This is from Prophecy 105, YAHUVEH said to put this up on all Prophecies from now on: I warned you a long time ago Elisabeth (Elisheva) not to name this Ministry after a man or a woman even before there was a Ministry. I put it in your spirit for none of this has been done by your hand, none of this has come forth from your mouth. It is from the Mouth of YAHUVEH that has given birth. It is from the Mouth of YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH that has given birth. It is from the Mouth of the RUACH ha KODESH your IMMAYAH that has given birth. If it had only been by your hand it would have failed long ago. It is by the SHKHINYAH GLORY’S Wind that blows across this earth, the Holy Wind of Revival, it is not by your breath or it would have failed. (Isaiah 42:8)
This is from Prophecy 105, YAHUVEH said to put this up on all Prophecies from
now on: I warned you a long time ago Elisabeth (Elisheva) not to name this
Ministry after a man or a woman even before there was a Ministry. I put it in
your spirit for none of this has been done by your hand, none of this has come
forth from your mouth. It is from the Mouth of YAHUVEH that has given birth. It
is from the Mouth of YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH that has given birth. It is from the
Mouth of the RUACH ha KODESH your IMMAYAH that has given birth. If it had only
been by your hand it would have failed long ago. It is by the SHKHINYAH GLORY’S
Wind that blows across this earth, the Holy Wind of Revival, it is not by your
breath or it would have failed. (Isaiah 42:8)
In July 2010 YAHUVEH GOD also said to add the following from 2nd Chronicles
before every Prophecy:
2 Chronicles 36:16, “But they mocked the Messengers of GOD, despised HIS Words,
and scoffed at HIS Prophets, until the wrath of the LORD arose against HIS
people, till there was no remedy.”
* * * * * * *
Important Note About This Prophecy!
YAHUVEH held back what has been happening this year! Just like Jonah, Judgment
was delayed, and now in 2001 it has begun! Pray it will be delayed again!
* * * * * * *
MY Beloved, hear MY Words and instructions for the coming days of 1999 and
onward. I hear MY Children cry out. I am not deaf, nor blind, MY hand is not too
short to deliver you from the trials to come. Just walk by faith and not by
sight. Your natural ears and eyes will fail or deceive you. Listen not to the
prognosticators of doom that say I will forsake MY Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones or
Elect. Stand on MY Word, believe it and say in your heart “YAHUVEH said it, I
In 1999, the words “Fear of Flying” will take on a new meaning. MY Babies and
Bride will not fear. Rumors of war will no longer be rumors and will be more
than one country at a time. I see and hear MY Babies, MY Children, I feel your
pain as you listen and run in terror in every direction or you are overwhelmed
and paralyzed, as if in shock and your faith draining daily at the world’s news
reports. Many of MY little ones are in a panic for they say, “I cannot hear
YAHUVEH’s voice.” They weep and wail in fear and pray, “Please YAHUVEH, tell me
where to go and what to do.”
MY Children, hear ME you have not heard what to do or where to go for it is not
yet time. Tarry a while longer, I will speak and confirm to your Spirit in many
different ways. I have not forsaken MY beloved Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones or
Elect. Nor will I. Your names are engraved on MY palms.
Many of MY Children are trying to calculate MY next move. Have you not realized
MY ways are above the way you do things? That is why I am the great God “I AM”
and I apologize to no one for anything I do. In 1999 you will do well to learn
as you should have long ago to lean not onto your own understanding, but in all
your ways acknowledge ME, ask of ME and your Heavenly Father, Almighty God
YAHUVEH will direct your path.
Stop trying to understand ME. It is not your place to understand ME, rather it
is I that understands your every thought, action, motive, intentions of the
heart. You but think a thought and before you speak, I know what you will say. I
am the potter; you are the clay, stop arguing with ME.
Many of you are making decisions based on fear. I have not given you the fear of
your heavenly Father forsaking or forgetting MY Children. Satan has given you
this fear, along with spirits of depression and hopelessness. Keep your hope
alive; keep your faith alive by renewing your mind. Read MY Word. All that I
have done in times of old.
Since the times of old, I have taken care of MY Children who serve and worship,
try to obey ME, have I not? Many spiritual leaders frighten you with facts, how
MY Children are tortured and murdered for MY sake. But I say onto you now, yes
there are martyrs, I have always had beloved children willing to lay down their
lives for MY sake. I always will have martyrs; their blood is so precious to ME,
as MY Son willingly gave his life at Calvary so these also spill their blood for
MY glory. “I AM” who “I AM,” and I change not neither for man, nor woman or your
seasons nor times.
I will bless those who are a blessing onto ME, curse those that are a curse onto
ME. Those who bring ME shame shall live eternally cut off from their creator, in
pain and anguish untold. Again in 1999 and onward, a new meaning to the above
words, “I will bless those who are a blessing onto ME and curse those that are a
curse onto ME.” These words will be felt by all. Hear ME! Fear ME! Believe ME! I
do not lie! What I prophesy will come to pass in 1999. “I AM” who “I AM,”
Almighty God YAHUVEH, the Alpha and Omega, whom is the Holy Trinity.
I will reward MY true children, who diligently seek to please ME in all ways. I
will protect MY Children in 1999 with the coming trials and tribulations for MY
Glory’s sake. Not their glory’s sakes. I will protect all those who insist on
being Holy as I am Holy, living Holy, thinking Holy, speaking Holy, a living
witness to the heathen. MY Bride, MY Children, you have been set apart for
YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA’s Glory alone. I delight in blessing those who do these
MY true Sheep and Lambs will never have any other god before ME. MY Bride will
not compromise in any way that which I have decreed as Holy. MY Bride will honor
MY Commandments, including one that has been overlooked by multitudes. It has
been misunderstood, mocked, or the spirit of rebellion that has entered and
hardened hearts. Yet MY Bride now will be held accountable as some of you will
hang your heads in shame, not knowing how you grieved MY RUACH ha KODESH by not
keeping MY Sabbath Day Holy.
Oh but I can see you shaking your head, and saying “Not I, surely you speak to
another, for I attend church services on Sunday.” Every Sunday, some even boast.
“Oh but MY darling little ones IT IS YOU, WHO HAVE GRIEVED MY RUACH ha KODESH.
For did you not read MY Word, Exodus 31:12-18: “And the Lord spake unto Moses
saying, Speak thou also unto the children of Israel, saying, Verily MY Sabbaths
ye shall keep: for it is a sign between ME and you throughout your generations;
that ye may know that I am the Lord that doth sanctify you.
Ye shall keep the Sabbath therefore; for it is holy unto you; everyone that
defileth it shall surely be put to death, for whosoever doeth any work therein,
that soul shall be cut off from among his people. Six days may work be done: but
in the seventh is the Sabbath of rest, holy to the Lord; whosoever doeth any
work in the Sabbath day, he shall surely be put to death. Wherefore the children
of Israel shall keep the Sabbath, to observe the Sabbath throughout their
generations, for a perpetual covenant. It is a sign between ME and the children
of Israel forever: for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, and on the
seventh day HE rested, and was refreshed and HE gave unto Moses, when he had
made an end of communing with him upon Mount Sinai, two tables of testimony,
tables of stone, written with the finger of YAHUVEH.”
Your work must be done in six days, but on the seventh you are to rest, Friday
sundown until Saturday sundown. Pray and I will show you how to set these days
apart and teach you to rest in ME and you will hear MY voice, be encouraged,
refreshed in a new way, blessed and protected against your enemies. Did I not
say I am the great God, “I AM?” and I and MY Word change not, for no man nor
woman, or time nor season.
Your spiritual leaders who have not taught this must repent. Turn away from this
evil of doing things man’s way, with man-made doctrines. Again I say, MY ways
are higher than your ways. Flee from any spiritual leaders refusing to teach MY
Holy Word without compromising. Again I say, flee. It is far better to learn the
truth from this handmaiden than die in that lie. Practice now to keep MY Sabbath
day holy. The hard times are approaching and you will be held accountable for
what you now know. You no longer have any excuses.
Once again, you who are MY true Babies and Bride will never have any other gods
before ME. MY Bride will honor ME by keeping MY Sabbath’s Holy. Say not which
Sabbath day for I have plainly told you it is not Sunday. My elect have known it
all along. Everyday you are to worship and acknowledge ME, but on the Sabbath
day, Friday sunset to Saturday sunset, you are to rest, learn of ME, for I
jealously want you on that day to only be MINE on the day I call MY Sabbath.
The world deems it foolish and thinks it’s their day to sin and party or work;
instead MY People will refuse to work and party. Proving that the days of men
are foolishness and telling MY People to be a Sabbath keeper is foolish. Yet
this is MY Holy Day and satan has used your religious system to mock ME on that
I want to encourage you. Those who are called Sabbath keepers, you are MY TRUE
BRIDE. Your aroma is pleasing to MY nostrils, but being a Sabbath keeper alone
will not save you. It must be combined with accepting YAHUSHUA as MESSIAH. As
the sinful world you live in continues to teach rebellion, trashing or editing
MY Ten Commandments, as in the days of Moses I will show what I do with a people
with a rebellious heart.
Multitudes claiming to be believers in YAHUSHUA and YAHUVEH are breaking the two
tablets of stone once again as Moses did, but this time in another way. For the
rebellious children break MY heart when they break MY commandments and say
keeping the Sabbath holy is no longer important. The tablets of stone are the
stony cold hearts far from ME, indifferent to MY commandments. Spiritual leaders
are rewriting MY commandments that I gave Moses, mocking them, breaking them as
they chose. Playing god as to what was written and what their idea behind the
meaning of MY commandments are.
What is a commandment? It is just that, a command, a law, orders decreed from
heaven from YAHUVEH. The same commands on earth are followed in heaven. Soldiers
take orders from the commander-in-chief, yet MY soldiers question ME when I give
Why is this so? Am I not the same great God “I AM,” that parted the Red Sea? Am
I not the same great God “I AM,” that provided for Noah and Moses? Did I not
send an angel to shut the mouth of the lion for Daniel? Did I not protect
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the fiery furnace? Can you believe that I
will do it again? It is the aroma of MY sweet anointing that kept them from
smelling like smoke. Pray and believe in faith I will keep you from bowing down
to other false gods.
Put ME first in all your ways as these three Hebrew children did. Am I not the
same great God “I AM,” that used a woman named Deborah as a judge to defeat
thousands, taking MY enemies to the grave and the pits of hell? Am I not the
same great God “I AM,” that used a shepherd boy and one small rock to cause
Goliath to forever fall? Am I not the same great God “I AM,” that cursed evil
Pharaoh? I created him for destruction to prove “I AM” who “I AM?”
No one oppresses or attempts to possess MY Chosen Ones, MY Elect who worship and
serve ME, putting YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA above all else. Those who curse MY Elect
I shall curse. Those who dare to kill, torture, oppress, possess and attempt to
silence MY Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones or Elect. I will repay them as in the days
of David and Goliath, as in the days of the evil Pharaoh. This coming year of
1999 what you have read about in the past, I shall do it again. You will see MY
great hand of wrath or mercy all will see the reality of which God they have
These spiritual leaders that are apostles, prophets, teachers, preachers and
evangelists that say it does not matter which day is called the Sabbath, teach
MY People a lie. Those that say YAHUSHUA is the Sabbath but in the next breath
condemn themselves by saying everyday we are to worship YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA,
this is true, ahh, but listen for the next word to test the Spirit that speaks
to those professing to know ME and yet do not know ME, now is their chance to
repent and teach the truth for they say any day can be the Sabbath.
I say onto you now satan has stolen MY Day of worship and rest, substituted a
day for convenience of mankind! A day man decreed and now again writes orders to
worship and rest on what is now called Sunday. But I decreed, and MY chosen and
elect know the day of rest. It is not meant to be a convenience to mankind, but
a blessing to mankind and I, YAHUVEH. It is now a day that you just fit into
your busy work and play schedule.
They have even changed the beginning and ending of the week to suite their
schedule. Even those who don’t accept MY Son, YAHUSHUA as their MESSIAH, accept
and honor MY Sabbath day as rest and keep it holy. And they have more favor in
MY eyes than you who call yourself MINE, yet accept MY Son as MESSIAH, but dare
to rewrite MY commandments. HEAR ME! FEAR ME! BELIEVE ME! Vengeance is MINE,
saith YAHUVEH.
You, who are under the spiritual leadership that refuse to teach MY Word without
omitting a jot or tittle, beware. Flee, from these churches, from this day
forward you will be sowing seed into shallow hard ground. MY RUACH ha KODESH
will be taken from these places. What you did in ignorance, I will forgive. I
will forgive your spiritual leaders if you will repent and teach and do what is
right. This coming year of 1999, many churches will be sitting desolate, for
judgment has come to the house of the Lord.
HEAR ME! FEAR ME! BELIEVE ME! I am not a God to be mocked! When I had finished
speaking to Moses on Mount Sinai I gave him the two tablets of stone inscribed
by MY finger, the laws of YAHUVEH. Yet why have so many believed the lie that
YAHUSHUA canceled the Ten Commandments? Many teach breaking the Ten Commandments
is no longer sin. After all, YAHUSHUA paid the price they say. These evil
spiritual leaders twist MY Word; teach MY People keeping the Ten Commandments is
Don’t forget that I have put MY RUACH ha KODESH within you that provides a way
of escape with every temptation that besets you. Other evil teachers say to
break the least of the commandments is not sin. They forget that breaking one is
to break all. Man numbered the commandments 1-10, I say “Why do you say you love
ME and not obey ME? Would I give you commandments that are impossible to keep?”
Keep MY commandments; put them in to practice, stray neither to the right nor to
the left. To truly love your Creator and your MESSIAH, YAHUSHUA is the essence
of the law.
MY Babies and Bride all have broken MY laws and none can say otherwise, or they
lie. That is before you accepted YAHUSHUA as MESSIAH. Now you have MY RUACH ha
KODESH who convicts and reminds you when your feet stray to the left or right.
In this year 1999, the Godly shall radiate MY presence in their speech, actions;
even their faces shall shine forth with MY RUACH ha KODESH. Also in 1999, from
this time forward, the ungodly will become more ungodly.
These will become like unto the son of perdition and will manifest a radiance
also like the angel of light once called Lucifer or the countenances of the
ungodly shall become as a dark fog. As MY Son approaches earth, the dividing of
MY sheep and satan’s goats will become more evident. The earth quakes in great
fear of the coming judgment. Hell spews forth molten lava. The Lake of Fire is
MY wrath that overflows. Hell is kindled by MY wrath. The river of life flows
forth from MY throne with great love and mercy. For MY Babies, Bride, Chosen
Ones and Elect 1999 will be a year full of deliverance for those who put ME
first. MY Children will know great blessings for boldly keeping MY Sabbath Holy
and who know the importance of keeping MY Commandments. MY Children also know
when they sin against ME and repent; turning away from that sin only YAHUSHUA’s
Holy Blood shed at Calvary will wash them clean again.
In 1999, MY Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones and Elect will see MY loving hand of
deliverance reaching forth from Heaven and see YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA and the RUACH
ha KODESH deliver MY Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones and Elect, doing what was
otherwise thought impossible. Listen and learn how in 1999 learn not to trust in
the natural, but instead trust that YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA will provide for you
I, the Lord your God YAHUVEH am not confined to do things by man’s way of
providing for you. For I have all of Heaven at MY disposal. For those of you who
lack faith, can you explain why the sun is hot? Who causes the ice to be cold? I
will prove what I have spoken will happen. I am speaking it through MY true
Prophets and Apostles and this is only the beginning.
Starting in 1999, I will speak forth bolder, louder, more frequently, as MY Son
YAHUSHUA approaches. None will be able to say I have not warned. Signs in the
sky and fearing what none thought to fear. Even atheists will shudder at what I
am going to do in 1999 and 2000. But remember, not all the wrath you will see
will be coming from ME. Satan is very angry, his time is short. Satan will send
his servants forth and steal, kill and destroy in a greater way. What satan
cannot accomplish, in satan’s name he will deceive and accomplish using MY Son,
YAHUSHUA’s (satan will use the name of ‘JESUS’ to deceive billions in the Great
Tribulation) Name. Satan will even deceive using MY Name YAHUVEH.
