This is from Prophecy 105, YAHUVEH said to put this up on all Prophecies from now on: I warned you a long time ago Elisabeth (Elisheva) not to name this Ministry after a man or a woman even before there was a Ministry. I put it in your spirit for none of this has been done by your hand, none of this has come forth from your mouth. It is from the Mouth of YAHUVEH that has given birth. It is from the Mouth of YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH that has given birth. It is from the Mouth of the RUACH ha KODESH your IMMAYAH that has given birth. If it had only been by your hand it would have failed long ago. It is by the SHKHINYAH GLORY’S Wind that blows across this earth, the Holy Wind of Revival, it is not by your breath or it would have failed. (Isaiah 42:8)
As Prophecy 41 was spoken and written on September 17, 2000, I had 3
policemen surround my house in an unmarked white car pulled up in front of my
house. I recognized the chief of police knocking on my door. My son saw another
one in the back and another on the side of the house. He said he had come
because of four 911 calls originating at that address. I told him I found that
strange, because no one was here but my son and I was on the telephone at that
time speaking to another friend. This actually happened minutes after I hung up
the phone after reading the prophecy of “Don’t Be Part of the Counterfeit
Bride”. Please pray for my protection.
Elisabeth Sherrie Elijah (Elisheva Eliyahu).
* * * * * * *
This is from Prophecy 105, YAHUVEH said to put this up on all Prophecies from
now on: I warned you a long time ago Elisabeth (Elisheva) not to name this
Ministry after a man or a woman even before there was a Ministry. I put it in
your spirit for none of this has been done by your hand, none of this has come
forth from your mouth. It is from the Mouth of YAHUVEH that has given birth. It
is from the Mouth of YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH that has given birth. It is from the
Mouth of the RUACH ha KODESH your IMMAYAH that has given birth. If it had only
been by your hand it would have failed long ago. It is by the SHKHINYAH GLORY’S
Wind that blows across this earth, the Holy Wind of Revival, it is not by your
breath or it would have failed. (Isaiah 42:8)
In July 2010 YAHUVEH GOD also said to add the following from 2nd Chronicles
before every Prophecy:
2 Chronicles 36:16, “But they mocked the Messengers of GOD, despised HIS Words,
and scoffed at HIS Prophets, until the wrath of the LORD arose against HIS
people, till there was no remedy.”
* * * * * * *
MY Bride cannot enter in without the fragrance of MY anointing. You cannot over
do the fragrance of MY anointing. You are to seek this higher anointing. Let it
be known that no man or woman can give you this anointing; only MY Sweet RUACH
ha KODESH can cleanse you with the sweet perfume of MY anointing reserved for MY
Bride. Prepare to go home and drench yourself in the power in the RUACH ha
KODESH’s anointing. Put on your wedding gown. It is MY robe of righteousness. I
wore a crown of thorns. You shall wear like a tiara a crown of MY glory that is
placed upon your head. As Esther prepared herself for the king, you are
preparing yourself for The KING of KINGS, The LORD of LORDS, YOUR LORD GOD
As a wedding announcement is sent forth, and invitations are sent, I too send
forth MY announcement by Gabriel blowing the shofar, and only those who are MY
Bride will hear the announcement for MY Bride. It will be too late to think to
get ready then, so be prepared for the coming announcement, you’ll either do it
yourself or through MY Apostles and Prophets. Heed MY warning! Heed the warning
that says I am coming. It is an elopement, only because the Bridegroom knows for
sure. Now go forth, be not ashamed and give the invitation. Be not amazed at how
many will refuse it. But grieve not, for they did not fit or pass the question
or the loyalty test, the love test, the sacrifice test nor the obedience test.
Therefore, they are unfit to be called MY Bride. There will be those that will
take the invitation and rip them up, they will be those that will take the
invitation and put them on the shelf for a long time and never use it. Neither I
will call MINE.
MY Bride has anxiously waited for ME and I’m coming to claim MY Bride. I never
see race or religion. Doesn’t matter what your race or what your religion is, I
seek relationship with ME and I look for one thing, which is the color red which
is MY shed Blood at Calvary. So I say again MY home in Heaven will shortly be
your home. You will be caught up to meet ME in the air to be drawn by MY side
while alive. MY feet shall not touch the ground of the wicked world as it is
now, so get ready MY Bride to be caught up while you are alive. Let them scoff
and mock, I’m standing at the door and I’ll knock. All they have to do is to
open the door of their heart and repent and invite ME in and I am faithful and I
will forgive them of all of their sins.
Ask them, why do they want to be tortured in hell or to be burnt in the Lake of
Fire? It was not created for them. It was created for the evil ones. I paid the
price at Calvary and to snatch from satan’s grip for all mankind to be set free.
But I am a gentleman. I will not break down the door. I just knock and wait to
be invited in. So one more time, I will tell them that YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH
others call me Lord Jesus Christ, is coming again. Tell MY Bride I’m coming
again to take her home. Prepare to go home for MY home is your home. Prepare to
come home, because I am coming to take MY Bride home! Shortly you should hear
Gabriel’s horn, and you will be caught up to be by MY side as I call you forth
as MY Bride. You shall hear the words come hither like a voice of the archangel
as he blows the shofar horn. Prepare to go home for I’m coming for MY Bride! One
will be taken and the other left.
* * * * * * *
Spoken under the Anointing of the RUACH HA KODESH
Through Apostle Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu on September 17, 2000
This is from Prophecy 105, YAHUVEH said to put this up on all Prophecies from
now on: I warned you a long time ago Elisabeth (Elisheva) not to name this
Ministry after a man or a woman even before there was a Ministry. I put it in
your spirit for none of this has been done by your hand, none of this has come
forth from your mouth. It is from the Mouth of YAHUVEH that has given birth. It
is from the Mouth of YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH that has given birth. It is from the
Mouth of the RUACH ha KODESH your IMMAYAH that has given birth. If it had only
been by your hand it would have failed long ago. It is by the SHKHINYAH GLORY’S
Wind that blows across this earth, the Holy Wind of Revival, it is not by your
breath or it would have failed. (Isaiah 42:8)
In July 2010 YAHUVEH GOD also said to add the following from 2nd Chronicles
before every Prophecy:
2 Chronicles 36:16, “But they mocked the Messengers of GOD, despised HIS Words,
and scoffed at HIS Prophets, until the wrath of the LORD arose against HIS
people, till there was no remedy.”
* * * * * * *
Elisabeth (Elisheva) speaking:
I start out speaking in Holy Tongues over the telephone praying with another
member of the Bride of YAHUSHUA, named Adam, from Canada. This prophecy came
quite unexpected, [it was] recorded. When the real audio is heard, I am seeing
brief visions of terrible things that will happen as well as hearing the words,
“Moorana, moorana, moorana.” I know the words mean, “Murder, murder, murder.”
I don’t know what language it is or how to spell it. Also the word ‘Horror’ is
all over with the word ‘Horrenda.’ I am not spelling this correctly but in this
prophetic word you will hear in audio this more than one time. If anyone
recognizes this word in another language I would be interested in knowing what
language it is on earth, perhaps it is just the Heavenly language. We know
speaking in Holy tongues are speaking in tongues of men and angels the bible
Elisabeth [Elisheva] praying:
I beg you, Abba YAHUVEH, let not this word come forth if it is not you, if it is
not your timing, let not that seal be broken. I beg you Abba YAHUVEH, in the
Oh MY beloved Ringmaiden! How much longer?
[Read Prophecy 76 in which YAHUVEH explains why Elisabeth (Elisheva) is called
His Ringmaiden.]
I have allowed the Bride of YAHUSHUA to stand in the gap as Abraham stood in the
gap for Lot. How much longer do you think I should wait? How I am mocked! How MY
Name is scorned! How MY Holy Ones that represent ME are slandered! How they are
killed for MY sake all over the world! Just because I have kept it from coming
to America thus far, how much has been taken for granted! Now I tell you to say
a new prayer for the End is nigh .
