:34) for they know it not. Only one time—unless you
repent—will HE ask for your forgiveness.
Oh but when YAHUSHUA comes and all will see—I tell you this secret—there’s going
to be a symphony. There’s going to be the most beautiful music that all the
world will hear.
This is what MY Heavenly ones, you Holy ones who listen now, washed in the SHED
BLOOD OF YAHUSHUA, who pray in the NAME OF YAHUSHUA, who live for the NAME OF
YAHUSHUA, who have laid your own lives down and said, “Live YOUR life through
me—not my desires be done but YOUR desires be done, not my words be spoken but
YOUR Words be spoken.”
I speak to you a secret—for Ezra, MY beloved Ezra, you come to ME as a child and
you ‘delight ME so’ as you say, and I ask you this through these lips of clay of
Elisheva and I say, “Ezra do you want to know a secret?” And oh how much delight
I take in you, how much IMMAYAH laughs and smiles, how YAHUSHUA smiles with a
big twinkle in HIS Eye as you say, “Yes, yes! Tell us a secret.”
There shall be a symphony and it shall be what all the creation waits for. For
they groan and they wail now and you know it not (Ro 8: 19-23)—as extinction,
extinction comes of that which used to be on this earth and is no more but will
be once again.
And the creation will—and the manifestations, it shall be there: the
manifestations of the sons of YAH and that includes the daughters. They shall
help bring all this about. For they cry out and they say—all of creation cries
out and they wait and they say (Ro 8:19-23)—and I speak again of the creatures
of this earth. They wait and they wait and they wait. And it’s just as the rest
of the Bride wait for the manifestations of the sons of YAH and they wait and I
tell you this, you are going to hear this symphony, that’s going to be every
creation that’s going to sing to ME.
They are going to sing just like the birds sing songs of praise to ME each
morning, even though the so-called—poison trails that they call—chemtrails
that’s meant to kill you and yet I will confound the scientists. And those who
truly belong to ME and stand on Psalm 91, it is not going to affect them as
quickly as it would affect anyone else. I will protect you. I will protect you
if you remember to pray, plead the BLOOD OF YAHUSHUA when you go out.
But I tell you this. Listen to ME now.
Can you picture the lion roaring? Can you picture the tiger? Can you picture not
only the birds singing but can you picture the frogs croaking? Can you picture
the cricket singing? Do you know every animal once had a voice? All the voices
of the animals and all the voices of the crickets that were—all the voices—of
even, even the bumble bee, they shall sing a song to ME just as in the Garden of
Eden before it fell.
I tell you this. Adam was able—as he named them, he spoke to each one of them
and they spoke back. And the voices shall return once again. Doesn’t that excite
you oh beloved ones? Don’t you want to hear this? Don’t you want to know more
secrets? Then just obey ME for these are just little secrets I give unto you.
I could not just put everything in one book. There are so many books and these
Prophecies and these Revelations that you are hearing now—just think of it, just
think of it MY children—you cannot even begin to comprehend what I have waiting
for you, for all of you who have suffered and [are] persecuted because MY SON
Oh MY little ones, oh MY little ones, oh MY little ones! How much I love you!
Not only MY Bride, but you who will be called the Guests at the Wedding Supper
of the LAMB! Do you now know how much I love you? Do you not understand? I want
you, to hold you. I want you to sit on MY lap. Oh MY darling ones, hear ME.
Hear ME today. Oh, hear ME today.
WE need you to comfort US. WE need you to sing to US. WE need you to treasure
and love US. Not only ask of US, ask of US prayers needed, but ask of US, “What
do you want for me today to do for YOU? How can I be pleasing to YOU?”
Do you know how much that would bless US? Do you have any idea how that would
bless US?
Do you know why I created you? Do you know it was for fellowship? Do you
understand I put a bunch of mud together? I took a rib out of a man and I formed
it into a woman. You wonder, “How did the hair get there anyway?”—this is
Elisheva, you laugh and you say. And then you turn to Ezra and you say, “Well
Honey I guess it’s just the same way you got your hair,”
And Ezra you answered the question:
Ezra: The Book of the Secrets of Enoch chapter 30 verse 10, “And on the 6th day
I commanded MY WISDOM to create men from 7 consistencies: one his flesh from the
earth; two his blood from the dew; three his eyes from the sun; four his bones
from the stone; five his intelligence from the swiftness of the angels and from
clouds; sixth his vein and his hair from the grass of the earth and the seventh,
his soul from MY BREATH and from the SPIRIT.”
Elisheva: And that is of the Book—
Ezra: The Book of the Secrets of Enoch.
Elisheva: And Darling what page is that on?
Ezra: It’s Chapter 30 verse 10.
Elisheva: And please don’t go looking for it anywhere else. It’s right here on
this Ministry
Book of Enoch
If you will look at the library of the Lost Books of what they call the Bible
that truly are not lost.
Prophecy Continues:
And these are the Words that I have to say—one more last thing—and that is this:
I want you to know that you are MY children and I want to laugh with you. I want
you to ask ME questions that you may think are silly but I want to laugh and I
want to give you the answers. I want to take delight and teach you. I want to
give you secret revelations like I give Elisheva and Ezra. I take great delight
in those who truly love MY YAHUSHUA and who truly strive each day to obey. And
when they do sin, they quickly, quickly repent. Ask forgiveness right away.
And this isn’t just saying a simple prayer, “If I’ve offended you today then
please forgive me.” Tell ME what you’ve done, so I can cleanse you from that
Oh MY little ones on the Shavu’ot I give you this gift. And I speak plainly to
you not only just in tongues. I speak plainly so everyone can understand.
I know who are MY true children and just because I molded you as the book [of
Enoch] said—I tell you this, when you see the clones and the robots that look
like they are flesh: Remember satan counterfeits. But can he possibly do what I
the CREATOR just said, where can he do that kind of creation?—he cannot—he can
only give you a mirror imitation. They can cause you to make one another to look
alike and they call them clones but I tell you this, I laugh and mock at their
so-called [clones], imitations!
I have surprises in store for you—how I’m going to protect you! When you evil
elite ones think that you’ve got it—and I know that you listen to the true
prophets and you try to duplicate and you try to go before ME so things can’t
happen. And you try to up the time before it’s line upon line and precept upon
precept (Is 28:10). I already know your minds. I know what you’re going to do
and I’ve already gone before you!
And I already know how I’m going to protect MY Beloved Babies, Bride, Chosen
Ones and Elect!
And these are the Words of comfort I give to you.
Now when you hear this, if you receive this, then give ME praise, honor and
glory for I’ve taken the time to speak through MY Ringmaiden. And I’ve given you
the time because I love you so much. I want to get to know you more. I want you
to learn to obey.
I want you to obey YAHUSHUA and never deny HIM, even if it means—and I speak to
the Guests now of the Marriage Supper of the LAMB, you cannot measure up to be
the Bride and you know it, but obey. Just strive to obey and never deny, in that
which I call the Time of Jacob’s Sorrow (Jr 30:7). Never, never deny MY SON
YAHUSHUA’S NAME [in] that which will be called the Great Tribulation, never deny
HIS NAME even though it means your life—even though it means that you will have
to put your head on a cold hard steel guillotine.
And you’ll know before that comes down on your head, you will also cry out to
YAHUSHUA and your spirit will be taken before your flesh can even feel the
And you see oh enemies of MINE, you see they had no, they have no glory. For you
never even felt it! Instead you are standing before ME in Heaven dressed in
white. “Oh who are these who come out of the Great Tribulation dressed in
white,” in a number so great to count (Rv 7:13-17)?
It is you who will be called the Guests at the Marriage Supper of the LAMB.
These are the Words I comfort you with. What words will you comfort ME with? How
will you obey? How will you protest against the abortions and the atrocities
that’s going on in this world today? Will you just keep remaining silent? For
when the good men remain silent the evil prevail. How many of you are silent?
And where are MY churches? Where are those who proclaim the name of JESUS
CHRIST? Why do you not even question the so-called pope? Where is he? I’ll tell
you where he is. He’s not on your side.
But you must protest! You must speak! You must in some way do something to prove
that you really belong to ME and serve YAHUSHUA.
And remember this. Nothing, nothing, nothing is worth the price of missing not
only I YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA & IMMAYAH, the SWEET HOLY SPIRIT. But nothing is worth
missing Heaven! And oh the consequences if you do!
WE want to take great delight and welcome you! But again, it was all
pre-ordained: whether you will listen, whether you will obey, whether you will
repent and come to YAHUSHUA today.
And then when satan says, “Ah ha! I caught you in a sin today!” remember that I
said, call out right away—in the Name of YAHUSHUA—say, “Oh I’m so sorry that I
did this. Please help me not to do it again.” And believe it’s been forgiven at
the Cross, as long as you don’t keep pre-meditating [sin], as long as you don’t
say, “Oh now I have an excuse to sin in every way because YAHUSHUA paid that
price on that cross for me at Calvary.” That’s not why it was done!
And you know you foolish ones the price that you will pay for teaching—and I
speak to the churches now who do this—that “there’s no such thing as sin; do not
worry about this anymore.” And you refuse to speak of Holiness. You refuse
because you’re silent—[silenced] by the governments.
But even [President] Donald Trump said, put an executive order that you are
allowed to speak in freedom at this time. Use it while you can. Use it while you
can for the time is coming oh so shortly and you’re already seeing it as Youtube
censors and Google censors and Facebook censors and every social media—you think
I don’t know their names? You think I didn’t know before-hand this is what would
be done?
Use your freedom MY children while you. And I speak this warning all over the
world. Use this freedom while you can, in any way you can.
And these are the Words I have to say on this, that will be released on,
Shavu’ot 2017.
End of Word.