You MY Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones and Elect, will recognize the evil done in the
name of science, government and religion. Hear and fear, ye enemies of the
Gospel of YAHUSHUA, I will always have a people! MY Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones
and Elect when I say FLEE it will be as when I open the Red Sea and I will show
you the way. DO NOT FEAR, JUST FLEE! As Lot fled, DO NOT NOT LOOK BACK!
At the end of 1998, many thought this was a hard year, you, who toasted one
another, celebrated the end of the year 1998, counting down the minutes till it
was gone, do not know I counted also, holding back MY rage for the sake of
One day you will long to see 1998 again, you will be sorry you threw MY
blessings away. You will regret you did not obey. You will regret you did not
sow seed for the troubled days ahead. MY true children will arise in victory,
for they have given their all, they hold nothing back. Even if need be, they
will give me their lives.
For at last MY Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones and Elect will see the hand of YAHUVEH
and YAHUSHUA deliver and slay the Goliath’s of this world, causing their enemies
to flee in seven different directions. MY Children who can trust ME in this new
year of 1999, in a world seemingly filled with chaos, and yet in that chaos, MY
Children will sense the peace that passes all understanding. MY Babies, Bride,
Chosen Ones and Elect will have more blessings, wisdom, knowledge, revelations
to know how to evade the enemies’ traps.
MY Children will be as a Joshua and watch the enemies and their walls of evil
come tumbling down upon these evil ones. This year 1999, at mid-point
especially, you will see and remember what has been spoken this day through this
handmaiden on 12/31/98. One more thing, although this handmaiden is of Jewish
descent, both mother and father, and I speak this not for her benefit, but for
others. It is not whether you are a Jew or a Gentile that will save you, but
rather have you accepted MY Son YAHUSHUA as MESSIAH? Have you had a Blood
transfusion from YAHUSHUA’s Blood shed at Calvary?
Do not be like the synagogues of satan, who do profess to be MINE and yet do not
keep MY laws and Sabbaths and have not truly received the gift of YAHUSHUA at
Calvary. MY Jewish people keep MY laws and Sabbaths, and yet they refuse
YAHUSHUA as MESSIAH. There will be no other MESSIAH!
You wait in vain at the cost of your souls. I speak this boldly through this
handmaiden, who I will send to deliver this message in person to Israel and
Jerusalem and other parts of the world, in MY love not only hers, as I have sent
MY other servants forth to say to the Jewish people, “You love and worship and
serve YAHUVEH, you even try to keep MY laws, feasts and Sabbath day, yet this
alone cannot save anyone, be they Jew or Gentile.
Be warned, you’re only loving half of ME, if you’re not acknowledging, accepting
MY Son YAHUSHUA as the only MESSIAH, both for Jew and Gentile. The only door to
heaven! The only intercessor before I, YAHUVEH, the Father. All your sacrifices
have been done in vain, for all those who have not accepted MY gift at Calvary,
YAHUSHUA is his Name!
Do not hate MY messengers I send forth with this message, rather love MY
messengers for loving you enough for the sake of your souls have spoken the
truth in boldness despite the cost or persecution. It would have been easier for
them to stay silent, but I would not allow their lips to be silenced, for I love
MY Jewish people. What will it take for you to see your God YAHUVEH’s gift I
gave at Calvary?
Satan seeks to have lawmakers to silence MY messengers sent with this message.
Their lives are in danger, but there has always been a great cost to speak MY
Words without compromise. 1999 will be a year MY true servants will stand and
say to the world “I have decided to follow YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA and the RUACH ha
KODESH.” Preaching the word in season and out of season, in lack or abundance,
There is a spiritual leader, with another spiritual leader yet to come, who sits
on a great throne, he wears a crown of jewels, holds a scepter in his hand,
people bow low to him, worship, reverence him, laws are passed by this unholy
manmade king that was created by the Roman Empire. And in boldness through MY
handmaiden I say in 1999 you will see this so called unholy king rewrite MY
commandments putting another god before the people. This time a woman who is to
be a goddess. She is said to be part of the godhead, but is NOT!
BEWARE when they attach the name Mary to Father, Son and HOLY GHOST. Beware of
the doctrines of men. There is but one Godhead, the Great God “I AM,” YAHUVEH,
who is your Creator and heavenly Father and YAHUSHUA, MY Son who is your MESSIAH
and the RUACH ha KODESH! NONE OTHER! There are NO other intercessors in Heaven.
Only coming to ME in the Name of YAHUSHUA will I hear you. For those who refuse
to believe this, what will you do when you find all your sacrifices, prayers in
other Saint’s names have been in vain.
It is satan that has deceived you. For you have put other gods before ME that
are no gods at all! What will you say when you stand before YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA
when you find out there is no Purgatory, only Heaven or hell and you can not
pray anyone out of hell no matter how many candles you light. You cannot be
forgiven no matter how many Hail Mary’s you say. At the hour of your death, stop
calling on the name of MY Son’s mother, Mary, she cannot help you, only the Name
of YAHUSHUA can. It was not her blood shed at Calvary, but MY Son, YAHUSHUA’s
Blood shed at Calvary. That is the only atonement for sin.
MY beloved Children, who are MY Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones and Elect, the
heathen calls you narrow minded when you say there is but one way to God the
Father’s throne and in one Name, the Name of YAHUSHUA, that I will answer
prayers. You tell them, “Yes, I am narrow minded for the word of YAHUVEH cannot
lie and YAHUVEH says only in the Name of YAHUSHUA will I hear your prayers and
the pathway to Heaven is narrow and he road to Hell is broad!”
You tell them “It is the broad-minded that will end up suffering in agony, first
in hell, then in the Lake of Fire! Because you love YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA and
them, warn them, MY Children! Love them enough to incur their wrath. Love them
enough to be an offense. I, YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA and the RUACH ha KODESH speak
the truth, the majority doesn’t want to hear and we are an offense to many.
1999 is not only a year for great deliverance, for it will come to MY People,
remember 9 is the number symbolizing deliverance and you have it 3 times. 3
times is the number of MY Trinity, therefore you have complete harmony, Father,
Son and Ruach ha Kodesh. Beware, satan will take 1999 and reverse the direction,
turning it upside down and it will be 6661. As he takes everything Holy and
counterfeits it by doing things backwards, perverting even MY Holy prayers in
his satanic services. So this year, 1999 will be full of satanic power. You will
see manifested the power of satan, anti-christ and the false prophet, the unholy
trinity, using science, government and religion and man-made doctrines to
deceive many.
Satan will use science and say it is being used for good, instead beware it is
being used for evil. Be warned again, this is also for the government, religion
and charities. Evil will be done in the name of God and worse. MY beloved, you
cannot say I did not send MY Prophets and Apostles to warn you, so you would not
fall into the enemy’s snares.
For the people who live to see the end of 1999, even the atheists and heathen
will have to admit, signs, wonders and miracles, delivering power, followed all
those that believe, serve, hung on to their faith, obeying ME and because of
this multitudes will be saved, for they kept their faith in YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA
and boldly spoke out that their God would save them. Because of their boldness,
multitudes will hear and be saved.
Because of this, multitudes will hear and be damned. For the heathen will still
deny YAHUSHUA as MESSIAH and be held accountable even after YAHUSHUA proves his
delivering power for all eyes to see. Say not as the heathens say, “Happy New
Year!” For the heathen’s know not what is to come! But oh for MY Babies, Bride,
Chosen Ones and Elect, you have nothing to fear.
The heathen’s woes are not MY Children’s woes. I am the God of the past, present
and future and all MY Children have to do is be as a little lamb or sheep, trust
the shepherd, they do not worry or fret, they have faith in the good shepherd
providing for them. That’s all I ask of you, hold on tight to your faith in 1999
and don’t let go. I will deliver you.
* * * * * * *
Spoken by the anointing of the RUACH ha KODESH through this vessel of clay, but
a mighty warrior in YAHUSHUA’s name, Rev. Elisabeth Sherrie Elijah (Elisheva
Spoken under the Anointing of the RUACH HA KODESH
Through Apostle Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu on January 1, 1999
Originally received over 10 years ago, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH has now led
Prophet Elisheva to re-release this Prophecy to the world once again and under a
new Anointing. YAH wants to encourage believers to have the faith to walk on
water, so to speak, in the midst of the storms that are now and soon coming upon
the earth.
Earlier on the day that this Word was first given, another sister in YAHUSHUA
had a vision during prayer: She saw YAH’S children as little chicks needing help
and YAHUSHUA taking HIS Hands, guiding us as if we were little chicks.
When Prophet Elisheva received this on the 30th of September, this date for 2009
was kept by the Ministry as the most Holy day of the year, Yom Kippur. (At the
time, AmightyWind used the cresent new moon to determine the Biblical dates. YAH
has said both this and the widely used modern Hebrew calendar are acceptable to
HIM, but the modern one is more recognized by Jewish people around the world so
currently, we use it and no longer focus on the sighting of the moon.)
* * * * * * *
Below is the Prophecy as it came forth
—with Prophet Elisheva’s “Holy tongues,” as GOD’S SPIRIT gives utterance (Acts
2:3-4) of heavenly or earthly languages (1 Co 13:1). She speaks forth in tongues
bringing Prophecy (1 Co 14:6).
We use the Hebrew Names of GOD:
As in alleluia (hallelu YAH) meaning “praise YAH,” YAH is GOD’S Holy, Sacred
MASHIACH means The MESSIAH; ELOHIM means GOD.) The Revelation of SH’KHINYAH
GLORY—as the Personal Name of RUACH HA KODESH (in English “The HOLY SPIRIT”)—is
also on this site. (HA SH'KHINAH {SHEKINAH} is Hebrew for ‘GOD’S ABIDING, DIVINE
Additionally, ABBA YAH means “FATHER YAH” and IMMA YAH, “MOTHER YAH.” In Hebrew,
the SPIRIT OF GOD is feminine, referred to as “SHE,” and reflected this way in
Prophecies & Scriptural quotes below. All direct references to GOD are
Scripture quotes are KJV/NKJV or CJB unless otherwise indicated.
* * * * * * *
YAHUVEH’S Warning Before the Prophecies:
I warned you a long time ago Elisabeth [Elisheva], not to name this Ministry
after a man or a woman. Even before there was a Ministry, I put it in your
spirit. For none of this has been done by your hands. None of this has come
forth from your mouth.
It is from the Mouth of YAHUVEH that has given birth. It is from the Mouth of
YAHUSHUA, your MASHIACH, that it has been given birth. It is from the Mouth of
the RUACH HA KODESH, your IMMAYAH, that it has been given birth.
If it had only been by your hand, it would have failed long ago.
It is by the SH’KHINYAH GLORY’S WIND that blows across this earth, the HOLY WIND
OF REVIVAL. It is not by your breath, or it would have failed. “I AM the LORD
YAHUVEH: That is MY NAME: And MY GLORY I will not give to another, Neither MY
PRAISE to graven images” (Is 42:8).
(Prophecy 105)
In July 2010, YAHUVEH GOD said add this to warn those who mock:
But they mocked the Messengers of GOD, despised HIS Words,
and scoffed at HIS Prophets, until the Wrath of YAHUVEH
arose against HIS People, till there was no remedy. —2 Chronicles 36:16
* * * * * * *
Do NOT Fear!
This was recorded via audio. Here is the transcription.
Elisheva’s Introduction: I Will NOT Fear!
Shalom! I am Apostle, Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu, the leader of the Ministry of
Aleph & Tav AmightyWind RUACH HA KODESH Fire Last Chance Ministry.
This is an International Ministry and on April 4th, 2020 this Ministry will have
been online for 26 years, sharing the Prophecies and then adding “Proof Behind
the Prophecies,” teachings, revelations and just sharing the gospel of YAHUSHUA
HA MASHIACH, both the Old Blood Covenant and the New Blood Covenant.
And the Old Blood Covenant is the history—the shadow of what was to come: The
And I’m only gonna say this one time because many of you only know the Name of
“Jesus Christ”: In Hebrew, HIS Name is YAHUSHUA and it means “YAH saves”. King
James Version Bible—you can look it up for yourself—it says the Name YAH (e.g.
Is 26:4). [And GOD THE FATHER is the Hebrew letters] YUD-HEY-VAV-HEY יהוה and
when I speak it forth, it comes out as YAHUVEH.
This is a very special Prophecy right now on this March 27th, 2020 because
there’s a COVID-19, the Wuhan virus, that is terrifying, paralyzing, sending
panic and fear; just like the devil wants to do all over the world.
It’s being orchestrated by those who want to control the entire world and prove
they can do it, stopping the economy, causing people to fear touching one
another. There’s never been a time like this right now.
And this Prophecy is very—this is very much going to help those who'll receive
it. It was first given to me on September 30th, 2009. It was Yom Kippur and it
was the ending hours and Yom Kippur is the Day of Atonement. (And this is a
Hebrew Roots Messianic Jewish Ministry and so therefore we celebrate and we
honor all the Jewish Feasts, that everyone should [honor] (Lev 23)—they
shouldn’t even be called "Jewish" feasts.)
It is the time that people (on Yom Kippur), who truly worship ABBA YAHUVEH &
YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, examine themselves and ask forgiveness for every sin
they’ve ever committed—but there shouldn’t really be any sin there (1 Jn 1:7)
because that [repentance] should’ve been done every day.
Well on this March 27th, 2020 there’s only one cure against this virus, and it
is the Name & the Blood of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. It is a fact that you will say,
“I will not fear. For YAHUVEH has not given me the spirit of fear, but of power,
love and a sound mind” (2 Tim 1:7). Fear is a torment!
Yes, make sure that you have the provisions—for those who are in control of this
world will make sure that the shelves will be empty, will be making sure that
you fear not having enough food and the necessities of life—but don’t receive
the fear!
Just get the provisions and just believe in faith that there’s nothing stronger
than the Name & the Blood of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and be a water-walker with
your faith! YAHUSHUA walked on the water!
I’m not telling you to literally get out there and walk on the water. [laughs]
No. You’ll sink! And I’m not telling you that you can point to a mountain and it
will literally leap up and jump into the sea, but HE was trying to say, with
YAHUVEH & YAHUSHUA all things are possible if you can believe (Mk 9:23)!
So as I do this and speak this under a new Anointing, a stronger Anointing of
YAHUVEH & YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, under the Anointing of the RUACH HA KODESH, the
HOLY SPIRIT—remember, proof behind the Prophecies!
Do not believe just anyone is a Prophet. They can take the news and all of a
sudden they’re a “prophet.” Find out where is the proof behind the prophecies!
I can prove this right now as for the year...just like I said for 2020, because
in 2009 these things were not happening, but this is so you will be a faith
water walker and this was originally Prophecy 116 and we are now...well, by the
time we get this [posted], it’ll be way over 150 Prophecies online—but I have
prophesied thousands upon thousands of Prophecies during this time.
2 Chronicles 36:16 But they mocked the Messengers of YAHUVEH, despised HIS
Words, and scoffed [mocked, laughed] at HIS Prophets, until the wrath of YAHUVEH
arose against HIS people, until there was no remedy.
You don’t ever want to be an enemy of the HEAVENLY FATHER YAHUVEH (Dt 32:39-42).
You don’t ever want to get on the wrong side.
Quickly, quickly repent. And there’s only one way to even get to Heaven and it’s
through the Name & the Blood of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH (Jn 14:6; Acts 4:12).
Quickly do this and pray for this kind of faith that’s in this Word.
For this Word is different than all the others. For YAH is shaking this world
right now and even the murderers who created this virus.
YAH allowed it to get people once again to have wisdom! To fear the CREATOR (Pr
9:10)! That’s the only ONE we need to fear (Lk 12:4-5).
No matter what they do—they can kill the body, but they cannot kill the soul,
and the beginning of wisdom is the fear of YAH.
Prophecy 151 Begins
The new Word that has come forth—you must not lose focus of this.
And this Word is different than the others. For I have already proved it, as I
shake this world in MY wrath on this day of judgment!