That is why the Bride had to come to ME on this Purim and be Holy before
ME–before MY eyes. That is why I said, “YAHUSHUA get YOUR Bride ready without
spot or wrinkle!” For the evil has grown more evil! And the Holy has gotten more
Holy! Before MY eyes! MY eyes went to and fro especially at this time of Purim.
In the so-called Christian churches this Holy time was not even mentioned–or
some did with but a passing glance.
It is this Ministry that I birthed through you that taught the people the
meaning of the importance of the bloodline of Mordecai and the obedience of an
Esther. Now I give you a new mandate to give to the Bride. Don’t worry about
those that will scoff and mock. Don’t be concerned with the look upon their
faces. You must merely obey and these are the words I have to say.
I, YAHUVEH, command the Bride of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH this day to pray for the
Two Witnesses. Pray for the Two Witnesses. For the time is coming that I AM
sending the angels, oh so shortly to confirm to the Two Witnesses who they are
in ME.
Again and again, satan has tried to take their lives. Just as there is a Bride
of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, there is a bride of satan. This Ministry has
encountered them again and again and knew it not. There are those who hate you
with such a vengeance. Even the 200 witches were raised up by the hand of satan
to pray against you, the one I call MY Ringmaiden. [Note: During Purim, at this
time this Word was given in Africa, it was on the news and internet: 200 witches
had gathered to cast their spells and curses.]
But I, YAHUVEH, say! Their attacks could not get through because I had the Bride
of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH covering you. Before they leave this earth, before the
Two Witnesses are ransomed as the first fruits, they will know who they are in
ME. I command all the members of the BRIDE of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH! Start
praying now for these I call the Two Witnesses! Behold, I, YAHUVEH, tell a
secret to the world! Behold I do a new thing! It is one woman and one man!
Because you men scoff and mock! Just as I raised up Deborah as a Judge of all of
Israel [Judges 4:4], so too I raise [them] up, so too it was preordained: the
ones coming shall have a spirit unto a Moses–the ones coming shall have a spirit
like unto a Elijah [in Hebrew, Eliyahu]. But as these two are still in the
mortal flesh, the attacks have come at them–I, YAHUVEH, command all the Bride of
YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH let every prayer you say from now on cover them: That they
will be in divine health while they are in these mortal bodies of flesh! That
they will speak forth more boldly! That their enemies will be destroyed before
their very eyes! Just as Elijah of Old [in Hebrew, Eliyahu] prayed, so too will
the same Anointing be upon these two. The enemies shall cower in fear for they
are going to recognize the Bride of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH is here. So it is at
this Holy time of Purim. I show you how close the end is near. For already I AM
telling you to cover the Two Witnesses that are on this earth. Yes, they are
already here but they are so humble, and they say, “Surely not I? if it is, I
don’t even want to know.”
I tell you this. And I speak to these who I know are the Two Witnesses:
Wailing Wall in Jerusalem
You will know that you know, even before you are taken from this earth. You will
return in a glorified body. You will stand before that which is called the
Wailing Wall. And flames shall come forth out of your lips! And fire shall come
forth out of your heels! And you shall proclaim what I tell you to proclaim! And
no man and no woman and no devil and demon will stand!
YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH this day to pray.
But remember this, when you recognize who they are you shall see things in this
earth happen in such a way as I tell them to start releasing in the spiritual
realm the Words I will have given them to say. So right now, Bride of YAHUSHUA,
pray that they will receive and believe the Anointing I have placed upon them.
Remember this, it is one man and one woman. Do the work you have and do it
quickly. I say again, do the work I have given you to do and do it quickly.
Hoarding Gold
Those of you who have hoarded gold and silver, those of you who I have blessed
with gems–what good is it going to do you when it is left behind? I have
abundantly blessed, financially and in all ways! And yet some of you who are the
Bride of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH have never even written this Ringmaiden. Yet you
have grown in secret with knowledge and gotten spiritually fat as all the
knowledge and Anointing you have hoarded, and you have not shared. And yet I
have given you no lack. I will hold you accountable what you do for the Kingdom
of Heaven.
Remember Elijah of Old [in Hebrew, Eliyahu]? I sent him to a widow of Zarephath.
Although there were many, many widows in that land, I hand-picked one. Who this
Ministry is sent to, who I send MY Elijah of New [in Hebrew, Eliyahu] to–what
have you done to them, so too you have done to ME.
And I tell you this. I, YAHUVEH, tell you this! Anyone who has touched or harmed
this Amightywind Ministry in any way, or MY Ringmaiden in anyway, it is as
though you have touched and put a sharp pointed stick in the pupil of I,
YAHUVEH’S Eeyes. And I will take vengeance! And into MY Winepress of wrath you
will go. And I shall crush you in seven different directions and that’s all they
will hear as I crush you in every way. Mind, body, spirit and soul! [As
confirmed in Prophecy 80.]
For did I not warn, “Touch not MY Anointed and neither do MY Prophets any harm”
(1 Ch 16:22; Ps 105:15)? You think your tongue has gotten away with speaking
forth these blasphemous words? And you have called evil what I have called good
in MY Eyes! I will make you wish that I had cut out your tongue before you had
been allowed to speak forth such dung.
But those who embrace this Ministry, those who embrace these truths, those who
embrace this Ringmaiden– I embrace you. For this is not just a woman, this is
not just a mere woman– this is a vessel I, YAHUVEH, have spoken forth MY truths
from! For those of you who have received these truths, I receive you.
For those who have scorned and mocked, I, YAHUVEH, have rejected you. Read
Esther again. I AM symbolized in that King! How many of you are Vashtis? You
think you are so full of beauty; [Think] you don’t have to come when I, YAHUVEH,
say come! So I have exiled you. Into MY Kingdom you will not come ! There is a
GREATER INTERCESSOR than Queen Esther. It is MY SON YAHUSHUA! I tell you this,
oh Mighty Bride of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. No good thing will I withhold from you
(Ps 84:11) . There is a Book of Remembrance that has been written up and all of
your names are written in love (Mal 3:16; Ps 56:8). You have suffered so, just
to be Holy. So I want you to know, how much I love you.
It is I that chose you to be MY SON’S Bride. It is I, YAHUVEH, that chose you to
be MY SON’S Bride.
[Remember this, the Bride of YAHUSHUA is not just a woman, but the men and women
who are without spot or wrinkle– walking in obedience, and about to be caught
away to be with YAHUSHUA. Pray to be accounted worthy to be one of the Bride(Lk
For those who know MY voice, you will recognize the SPIRIT that speaks, you
truly are MY Lambs, you truly are MY Sheep. For the others of you, who say,
“This is just Elisabeth [Elisheva], puffed up in pride,” I tell you this: IT’S
YOU WHO I DESPISE! I shall force you one day to admit that this Ministry is the
one that I love and all the Ministries who will take these Words and spread them
around to the four corners of this earth– it is you that I will love, it is you
that I embrace as you embrace the truths from– these truths are backed up with
MY Holy Scriptures. And how dare anyone call these prophecies false! For you to
say this, you are calling MY SON YAHUSHUA “false”! For is HE not the LIVING
Away from ME! Away from ME! You don’t even belong here. All those who want to
sit at the Banquet Table and feast on the truths and will take the spiritual
food and feed others, belong here. This is MY Edict. This is the Command– I
issue from MY throne in Heaven, and I have spoken it forth on this day.[ Read
the Banquet Table dream ]
Bride of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH! Cover this Ministry more in prayer. Cover this
Ringmaiden more in your prayers! Be a blessing unto them as they are a blessing
unto you! Or I will ask you one day why you were not.
Cover these I call the Two Witnesses. To the Bride of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, if
you ask ME and if you believe, I will tell you the answer– I will reveal to you
more about who I call the Two Witnesses. They need your covering. They need your
prayers. While the Two Witnesses are in mortal flesh, satan seeks to take their
lives to silence the truths that I have spoken. So cover whoever the Two
Witnesses are in prayer!
