This is from Prophecy 105, YAHUVEH said to put this up on all Prophecies from now on: I warned you a long time ago Elisabeth (Elisheva) not to name this Ministry after a man or a woman even before there was a Ministry. I put it in your spirit for none of this has been done by your hand, none of this has come forth from your mouth. It is from the Mouth of YAHUVEH that has given birth. It is from the Mouth of YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH that has given birth. It is from the Mouth of the RUACH ha KODESH your IMMAYAH that has given birth. If it had only been by your hand it would have failed long ago. It is by the SHKHINYAH GLORY’S Wind that blows across this earth, the Holy Wind of Revival, it is not by your breath or it would have failed. (Isaiah 42:8)
This is from Prophecy 105, YAHUVEH said to put this up on all Prophecies from
now on: I warned you a long time ago Elisheva not to name this Ministry after a
man or a woman even before there was a Ministry. I put it in your spirit for
none of this has been done by your hand, none of this has come forth from your
mouth. It is from the Mouth of YAHUVEH that has given birth. It is from the
Mouth of YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH that has given birth. It is from the Mouth of
the RUACH ha KODESH your IMMAYAH that has given birth. If it had only been by
your hand it would have failed long ago. It is by the SHKHINYAH GLORY’S Wind
that blows across this earth, the Holy Wind of Revival, it is not by your breath
or it would have failed. (Isaiah 42:8)
In July 2010 YAHUVEH GOD also said to add the following from 2nd Chronicles
before every Prophecy:
2 Chronicles 36:16, “But they mocked the Messengers of GOD, despised HIS Words,
and scoffed at HIS Prophets, until the wrath of the LORD arose against HIS
people, till there was no remedy.”
* * * * * * *
Oh Yisrael, Oh Yisrael, I grieve. What more must I do, for I sent MY Son
YAHUSHUA to you.
* * * * * * *
[On Audio Tape]
Elisheva saying “Hmmm.”
“Stop, Stop, Stop!” [She was told by YAHUVEH to stop and take our spiritual
authority, first binding satan and his demons away from the area we are living,
binding all princes, powers, principalities and rulers in high places over this
area, in the Name of YAHUSHUA, so this word could not be hindered.] [Elisheva
continued in Holy Tongues and this is the prayer that came forth under the
“This is the word to be given to Yisrael after a dream that stirred up the
anointing in me. So I beg you, Abba YAHUVEH, because you love me, because you
created me, you created these lips and this tongue, I would rather that you
never created me than to let me ever falsely prophesy a word in your Name. So if
this is truly of you, let this Word come forth. If not, let these Words go away.
In the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, I pray. I ask you, Abba YAHUVEH, in the
Name of YAHUSHUA, to put your heavenly coals on these lips. Let your words come
forth in a way they have never been before (Holy Tongues) Holy, Holy, Holy, we
praise you Abba YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA.”
[I stopped the Word from coming forth until I took that Spiritual authority.] Oh
Holy, Holy, Holy Abba YAHUVEH, what is it you want to say?”
* * * * * * *
Prophecy 81
Oh Yisrael! I, YAHUVEH, Rebuke You!
Oh Yisrael, Oh Yisrael, that which is a apple in MY eye that has a worm in it, I
rebuke you! I, YAHUVEH, the one that Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob worships and they
You say why are we forced to give up the land our forefathers gave us? I ask you
this question: Are you walking in Torah? Are you living in Torah? As your
forefathers did?
Oh, Yisrael, just as surely as MY Son YAHUSHUA had a Judas betray HIM for 30
pieces of silver, so too you have a Judas, the one who hands you the so-called
road map of peace that will only end in your destruction, to prepare the way for
that which is called the antichrist, the anti-Messiah.
People say you are the Holy Land, but I, YAHUVEH, say there is no holiness. So
few of a remnant I have that actually walk in Torah and live in Torah. You have
a Pharisee spirit. And I tell you this: although it is not I dividing your land,
but I will allow the enemy to do so for your disobedience.
But I tell you this; I swear by this, by MY OWN Name I, YAHUVEH, swear by this.
I will take vengeance on your enemies for it is MY, and MY alone authority to
punish you in a way that I have decreed. These enemies that come against you
shall have the fate of a Judas. I, YAHUVEH, will have mercy on the remnant that
is Holy, those of you who weep and mourn and wail as you see a Judas’ betrayal,
those of you who plead for the land, for Jerusalem, those of you who despise and
rebuke the man of sin. Those of you who call upon MY Name in MY Son YAHUSHUA’s
Name, I will have mercy and I will bless you. You are not appointed to MY wrath.
But you oh America and the other nations that join you, who dare to touch that
which I told you not to touch, to divide that which I told you not to divide,
you shall suffer the fate of a Judas. You will rue the day that you threw the 30
pieces of silver Yisrael’s way. For as you divide the land, as you bribe the one
to divide the land so too I shall divide you in every way. 2005 was just an
example. You know not, nor even comprehend, the horror I have coming your way
straight from Heaven no man sent. Oh Yisrael, Oh Yisrael, how long will you
fight against ME? I know the very day when you relinquish your will to ME. Oh,
but a bloody road you have to travel until MY SON YAHUSHUA comes and you will
shout, “Blessed is he who comes in the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.”
But until that day, oh what a bloody road you have to travel. The dead are all
around, to the left and to the right, weeping and lamenting for the horror that
comes at night. You knew better, you knew better, and still you did what I told
you not to do. You accepted the bribe, symbolically called the 30 pieces of
silver. I cover MY face everytime I hear Yisrael referred to, Yisrael as a Holy
Land. I search far and wide and there is only a remnant that can be called Holy
before ME and they are those that weep and lament, for they see what is
happening to their land.
Abortion and homosexuality, pornography, fornication, idolatry should have no
part in you. Again and again I see the Pharisee’s spirit still rule you. You oh
Yisrael, have a form of godliness and how much Godliness is within? I, YAHUVEH,
rebuke you and I am chastising you and it has only just begun.
Evil Rabbis who are not a Rabbi, yet they dare to call themselves Rabbis, have a
form of godliness but no Godliness within. They have no fear of I, YAHUVEH, or
MY Son YAHUSHUA or the price HE paid at Calvary. They are only fit for the fire
of MY destruction. I have a remnant, so few of a remnant. They even shudder at
the name of Rabbi, for they are humble before ME and these are the ones that
please ME who say there is but one Rabbi, and HIS Name is YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.
Oh Yisrael, I look over your land and how much of it is Torahless. Lawlessness
abounds and you wonder why? You fear your enemies of this world more than you
fear ME, I, YAHUVEH. You allowed those you called Rabbi to steal MY Sacred Name,
to teach you, “Do not call upon that Name, you are not worthy to call upon the
Name of the Creator!” You believed their lies but I send MY Handmaiden Prophet
to tell you now, “Do not believe these lies!” Call upon ME in MY Name, YAHUVEH
once again and use the Name of YAHUSHUA, to get to MY throne. You are allowed to
know MY Name. What child doesn’t know the Father’s Name? Believe not these lies.
There is anointed Power in MY Name and I will hear and answer your cries when
you come to ME in MY Holy SON YAHUSHUA’s Name!
Read your own scriptures. How many times do I tell you to call out in MY Name
and I will deliver you? Ask yourself who is it that would teach us that we are
not worthy to call upon the Name of the Creator? This has been the devil
doctrine’s lies taught to you by your own Rabbis. Rebuke these lies. I am not
G-D. I am not L-rd. When you have deleted MY Name, you have sinned and taken MY
Name in vain. I am YAHUVEH. However you pronounce it (YAHVEH, YAHWEH), at least
you are acknowledging MY Name. I defy you tell ME where I have told you in your
Holy Scriptures you are not worthy to call upon MY Name? MY Name is not Ha Shem
(the name). MY Name is not merely Adonai (Lord)!