Get ready to see, I, YAHUVEH knock the dominoes down! Get ready to see the
dominoes fall!
Remember Psalm 91—though you see 10,000 fall at your side and 10,000 on the
other side—it will seem that they are all around you falling. For it is I,
YAHUVEH, that will knock them down.
I'm SHAKING this world in MY wrath, but those that are MINE, MY little ones, you
need not fear ME. For you are in the Palm of MY Hand and MY other Hand lovingly
covers you.
You are as a baby chick and I tell you this now so your feathers do not get
ruffled. For you’re going to see what you’d rather not see, and you’re going to
hear what you’d rather not hear but let not fear overtake you.
Remember where your faith is.
Put your faith not in the economy, not in the finances, not in your job, where
you are employed or what businesses you own. Put your faith ONLY in I ABBA
Keep your faith and your eyes on the promises that I have given you. Be
Peter would not have known that he could walk on the water if he had not stepped
out of the boat and took that first step, walking towards YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH.
It was fear that caused him to start to drown, but when his eyes beheld YAHUSHUA
once again, he became a water-walker and looked upon YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH—and
you look upon HIM—and he did not drown—and you will not drown in the coming
Peter could walk on the water once again when YAHUSHUA said to him, “Come.” This
is what I ask of you. You must be faith water walkers. For the things that you
are going to see in this world, especially starting in 2010, will cause many
hearts to faileth for fear.
Put your faith not in any government of this world. Put your faith not in any
politician. For their motives are their own.
These are the Words I have to say to you.
For I have started MY shaking and it will not stop. I refuse to apologize to
Sodom & Gomorrah! You, countries that continue to legalize sin, WATCH what I do
to you.
Those who call yourselves “Christians” and [yet] remain silent, do not complain
to ME when no more freedoms you have. For you remained silent. You let the few
protest. You let the others speak forth.
Do you notice the enemies are not silent? Do you notice those that promote sin
are not silent? They shout in loud voices, even when they were in the
minority—satan’s servants are not silent.
Why are YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH’S servants silent? Why are MY children silent? And
when I speak of the servants, I do not speak to you as though you are a servant
[as] in the word that is commonly used. I speak to those who serve YAHUSHUA HA
MASHIACH, who are a blessing to HIM.
How few speak out! How few defend all that is Holy!
Remember, judgment does start at the House of the LORD, 1 Peter 4:17.
Why are not all the churches protesting? How many churches are there? In every
country why are not the churches protesting against these abominations of laws
that have been passed?!
They just shrug their shoulders. They just mind their own business!
So do not be surprised, oh organized churches, when the government comes after
you and takes away your freedom to preach and hangs a foreclosure sign on your
Oh do not be surprised when your land is taken. Oh do not be surprised, you who
are so smug with all of your millions. I speak to the wealthy now. You put your
faith in your finances. Oh do not be surprised when it’s all nothing but
crumbling dust and ashes in your hands (Mt 19:24, Lk 16:19-31; Jms 5:1-6).
I will show you. I will show this world!
Many will start to get the message starting in 2010, but I warn you now,
children, so you cannot say that ABBA YAHUVEH, your DADDY YAH, did not warn you.
I prepare you now, so you will not be shocked, and I can comfort you now.
For your ABBA does not want your hearts to be troubled. For I love you. Just as
in the days of old, I provided miracles, and nothing has changed.
So hang on tight to the hem of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH’S garment. Continue to be
washed in HIS Shed Blood! Stand in the robes of HIS righteousness and I assure
you, all of your prayers are heard from Heaven above.
Walk in Holiness so satan can’t accuse you. Walk in Holiness, so you do not
FOR SIN (Ro 3:25).
MY Ears have been opened in a special way.
Again, Elisheva Eliyahu, you have spoken this when you have prayed. It is as if
you could hear a needle drop as I speak this Word to you.
For this has been a special day. For all who observe the Yom Kippur.
As I saw you repent of anything that did not please ME, as every petition of
your prayers were taken to ME, at the same time, MY rage shook the earth—just as
in the times of old with Moses, the children of Israel were protected and those
who worshipped another creator, were not.
Nothing has changed. I will bless those that are a blessing to I, YAHUVEH, to MY
SPIRIT. I will curse those who are a curse to ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH
And so I have spoken this day, your HEAVENLY FATHER, THE ABBA YAHUVEH.
End of Prophecy
So it is spoken, so it is written, September 29, 2009
Spoken Afresh Underneath a New Anointing
On March 27th, 2020, a Child, Warrior, Bride
Apostle, Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu
Walking on Water!
Matthew 14:28-31—this is why you must learn to be faith-water-walkers.
And Peter answered HIM, “LORD YAHUSHUA, if it is YOU that commands me to come to
YOU on the water…” and YAHUSHUA said, “Come” and HE told Peter, “Come out of the
boat” and come, walk on the water with YAHUSHUA.
And HE told Peter, “Come,” so Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water,
and he started walking towards YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, but when he saw the wind
and as the waves started to roll and they became so high and the storm came, he
was afraid; and he was beginning to sink. He was beginning to drown and he cried
out, “YAHUSHUA save me!”
And YAHUSHUA immediately reached out HIS Hand and took hold of him, and said to
him, “O You of little faith, why did you doubt?”
You see, this is what happens to us. This is what’s happening around the world
to those who do not have the faith right now to be water walkers.
You’re looking at the COVID-19 virus—and I’m telling you this will not be the
last. This is a practice right now. The rulers of this earth, and they know who
they are, they’re laughing at you.
This is a man-made virus. It was originally created by A.I. Artificial
Intelligence gave the scientists what to put together to see if they could stop
the whole world—and put them in a panic.
Your own—there’s not one government without one exception; there’s not one
leader without one exception that doesn’t know what’s going on.
And the innocent sheep and lambs have been sent into terror and now they’ve been
told, “Stay home.” They’ve been locked in their houses. Not everyone has the
luxury of having a credit card and if you can’t buy online, then how few have
enough supplies.
I’ve been prophesying for many years now, giving the same message that ABBA YAH
& YAHUSHUA kept telling me to speak forth: Get your flee bag ready. Make sure
you have enough provisions in the house. For you’ll never know if you’re out of
work or if something happens and you need to be able to have those extra
But how many have the luxury of having a credit card right now? How many around
this world right now are ordered to stay home and they’re not allowed to have a
job? And they’ve closed their businesses down and they’re starving?
Well you’re not starving if you believe what David said, “I’ve never seen the
righteous forsaken nor their seed out begging for bread” (Ps 37:25). They did
not starve, with the children of Israel in the desert.
You must believe. You must have faith that if you truly worship and you’ve asked
your sins to be forgiven by YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and you’re living Holy before
HIM—stand on Psalm 91!
Claim it through the Name & the Blood of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, and you’ll not
starve. HE can make food appear. HE is the GOD WHO says, “All things are
possible [if you believe]” and ‘without faith it’s impossible to please HIM.’
Obey the laws, stay in your houses, but just know this: Put your faith in
YAHUSHUA. Cry out to HIM!
For those who have the freedom to have the Bibles, read it, believe it. Believe
that the history of the Old Blood Covenant—that’s what it was, it was a
shadow—and YAHUSHUA said, “It is finished”.
That’s [now] the New Blood Covenant. Everything in the Torah that we read in the
Torah Scriptures, the Five Books of Moses—YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH fulfilled all of
it in the New Blood Covenant (Heb 8:13).
That’s why with HIS Last Words, as HE was crucified—THE ONLY HOLY SACRIFICIAL
LAMB OF YAH that was so perfect; HE had to come off of HIS Throne as one of the
And HE came off of HIS Throne for you and I, so that our sins could be forgiven.
And HE willingly sacrificed HIMSELF. Totally perfect.
HE was born from a virgin Jewish young woman. HE was placed with the Beautiful
Hand of the RUACH HA KODESH into her womb.
HE was both, as we say, GOD IN THE SPIRIT and HE was GOD IN THE FLESH (Jn 1).
That is WHO our CREATOR is. And at the age of 33 after HIS 3-year Ministry, HE
willingly went on that cross.
HE willingly had spikes, nails, driven into HIS Hands and HIS Feet. HE willingly
was not just crucified but tortured, so HIS Blood would be poured out.
For “without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness of sin” (Heb 9:22).
And HE willingly did that for you and I in the space of 3 hours. And I was given
the revelation, that during that time that HE was so tortured, that HE saw every
name that was ever written in the LAMB’S Book of Life.
For you see, anyone who worships YAHUSHUA, who cries out for mercy and asks
forgiveness and confesses every one of their sins—the Blood that poured out on
HIM on that day will cover every one of your sins, washing them away [as far as]
the east is from the west, if you cry out to HIM, “YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH! Have
mercy on me. For I am a sinner!”
You see, no-one is perfect! We were born into iniquity, because our parents were
sinners—because we come from Adam and Eve—but you see, HE is the VINE and we are
the branches that branch right off of HIM.
And HE is the true KING OF ISRAEL, but HE is also CREATOR. HE saw each name. HE
saw each face. HE knows what you’re going to do with this Prophecy.
I have proven “Proof behind the Prophecies” as I have spoken this underneath a
stronger Anointing—and ABBA YAH has even changed some words to even be more
For when this was originally given, I would just shorten the Name to YAHUSHUA,
but now HE says, “Make sure you say YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. Make sure you remind
the people that the Name means ‘YAH SAVES’.”
Never say the name ‘Yeshua’ anymore. You’re taking away the Divinity of the
FATHER’S Name in the SON’s Name. What father doesn’t want his son to carry his
The Name is YAH and satan hates the Name YAHUSHUA and yes, if you want you can
say YAHSHUA. It means ‘YAH SAVES.’
The messianic Jews will teach you ‘Yeshua.’ There’s no meaning in that. They
just fear the orthodox Jews so much. They don’t want to say the Name ‘YAH’, but
if you fear saying the Name of YAH, when Psalm 91 says that HE will save only
those who cry out IN HIS NAME…
HIS Name is YAH. YAHUVEH—and I have spoken this underneath a stronger Anointing
this day.
I have put proof behind the Prophecy of what was way back in 2009 and now here
we are on March 27th, 2020.
People the only thing that’s gonna conquer what’s going on right now is for you
to believe—as we are coming up to Passover on April 8th at sundown, 2020. Do
what you can to observe that Passover. Watch what we do and listen to the
Prophecies that are coming once again to prove, HE is the same yesterday, today
and forever (Heb 13:8).
As HE delivered Moses and the children of Israel—and they were by the millions,
nothing has changed—YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH shed HIS Blood and one drop of that
Blood washes you free of sin, if you truly repent and confess with great sorrow.
And do not premeditate sin. Do not take advantage of the grace and the mercy and
say, “Oh well, I’ll sin again and I’ll just come back and ask forgiveness
Oh people. Be very cautious what you do. HE opens HIS Arms wide to you now.
Everyone is held accountable for what they know. Have faith.
Without faith it’s impossible to please YAH (Heb 11:6)—without faith. To be that
water-walking kind of faith, meaning you will do what you think is impossible,
you will hang on tight to the Hem of YAHUSHUA’S garment.
You’re not gonna let go even when they come and they tell you that, “We will
kill you if you do not take the Mark of the Beast!” Be willing to lay your life
down if need be.
For you know your next breath will be Heaven and you know YAHUSHUA will grab
your SPIRIT right out of the body and not even let the executioner have the
satisfaction of hearing your last death scream.
You’ll be in Heaven.
YAHUSHUA died on that cross, but you see, no man murdered HIM. HE willingly gave
HIS LIFE, but HE didn’t stay dead. On the third day HE did arise again!
Before witnesses and for 40 days, HE walked this earth. Before witnesses he did
more miracles—than any book could possibly hold (Jn 21:25)—all over the world.
And then on the 40th day before witnesses, HE ascended back up into Heaven.
And HE said HE went to go and prepare a place for you and I (Jn 14:3), for
everyone who will believe in HIM.
I have seen HIM Face to face. The reason you see HIM by my side in the images at [is because] I don’t have a husband there. I used to have a
husband who was there by my side, who was the co-leader of the Ministry, until
he demanded that he had to be the head of it.
And you see, there’s only one HEAD (and it’s before [every Prophecy]—[an excerpt
from] Prophecy 105, I was told to put there and I didn’t understand why) and
MOTHER WISDOM. Even King James Version Bible calls HER a ‘SHE.’
No-one is the HEAD of the Ministry, but the HOLY CREATORS. I just take my orders
from Heaven and there is but one leader now—but I look forward to the day when
there will be a male balance once again.
But I have YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH there and I’m telling you HE has the brightest
blue eyes.
And I will testify before the whole world: I have seen HIM face to face as HE
sat on the edge of the bed. And a tsunami wave of love! The bright light all
around HIM was something I cannot even begin to compare anything with. And that
big tsunami wave of love—every atom, every molecule, every part of me—that love
penetrated through me.
HIS Light woke me up. It was back in the days of the waterbed, and there was a
leather rail and HE sat there and just looked at me and told me these
words—without even opening HIS Mouth—HE said, “I AM so sorry you have had to
suffer like this.”
I didn’t know what suffering was. I thought I did back then. Much has happened.
For you see, the greater the Anointing, the greater the suffering. Remember
that, for you who want to claim that you are Prophets.
For the GREATEST PROPHET there will ever be, the ONE, WHO wrote the Book of
Revelation, wasn’t John. That is YAHUSHUA’S Own Words (Rv 1:1-2). And there’s no
one WHO suffered more than HIM. HE is PROPHECY in HIMSELF.
HE is the WORD that is made Flesh. So when somebody says they are a Prophet, ask
them what have they shown to prove it.
Years ago, before anything had happened, we have the “Proof Behind the
Prophecies” and ABBA YAH said, how can you prove that you are a Prophet if you
do not prove it by prophesying things in advance.
And that’s what I have done. And I tell you this, HE has the brightest bluest
eyes. That picture that a young girl had drawn is the image that I use. For it’s
the closest that will ever be [of] any description to YAHUSHUA.
And HE’S by my side, and although I don’t have a husband by my side, I know that
I am one of the Bride of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, and HE’S holding me. And HE'S
letting me know HE’S right here all the time.
The Bible says, ‘Blessed are those who have believed and not seen’ (Jn 20:29).
I’ve had Angelic visitors. I have, with my own fingers—I have the testimony on
the website [] where I have run my own fingers through Archangel
Michael’s wings; and Archangel Michael protects this Ministry, as he protects
And this is a Hebrew Roots, Biblically-based—very important people.
And I call myself a Messianic Jew also but I am a Jew, but I miss the balance
that I once had, and he was a man who was born in Israel. He was a balance of
the Judah [to the Ephraim] and I know YAH will bring back the one that satan had
deceived, but now I’m speaking under a greater Anointing.
This Ministry is under a greater Anointing. The beauty of it, nothing can
compare on the Internet and it has nothing to do with who I am. I had to lay my
own husband down on the altar of sacrifice; the one that I once called the most
anointed man that I’d ever met.
And he has to come back and he has to publicly repent—for the sins he’s done
have been public—but he will be more greatly anointed than ever before, if he
chooses to do it. If not, YAH will raise up another man from Judah.
I just want you to have faith. This [was] Prophecy 116, and now we’re into
Prophecy 150s and yet there’s no way that I could possibly have enough video
makers to...
When he was with me from 2016 (March 7th, 2016) to somewhere to 2018 [when] it
started going really bad—but we had over 1000 Prophecies alone with new
revelations that would have been a blessing to you.
I want you to have faith and YAH says the only way that you’re gonna get through
this is to have faith in HIM.
Have faith that that virus is going to die before it can touch a child of
I cover this Ministry with the Shed Blood of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and each and
every one who says that the Ministry of AMIGHTYWIND Ministry is a blessing to
them— they are protected by my prayers—the Bride of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH.
YAHUSHUA spoke audibly to me and told me that I was the Ringmaiden and whoever
my husband was, would be the Ringbearer—and we’re covering you with the Shed
Blood of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and protecting you, but there is no Ringbearer
now, but the Ringmaiden is still there.