I, YAHUVEH, have been so pleased as the prayers of the Bride of YAHUSHUA have
come before ME on this Day of Purim– as a sweet fragrance they came to ME, as
sweet incense– the angels opened them up and I AM so pleased. And that is why I
have had more mercy and I said, “How much longer do you want ME to delay?” Oh
but the end is nigh. When the sealed prophecy is released [78], one of the seals
will be broken (Rev 6: 7-8). Woe be unto this world when Elisabeth [Elisheva]
speaks forth what I have hidden (Zeph 1:14-16; Am5:18-20). Oh but for MY Beloved
Bride of YAHUSHUA, those who are the members of Revelation 14 and Revelation
7–you need not fear. All the Guests who are invited to the Marriage Supper of
the LAMB– it is true you will have to suffer for HIM, YAHUSHUA. Oh but the
rewards that you have coming!
Lightning from Heaven
Right now the weapons the Bride of YAHUSHUA has are in the Spiritual realm. But
I tell you this! In the Great Tribulation, just as the King gave the edict, the
command and said, “Take up your arms and defend yourselves!” so too it shall be
again. But not for the Revelation 14 Bride. That is why I AM redeeming them from
this earth and the Two Witnesses shall be amongst that number and then they
shall return.
Oh, but you precious Bride of Revelation 7, you are already sealed, beloved
ones. No one can harm you. There will be a short time you will take up arms and
defend and help the Guests to fight satan and those with the mark of satan. And
then you shall walk in that glorified body when you hear the Words, “And the
dead in Christ shall rise first.”(1 Thes 4:16). As you learned [the verse, with]
the word “Christ” is the only reason I speak it forth [that way]. It is the
“dead in YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH” which will be the Two Witnesses and those
martyred at that time. These are in the Second Rapture and along with the
Revelation 7 Bride shall also be taken up before the heathen’s eyes.
These are the Secrets reserved for YAHUSHUA’S Bride.
Let the others scoff and mock. This is the banquet table I lay before you this
day. Those with spiritual ears shall hear and all others will remain deaf. Those
with spiritual eyes shall see and all others shall remain blind. These are the
Words I, YAHUVEH, speak forth this day, THE KING OF CREATION, on this Holy Purim
I, YAHUVEH, say prepare, beloved ones, the End is nigh! As I prophesied through
Elisabeth [Elisheva] years ago of the Boiling Black Blood Plague, that would
come as a sign of MY wrath–I now speak this forth from MY Ringmaiden: It is, has
already been loosed. It has begun. The disease is in the incubation stage and
there will be no cure.
Moses and the 10 Commandments
But beloved ones, be assured– all who are Holy before ME, living Holy and
putting I, YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA, first in their life and love, doing their best
to be obedient unto the Holy Scriptures–the Boiling Black Blood Plague will not
come upon you! It will be as in the times of old when the plagues were loosed by
Moses, speaking forth under the Anointing of the RUACH HA KODESH. And the
plagues did not touch the Children of Israel, only the Egyptians who served and
worshipped other gods! And so it shall be again.
As in the days of Moses, so it shall be again. As in the days of Lot, so it
shall be again. To the sinners who refuse to repent thus far, today is the day
of Salvation! You are reading this coming from the “Last Chance Ministry”.
Tomorrow may be too late. What are you waiting for? A religion will not save
you. Only a Holy, loving, obedient relationship with YAHUSHUA and I, YAHUVEH,
will save you. You can only return back to Heaven through the Name and Blood of
YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. All who are invited to the Marriage Supper of the LAMB, I
have this warning for you, in the Great Tribulation the one coming that is
commonly called the anti-christ– who is truly the son of satan, the son of
perdition– he will come using and counterfeiting the name that is known world
wide in every kindred and tongue the name that Christians know and love the name
of “Jesus Christ!”
Beware! Signs, wonders and miracles are still done and souls are still being
saved [before the Great Tribulation] in the name of Jesus Christ. Do not fear.
However, it was not yet the End time and you were only held accountable for what
you were taught. I, YAHUVEH, honored and anointed the name “Jesus,” although MY
SON YAHUSHUA was given a Hebrew Name by HIS Hebrew mother. And I AM HIS FATHER;
HIS Name is to contain MY Name YAH. The name of “Jesus” has deleted MY SACRED
translates to– a constant reminder in every tongue– YAH saves! Is it not your
custom to name the Son after his father? Why do you think it is any different
for your HEAVENLY FATHER to do the same? It is a constant reminder to you that
It is satan and his servants that fear the Name YAH, but I know MY Children’s
loving hearts. I even forgave you for forsaking MY true Sabbath Rest Day,
breaking the fourth Commandment again and again, but I will forgive this no
more. Now you are held accountable for what you know. You are held accountable
to warn others. There is a Higher Sacred Anointing in the Hebrew Name of
YAHUSHUA and in MY Name, YAHUVEH. Now the Endtime is nigh and I warn you teach
others what you now know as truth. There is more Anointing in OUR Holy Sacred
Names. Use them! Make no more excuses! During the Great Tribulation you must
call upon MY SON’S Hebrew Name YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. MY Name is YAH — and it’s
in HIS Name–THE NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES (Is 45:23; Rom 14:11; Phil 2:9-10).
If you do not learn this now, in the Great Tribulation when you pray for
deliverance, or healing, and you use the name “Jesus,” remember that the son of
satan will be using this name as God. How can you expect to be healed, delivered
or blessed by using the same name that the son of satan will be using? You will
be calling upon the son of satan and know it not. In the Great Tribulation, the
son of satan will have his own day to be set aside to be worshipped and it will
be Sunday. When Sunday worship is mandatory and you are ordered all over the
world to go to your nearest local Sunday church, beware! DON’T GO.
Sunday Church will lead you to Hell in the Great tribulation
It is a trap of the son of satan. For anyone that does attend a Sunday church
during the Great Tribulation– they will enter the door mesmerized, held captive
with the spirits of illusion and mind manipulation and idolatry and rebellion
among many other powerful demonic spirits. Warn them now! They will have taken
the “mark of the beast” and entered a church of defilement and chosen to worship
the “beast” and accept his physical as well as spiritual mark. Warn people now,
before it is too late.
This doesn’t mean that all Sunday churches are evil now, but you are so close
now. The End is nigh. You must warn the people where the pastors are failing to
do so. You must teach the truth of the Hebrew Sacred Names of I, YAHUVEH, and MY
remission of sins. I will accept no other blood sacrifice. And no other
intercessor can intercede for you! And that includes no so-called dead saints.
Not even YAHUSHUA’S OWN mother, Miryam, also called Mary. For even she needed
This is the only reason any of YAHUSHUA’S Bride should be attending a Sunday
church, to teach the Sheep and Lambs the truth where the pastors have refused.
Even if it is one person at a time! Here is the good news: Just as MY Beloved
Children, whose names are written in the LAMB’S Book of Life and are
preordained– so too is satan’s book of the damned.
YAHUSHUA walking on water
LIFE BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THIS WORLD! You cannot accidentally choose to
accept the “mark of the Beast”. You will know not to do so and rather die before
doing so.
Healing and Deliverance Illusions in the Great Tribulation
The only true healing, signs, wonders and miracles and resurrections come from
Heaven. Any other healing or deliverance is an illusion! And during the Great
Tribulation there will be illusions that appear to be truth, but are lies
straight from the throne of satan. Learn now! And warn others now! In the Great
Tribulation only in the Name of YAHUSHUA– not the name of Jesus– will true
delivering, healing, resurrection power come forth. People who love and serve
‘Jesus’ now will wonder why their prayers are not being answered. And their
faith will suffer and they will even die for their faith, not understanding why
deliverance did not come in that name.
Warn them. So they will become accustomed to using the Hebrew Name YAHUSHUA, and
YAHUVEH and the RUACH ha KODESH. satan does not want to counterfeit the Name
YAHUSHUA with MY Name YAH in it.
