This is from Prophecy 105, YAHUVEH said to put this up on all Prophecies from now on: I warned you a long time ago Elisabeth (Elisheva) not to name this Ministry after a man or a woman even before there was a Ministry. I put it in your spirit for none of this has been done by your hand, none of this has come forth from your mouth. It is from the Mouth of YAHUVEH that has given birth. It is from the Mouth of YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH that has given birth. It is from the Mouth of the RUACH ha KODESH your IMMAYAH that has given birth. If it had only been by your hand it would have failed long ago. It is by the SHKHINYAH GLORY’S Wind that blows across this earth, the Holy Wind of Revival, it is not by your breath or it would have failed. (Isaiah 42:8)
This is from Prophecy 105, YAHUVEH said to put this up on all Prophecies from
now on: I warned you a long time ago Elisabeth (Elisheva) not to name this
Ministry after a man or a woman even before there was a Ministry. I put it in
your spirit for none of this has been done by your hand, none of this has come
forth from your mouth. It is from the Mouth of YAHUVEH that has given birth. It
is from the Mouth of YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH that has given birth. It is from the
Mouth of the RUACH ha KODESH your IMMAYAH that has given birth. If it had only
been by your hand it would have failed long ago. It is by the SHKHINYAH GLORY’S
Wind that blows across this earth, the Holy Wind of Revival, it is not by your
breath or it would have failed. (Isaiah 42:8)
In July 2010 YAHUVEH GOD also said to add the following from 2nd Chronicles
before every Prophecy:
2 Chronicles 36:16, “But they mocked the Messengers of GOD, despised HIS Words,
and scoffed at HIS Prophets, until the wrath of the LORD arose against HIS
people, till there was no remedy.”
* * * * * * *
It’s a fearful and terrible thing to fall into the hands of a living God. MY
wrath can be as great as MY love, but no one speaks of this. In the year of
1997, I will reveal MYSELF as not only a God of love, but for those who mock and
deny MY power, or refuse MY love, and seek to lead MY sheep astray…they shall
taste the days of Ananias and Sapphira once again. Wisdom is Fear of YAHUVEH.
Many of MY own sheep take ME for granted. They do things and think it is covered
by grace. They do things knowing that it is unholy and it offends ME.
But they think I am blind and deaf. The year of 1997, I will prove I am a God of
fire and that which stands in MY ministers’ ways shall be consumed in MY anger.
They who dare to stop the Gospel of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH shall suffer the worst.
I am coming for a church without spot or wrinkle and again I say unto you, warn
the church. The church is not the pastor, it is not the building. The church is
the people, MY sheep. I have had enough of men naming ministries after
themselves; they have no right to do this abomination. They did not pay the
ultimate price; they are not holy enough to do this. I, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH,
paid this price at Calvary.
Unless they are sinless and perfect, they have no right to name a ministry after
themselves. I alone AM perfect and sinless, not man, “For all have sinned and
fallen short of the Glory of YAHUVEH!” You are sinless in MY sight because MY
Blood washes your sins away. It is not because you are sinless for your
perfection. You are a sinner saved by MY Grace and mercy. The Blood of Calvary
washes away your sins, true, but a ministry represents ME and your Father
YAHUVEH and the ministry must be named for holiness, not man.
For again, I prophesy through you and say, “Beware.” Warn them, for when the
imperfect man falls (and he will), the ministry that bears his name falls and
the sheep scatter to the enemy’s camp. Tell them MY Handmaiden, warn them. Do
not do this abomination before MY eyes anymore. For I said, “Be Holy as I am
Holy.” Even the top prophets and ministers who carry MY anointing are in foolish
pride and they are naming that which is not theirs…the anointed ministries after
themselves. For this, they will fall but I will be there to pick them up after
they have been chastised.
But warn them, it is as a child getting spanked, but was warned many times. I,
chastise those that I love. I am a Lamb to those who accept MY Blood gift at
Calvary. I am a Lion from the tribe of Judah to MY enemies. I am a warrior and
not a wimp. I turned the other cheek once. But when I come again to MY enemies,
I bring MY fury. Woe unto them that call themselves MY enemy and dare to destroy
the good works that I am doing through MY servants. A lion rips and tears before
it devours its prey. So does the eagle, which your heavenly Father represents.
You shall see MY fury in 1997.
But MY Children have nothing to fear, those who truly love, worship, put ME
first in their lives. I am going to clean house in the temples. I am going to
prove I am a God to be greatly feared. I am still a God who demands holiness
from MY Children. I am not speaking of outward appearances; this is vanity and
man-made holiness. True holiness comes from within. There is coming and has
already begun a civil war to America.