And oh, for you who are going to be the Guests, (you know not everyone can be a
Bride), the Guests shall be at the Marriage Supper of the LAMB and the Guests
shall dance with that BRIDEGROOM. YAHUSHUA said, “Blessed are ALL who are
invited to the Marriage Supper of the LAMB” (Rv 19:19).
Read the Prophecies. See if what I have not [CUT 29:12 or] prophesied has
already not come to pass.
And whatever hasn’t come, remember this: We are in the beginning of the great
sorrows right now, where there would be famines and pestilences and YAHUSHUA
HIMSELF spoke it in, starting, in Matthew 24:1.
Read on and you will see for yourself. Matthew 24, and the Scriptures below that
I give as a footnote to this Prophecy.
You see, we are in the beginning of [what’s to be] the Great Tribulation. And
YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, HE is doing the shaking; HE is doing the testing right
now: Who is worthy to be called the Bride of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH?
Pray that you’re counted worthy. Just go to HIM.
When you hear this and you don’t have faith, I remind you this, that YAHUVEH
cannot lie and HE said that HIS Word cannot return unto HIM void (Is 55:11).
Remember WHO HIS Word is: It’s YAHUSHUA WHO is the WORD that was made flesh from
the very beginning. It said it in Genesis [“And GOD said…” (Gn 1:3, 6 etc.)].
Everyone is given a measure of faith—and if you don’t think you have faith, then
take your next breath. Okay? Did you think right there that you didn’t have any
oxygen to breath?
No. That’s called faith.
When you get in an elevator and you push the button, do you think it’s gonna go
crashing down to the ground or do you have faith when you push that button it’s
gonna take you to whatever floor you want to get off on?
That’s called faith.
When you eat your food, do you have faith to believe that you can swallow it or
do you think you’ll choke to death?
That’s called faith.
So don’t think that you don’t have faith. Just have faith that no matter what
you go through—for it is written—‘All things must work together for good [for]
those who love YAH [and] are called according to HIS purpose’ (Ro 8:28).
This means those who are called according to YAHUSHUA’S purpose too. HE has a
purpose why you were born. Find out what that purpose is. The greatest purpose
of all—remember this, YAHUSHUA was never the “son of a man.”
Every version of the Bible who calls him the “son of a man”…HE is the ONLY
BEGOTTEN SON OF YAHUVEH. HE never said HE was the son of Joseph one time in any
HE said—HE saw—the works that HE did, HE saw the FATHER in Heaven do them (Jn
5:19). HE gave all the glory to YAHUVEH again and again and again. That was WHO
You have faith. Now have faith to believe HE can forgive you for your sins, no
matter how dirty—and there’s only one exception for those who have blasphemed
the HOLY SPIRIT, but if you have received this Prophecy as truth, then you have
not blasphemed the HOLY SPIRIT or you would not even want to listen to me or
have anything to do with Holiness.
The enemies of this Ministry, the reprobate ones—they hate the Ministry, they
hate all that is Holy and they definitely hate me, but you see, you must be
willing to be hated (Mt 10:22). You must be willing to be persecuted (2 Tim
This is the words that YAHUSHUA said. If they had all loved HIM, they would all
love us (Jn 15:19).
‘Blessed are you who are persecuted and hated for MY Name’s sake. For great are
your blessings in Heaven’ (Mt 5:11-12).
So I hope and I pray this day—as I’ve spoken this underneath a new Anointing, a
stronger Anointing—I pray that you will contact me and let me know that you are
going to walk by faith and not by sight.
Do not listen to the news. Do not listen to the TV. In fact, get the TVs out of
your house. They’re watching you. You think that you’re watching them.
And whatever you do, do not wear anything around your heads: Do not wear the
AirPods. Do not wear the wireless headphones.
There’s going to be a whole new Prophecy about that, but they’re tracking you
through that. Now, you can choose to believe me now or you will find out later,
but they’re weaponizing anything that you wear that is wireless around your
Have faith to believe. Have faith to believe that YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH will do
all that HE said, and I will see you in Heaven.
So look for me. I’ll look for you. And I’m also going to look for you writing me
as you hit that contact button at—26 years—April 4th, 2020 is
the birth[day] of this Ministry that is now trademarked. [laughs]
I had to get it trademarked and it came through in 2020 so people can’t defile
the name anymore—there’s a $500,000 fine if they do—because satan comes to
steal, kill and destroy.
Have faith. Read those Prophecies and you will see your faith will grow. Learn
from the examples even of the reprobates and run far from whoever they are.
HE doesn’t ask you to be perfect. YAHUSHUA knows that no one can be perfect.
HE’S THE ONLY PERFECT PERSON, WHO ever walked the face of the earth. HE just
wants you to do the best that you can and the greatest sin of all is when you
fall down, you don’t bother to get up again and run into HIS loving Arms!
Prophetic Word
YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH is the GOOD SHEPHERD and HE will—you keep running into the
wolves’ dens and you belong to HIM or you say you do, but you want to keep
living in sin doing the porn, whatever sin there is; you are like a little
sheep—and HE will break your hind legs, if your name is truly written in the
LAMB’S Book of Life,
And then HE will cause such persecution to come into your life that you will be
forced to call out to HIM. For HE’S going to hold you so gently in HIS Arms and
lovingly close to HIS Breast because you’re not going to be able to walk.
End of Prophetic Word
And we should never, ever think we can walk alone. That’s why you see the image
of YAHUSHUA right next to me in all of the pictures until I truly have a husband
that can take that place again.
For the one thing I never wanted was my picture to be alone again.
It reminds me, it encourages me—you put your own face there [with YAHUSHUA]!
I’ve just told you what YAHUSHUA looks like. You imagine your own face there.
That’s YAHUSHUA hugging you. That’s YAHUSHUA standing by your side. That’s
YAHUSHUA giving you that tsunami of a love that nothing can compare and I cannot
I pray that this has been a blessing to you. I did not know I was gonna say all
this. I love you—if you worship and love YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH—write me at the
Ministry [site] at contacts.
And I’m waiting for my brothers in YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, the Prophets out there,
especially the ones who were born and raised in Israel, the Messianic Jews.
If you believe the truths of this Ministry, your sister needs you. She doesn’t
have that special covering of a Holy man, of a husband anymore. (She has plenty
of sons in YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH though! Huh, they circle the world and they’re
covering me!) But brothers, rise up!
Rise up! Please come. I need the Prophets, the men—I need you just to come and
encourage just a simple child, warrior, Bride of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH.
I have my trademark headband. It reminds me about the Tribes of Israel. It
reminds me that I am a Jew and it reminds me that we must be warriors. We cannot
be cowards.
And that’s what you’re going to see in that picture when I am by YAHUSHUA.
YOU said that I have an Anointing, a new Anointing this day...
I pray right now HEAVENLY FATHER, since you said that I am Eliyahu of new, I
have Anointing to be able to pray right now against this COVID-19 (this Wuhan
virus that came from China!) and I pray, ABBA YAHUVEH, for the innocent sheep
and lambs...
I pray for the gift of multiplication of their food right now, those who belong
to YOU, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH; I pray right now whether they just think they have
a—kernels of rice left.
Whatever they have, that they will have the faith to offer it up to YOU and YOU
will find a way to multiply like you did with the Children of Israel; YOU will
multiply whatever they have to eat.
For YOU said through David, “I've never seen the righteous forsaken nor their
seed out begging for bread” (Ps 37:25).
I pray right now—that devil virus—THEY call it—my name for it for it comes from
satan, devised by satan and it’s all about who wants the power of this earth,
political-wise—and the innocent people, they suffer, all because they want to be
able to put a vaccination inside of them that is no vaccine; it’s a death
sentence and next comes a chip. And they want to take away all the currency.
So it’s going to be a one world order, which will be a one world of disorder.
I pray right now, ABBA YAHUVEH, for the healing of the people.
I pray right now for the restoration of the people.
I pray right now, HEAVENLY FATHER, that YOU will do what they say can’t be done;
and that YOU are going to stop this virus right now from harming anymore people;
and the panic is going to stop; and the fear is going to leave—everyone who is
listening to my voice right now—they’re going to know that nothing can happen
that ABBA YAH doesn’t allow. Nothing!
And I thank YOU and I praise YOU for everyone who is a child of the MOST HIGH,
At the sound of my voice, they are totally healed and restored—and their faith
is grown.
I pray that they realise: No more fear! Fear is a torment! This is what they
want to rule the earth for. This is why every newscaster has it going around the
world right now.
Listen instead to the Words YAHUSHUA spoke, as HE spoke in faith. As Psalm 91! I
pray that they will read it again and again and they will claim it.
I pray this pandemic—this panic—will stop!
I pray the DEATH of the virus and all of those who CREATED IT OR HAD ANYTHING TO
DO WITH IT or anyone who wants to do depopulation of the earth! LET THEM BE
Open up the earth, just as surely as you did when Moses said those who are on
YAH’S side, come over here, and those who are on Korah’s side, go over there!
And the ones who went over to Korah’s side—the earth opened up and swallowed
them alive and they went right into hell.
Let them burn with YOUR spontaneous wrath of combustion! I don’t care how rich
they are! How powerful they are! I don’t care what politics they have!
We know WHO the government is on the Shoulders of—and YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH said
the government is on HIS Shoulders (Is 9:6). HE is THE [TRUE] RULER OF THIS
WORLD!—satan plays games and makes people think that he rules this world.
And YAHUVEH laughs. HE toys with HIS enemies.
So ABBA YAHUVEH, I ask for the Anointing of Eliyahu and I ask just as you didn’t
let the cruse of oil run dry for the widow of Zarapath, I pray the same thing
now for everyone at the sound of my voice who cries out and says, “YAHUSHUA HA
MASHIACH, I love YOU. Forgive me. Have mercy on me.”
And YOU promised YOU would answer their prayers when they confess and they
repent, that you would heal their land. And the politics—FATHER, they are so
evil—of this world and the evil agenda is to harm the most innocent sheep and
If their names are written in the LAMB’s Book of Life, you cannot lose one,
YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. I know YOU will have martyrs, but the blood flows into the
ground and it only raises up more [who would have faith to be] martyrs and it
raises up more testimonies of the greatness of our BELOVED MESSIAH, YAHUSHUA HA
So this is my prayer in YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH’S Name—for healing, delivering,
restoration, forgiving, delivering POWER of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and especially
the deliverance of FEAR!
No more fear!
No matter what you hear a newscaster say. No matter what you hear a politician
say. NO MORE FEAR! For fear is opening yourself up to that virus.
Instead, say, “Through the Name and the Blood of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, I do not
receive it!”
You still wash your hands. You still do all that they say on that, but NO MORE
FEAR! Do not weaken your immune system with the fear.
I’m just a simple child, warrior, servant of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. I’m just a
messenger, so please don’t stone me. I’m here to build your faith up where it's
been torn down and I pray this day that’s what I’ve done.
YAHUSHUA, bless all those who are a blessing unto YOU.
In Hebrew, “I AM GOD” is “ANI ELOHIM” (אני אלוהים). Now what does this all
have to do with this Prophecy 153? One of our ministers noticed this connection.
If we go back to the numerical value of each letter in “ANI ELOHIM,” and we add
the values together, we get 153.
א+נ+י+א+ל+ו+ה+י+ם=קנ"ג 1+50+10+1+30+6+5+10+40=153
1 alef +50 nun +10 yud +1 alef +30 lamed +6 vav +5 hey +10 yud +40 mem=153
In otherwords, value of “I AM GOD,” in Hebrew alphabetic numerals, is 153.
* * * * * * *
Below is the Prophecy as it came forth
—with Prophet Elisheva’s “Holy tongues,” as GOD’S SPIRIT gives utterance (Acts
2:3-4) of heavenly or earthly languages (1 Co 13:1). She speaks forth in tongues
bringing Prophecy (1 Co 14:6).
We use the Hebrew Names of GOD:
As in alleluia (hallelu YAH) meaning “praise YAH,” YAH is GOD’S Holy, Sacred
MASHIACH means The MESSIAH; ELOHIM means GOD.) The Revelation of SH’KHINYAH
GLORY—as the Personal Name of RUACH HA KODESH (in English “The HOLY SPIRIT”)—is
also on this site. (HA SH'KHINAH {SHEKINAH} is Hebrew for ‘GOD’S ABIDING, DIVINE
Additionally, ABBA YAH means “FATHER YAH” and IMMA YAH, “MOTHER YAH.” In Hebrew,
the SPIRIT OF GOD is feminine, referred to as “SHE,” and reflected this way in
Prophecies & Scriptural quotes below. All direct references to GOD are
Scripture quotes are KJV/NKJV or CJB unless otherwise indicated.
* * * * * * *
YAHUVEH’S Warning Before the Prophecies:
I warned you a long time ago Elisabeth [Elisheva], not to name this Ministry
after a man or a woman. Even before there was a Ministry, I put it in your
spirit. For none of this has been done by your hands. None of this has come
forth from your mouth.
It is from the Mouth of YAHUVEH that has given birth. It is from the Mouth of
YAHUSHUA, your MASHIACH, that it has been given birth. It is from the Mouth of
the RUACH HA KODESH, your IMMAYAH, that it has been given birth.
If it had only been by your hand, it would have failed long ago.
It is by the SH’KHINYAH GLORY’S WIND that blows across this earth, the HOLY WIND
OF REVIVAL. It is not by your breath, or it would have failed. “I AM the LORD
YAHUVEH: That is MY NAME: And MY GLORY I will not give to another, Neither MY
PRAISE to graven images” (Is 42:8).
(Prophecy 105)
In July 2010, YAHUVEH GOD said add this to warn those who mock:
But they mocked the Messengers of GOD, despised HIS Words,
and scoffed at HIS Prophets, until the Wrath of YAHUVEH
arose against HIS People, till there was no remedy. —2 Chronicles 36:16
* * * * * * *
Prophecy 153 Begins
This was recorded via audio. Here is the transcription.
[ Male spiritual covering's angelic tongues ]
[ Elisheva's angelic tongues ]
Do you not know MY children?—that I love and I treasure and I protect what you
do. Yes, the name Caleb is still in the tongue, because you still love and you
still treasure and you still cherish the good part that was him at one time. I
will not cross his will MY children. I've warned you this.
What has been prophesied is all interlinked with obedience. Do they obey the
Is Israel a Holy land? Where they hold the greatest of the gay parades! And
flaunt it in MY Face?!
(Elisheva: Oh dear!)
O Israel, O Israel, O Israel! You anger ME! You fill ME with fury! You read the
Torah portion... You have a stay at home order even under the threat of death
(has never been like this before, never will be again), but you fill ME with
FURY! For your secret sin—that you do within the houses that you are locked in!
Oh you remember the shabbats! You remember the [Dedication], Hanukkah. You
remember Sukkot. You remembered—some of you—even Purim BUT YOU GOT DRUNK! You
partied as though it was a Mardi Gras!
Where was the worship?! Where was the praise?! O ISRAEL, O ISRAEL YOU FILL I
What? You think I have no right? Have you forgotten Korah already? Those
blessings that I reserved for Israel, was an Israel that would be a Holy
land—who would worship and praise ME and be set apart and be an example to the
entire earth—and be not ashamed of it.
You’re so proud of the fact that you can quote the Torah, so proud of the fact
that you could even quote the Tanakh. Many of you can. You're so proud of the
fact that you set yourself apart... and put a kippa up, upon your head that I
never commanded. It sets you apart.
Like black and white! Oh you cabal, DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I HATE YOU!
Do you not think that I see who's behind it all? You do not think I know? I
Do you think MY Eyes have gone blind because it’s been so many thousands of
years? Do you think I YAHUVEH have grown deaf because it’s been so many
thousands of years? DO YOU THINK MY ARM IS TOO SHORT—that I cannot discipline
you in a way that’s never been disciplined before? (That will be the 'Time of
Jacob’s Sorrow'.)
[That’s] just like MY Arm is not too short to embrace you now, just like MY Eyes
are not too dim that I will not look at you so adoringly now. MY Arms CRAVE to
hold you again like I held Abraham, Isaac & Jacob—like I held MY VERY OWN
forth this Word from Elisheva Eliyahu (at a time, again, that she's praying on a
whole different subject and did not expect this Word).