Ezra: Thank YOU ABBA YAHUVEH, thank YOU YAHUSHUA, thank YOU IMMAYAH for this
wonderful Word that YOU have given us, beautiful revelation and secrets. We
bless YOUR HOLY NAME. We comfort YOU ABBA YAH. We comfort YOU YAHUSHUA. We
Elisheva: ABBA YAHUVEH, I want to thank YOU. I want to praise YOU. I am no
different than anyone else as YOU said. I am just YOUR Messenger. When this
mouth opens up, I know not what YOU’RE going to say. I learn revelations along
with everyone else. I am not one of those educated fools. I do not learn from
any kind of theology school. I am just a sinner saved by grace. And Ezra and I
live our lives each day to have a testimony as unto Enoch, to be found pleasing
unto YOU.
That is our cry and that should be the cry for everyone who wants to be part of
the Bride of YAHUSHUA. Ask to have a testimony as unto Enoch, that you are found
pleasing ABBA YAHUVEH (Heb 11:5-6) and then you won’t have to die and you will
be raptured up into the Heavens, into the sky.
Hebrew 11:5-6
5By faith Enoch was translated [to Heaven] that he should not see death; and was
not found, because GOD had translated him: for before his translation he had
this testimony, that he pleased GOD. 6 But without faith it is impossible to
please HIM: for he that cometh to GOD must believe that HE is, and that HE is a
REWARDER of them that diligently seek HIM.
End of Recording.
So it is spoken, so it is written in the NAME OF YAHUSHUA,
Apostle, Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu
Through Apostle Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu on May 29, 2017
Prophecy 150 DADDY YAH EL SHADDAI'S Invisible Cloak of Protection Against the Evil Reprobates
Brother praying in tongues….I warn you all—those who are coming against this
Ministry AND THESE PROPHECIES and Elisheva and I, all the Ministers of
AmightyWind Ministry—I warn you now, ‘Touch not YAH’S Anointed and do HIS
Prophets no harm’ (Ps 105:15; 1 Ch 16:22) lest the Wrath of the Rod of YAH come
upon you. But for those who are blessed and are a blessing for this Ministry,
and faithful, and who receive the Prophecies, much blessing will come on you—all
to protect what belongs to YAH in the NAME OF YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.
Elisheva: Praying in tongues…
Word begins:
Horror horror horror horror horror. Horrors upon horrors.
(Elisheva: Oh my, someone better get the tape recorder here)
Tongues continue…
No, no no no no no no no no no. Only the most stupid, Donovan (Shimshon), will
believe you. You cannot even pretend? Horror upon horror upon horror upon
horror, that’s all you have to look forward to. You want to mock the HOLY
TRINITY? Caleb has no part of this. You dare to take the picture of him when he
truly has the anointing that he shared with Elisheva?
This is how far you would go, this is how far you will stoop, for you know you
have lost control. Enough of your mind control, it’s broken off of him [Ezra
Caleb]. I AM going to take all of your brains, you reprobates who tried to
control him and did control him for a while, and I am going to make it feel like
it is scrambled eggs. That’s what your brains are, Scrambled eggs! From this day
forth say I YAHUVEH EL SHADDAI, I shall scramble your brains! I shall put the
confusion in you! You will not know if you were running north or south, east or
west! I shall take your compass and I shall break it. You shall run around in
circles! A chicken with its head cut off. That’s what you are to me.
Did you forget with his own mouth he did speak when he was underneath the
anointing, and everyone heard him in the video of “Two Anointings Became One,”
the first time they spoke with her on the phone? That he said “Elisheva it was
as though when I was born you were already there. You were there with me.” You
have blasphemed and blasphemed and blasphemed, you have blasphemed I YAHUVEH!
You have blasphemed I YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH! And you have blasphemed the RUACH HA
KODESH! SHIKNYAH GLORY has no part of you anymore!
All you have to look forward to now is horror among horrors and that goes for
all of you there who try to even pretend that he has any relationship with you.
The truth is you hate him with a hatred but he is onto you now. Elisheva he
listened too, he knows that you (Elisheva and Caleb) were set up. He knows you
never wanted another leader. You never wanted another spiritual father, he knows
now what you have done, Oh Donovan (Shimshon).
And you who call yourself Christina (D’vorah), your shapeshifting is getting
worse. And you Shengya (Lily/Hannah), you wear a dark covering over your head,
with the one you call your husband? You call yourself the queen of the planets,
the queen of space?! And he is aqua man?! King of the underground seas? For
there is part of a sea that even goes deeper where Atlantis is hidden, the
marine kingdom. But don’t deceive yourself, oh Stephen (Natan’el). You have no
power under the seas and you Shengya (Hannah) have no power over space! Who do
you think you are? You are nothing more than dust, I shall (blows) blow away and
oh we won’t even get into you, oh Donovan (Shimshon). You think you control
time? I YAHUVEH control time! You say that you can control the sun, then what
happened to the eclipse that was to be on April 19 2019?
Passover you say? “Everyone run and hide run and hide run and hide”, I mock you.
mock you. You do not have any excuse when you stand before me on judgement day,
which is not a far off. It is not as though I did not warn you before you were
in the book of the blotted out. I warned you!
I told you Christina (D’vorah), you better have the fear of I YAHUVEH. You said
it took you one month to get it back, in truth all you did was turn to the
devil! And the books of the occult and handed it out to everyone! You said “let
mom and dad think that they are in love. We have work to do, to destroy this
ministry and destroy their love. Let her think that Elisheva has Ezra’s love. We
shall take it away, you shall see. It’s such a short time but we must study,
study, study, study. We must put the fear into him and that is my job first.
Run, run, run, run, run I shall tell Caleb. Run, run, run, run, run! You, you
know WE ARE your only Place of safety.
Lies upon lies upon lies. You dug your own graves. You will be consumed with MY
fiery rage. And oh Braven, you Kenyan, you voodoo, you priest, I am going to
wipe that smile so far off your face, for it is nothing more than mockery. And
oh Scott, just wait ‘til I do to you, you say you will do anything that he wants
you to? “Just tell me dad, tell me, tell me what you want me to do.” When was
the last time you ever asked ME that question? When did any of you ever say
“ABBA YAHUVEH in the name of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, just tell me what to do and
tell me what to say and I will obey?”
You are not Torah keepers you are all Torah breakers and right now Caleb, you
have got a lot of apologising to do! I warned you through Elisheva. I told her
to send that audio through Sylvester, so you would understand why, when they say
that they love you and then their love turns to hate. Why you would understand
it never was real. They never wanted you, they never accepted you. Why can’t you
understand? Is your pride and your arrogance that much, to believe that no one
would dare not love you? You think you’re just all of that?
I gave one woman that kind of love, but she refuses to put you before ME, just
like the others who are the true YAHUSHUA’S Demon Stompers, and those in this
ministry who have begged ME to send Caleb, the true Caleb, the delivered Caleb
from so many demons and I have given a promise. Once he admits he needs
deliverance and he does this repentance video and he admits before the world he
false prophesied, because that’s all on you, that’s all on you Ezra. That’s all
on you, that’s all on you Caleb. That was all on you. You wanted to be that
prophet. You wanted to believe that you are Moshe of new, all because I said in
a prophecy you had a spirit like unto Moshe of old.
I said the same to Elisheva, she had a spirit like unto Eliyahu, but that does
not make you Moses and that does not make her Elijah of old. I was talking about
the qualities. I was talking about the relationship with ME. I was talking about
how you seek ME and how you were humble before ME. I was not talking about how
you would own all the cattle on the hills, Caleb! Repent, repent, repent, it’s
you alone who has a chance. The rest of them, they are reprobate and I YAHUVEH
say Jacob I loved and Esau I hated and all these reprobates I hate.
I the CREATOR of their soul hate, and YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH says to them don’t
even dare try to say I AM your MESSIAH as you mock ME and mock the HOLY
COMMUNION and mock the RUACH HA KODESH. I say unto like I did the scribes and
the pharisees, “I AM from above and you are from below and your father is the
devil!” (John 8:23, John 8:44) For you gave your soul, you gave your life, you
made your decision before you even were born. You knew what side that you fought
lucifer and those, they are now called the fallen angels. They all had a choice,
you all made it. That is why I say, you work out your own salvation with fear
and trembling. Your soul already knows, each and every one who was born on this
earth knows whether or not they truly will be in HEAVEN or whether they are
going to hell and the lake of fire.
They can fool others and they can try to fool themselves, but sooner or later,
the truth will come out. Do you really want to obey ME? Do you really want to
follow YAHUSHUA? As HE said, “Everything I do I’ve seen MY FATHER do.” (John
8:38) Can you say the same? Can you say that you obey the way YAHUSHUA has
taught you to obey HIM?
You defile even the word Torah keeper, all of you have broken the commandments
so many times. The Laws I wrote with MY own fiery finger, and you mock ME! You
mock ME by putting a website up. You mock the Torah!
And you Ezra, you Caleb, you had better get your picture off of it and every
word that proclaimed you as GOD! And that goes for the YouTube channel where
they have now said happy birthday to you. I had Elisheva write you, I had her
say “let me rescue you.” I can give you the greatest present ever, I promise you
and I still do. I want you as MY Caleb anew, I want you as MY comeback kid of
Israel. What greater testimony can there be through a book that is reaching out
to Israel? Do you not care anymore?
I anointed you two together, to be as one. But when you walked away from that
anointing Caleb, you walked away from Elisheva and there is nothing in common
with the two anointings anymore until you truly repent before her. Humble
yourself. Grovel on the ground like a worm, the worm that turned. Don’t you
understand? You can be a caterpillar, out can come the most beautiful butterfly.
That’s what I want you to do, is fly, fly, fly. Fly away right into the ARMs of
YAHUSHUA. Fly away. Say that you are sorry. Say to Israel there is but one
deliverer. Allow ME to deliver you from all of this legion of the demons. Yes,
arrogance and pride open the door to narcissist who is the most evil, evil
demon. For with that demon there is not one demon that cannot enter in (meaning
they are open to all demons). Do you understand? Even murder, even thievery,
self-exaltation, idolatry, there is lying and deceiving, manipulating even the
word “love.” That is just part of what it’s about.