But there better not be a civil war in MY churches. They had better not be
prejudiced, whether it be outward appearance or race. For when MY Children see
each other, they had better only see RED, MY Blood. Stop dividing your churches
by colors. I see no color. I am all races in one. Stop judging one another by
outward appearance. For where the spirit of prejudice is, MY RUACH ha KODESH
(Holy Spirit) will not stay, will not dwell. Instead, evil spirits will be
allowed in. You have been warned.
Sherrie, [Elisheva Sherrie] you have not known what you are going to type from
one word to the next. Give this prophecy to all those who have ears to hear, let
all others remain deaf. I am coming for a church without spot or wrinkle. What
is holding ME back is the very thing that should be bringing ME back, MY church,
MY People, MY pastors, MY ministers. I hate pride. It’s one of the 7 deadly
sins, yet MY own pastors who carry MY anointing think they build the church,
they own the church and they have to control the sheep. I alone am the only Good
Shepherd. Yours is to be the finger that points the way to ME, YAHUSHUA.
Pride, great pride, has crept into even the temples that I have poured MY
anointing out upon. Who has the bigger congregation, the most money? This
sickens ME. Who wins the most souls? The jealousy and covetousness are in MY own
temples. This sickens ME. You say, “When is YAHUSHUA coming again?” I say, “I
have been waiting for the church, the temples, to clean themselves up.” Stop
bickering amongst yourselves. Expose the wolves that have been devouring MY
sheep. They are behind the pulpits and everyone is so concerned with their own
churches, no one cares about the sheep.
Who can build bigger temples? Who can get the most media attention? Who is the
number one evangelist, prophet, pastor, church? I am telling you through this
prophetess, listen to her. Judgment starts at the house of YAHUVEH! Then I will
deal with the heathen. This sickens ME. I long to cradle you all in MY arms, and
instead you bicker and insult one another because of your gender. I choose to
use who I choose to use. The humblest I will use in a mighty way.
I choose to use this vessel because she thinks she is the weakest of the lot,
but I say once again, I will use the humble and meek, those who no one thinks I
will use for MY power shows up best in weak people. Others know it is not of
them and they don’t boast. For they know it is only MY anointing that breaks
every yoke, fetter, chain, shackle and bondage. It is not by your might nor
power but by MY Spirit. Thus saith YAHUSHUA, “I chose to come as a babe, the
weakest of all to prove, don’t look on the outward, look on the inward! The
anointing knows no gender, race or age.”
The RUACH ha KODESH (Holy Spirit) uses willing, obedient vessels of clay, not
those that shout, “Use me because I am so beautiful, I am more holy than the
rest.” I will not use those who think they are gold; I use those that know they
are broken vessels of clay but mighty warriors for YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. In
1997, I will launch out those who have had ministries that have remained humble
or nonexistent to the mass majority. Those that I have not just called but those
that have been chosen, chosen because of their faith that I am the author and
finisher of. I do not start something then fail. I am your God that cannot fail.
Get ready, for in 1997 I tell you the wealth of the wicked will be turned into
the hands of the righteous through MY Name and MY Blood, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH’s.
It will be MY sheep that have the wealth and the jobs. The enemy’s children will
see this and gnash their teeth in anger and jealousy, but I do this to prove MY
Scriptures are not a lie. Deut. 28 blessings are still reserved for MY Children
and I know them by name and by the hairs on their head.
Get ready because for MY Children, this is the greatest outpouring of MY RUACH
ha KODESH (Holy Spirit) yet. I will use those who think they are not popular,
beautiful, lack the education, those that know they can do nothing without MY
anointing of the RUACH ha KODESH (Holy Spirit). Those that have been discarded,
abused, ignored, told to give up, it’s not worth it.
Those that have not had the finances will look to Almighty God and I will open
the windows of heaven and bless them so abundantly that they will be forced to
give to others so they too will be blessed abundantly. And this shall be like a
chain reaction. MY Word says, “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest
prosper and be in good health even as thy soul prospers.”
I am going to prove MY Word cannot return unto ME void. Beware who you discard
as worthless. For it’s the pastor who has the small flock, but insists that the
RUACH ha KODESH have full control no matter how many of the sheep leave for
churches where there is no signs, wonders, miracles, for there is no conviction
of the RUACH ha KODESH either.