O Israel, stop filling ME with FURY. Stop asking ME why death has come—into the
houses—as you claim Psalm 91. Are you OBEDIENT to Psalm 91?! Or are you ashamed
Answer this question!
Why cannot those who proclaim to be believers of MINE and are, and call
themselves Messianic Jews—were grafted into the VINE YAHUSHUA, WHO is the
MASHIACH—why do they fear calling the NAME, “YAHUSHUA” (יהושוע)? And dare to say
the name "Yeshua" (ישוע)? I do not spell HIS NAME, "Y-E-S-H-U-A" (ישוע).
I've said it again and again through this Apostle & Prophet. I've warned again
and again and yet they will not listen! Even those who proclaim "I know
Hebrew!"—and they will even acknowledge the NAME means "YAH SAVES"!
Where is MY NAME in the name Y-E-S-H-U-A (ישוע)?! MY SON'S NAME is after MY
NAME, YAH (יה)! Did not YAHUSHUA (יהושוע) say that HE only could do the miracles
that HE had seen HIS FATHER do? HE only followed after HIS FATHER'S example!
SURELY you do not think it was Joseph?! HE said the HEAVENLY FATHER, I AM, WHO I
O Israel, I weep for you. I had YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, MY ONLY BEGOTTEN SON come
through the line of David, the bloodline of David. And for that to happen I had
to deliver you and I used Esther to do it—that which you would call just a ‘mere
Even now you mock and you say, "Oh I don't accept her in the prophets' club. She
is not a well-known Prophet. She's just a mere woman."
And yet for 26 years I've shouted it loud and I've shouted it clear. This is no
mere woman. She can hear from Heaven.
I've sent angelic visitations. I set up prayer intercessors like none other.
They're called "YAHUSHUA'S demon stompers," because they STOMP on the works of
hell and evil! They expose it!
This Ministry is a commandment keeping Ministry. This Ministry demands Holiness
because I YAHUVEH AM a GOD of Holiness. I AM a GOD [WHO]—I will NEVER allow sin
into HEAVEN! Be ye Holy as I AM HOLY!
And stop saying that you are living in the time of grace you Messianic Jews!
Your GRACE was hung on that cross! Did you accept MY SON YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH
and the BLOOD that it cost?
Even HIS Very Life-force was taken. And HE was put in a tomb and HE rose again
from the dead before witnesses—and HE walked this earth and did more miracles
around this entire world in those 40 days before witnesses. And HE ascended back
into Heaven but HE said, 'Where I go, you will go also—those who follow ME and
obey ME.'
HE did not cry out to those who were the unbelievers, the heathens, to the
pharisees and say, "Come on! You're all welcomed in! It doesn't matter whether
you are Holy. I paid the PRICE for you. I was crucified on that cross. It
doesn't matter whether or not you take that for granted. It doesn't matter
whether or not you say, 'YOU paid the price for me. YOU were crucified for me. I
know without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness for sin, but YOU paid
that price. YOU became sin for me. Now I can go sin all I want!—and I'll not go
to hell for YOU even went to hell for me.'”
You foolish, foolish preachers. I will hold you more accountable for not
speaking the truth that I have given to Elisheva Eliyahu and this Ministry. I
will hold you more responsible.
Do you hear ME?
Do you remember the song "A Citizen in Hell"? Do you remember the man who
sinned? I gave that song to Elisheva Eliyahu—("A Citizen in Hell," a fallen
preacher who never came back to the salvation of the ONE that she [Elisheva]
once called "Jesus Christ" and [yet] now knows the true NAME OF YAHUSHUA HA
That was his sin. He preached grace. He preached mercy, but he preached, "Don't
worry about repenting. The CREATOR knows that no one is perfect. So go ahead and
sin. Don't worry about asking forgiveness with sorrow and tears.”
I'M SPEAKING TO YOU O ISRAEL!—as well as rest of the world.
That is not the gospel, [which is] that YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH'S BLOOD came at a
great cost: HE went from the very Throne as a CREATOR into the Body of Flesh; HE
went from the Throne as a CO-CREATOR—to the Cross to be crucified and mocked
(and you O Israel could not take down the words "KING OF ISRAEL")—for in reality
HE is KING OF [HEAVEN &] THIS EARTH and all that lies in between.
You O Israel and you O fallen preachers, if you do not repent and get on your
faces—and you SINNERS listening now, who call yourself Christians and go to
church every Sunday, you feel no conviction because the preacher that's standing
behind the pulpit is an ABOMINATION UNTO ME! AND LIVES AN ABOMINATION! And dares
not teach the truth of repentance!
You want to know why [there’s] this plague that walks in darkness that's
unseen—CREATED AT A LAB! Oh, they can deny it all they want but I have seen and
I know what's in store for this world when that vaccine comes.
Oh, but MY children, MY darling, MY darling, MY darling beloved ones who truly
worship YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH in spirit and in truth, you'll not take that
vaccine. Your mind will not be controlled—by no satellite.
What they think that they have, I will reverse everything; I will make 'em
regret, and those fallen preachers—if they do not repent and admit: With
salvation MUST come repentance. Confession equals repentance.
Repentance is salvation, but you must continue to walk in Holiness. You must be
willing to be set apart. You must be willing to no longer be of this world,
though you're in this world.
Are you willing to do that? O Israel, the book has already been written. The
'Time of Jacob's Sorrow' is upon you and it's going to get worse.
Your gay pride parades, they get bigger and bigger and they're supposed to be
the biggest ever. Censorship 'forbids' me to go further, the censorship that is
truly dictated by the fallen angels as they try to silence MY true Prophets &
Wait and see what I will do on your day of celebration, OF ABOMINATION!
Abomination upon abomination upon abomination!
refuse to apologize to Sodom & Gomorrah and the seven cities that were destroyed
at the same time.
Do you see what is going on in this world right now?
Do you realize that even the plague of locusts has come? Is anyone even
listening to what's happening in Africa, in Nairobi? Do you realize that eggs
were laid so worse locusts will come?
Do you understand the GMO mosquitoes will do more than just bite you?
Do you understand that's the inventions that come from hell?—from satan's own
mouth—he speaks secrets to the fallen ones: those who call themselves the elite
of this world and I'll not mention their names; those who are the billionaires
of this world and I'll not mention their names.
[ Laughs ] They think they are a god. They think that they rule this earth. They
laugh at the world now, as what was put in so many movies [happens] and people
watched them—and programmed their mind—with the news stations, who are nothing
more than puppets, and those who refuse to speak the words are killed.
They unexpectedly died or they were just fired, or they became too sick to speak
anymore, or their mind was under the control of something far, far worse than
any MK Ultra program. Do you look at the news stations and you see it on your
TVs, on your monitors, on your phones?
You don't even realize how many are robots and how many are clones. You do not
even understand the billions of fallen angels that can take the image of a
human. When it said one third (Rv 12:3), you cannot even conceive the amount of
the billions of fallen angels that want to destroy every bit of humanity—on this
earth—that was created in MY Image, in the CREATORS' Image, in the RUACH HA
WHOSE Image you think Eve was made in? I tell her—for seven years worth of
research—to be able to prove it, but the Jews already know what the word "RUACH
HA KODESH" is. They're not surprised. They're cowards and they let it come from
her mouth.
O Israel, I long for you to return. I long for you. I married you and I divorced
you, but I told you I'M not giving up. There's a remnant. There's a bride in
Israel. There is a bride in Egypt.
There is a Bride of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. There's a bride—I'm speaking of the
Bride of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH who is hidden, protected—who obey I YAHUVEH,
YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH—and filled with MY RUACH HA KODESH to overflowing.
There's a bride in Israel of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH'S, and what is HIS is MINE. I
have said there's a bride hidden in Gaza. There's a bride hidden in Iran. There
is only a remnant. There's only a remnant of the Bride of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH.
Oh MY little ones... Do you want to know if you're the Bride of YAHUSHUA HA
MASHIACH? Do you want to know whether HE is coming to take you away before the
‘Time of Jacob's Sorrow’ called the Great Tribulation?
You will have a desire to fall on your knees right now and say, "O YAHUSHUA HA
MASHIACH, count me worthy to be called YOUR Bride. Don't leave me here—in this
time of Jacob's great sorrow when blood shall come all the way up the legs of
the horses” (Rv 14:12).
Blood shall flow all over Israel!
They think, "Because we can take seawater and turn it into natural [fresh]water,
we won't go thirsty. The Book of Revelation cannot come true."
I have a surprise for you! The blood shall be in the water! O Israel, there will
be no more mercy on you when this begins—until you shout out, 'Blessed is he who
cometh in the name of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, our LORD!' (Ps 118:26; Mt 23:39),
O Israel, O Israel, fall on your faces before ME. I put a supermoon in the sky.
I had one of MY young ones, a young man, cry out and warn you—and the video is
all over the YouTube channels, the social media—as right behind him was a huge
supermoon that has never been seen in such glory.
You better pray you are not here and you are counted as a Bride of YAHUSHUA HA
MASHIACH (Lk 21:35-36). For when that moon turns blood red (Jl 2:31; Acts 2:20;
Rv 6:12), and this is a sign of what you've seen, woe, woe, woe, woe be to this
WOE! Woe, woe, woe... I weep for you.
WHOSE Tears do you think was shed out of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH'S Eyes in the
Garden of Gethsemane? For it was I YAHUVEH—it was the RUACH HA KODESH'S Tears—as
well as YAHUSHUA.
The Tears of BLOOD flowed. I showed Elisheva Eliyahu the open vision: how
YAHUSHUA came off the Throne and even in Heaven before HE came to earth, HE wept
Tears of BLOOD for this world.
I gave you a free choice. Everyone, who is human, had a free choice. Would they
serve ME? Would they worship ME? It all started from Heaven and you made your
choice there as a soul when hasatan [the accuser] rose up and said, "I will
proclaim myself to now be CREATOR. All worship songs will be sung to me. All
worship will be given to me."
And I gave all of you souls on earth a choice: Who will you follow? What war
will you stand on? Just as surely as it was symbolized with Moses that those
that be on the side of the YAHUVEH that he served, 'You go on this side,' and
those who want to be in rebellion like Korah, 'Go on the other side' (see Nm
That's what I did in Heaven. Everything that's being reenacted now, I'M giving
you a choice yet again: Whose side are you on?
I close the churches down. The governments think it's their idea for their own
motivations. I, YAHUVEH, close the churches down. They're so polluted! So
corrupted! They're an abomination! The word "Amalek" (Ex 17:16) is written on
their doors! There is no longer THE GOD OF CREATION, THE MESSIAH'S PRESENCE,
found there.
So few and so far between.
You need your own relationship, your own loving, obedient relationship to your
SPIRIT! Stop relying on others.
You made your own decision in Heaven before you were born on this earth—just
like I told Jeremiah, "I knew before you were formed in your mother's womb" (Jer
1:5), so too I say to everyone who hears this message.
I knew you before you were formed in your mother's womb. I knew what side you
would take when you were born into this earth of iniquity. I knew whether you
would accept MY SON YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH—and before the foundation of this earth
was even created, there was a LAMB'S Book of Life where names are written down.
That is why Scripture says all of you work out your own salvation with fear and
trembling (Phil 2:12).
Every day you wake up, what choice have you made? Did you decide to purposely
live in sin and become an abomination unto ME? And take MY Scriptures and throw
them back in MY Face? Or did you decide to play the game of a hypocrite, a
pharisee, "Do what I say but don't do as I do" (see Mt 23:2-15)? Or did you
decide, "There is no GOD to answer to. There is no Heaven. There is no hell. So
I can sin all I want."
When the anti-mashiach comes—he is going to come and he is going to say,
"There's no such thing as sin. Do whatever you want that makes you happy—even if
it's murdering your family.”
I'M coming for MY Bride—I YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH AM coming for MY Bride—the more
that this world, you see, becomes more wicked, the more that MY children cry
out, who are not just the Bride but the Guests (who will be at the Marriage
Supper of the LAMB) cry out.
I hear them cry. I hear [and see] them look around and see things and hear
things they never thought they would see or hear, but I warned you through a
Prophecy that Elisheva gave.
And I told you to watch the movies (they're already telling you in advance to
program your mind, so you will not be surprised when you see these things come
upon you, and the way you felt when you watched the movie, the terror you felt
when you watched those movies, yes even of a virus that takes over the
world—think how you felt back then and the zombie movies and the zombie games,
think how you feel when you play those games and watch those movies—that's the
way you're going to react at that time), but those who have taken the prophecies
seriously, that I gave to Elisheva Eliyahu, they are going to know what to do.
They are going to know who to cry out to. In the Prophecy [21, with] Gabriel,
[video once entitled] “Get Ready for a Shout,” I already prophesied it. I
prophesied it twice. One in an older video. One in a newer video.
The newer video isn't even on your channel Elisheva. You need to get it up there
again on the new channels because I AM going to tell you something: When the
worst vaccine of all comes and a satellite beam tracks anything wireless on the
head, the people will no longer be in control of their own thoughts, of their
own actions. And along with that shall be that which will cause people to die
and to arise again and they will be called what you call 'zombies.'
I'M not saying this to frighten you. I'M saying this because those who know the
Holy Scriptures know I protect those who are MINE.
Read Psalm 91 again. The Book of Psalms is full of prophecies and full of
promises and MY SON YAHUSHUA'S NAME is in—from Genesis to Revelation—whenever
you see the word "delivered" or the word "saved," put MY SON'S NAME YAHUSHUA,
"YAH SAVES," there instead.
HE'S been there all along—YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH came in the form of a ROCK. HE
streamed forth Living Waters so the children of Israel would not die of thirst.
Moshe, whom you call Moses, did not know when he struck that ROCK (Ex 17:6)—that
is why YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH in the future would have HIS Face struck.
You see. The Torah is a foreshadow! The history of that which was to come! I've
already forewarned and I've already forearmed those who will listen and those
who will obey.
I'M not expecting perfection—you can only achieve that through the NAME and the
BLOOD of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH—but I do expect for you quickly to repent of your
sins, and not do it over again and again and expect "Oh, I'll just be forgiven
Where is the sorrow in that?!
Ask YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH for forgiveness. Go running back into HIS Arms before
the time of the worst sorrow of sorrows begin, has already begun (Mt 24)!
The locust was your sign. The famines of the people who die all over the
world—just because your stomachs are filled, [you notice not]—how many have died
of famine! The locusts eat up the food, laid their eggs—by the billions—they
flew, and unlike any other locusts that you've ever seen (foreshadowing Rv 9).
I warn you of the locusts in the Book of Revelation (Rv 6:6; 9).
I warn you of the famine (Rv 6:6, 8)—in the foreshadow (Gn 41:57; 2 Kg 6:24-30;
La 4:9-10).
I warned you when Solomon was brought a child and the two mothers argued who did
that child belong to (1 Kg 3:16-28)—because 'they' were going to eat him that
night (comp 2 Kg 6:29; see Dt 12:31; 1 Kg 11:5-10).
I repeated the same thing in the Book of Revelation (6:5-11; 9:21; 17:6; 18:8;
comp Lv 26:26, 29-30; Dt 28:53-57).
Mothers shall eat their own children (Dt 12:30-31; 28:53; Lv 26:29). What do you
think it means when the mothers now, the so-called celebrities, now fry up their
placenta? And they brag about how “it's so nutritious,” and “that was what
supplied the food to the child.”
And they eat it, and now even doctors will offer it to the mother, "Do you want
your placenta so you can take it home to eat? Would you like it in a capsule
You cannibals. I speak to the cannibals of this world. You know who you are. You
know what you've done to the children.
You know, you vampires. You're no longer movies, are you? You put it in the
movies first to prepare the people and they think it’s just a movie. And now
when you prove it’s even a reality of all of 'hellywood'—and I said hell!
Hollywood you are doomed! Actors, you, and actresses, you are doomed! So few of
you will exist anymore! You are made straight from hell! You sold your souls for
contracts for the fame and the fortune so your names would be known—hell wrote
it down. They're expecting you.
Now you're in shutdown. How many of you have got on your knees and repented?