The Four Horseman of the Seals
There are millions reading this that will be the Guests at the Marriage Supper
of the LAMB. And blessed you shall be! However, you will see all or part of the
Great Tribulation and your eyes shall be forced to behold the horror. Remember
this, MY wrath is not appointed unto you. It is appointed to MY enemies.
Stay holy and don’t compromise and call upon the Name of YAHUSHUA and rely on
HIS Strength and Anointing and hang on tight to your faith. For it will not be
easy. For there will be mind waves in the air that will try and brainwash you.
Learn Holy Scriptures now to use as a weapon during that time when Bibles will
be banned. But even satan will not be able to burn all the bibles!
YAHUSHUA will use the Holy Angels, Revelation 7 Bride and Revelation 14 Bride,
as well as the Two Witnesses to know where the Guests are and to help them as
needed. The Two Witnesses will defend the Guests and take vengeance for them.
Learn MY true Shabbat because I, YAHUVEH, will especially bless and protect
those who honor ME on the day I, THE KING OF ALL CREATION, set aside as the
Sabbath Day of Rest. Just as when YAHUSHUA walked the earth and did signs,
wonders, and miracles on the Sabbath– even in the Great Tribulation, especially
on MY Sabbath, MY Holy Days– the same will be done in the Name of YAHUSHUA under
the Anointing of the RUACH ha KODESH.
There are secrets I have that are not to be spoken yet. Just know that I,
YAHUVEH, will never leave nor forsake anyone that truly loves, worships and
serves YAHUSHUA and I, THE KING OF CREATION. Learn MY Name. It is YAHUVEH! The
THE ONLY NAME AND WAY BACK TO HEAVEN! To all those who scoff and mock at this
Prophetic Word, you will learn the hard way that it came from MY, YAHUVEH’S
mouth, and given to this Ringmaiden. To MY Sheep and Lambs around this world,
take this Word like a chain reaction and let it ring around the world. Remember,
even the very Elect will be deceived if possible (Mt 24:24) because your pastors
have starved the Lambs and Sheep. When you read these Prophecies, you are
feasting and eating Holy spiritual meat.
All others who deny this Word, even though they claim to love “Jesus” and yet
refuse to learn the Hebrew Sacred Names, the Sabbath and Holy Days and Feasts–
they will continue to nurse on milk for they don’t want spiritual teeth to eat
this Spiritual meat. In the Great Tribulation, they will remember what they had
read. And some will repent and know this Ministry was truly Heaven sent. For MY
Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones and Elect, look up! Your Redemption draweth nigh. One
way or another you will be coming back home to Heaven again!
So it has been spoken, so it has been written on this Holy Day of Purim on March
15, 2006.
Given to this Ringmaiden of YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA. Apostle Elisabeth Elijah (Elisheva
Personal note…
I am interested in hearing from those who ask this question of YAHUVEH in the
Name of YAHUSHUA and given an answer, will you write and share it with me? I
know this, that the Two Witnesses, whoever they are, need the prayers and love
of the Bride of YAHUSHUA and the Guests to the Marriage Supper of the LAMB. I
woke up with this somber revelation and cried out for protection for the Two
Witnesses after being given this word. Rev 11:3-13.
Please feel free to copy and share this prophecy. The harvest is great and
laborers so few. All I ask is please link back if you are posting on your
website and please keep this message intact including this personal note which I
was led by the RUACH to share. Translators, please include everything that is
The job of the Two Witnesses will be unlike any other job given. I weep for them
under the Anointing, for the job they will have to do is not to be envied. They
will see more horror than has ever been seen on this earth. Please do as YAHUVEH
has said and pray for the Two Witnesses. Please pray blessings on them in all
ways. While they are in this mortal body, pray the Holy Ones will give them
loving support and encouragement. Please pray that they believe and receive the
anointing that has been given to them and obey and do all they are to do. Pray
for protection of The Holy Wall of fire that will surround them on all sides so
no man, woman, demon, devil, can harm them while in that mortal body.
Beware Boasting Pretenders!
Anyone who is boasting they are one of the Two Witnesses such as the one who
calls himself Elijah the Tishbite, or the man Hawkins who wrote blasphemy in the
Book of YAHWEH is not one of them even when the Two Witnesses lay in the street
he said they lay there for 3 1/2 years instead of 3 1/2 days, I read this with
my own eyes, these men and others who do this in pride.
The real Two Witnesses don’t even want to acknowledge that calling on their
lives. They are humble and don’t believe they are worthy of this high of a
calling and keep saying, “Surely you have someone better.” This is what YAHUVEH
has shown me, that is why the scriptures say they are dressed in sackcloth and
ashes. It is symbolic of being humble and in mourning for the horror and sin
they will see and what they see now.
I have known ever since I was given a Spiritual Rod, and my then 6-year-old-son,
one of my identical twin sons saw it in the Spiritual realm and described it and
I felt the weight of it 19 years ago, and each time it was used in the spiritual
realm it only got heavier to where now it takes others to hold up my arms when
it is used under direction of YAHUVEH.
This Ministry has something to do with finding the Ark of the Covenant, the
144,000 as in Revelation 14 and the Two Witnesses. Only as the years have
progressed have I understood and been given more revelations through the
prophetic words given to me. There is a book being written now by another member
of the Bride of YAHUSHUA [Revelation 14] who is paying and donating all her time
to get all the prophecies, visions, dreams, and audible words of YAHUVEH
published. Please pray for her, for this is a huge job. Pray for the right
publisher also. We are trying to get the Prophecies translated in different
languages so they can be in book form also. When we are no longer on the
internet, at least the books will still be here during the Great Tribulation.
We still need a Hebrew translator among many other languages. Please come forth
if you want to volunteer your time to do this job. We need committed, focused
translators who will take this job as seriously as I do, not ships passing in
the night. Please pray and see if this is you.
YAHUVEH (also spelled YAHUVAH, YAHVEH, YAHWEH) bless you all.
Apostle Elisabeth Elijah (Elisheva Eliyahu)
Spoken under the Anointing of the RUACH HA KODESH
Through Apostle Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu on March 15, 2006
This came forth during a 15 hour marathon Purim meeting meeting with the
Asian congregation, as Elisheva was praying a blessing on the yet unborn baby of
her spiritual daughter Mimosa, pregnant at the time.
* * * * * * *
Below is the Prophecy as it came forth
—with Prophet Elisheva’s “Holy tongues,” as GOD’S SPIRIT gives utterance (Acts
2:3-4) of heavenly or earthly languages (1 Co 13:1). Elisheva speaks forth in
tongues bringing Prophecy (1 Co 14:6).
We use the HEBREW NAMES of GOD:
As in Alleluia (Hallelu YAH) meaning “Praise YAH,” YAH is GOD’S HOLY, SACRED
MASHIACH means The MESSIAH; ELOHIM means GOD.) The Revelation of SH’KHINYAH
also on this site. (HA SH’KHINAH {SHEKINAH} is Hebrew for GOD’S ABIDING, DIVINE
Additionally, ABBA YAH means “FATHER YAH” and IMMA YAH, “MOTHER YAH.” In Hebrew,
the SPIRIT OF GOD is feminine, referred to as “SHE,” and reflected this way in
the Prophecy & Scriptural quotes below. All direct references to GOD are
Scripture quotes are KJV/NKJV or CJB unless otherwise indicated.
* * * * * * *
YAHUVEH’S Warning before the Prophecies:
I warned you a long time ago Elisabeth [Elisheva], not to name this Ministry
after a man or a woman. Even before there was a Ministry, I put it in your
spirit. For none of this has been done by your hands. None of this has come
forth from your mouth.
It is from the Mouth of YAHUVEH that has given birth. It is from the Mouth of
YAHUSHUA, your MASHIACH, that it has been given birth. It is from the Mouth of
the RUACH HA KODESH, your IMMAYAH, that it has been given birth.
If it had only been by your hand, it would have failed long ago.