Ask ME. Cannot you see? They fed you narcissism for all of them were narcissists
without one exception. They all thought they were the best and they thought that
they could outdo one another and then they got control of you. And now they
think they have the greatest treasure because they truly planned on ending your
life so many times and if it hadn’t been for YAHUSHUA’S Demon Stompers, the YDS,
the true ones that I have assembled with Elisheva, Caleb you’d already would be
Seven times seventy. This is how many times. You would have been dead and you
would have been in hell. But you are MY little lamb, even though you are now
black. All you have to do is keep praying because you made the first step. You
let the anointing that was in the audio that Elisheva sent. You let it penetrate
your heart and your soul and your mind and your body. You long to hear her voice
again. It’s been over a year and you can’t even acknowledge the fact that you
love her back. You can’t even tell Syl or Tal or YAHUSHUA’S Demon Stompers
“thank you for keeping me alive” when you’ve seen Jason brag how he wanted to
burn you alive even on his facebook page putting that picture there after the
warning was given that they wanted to burn you alive. But I’m still willing to
forgive you Caleb. Nothing has changed except for one thing, the more you
procrastinate, the harder it’s going to get for you. For you are telling ME,
“I’m still going to try to do it my way.” You’re showing ME that you have
arrogance and pride, and the demon of narcissism has not been weakened or cast
I will never send you back with anything but a pure motivation of the love that
I have given you. Not just for MY son YAHUSHUA and I YAHUVEH and IMMAYAH the
RUACH HA KODESH, for your wife and for your true spiritual children who want to
call you that again, but there is not anyone that you have ever called in all of
this time, you have never said that you are sorry. You have never repented to
them publicly in any way. Where is the brave one who once admitted that he was
wrong and gave his life? And told YAHUSHUA “it is YOU now that lives in me. I
only want to follow and obey YOU. I give up all my wealth, I give up everything
I have to follow after YOU.” Where is he?
He was so brave. Come out come out come out. Come out wherever you are. Come out
and apologize to the world in a video. Expose these evil ones even by name so
people can understand how the lies were told and what you felt when you heard
the different manners of death that were called down on your wife. You know
Caleb. You already know what you’ve all stolen and what you have to redeem. And
YAHUSHUA will show you how to do that and what you tried to steal, and what you
failed! You will never have Amightywind Ministry. For it truly does belong to
the CREATORS, and only to the CO-CREATORS.
I’LL say it again because there is only THREE. I YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH,
and the RUACH HA KODESH, and you must repent for daring to call a demon goddess
a sister of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, and the daughter of the RUACH HA KODESH. All
of these things you have done. Yet I said I would not lose one. Not one of MY
sheep, not one of MY lambs. I’LL break their hind legs where they can’t walk,
but I YAHUHSUA HA MASHIACH am the GOOD SHEPHERD and I will carry you close to MY
breast until you can be healed, until everything can be redeemed. Until your
love and your focus is on ME again and that can only happen with three words:
“Please Forgive Me.” That’s all it takes.
And I AM not talking about the reprobates! And I’M not talking to those who brag
in their lukewarm state. You pew warmers! You know who you are, but you do not
have to stay that way. You can get on fire for I YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA and the
RUACH HA KODESH. Right now, I am speaking to those whom I hate and horror shall
come upon them, and I will use them for an example and they will see, just like
Tatiana’s house burned down. She laughed when Elisheva said the fiery wrath of
YAH shall consume you and you shall go up in spontaneous combustion. She laughs
because it was the house that was only burned to the ground and she had run out
of there to escape with her life. But I had a reason for that.
And Elisheva you say why didn’t you just burn her alive right there, oh
Elisheva, she is going to suffer. Let ME toy with MY enemies. Her mother learned
a very important lesson and now she has no home to live in, it was burned to the
ground and everything in it that cannot be replaced. You will see, you will see
what I do to the worst of MY reprobate enemies.
In these end times, the reprobate have grown so wicked. More wicked than that of
Sodom and Gomorrah and you know what I did to Sodom and Gomorrah and the seven
cities besides. Yet this world right now, is more wicked in MY eyes.
Oh but the Holy and the Anointed ones, and now I even speak to the bride, the
bride, the bride of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and I YAHUVEH. I tell you this, you
have grown more Holy, with each battle you have gotten stronger, with each trial
they are more precious than gold. When you ask ME why, it is just like a soldier
in the USA has to go to bootcamp to learn how to get tough. I had to toughen up
MY soldiers.
I speak only to the bride of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH now, you are the toughest of
the soldiers. What you think you could not survive, you survived. And those of
you who will be the guest at the marriage supper of the lamb, you will find out,
what you think you will never survive, you will survive and you will grow tough.
And you will realize, that the spiritual weapons that I have given you are more
powerful than any carnal weapon that you could ever hold. And I have more
miracles than you can ever possibly even think of, in ways that I will show you
how to escape when the time comes. This is what I have to say.
I know Elisheva you grieve. You cannot believe this war against the one, the man
that I called Ezra. Erez Yotam, I called you Ezra because you were YAHS helper,
one time you were. When will you be again? When you truly, truly come back to ME
with a pure heart through the Name and the Blood of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and you
will not be ashamed to say it over the social media platform of a video, and
yes, every way you can shout it. You will let Israel and you will let the world
know the horrors you have lived through. What you have seen, how you were
deceived to even think that you were in HEAVEN. Even think, and allow yourself
to be compared to MY only Begotten SON YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH.
Enough of that. You will admit that you were wrong. You will admit that a demon
caused you to think these thoughts. You will know you are nothing more than dust
in MY eyes and if I wanted to, I would have blown you away over a year ago. You
would not have lived past 2018, but I saved you. For I have a plan for you. And
the plans I have for you and Elisheva are for good and not for evil. To prove
that I can restore even that which you think is destroyed forever.
Elisheva will know when you truly are repented. Elisheva will know when you are
delivered. For it will be just like the times of old when over a thousand
prophecies were told and I spoke them and YAHUSHUA spoke them forth through
Elisheva’s mouth, but it was your anointed prayers that stirred it up as she
knew when to speak and she knew when to prophesy. For it was you who stirred
that anointing up inside. I anointed you to be that prayer covering. I anointed
you to be that husband where a relationship was never based on lust but true
love from HEAVEN. You allowed that love to become perverted with others, and I
had to take you away so that you could not pervert MY beloved, Elisheva Eliyahu,
MY Ring Maiden, the leader of this ministry, for WE ARE the HEAD of it, the HOLY
You must repent for ever thanking a demon goddess or allowing yourself to read
the doctrines of devils including the kabala! I’M not naming all the books you
have read. And you handed them out like candy and tried to defile others to get
them to read the devils doctrines! These are just some of the things you must
ask forgiveness for. The list is long and you will cry, but those who truly love
ME will forgive you. They will know if it was not for MY mercy they could have
fell for the same mind control traps of satan [that] come through the airwaves,
come through the smartphones, come through the satellites, come through the tv
Those who are truly MINE, they are protected. They are hidden, not only under
Ephesians 6 Armor, but under I YAHUVEH’S invisible cloak of protection and the
dome, which is the LIVING ROCK is over all of their homes. Those who strive to
MASHIACH and the RUACH HA KODESH IMMAYAH, this is what I have to say.
For you who are the obedient ones, who tremble in fear at even the thought of
disobeying ME, and when you do, you quickly say “YAHUSHUA please tell ABBA
YAHUVEH I am sorry. Please wash me clean with YOUR Blood, wash away this sin
quickly.” I have nothing but blessings in store for you, this year of 2020. But
woe be unto those who are full of arrogance and pride. You must quickly shut
that door. You must walk in integrity. You must admit when you are wrong! Enough
of this. Even those who say they are mine walk in arrogance and pride. It’s not
about who you are, it is about who your CREATORS are and what WE have put inside
of you. And do not believe any prophets unless they have proof behind the
prophecies. How many now have shouted it, “I am a prophet” Oh really where is
your proof? Elisheva has proof behind the prophecies. Where is your proof? She
is a very well-seasoned prophet from the very start that she asked YAHUSHUA to
come inside of her and I call her an Apostle, because she flows through all the
five offices equally and she’s seen MY SON’S face to face, knows the color of
HIS eyes, knows what it’s like to feel the love rushing through her veins that
HE has for her.
Can’t you see? Those who truly belong to YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, who refuse to
give up, refuse to give their soul to the devil and live like this evil world,
can’t you see I love you the same? Can’t you see YAHUSHUA loves you? Can’t you
feel it going through your veins? You don’t have to see YAHUSHUA face to face to
know this, just read the New Blood Covenant. Realize the old blood covenant is
past, it is history. For a time and a season. It was all there is, until man’s
sin became such an abomination.
I warned Moshe, whom you call Moses, this is no longer going to work. I AM
sending a New Blood Covenant, a new MESSIAH. Oh, watch for HIM, and Isaiah 53
shouts it loud and clear, line upon line, precept upon precept! This is who
YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH is. This is who the Only BEGOTTEN SON of I YAHUVEH is. This
is who the only MASHIACH is, the only MESSIAH, the only DELIVERER, the only
EXODUS is the New Blood Covenant that will keep you out of hell and the lake of
fire and will be your intercessor. HE comes before I, your HEAVENLY FATHER ABBA
YAHUVEH and after HE’S washed your sin away with the Blood, HE intercedes for
you. HE pleads for you, “Please forgive them they are MINE. I’VE washed them
with MY blood at Calvary. I washed their sin away as far as the east is from the
west.” (Psalm 103:12)
HE is your intercessor. HE is like a lawyer, for better words only the lawyers
of this world are corrupt! MY YAHUSHUA is not. HE is nothing but pure
perfection. Only the Holy shall enter into the Kingdom of HEAVEN. Before you had
an excuse, for you did not have the RUACH HA KODESH living within you, but on
Shavuot, that all changed. Now you have no more excuses, for you have that still
small voice within you that lets you know, “Help YAHUSHUA I have sinned greatly.