Oh! You think that [Sarcastic] you already have the—the cure? Oh! You have that,
the answer!
You're going to go hide in your lavish underground bunkers, LIKE BILL GATES HAS!
Oh! I have news for YOU Mr. Gates and all you BILLIONAIRES with him, who had
ANYTHING to do with what is coming—and you think you're going to depopulate
earth so you don't have to look at another human that was made in the CREATORS'
And Donald J. Trump, I gave Elisheva Eliyahu a Prophecy for you. IT WAS NOT MARK
TAYLOR! He's not even a Prophet! Do you not even know what a Prophet is?
I foretold that he would win that election, Donald J. Trump, through the Prophet
speaking now—and it is proven in video format; anyone can see—and even how the
race would be so close. I foretold that and how he would use [his pres. powers]
like a firehose to wash the blood out of the White House.
He has saved the lives of millions of children. He has stopped child
trafficking—he has threatened those that he knows have done these things and
said, "You will either be prosecuted for what you have done and go to jail, or
you will just unexpectedly retire."
I tell MY secrets to MY Prophets. Surrounded by you—Donald J. Trump—[and
surrounding you] is evil. How many can really be trusted? You just believe the
words they say. Allow ME to speak the truth to you.
Pray everyone that I truly come to him. Pray that he has a visitation of
Just as surely as I've sent YAHUSHUA to Elisheva, just as surely as I will send
YAHUSHUA to you, Donald J. Trump, but then you're responsible to obey and it
means you having to fire so many that you think you now can trust.
I've warned you. I warned you about the airwaves in Prophecies past. I warned
you about the air you breathe. I warned you about the food you ate. I warned you
about the water you drank. I warned you even about the clothing you wear. I
warned you about the vaccinations that would come. I WARNED YOU through the
I warned you: The children would be owned by the states. The parent's rights
would be taken. I warned you and told you get your kids out of the dens of the
anti-christ, the public schools! I've allowed them all to be shut down but while
they're being shut down, evil is going on behind the scenes!
And so, I say unto those who I will speak in a parable to, and that is this.
Those who have anything to do with the 5G, you just know this: For every tower
that you put up, the word will get out. For you know that I know it's more than
just a "faster Internet" (people cried out, "Our Internet's too slow!"
The devil said, "I have the answer! And I also know how to depopulate at the
same time!"), but you would not listen.
I warned you through Elisheva—the famine would come. I warned you to prepare
your flee bags.
You see. I tell MY secrets to MY TRUE Prophets! Who have proof behind the
Prophecies! Not someone who just comes online, the Internet, and says, "Oh, I'm
a Prophet and I had a dream last night!" Where is your proof? Why do you not ask
for proof?
These are the Words I have to say. I AM ABBA YAHUVEH.
saved! And [to have] any way that I will answer their prayers—is through HIS
NAME and through HIS BLOOD!
And the RUACH HA KODESH is the HOLY SPIRIT and SHE is the IMAGE that Eve was
made in. 'Come and make humanity in OUR Image' (Gn 1:26).
And that brings ME to the last point. I will make everyone pay whoever called
YAHUSHUA 'the son of a man.’ It was called humanity. Mariam was HIS birth
mother. HIS HEAVENLY MOTHER placed HIM in her womb.
Can you not see the difference? WHOSE Image do you think a woman was made in?
And I have another thing to say to you who think you can just change your sexes.
Though I created you to be a man and gave you all the sexual equipment to prove
it, plus the DNA, the hormones and you women who say, "I want to be a man," I
have a secret for you.
You will appear before the FATHER OF CREATION—in the sex that I decreed that you
were to be from the moment that you were implanted inside as an egg in that
mother's womb. You'll not fool Heaven. So repent while you can. For you're not
fooling Heaven.
You can fool the earth, you can fool yourself, but you're not fooling your
I tell this world to repent.
For the ‘Time of Jacob's Sorrows’ has already begun. I sent the locusts as a
sign. You ignored it. The fires in Australia. You ignored it. I sent so many
signs around this world. You choose to ignore it.
You'd rather believe, as what Donald J Trump says, the "fake news." Why? Because
satan is the father of all liars.
I'm giving you a chance now.
Fall on your knees with great sorrow, with great weeping; confess your sins
before YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH; and I will be faithful and I will forgive you—and I
will hear your prayers and I will heal your lands!
The leader of Paraguay—did anyone bother to listen to his prayers?! Why was that
not on all the national news [stations]?! He is MY son. He was not ashamed! He
knows to cry out in the name of "Jesus Christ" (for he does not know the Hebrew
Name), but he quoted Scriptures!
It is the RUACH HA KODESH, the SWEET HOLY SPIRIT WHO put it upon his heart—and
that goes for anyone else who did this. Every one of you know this! Those who
"Jesus Christ") and the RUACH HA KODESH the HOLY SPIRIT—and have warned, (though
the people have their fingers in their ears and they refuse to listen!), just
know that Heaven heard. And the rewards shall follow you to Heaven if you
continue on that path.
And O Israel, repent. Repent! What are you going to do when the Day of Atonement
arrives? It's not afar off now. Next will come Shavu'ot [Pentecost].
What are you going to do? What are you going to do? Oh, I know! [Sarcastic] You
have the answer!
You're going to fast that day—one day. And you will read the Torah! You already
have your scriptures marked off. And the next day you'll live like you're living
in hell all over again. You're a 'pharisee.'
Do you hear ME? You rabbis shall answer, you pastors shall answer—to I
YAHUVEH—for instead of feeding the sheep, you starved them from the truth. This
Ministry teaches the truth; only the commandment keepers [do so]—read the book
of Revelation and the woman in the wilderness (Rv 12)—this Ministry is like
this, who are not afraid to say, "You must be commandment keepers, not
commandment breakers" (see Rv 12:17).
I, YAHUVEH, wrote the Laws with MY Own Fiery Finger (Ex 31:18; Ex 34:1; Dt 9:10;
10:2-4)—I YAHUVEH gave the Tablets of Stone and the stone came from MY Very Own
Throne (Ex 24:10, 12-13; Ezk 1:22, 26-28).
O Israel, I your CREATOR ask you this.
You say that you serve the GOD of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob. They obeyed ME. Can
you say that you do? Can you say that you are an example to the world of
You leaders, I AM going to hold you so responsible for taking Isaiah 53 and
twisting it to what it does not mean—or just ignoring it, knowing that it is
YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, the only ONE it could apply to.
There's levels of hell [for such leaders] and you teachers who think you teach
the law but do not teach the truth—and when I speak of the Law, I mean YAHUSHUA
said, (and I speak now even to those who call themselves followers, disciples,
messianic Jews,) "Why do you call ME LORD and not obey ME?" (Lk 6:46). That
means they acknowledge HIM as CREATOR, but they did not obey HIM.
Others who call themselves "Christians," you will read it and some of your
versions say—the Words are written in red in some of the Bibles—YAHUSHUA spoke
and said, (the ONE you call "Jesus Christ"), "Why do you say you love ME and not
obey ME?" (Jn 14:15). Your GRACE and your MERCY hung on that Cross.
So do not say you live under the "time" of grace and mercy, unless you're
running back to that Cross, falling at the feet of that Cross, crawling at the
Feet of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH—and begging forgiveness in great sorrow and asking
HIM to deliver you from the sins so that you do not go to hell and you have
access to [pray] the prayers of the FATHER (Mt 6:9; Lk 11:2; Ex 4:22; Dt 32:6;
Is 1:2; 63:15-16; Jer 3:19).
MY SON'S BLOOD came at a GREAT COST. And it all started when Cain killed Abel;
Abel's blood cried out (Gn 4:10)—that is why (Nm 35:33; Heb 12:24) there is no
forgiveness of sin without the shedding of blood (Lv 17:11; Heb 9:22-23).
And I was no longer satisfied with animals and lambs (Ps 40:6; Mi 6:7; Am 5:22;
Is 1:11-14, 18; Heb 10); the sins of the people grew too much (Dt
29:24-27)—Moshe warned you (Dt 18:15-19; 30:1-2, 6)—the Old Blood Covenant was
going to be done away with (Dt 29-30:1-6). That's just a foreshadow that you are
to read (Ro 15:4; 1 Cor 10:11) and realize, without the history there could not
be a future (Mt 5:17-19; Lk 24:44)—and that is the NEW BLOOD COVENANT: YAHUSHUA
So it has been spoken this day.
On April 20, 2020, right after the sign of the super moon.
There's a supernatural moon I put in the sky and I told you it would come but
how many ignored the reason why.
Oh MY beloved children, now I just end this with you, MY beloved, MY beloved, MY
darling, MY sweet, MY treasures. You did not betray ME in Heaven. You cannot
betray ME on earth. You need not fear ever taking the mark of the beast
accidentally. I would never allow such a thing to happen.
Oh MY darling ones who worship ME in spirit and in truth—MY sons and MY
daughters, you worship YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH!
Just know this when you see the picture and the Image of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH
that is embracing Elisheva Eliyahu (that I told her to replace where her husband
once was that is no more), I AM your true BRIDEGROOM! I AM your MESSIAH!
Not everyone can be a Bride (not everyone is willing to pay the price to be that
set apart, to be that bold), but blessed are all who are invited to the Marriage
Supper of the LAMB.
Just don't deny ME. For if you deny YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, HE says HE will deny
you before the HEAVENLY FATHER, I YAHUVEH, and the angels in Heaven (Mt 10:33;
Lk 9:26; 12:9; Mk 8:38).
Do not deny [HIM], O Guests who will be at the Marriage Supper of the LAMB, even
if it means your own life will be taken. Know this: YAHUSHUA will come (Jn 14:3,
18-19; Ps 23:4; Is 43:2)—and snatch your spirit right out of the body (Is 25:8;
Hos 13:14; Jn 11:25-26)—and the executioner will have no satisfaction in your
death cry (Is 57:1-2; Acts 7: 56-60). You will be in YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH'S Arms
(Lk 23:43; 2 Cor 5:8; Phil 1:23) to suffer no more (Is 25:8-9; Lk 20:36; Rv
Oh, MY precious Bride of Revelation 14 & Revelation 7, these are revelations
that came from Heaven to Elisheva Eliyahu that I personally gave, SPOKEN IN THE
7 THUNDERS TO HER, in the 1980s! The 7 Thunders did speak—and now through the
Prophecies she speaks what the 7 Thunders spoke.
Read the Prophecies and you will know and there's so much more to come. You
wanted to know: Who are the 7 Thunders (Jb 37:2-5; Ps 29:3)? What are the 7
Thunders? If you know your Scripture, these Prophecies are what was in the 7
Thunders that spoke (Rv 10:3-4, 9). And the floor shook, and she was
sleeping—and she was in a waterbed—at that time alone and the waterbed shook so
hard, it nearly rocked her right off the bed.
I'm reminding her as I even now speak it forth that she had forgotten. She
thought there had been an earthquake and it was in Indiana where they did not
know large earthquakes. And when she got up and she ran and she touched the
floor, she ran to the window to see what was going on, "Surely there must be the
worst storm going on."
Instead, it was summertime and the sun never shined brighter. She went back to
bed and went back to sleep and 7 times I did that to her. And each time she saw
the same thing and felt the same thing. She had not an answer and she called a
friend on the phone and said, "What is going on? Did you feel the earthquake?"
And the friend on the phone said, "There's no earthquake. There's no storm."
And for so many years—not until Caleb came in 2016, did I start to explain the 7
Thunders spoke to her. They were locked in a Prophecy and they're locked in a
sealed one [78]—and I've already begun to give her the dream. I already told her
what could not be spoken. She's already seen a piece of the puzzle and not only
that—you're seeing it now.
For there's one part [of 78] that I allowed her to mention and if you look it up
you will find out it was on her birthday [2005] this was spoken that not one
person around this world will know someone who did not die and was touched by
this tragedy—that's how you know who a true prophet is; they prophesy things way
in advance—just like in Florida [May 2012], they've already had the zombies and
that was so many years ago.
And they blamed it on "bath salts," but she spoke it first in a Prophecy [August
1998]. The government even mocked the next day calling it the "Zombie
Apocalypse"—"You better get ready.”
Beware, you who call yourself a "Prophet,” I AM going to hold you accountable if
you prophesy just for the mention of your name, for the YouTube views or
subscribers! You cannot even conceive the punishment I will give you. For there
is a price to be called a Prophet.
There is suffering and the GREATEST of all the Prophets who have suffered was
You do not think it is suffering to have to lay down a man that she called a
husband? For [it was] the first time she ever knew the love of a man, (though
she had been “married” [before]), and then he betrays her and goes back to the
Orthodox Judaism—and kabbalah and the occult—without so much as an apology to
ME, to her, to the world!
And that's only a small sample [of what she’s endured], in the 26 years she has
been on the Internet. I birthed this Ministry on her birthday. When you look up
the number—in Hebrew what the number 4 means—you will understand why. And you
put the 4/4 together and you put the Malachi 4 together and 5, you will
understand why and why I call her the “Ringmaiden.”
She is responsible to keep covering with prayers the Revelation 14 Bride and the
Revelation 7 Bride. And no, the majority of you who will hear this have never
heard anything like this before. For you have not been under the mentorship of
this Ministry—144,000 is the Bride and they're Revelation 14 & Revelation 7 [is
another]. Read it.
When the Two Witnesses rise—and those in the graves that were martyred, [each]
rises, and those who have not taken the mark of the beast—that's when the
Revelation 7 goes up (along with all of them), but the Revelation 7 will have
supernatural powers and supernatural bodies that came from Heaven and they are
Now you know. Go study and show thyself approved.
You've heard from a true Prophet this day. I've come to her Face to face. Read
the testimonies, as even in 2005 where there was no prayer intercessory [group]
anywhere—she did not dare trust anyone. They all betrayed her like a Judas.
So read what it took for Michael the archangel to come and battle his way
through to be there right by her side. Like a little child, she played with his
wings and was running her fingers through his feathers and listen to Gabriel
pronounce the name of the "YAHUSHUA'S demon stompers," who would be prayer
intercessors like none other.
Oh yes, the counterfeit came! Oh yes, they came even in the form of a ‘baby in
diapers,’ but they could not continue.
True Bride of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, if you believe these words have come from I
YAHUVEH, contact her now—no matter where you are in the world, contact her. Let
her know that you are covering her in prayer and be her friend.
Be a brother! She has sons all over the world! She has daughters all over the
world! She has millions upon millions of millions in these 26 years who call her
"Momma." For I have made her like unto the 'Mother of Prophets.'
She is the mother not just to the Prophets but to the Babies, and the Bride and
the Chosen Ones and the Elect—but oh so few brothers can lay down THEIR
ARROGANCE & THEIR PRIDE—and especially you born in Judah, born in Israel or
raised—your arrogance and your pride because you're a man?
You pray for her in secret as it is proven in "Anointed Goliath Slayers, Come
Forth" [video]—and write your sister Elisheva Eliyahu. She cries out for that
brother's covering and where is he? Where is he? Where is the man who speaks
Hebrew? Where is the brother? Where is the one from Judah?
For although she's a Jew on both sides of the bloodline of a mother and a
father, she was not born in Israel. She needs a man from Judah. I gave her
one—satan took him, but he allowed it and only he can decide whether to come
There are consequences [and conditions] to every Prophecy: Will you obey? Just
like Deuteronomy 28! There's blessings if you obey, there are curses if you
I say the same thing goes with a Prophecy—and I speak it now unto Israel.
Israel, there is a remnant that shall come out of you and it shall be the Bride
of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. And there shall be brothers that come forth. And they
shall stand by her side and they will help her to reach Israel and the four
corners of the earth. And they will never try to take over.
If you have heard MY Voice this day, I ABBA YAHUVEH THE FATHER OF CREATION &
called the HOLY SPIRIT, then email her quickly. Hit the contact button.
I've said it before. I'll say it again.
“Caleb” is an Anointing. Caleb means a pure heart [wholehearted]. Do you have a
pure heart before ME? Is that why you're afraid to contact her? Your heart is
not pure enough? And you must not come with the sins of Israel! You will have
been delivered of them. Are you the Bride of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH?