I am YAHUVEH, Creator of all. MY Name is not spelled God. These are labels and
titles given to ME by your Rabbis and translators of the scriptures who desire
to omit MY Name, spelling it YHVH or YHWH. I have given each person a name. I am
YAHUVEH, I have a Name. Prove you love ME and trust ME by using MY Sacred Name.
Did King David not call upon MY Name for deliverance? Do you not read your own
Psalms? What does Psalm 91 promise if you call upon MY Name? Oh Yisrael, so much
as been stolen from you, even as the Holy Books have been rewritten to exclude
MY Name. Take back what has been stolen, and see when you call upon I, YAHUVEH,
in MY SON YAHUSHUA’s Name, will I not quickly deliver you from your enemies.
Oh Yisrael, Oh Jerusalem, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH MY SON was sent from Heaven, born
from a Hebrew virgin maiden. YAHUSHUA is a Jew and HE prophesied on your land,
and did miracles and the blind saw, the lame walked, the deaf heard, the mute
talked, lepers were cleansed, sick were healed, and the dead arose, all in your
land, oh Yisrael. YAHUSHUA taught in your own Temples on Shabbat, kept all the
Holy Feasts, for do you not see that YAHUSHUA is symbolized in all those Holy
YAHUSHUA did countless miracles in your land. HE taught and is the Living Torah
as HE prophesied. YAHUSHUA lived and was executed even though HE was sinless,
for this world’s sake. YAHUSHUA arose from the dead from a tomb in Yisrael after
pouring out HIS Holy Blood out on your land as people cried out, “Crucify HIM”
at Calvary. YAHUSHUA prayed for you with his dying breath, “Abba, forgive them,
they know not what they do.” Therefore I will have mercy on your land, oh
YISRAEL, oh Jerusalem. As YAHUSHUA’s hands were nailed to a tree with spikes
driven in HIS hands, HE withstood more torture and torment than mere man could
I, YAHUVEH, chose your land oh Yisrael, to give birth to the only MESSIAH of
this world. That is how much I, YAHUVEH, love you and favor you oh Yisrael.
YAHUSHUA’s Blood will keep your Yisrael from being totally destroyed and keep it
from being wiped off the face of the map even though even the Name of YAHUSHUA
the majority of Jews despise that Name and deny HIS Deity. YAHUSHUA’s veins and
arteries are spread out across Yisrael. YAHUSHUA spurted out HIS Lifeblood that
penetrated the ground at Calvary and spiritually now reaches the 4 corners of
this earth. I, YAHUVEH, chose you oh Yisrael, of all the nations of the world to
do this. For whosoever can believe and will receive MY Son YAHUSHUA as the only
Holy Blood Sacrifice for the remission of sins. YAHUSHUA is the only Intercessor
before I, YAHUVEH.
YAHUSHUA is the only Holy Blood atonement I will accept. For those who refuse
this shed Blood to wash away their sins, those who refuse YAHUSHUA’s sinless
Blood as HE was executed in a sinner’s place, you will be judged by Moshe
(Moses) who will have no mercy on you when you say YAHUSHUA is not worthy to be
called the Son of YAHUVEH and to be your Mashiach and you thought being called a
Jew and following Torah is enough to save your soul. Foolish humans, do you not
know there is no one that is perfect that walked this earth except MY Son
YAHUSHUA. Until Yisrael shouts ‘Hosanna’ to YAHUSHUA once again and HE rules as
King of Kings, there will be no true peace until Yisrael admits YAHUSHUA is I,
YAHUVEH’s only Begotten Son, birthed from a virgin Jewish handmaiden, totally
sinless. And YAHUSHUA is all HE prophesied and all that was prophesied by the
prophets of old foretelling HIS coming.
YAHUSHUA’s heart beat pulses throughout Yisrael, HIS veins and arteries carry
the only Holy Blood sacrifice that washes away the stench of sins all over the
world, to those that will acknowledge I sent YAHUSHUA in I, YAHUVEH’S Name to be
the only MASHIACH.
Oh Yisrael, there is no remission of sin without a blood sacrifice. Where is
your blood sacrifice? Do you really think an animal will suffice again? Oh
Yisrael, oh Jerusalem, can you not see there will be no true peace. The fear,
lamentations and blood will continue to flow from your land until you rebuke the
Judas’ who also come in the form of politicians and evil Pharisees, evil Rabbis,
with a form of godliness but no Godliness within. Yisrael, beware the coming of
the son of satan, he is the son of perdition who will come with his false peace,
and will lie to you when you think peace has at last come, now you can let down
your guard. Instead trust the only Prince of Peace and accept the only sinless
blood atonement I gave you through MY SON YAHUSHUA at Calvary.
There is no salvation, no true peace for you oh Yisrael, until you no longer
reject the new Blood Covenant I gave you through YAHUSHUA, as YAHUSHUA is the
only Holy MASHIACH (Messiah)! The old blood covenant cannot save your soul from
Hell. The old blood covenant was only there until the appointed time when there
would be a better, new blood covering covenant. Oh Yisrael, no longer conform to
other nations’ image of what sin is. Instead be as a King David once again.
Praise I, YAHUVEH, and humble yourselves and repent of your sins in MY SON
YAHUSHUA’s Name. Do not rely on any nation to save you from destruction, for you
will be sorely disappointed.
Because of the covenant I have made with Abraham and MY SON YAHUSHUA, I will
heal your land when you repent before I, YAHUVEH, and turn again to follow the
laws of Torah that Moshe (Moses) gave you on Mt. Sinai. Stand for Holiness even
though the world will mock you. Oh Yisrael, do not stone the Prophets, or
imprison, or kill the Prophets I will send to you to rebuke you. Instead be
grateful I love you enough to chastise you and warn you before I loose MY wrath
on those who refuse to obey and who are MY enemies.
Your wailing wall is drenched in tears and soaked in prayers begging for mercy.
Your enemies surround you on all sides. Now those who have deceived you have
convinced you to turn Jew against Jew, even to kill each other, evicting one
another from their homes and lands, betraying one another. You run away from
your Goliaths instead of turning to ME as King David did as a shepherd boy. I
cannot bless you until you stand for Holiness. Oh Yisrael, I make you this
promise and remind you through this handmaiden of MINE. You will be cast down,
but not utterly destroyed. Oh Yisrael and Jerusalem, you will be perplexed but
not forsaken. I, YAHUVEH, will send you hope when there seems to be no escape.
I, YAHUVEH, will chastise you but not forsake you. You will be trodden down by
the heathen, but you shall arise again to a greater glory. As in the time of
Moses, I shall bless those that obey and bless me, and curse those that disobey
and curse I, YAHUVEH.
This world shall see when MY wrath is poured out in these end times, that I will
hide those who are hidden in MY SON YAHUSHUA. All the plagues that were poured
out in the time of Moses shall be poured forth in a greater measure on MY
enemies from I, YAHUVEH’s hands. There will still be martyrs again such as the
apostles and prophets of old, and all those who are Holy, whose blood flowed
then and even like it still does now in various parts of the world, because MY
Holy will never compromise nor deny that YAHUSHUA is the only MASHIACH and MY
only Begotten SON sent from Heaven to rule and reign. Oh Yisrael, I have made
you a cup of trembling terror to the world and they shall drink of it. The
enemies gnash their teeth at you and bare their claws, envying all I, YAHUVEH,
have blessed your land with. Your enemies count the number of days before they
will try and plunder you and kill your men, women, and children without mercy.