Help YAHUSHUA, forgive me”, and immediately I hear it. When you say a prayer,
the RUACH HA KODESH SHIKNYAH GLORY IMMAYAH takes those prayers and blows them to
ME like a kiss and you are forgiven.
Caleb come back. You’re toe away from blasphemy but come back. I want to use you
to reach Israel for they don’t even know ME! They know the Torah but they do not
know I YAHUVEH, they have no relationship with ME. They know what it’s like to
go to the Synagogue, but they do not know ME! THEY DO NOT KNOW ME! How few! And
none of the Orthodox Jews know ME! For if they had known ME, they knew that they
had crucified MY Only Begotten SON the CO-CREATOR of this earth, the WORD that
was made flesh! They would know, without the shedding of blood there can be no
remission of sins and they would know they have no MESSIAH now! For I told
Moshe, call him Moses I don’t care what other name you call him by, whether it
be Hebrew or whether it be the English name that you know. This is not going to
I AM HOLY! Only the Holy shall enter into the KINGDOM of HEAVEN! Do not believe
these main line churches anymore. Run, run, run from the Sunday churches if they
are not teaching against sin, if they are not warning you what is sin. How many
of you have come to this ministry and not even known what sin is!
A baby, a little soul is placed inside of a woman, it’s the time of conception.
TO DEATH?!! And you pass laws that say, “we can kill these little ones because
they are not human, they have not yet taken a breath, and even when they do
breathe let’s kill them anyway!! We need that special fluid that’s in their
bodies. It’s going to make us young again, revive our youth and our health.”
Woe be unto you, just wait until I get you to hell. Wait, just wait. No-one who
has done these atrocities to these children, no-one who has cannibalised a
child, no-one who has sodomised a child, no-one will enter into the Kingdom of
HEAVEN. You have taken them innocent to the most innocent and what you have
done, as MY HOLY ANGELS, for those who die of these atrocities, have had to turn
their backs, for they could not watch and they wept as they laid their swords
You ask ME why, why are you allowing this?! Why have you not dropped them all
dead?! I give everyone a free choice. I gave MY own angels a free choice. I gave
lucifer a free choice, who once sang songs of worship to ME, I YAHUVEH, I
image do you think Eve was made in?! And I have had Elisheva write a book and
tell it to you, the secret of the RUACH HA KODESH. King James goes and takes the
word for the HOLY SPIRIT, instead of adding a “s” to the word “he.” That’s all
he had to do is put a “she.” I refuse to allow him to take out that Wisdom is a
If you read your Hebrew you would know, that those who speak Hebrew already know
the name RUACH HA KODESH is a feminine gender word. Whose image do you think it
is when I said come and let US make humanity in OUR image. It was not just man
in OUR image or everyone would’ve been running around looking like a man.
This ministry of Amightywind Ministry is unlike any other. You can hate it, men
can hate it, because you who call yourself holy and even a prophet, call
yourself a Rabbi and then you take a look at this woman with all these
prophecies and revelations, and you see her as a leader of this ministry and you
hate her, because why don’t you know these revelations? Why don’t you have these
prophecies? How dare I YAHUVEH? And you even hate the name, the way that she
says the name YAHUSHUA. Though that is the way that I speak it in every
I YAHUVEH saves is always in your face when you say the name YAHUSHUA. YAH
SAVES. You hate her and you say, “where is her covering? Where is the man? He is
the one who is supposed to be the head covering.” There is no protector of a man
anymore. I gave her a husband, but he wanted to rule not just her, but control
the anointing and not just that, control the ministry when only the Head of this
ministry since Prophecy 105 it is stated again and again that only the HOLY
TRINITY is the Head of this ministry. But he was the head prayer leader. If no
one in the world would have ever defended her, there should have been one man
that was there that I called the head prayer leader. He should have been willing
to lay down his life down for his wife, as I YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH did it for
MINE. For all those that I claimed are MINE. MY sheep and MY lambs and for MY
So do not hate her for what she cannot change. Do not hate her when I say that
just as Malachi says there is going to be an Eliyahu to come to be that
messenger. Do not hate her for what I have ordained her to be and to do and what
I have proven is true for over 25 years just on the internet alone! She started
out as a young teen, not even believing there was a GOD. She went looking for
ME. I was there all along. Read her testimony and you will see the greater the
anointing, the greater the suffering.
Is that what you want?! You so-called false prophets! When MY Holy ones are told
that when they are persecuted for MY SON YAHUSHUA’S Name’s sake, great are their
rewards in HEAVEN and they are to count it all joy. You say how can you count
suffering as joy? They are joyful in the fact that the battle was won through
the name and the blood of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and they are on their way to
HEAVEN. They are joyful because they have a relationship with that beautiful
still small voice called the RUACH HA KODESH that lives within them and they can
know right from wrong.
I refuse to let Elisheva say “Happy New Year!” But on this day, I give you the
reason why. I do not promise happiness. Where do I say that anywhere in the Holy
Scripture? No, the Holy scriptures warn, YAHUSHUA HIMSELF said it, Oh MY
children if they all would have loved ME, they would all love you (John
15:18-21). And you know very well, the holier you strive to live and to be, and
they have the ears tuned only to HEAVEN to YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH and listen to
the RUACH within you. You are hated more. You are persecuted more. You are
libelled, you are slandered, and yes, you are so hated they want you dead.
How many times Elisheva’s life has been threatened? And yet you who claim that
you want to be and you want to take the place of Elisheva Eliyahu, I am going to
make you suffer untold agony for every time that you have tried to say that you
are the Ring Maiden. That you can take her place. I AM going to make untold
agony for everyone who knowingly false prophesises! For the prophets are MY
dearest friends! True prophets that are ordained from HEAVEN.
I YAHUVEH tell MY secrets and I tell them before hand and then it comes to pass.
Anyone can read proof behind the prophecies and see how long ago. I even warned
about the zombie apocalypses to come and now all they do is make fun and put it
in every video game and on TV programmes. You think it’s going to be fun? Will
it be fun for you when you see the Nephilim’s in person? Those existed at the
time of Moshe? (Numbers 13:31-33) Why the ark was built? The hybrids that went
into the humans as they fornicated? What are you going to do when you see
monsters come at you taller than the tallest tree? One toe can smash a house.
This is what you are looking forward to.
I will not allow her to say “Happy New Year.” The trials of your faith is more
precious than gold (1 Peter 1:7). Will you still hang on to ME? Will your faith
stay strong in YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH? It’s like YAHUSHUA says, how many will I
find that still have faith when I come back? (Luke 18:8) Because it’s not going
your way? Because you laid a road map for your own life and because I AM not
going along with it? It’s to be done I YAHUVEH’S way or it’s hell’s highway!
Choose ye this day which GOD, which CREATORS, and I AM speaking of I and
YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and the RUACH HA KODESH. Which one are you going to follow?
Will you follow the TRUE HOLY TRINITY or are you going to follow in the
footsteps of satan and all his evil children and I speak of the hybrids now?
Those of you who think you’re human and yet you have got a reptilian brain and
Obama even bragged about it!
You just let it slide by because he is president. He says he’s got a reptilian
brain and now I warn you that the reprobates have reptilian brains and far
worse. They are reptilian serpents, they speak with a forked tongue! They are
after not only just the Christians, but now they are after MY messianic Jews.
They are after those believers in YAHUSHUA who teach now and believe what
Elisheva Eliyahu is teaching, that’s a Hebrew root backed up with the Holy New
Blood Covenant scriptures. The Torah means instructions, it does not just mean
the law, it is not only the five books of Moshe. It began in the book of Genesis
and it goes all the way to revelation. They are instructions, instructions in
the old blood covenant that I YAHUVEH demanded to be followed and there is one
thing that will never, never change. Shabbat is perpetual.
It will never change. In 6 days, this world was created. On the 7th day WE
rested and WE gave this gift. YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH gave this gift to man, HE is
the one who said everything that is created is good, let US take a rest. That is
why HE is called LORD of shabbat and they dared to accuse HIM of breaking the
shabbat when HE is the one who first had the idea, “Let US do this oh HOLY
FATHER, let US do this. Let US give this gift to man so that they can rest. They
work hard for 6 days. Let US do this in remembrance of the 6 days that WE
created the world and all that is within it, but this does not even include all
the planets.
You do not even understand, it was more than just earth that was created in
those 6 days, the sun, the moon, the planets. Who’s taught you that? First time
isn’t it? Who’s told you that? You will not learn it from a Sunday church
preacher. This is a Hebrew roots ministry and the old blood covenant is a
foreshadow. Meaning it was to be obeyed at that time. Even the blood on the
doorpost as Moses had warned so the death angel would pass over and not touch
anyone inside. It was a symbol of YAHUSHUA’S shed blood in the New Blood
Covenant so you will be protected as Psalm 91 has promised, but oh, oh, oh.
Why? I speak to the orthodox Jews now. Why are you afraid to say MY name? Do you
not even read Psalm 91 and the protection that’s in it and what son or daughter
doesn’t know the name of their own FATHER? And I AM not talking about those who
are orphans and who never had a chance to know. I’M talking about those who do
know the name of their father, well I AM the HEAVENLY FATHER and I want all to
know MY name!
And MY SON’S name is not Yeshua! YAH is in HIS name as it is in nearly all of
the disciples with the exception of a few. This is why I said, the orthodox
Jews, you can hate her. It is not going to change one thing. You need to get a
relationship with I YAHUVEH and the only way that you can do that is to accept
the MESSIAH that I gave you. The blood atonement for your sins come straight
from HEAVEN and HE is CO-CREATOR and this whole world was made for HIM and by
HIM along with I and the RUACH HA KODESH, IMMAYAH. I even told Elisheva the name
IMMAYAH. For the SHIKNYAH GLORY is the very presence around ME. SHE is the very
presence inside of you.
SHE is the comforter that came on Shavuot. Now I have said enough, but these
reprobates who now say happy birthday to a man they truly hate just because they
succeeded in breaking a marriage up that was ordained from HEAVEN. I do not
start anything good without finishing it. This ministry has tried to be stolen
twice and they thought they totally had destroyed it. They forget this ministry
was ordained and pre-ordained and who I chose to be the leader and then I chose
a man to be the co-leader.