Beware of rejecting the evangelists who in your eyes are unknown, and use their
own finances to spread the gospel and win souls. Beware of mocking, abusing and
ignoring the prophet that comes to you with a prophecy and you don’t want to
believe the prophecy because they are the wrong gender or they are a nobody and
are not famous. Beware of offending the youngsters I am raising up to prophesy
and yes, to warn the elders to listen to the voice of Almighty God.
Get out of pride. Because these are the very ones I am sending. When you offend
them you offend the God who sent them. They are merely MY messengers, so don’t
stone the messenger. It will be the nobodies that I am raising up, the unknowns
that I will work MY signs, wonders and miracles through, and a mouth piece for
YAHUVEH. For they are not a nobody. Only in the eyes of the proud. They are a
somebody to ME for I can and will use them mightily for MY praise, honor, and
glory. For they will not steal that from ME like others have tried to do.
You did not build these successful ministries. It was by the power and anointing
of the RUACH ha KODESH that it was a success. Stop taking MY Glory. You’re not
the healer, deliverer; it is Almighty YAHUVEH alone that delivers. The message
to the church of 1997 is get humble before YAHUVEH. This message is for the
prophets, evangelists and pastors. You have no power without MY anointing. I am
a jealous God. Get man’s name off of MY ministries. You have been warned! Give
the praise, recognition to the only one who has a right to name a ministry after
himself, your Master and Savior, the one you proclaim to serve and worship. I
share MY glory with no man.
There is a false doctrine going around in these end times and in some of MY
churches where MY anointing has been poured out. A spirit of pride and religion
has spread the lie that the pastors are saying, “Only we have the authority to
say who can pray and who cannot pray. You are forbidden to pray one for another
without our permission.” Not even YAHUVEH Almighty, Creator of Heaven and earth
would say such a thing.
My Word plainly states, “Pray ye one for another.” I am no respecter of persons.
So why would I allow such a thing. Chase these false shepherds out of MY house.
Tell them you know the Word of YAHUVEH. Stop believing and spreading this lie.
Yes, there are people who would try and curse you instead of bless, but the
curses will only return to the head of the one doing the cursing disguised as
prayer. The occultic spirit who seeks to destroy MY sheep will boomerang back
upon the sender.
The RUACH ha KODESH is quite able to protect those who are being prayed for.
Stop trying to do what you were never intended to do. This is the RUACH ha
KODESH’s job. This is the Good Shepherd’s job and I alone am the Good Shepherd;
I am able to take care of all that is MINE. Get the log out of your own eyes
before you judge whether someone is worthy to pray for another. Judgment starts
at the house of YAHUVEH. I am going to clean house in a mighty way in 1997,
before I judge the heathen. Sin is sin. Unholiness is still unholy. I am not a
God that changes with your times. I am the same yesterday, today, and forever.
Because pastors refuse to have the boldness to stand up and say repent and
YAHUVEH’s word says this is sin. They are afraid of losing their tax-exempt
status, and let the government silence them for the sake of fear. Now they will
have someone to fear I, YAHUSHUA. Because you stayed silent, and did not speak
up and say repent or else Hell’s fire consumes you. The one thing you pastors
and ministers feared shall come upon you suddenly. You shall no longer have your
tax-exempt status. I am going to allow the government to take it away so once
again you will speak out without fear, what sin is. This will be your sign this
prophecy is of ME for you will see this come to pass. Promotion cometh from
nowhere but the north which is Heaven.
It is I who promotes one and demotes another. Many will be demoted in 1997 who
have made profits selling the gifts of the RUACH ha KODESH. It was not yours to
sell. Those who have entered the ministry thinking that it is a way to get rich
quick, and some top ministries are now very greedy. They will either repent or
fall. You will see this come to pass. Ministers who are in secret sin, like
years before will be exposed and shamed for all the world to see. For the spirit
in the spiritual leader is the spirit in the congregation. I must make an open
show and rebuke those who preach the Word of YAHUVEH, yet have no fear of ME,
who think I am blinded by their good works. It is not by good works you get to
heaven lest any man boasts. To whom much is given much is required of.
Pastors, Evangelists, Prophets, Ministers, MY Children…you are held accountable
for what you know. Some know more than others, but then they are held more
accountable for they know better than to offend ME. In 1997 search yourselves
and forsake sinful lifestyles and the spirits of pride and rebellion. Because I
am a God that knows, sees, and hears all. Those that call themselves MY sheep
and ministers will be held accountable for what they know is holiness and
practice unholiness.