Again I say I have sworn an oath I will never leave nor forsake you, I will and
I have begun to chastise you until you stand for Holiness and say, “Blessed is
HE who comes in the Name of the Lord YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH.” Then I, YAHUVEH,
shall defend you oh Yisrael straight from Heaven, and the world will see just
like in the time of Moshe (Moses) no one but I, YAHUVEH, could deliver them from
the hand of the enemy and so it shall be again. There is a mystery golden box
called the Ark of the Covenant that holds mysteries of old in your land, oh
Yisrael. The ark no one will touch except those I have preordained who are truly
Holy before I, YAHUVEH. satan wants to destroy what is in that golden box, for
there is anointing power held within the objects in that golden box. Satan is
sending his son the one called the anti- messiah to seek and destroy the Ark.
Of all the nations of the world I chose you oh Yisrael to hide what has been
protected until it is needed. In all the world I chose you oh Yisrael and
Jerusalem, to bring ME Praise, Honor and Glory. I, YAHUVEH, chose YAHUSHUA ha
MASHIACH’s Holy Blood to drip and flow into the ground and over the Mercy Seat
and it is in Yisrael I will give satan his final blow. This Mystery box holds
the rod that separated the Red Sea among other miracle objects such as the Manna
from Heaven. The Ark of the Covenant is a duplicate of what is in Heaven. I tell
you this now as a warning as in the times of old, think not that just anyone
will live who touches this mystery box called the Ark of the Covenant, unless
they are preordained to be worthy enough to touch and open it.
Study your Scriptures and see only with much prayer and praise with Holy hands
washed in MY Son YAHUSHUA’s Blood can The Ark of the Covenant be opened and it
will be used once again at a set and appointed time. And just like in the time
of Moshe, it will be used to deliver YAHUVEH’s people in a way, in a time you
think not that will bring I, YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA all Praise, Honor, and Glory.
Oh Yisrael, do you not know when the Roman soldiers stripped off YAHUSHUA’s
clothes and divided HIS garments as stated in the Tanakh, “They divided MY
clothes among them and for MY robe they did cast lots.” (John 19:24)
They said therefore among themselves, “Let us not tear the robe but cast lots
for it, to see whose it shall be.” Oh Yisrael, do you not see just as the Roman
soldiers divided YAHUSHUA’s clothing, so too your land is being divided and Rome
has a hand in it behind the scenes. Just as YAHUSHUA’s robe was gambled for, the
one with the highest bid to divide your land will expose and betray you for all
the world to see.
Oh Yisrael, I always send MY Prophets to warn before the Judgment comes. You
have been warned this day but only the Holy remnant will listen and obey. For
whosoever calls upon I, YAHUVEH, in the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, whosoever
will repent, turn away from their sins asking I, YAHUVEH, for forgiveness, love
and obey ME, believe and receive I and MY SON’s Deity so YAHUSHUA can be your
only intercessor before ME. For HE alone is worthy to come before ME in HIS
Name. Do not try and approach MY Heavenly throne without YAHUSHUA’s Name. Do not
come in your righteousness but rather come dressed in HIS robes of
righteousness. Then I will hear and answer your prayers and you will be from
Hell’s fire saved.
Oh Yisrael and oh Jerusalem, you who prefer to remain deaf I, YAHUVEH, am
repeating MYSELF again and again for your sakes. Wake up now, for the time is
late. I am not telling you to convert to Christianity for even they see YAHUSHUA
only in part. They have denied the importance of teaching the Jewishness of
YAHUSHUA. They have denied the anointing in speaking YAHUSHUA’s and MY Sacred
Names. They have denied MY Shabbats, MY Holy Feasts and Holy Days, those who
call themselves Holy Christians and yet must learn to embrace the Jewishness I
placed within thee by and through Abraham, Jacob, and Isaac’s seed.
Oh Yisrael and Jerusalem, wake up now from your slumber of sleep. It was because
of your stubbornness, and for the Gentiles’ sake, I closed your eyes, but the
time has now come, open your eyes wide, expose those who are speaking evil lies.
Offending some, enlightening others in the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.
* * * * * * *
Beloved Family, Please feel free to copy the prophecies and help us reach the
nations of this world, especially Yisrael and Jerusalem. All nations of this
world are affected to what happens in Yisrael. All Elisheva asks is please leave
the message intact, even her personal notes.
Elisheva knows that normally names are not written in all capital letters, but
the RUACH ha KODESH has told her that the names of our CREATOR and MESSIAH
should be set apart and written differently, showing the sacredness and respect
of their names. Out of respect to what she has been told, please when
transcribing the prophecies do the same thing.
Elisheva apologizes for the length of time it has taken to get these prophecies
posted, but there was a price to pay for prophecies 80 and 81. It was a battle
against satan but because of your prayers and support in the name on YAHUSHUA,
we got the victory over that battle. All Praise, Honor and Glory to YAHUVEH and
Because I am both a biological Jew from my biological mother and father and a
Spiritual Jew through the shed Blood of YAHUSHUA. I have a love for Yisrael and
Jerusalem and the Jewish people, even though I know most in Yisrael will hate me
for this word. I am but a Prophet sent by YAHUVEH to speak forth HIS words and I
do this in awe and trembling. Any true prophet not doing so, I question…how can
they be a Holy Prophet?
I pray that I have not left one word out nor added one, and now deliver this
prophetic message and ask all those that love Yisrael and Jerusalem to copy and
post this on their websites. We have had orthodox Jews and Moslems accept
YAHUSHUA as MASHIACH and you never know when we sow seed what will grow into
beautiful fruit of Salvation. This prophetic message came after a dream about me
and the 12 tribes of Israel. It will be posted ASAP. This message came forth on
January 24, 2006 but YAHUVEH said do not release it yet for HE was not finished.
On February 7, 2006 YAHUVEH again started prophesying and it was the
continuation of this prophecy.
P.S. Urgent. A prophet a brother in YAHUSHUA wrote me from Jerusalem last year
and told me he was taking the prophecies given to me all over Israel and warning
people. I never had a chance to thank this man, and I want to do so now. I am so
sorry I wasn’t able to write you back for I have lost your email address. I
don’t know your name, but I want you to know I am truly grateful and you are in
my prayers and that you will email me again.
I have been praying for a Hebrew translator to translate the English prophetic
messages into Hebrew. During prayer, YAHUSHUA told me HE had already sent the
translator who could do this, and YAHUSHUA reminded me of you. Please email me
again. I have no doubt this Brother is a member of the Bride of YAHUSHUA. If
anyone reading this knows of someone that can write Hebrew and speak it fluently
so that the prophecies given to Yisrael can be re recorded in Hebrew, please
email me ASAP at Contact Us I have no doubt that we have some of the Bride of
YAHUSHUA residing in Israel and especially Jerusalem.
Please come forth, for time is so short now to reach Yisrael. We are a breath
away from the Great Tribulation. Please, members of the Bride of YAHUSHUA, agree
with me in prayer that this man will write me once again, and that a Hebrew
translator will come forward. This year our eyes should not be upon ourselves
but on Yisrael. Bride of YAHUSHUA please pray for the peace of Yisrael and
Jerusalem in a new way. Pray that the Prince of Peace YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH comes
once again.
Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu
February 7, 2006 at 5:00 p.m.
* * * * * * *
* * * * * * *
Hi sis,
I just took a bible, and wanted to highlight some of it to give to someone. And
I opened it at Revelation 14:14-20. Here is talking about what you heard. The
winepress of God’s wrath. A long with the great harvest.And before that that
YAHUSHUA has got HIS Bride ready and sealed. So we are about to see the plagues
come upon this world, undiluted. It is all unfolding, because the antichrist is
not afar off.