Come back Caleb. Do not become like them. You know what true Prophecy is.
Elisheva and you have had over one thousand and you did not speak forth one
word, but you prayed in Holy Tongues and that’s what brought and stirred the
anointing up. It did not mean I would not have used you, but no you went before
ME and you just had to do that lying prophecy where now I will never put the
word apostle and a prophet before your name again. Your name is a comeback kid
from Israel! To show that Israel can come back the way that you did. And it will
be without any arrogance and pride. They are only the chosen ones because they
know so much and they are held so accountable and they are going to be chosen
for the great tribulation to start there.
So do not grieve that you are not called the chosen ones. And many of those Jews
in Israel, and those spread all over this world, they will call out, “Blessed is
HE Who cometh in the name of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, for HE is LORD!” And you who
are the bride of YAHUSHUA, do not think that you have to wait until the evil of
this world, whom you call satan, YAHUSHUA called beelzebub, once called lucifer,
has to sit, his son has to sit in a third temple in Israel. He already rules
this world, and only YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and the HOLY Angels protect those I
call MY children whose names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.
MY bride can be taken at any time. YAHUSHUA can call them forth. I will tell
HIM, go get them. HE’s already been on the way but you don’t know how far HEAVEN
is from the earth. You do not know when the bride of YAHUSHUA and the Ring
You do not know when the Ring Maiden will hear and I have already called her
Elisheva Eliyahu it’s already in the prophecies. She will know, she will hear
when the call forth that the bridegroom is here. What a day of rejoicing,
whatever time zone you’re in, shall be in the midnight hour and the bridegroom
shall come forth out of HIS chamber to meet with HIS bride. I AM going to give
more prophecies on this but I AM telling you in 2020. I have made a promise for
those who are MY sheep and MY lambs, I have promised you that the plans I have
for you are for good and not for evil. I have promised you and I AM not a man or
a woman that can lie, that even when it looks like the worst in your life has
happened like it did look for Elisheva when Caleb forsook her and evil overtook
him, I have made a promise. Whatever the worst that could come into your life
that could happen, I YAHUVEH have promised that all things work together for
good that love I YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA and the RUACH HA KODESH and you are called
to OUR purpose. Caleb, you are called to OUR purpose, but in the meantime, you
have not risen up and accepted your responsibility and so therefore I call out
now, since Caleb means a pure heart, I have prophets.
I have those who are born in Israel. I have those who do not walk in pride, who
are humble and walk in integrity and do not hate this woman because she is a
leader of this international ministry. She cries out for a male balance in this
ministry. She cries out for a Hebrew translator and right now through this
prophecy I now call you forth! I called forth the anointed goliath slayers. I
called forth those who hate sin as much as they hate the reprobates who do them,
those who are the reprobate serpent’s tongues and hybrids!
I CALL YOU FORTH NOW! I know you are praying for her. Everyone can see on the
videos. Everyone can see the thumbs up. Everyone can see that you’re praying but
you think that you are not worthy to step up and even introduce yourself and
write an email to her. Write there on contacts, you will reach her immediately
and if I tell her so, you will have a video chat and I speak to the women, you
too can be a Hebrew translator. Come forth, introduce yourself. But the men from
Judah, come forth.
She cries out to ME and she says, “how can I be a Hebrew roots biblically based
ministry if you don’t bring me somebody from Israel to teach me more of the
Hebrew roots? For this is what Caleb once done in 2016 and 2017, and when I
discerned that he was telling the truth and it was backed up with the Holy
Scriptures, it was such a blessing it was spiritual meat. Who will feed me the
spiritual meat again so I can feed it to the congregation?”
Come forth! Do not be a coward, do not be intimidated! Come forth I speak to the
men now. You who call yourself a messianic Jew but you worship YAHUSHUA HA
MASHIACH and you desire to follow after HIM and you call HIM by HIS true sacred
name, because MY name is in it! I YAH! Even King James Version could not hide
it, the name of YAH is in it!
You know how to speak it. You fear the name, stop fearing the name of your HOLY
FATHER. Stop fearing the name, [this] is why you did not have the kind of
relationship that Elisheva has with ME now, but you can and you will if you but
believe every word and truth in these prophecies and in the revelations that I
have given to her, you will have a new and stronger anointing. Be willing to be
persecuted and slandered and libelled. Be willing to stand up and defend like I
raised up King David. Be willing to humble yourself.
When David begged for his dying child that he had with Bathsheba, the first baby
conceived in sin and because of murder and adultery, I would not bless that. But
King David took his crown off and for 7 days he grovelled on the floor before me
and begged and begged, squirming like a worm. “Forgive me forgive me save the
life save the life of my child.” (2 Samuel 12:13-14) I could not, but his heart
touched me. His sorrow touched me and that’s why his next son I so abundantly
blessed and yet look what that son did. He too turned on ME. He knew the RUACH
HA KODESH. He wrote a book and then he wanted to get into mysticism and sorcery
and then he started marrying the hundreds of heathen wives and concubines came
to him and fornication.
This is what the kabala is. It’s a book of mysticism and sorcery that will lead
to death or suicide. It will lead to the occult, it will lead to hell.
Caleb, you have to apologize as co-leader and as husband. Behind Elisheva’s back
in 2018, you started teaching it when I warned you this ministry would never be
about kabala, would never teach kabala. Elisheva was never to know what kabala
was in the book, the most evil book proclaiming that mere dust of a man could be
a god. Repent. For you must teach Israel that it is wrong and you know the evil
of it now. She did not read it, she does not know of it, but the first prophecy
I gave her, gave to you came out of her mouth, was you must never teach her the
kabala, you must never teach kabala in this ministry and what did satan have you
do but break MY first rule I ever gave you? And yet YAHUSHUA will forgive you as
you ask forgiveness with tears streaming down your cheeks for what you’ve done.
And that narcissism! To make you think that you don’t have to do anything, you
don’t have to speak at all, give a false prophet word. That’s all you needed to
do. You let the reprobates do all the talking, you don’t say a word. You let MY
Holy ones do all the talking but you don’t say a word. I command you again and
again to get a hold of Sylvester and Talia. Get a hold of them so you can do a
video chat and you can proclaim to the world how sorry you are and publicly ask
YAHUSHUA to forgive you and ask the people to pray that HE will deliver you from
the demons. You are not coming back Caleb until you have real pure motivations.
It is not ever to think that you are going to be a leader. That is not a pure
motivation. It is to bring souls to YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, to teach the people
right from wrong from the prophecies that have been spoke, the revelations that
have been given.
You are not ever to think your motivation is come back to be dictator of
Elisheva for she has no dictatorship over her. She belongs only to the HOLY
TRINITY and I AM not going to name the names again. She belongs to HEAVEN and so
do all those in this congregation who believe that this ministry is of HEAVEN
and is HEAVEN sent, and they have come to the cross of Calvary and been blood
washed and blood bought by YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and they now know what sin is
and they run from it! And they believe and they do not doubt when I AM speaking
forth a word from Elisheva Eliyahu’s mouth.
She will always have haters, anyone who is Holy and obeys I and YAHUSHUA HA
MASHIACH and the RUACH HA KODESH, you’re going to be hated. When president Trump
stands up there and he defends everyone, he says there shall be no prejudice in
the United States. Everyone is to be equal and accepted equally, even the
transgenders, homosexuals, or Muslim’s. But did you notice that he left out the
born again, HOLY SPIRIT filled believers in YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, the messianic
Jews, the shabbat keepers. He left them out.
You are the most persecuted and although he proclaims to be Christian, he left
out the word Christianity. It is not as though he isn’t convicted, he is. You
will see what will happen. He needs all of your prayers. There are so many
curses that come at him. They actually gather around and have their ceremony and
rituals as you know. Remember this, it’s not just for Donald Trump, it’s for
every Holy child of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. They’re cursing you, they fast against
you. Even the author of the harry potter, have witches gathering. She knows we
have a prophecy against harry potter.
United Kingdom you’re going to pay in a great way, for you were the first to
promote all of this. Teaching the little children to become sorcerers, where
they become so demon possessed, they even kill their own father and mother, send
curses upon them. This is why I said, you are living in the most evil times now
next to the great tribulation, you are so very close now. Look at the children,
look at the teenagers.
Look at Justin Bieber! Look what he’s doing, why are you following him? Why have
you not told him? He releases the song “yummy,” all about sex and various forms
of it! What he wants you to think is women and then on his social media pages,
all he shows is images of infants! Can you be this stupid?! That you do not
understand this man with pink hair now?! Flaunts the feminism in your face that
he now has. He mocks you! Can you not see and do you not recognize what
paedophilia is anymore?! Do you not know when a man just lays a table out?! Can
you not understand when Katy Perry says that the leanest meat in Hollywood now
to keep all of them thin is cannibalism! Vampirism!
Where do you think the dead bodies are coming from and why you do think the
police do not care?! Why do you think the government does not ask where are
these bodies come from?! How do you get a hold of this cannibalistic lean meat?!
There is no protein in it! I DID NOT MAKE FLESH TO EAT! I YAHUVEH grieve, I
PRECIOUS SHIKNYAH GLORY HOLY SPIRIT is the only one who keeps ME from regretting
that I ever made humanity. That I ever said come let US make humans in OUR
image. THEY remind ME of the sparkle amongst the dung. THEY remind ME of the
price YAHUSHUA paid.
I AM warning you not even in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah did they do these
things! It’s why I can’t wait any longer. It’s why I will not allow Elisheva to
say “Happy New Year” and even now it’s very late in the month, but I am giving a
new prophecy and the other ones aren’t even finished yet. And with Caleb there
are so many prophecies been held back because he was holy at that time. The two
anointings were one and she does not know what to be able to do for he speaks
through them and he is the reason, and he prayed in Holy tongues, the prophecies
came forth and she was protected and she was able to speak them forth.