It is by the SHKHINYAH GLORY’S WIND that blows across this earth, the HOLY WIND
OF REVIVAL. It is not by your breath, or it would have failed. “I AM the LORD
YAHUVEH: that is MY NAME: And MY GLORY I will not give to another, Neither MY
PRAISE to graven images” (Is 42:8).
(Prophecy 105)
In July 2010, YAHUVEH GOD said add this to warn those who mock:
But they mocked the Messengers of GOD, despised HIS Words,
and scoffed at HIS Prophets, until the Wrath of YAHUVEH
arose against HIS People, till there was no remedy. —2 Chronicles 36:16
And from Prophet Caleb:
I warn you all—those who are coming against this Ministry AND THESE PROPHECIES
and Elisheva and I, all the Ministers of AmightyWind Ministry—I warn you now,
‘Touch not YAH’S Anointed and do HIS Prophets no harm’ (Ps 105:15; 1 Ch 16:22)
lest the Wrath of the Rod of YAH come upon you. But for those who are blessed
and are a blessing for this Ministry, and faithful, and who receive the
Prophecies, much blessing will come on you—all to protect what belongs to YAH in
* * * * * * *
Purim, Asian Meeting
Transcript Before Prophecy
Jessie: We’ll welcome our Apostle Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu join our meeting.
Elisheva: Wo Ai Ni! Ni Hao! I love all of you! [ Laughs ] This is Apostle
Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu. Kisses and hugs to each one of you in the NAME OF
YAHUSHUA. Happy Purim! This is a day of Victory over all of our Hamans and over
all Esaus, everyone has them.
And this is the day that we celebrate Esther’s victory that she gave to everyone
who was a Jew, or I wouldn’t be here and there would be no bloodline to come
through the bloodline for YAHUSHUA.
This is a very special day, because on this Purim—this is the first day I get to
greet the most beautiful Asian congregation, my spiritual children who I am
honored to see all of your faces. I have tears in my eyes, I love all of you so
[ Video cuts forward into the meeting ]
Mimosa [June interprets]: When she was thinking about—she was going to meet
Momma Elisheva, brother Sylvester, sister Talia, Momma Kathrynyah and Dad Adam,
she couldn’t help from laughing and the people around her thought that she was
strange, but she was full of joy and laughter and happiness from ABBA YAHUVEH,
Elisheva: My daughter Mimosa is pregnant and I want to pray a blessing on her
baby. Then I ask again for David and Peter to also pray a blessing on Mimosa if
they would please.
Elisheva: Ask her how many months of pregnancy?
June [interpreting for Mimosa]: About 34 weeks around 8 months now.
Elisheva: Oh beautiful! Tell her put her hand on her tummy and I am going to
pray a blessing on her baby. And is she asking YAHUSHUA for a boy or a girl or
does it matter? And does she know the names? What are the names that she would
like to name them?
June [interpreting]: She says ,this is the thing that she wants Momma to pray
for. She wishes that she could have a girl, but she will accept no matter if
it’s a girl or a boy. She said may YAH’S will be done. She also asks for prayer
about her due date and may the baby come out peacefully and smoothly. As for the
baby’s name, it will be great if Momma can give that baby a name.
Elisheva: Oh, I only know English, not Chinese. I leave that up to YAHUSHUA to
tell her. [ Giggles ]
Mimosa: Oh right, okay.
Elisheva: Okay, I’ll pray. Tell her put her hand on her tummy and tell me if the
baby leaps. Tell me if the baby jumps. I ask everyone to pray with me for Mimosa
and her baby for blessings on her and her baby and an easy delivery for her with
minimum amount of pain.
I am going to speak in Holy tongues first, so the Anointing of IMMAYAH will go
inside her baby and Mimosa will become more anointed.
ABBA YAHUVEH in the NAME OF YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, please what is it that you
want me to say to this beautiful daughter of yours, YAHUSHUA? You can say what I
said June.
[ Holy tongues… ] Anoint each and every one of these who hear these tongues now.
June speak it—that everyone listening to these tongues now will become more
anointed and filled with the living water from the RUACH HA KODESH our IMMAYAH.
Prophecy 143 Begins
This was recorded on audio. Here is the transcription.
Oh MY children, MY children, MY children, MY children, MY Asian, MY Asian, MY
Asian, MY Asian children. Oh how I YAHUSHUA love you.
You gave up your sleep to be able to gather together on this Purim. [Holy
I could not let Elisheva just go do the Prophecies and read.
For I have commanded her to greet each and everyone of you, to get to know one
For this you shall know who truly belongs to me—for those of you in this group
now who have love for one another. [ Holy Tongues… ]
As it is a new birth coming with Mimosa, as it is a new birth coming to this
AmightyWind Asian branch of the Ministry, as I have commanded for David and
Abigail and Peter to lay their works down before ME and join together with
Elisheva—to a ministry that is going to be 25 years soon [online], but really
started before that. [ Holy Tongues… ]
Her baby symbolizes a new beginning, a new beginning of a new Anointing on each
and everyone of you who will receive and believe the Holy Prophecies.
For you will hear things that you have not heard before as I have her go out on
a limb. For at times it seems so shaky as I give her new revelations from
Heaven, but not one Prophecy does not have proof that it is real. [ Holy
Tongues… ]
It is just like with MY Ezra, MY Caleb, her husband. [Holy Tongues…]
Everything I prophesied in the beginning was true. There was no love like they
had for one another. The Anointing was so great that two Anointings became one,
but remember this: I can bless to those who obey ME—in the same prophecy to
those who disobey ME, I take away. [Holy Tongues…]
I giveth and I taketh away, but I do not ever leave you empty handed. Whatever
you put on the alter of sacrifice, just like I did unto Abraham (when he thought
he had to sacrifice Isaac), I had a ram in the bushes that was to be that
At times you think that when you lay something on the altar of sacrifice, you
think you will never see it again, and I tell every one of you, you must never
love the gift more than the GIVER of the gift.
It is I YAHUVEH. It is I YAHUSHUA. It is I IMMAYAH. [ Holy Tongues… ]
All of you must lay everything you have on the altar of sacrifice just as Esther
did as she’d come before the king.
For the sake of the Jewish people, she was willing to even lay her own life down
and be sacrificed.
But I do promise you this—I YAHUSHUA promise you this. Whatever I have to take
away, it is because it was only for a time or a season. I will not allow anyone,
to be unequally yoked, who is called to be the bride of YAHUSHUA.
Lightness and darkness cannot go together. For darkness will always try to put
out the light, but when the light comes it puts out the darkness.
Pray for this man named Ezra. For there is a holy Caleb locked within him. [Holy
But mind control has come upon him—even to the false Prophecy that he had never
prophesied before.
Pray for the death of the Hamans and Esaus, who have put this witchcraft upon
And Lily and her Chinese sorcery—she is unto a Haman; she is unto an Esau—and
the one called Christina Gunther, who dares to defile the name D’vorah! She
feeds Ezra false prophecies, calling him Moses and calling him Enoch. [ Holy
Tongues… ]
I will not allow MY daughter to carry the shame,
for he has been removed from the leadership as of February 24th 2019.
And if he will not fulfill the calling that I started in him, the good works—and
I turn to MY Asian children the new YDSs now. You are the new “YAHUSHUA’S demon
stompers,” if you are living holy and commandment keepers—
Call forth the new Caleb, which is a name in Hebrew that means “whole heart” to
be the other part of the anointing of Elisheva.
For her face alone will not be there as a leader. For the workload is so heavy
in an international ministry, in 50 languages and more.
But it is you MY Asian children that I called her to this night of Purim. For
every one of you are anointed. The glow all over your faces—to everyone who has
introduced themselves to her, but I tell you this, eventually there shall be a
Eventually there shall be more groups of a thousand, as each one of you go and
you say, “There is an anointed Prophet” and I will speak forth out of her.
I will give you new revelations, but never read the Prophecies just one time.
For there are layers of truth in each Prophecy. It is like an onion.