* * * * * * *
Blessings to your household,
I have to tell you I prayed for the greater annointing this morning from
prophecy 81 and when I had an intersessory prayer for another this afternnon the
annointing came upon me so strong it appeared like another voice coming out of
me with tears! Wow, it was overwhelming but more than welcome and I am ready to
do what Yahu’weh and YAHUSHUAh have for me to do. Shabbat Shalom.
* * * * * * *
Dear Sis,
I have just read the prophecies 81 & 80 and I want to and have to let you know
this as a confirmation to you. 2 weeks ago on our Sabbath Gathering we were
praying and as we prayed I felt the anointing as I have not felt it a while. And
I was praying fervent all I was seeing in my spirit. And that was about Israel
en Jerusalem and Haman (S). They are the same enemy on a new form. But the name
stands for the same thing. And I new that the coming Purim should be a
celebration that just like Haman did not prevail, so Hamas also will not
L…… A member of the Bride in (Holland)
* * * * * * *
Beloved Sister Elisheva,
I pray for your health and well being. I just read the latest prophecies from
your site.Prophecy 80 is very reassuring and let’s pray for the peace for
Yisrael! When I read the prophecies, I get the feeling of the presence of our
heavenly father YAHUVEH! It feels so good.
Much love in YAHUSHUA,
* * * * * * *
Shalom in Yeshua!!!
The body of 80 and 81, RUACH HaKodesh has already caused me to pray!!!
Brother Tito
* * * * * * *
Shabbat Shalom in Yeshua!!!
Wow!!! I blew Shofar like I said for you and your family, and for YHVH to be an
Enemy to our enemies. I do not know if I fainted or if YHVH by RUACH knocked me
to the ground, but indeed I went down!!! HalleluYAH!!!
* * * * * * *
Shalom Elisheva,
Thank you for sharing the dream “Elisheva and the Wok” re: olives in the cooking
process. It falls together in the bottom. The faithful bride called “Israel”
What came to my mind about the olives, yes I do agree the olives represents the
twelve tribes of Israel.
These 12 tribes are the remnant of YAHUVEH who are faithful and obey his
commandments, and hold the testimonies of Yahushua. It is not the Israel
(secular) we think today. The true Israel are the believers who walk and hear
his voice. They are the faithful bride without wrinkles and spots. When all the
12 tribes are gathering together as one. It will be become very powerful and
greater anointing in the end time before Yahushua return. Yahushua will not
return until the 12 tribes are to come together. There are a lot of cleansing
need be done among the believers. Oh let us get rid of our wrinkles and spots to
prepare for our coming bridegroom, Yahushua.
John Davies
* * * * * * *
Hi Elisheva,
Maybe it’s time for the Two Witnesses to be recognized or called by Yahuveh. We
need to pray as the anointing may be coming onto these people and Satan may be
very angry. We need the saints to pray for the Witnesses protection. They
eventually are prophesied to be killed but raised again after three days.
It’s time to send you an article on Elijah and the Prophets of Baal. This is
very telling. I did not write it, but it has pricked my heart for years now. I
send it out to news groups every once in while.
I am in agreement with the Yahushua bringing the 12 tribes together through
Elisheva. There will be some helpers in this. I have been having the groaning in
my spirit to tie the ‘Lost Ten tribes’ with the web site Kosher for Gentiles
that is already under construction. I have been waiting for confirmation on my
site, and for Yahushua to help me build it. It has been over 1 year as I am
waiting on ‘His timing.’ I believe I need to be cleansed before this happens. We
all need to be patient and as King David says, “wait on Yahuveh’s Timing.”
The rebuke may be that Judah has not allowed the ten tribes to return because
they like the parable of the Prodigal Son(10 tribes) have gone off whoring after
other gods(Christianity) and have become Gentiles, they are in the process of
returning home to the Father’s house (Torah) and the loyal son (Judah) who stays
home is jealous of the retuning son and rejects him as a part of the Family
(Israel). Judah has been refusing to allow Ephraim to come Home. Ephraim’s every
attempt has been looked at by Judah as another attempt of replacement theology
or dispensationalism.
Secondly, likened to the 12 heads of the tribes (the brothers) sold Joseph
(Ephraim) into slavery (sin) and Joseph then became second in command the ruler
of the then ruling empire(America) when he showed himself to his brother(Judah)
they did not recognize him( Ephraim) until He revealed himself to them. Yahuveh
opened their eyes and then the Family was reunited.
I will need to include the Jews, as they will be curious about Gentiles and
* * * * * * *
Dear Elisheva,
There was an evil spirit binding me from praising and praying and had gradually
gotten to the point of not being able to speak YAHUVEH or YAHUSHUA’s Name. I was
waiting for HIS perfect timing to be delivered from this, and once I read the
newest prophecies 80 & 81, I am FREE!!!!! Praise YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA and RUACH HA
Spoken under the Anointing of the RUACH HA KODESH
Through Apostle Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu on February 7, 2006 – 5:00 p.m
This is from Prophecy 105, YAHUVEH said to put this up on all Prophecies from
now on: I warned you a long time ago Elisheva not to name this Ministry after a
man or a woman even before there was a Ministry. I put it in your spirit for
none of this has been done by your hand, none of this has come forth from your
mouth. It is from the Mouth of YAHUVEH that has given birth. It is from the
Mouth of YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH that has given birth. It is from the Mouth of
the RUACH ha KODESH your IMMAYAH that has given birth. If it had only been by
your hand it would have failed long ago. It is by the SHKHINYAH GLORY’S Wind
that blows across this earth, the Holy Wind of Revival, it is not by your breath
or it would have failed. (Isaiah 42:8)
In July 2010 YAHUVEH GOD also said to add the following from 2nd Chronicles
before every Prophecy:
2 Chronicles 36:16, “But they mocked the Messengers of GOD, despised HIS Words,
and scoffed at HIS Prophets, until the wrath of the LORD arose against HIS
people, till there was no remedy.”
* * * * * * *
[This Prophecy was taped on a audio tape and it was written exactly the same as
recorded. 15 minutes of intense warring tongues came forth before this word
* * * * * * *
And this is a warning to the enemy! You creep in on her (Elisheva) while she
sleeps. You think that I will not wake her. Although you are invisible, you are
not invisible to ME! She does not speak your language; oh but I, YAHUVEH, speak
your language. You seek to kill her where human hands cannot touch you.
Oh but I, YAHUVEH, can touch you. You shall pay a price for this. I mock you, I
now torment you, for you shall hear your own voice and your own tongue over the
airwaves and you shall say, “How can she know our language? How could she know
it was I that attacked?” It is not her that knows, it is the creator of ALL that
You cannot do anything, oh enemy of MINE, that I do not know and she only knows
that what I tell her, no more, no less, just an innocent baby and I am the
Father that teaches. She has a Messiah, she has an intercessor, she has a Blood
atonement, it is MY Son YAHUSHUA! Where is yours?
You are doomed for hell! You are doomed for the Lake of Fire! You creep in
invisible, in the spiritual realm, sneak in to slay the innocent one as she
laid. It is I, HA, HA, HA, it is I that mocks you! As she lays there, it is I
that let her hear you creep in. It is I that said, “Elisheva, listen,” although
she is fast asleep, it is I that said, “The next time you open your mouth, you
shall speak in a language you know not of, a tongue you have not heard, but it
will be I that speaks forth a judgment to the invisible enemy that seeks to slay
I’m just toying with you (enemy) to show you, it is I, YAHUVEH, that knows all
things, so that I only give you enough rope to hang yourself. For you shall die
on Haman’s gallows! I’ve increased the covering, she has no ordinary [life.] Oh,
they cry out, they want to be ‘ordinary’ but there is nothing ordinary, because
there is nothing ordinary about this ministry, there is nothing ordinary about
the ones that I have ordained to protect and defend.