People are complaining because where are all the prophecies and why are you
sealing them? What is she to do? She waits for him, but I will not deny her
request. I right now, I YAHUVEH the FATHER of Creation call forth the pure
hearted Caleb’s. That is a mantle. It’s a mantle, it’s not just a name. Come
forth you with a pure heart, with pure motivations to help her to bring souls to
MY only Begotten Son YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH the only MESSIAH.
Come forth, you men from Judah come forth! Women who live in Israel, come forth!
The Hebrew translators come forth. Be ye a man or be ye a woman, come forth.
Come forth. I want to introduce you to MY daughter, come forth. Do not be
intimidated, do not be jealous, do not be full of pride. Do not think you’re
coming to rule over her! I alone rule her! Come forth, show ME how much you care
about Israel. Show ME how much care about the souls in this world and do it
freely unto the love of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. Send those videos, hit that
contact button, come forth!
And you who want to just write and just, oh she’s had them. They’ve come
alright. But I warn you, you must know spiritual warfare, you cannot be a baby.
You must know spiritual warfare. You must be brave; you must be bold! You must
be willing to defend Elisheva Eliyahu, are you willing? For even when Caleb was
here, he never once defended her. But when the Caleb anew arises, it will be
like Lazarus came out of that tomb and he will be alive in a new way. It does
not mean physically his body had died, but spiritually he was one toe away from
blasphemy that means offending and blaspheming the entire HOLY TRINITY.
But now I speak once again in the midst of a prophecy, Hebrew translators come
forth. You who know about the Hebrew roots and want to teach her more about how
you compare the old testament with the new testament and how they both line up
as the same YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH New Blood Covenant that was promised. Come
forth and see and share what you both know. As she feeds you spiritual meat you
can feed her HEAVENLY spiritual meat, but be warned, she does have discernment.
She will say, “please prove this where is it backed up in Holy Scripture?”
That is what I YAHUVEH have to say this day and I speak it forth at a time
everyone least expected it. Another video to be made, and I’ve told Elisheva
she’s not to grieve when people betray her anymore. She’s not to cry, she’s not
to grieve, she’s not to shed a tear. When those she thought that she trusted and
loved like spiritual children, they were her spiritual children at one time and
then they betray her like a jezebel. It is I YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH that is
dividing and that means in all of your families. Read what I said, do not think
that I come to bring peace to the world, but I bring a dividing sword is what
YAHUSHUA said (Matt 10:34-36). HE is dividing the sheep from the wolves even
though you think they are a sheep now and they look so holy, only I know what
the future holds. YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH is dividing the wheat from the tares
which are weeds and I’VE allowed them to grow together but now (Matt 13:24-30),
comes a division before the great tribulation. Do not believe in the great
worldwide revival, that is for the one who will be the son of the devil who is
going to be called the anti-Mashiach the antichrist.
That will be the worldwide revival. That’s when the new world order comes
together, but instead the scripture says there is a great falling away before
YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH comes (1 Thessalonians 2:3-4) and the great falling away
has already begun and has been for quite some time now. But you’re going to have
to make decisions between your own family. Do not accuse her of breaking up
families. It is YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH that has the dividing sword! She did all
she could to keep the marriages together, when once they were both believers and
then one turns away and walks away from YAHUSHUA and calls her a false prophet.
You do not call someone, and you do not call a ministry evil when again and
again it has been revealed only souls are led to YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and only
the HOLY TRINITY is worshipped and only holiness is preached and no compromising
with sin. Though it meant she had to lay her own husband down on the altar of
sacrifice and wait and see if I give him back, but he will not come back the man
he was before.
He will come back delivered like the man in the Gadarenes cemetery. Remember
though that man, he ran towards YAHUSHUA. He knew he was demon possessed and he
wanted free and he was shackled and bound with chains! I want to break the
chains off the demon possessed, so go to YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, cry out to HIM. I
will hear, I YAHUVEH will hear and I will answer, but you must truly repent and
turn from the evil and expose the evil! And be willing to lay your life down if
need be.
But you will not deny YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH as the only MESSIAH, the only KING of
Israel, the only RULER of this world, the only Begotten SON of YAHUVEH. So, it
has been spoken this day on January 20th 2020. She kept asking me, “why, why
can’t I let go? I can’t let go of Sukkot and I can’t let go of Hanukkah. It was
such a happy time. The words you want me to speak will not bring everyone
happiness, so few will be happy when they realize I did not promise anyone a
“Happy New Year”. You are following YAHUSHUA. You will be persecuted for
YAHUSHUA’S name’s sake. You’re following YAHUSHUA and a true believer and
worshipper of HIM and doing your best to obey HIM. You will be hated for HIS
name’s sake, but I made promises to you. I will give you life and life more
I will bless you in ways that no amount of money or treasure on this earth could
ever be a blessing to you for they are spiritual gifts that come straight from
HEAVEN. Run run run run away! Run away from those like a Donovan (Shimshon) and
Christina (D’vorah). Run run run run run away! From those like a Shengya
(Hannah/Lily) and Stephen (Naten’l). Run run run run away! RUN AWAY! From those
who proclaim, “follow after us we are now holy, we are torah keepers.” Run run
runaway! Far as you can, as fast as you can rebuking them and asking ME to take
vengeance on them. I AM EL SHADDAI! I AM EL SHADDAI and I destroy all who are
evil. I AM EL SHADDAI and I shall do what was done to Sodom and Gomorrah only it
shall be far worse. I AM EL SHADDAI.
You are going to hear prophecies in 2020 that will make your hair curl and I
speak in the spiritual realm. You will know that your only safety is running in
to the ark where I have put you and that’s in the ARMs of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH.
You are not going to ever have any feel-good prophecies and where she is going
to compromise and make you feel oh so good and not tell you the truth. The truth
is that I will protect you in MY Name.
When you come to me in the name of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, I YAHUVEH will protect
you. Cry out to ME, “ABBA YAHUVEH in the name of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, protect
me! Hide me under the shelter of YOUR wings as psalm 91 says!” How dare anyone
mock and say come underneath the wings of Ezra! Mocking Psalm 91! Run, run, run
away from anyone who tries to preach you another doctrine other than what
The foreshadow, the history of the old blood covenant was that, it was the
history of it, there had to be a history for there to be a present now. YAHUSHUA
HA MASHIACH said it is finished! Because HE did not come to cancel the laws of
the prophets, HE came to fulfil them! With HIS Own Mouth HE said it, HE
fulfilled them!
HE paid every price in Isaiah 53, read it! Orthodox Jews I dare you to read it!
See if that could possibly apply to a nation of Israel. No, no, no it can’t!
Only to a man who took on the persecutions of this world, who was born in
Bethlehem, in a stable on Sukkot, which means stable.
All of these truths I have revealed through these prophecies on Sukkot and on
Hanukkah and Hanukkah is the conception. You cannot have a birth without a
conception. Read what this ministry holds, there is not one lie that has been
written there. For those who have called this ministry evil who once called it
good, who said they loved Elisheva now say they hate her and want her dead, you
are doomed to hell and the lake of fire, but it’s going to be far worse than you
could ever imagine. Because you see, this is not a man or a woman’s ministry,
just because she holds the domain name. It belongs to the HOLY TRINITY.
And even the HOLY TRINITY they dare to defile! And a demon goddess. Caleb
REPENT! That you would even thank a demon goddess all because Christina
(D’vorah) told there was one?! And necromancy? Calling up the dead? Calling
forth and you think they’re in HEAVEN so you call them forth to come down to an
earth full of stench? You think I would allow it? NO!! I would not allow it!
I YAHUVEH have spoken this day on January 20th 2020 and I have used MY Ring
Maiden, MY vessel of clay, one of the brides of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH to proclaim
this word to all who will listen. And to those who do not want to believe it or
receive it, Get out of MY sight. I YAHUVEH say get out of MY sight. I hate every
atom and every molecule within you, for you have called evil what I have called
good and with MY own hands, I and YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, and the RUACH HA KODESH
have anointed and protected this ministry and so it shall continue. You cannot
destroy what WE have built.
When it’s no longer on the internet, there will be a Heavenly internet. There
will be books that have been written and hidden. There will be word of mouth
that will proclaim the words that were here. You cannot ever muzzle this
prophet, for there will be always someone there that I have anointed to be able
to speak forth the words that they have heard. It’ll be the New Blood Covenant
oral Torah, but if that’s the only way the word can get out like in so many
parts of the world now, yes even in China where it is forbidden in other
YAHUSHUA even has HIS bride hidden in Iran. You would be surprised where the
bride of YAHUSHUA are hidden, where MY true prophets and true apostles are
hidden. Be they a man or woman or a child. I always have a remnant; I will
always have a voice and no one will ever silence it. I YAHUVEH have spoken.
End of word
Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu’s Prayer of Thanks:
have a husband anymore to be able to thank YOU with me. We use to do it
together; I had a co-leader. I had a male balance for a short time of 2 years, a
little bit of a 3rd year, but forgive me. I want to shout it all over the world!
We praise YOU we worship YOU we love YOU we adore YOU we receive these words YOU
have spoken forth from me this day. I didn’t know YOU were going to do this but
I never, never do.
Thank YOU, thank YOU thank YOU thank YOU for YOUR only begotten SON YAHUSHUA HA
MASHIACH. We worship, we praise, we love and we adore HIM. HE is the LIVING
ROCK! HE is YOUR only begotten SON and HE is CO-CREATOR and HE is the word that
was made flesh. HE is the Menorah, HE is Perfection, HE is the MESSIAH HE is our
soon coming BRIDEGROOM for those of us that have been called and pre-ordained
already. HE is the lover of our soul the song of Solomon. HE is our Beloved and
we worship HIM and we are so grateful for YOU YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH that YOU took
our place at that cross. That every disease that was laid upon YOU and every
form of torture that satan could conceive that was in that whip.
