Shabbat Shalom!
Welcome to Behaalotecha / When You Raise - this week’s Prophetic reading

Prophecy 21, 118, 152;
Numbers 8:1-12:16;
Zechariah 2:10-4:7;
Philippians 2:1-18;

Zechariah 2:10-4:7

10 Sing and rejoice, O daughter of Zion. For, lo, I come; and I will dwell among you, says YAHUVEH.
11 And many nations shall be joined to YAHUVEH in that day, and they shall be My people. And I will dwell among you; and you shall know that YAHUVEH of Hosts has sent Me to you.
12 And YAHUVEH shall possess Judah, His portion in the holy land, and He shall again choose Jerusalem.
13 Be silent all flesh before YAHUVEH, For He is raised up out of His holy habitation.

*~Zechariah Chapter 3 ~*

1 And he made me see Joshua the high priest standing before the Messenger of YAHUVEH, and Satan standing at his right hand to accuse him.
2 And YAHUVEH said to Satan, YAHUVEH rebuke you, Satan! And, YAHUVEH who has chosen Jerusalem rebuke you! Is this not a brand plucked out of the fire?
3 And Joshua was clothed with filthy garments, and he stood before the Messenger of YAHUVEH.
4 And He answered and spoke to those who stood before Him, saying, Take away the filthy garments from him. And He said to him, Behold, I have caused your iniquity to pass from you, and I will clothe you with ceremonial robes.
5 And I said, Let them set a clean turban on his head. And they set a clean turban on his head and clothed him with clothing. And the Messenger of YAHUVEH stood by.
6 And the Messenger of YAHUVEH repeated again saying to Joshua,
7 So says YAHUVEH of Hosts: If you will walk in My ways, and if you will keep My charge, then you shall also judge My house, and shall also keep My courts, and I will give you access to walk among these who stand by.
8 Hear now, O Joshua the high priest, you and your associates who are sitting before you; for they are men of symbol.
9 For, behold, I will bring forth My Servant, THE BRANCH. For behold, the stone which I have given before Joshua, on the one stone are seven eyes.I will engrave its engraving, says YAHUVEH of Hosts, and I will remove the iniquity of that land in one day.
10 In that day, says YAHUVEH of Hosts, you shall invite each man to his neighbor to sit under the vine and under the fig tree.

*~Zechariah Chapter 4 ~*

1 And the angel who was speaking with me returned and awakened me, as a man is awakened out of his sleep.
2 And he said to me, What do you see? And I said, I see, and behold, a Menorah, all of it gold, and a bowl on its top, and its seven lamps on it, and seven spouts each to the seven lamps on its top;
3 and two olive trees are beside it, one on the right of the bowl, and one on its left.
4 And I answered and spoke to the angel who was talking with me, saying, What are these, my master?
5 And the angel who was speaking with me answered and said to me, Do you not know what these are? And I said, No, my master.
6 Then he answered and spoke to me, saying, This is the Word of YAHUVEH to Zerubbabel, saying, Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, says YAHUVEH of Hosts.
7 Who are you, O great mountain? Before Zerubbabel you shall become a plain. And he shall bring forth the capstone with shouts: Grace! Grace to it!

Philippians 2:1-18

1 So then, if there is any comfort in Messiah, if any consolation of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any mercies and compassions,
2 complete my joy, by being in one accord, and one love, and one soul, and one mind.
3 Doing nothing according to strife or self-glory, but in humility, let each regard his neighbor as better than himself;
4 let no one be mindful only of his own things, but let each one also be mindful of the things of his neighbor.
5 For think this within you, which mind was also in Messiah YAHUSHUA,
6 who existed in the very form of ELOHIM, thought it not robbery to be the equal with ELOHIM,
7 but emptied Himself, taking the image of a servant, having become in the image of the sons of men
8 and being found in form like a man, He humbled Himself, having become obedient until death, even the death of a torture stake.
9 For this reason also, YAHUVEH highly exalted Him and gave Him a name above every name,
10 that at the name of YAHUSHUA "every knee should bow," of those in heaven, and those on earth, and those under the earth,
11 and "every tongue should confess" that YAHUSHUA Messiah is YAHUVEH, (the Son) to the glory of YAHUVEH His Father.
12 So then, my beloved, even as you always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much rather in my absence, work out your salvation with fear and trembling,
13 for it is ELOHIM who is working in you both to will and to work for the sake of His good pleasure.
14 Do all things without murmuring and doubtful reasoning,
15 that you may be blameless and harmless, children of YAHUVEH, without fault in the midst of a crooked generation, even having been perverted, among whom you shine as luminaries in the world,
16 holding up the Word of Life, for a boast to me in the day of Messiah, that I ran not in vain, nor labored in vain.
17 But if indeed I am poured out on the sacrifice and service of your faith, I rejoice; yea, I rejoice with you all.
18 And you also rejoice in the same and rejoice with me.