So run, run, run! Some of you shall live and some of you shall die this night,
but the message will be taken back, as your own tongue is heard across the
airwaves. And I will give other prophets the interpretation of this tongue, much
to your horror.
You see, every time you attack her, every time you attack one of the 5 wise,
which symbolizes the 5 wise virgins, everytime you attack one of MY Bride
(Revelation 14 and Revelation 7), there’s nowhere for you to hide. I laugh at
you (Katah, katah, katah Holy tongue heard), only fit for judgment, only fit for
damnation. Those of you who are the enemy of this Ringmaiden, of this ministry,
of MY Bride, are only fit for MY damnation and it will be Hell, in a Lake of
Fire you will reside!
End of Warning.
* * * * * * *
Elisheva’s comments on the tape: “I had had a night—just needed time and space”
so had a quiet peaceful night. Quiet time with YAHUSHUA and just a time to laugh
and play and something [I] hadn’t had in a long time, minding our business—went
to sleep finally. So, I am as sound asleep as can get and all of a sudden I hear
somebody open our door, the click of the door lock opening the door. I remember
barely waking up and saying, ‘Somebody just came in. Somebody just opened the
door,’ but I was asleep even when I was saying that.
Although I was sound asleep I started hearing from YAHUVEH. And YAHUVEH said he,
“Going to start speaking in the tongue of the enemy that had opened the door”,
to wait. And I still was asleep and HE said, “Just wait, the next time you open
your mouth it’ll be in a tongue you have never heard of before” and that’s what
happened from thereon. That’s all I know and I could see (in a vision) people
running and I could see judgment and fire and they were frightened because they
knew that they had been seen and they knew I shouldn’t have had any way of
knowing that they were there.
And that’s all I remember except I know something is very important about the
word ‘katah’ and HE told me someone is going to recognize these tongues or
someone is going to give the gift of interpretation because there’s more to this
than what we know and that’s what I want to say. What I want to add is, before I
could speak outloud with my mouth, with those tongues, it was the strangest
thing. YAHUVEH was having me shout at the enemies in the Spirit with those
tongues. I heard the tongues in the spiritual realm shouting at the enemy before
I physically was able to release them with my mouth, physically. HE (YAHUVEH)
was furious and at one point, HE took my hand and I remember this because I had
done it in the Spirit before I had even done it in the physical, and I took my
hand like a whirlwind and I was stirring up, “faster, faster, faster, faster,
faster.” And HE said, “That’s what it’s going to be like for the enemies who
attack this ministry.” They’ve attacked our finances and yet, YAHUVEH says, (Elisheva
starts praying in tongues again and this word came forth).]
* * * * * * *
Blessings, blessings, blessings on everyone who has been a prayer covering for
this ministry. You have wondered what has been wrong. For Elisheva’s voice has
been silent since the last prophecy. How few even wrote for they were in such
fear. Other letters have been stolen, so the encouragement she could not hear.
How many of you heard MY voice and tried to donate to this ministry? Yet your
credit cards were blocked but why did not any of you inquire, why?
You have been unable to support this ministry as you did in the times past. Why
do you not go the extra mile? Why do you not say, “There must be another way?”
For she has refused to take the tax-exempt status, she has refused to be muzzled
as a prophet.
You say this ministry means so much to you. You pant for the next word and yet
why have not any of you, except for a select few, gone the extra mile to say,
“Is there another way we can get finances to you?”
Now I speak unto those that I had told to give and your finances returned back
to you. Now you shall give again pressed down, shaken together and running over
shall men heap treasure to her bosom. For it is I, YAHUVEH, who handed a decree
that you are to be a helper and when one door is shut, always seek to see where
there is another for you know the words that come forth are of ME.
You know this ministry is for the, ‘Last Chance Destiny.’ As you are a blessing
to this ministry, so too I shall be a blessing unto you. For those of you who
are a curse unto this ministry, who have listened and done nothing to help, who
have fed off of it, grown fat spiritually and yet have been no help. I speak
forth now out of this message, you are held accountable.
There is more than one way to get finances to her. You see them in a foreign
country. You see them do what you should have done. But you would not give up
the comfort of your homes, of that of your family, so I raised up another one.
You know not and you cannot even conceive the price that they pay for the
anointing you have heard this day.
The only reason I have not sent MY Son YAHUSHUA yet to gather for HIS Bride,
there are things that still must take place. There is still work to be done.
That is why the powers that be, the American government, seek to take this
ministry off the internet, to strangle the finances. But where one door is shut,
I only open another. How many of you will hear and how many of you will listen?
How many of you will contact her and not just stop at one mail but bombard
heaven until you reach her and say, “I must help you, I have a mandate to help
[Many emails sent to us have been stolen. Keep emailing us until you hear back
from us.
See, this ministry is for all the holy. It carries no name of no man, no woman.
These words are not hers. This anointing is unlike any other. If you want to
share in this anointing, if you want to share in the blessings, if you want to
know you’re protected like I protect her and the others of the Bride, no longer
stand idly by. For the churches of Babylon are whores; they take the tax-exempt
status. They allow themselves to be muzzled. They refuse to speak against
abortion, homosexuality, they refuse to speak against what their governments do,
but not this ministry. There is no price tag on it, for it belongs to Heaven and
who dares try to muzzle “I AM,” YAHUVEH? Who dares try to muzzle MY Son
YAHUSHUA? Who dares try to muzzle the RUACH ha KODESH? You shall surely pay.
Does not MY Word say, “If you so much as give a drink of water to a prophet you
shall receive a prophet’s reward?” I have her pouring forth the Living Water.
How few of you return it back to her. They pay it out of the finances (ministry
expenses), the price keeps going up. How few of you even care? So I speak forth
out of her.
At the same time, I warn the enemies. I also pronounce a blessing on all those
who are a blessing to this ministry and all those who cover her and all those
who cover this ministry and who go the extra mile. The message to the Holy, the
message to MY Bride, for the Bride of YAHUSHUA is the Bride of YAHUVEH, rejoice!
You’re one day closer to HIS coming. You’re one day closer to YAHUSHUA coming!
You’re one day closer to Heaven, your home and great, great, great will be your
rewards for all that you have sacrificed.
I pronounce MY blessings to the faithful, to those who refuse to compromise. Not
one thing that you have gone through will be wasted, will have been in vain.
Remember this, Bride, you need one another, so no longer shake your heads and
say, “Oh well, I can’t find a place to donate.” Go the extra mile. Go through
the open door. Contact her. Pound on heaven’s door for books are being
published. Some are just now in the process of being written and these books
will be handed out (by others) during the Great Tribulation. Ask how you can
help for the publishing costs are great.
How few of you even care of what living expenses it takes to go where I say go
and do what I say do? I could just pour it forth from heaven, the finances, but
how would that be a blessing unto you? The harvest is so great and the laborers
are so few. Those with spiritual ears to listen know that I’m speaking to you.
All others – you are MY enemies, remain deaf. None of this message except that
of judgment, is meant for you.
* * * * * * *
[This following word was given the next night on October 17, 2006 after our
alarm system went down and the women were in prayer. Esnart is the voodoo maid
that comes to the house twice a week to do laundry in the garage.]
* * * * * * *
I have given you a warrior tongue like none other. When you speak forth MY Word
in MY language, you not only speak it in one language, you speak in many
languages. I know where the enemies are. I know what countries they are from and
this tongue cuts them down with accuracy and with precision.