As they beat YOU even with their fist and they pulled YOUR beard out and they
spit in YOUR face, and YAHUSHUA, YOU did that all for us. In 3 hours, YOU did
that for us. And our faces and our names who belong to YOU YAHUSHUA whose names
are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life. YOU showed me during those 3 hours even
when you barely could say “I thirst” and they dare to give you gall and vinegar
with a sponge because the cross was so tall and YOU refused it.
He would not even give you water and as they refuse that living water, how many
refuse YOUR living water now? But not us, not us who want a testimony as unto
Enoch for Enoch did not see death. Instead he was translated to Heaven because
he was found pleasing to YAHUVEH, that is our hearts desire. For those of us who
desire and who go the extra miles, to prove how much we love YOU by obeying YOU
and being true torah keepers!
Woe, woe, woe, woe, woe. Woe. There’s nothing worse than falling into the hands
of the living YAHUVEH. What HE can do to every atom and molecule that you, all
of you reprobate serpents who are on the reprobates wall of shame that I have on
this ministry and all of your names are not even there, but just wait, they will
be, I’ve just been a bit busy. Just wait, YAHUSHUA said every one of your atoms
and molecules shall feel the fire. You shall spontaneously combust, Poof. Up in
smoke you shall go, whether it be a fiery car crash, I don’t know, but you shall
feel it and your brain shall be scrambled for HE said so. Confusion like you’ve
never known before and you who want to gather together to try to kill me and try
to, and you do, you slander you libel. You speak all manner of evil against me,
trying to chase away the people from the ministry.
I cannot, ABBA YAHUVEH is telling me I cannot even fathom, just thank HIM ahead
of time because you are going to suffer untold agony like no one has ever
suffered before. I’m talking about worse than what Hitler, I’m talking about
Mussolini. I don’t know why those two names came, but you are going to suffer
even worse than the fallen angels, and the fallen angels are in your reprobate
souls and I’ve already told you so. You know who your names are, I don’t need to
say anymore, but I want to thank YOU ABBA YAHUVEH, I want to thank YOU, I want
to thank YOU!
For you said vengeance is MINE saith YAHUVEH I WILL repay. YOU never told us to
forgive an Esau, YOU never told us we had to forgive, like David did not run
after Goliath and say, “Oh goliath I’m taking off your head by the way and I am
going to kill you, but I forgive you!” YAHUSHUA did not say I forgive you to the
pharisees and the scribes. HE told them they were from below and HE was from
above and they were children of the devil (John 8:23,44).
But HE didn’t say I forgive you. Even that has been manipulated. When it says
that we are to forgive people who curse us, this is curse words that they are
talking about. I can easily forgive somebody who curses me with curse words, but
when they are sending the demons and the spirits and the curses, doing the
rituals of death and destruction, and all the other curses they send against the
Holy ones. We are not to say that we forgive them and we are never to say that
we bless anyone other than if we know YAHUVEH has said to bless them and they
are a blessing to YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA. Just like we never are to curse anyone
and ask for ABBA YAHUVEH to curse them because we don’t ever really curse
anyone, we just ask our FATHER in HEAVEN to please remind them of HIS promises
and let them be chased by the angel of death and let them be tackled with
everything of Deuteronomy 28, the curses of YAHUVEH for I did not write them.
YAHUVEH said and I thank YOU for it. There’s blessings of Deuteronomy 28 and we
receive them in the name of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH for everyone who worships YOU,
we receive them Beloved YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. Every one of us who strive to obey
YOU and fear YAHUVEH not wanting to anger HIM, we receive these blessings of
Deuteronomy 28. They are ours. We wear them now like second skin, we receive
them. We thank YOU for them, we couldn’t have any of them if YOU had not gone to
Calvary. We could not have any of them if YOU had not offered YOURSELF to be
tortured and to die on that cross, because on the 3rd day you rose again proving
the resurrection and we are resurrected through YOU YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. We
have our exodus from hell and satan because of YOU precious, precious, precious
YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and the RUACH HA KODESH who leads us to YOU, the great
We thank YOU. We Praise YOU that we are not under Deuteronomy 28 the curses of
YAHUVEH. That all these reprobates who are in rebellion and refuse to repent and
refuse to bow their knee and admit that YAHUSHUA is MESSIAH and turn from their
wicked evil ways, they shall wear Deuteronomy 28, curses like its second skin.
Not one of them will escape and I ask ABBA YAHUVEH in the name of YAHUSHUA, no
mercy especially on the enemies of Amightywind Ministry, who I as the leader
they really target and YAHUSHUA’S Demon Stompers, who are the very best prayer
intercessors and those of Amightywind congregation who have stood by my side all
along. Praying that the true Caleb anew would come forth and redeem all that
evil that has been done.
YAHUSHUA, thank YOU. Thank YOU Precious RUACH HA KODESH IMMAYAH, thank YOU thank
YOU, whom some call HOLY SPIRIT, thank YOU thank YOU for letting me hear the
words that YOU wanted to speak this day. Thank YOU for calling me YOUR apostle,
YOUR prophet, YOUR Ring Maiden. I feel so unworthy but, women listen! Don’t let
any man tell you that he is the head and he rules you! You who even think you
are in holy marriages, listen! The first one that you are to always obey is
YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and of course that includes the HOLYR TRINITY but I am
speaking of YAHUSHUA right now, because HE said that the men were to treat you,
were to love, be willing to lay their life down for you. They are to teach you
only holiness, only that what the FATHER would do. When they’re doing that, they
line up with YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. When they’re not doing that, then they are
the opposite and you are not compelled to obey them in any way.
Tell them to obey YAHUSHUA! Remind them who the head is. I had to learn all this
the hard way. Now I pass it on to you. Never allow yourself, never allow it, for
you have the RUACH HA KODESH within you. Never allow yourself to be abused, to
be beaten, even to be spoken emotionally, to be beaten. As they beat you down
with words and make you think that they’re more than what they are. Don’t allow
it, oh holy women who belong to YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. Instead pray, “if this man
does not change, then take him from me which ever way YOU want. I belong to
YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, I will never put any man or woman before HIM.”
This should be everyone’s prayers when they truly belong to YAHUSHUA and of
course this includes the entire HOLY TRINITY, which are THREE! And never ever
allow anyone to tell it’s four. The bible says anyone comes to you and preaches
any other doctrine you are not even to allow them in your door, and that’s for
quite a few religions out there. Oh, we thank YOU and we praise YOU. We Praise
YOU for the gift of tongues. The tongues of men and angels and for the
interpretation. We thank YOU and we Praise YOU and I shall even hear some of the
interpretation when this is over and what they heard and the visions that I have
as a tri cord, we sit together. As we were praying all day on another matter, on
another blessing from Heaven. Oh, Precious ones, please write me. The greatest
gift that YAHUSHUA ever gave, if HE never gives another gift to anyone on earth,
is HE said, “this blood is for you, FATHER forgive them, they know not what they
do.” (Luke 23:34)
And every one of us was in those shoes at one time, until the RUACH HA KODESH
the HOLY SPIRIT led us, as SHE was in that upper room on Shavuot, and SHE
entered into the disciples. Though we were not yet born, our name was already in
the Lamb’s Book of Life. Whatever decision we made in HEAVEN, the war was
continued here on this earth and will end on this earth. YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH
shall Rule and Reign and the promises for those who worship HIM in spirit and in
truth! We shall reign like kings and priests and those are mantles that you
wear, it doesn’t mean you run around with a crown.
Do not listen to these evil ones. They will try to convince you like Donovan
(Shimshon) that he is over there and they’re all Christian, going to the
Christians saying “I am holy follow my example.” If you follow their example on
the reprobate’s wall of shame, you’re going to end up in hell and the lake of
fire and far worse. And to the Messianic Jews now they try to deceive. Sherry
Shriner is dead burning in hell! Angie Ray is dead burning in hell! I could go
on and name the names of the enemies who said I would die before them. I’m alive
and I proclaim I shall live and not die nor ever be buried on this earth.
I will have a testimony as unto Enoch and so will the entire bride of YAHUSHUA
HA MASHIACH. If you think it’s easy to be the bride of YAHUSHUA by just saying a
salvation prayer and just sinning now and then, well you’re wrong! If you can’t
keep the 10 commandments then there’s something very wrong with you! Nothing
could be easier when you belong to YAHUSHUA and you do not want to bring HIM any
pain or any shame and I thank YOU beloved YAHUSHUA. If it wasn’t for the RUACH
HA KODESH within us, we would not know conviction to know what is right from
But this ministry is full of conviction and the prophecies too, but they’re full
of hope and if you’re not reprobate, meaning unrepented sinner who will never
repent even at the hour of their death, they will never repent. They are call
I thank YOU beloved YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, our love for YOU only grows stronger.
Our love for YOU oh HOLY FATHER ABBA YAHUVEH only grows stronger. Our love for
stronger! Our zeal to be able to reach souls for YOU only grow stronger and my
desire to reach Israel, only grows stronger as a Jew! I need the man of Judah to
come forth now! I need someone right now from Judah to come forth and teach me
more of the Hebrew roots, so we can teach together. I need someone with an
anointing like unto mine so we can pray in Holy tongues and stir up the gifts
within each other.
And for you men who are so jealous, I did not want to be only the woman leader.
I admit I did not know until Caleb came to me, I do desire with all my heart and
soul to have a male balance to this ministry and YAHUSHUA has promised me, it
will happen. So, thank YOU ABBA YAHUVEH for all of YOUR promises. Oh my, the
beautiful revelations and dreams and prophecies that the people will hear. To
know that Sukkot, to know that Hanukkah go together, never did I ever see anyone
do this before until they started following the example. But YOU told me that
and YOU spoke it to me and woke me out of a sleep and told me how happy YOU were
for what we had done at Amightywind, with the video on Sukkot.