And lean not unto your own understanding, but in all thy ways acknowledge ME—and
I YAHUSHUA & I YAHUVEH & I IMMAYAH—shall direct thy path.
Do not be fearful for what Ezra prophesies—for Elisheva, it is not your shame.
It is not your blame. Everyone works out their own salvation with fear and
I, YAHUSHUA, cross no one’s will—satan cannot cross—no ones will. It is their
choice. I tell you this.
He [Ezra] is prophesying [3 days of darkness starting] on Passover April 19
The demon of a pharisee, the demon of arrogance and pride, the demons that have
been fed and have been feeding him are not even human anymore—these three women,
Lily, as you know as Shengya Pu, Christina Gunther, who dares to defile the name
of D’vorah, and Tatiana Williams…and Donovan Todd, Stephen [William] Rossi [Jr.]
and Jason Benn—all use mind control on him.
He use to be afraid and he would tell Elisheva, “I never want to give a false
prophecy. I never want to lose the fear of YAH.”
He was safe in his wife’s arms. He knew she was only leading him to Heaven.
When he came to her, he was only 5 years in YAHUSHUA—just a baby that came out
of Orthodox Judaism, that came out of Kabbalah, yet the demons did not… [ Holy
Tongues… ]—600 different prophets he went to, just to hear good words to him, so
when Elisheva started warning him, “These people are trying to take you to hell.
They mock you. They try to out vision each other,” but he would not listen.
On December 3rd, he shouted at her and said as he left, “My love for you has not
died,” but now the demons even curse her through him and the devil mocks as the
very first prophecy that he gives will be [proven false] on Passover April 19
He’s already before the world speaking it and I will use—just like I used
Eliyahu of Old to go on Mount Carmel and expose the false prophets of Baal—I
will use this woman, this Ringmaiden, this prophet of MINE to cause her husband
to humble himself as she, will expose him, as the Eliyahu of New, and force them
up on Mount Carmel and prove to everyone you never need to fear a false prophet.
For MY sheep will come to no other shepherd. They recognize MY Voice, I
He has prophesied lies, only to mock him—satan mocks him and these are the words
he speaks, “On [this] Passover” there will be three days and nights of darkness,
and the bottomless pit of hell shall open up and demons will pour forth out of
the bottomless pit of hell.
And he even mocks further, as he tells the people they must repent. What will
they do when this happens?
But I tell you this is not Ezra speaking—this is not Ezra Caleb. These are mind
control demons that have got a hold of his mind and twisted it and even turned
the love for Elisheva into hatred and says that she is the “Jonah” that is in
the belly of the whale. He will be raptured, but instead of her staying in the
belly of the whale for three days, he says he will return from Heaven for her in
three years after much suffering as he calls forth the plagues upon her.
I remind you again, this is not the “Dad Ezra,” this is not “Ezra Caleb.” Where
satan has entered in to do what no one else could do, even to assassinate a
YouTube channel that stood for 9 years, as he is the one who called forth the
hits and the strikes on it.
So all of you pray that it returns. For it is a large part of this Ministry with
thousands of videos upon it, thousands of the Prophecies, speaking of the
prophecies and revelations from I YAHUSHUA.
Do not hate him. Do not call forth the wrath on him. Pray against the Hamans and
the Esaus, just like Amalek. They will not be on this earth anymore.
He will be free to hear me once again. For only in his mouth does he say he
repents, with his heart he is far from me and so full of demons now—as these
false prophecies build him up into a golden calf to be worshiped. And Elisheva
will have no part of that! [ Holy Tongues… ]
This is a birth of a new beginning. For an ending shall be a new beginning.
I can deliver the Caleb within him. I delivered the man in the cemetery of a
legion of demons.
Pray that he has the spirit of repentance. Pray that he lays the arrogance and
pride and rebellion down. [ Holy Tongues… ]
For these people who do this are fallen angels. They are not even human DNA
anymore. Fallen angels have walked into these people, seven of them. [ Holy
Tongues… ]
Oh they have a form of godliness but there is no godliness within. [ Holy
Tongues… ]
Pray that the new man, the mystery man from Israel will come forth—the one who
will stand by Elisheva’s side, the one who will be born and raised in Israel and
stir up the Anointing of the Prophecy within her.
I AM not going to say whether that new man will come forth from Ezra. I AM
saying this, pray, pray, pray as the days approach of April 19th, I AM going to
use her to prophesy in the boldest way she’s ever done before for the sake of
his soul.
Pray that he has the fear of I YAHUVEH & I YAHUSHUA. Pray that he rebukes these
lying demons surrounding him now, abandoning MY daughter.
As this Ministry has grown on this earth, it truly takes two to carry it, but
Elisheva does not complain. She only wants her Holy husband back again. That is
why you keep hearing Mimosa and Jane [that] she needs to pray for herself.
Instead her ear is in tuned to heaven and asking what the next word is—24 hours
a day—if she isn’t sleeping, she is praying, she is working for the Kingdom of
This is why satan hit her so hard in a way—only someone that she loved as a
husband could hit her. [ Voice tremors, Holy tongues… ]
Pray for the Anointing that will break him free as the spirit of fear will
consume him from I YAHUVEH, which is the beginning of wisdom (Pr 9:10), which
right now he has none!
As Orthodox Judaism and Kabbalah pull at him, he has fear of offending his
biological family. Remember 90% of Israel is in the mysticism, the magic of
kabbalah—and Ezra was born into it.
His Hebrew salvation prayer—on YouTube—video had over 300,000 views. Nearly all
and they had accepted ME as LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, A CO-CREATOR.
But they stirred the demons up within him. For he was never delivered. He only
came to, I, YAHUSHUA.
No other place have I asked for a congregation to gather together and cover her
in prayer, like I AM now doing in this Prophecy.
For everyone here desires to be the Bride of YAHUSHUA. If you are a commandment
keeper and do not purposely break the commandments, you are MY child. Pray that
you are counted worthy to be called MY Bride.
I tell you this Mimosa, MY darling darling daughter, as Elisheva stretches out
her hand to you and your baby within your womb, I anoint you greater to be a
mighty prayer warrior, and I anoint that baby in your womb to be born with a
laughter, a joy unspeakable and full of glory.
And even when people behold this baby, they will know that I YAHUSHUA have
blessed you and blessed this baby.
For even now MY Hand is upon this child. For you are a mother full of great
love. [ Holy tongues… ]
Right now—as the one called John the Baptist leaped in the mother’s womb, so too
the Anointing goes upon your child as well as you.
Leap! Leap, leap MY child, leap with joy, jump for joy in your mother’s womb.
For I have anointed you out of the mouth of this child—even as a tiny little
one, I will show that I speak out of the mouth of a baby.
You are blessed MY beloved daughter. For I have given you a special child. MY
Hand is upon you and your household. Blessings on all that your hand creates. [
Holy tongues… ]
Remember this, this is a new beginning. I could have had Elisheva minister to so
many different languages this day of Purim, but I chose MY Asian children.
I chose MY beloved Asian children and many of you already are the Bride of
YAHUSHUA, but do not become puffed up with arrogant and pride.
Stay humble before ME. Learn the lesson of Ezra, a man who once had 100% in my
eyes and just days later, the spirit of arrogance and pride entered into him.
And he would rather listen to false lying visions of hell given by fallen
Even in her tongue you still hear the word MY Caleb, even though he has no more
of the Anointing to be shared with her.
Pray, pray, pray he has enough Anointing to come back, come back to I
YAHUSHUA—and not just tell others to come to ME, but he himself must prove it.
Where he has forsaken everyone and cut them out of his life—anyone who refused
to betray Elisheva, because he called her a disobedient wife, because she
refuses to submit to him and say he is the HEAD of this Ministry, of
Again and again and again she shouted it loud, she shouted it clear. Only ABBA
YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA & IMMAYAH are the HEAD of this Ministry. THEY are the GODHEAD.
So I do a new beginning and I call forth mighty men of YAH to help her, to
humble them, to stand by her side. David and Peter I ask you, lay your
Ministries down.
