10 I am so joyful in YAHUVEH! My soul rejoices in my ELOHIM,for he has
clothed me in salvation,dressed me with a robe of triumph,like a bridegroom
wearing a festive turban,like a bride adorned with her jewels.
11 For just as the earth brings forth its plants, or a garden makes its plants
spring up, so YAHUVEH, ELOHIM, will cause victory and glory to spring up before
all nations.
1 For Tziyon’s sake I will not be silent, for Yerushalayim’s sake I will not
rest,until her vindication shines out brightly and her salvation like a blazing
2 The nations will see your vindication and all kings your glory. Then you will
be called by a new name which YAHUVEH himself will pronounce.
3 You will be a glorious crown in the hand of YAHUVEH, a royal diadem held by
your ELOHIM.
4 You will no longer be spoken of as ‘Azuvah [Abandoned] or your land be spoken
of as ‘Sh’mamah [Desolate]; rather, you will be called Heftzi-Vah
[My-Delight-Is-In-Her] and your land Be‘ulah [Married].For YAHUVEH delights in
you,and your land will be married —
5 as a young man marries a young woman,your sons will marry you;as a bridegroom
rejoices over the bride,your ELOHIM will rejoice over you.
6 I have posted watchmen on your walls, Yerushalayim;they will never fall
silent,neither by day nor by night.You who call on YAHUVEH,give yourselves no
7 and give him no rest till he restores Yerushalayim and makes it a praise on
8 YAHUVEH has sworn by his right hand and by his mighty arm: “Never again will I
give your grain to your enemies as food;nor will strangers drink your wine,for
which you worked so hard;
9 but those who harvest the grain will eat it with praises to YAHUVEH;those who
gathered the wine will drink it in the courtyards of my sanctuary.”
10 Go on through, go on through the gates,clear the way for the people!Build up
a highway, build it up!Clear away the stones!Raise a banner for the peoples!
11 YAHUVEH has proclaimed to the end of the earth,“Say to the daughter of
Tziyon,‘Here, your Salvation is coming! Here, his reward is with him, and his
recompense is before him.’”
12 They will call them The Holy People, The Redeemed of YAHUVEH. You will be
called D’rushah [Sought-After], ‘Ir Lo Ne‘ezvah [City-No-Longer-Abandoned].
1 Who is this, coming from Edom, from Botzrah with clothing stained crimson, so
magnificently dressed, so stately in his great strength? “It is I, who speak
victoriously, I, well able to save.”
2 Why is your apparel red, your clothes like someone treading a winepress?
3 “I have trodden the winepress alone; from the peoples, not one was with me. So
I trod them in my anger,trampled them in my fury;so their lifeblood spurted out
on my clothing,and I have stained all my garments;
4 for the day of vengeance that was in my heart and my year of redemption have
5 I looked, but there was no one to help, and I was appalled that no one upheld
me.Therefore my own arm brought me salvation, and my own fury upheld me.
6 In my anger I trod down the peoples,made them drunk with my fury,then poured
out their lifeblood on the earth.”
7 I will recall the grace of YAHUVEH and the praises of YAHUVEH, because of all
that YAHUVEH has granted us and his great goodness toward the house of Isra’el,
which he bestowed on them in keeping with his mercy, in keeping with the
greatness of his grace.
8 For he said, “They are indeed my people, children who are not disloyal.” So he
became their Savior.
9 In all their troubles he was troubled; then the Angel of His Presence saved
them; in his love and pity he redeemed them. He had lifted them up and carried
them throughout the days of old.
Romans 10:1–21
1 Brothers, my heart’s deepest desire and my prayer to God for Isra’el is for
their salvation;
2 for I can testify to their zeal for God. But it is not based on correct
3 for, since they are unaware of God’s way of making people righteous and
instead seek to set up their own, they have not submitted themselves to God’s
way of making people righteous.
4 For the goal at which the Torah aims is the Messiah, who offers righteousness
to everyone who trusts.
5 For Moshe writes about the righteousness grounded in the Torah that the person
who does these things will attain life through them.[a]
6 Moreover, the righteousness grounded in trusting says: “Do not say in your
heart, ‘Who will ascend to heaven?’” — that is, to bring the Messiah down —
7 or, “‘Who will descend into Sh’ol?’” — that is, to bring the Messiah up from
the dead.
8 What, then, does it say? “The word is near you, in your mouth and in your
heart.”[b] — that is, the word about trust which we proclaim, namely,
9 that if you acknowledge publicly with your mouth that YAHUSHUA is Lord and
trust in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be delivered.
10 For with the heart one goes on trusting and thus continues toward
righteousness, while with the mouth one keeps on making public acknowledgement
and thus continues toward deliverance.
11 For the passage quoted says that everyone who rests his trust on him will not
be humiliated.[c]
12 That means that there is no difference between Jew and Gentile — YAHUVEH is
the same for everyone, rich toward everyone who calls on him,
13 since everyone who calls on the name of YAHUVEH will be delivered.[d]
14 But how can they call on someone if they haven’t trusted in him? And how can
they trust in someone if they haven’t heard about him? And how can they hear
about someone if no one is proclaiming him?
15 And how can people proclaim him unless God sends them? — as the Tanakh puts
it, “How beautiful are the feet of those announcing good news about good
16 The problem is that they haven’t all paid attention to the Good News and
obeyed it. For Yesha‘yahu says, “YAHUVEH, who has trusted what he has heard from
17 So trust comes from what is heard, and what is heard comes through a word
proclaimed about the Messiah.
18 “But, I say, isn’t it rather that they didn’t hear?” No, they did hear —
“Their voice has gone out throughout the whole world and their words to the ends
of the earth.”[g]
19 “But, I say, isn’t it rather that Isra’el didn’t understand?” “I will provoke
you to jealousy over a non-nation, over a nation void of understanding I will
make you angry.”[h]
20 Moreover, Yesha‘yahu boldly says,“I was found by those who were not looking
for me,I became known to those who did not ask for me”;[i]
21 but to Isra’el he says, “All day long I held out my hands to a people who
kept disobeying and contradicting.”[j]