Katherine, you honor ME that you would take the time to do what you have done
(transcribing Holy Tongue). So I can show you just how real this is and that
which cannot be interpreted is because it is a tongue of angels. This is just an
added protection. If you could but see the enemies that surround this world, you
would be amazed. O’, but I stand before the enemies. I stand before the enemies
of MY Bride. They have to get through ME to get to you, and who can get through
[Elisheva Praying: Holy, Holy, Holy. Holy, Holy, Holy, Holy.] [On the audio tape
Katherine asks if we will see Esnart’s death. Elisheva asks, she is responsible
for this (security power being off) is she not Abba YAHUVEH? She cut our alarm.]
This night I would not give [your entire household] peace to sleep, and I warned
you, Elisheva, in your dream. Katherine [Kathrynyah], you had the one that
represents peace, security and love enter your room to show you everything would
be all right. Do you think it is a coincidence that you were working on this
mighty warfare tongue, on the same night all of this happened? There is no
Elisheva, it is true I’ve changed your tongue to that of even a mightier
warrior. Every time you pray this, when evil tries to enter into your house,
even the warfare prayer keeps it out, for it is under MY anointing.
Katherine, you spoke these words again and again and again, you listen to them
again and again and again, they went into your spirit. It is as though a
fortress was put up, evil could not enter in. I have confounded the enemy this
night. I am accuracy, I am precision, I am perfection. Woe be to any who tries
to touch MY anointed. Woe be unto any who tries to do MY Prophets harm. They may
try once but they won’t live to try again.
You have not a clue how many I slayed for you. Somewhere in the very midst of
calling to satan for your destruction, Elisheva, they grabbed their hearts and
they died during that prayer. Somewhere in the invisible realm, as they come to
attack, the last thing they heard was this tongue, as their souls were taken to
hell, but their body was sprawled out on the floor elsewhere in another country.
Some just disappeared and never will be found.
MY ways are so much higher than your ways. You cannot even begin to comprehend
what I speak of. Your minds are not able to take it in. Even now you struggle
and you want to know more. It is not for you to know. It is not for you to
understand. Only know that I am YAHUVEH and it will be exactly, accurately as I
have planned.
Even the enemies walk into MY trap. For I say, “Here they are, come and get
them.” Do you not know that I know in advance that that alarm would be off? Am I
not able to take care of those who belong to ME? Yes, it is good that you are
up. It is good that you do not behave foolishly, for the enemy watches from
afar. They know they cannot come near and MY holy angels stand guard. Watch
Esnart, take her not for granted, for evil creeps in unaware. You have been so
respectful, when she reaches out to touch you and you quickly put the anointing
oil on you. But from henceforth, let her know in no uncertain terms, that you
have allowed her to do it thus far for you didn’t want to be rude but no one is
allowed to touch you without your permission. I give you this mandate to do this
for I have covered you time after time.
Now you speak up and you speak out. She’ll get the message and not want to do it
a second time. There’s ways to say it and you’ll know the voice with which to
speak, for she is as a walking death. But you’re going to let her know, no one
touches you without your permission. This goes for all of you. You must know the
spirit with which you touch. Does not MY Word say, “Lay hands on no man
suddenly?” Especially here in Africa, take this very seriously.
End of word given on October 17, 2006.
* * * * * * *
This is a word of warning to YAHUVEH’s enemies. YAHUVEH intervened and HE chased
the enemy away. PRAISE YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA! This stuff is real folks, please
take it seriously!
The Bride of YAHUSHUA will now start to see the enemy fall and you might not see
the enemy fall with your eyes, but have faith as YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA take
vengeance for us.
Spoken under the Anointing of the RUACH HA KODESH
Through Apostle Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu on October 16, 2006
This Salvation Prayer was given by YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA & PRECIOUS RUACH HA
KODESH to Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu 25 years ago. This emotional prayer has never
been redone until now.
Especially if you are not saved yet and haven't given your life to YAHUSHUA or
if you have backslid into sin, we urge you—and more than urge you—to say this
salvation prayer together with Elisheva who wrote it.
If necessary listen to it several times, and get this prayer into your spirit.
And again, repeat, read it with Elisheva Eliyahu, with all of your heart and
with all of your soul and get saved, because tomorrow could be too late. Get
saved and give your life to YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. Right now.
* * * * * * *
Below is the prophetic salvation prayer as it came forth. We use the HEBREW
As in Alleluia (Hallelu YAH) meaning "Praise YAH,” YAH is GOD'S HOLY, SACRED
MASHIACH means The MESSIAH; ELOHIM means GOD.) The Revelation of SH'KHINYAH
also on this site. (HA SH'KHINAH {SHEKINAH} is Hebrew for GOD'S ABIDING, DIVINE
Additionally, ABBA YAH means "FATHER YAH” and IMMA YAH, "MOTHER YAH.” In Hebrew,
the SPIRIT OF GOD is feminine, referred to as "SHE,” and reflected this way in
the Prophecy & Scriptural quotes below. All direct references to GOD are
Scripture quotes are KJV/NKJV or CJB unless otherwise indicated.
* * * * * * *
YAHUVEH'S Warning before the Prophecies:
I warned you a long time ago Elisheva, not to name this Ministry after a man or
a woman. Even before there was a Ministry, I put it in your spirit. For none of
this has been done by your hands. None of this has come forth from your mouth.
It is from the Mouth of YAHUVEH that has given birth. It is from the Mouth of
YAHUSHUA, your MASHIACH, that it has been given birth. It is from the Mouth of
the RUACH HA KODESH, your IMMAYAH, that it has been given birth.
If it had only been by your hand, it would have failed long ago.
It is by the SHKHINYAH GLORY'S WIND that blows across this earth, the HOLY WIND
OF REVIVAL. It is not by your breath, or it would have failed. "I AM the LORD
YAHUVEH: that is MY NAME: And MY GLORY I will not give to another, Neither MY
PRAISE to graven images” (Is 42:8).
(Prophecy 105)
In July 2010, YAHUVEH GOD said add this to warn those who mock: But they mocked
the Messengers of GOD, despised HIS Words,
and scoffed at HIS Prophets, until the Wrath of YAHUVEH
arose against HIS People, till there was no remedy. —2 Chronicles 36:16
Prophetic Salvation Prayer Begins
This prayer was recorded via audio. Here is a transcription.
I give my life to YOU now. I ask that YOU live through me. I ask that YOU create
in me a pure heart, Psalm 51.
I accept YOU, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, now, as the RULER of my life and my MESSIAH
and SAVIOR. YOU are the GOD that I worship and love, I need and I want and I
Forgive me for my sins! For I know all have sinned and fell short of the GLORY
of our CREATORS (Ro 3:23). Forgive me YAHUSHUA! Wash me clean! Wash me clean! I
confess my sins before YOU now—I lay them at the foot of the cross of Calvary,
where YOU were crucified and tortured and where YOU died in 3 hours (Mt
YOU said, "It is finished” (Jn 19:30) and yet YOU didn't stay dead (Acts 2:24;
Heb 7:16). On the third day YOU did arise before witnesses (Acts 2:32; 1Cor
15:4), and for 40 days YOU walked this earth (Acts 1:3; 1Cor 15:3-8), until you
ascended back to Heaven before witnesses (Acts 1:9).
now, before the Great Tribulation comes. The Name is used as a curse word when
they say "JESUS CHRIST” and they do not dare to say that as a curse word of
muhammad, or allah, or buddha or even satan—but they curse THE NAME ABOVE ALL
are THE HOLY TRINITY and there is no other; YOU are THE CO-CREATORS). YOU are
O YAHUSHUA, forgive me! YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, THE MESSIAH! Above that cross hung
the words "KING OF ISRAEL”—and they couldn't take it down (Jn 19:18-22), because
YOU are coming back again to rule and reign (Is 9:7; Mt 25:31; Rv 1:7)!