Help this woman of MINE, this Apostle, this Prophet, MY Ringmaiden. Join the
Ministry with her, for it is not her Ministry. It is as David said, it belongs
Reach Asia while you can, before China shuts the doors of Taiwan. For a war is
coming to Taiwan.
This is why I told Elisheva she must work quickly now. There is no time to build
a physical building in Asia.
Oh MY precious, precious Asian Bride, come forth! Others will join. Spread the
Word that you have been here so next time the crowd will be larger. MY desire is
to bless each and every one, who truly belongs to ME.
And Elisheva you need not fear if an enemy creeps in. For I will curse them as I
did the fig tree—and no fruit of evil will they be able [to] feed to others. For
they will be like unto a Haman and they will hang by their own words.
Mimosa, I use you as an example of a new beginning as all of you gave up your
sleep, a sacrifice, to gather with one another, to hear what MY prophet has to
For she is anointed in a very unique way. You will never see another Ministry
like this. You will never meet another Prophet like this. She is MY one and MY
only Ringmaiden and I have not forgotten the enemies of this Ministry that is in
the Asian branch.
David went and warned them and one of them she calls herself Happy Yoyo. There
is nothing happy about that woman. She is not even a woman. She is a fallen
angel in disguise.
Don’t you see MY children? Over one half of this world now are no longer [pure]
human DNA. Just as in the days of Noah, so it is now.
They will call them aliens and they will say there is good, there is bad. Do not
be deceived, they are all evil fallen angels.
I have MY Holy angels who war in your behalf. Why would I have to send forth an
alien? I would not. So do not believe this lie when you hear it.
I have already given Elisheva Prophecies about the fallen angels. She is so
backed up with videos that need to be done.
At the time of Ezra and her together, there were over a thousand prophecies in
the space of 3 years—satan had to come and divide them, but he could not do it
in any other way. No one in the world could have done it, except her own
husband, who I once called the most anointed man on this earth. [ Holy Tongues…
Remember, remember, remember, it is the prayers of the righteous that avails
much. I deafen MY ears to the prayers of the unrighteousness. I do not hear the
prayers of the unrighteous. Only through THE NAME AND THE BLOOD OF YAHUSHUA can
you come before the Throne of I YAHUVEH.
There is proof behind every Prophecy. If not in the Bible, then you will find it
in the older books.
Oh come to ME MY children. Lean closer to ME. For there is no accident—that any
of you [ Holy Tongues… ] were not chosen. Each one of you were hand picked to be
where you are this night at the first congregation of the Asian Ministry Branch
of AmightyWind.
Remember AmightyWind is A MIGHTY RUSHING WIND
Every name of this Ministry, the Alef and the Tav, the RUACH HA KODESH HOLY
FIRE, is not the name of a man or a woman.
Each of you want to swim in the living waters. I brought her forth this night to
put MY Arms around you, to get to know you.
Believe her when she says she loves you. For she does not just come with her
love, her appreciation, she comes with I YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA & IMMAYAH’S love.
Remember each one of you will be asked to put something on the altar of
sacrifice, whether it be something or someone. For David, he laid his Ministry
down on the altar of sacrifice and said, “Elisheva, I knew years ago I was to
join with you.”
So bring your congregations. Tell them where you are. For this job of reaching
Asia takes a combination of the Anointings in all of you and all who are to
I have a prophecy for the Asian Bride to come forth! Through MY NAME AND MY
BLOOD! You have been so persecuted [ Holy tongues… ] but you are also the most
brave as you are even willing to lay your life down for ME.
No one will ever convince you to turn away from I YAHUSHUA. You will never take
the mark of the beast, and I promise you this, and I speak to the guests now, [
Holy tongues… ] to be absent from the body is to be present with YAHUSHUA.
There is coming a time all over the world—
MY precious beloved children who are the guests at the marriage supper of the
LAMB, and remember I love you just as much as I love the Bride, Revelation 7 &
Revelation 14—and the Two Witnesses are part of Revelation 14—and you will learn
of who the Elder Bride is; it is the first fruit of the first fruit.
And the Asian branch of the Ministry is the first to hear a small teaching of
who the Elder Bride is. For you have not yet heard this. The Two Witnesses are
the first fruits of the first fruit and I YAHUSHUA AM the FIRST FRUIT. They will
go up with their glorified bodies. They will stand before an Elder Bride wedding
ceremony and the bride veil will be lifted.
And as a bride’s veil is lifted, so again the veil shall be lifted off this
earth, and you shall all clearly see who the antichrist is—and at the same time,
I YAHUVEH will once again remarry Israel.
For the Elder Bride, who are the Two Witnesses, shall return back to earth with
unlimited powers. I have already given her Prophecies and you have already read
them and she has went out there and testified of what she has heard.
The Two Witnesses are one woman and one man joined together as a husband and a
wife and they shall come forth from Heaven with a new mind given by, I,
YAHUVEH—and even the very stomping of their feet, shall bring earthquakes all
over the world. [ Holy Tongues… ]
Why do you think the Bible does not mention, when it speaks of the Two
Witnesses, whether it be a female or a male? Because I purposely left this
secret for Elisheva to reveal during these end times.
I used Deborah, I used Esther. Mighty women of YAH! I used Sarah—and when you
get in the older books, you will see I used Judith. Did I not use Ruth?
This is YAHUSHUA’S mother in the world’s eyes, biological mother that gave birth
to HIM, Mary, and also in Hebrew called Miriam.
But I taught you a secret through this handmaiden—no one on the earth was
teaching—it is IMMAYAH the SWEET RUACH HA KODESH that placed YAHUSHUA in Mary/Mariam’s
womb, so Mariam could remain a virgin.
The old passed away and became new. The old blood covenant does not apply
anymore. The animal sacrifices were a foreshadow of the NEW BLOOD
Not one sheep and not one lamb will I miss. You do not have to be worried
whether you will accept the mark of the beast accidentally. I will not allow
satan to play so unfair.
They will demand that you turn away from ME; instead they will demand that you
worship the one they say has replaced ME. For now you just call him the anti-mashiach.
Just keep your ears to Heaven [ Holy tongues… ] and cast not your pearls before
swine, be cautious.
Be very cautious in these end times for fallen angels who look like
humans—clones who look like humans. There is no human DNA in them. Now they have
synthetic blood to make them look human. Look at their eyes, discern their
You shall know one another by the RUACH HA KODESH within you. Pray for ABBA
YAHUVEH’S invisible cloak of protection around you, as I told MY daughter
speaking now.
As she was sleeping I speak to her, YAHUSHUA speaks to her, and IMMAYAH speaks
to her and I told her for now on, teach this. [ Holy tongues… ]
Never give your fingerprints. Do not allow any face scans. For there is coming a
time where it will be used against you—all biometric data. [Holy tongues… ]
And you will be accused of crimes all because your finger prints were there,
although you were not there. Your picture will show in a camera with trickery,
as they take what is on your smartphone and use it for evil.
Instead I tell you this, just like the radiation that comes off of it and the
radiation off of every electrical appliance including a computer, including a
refrigerator, including the very electricity in your homes—the radiation is
coming off of it.
So ask ME, ask I YAHUSHUA to protect you with MY SHED BLOOD that was shed for
you at Calvary. Seal your phones with THE SHED BLOOD OF YAHUSHUA. No radiation
shall come forth to harm you! Believe in faith, as you believe in your
For without faith it is impossible to please YAHUVEH. You walk by faith and not
by sight.