I speak to those, the men who she shall call brother—I don't speak to the sons.
For the sons have her covered. "YAHUSHUA'S demon stompers" have more sons I have
given her and more daughters.
Oh MY anointed prophetic daughters, you're not shy. You write right there and
you say, "Momma I'm here. I'm covering you." And oh MY precious, precious sons—I
have given you Elisheva such precious sons that cover you in prayer and they
love you all over the world.
And the 500,000 that you don't even know all their names—oh but in that
spiritual glorified body, you shall join together and you shall rejoice. When
you know that even in their tongues, even in a foreign language, they're saying
the name "Eliyahu," they're saying the name "Elisheva," and they don't even know
why—or they'll hear the name "AmightyWind" and not even know why.
And you've had that testimony before about AmightyWind. And it's all about
Shavu'ot when A MIGHTY RUSHING WIND came in and that put the fire on top of the
disciples' heads. That was the RUACH HA KODESH fire.
That's why the calendar of the countdown of the omer is so important to those
who will read it. That's why the flame is there and that's why the flame shall
grow higher all the way, until you see the Day of Shavu'ot come. For you see if
that day had not come, then the COMFORTER could not have—came and lived within
you and dwelled within you.
And speak forth out of gifts of the RUACH HA KODESH even the gifts of the
speaking in tongues, which the Scriptures say is of men and angels (1 Cor 13:1)!
Men and angels, tongues, come forth!
How many times Elisheva Eliyahu is praying and people will say, "I recognize
that tongue/[language]. That's a tongue that I know," and it's of another
language that she's never heard of, she's never been taught. And then there's
the tongues of angels—and watch out when the tongues of angels come—they're the
most powerful tongue of all.
[ Elisheva's speaks in fast angelic tongues ]
O Israel, O Israel, O Israel the tongues of, now, angels speak.
You say that you believe in the Torah, the Tanakh—I speak to those who truly
love and serve I YAHUVEH who are not afraid to say MY NAME—put your faith in
HE is Isaiah 53! Study and show thyself approved!
HIS BLOOD flows through your ground! Penetrated your soil! And flowed all around
the world! To those who would receive HIM as MESSIAH; and strive to obey; and
have confessed, and repented with great sorrow; and is not ashamed of HIS NAME!
Come forth now! Come forth now and be anointed in a new Anointing, an Anointing
On Shavu'ot I have brought a Caleb forth! Now I call forth a new Caleb!
The old Caleb wants to throw that job away!—but none of the good things I've
ever prophesied [for the old] shall come to pass and he shall burn in hell!—but
if he chooses to be the "Caleb Anew, The Comeback Kid from Israel," he will
realize how satan had fooled him and tricked him!
And his own biological family wants to take him to hell with Kabbalah and with
the Orthodox Judaism!
I will not go—no further than Shavu'ot. I speak to you Erez Yotam, Ezra Caleb.
Once you were MY 'helper'; I called you Ezra [meaning ‘help’]. Once you were
Caleb and you came to ME with a pure heart. Once you loved the woman named
Elisheva Eliyahu and you called her your wife. There are satellites that want to
latch onto your brain and erase it once again—so you believe that you are a god,
so you can believe the atrocities that were written and the abominations in the
The tongues of angels now speak right to your soul! I, YAHUVEH, will pluck you
right out of her soul and I will put a new one there, a new man from Judah who
walks in integrity, in honesty with a pure heart before ME!
courageous. He will defend her. He will defend the HOLY TRINITY. He will defend
the Holy Scriptures. He will realize the Two Books (the Old Blood Covenant and
New BLOOD Covenant) never should have been separated!
One is the foreshadow and one is the present. One is the Old Blood Covenant and
one is the New BLOOD Covenant. And only the NEW BLOOD COVENANT will get anyone
to Heaven.
And he will preach it and he will teach it and he will believe it and he will be
by her side and be that spiritual prayer covering of a new husband that I am
going to give her. If you do not take the rightful place that I had once given
you, you will walk in Deuteronomy 28 the curses of YAHUVEH.
I speak to Erez Yotam once more.
Who are you going to believe? Look around at your biological family. LOOK AROUND
AT THE REPROBATES who called themselves the 14 planets that surrounded the
"Father Planet." Look around at the ones who call themselves "Aquaman," who
'ruled' underneath the sea.
Do you not understand how you were deceived? Your brain was literally taken and
For I'm not going to name all the reprobate names. Oh but they know, Christina &
Shengya and they know oh Donovan & Ricky. Oh what are you now Tatiana? Back to
your days of an escort service. You're nothing but a whore in MY Eyes and you
shall burn in the lowest level of hell—you and Christina & Shengya, you
controlled his mind along with Donovan.
I'm not going to name all the names. Oh Darnell, now you want to be their voice!
Then you shall pay with your own soul. Is that what you want? And oh Scott too?
I could name 'em. And Rosemary, I've not forgotten about you.
This is the man who came to you with the true love of a father. You twisted it,
you lusted after it, you perverted it, you committed adultery with it, you did
But I'm telling you this MY Elisheva—I do not start a good thing and not finish
it. I know that your heart is for Israel.
I know that you cry for them day and night and you ask, "Where is MY man from
Judah? Where is MY brother who can help me? Where is the man who will speak
Hebrew? Where is there even a woman who can speak Hebrew? Where are the Jews?
Please send them forth! I need to warm them! The ‘Time of Jacob's Sorrow’ has
begun (Jer 30:7; Mt 24:8)! They need to run into the Arms of YAHUSHUA HA
MASHIACH! The Bride of YAHUSHUA needs to hear."
I hear you MY daughter, I hear you. I hear you, I hear you! I hear your cries. I
hear your pleas. I hear you say, "Take me out of here now! Give me my glorified
body! Let me have a testimony as [unto] an Enoch!"
He did not die. For he was found pleasing YAHUVEH and MY true Bride of YAHUSHUA
HA MASHIACH, you are found pleasing in YAHUVEH and have a testimony as unto
And so it shall be again!—but right now I need you to cry out for the souls of
this earth that have not yet heard the truth, and as [of] this month alone—on
the 26th anniversary more testimonies have come forth and more people have
gotten saved and run into the Arms of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH—as now you see
Elisheva face to face as I prophesy in a new way, with a new Anointing!
There is no Internet website that can compare with the Anointing, that can
compare with the beauty that I have done operating through the hands of anointed
men and women! There's no more Anointing that can be any greater than any of
their videos!
I have entertained as well as informed you of every Prophecy. And yet there
cannot possibly be enough time for the ones—that was with Erez Yotam, Ezra Caleb
during the time with the month of omer in 2016. Over 1000 was received with
signs wonders and miracles—also did happen.
Erez oh so quickly have you forgotten all of this?
I put “Proof Behind the Prophecies.”
O mighty man come forth. O mighty men, who are willing to be called a brother,
and stand by her side and defend her, O mighty men around the world, you who
want to be called the Bride of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, you who see the video
"Anointed Goliath Slayers Come Forth"—and write your sister Elisheva
Eliyahu—you'll give her the thumbs up to show that you're there.
Over 880 did this, and more come each day—even if they don't give the thumbs up
in a video—they remember your name in prayer and they come to the website. And
they grieve and they weep for you, and yet they do not feel worthy to even
I, YAHUVEH, command you if you want to be the Bride of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH,
come forth, her brothers, now! Come forth! And I speak to those especially, now,
those who [are] the mighty spiritual prayer warriors and I do not speak to the
I speak to the spiritually mature. I speak to those who know spiritual warfare.
I speak to those with a courage. I speak to those who will not be intimidated
because I speak forth out of a woman and who will believe and receive every
Prophecy—not coming to take over the Ministry, but coming to stand by her side.
And when her arms are too weary to lift them up anymore, you'll be there to hold
them up.
You will know who that is as I speak forth now.
I speak forth—now—even to the Children of Ishmael, I speak forth to you! I,
YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, want you. I love you! You do not know ME. I wait for you,
I wait for you. You do not have to beat yourself any further. You do not have to
make blood come from your own wounds—to atone for your sins—I YAHUSHUA HA
MASHIACH paid that PRICE for the Muslim men, and of course the women.
I, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, desire to forgive you—the blackest of the black
sheep!—yes, even the murderers, even those who have murdered Christians. Did not
Sha'ul, Paul, murder the "Christian" men, women and children as they were
called? And yet look who [he became]—what I made him [into]! Look who I spoke
out of (and look how many he brought to I YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH), the blackest of
the black sheep.
One drop of MY BLOOD [will atone] be you Egyptian or be you Muslim, be you
Indonesian, be you African—I don't care what nationality you are. Does not MY
Word say in the Book of Revelation all kindreds of tongues (Rv 5:9-10; 7:9)
shall come to ME! That's all nationalities. I, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, AM here.
MY BLOOD is for you—one drop [will atone]—just confess your sins to ME! Ask
mercy of ME. Pray to ME. MY NAME is YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. Listen to the prayer
that I put in Elisheva's mouth. Look at the painting that I give her of an open
It has nothing to do with the artist. I could have chosen the greatest of the
artists of this world. I chose a humble woman, a brand new Messianic Jew and
that picture has not been redone. That oil painting stands right now as it is.
For it shows I YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH weeping for you.
Come to ME all ye who are laden, heavily laden. You're so burdened! You do not
have to do a jihad (Ezk 18:23, 32). There does not have to be a war! I'm not at
war with you (Is 54:8-14; Ps 103:8-10)!
Do not be at war with MY followers! Come to ME.
Confess with great sorrow and admit all your sins and believe in faith that I
will forgive you! And those sins will be as far as the east is from the west (Ps
103:12)! You'll be a new person and the RUACH HA KODESH, HOLY SPIRIT, will live
within you and show you right from wrong!
Do you hear ME calling you? Can you not hear ME? Abraham cries [Voice breaks
with emotion] for the Children of Ishmael. Come to ME! I AM here.
There's Arab Christians all over the world and they love and they worship ME!
Come forth.
Elisheva I have given a burden for... not just for the Jews, but for the Arabs
too. She weeps for you and she weeps for the women. How you have mistreated
them! But you can be forgiven... I weep for you, I weep for you.
What you are told to do is straight from the mouth of the devil himself. You do
not have to wash 5 times a day to be cleansed before the CREATOR. Do you not
understand that satan says this?
Be washed in MY SHED BLOOD! He mocks when he tells you to wash your hands 5
times to be cleansed. He mocks you—when he tells you that you must shed your own
blood. See how much torture you can take!
I AM the ONE, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, WHO was tortured in your place! I AM the ONE
where every sin you ever committed was placed on MY Body!
You do not have to be put in the tombs of the dead and I speak to the soldiers,
who are told they will die for "allah." In the darkest of the darkest tombs you
are placed to see how brave you are—and if you come out with your sanity, then
you are fit to go into war.
I AM the ONE WHO died for you! I AM the ONE WHO took your place and arose again
from the dead on the third day before witnesses! I AM the RESURRECTOR!
Come to ME! Come to ME!
I speak not just to the Jews, not just to the Arabs. I speak to those who are so
lukewarm if you were to die right now, I would spit and vomit you right out of
MY Mouth!
You do not even DEFEND the unborn! "Whatever the laws of the land say, if they
want to abort a baby in the 9th month, oh so let it be. It's the woman's
WHAT ABOUT THE BABIES?! I will tell you this! You know the souls that are
underneath the altar in Heaven who cry out to ME and say, 'How long, how long O
LORD must we wait for YOU to take vengeance' (Rv 6:10), and then I give them a
white linen and cloth and I tell them, 'Until the number [peaks], the same
number that's [to be] underneath the altar' (v. 11).
a chance at life who like [with] a vacuum cleaner, ripped—and tore them to
shreds—or a saline solution dissolved their flesh, or they were cut out of the
stomach of the mother, or as they came out, a needle was shoved into their neck
and the fluid was withdrawn—those are the ones who are being cannibalized and
eaten and the blood is drunk.
You want to know who's underneath the altar? It's the altar of the martyrs. It's
in Heaven. And every single day, every single hour I THE FATHER YAHUVEH AM
[hearing] said, "How long, how long, how long before you take vengeance O YAH?”
How long, how long, how long? How long? That's Elisheva Eliyahu's cry [for
vengeance]. TO THE BILLIONAIRES RIGHT NOW, who think they rule and reign this
earth and paralyze it with fear—the fallen angels in disguise.
That's the Bride of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH [who cry]. That's those who have a
conscience (who belong to I YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA & IMMAYAH, the RUACH HA KODESH),
who will be Guests at the Marriage Supper of the LAMB: They cry, they weep, they
wail when they see the people dying of a pestilence that walketh in darkness (Ps
I'm using her to reach the 4 corners of the earth.
Is there a brother out there who will raise their hand right now? I'm looking at
every soul around this earth. Does she have a brother who will say, "I'll come.
The Caleb of old [2016] doesn't want that place or that responsibility. He's a
coward. He had forsaken you but I'll come. He has forsaken YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH
but I have not."
I'm looking the world over right now as we approach Shavu'ot.
And woe be unto those who hear MY Voice this day (and I'm speaking to those who
come from Israel, I'm speaking of those who know the Hebrew language and could
very well put these Prophecies into the Hebrew language, especially those that
are for Israel—that warns Israel—woe be unto you, if you hear MY call, you see
her face, you go to, woe be unto you when you read those
Prophecies and you know they are truth and you say, "I don't want to get
Woe be unto you who are single—a single man—who has the time to do this. Woe be
unto you who listen to this and do not care, or even go to a website that has
stood for 26 years and 5 times it was tried—to be destroyed (and even by her own
husband's hands and by a "son" that she had known since he had been 15 years
You do not know what goes on behind the scenes. You do not know the battle that
she's seen. You do not know when she gets worn and weary—only those who are a
secretive group of "YAHUSHUA'S demon stompers" knows.
The other "YAHUSHUA'S demon stompers" gathered around the world, you're not
meant to know. It is for a select group and they Jericho march and they fast and
they pray anytime she says and she gives the word that I tell her to say.
Come forth, you anointed goliath slayers, come forth—and stand by Elisheva
Eliyahu's side. Come forth and show your face. Send her a video. Just tell her
it is private between you and her. She will respect your privacy, but she will
also recognize if you have the Anointing in you.
You must speak in Holy tongues. That is a requirement. That is how she'll know
the two Anointings are the same. Are you willing to do that?
I will give you the greatest blessings in Deuteronomy 28 if you will but obey.
She does not need any more babies. She's granted—she rejoices over each and
every baby but I'm speaking for a baby who will say, "I'll be him. I'll stand by
your side." He's—you're a baby, you would never survive, and the ones who are
listening know who I speak of.
It must be the spiritually mature. It must be those who have a loving
relationship for YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, who's willing to lay their life down for
YAHUSHUA. Are you willing? She is.
It must be a hero like unto her hero, who is Zev Porat. It must be a hero who's
like unto a hero that's in a different field, but his name is Mike Adams—but you
cannot shut him up; he will speak the truth, but Zev Porat, he goes right in the
midst of Israel. He is a man from Judah and he goes right to the rabbis' faces.
He is her hero!
And I have allowed her to call him that because he knows even if his life is
taken, he goes straight to Heaven. He preaches the truth of the NEW BLOOD
Covenant but he too fears saying the NAME OF YAHUSHUA.
He would rather say "Yeshua," so he doesn't offend the Orthodox Jews, yet she
loves Zev Porat. She calls him "brother," yet he does not even know he has a
sister, but her prayers cover him every day. Someone who knows him who will hear
this, get this message to him.
He is well pleasing to I YAHUVEH. He greatly glorifies YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. He
is filled with MY RUACH HA KODESH. Get that message to him and let him know that
she prays for his entire family. How brave they are for every time he goes into
Jerusalem right up to the wall, right up to a rabbi where they will stone and
they will kill people in other parts of Israel who dare mention the NAME,
That's why he says "Yeshua," but that is not MY SON'S NAME. HIS NAME carries MY
Pray for the boldness that will come upon him that he will do this. I AM
YAHUVEH. If you do not receive this Word was from ME, then this Word was not for
you—but those who have ears to hear, let them listen.