Those pastors who merely pretend to love and care for the sheep, but really
don’t care anymore, will be demoted. If they have been in it for greed, they
shall know poverty. Judgment will start at the house of YAHUVEH in 1997 in a
mighty way and if you, being righteous are scarcely saved how much more should
the heathen fear. Test the Spirit that speaks and you will see it is the voice
of the RUACH ha KODESH that speaks forth from this prophetess to rebuke, bless,
and edify the saints of YAHUVEH. And sound the trumpet blast of doom for the
enemies of the gospel of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.
Touch not MY anointed, neither do MY Prophets harm. Don’t stone this messenger
for giving MY message. Because harm will come to the one who raises a word
against MY messenger. Test ME and see if I am not a God of consuming fire.
Hell’s fire is MY anger that is kindled. Let it not be kindled against thee.
Copy this and give it to all those that have ears to listen. Let all others
remain deaf. Just because they don’t believe doesn’t mean I will not do what I
have spoken, it shall come to pass. Ezekiel 3:17-21 says warn them and if they
don’t listen, the blood will not be on your hands. If you don’t warn them and
pass on this prophecy, then they will die in their sin but the blood will be on
your hands. I send MY Prophets to warn before the doom comes. I send MY Prophets
to say a blessing is coming, before the blessing comes.
* * * * * * *
Given to Rev. Sherrie Elijah (Elisheva Sherrie Eliyahu)
when she least expected it while writing to another thanking them for prayer.
Spoken under the Anointing of the RUACH HA KODESH
Through Apostle Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu on December 31, 1996.
This is from Prophecy 105, YAHUVEH said to put this up on all Prophecies from
now on: I warned you a long time ago Elisabeth (Elisheva) not to name this
Ministry after a man or a woman even before there was a Ministry. I put it in
your spirit for none of this has been done by your hand, none of this has come
forth from your mouth. It is from the Mouth of YAHUVEH that has given birth. It
is from the Mouth of YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH that has given birth. It is from the
Mouth of the RUACH ha KODESH your IMMAYAH that has given birth. If it had only
been by your hand it would have failed long ago. It is by the SHKHINYAH GLORY’S
Wind that blows across this earth, the Holy Wind of Revival, it is not by your
breath or it would have failed. (Isaiah 42:8)
In July 2010 YAHUVEH GOD also said to add the following from 2nd Chronicles
before every Prophecy:
2 Chronicles 36:16, “But they mocked the Messengers of GOD, despised HIS Words,
and scoffed at HIS Prophets, until the wrath of the LORD arose against HIS
people, till there was no remedy.”
* * * * * * *
Precious YAHUSHUA, speak a word to your people this day. You put a prophecy
inside my Spirit that you were going to speak to the wolves in sheep’s clothing
and I ask in the name of YAHUSHUA, let it come forth. Let it chase the wolves
away from your sheep in fear. I ask in the name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, let
them not hear my voice, but they hear your voice. I ask in the name of YAHUSHUA,
speak forth to your people now and not let one word come forth out of these lips
from the flesh. But Let them truly be of the RUACH ha KODESH. In YAHUSHUA’s name
* * * * * * *
“LET MY PEOPLE GO!” A new prophecy is coming forth this day. A warning to the
wolves in sheep’s clothing that stand in the office of the apostle, prophet,
evangelist, pastor and teacher that are out to devour MY sheep to abuse, kill or
to maim them, control, deceive, or chase them away. “LET MY PEOPLE GO!” As in
the days of Moses, when I spoke to the Evil Pharaoh and I said, “LET MY PEOPLE
GO!” So I say unto you this day, to the wolves who pretend to be MINE, but do
not even know who I am! Those that pretend to love ME and serve ME and quote MY
words, and yet do not even know who I am! I say unto you this day “LET MY PEOPLE
There are many wolves in sheep’s clothing, they are doing miracles and signs and
wonders. They are saying they are doing these miracles in MY Name. They are on
your television and radio stations and yet I tell you this, it is not by the
power of MY RUACH ha KODESH that they do these things. It is by the Power of
hell itself. Do not be deceived. Do not be led astray. For the antichrist is
going to do this and so much more. Beware MY innocent children. There are those
reading this now that won’t listen, but later you will remember these words I
have spoken. Not all who do signs, wonders and miracles are of ME. There is
always a counterfeit, remember that. Satan only counterfeits the genuine
anointing and gifts of MY RUACH ha KODESH.