This international ministry came together just to worship and praise YOU for
YOUR birth and on Hanukkah we all rejoiced in YOUR conception. The eternal
light! YOU were the menorah that was in that temple after it was defiled. Before
you were even born on this earth, YOU were that oil, YOU were that Menorah. Oh
YAHUSHUA thank YOU. We worship, we praise YOU, we love YOU, we adore YOU. I’m
sorry I don’t have a man to join with me now, but oh you precious, precious men
out there, my sons in YAHUSHUA, and my brothers in YAHUSHUA. Though we have not
personally met yet and you have not written me yet, just know that we are one in
YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, if you truly worship HIM, serve HIM and obey.
YAHUSHUA said, “why do you say you love ME and not obey ME?” Another version
says, “why do you call ME LORD, that means ruler, and not obey ME?” So, for
those who tell you, “overall, it’s all about grace right now, don’t worry about
the cross, don’t worry about sinning anymore, sin all you want. You always can
go back.” This is what our reprobate ones do now, the reprobate enemies. They
think they can go back and they convince the people, “we said we’re sorry.” But
they’ve never said one word to me that they’re sorry. All they do is try to kill
me more or slander or libel and they’re out after YAHUSHUA’S lambs and sheep and
I will not allow it. For I was given the words, “feed MY sheep” 3 times audibly
and with all that is within me, that is what this ministry does.
As the spiritual food given to me, the good food from HEAVEN, I give to you. I
offer to you. You either were brought to this ministry to be blessed, or to know
the curses of YAHUVEH. For salvation, or judgement. What you do to this ministry
and what you do to me, and those who preach on holiness and make the videos,
will determine whether you are going to HEAVEN or hell. And you who think you
can all me a false prophet when all I say is backed up with the Holy Scriptures,
especially in the New Blood Covenant and this is a Hebrew Roots New Blood
Covenant Ministry. If you are looking for an orthodox Jewish synagogue just
because I’m a Jew, get away. You don’t belong here.
You can’t have one foot in orthodox Judaism, you can’t have one foot in the New
Blood Covenant and you can’t have one foot in kabala. You can’t do it! You’re
going to be forced to make a choice and there is only one that will get you to
HEAVEN for there is no salvation in this whole world as the scripture says,
other than the name of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH (Acts 4:12) who some call JESUS
CHRIST right now, just so you know I only say that name one time. Because that
Hebrew virgin birth mother of YAHUSHUA whom some call Mary, Mariam in Hebrew.
She did not give her Jewish baby, and neither did Joseph allow it, did not give
a Greek name to that Hebrew infant called YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH.
Even King James says Emmanuel. It still means GOD with us. For he acknowledged
and he knew that was a virgin birth. Where the beautiful hand of the RUACH HA
KODESH placed YAHUSHUA in the womb of a virgin young Hebrew woman, but she gave
birth with great travail as a human woman, because, HE is the SON of humanity.
HE is both YAH GOD in the spirit, and HE was also of the flesh and came from the
line of David and I won’t argue with you rabbis.
For you who want to show me how intellectual you are, how little I know, I won’t
argue with you. I know who my MESSIAH is, I have seen HIM face to face and not
in a vision. His eyes are the brightest of blue and when you’ve ever felt HIS
love and seen those eyes, you will know what I know and why I do what I do no
matter the persecution. No matter the suffering or the price we have to pay and
the bible says, “Blessed are you who have believed and not even seen” (John
20:29) HIS face yet.
Blessed are you, for it is all faith and faith is the substance of things hoped
for, the evidence of things not yet seen. I thank YOU ABBA YAHUVEH in this 2020,
increase all of our faith. Increase the anointing within us. Those who truly
belong to YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and as YOUR Ring Maiden, I pray with all of my
heart. Please bless the true bride of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH! Please deliver them,
please heal, please restore. Please hide, hide them. Open portals to them if
need be so they have, they can escape. Put the cloak of invisibility on them to
confound the evil of this world. Provide for them supernaturally. Lay food on
that table, [even] if a holy angel delivers it to the door.
Thank YOU beloved YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH for all that YOU’RE doing, and all that
YOU’RE going to do to protect YOUR children in 2020. That is my prayer. That is
my blessing that I speak forth on the Amightywind congregation who truly worship
YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and receive that this blood was for you and you are
forgiven! And you have no doubts of who HE is, and you have no doubt who the
reprobates are. May you actually see the shape shifters come and see their faces
shift as we have and the third eye bulging out! May it only get bigger and never
be able to be disguised, that’s what I ask ABBA YAHUVEH EL SHADDAI in this year
of 2020! So, the people would believe and they would stop playing with the third
eye! It’s meant not to be awakened.
That’s what these reprobates have done. The enemies of this ministry. Who are
they you ask? Go to the part of the ministry that is written on the menu
“reprobates wall of shame” see who they were and what they had became in one
months’ time. You will hear in November how they proclaim how much they love me;
you will hear in December how much they hate me. One months’ time. That’s all it
was. 2018. You will hear with your own ears, what it’s like when a fallen angel
enters into their soul of a human
I just want to thank YOU ABBA YAHUVEH for keeping us holy. I want to thank you
ABBA YAHUVEH for the fear that I do have of you. We know that we are nothing
more than dust but I want to thank YOU that YOU say that we are YOUR diamonds
and with much pressure there has to become a diamond. And though YOU put the
pressure on us, I want to thank YOU that YOU will not allow us to give up, those
of us whose names are in the Lamb’s Book of Life living in these end times.
Thank YOU again for this word YOU have spoken in YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH’S name, I
give the HOLY TRINITY all Praise Honor and Glory. We worship YOU ABBA YAHUVEH
SPIRIT, ALL of YOU, all THREE OF YOU. We worship YOU.
We say come YAHUSHUA, come. The bride begs YOU to come. Come YAHUSHUA, come. The
guests beg YOU to come, who will be at the marriage supper of the Lamb. Some of
them don’t even know YOU yet. These are the ones we must reach. Let some man out
there from Judah, from Israel, born and raised in Israel. Who can teach me more
of the Hebrew roots who has an anointing to stir up the anointing within me, so
more prophecies will come forth.
Please be touched by the words I have spoken. Do not be offended because I
spelled the name “YAHUSHUA.” I did it because I was commanded by HEAVEN. It’s in
the prophecies that come forth out of my mouth that is not, is not of my flesh.
Come forth you precious, precious women who are born and raised in Israel. Even
if you don’t, were not born in Israel, just come to me, please write me. If you
can be a Hebrew translator, please help me and you will stand beside me on that
glorious day we stand before the Three Thrones and rewards are handed out. You
will receive a prophet’s reward. I cannot speak Hebrew but for a little bit.
These prophecies must be transcribed into Hebrew.
Will you help me? Will you answer the call? Freely giving it to YAHUSHUA HA
MASHIACH? I humbly ask. ABBA YAHUVEH take whatever treasure YOU want to take
from me in HEAVEN stored up for me and my storehouse in HEAVEN but please let it
not be long now. That there will be a man from Judah to come forth. There will
be someone who will teach me more of the Hebrew roots to back up with the
biblical New Blood Covenant scriptures.
I ask you bring that daughter or sister in YAHUSHUA, whatever she wants to be
called. But I ask that you bond us together and she too will come forth. You
even gave me the name of a singer that is a famous messianic Jew in Israel and I
will obey and will write her and ask her.
I know it’s her choice whether to say yes or no, but it will prove how much she
truly loves YOU YAHUSHUA. If she has a burden to help me with this.
Again I thank YOU for hearing our prayers, for YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH’S GLORY,
Selah. Amen.
So it is spoken, so it is written under the anointing of the RUACH HA KODESH
through Apostle Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu. I pray for Deuteronomy 28 blessings on
all who love and obey YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, Amen.
Psalm 22:18
“they divide my garments among them, and for my clothing they cast lots.”
Luke 23:32
“And YAHUSHUA said, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” And
they cast lots to divide his garments.”
Isaiah 7:14
“Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall
conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.”
Matthew 1:23
“Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name
Immanuel” (which means, God with us).
Isaiah 62:1
“For Zion’s sake I will not keep silent, and for Jerusalem’s sake I will not be
quiet, until her righteousness goes forth as brightness, and her salvation as a
burning torch.”
Micah 5:2
“But you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah, who are too little to be among the clans of
Judah, from you shall come forth for me one who is to be ruler in Israel, whose
coming forth is from of old, from ancient days.”
Matthew 2:1-6
Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king,
behold, wise men from the east came to Jerusalem, saying, “Where is he who has
been born king of the Jews? For we saw his star when it rose and have come to
worship him.” When Herod the king heard this, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem
with him; and assembling all the chief priests and scribes of the people, he
inquired of them where the Christ was to be born. They told him, “In Bethlehem
of Judea, for so it is written by the prophet: “‘And you, O Bethlehem, in the
land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; for from you
shall come a ruler who will shepherd my people Israel.’”
Psalm 78:2
“I will open my mouth with a parable; I will utter hidden things, things from of
All these things YAHUSHUA said to the crowds in parables; indeed, he said
nothing to them without a parable. This was to fulfill what was spoken by the
“I will open my mouth in parables; I will utter what has been hidden since the
foundation of the world.”
Isaiah 53:4-5
Surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows; yet we esteemed him
stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted. But he was pierced for our
transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement
that brought us peace, and with his wounds we are healed.
Matthew 8:16-17
That evening they brought to him many who were oppressed by demons, and he cast
out the spirits with a word and healed all who were sick. This was to fulfill
what was spoken by the prophet Isaiah: “He took our illnesses and bore our
Psalm 8:2
“Out of the mouth of babies and infants, you have established strength because
of your foes, to still the enemy and the avenger.”
Matthew 21:15-16
But when the chief priests and the scribes saw the wonderful things that he did,
and the children crying out in the temple, “Hosanna to the Son of David!” they
were indignant, and they said to him, “Do you hear what these are saying?” And
Jesus said to them, “Yes; have you never read, “‘Out of the mouth of infants and
nursing babies you have prepared praise’?”
Through Apostle Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu on 20th January 2020
Shabbat Shalom from AMIGHTYWIND!
Apostle Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu Youtube Channel