All the enemies of MINE, let your ears remain permanently deaf. This Word was
not meant for you. You're only worthy of Deuteronomy 28, the curses of I
Remember with every Prophecy there is a condition, even for Israel. Israel was
to remain a Holy land when I decreed it a nation.
It is not a Holy land [now], and it will not be until YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH comes
and rules and reigns as KING OF ISRAEL. Then it shall be—a Holy land pleasing
unto I YAHUVEH. And that is when New Jerusalem shall come down from Heaven and
all shall see.
Oh MY darling, MY darling little ones, I close this now to tell you: Do not be
in fear. Do not live in fear. Fear is a weapon that comes from satan.
I remind you of the manna that I put on the ground when there was no food in
sight (Ex 16). Look at the foreshadow of what I did for the Children of Israel
through Moshe's prayers. He did not have supernatural powers. He had the
prayers. He had MY Ear and when he said, ‘The people hunger and the people
thirst’ I heard him and I provided (Ex 17:4-5; Nm 11:13-14).
Their shoes did not wear out from infant until adult (Dt 8:3-4). I stretched
them. You cannot even conceive the miracles I did at that time and you cannot
even begin to conceive the miracles I am doing now.
All you hear in the news are the dead bodies with exaggerated numbers, but you
do not hear of the miracles that I have done to keep people alive and keep them
hidden and how I have healed, truly healed—not the communist party's kind of
"healing" that is lies—you do not hear.
Elisheva Eliyahu received over 1,000 Prophecies with the real Caleb in 2016 and
in 2017. I revealed how I will protect in these end times. The evil ones have
their portals. Do you not think I YAHUVEH have heavenly portals that you can
walk through and appear? That I YAHUVEH will change your very DNA when they
think they have yours?
I, YAHUVEH, laugh and I toy with the enemies of this world who call themselves
billionaires, who think they rule and they reign and fight over who will control
the people of this earth. I toy with MY enemies and then I destroy 'em—without
any warning, a swift blow comes down with MY Fist and they are no more. And the
next thing they see is hell and then the Lake of Fire for all eternity—satan
knows his time is nearly up.
The more you see this world grow more wicked and unholy and the more that you
And O Europe! O Europe! O Europe I cry out to you! O Europe! O Europe! O Europe
I cry out to you! I beg and I plead for you! Come to YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH! Come
to Holiness!
Forsake “the Pope”! That is not Holiness! Holiness is being set apart! Holiness
is belonging to MY SON YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH! Holiness is obedience to MY Words!
O Europe! O Europe! I speak of all of Europe! I, YAHUVEH, THE FATHER OF CREATION
in YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH'S NAME, I cry out to you! Accept the BLOOD that was shed
for you for the forgiveness and the remission of your sins!
Confess! Repent! So your land can be saved! Do it quickly O Europe, O Bride of
YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH spread in Europe—so few but I have a remnant! Come forth!
Contact Elisheva Eliyahu! Contact her! Go to the Ministry site! I told her she
is going to read every one. I'll let her know who to reply to.
And to, once again I say, those that she would call brother in YAHUSHUA (for
they will not even say "Momma Elisheva"), they will know they have different
relationship with her and they will feel like they have to defend her and they
will. And they will send the video, not ashamed of their faces, so she can see
if they have a glow of the RUACH HA KODESH all over their face. It will shine.
It will glow like Caleb's used to.
Look at the before and look at his after. He's ashamed to show his face
anymore—after that false prophecy to the world of three days & three nights of
darkness [on] April 19, 2019.
All he had to do was say, "I'm sorry. I missed it. This was my first 'prophecy.'
I was lied to. Please forgive me for frightening you." All he has to do is say,
"YAHUSHUA forgive me! I rebuke the lies to the Kabbalah, the Zohar and all the
evil teaching and books and lying Oral Torah I have believed, and the false
visionaries that controlled MY mind through occult powers, and the satellite
beam that YOU had to take off of my head as they tracked me and put words I
never would have said."
That's why he let the enemy do the talking. The one thing that all of these
could not do is—he could not speak one word in a video against Elisheva; not one
word did he speak. He could speak it behind the scenes! He could allow the death
to be called upon her and the comas!
You have no idea what I have done when I have said, "He's one toe away from
And now I call forth [at Shavu'ot], because he was called forth as a co-leader
of this Ministry on a Shavu'ot, [video then] entitled, "I Dare You to Reject the
New Male Co-leader," and now she had to seal that Prophecy [128] until the new
one comes forth.
I have said he can come back as "Caleb Anew." I said that he can come back as
the "Comeback Kid from Israel," but he'll never wear the title of a prophet
again and he will not want to, on this earth.
Where are you? Where are you O mighty men, who have MY Spirit of Bravery within
you? Where are you O courageous ones? You who are spiritually strong prayer
warriors, where are you?
I'm searching the world over right now—I know where you are. I know you are
single and I know that your heart is totally sold out to ME. I know you know MY
Voice and I know you can prophesy and I know that you know when you land on this
Ministry's shores.
I know that I know. For I AM YAHUVEH and know all things—I'm the FATHER OF ALL
KNOWLEDGE—and so is YAHUSHUA and so is the RUACH HA KODESH; WE know all things.
I know what I have put inside of you. Do not be intimidated. She obeys. Do not
fear. Look what she did to Caleb—need I remind you that is it I YAHUVEH, and
YAHUSHUA and the RUACH HA KODESH that put him on that altar—it is his choice
whether or not he walks in the calling that he has been prophesied to walk in.
It is his choice. I will not cross the will of man. It is his choice. It doesn't
matter what he was before he came to this earth. It doesn't matter what you
were—all of you listening to this now—what you were before you were born on this
It only matters now what have you done with the salvation of the BLOOD of
YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH?—since you were born in iniquity from your mother and your
father, the moment you breathed your first breath on this earth. What have you
done with the salvation?
For it's the only way back to Heaven. That's what matters.
What have you done with MY Words that say, "Ye must be Holy as I—," as YAHUSHUA
HA MASHIACH showed nothing but an example of Holiness while HE was on this
earth. And I even gave you an INTERCESSOR to be able to intercede for you like a
lawyer in Heaven; HIS NAME is YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH.
That's all I'm going to speak now. She knew a Prophecy was coming. She thought
it would be at Passover. I birthed this from her spirit. I birthed this from her
very soul. And this isn't even the one that she thought I was going to speak
I don't want you to fear MY little ones. You have a need and you belong to ME
and you're standing on Psalm 91; you put that red cloth out your window, no
matter how small it may be (see Jos 2:17-21).
And for those living in countries like in [parts of] Asia that you're not
allowed to do this—and it is a long Psalm 91—even if you just write "Psalm 91"
[near your lintels and doorways]. You can find ways to be able to hide it, even
if it's nothing more than where the Scripture is found.
I, YAHUVEH, know your heart.
Oh MY Bride of Asia, I'm so proud of you.
YAHUSHUA has already shown Elisheva who the Bride is. She recognizes you. She
has an Anointing to recognize the Bride. She knows by the fruits of your spirit.
Stay on the path. Do not forsake YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH the way that Elisheva was
forsaken by a man she once thought loved her very much, more than anyone on this
I'm not going to leave her forsaken. I'm not going to leave her to carry that
humiliation. She obeyed ME. She obeyed, I, YAHUVEH and she proved her love for
YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH—and what she did was under the Anointing of the RUACH HA
KODESH. She could not forsake the lambs and the sheep and allow lies to be
spoken out of a Ministry that did not even belong to her.
For WE are the GODHEAD. WE are the HOLY TRINITY. She is the one that WE ordained
as a leader to give birth to this Ministry because WE knew that she—I warned her
not to despise small beginnings. And she believed ME.
WE knew WE could trust her just as surely as WE could trust Jeremiah of Old: For
WE knew her before she was formed in her mother's womb (Jer 1:5). I know who I
can trust. YAHUSHUA knows who HE can trust.
HE knows who's being called even now as this Word will be heard and made into a
video—as she barely has any voice left as satan hates what I have done this day,
but I tell you this, during the countdown of the omer: Remember you are the
wheat and remember that YAHUSHUA separates the wheat from the tares. (That is
HE separates them. 'Your worst enemies will be found in your own household' (Mi
7:6; Mt 10:36). Remember that is Scripture. It does not mean it has to be that.
It means be not surprised if it happens. Remember you are the wheat.
Remember you're counting down to the Day of Shavu'ot.
Remember YAHUSHUA came to the disciples as they knew 50 days after Passover,
came the Shavu'ot. Remember the upper room! Get excited for that! Claim that new
Anointing as it came upon the disciples.
For this is a new Anointing and a new time—this is the year of 2020—in Hebrew it
is a double redeemed, a double redemption. Remember today—I'm making it—April
20, 2020.
Oh MY little ones! Oh MY precious Bride, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH weeps for HIS
Bride. HE wants to come for her. HE'S on HIS way and HE'S been coming ever
since, [as once titled on YouTube], "Gabriel, Get Ready for a Shout" Prophecy
[21], but it is MY timing—I, YAHUVEH, THE CREATOR OF TIME—that HE embraces the
I have told her secrets on the Elder Bride ceremony she has not been free to
release—satan hinders her now without there being a “Caleb” there, but I have
put the entire Anointing of a Caleb upon her now.
That's why it is so easy to hear from ME. That's why the new Anointing is on
this Ministry.
What they thought they tore down was only built up more beautiful. This is what
your bodies are now; they are temples—and what they think they can tear down,
what age tears down, what sickness tears down—remember I, YAHUVEH, AM only going
to raise it up in a most glorified supernatural body.
They tore down YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH'S Body—off that cross—that was of flesh, but
did HE not rise up on the third day? In a supernatural glorified body!—as LORD
GOD ALMIGHTY. You're waiting for your glorified body and some of you will not
have to die to get it.
This is in the Holy Scriptures.
Pray that you're counted worthy to be called the Bride of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH.
There's only 288,000. And the Two Witnesses, I've already prophesied in advance,
is one man and woman, one husband, one wife.
Look at the revelations of the Two Witnesses—you won't find it coming from any
other Ministry—what this Ministry speaks comes from the truth of the HOLY
TRINITY, revelations learned from no one other than Heaven. Like I told her
before Prophecy 105, if it only had been her she would have failed long ago.
This Ministry never would have stood more than a few years. When she started
preaching the Sabbath, she would have ran. For the persecution was so great, but
you see this Ministry belongs to the HOLY TRINITY and no one can tear down the
gates of Heaven and steal what belongs to the HOLY TRINITY. Read that Prophecy
[122], "You Can't Tear Down the Gates of Heaven."
As she spoke to a woman in Jerusalem, at the time who was a translator of the
Prophecies, of Hebrew, who “Caleb” met in person in 2016 as she sent him
there—but she's a coward and she did not want to say the NAME of YAH; and she
thought she could give orders to Elisheva and now she will have to pay for
that—she lost a great blessing, but at the same time—this Ministry needs a
Hebrew translator!
WILL YOU COME FORTH?! I have men and I have women who will hear this who can
speak Hebrew, who can understand English very well.
Will you come forth? Will you be counted worthy to be that translator? I'm
calling you forth now.
Help her, because you're going to be held accountable—for all those who do
nothing after hearing this—encourage her with so much as a video with a thumbs
up and the “subscribe” [button], yes, to her video, but do more than that.
Contact her.
Let her know that you're praying. Ask her if there's anything you can do. It is
not the money that she needs. What she needs is supernaturally the Anointing
locked within you if you truly belong to YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and especially
those who are of Israel, or know the Hebrew language.
Come forth! Come forth!
The number [symbolically] in Hebrew of 26 is the CREATOR—did you know that? And
this anniversary is 26 years, proving once again it's I YAHUVEH'S Ministry. I
raised it up to glorify MY SON YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. I raised it up to bring
For HE will not lose one sheep or lamb. Not one piece of wheat will HE lose.
Don't you understand the countdown of the omer is all about the wheat? Are you a
wheat, or are you a weed, a tare? If you're a weed, you have a choice. Run into
the Arms of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH before it's too late!
So it has been spoken this day.
On April 20, 2020.
Given to MY Apostle, MY Prophet, MY Ringmaiden Elisheva Eliyahu, one of the
Bride of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, WHO’S calling forth the other Brides all over the
Contact her. Do not delay. I will hold you accountable and MY NAME is YAHUVEH.
End of Prophecy
ABBA YAHUVEH, let YOUR SON be glorified.
YOU said these signs shall follow them that believe (Mk 16:17-18): They shall
lay hands on the sick, speak with new tongues and cast out devils—and this we've
all done. We don't chase after signs, wonders and miracles, but we do know the
Oh how MANY miracles YOU did on this earth!
Oh ABBA YAH, please, please hear our prayer—and I know YOU do. For I can feel
the quietness of Heaven of a gift you have given to me when YOU have called all
of Heaven to be silent. I don't know why I get this privilege, and it doesn't
happen all the time, but right now I know that my voice is the only one being
heard in Heaven right now as I petition YOU one more time.
We all do. We all come before YOUR Throne ABBA YAHUVEH, with thanksgiving and
praise on the 26th anniversary of YOUR Ministry.
We come before YOUR Throne—O HOLY TRINITY—and we ask that YOU declare a divine
intervention, a divine restraining order: No death will enter into our
households—O BELOVED—nor anyone who considers this Ministry a blessing, who obey
YOU, who worship YOU.
And for the Bride of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH that not one of them will go in lack.
No one who knows about this Ministry, HEAVENLY FATHER, and considers it a
blessing, will go in any kind of lack.
That has been my prayer for Revelation 7 & Revelation 14 [Bride], and also the
500,000 gathered on the wall. They belong to YOU YAHUSHUA.
Look at the ones, a remnant, a little remnant, who came out of their houses to
go sing and dance (with YOUR permission), to be able to show the people WHO the
only DELIVERER is or the only ONE WHO can keep death from coming upon them. What
an example they were.
How I cried with joy as I seen the sheriffs lined up, as we've seen the churches
respect the 6 feet apart thing and yet there they were on their knees crying out
for mercy and repentance of the place they lived.
YAHUSHUA, those are YOUR children.
We are not YOUR enemies. O BELOVED YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, please, let not one of
YOUR children go in lack. In all the Bible, everything I have read, 'I've never
seen the righteous forsaken nor their seed out begging for bread' (Ps 37:25). It
did not happen when they truly belonged to ABBA YAH and they were in obedience.
There was always mercy. Even in the Children of Israel that followed with Moses,
YOU made water come from a rock. YOU made the Red Sea open, and only the enemies
that pursued them were drowned. We could count how many miracles. O PRECIOUS
IMMAYAH YOU were the WIND that cooled them in the heat of the desert.
YOU'RE the ONE that resurrected a Ministry that looked like it was surely
dead—as they destroyed—what YOU had built up for all of these 26 years. They
thought they destroyed it, but YOU called it back to life again because there
was a man that was born for this time and this hour and YOU gave him the wisdom
and YOU put it together with what had [been] saved in the back up.
And now look at it, more beautiful and alive. There is nothing like it on the
YOU told me despise not small beginnings. Look what—behold what YOUR Hand has
done! And no-one can dare say that one woman did it. No way, no how!
The others can't even put 52 languages and I have Hindu [translators] now and
have two men who speak it, [Hindi]. For it is not just us.
You gave me a selective secretive group. O FATHER I thank YOU for them. We've
seen so many miracles. YAHUSHUA thank YOU for kicking the rotten fruit out and
thank you for keeping and preserving those who only keep growing more fruit on
the vine. That's all good fruit.
YAHUSHUA, we worship YOU. ABBA YAH we know satan cannot go against YOUR will.
And we're asking on this day of [April] 20, 2020—supermoon was just seen. I
thank YOU for that Messianic Jewish young man that I would love to call son. I
hope that someone can get him in touch with AmightyWind. I want to call him son.
I want him to know the truth. It is not the name of "Jesus"; it’s the NAME of
I want him to know the truth ABBA YAH. YAHUSHUA, we worship YOU.