I AM allowing you now to use the toys of the devil, which is the Internet, and
because of this Elisheva and this Ministry have reached millions upon millions
of millions of souls. [ Holy tongues… ]
April 4 2019, 25 years, I gave birth to this ministry through her and it has
caused her great persecution and suffering. And all she wanted all these years
was a holy man, a holy and anointed man born and raised in Israel to help her
each Israel. For she is a Jew herself. [ Holy tongues… ]
But because she was born outside of Israel, she is called Ephraim and all of you
are. You are the branch that was grafted in with the vine. You are a Jew in MY
I have given you a little glimpse now of what she will be teaching and how she
teaches. It is only through MY Anointing. She has no schedule. She knows not one
word from the next which would be spoken. She did not know why I had her call on
Remember this. All of you have a choice now. Do you want to make it a part of
your new beginning? To join with this Ministry? To stand by her side? And be the
new branch of the Asian Ministry of “YAHUSHUA’S demon stompers”?
Mighty prayer warriors—so mighty, I sent holy angels to her, where archangel
Michael’s wings, after the third day of what was birth pains, on the side of her
bed hung a heavy wing as she looked up. And with her two fingers, like a 2 year
old child, she played with those wings between her fingers—so very soft and
iridescent with all kinds of colors and yet she could see no gems embedded.
And she heard Gabriel and two other angels speak, but Gabriel was the first one
to speak and he named the prayer intercessors, intercessory [prayer warriors]
and he named YAHUSHUA’S demon stompers as he read it off of a scroll and this
was in 2005.
Elisheva did not understand that all are tested, even when they are “YAHUSHUA’S
demon stompers.” Some have turned out to become some of her worst enemies as I
YAHUSHUA was only left with 12 disciples [ Holy tongues… ] and as Gideon was
left with just a remnant of those that he started out with. For I know who is
worthy to be called a “YAHUSHUA’S demon stomper,” prayer intercessory warrior.
And there are 500,000 around this world., when they pray in holy tongues, they
lift up the name of this Ministry. They lift up her name and they lift up the
name, who will stand by her side as a co-leader. I told her this in dreams back
to back in the early 1990s, and I told her never to forget.
She has beheld ME, Face to face. No one can ever tell her YAHUSHUA is not real.
She has heard MY Very Voice. MY Audible Voice, ABBA YAHUVEH’S Audible Voice and
a true Apostle will have a testimony that they have beheld YAHUSHUA, Face to
She has been faithful in small things so I can entrust her with all these large
things. Yes a man was meant to share that load, but Ezra was a coward and he
He did not want to hear any rebukes. He did not want to hear that he was being
deceived. And that is when satan said to ME, “Can I go get him now?”
You see satan even has to have permission to attack one of MY anointed, and I
gave him permission because I AM teaching him a lesson.
He shall be thrashed three times, and that is worse than any chastisement. It
will feel like flesh is being ripped off of his body as the lashes of a whip
come from Heaven. And he shall know sorrow upon sorrow upon sorrow.
For he would rather listen to fallen angels giving him lying visions that pump
him up with such pride, as he even gives this false prophecy and does not even
sign a name to it.
Oh, oh, oh! How I hate arrogance and pride! Oh! Oh! Oh! It’s one of the
abominations! I YAHUVEH, I YAHUSHUA, I IMMAYAH warn you stay humble, stay
humble, stay humble as this handmaiden of MINE speaking forth.
Some of you have [been] given a life full of suffering, so you will stay humble
before ME. [ Holy tongues… ]
Pray, pray, pray that Ezra Caleb is humbled when she gives this rebuke from
Heaven, [that] he will fall flat on his face in such disgrace! He will be making
a video before the world, but the first one will be before I YAHUSHUA and his
wife, as he abandoned her at the moment of her need just so that he can go and
be worshiped.
Oh but he fell into MY trap. It’s only April 19th, you can start counting the
days off the calendar. I guarantee you this. There will be no bottomless pit of
hell opened up and there will be no 3 days and nights of darkness.
I told Elisheva just be grateful. On February 24th 2019 I ordered her, “Get his
face off the leadership of this ministry and take your wedding ring off until
you know that you are married to lightness again in him.”
This is nothing to do with the love that she has for him. This is all abut how
So I thank you, all of you right now, for stirring up the Anointing. As Mimosa
laid her hands on a new beginning within her womb, so too all of you who desire
it—I will give you a new beginning, a better beginning at this time of Purim.
Just tell ME who your Hamans are, and tell ME who your Esaus are. For YAHUVEH
says vengeance is MINE, I will repay—just as surely as I, YAHUSHUA, cursed that
fig tree, just as surely as I will curse everyone that comes against MY anointed
children who obey ME. [ Holy tongues… ]
And you shall laugh in the enemies faces, just like that young baby that is in
Mimosa’s womb now. If she could but see it in an ultrasound, a scanning of her
tummy, a scanning of her womb, she would see that baby jumping for joy with a
big smile and laughter. [ Holy tongues… ]
Do not forsake Elisheva. Do not forsake this Ministry. For she needs Holy
anointed men now at this time especially. And thank you David that you have
known all of this, and you and Abigail have been in prayer.
To the enemies who will mock, they are counting down their days when they will
die. They are only working their way down to the level of hell, which they will
descend. For touch not MY Anointed and neither do MY Prophets any harm.
These are the Words I have to say to you on this Purim day. [ Holy tongues… ]
Pray that the good, Holy man in Ezra. His birth name is Erez and it is the Erez
that is full of the demons. It is the Ezra that meant helper of YAH. It is the
Caleb that was in her dream, who works for the betterment of Israel—as together
they will reach souls for YAHUSHUA, but she must have a Judah before this can be
So pray for the new Judah to join this Ephraim. For there are many Prophecies
and many more to come—as I YAHUSHUA reach out, as MY BLOOD cries out in the
I desire to forgive them. I desire to cleanse them of the demons that is in Ezra
now. For how can I send him to Israel with Elisheva if he is not delivered of
the demons that came with him when he was born.
It is not enough just to say YAHUSHUA forgive me. List every sin that you know
that you need delivered of, and he never did this—but I tell you this, even now
as she speaks forth in holy tongues, where he is now, he trembles in fear.
For he knows when his wife speaks, there is no false prophet there. And yet he
would rather believe the fallen angels, those in the occult that he has even
seen with his own eyes shape shift, and this Ministry shall prove that
shapeshifting is real.
You shall behold fallen angels that cannot even keep their human form of a face,
and you shall see it more and more. [ Holy tongues… ] For I have commanded her
to make this video and bring shame unto these who do these things and dare have
a form of godliness and only unholiness within, even as they dare speak the name
So it is been spoken, so it is been written
On this day of Purim, March 20th 2019
I have entrusted this Prophecy and I have loosed it with the Asian branch of
AmightyWind. It was your love that brought it forth. It was the Anointing in you
that brought it forth. That is the Anointing that stirred it all up.
This is a new beginning. An ending has become a new beginning this day, and it
shall be better and greater than ever before as Lily is no more. She is a Haman
and she will hang with her own words [ Holy tongues… ] just like this Christina
Gunther, who defiles the name D’vorah and calls herself a prophetess.
Just like this Happy Yoyo! I AM going to bounce her around like a yoyo for
stealing that which belonged to Elisheva, the Prophecies that she paid such a
price for.
I AM the ONE who gave them. I AM the ONE. I YAHUSHUA anointed her. She has paid
the price. For the greater the anointing, the greater the suffering. For
everyone who desires to be a Prophet, remember this.
And she dares steal and she dares remove Elisheva Eliyahu’s name and claim that
she wrote the Prophecies.
Woe, woe, woe, woe, woe! To this fallen angel in disguise, who is no longer a
woman. It is like putting a body suit on.
End of Word
Elisheva: Whoo, Praise YAHUSHUA, HALLELUYAH, ABBA YAHUVEH. I praise YOU. I
worship YOU. I worship YOU YAHUSHUA, I worship YOU IMMAYAH.
I’m just YOUR broken vessel of clay, but praise YAHUSHUA together we are a
mighty warrior in YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH. For YOUR glory YAHUSHUA, for YOUR glory
alone, amen amen and amen.
Congregation: Amen! Amen! Amen!
Elisheva: Alright, June!
Others: Amen!
Ann: too…too…too long [to translate on the spot]!
End of Transcript
So it has been spoken, So it has been written