And O YAHUSHUA, the Bride of YAHUSHUA say, "Come YAHUSHUA, come…" (Rv 22:17, 20)
but not everyone is fit to be the Bride of YAHUSHUA, and so YOU say in the Book
of Revelation, "Blessed are all who are invited to the Marriage Supper of the
LAMB” (Rv 19:9).
O YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, forgive me of my sins! Wash me!
Wash me clean with THE ONLY PURE, HOLY BLOOD SACRIFICE! When YOU walked this
earth for 33 years, YOU never had a thought of sin (2 Cor 5:21; 1 Jn 3:5), YOU
never had an action of sin (1 Pt 2:22), although YOU were tempted with every sin
(Heb 4:15). YOU told the devil to get lost (Mt 4; Lk 4; Mk 1:12-13)—he had no
claim on YOU (Jn 14:30).
And he will have no claim on me (1 Jn 5:18) after I say this Salvation Prayer.
O YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, I believe YOU paid THE PRICE for my sins—at Calvary—YOU
were crucified, YOU were tortured, YOU were mocked, YOU were spit upon (Mk
15:16-19), YOUR clothes were stripped off of YOU (Mt 27:28), as soldiers gambled
even for the clothes on YOUR Back (Jn 19:23-24).
And put YOUR RUACH HA KODESH, THE HOLY SPIRIT within me! So let me know when I
do right and wrong! Send the COMFORTER. Let the COMFORTER come in me now (Jn
For I know YOU are not dead, but YOU arose again on that third day, as that big
boulder was rolled away that the soldiers had placed there—and guarded (Mt
27:65-66)—but that did not stop YOU on that third day; the boulder rolled away
(Mt 28:1-7; Mk 16:1-11; Lk 24:2).
I ask YOU to come into my heart, to forgive me of my sins. I confess every sin
to YOU now and I name them! And I turn away from them!—because I've been washed
clean of all the unrighteousness, all the filthiness of this world.
I give my life and my love to YOU. I will not deny YOU. O YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH,
YOU said that if there had only been one, if there had only been me who would
cry out for mercy...YOU would forgive and the sins would be as far as the east
is from the west (Ps 103:12).
YOU said there is only one sin that could not be forgiven, and that is the
blasphemy of the RUACH HA KODESH, THE SWEET HOLY SPIRIT (Mt 12:32).
O BELOVED YAHUSHUA, I would not be saying this prayer now if I was someone who
was of blasphemy, unless it was a mockery. And I do not mock. I truly believe
with all of my heart and I will not doubt.
There is but ONE TRUTH & WAY & LIFE to get to Heaven! There is ONLY ONE
a prayer, and that is through YOUR NAME, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH (Jn 14:6; Acts
4:12; 1 Tim 2:5).
I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry! I have sinned against YOU so greatly, but I rise
up—I'm not staying fallen.
And I rise up and I come to YOU and I hang on tight to the cross at Calvary
where YOU died for me and where YOU said it was finished.
I turn away from every sin. I rebuke satan and all those who are part of him! I
rebuke the unholiness in THE NAME & THE BLOOD OF YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH—shall
constantly be on my lips.
And I shall study and show myself approved (2 Tim 2:15). And I shall read the
New Testament; I shall read and I shall know YOU are the Torah, the Law from the
beginning to the end, from Genesis to Revelation (Rv 22:13).
I thank YOU now for filling me with YOUR HOLY SPIRIT, THE RUACH HA KODESH,
thank YOU for giving me the desire to serve YOU all the days of my life. Thank
YOU for giving me the desire to live YOUR Life in me.
O YAHUSHUA, live YOUR Life through me.
I give my life and my soul to YOU. My mind and my body belongs to YOU. I am so
grateful I have a MESSIAH!
There is a BLOOD SACRIFICE! For as it is written, ‘Without the shedding of blood
there is no remission—no forgiveness for sin' (Heb 9:22; Lv 17:11). And the
blood of the animals that were sacrificed in the Old Testament, in the Old Blood
Covenant, would not satisfy ABBA YAHUVEH anymore (Heb 10:4-10). For the sin was
so great HE had to send HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON to ‘whomsoever believeth in HIM'
—'should not perish, but have Everlasting Life' (Jn 3:16).
Thank YOU for filling me with faith to believe and never doubt.
Oh, let YOUR NAME be glorified through these lips in everything I do from now
on. Show me how I can serve YOU. Show me how I can glorify YOU. Show me how I
can exalt YOU.
Thank YOU for freeing me from every addiction. Thank YOU for freeing me from
every sin!
And although I won't be perfect, thank YOU, oh thank YOU that I'm able to say,
and reach out to YOU again and say, "YAHUSHUA, I have fallen, please forgive
me!” but I will not premeditate sin. I will not hurt YOU like that purposely.
Thank YOU for giving me the desire to read the Bible, especially everything
about YOU. Thank you for helping me to understand what Elisheva Eliyahu is
teaching as a Messianic Jew.
She is teaching the Hebrew Roots of the biblical Scriptures and the Torah is
from Genesis to Revelation—YOUR NAME is there, if they only knew Hebrew, they
would see—as YOU told Elisheva Eliyahu, YOU taught her that the Torah, the Old
Testament, was only a foreshadowing of when YOU would come. YOU would have a
better plan (Heb 8:6-12).
Moses did what he was to do. For at that time it was not yet for YOU to be born,
but even the blood, that was over the doorposts, of that sacrificial lamb (Ex
12:7) was a foreshadow of YOU YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH— when YOUR BLOOD would save
and the angel of death would be forced not to touch those inside and the curses
could not come upon them for they truly worshiped ABBA YAHUVEH.
Thank YOU for giving me the wisdom to understand the Holy Scriptures and the
Holy Prophecies that YOU have spoken forth through AmightyWind Ministry.
Thank YOU for loving me and saving my soul. YOU said if it had only been me, YOU
would have went to the cross at Calvary, YOU would have been tortured, YOU would
have been beaten. And by YOUR stripes, YOU said, I was healed (Is 53:5).
YOU did not stop at just salvation, but YOU allowed satan to go into the
torturer that beat YOU 39 times, with no ordinary whip, but a whip with bits of
lead and stone, and anything that could rip and tear YOUR Skin in shreds, till
YOU barely even looked human (Is 52:14; 53:3) and then forced YOU to carry
hundreds of pounds of a cross up the hill of Golgotha (Jn 19:17).
O YAHUSHUA, help my faith to grow each day, O YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, so one day I
will be with YOU in Heaven and YOU will embrace me and cover me in kisses.
I will be at the Marriage Supper of the LAMB. I will not deny YOU even when it
comes to the fact that they say you have to lay your life down— like they will
demand—for people to become martyrs. And only the Bride of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH
will have a testimony as unto Enoch.
So help me to be strong in YOU.
Fill me overflowing with the RUACH HA KODESH, HOLY SPIRIT, now and deliver me
from the evil one called satan in YOUR NAME YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH! Let the demons
flee now in 7 different directions, as I belong to YOU, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, as
I say this prayer, and I pray it and I will continue to pray it each and every
day, until it gets in my spirit and my soul, and my mind and my body.
O YAHUSHUA, help me, YAHUSHUA, to remember all have sinned and fallen short of
the GLORY of the FATHER YAHUVEH (Ro 3:23).
YOU came to save us sinners and that's why YOU'RE called our SAVIOR, our
SALVATION —“YAH SAVES.” It is not Yes-shua! That takes away the Divinity of YOUR
NAME. YOU'RE named after the FATHER, and the FATHER'S NAME, YAH, is in YOUR
NAME. This is what I've been taught this day.
Help me, O YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH! Though none go with me, still I will follow.
Help me, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH! For I know I will be persecuted for YOUR NAME'S
sake (Jn 15:20).
Help me, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. I will never give up my faith in WHO YOU are.
This day I am born again, I am BLOOD-washed, I am BLOOD-bought! My soul is not
for sale!
I belong to YOU, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, and because of it I can now say to satan,
as it is written, ‘Submit yourself' unto the NAME OF YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH and
then ‘resist the devil, and he shall flee' from me (Jms 4:7). And ‘submit' means
I will obey YOU.
I will obey the Ten Commandments; I will obey the Holy feasts that ABBA YAHUVEH
has set in place to bring honor to the HOLY TRINITY —ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA HA
and I will keep it Holy (Ex 20:8; Heb 4:9), and it is not the lie of a Sunday.
Help me, HEAVENLY FATHER, to defend the truths of AmightyWind Ministry and the
truths in the Prophecies. Let me not turn in to a reprobate enemy.
O YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, I worship, I praise, I love and I adore YOU. Thank YOU
for coming into my heart.
By faith I believe every addiction has fled from me. Every temptation to sin
right now is gone. And when I am tempted, remind me to call upon the NAME OF
O ABBA YAHUVEH, I've come now through the NAME OF YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, and I
come before YOUR Throne and I ask for YOUR help.
For YAHUSHUA has told me that before: None could come to YOU and have a prayer
answered, unless it's through the NAME and the BLOOD OF YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH (Jn
14:6, 13-14).
I will read this prayer and I will hear this prayer. For it was spoken
underneath the Anointing. And Elisheva Eliyahu did not even know one word from
the next of what she would speak. (For YOU put the new prayer in her mouth. For
even the old prayer has passed away and become new.) And I will say it not with
the head knowledge, but with all of my heart.
I believe it in faith and I will remember, that YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH is not only
is my BEST FRIEND, WHO will never leave me nor forsake me (Dt 31:6; Mt 28:20)!
Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil,
for HE is with me (Ps 23:4)! I hang on to Psalm 91, and I hang on to Psalm 23.
For I know, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, YOU love me so much!
YOU love me so much YOU led me to where this prayer is. YOU love me just the way
I am. YOU love me so much that YOU said, "Now I will make you better, now I will
raise up anew, the true spirit within you, so that I can say that you are
pleasing unto ME, and no longer call you a worker of sin.”
YAHUSHUA, YOU paid the PRICE for my sins, and now I don't need to feel guilty or
condemned anymore! For I have confessed every filthy sin before YOU, YAHUSHUA HA
MASHIACH. I have named them and I have cried tears over them and I have told YOU
that I am so sorry, and YOU have said, "MY child, I forgive you. Now you must
have faith” and "faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of
things not yet seen” (Heb 11:1).
And even if I don't hear your voice like Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu, I know that
YOU hear me! I know that YOU see me, I know that I am a child of ABBA YAHUVEH,
All of my sins are now forgiven! And there is [a] "no fishing” sign there. The
only one that can go there, is if I choose to remember my past sins and feel
dirty about them all over again, or if I choose to allow satan to go fishing
there and [allow him to] say, "Remember what you used to be and do!”
And that's when YOU have told me, YAHUSHUA, that I am to tell satan, "I am
forgiven! My soul belongs to YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH!” and as he reminds me of the
past, I will remind him of the future [for him], and that is the bottomless pit
for eternity and the lake of fire.
I now know that sin is anything that I have done, that displeases HOLY ABBA
YAHUVEH & YOU YAHUSHUA & YOU RUACH HA KODESH. I know that we all work out our
own salvation with fear and trembling (Phil 2:12), and whatever was done in the
war in Heaven against lucifer, the war has been brought down here on this earth
(Rv 12:12-17) and I will fight him!
I will fight satan and all of the unholy ones with him, and all of the
reprobates, I will fight them! Not in my strength, not in my might, but in the
Anointing of the RUACH HA KODESH (Zec 4:6)!
I will get to know WHO YOU are, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. For John 3:16 [is the
gospel message]—the Bible tells me that I must confess YOU as my RULER of my
life, my LORD, my SAVIOR, my MESSIAH, so YOU will confess me before the HOLY
I must remember never to be ashamed of the NAME OF YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, never
be ashamed of the truths and the revelations I will be taught. For YAHUSHUA HA
MASHIACH is not ashamed of me.
I will tell someone that I can trust that today I have made the decision of my
This is my birthday, the day I say this prayer with all of my mind, with all of
my heart, my body and my soul—and my soul belongs to YAHUSHUA.
I accepted YOU, YAHUSHUA of Calvary and Nazareth, born in Bethlehem, both GOD IN
THE SPIRIT & GOD IN THE FLESH. But it was flesh, and spirit, that hung on the
cross at Calvary.
And this day I know that all the angels in Heaven are rejoicing! They are
rejoicing and they're singing with joy, and if no one ever rejoices over me on
this earth if I feel no one ever loves me or accepts me for who I am, I know
that YOU rejoice and I know all the angels rejoice. For this is what the Bible
says (Lk 15:10).
And I know this Apostle Prophet, Pastor Elisheva Eliyahu, rejoices over me right
now. And she has said, if I need a Pastor, then I have one, and I know I am
welcome by online ministry that is in 51 different languages,
around this world, that call upon YOU.
We are not alone. And they all tell me that I am welcome, and they all wait for
me to write Elisheva Eliyahu and tell her I've accepted YOU, YAHUSHUA HA
MASHIACH, and even though [if applicable] I was an Orthodox Jew (and I speak [in
the spirit] now to those who [are] Orthodox Jews, they too are welcome to come
to YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH the way I've come to YOU this day)—
And oh I look forward, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, for YOU embracing me and hugging me
so tight and kissing my cheeks. I look forward at the Marriage Supper of the
LAMB! Whether I will be a Bride or a Guest, I will dance the Jewish dance with
Thank YOU for forgiving me. I feel so clean now. Thank YOU, YAHUSHUA HA
Help me to grow quickly in YOU! Help me! Give me more discernment. There's so
many false prophets out there (1 Jn 4:1), so many who claim to be Christians,
and yet they're lukewarm that YOU'RE going to spit out of YOUR mouth, vomit out
of YOUR mouth as the Book of Revelation says (Rv 3:16).
O YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, bring another believer to me so I will not walk this
walk alone, but if I must, so be it. For I don't walk alone, I walk with YOU, my
Thank YOU for the Gift of Eternal Life that I just inherited this day, to know
my name is written in the LAMB'S Book of Life. Please, keep it there, and never
let it be blotted out (Rv 3:5), is my prayer, and take not the RUACH HA KODESH,
HOLY SPIRIT, from me (Ps 51:11). Instead, increase the Anointing within me.
This is my prayer I ask this day, on my true birthday.
I said this Salvation Prayer—in YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH'S NAME—I know that I will
be hated more in this world than I am loved, just like if YOU were walking this
earth right now, they would hate YOU for YOUR Holiness.
Thank YOU YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. For I know when satan hates me, and the demons
and the reprobates hate me, and they call me crazy, I know I truly belong to
And I have been born again this day (1 Pt 1:23)! BLOOD-washed & BLOOD-bought!
And my soul is no longer mine, but it's in YOUR Hand, YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH.
End of Prophetic Prayer
So it has been spoken, So it has been written