But I command these wolves this day who deceive MY sheep and lead them astray
with false doctrines, mind control, mind deception, mind manipulation, lying and
deceiving spirits. “LET MY PEOPLE GO!” I am a God that will not be MOCKED any
longer. You have stolen their tithes and offerings. That which is meant to be
holy and I tell you this now, you will be held accountable for all that you have
done. For you have done this in the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. You have
pretended to be MINE and yet your heart is far from ME. So I tell you this day,
“Wolves in sheep’s clothing, judgment starts at the house of YAHUVEH, even for
the church of the pretenders.
One last time “LET MY PEOPLE GO!” You have abused MY sheep and MY lambs you
wicked, evil shepherds, wolves in sheep’s clothing and wolves in a sheep’s mask.
You have beaten them unmercifully. You have made them think you are a god to be
worshipped and adored and only you can hear from ME. You have lied to them and
told them even they are a god, they are a little messiah. You twist MY
scriptures and lead them astray. The spirit of the pastor is the spirit of the
church. You evil shepherds, you take MY holy tithes and offerings and you make
the people think it is to go for redecorating or a new building and you line
your pockets with their gold and you think they have no right to know what it is
really going for. You have fleeced MY flock. You evil shepherds don’t teach
right from wrong.
NO, OH NO, you may lose your tithe or congregation if you speak the truth that
unconfessed sin, unrepentance and not turning away from sin leads to Hell. You
don’t tell them, fornication leads to hell if they don’t turn away. You don’t
teach that abortion is MURDER and leads to hell if not repented of. You don’t
teach homosexuality and adultery is a sin and leads to hell if not repented of.
You don’t teach be ye Holy as I am Holy, no, you set yourself up for MY wrath.
You’re afraid to speak out against the government for you’re afraid of losing
your tax exempt status. You don’t speak against other ministers that lead the
flock astray or they must be aware, for that might cause others to turn on you.
When you do tell others to live holy you live like the devil yourself. You, who
think I am blind and I can’t hear or see what you say and how you mock ME and
all that is holy, BEWARE! For if you don’t REPENT I will come when you least
expect it and you will only be fit for MY WRATH!
“LET MY PEOPLE GO!” I tell you this one more time! “LET MY PEOPLE GO!” Before
the ROD from Heaven comes down and destroys you workers of evil and sin. The
Great God, “I AM,” is not going to be mocked anymore. Church of the pretenders,
BEWARE! Pastors of the church of the pretenders BEWARE! Apostles, prophets,
teachers and evangelists of the church of the pretenders, BEWARE THE ROD OF MY
WRATH IS COMING! Turn away from evil. I am not a religion; I am a relationship
with your Creator and Savior. You preach it, now live it. I am not a God to be
mocked. NO LONGER WILL I BE MOCKED! You sit in these churches and you fill these
pews and yet you do not even know ME. You stand behind the pulpits and hear MY
words and preach MY Word and close your ears. For you do not even know ME. How
can you lead others to ME and expect them to stay saved, when you do not even
know ME? I say unto thee again, “LET MY PEOPLE GO!”
You are brutish and greedy pastors. You say do not speak against each other. You
cover up one another’s sins, yet you beat MY People unmercifully with your
words, actions, unlove and unconcern. You have a double standard and when they
see a pastor in sin, or another in the ministry, they are to close their ears
and eyes and dare not speak a word for to do so they are told; it is a sin to
reveal the pastor’s sin. Judgment has started at the house of the Lord and with
the spiritual leaders, even those pretending to be spiritual leaders and for
those leading MY People astray, you are held accountable this day.
Judgment has started at the House of YAHUVEH for the things you evil shepherds
have done. Oh I shall judge the heathen and I have begun to judge the heathen as
the plagues have been poured out. But YOU, YOU, YOU, who sit there so piously
you who claim to know MY Word. You who quote MY Word, you who say “IN YAHUSHUA
ha MASHIACH’s Name” and yet do not even know ME. “LET MY PEOPLE GO!” This day I
forewarn you for great plagues are going to come upon you that which this world
has not yet seen, like when I separated the Israelites and the Egyptians, but
this time, this time it will not only be the heathen that is punished.
This time when this new plague comes forth it will come upon those that have
claimed to be MINE and yet they do not know ME. They have stolen the tithes and
offerings. They claim to be MINE and yet they do not even know ME. They do not
even care. They have beaten MY sheep and driven them away and when they could
not control them they have shut their mouths and they have beaten them into
submission and driven them away. Oh come unto ME your Lord, your God, your
Savior MY Sheep and Lambs for I am the only GOOD SHEPHERD! I will nurse your
wounds, and I will give you rest.
Oh, oh, oh can you hear ME GRIEVE!! I didn’t do this to you, MY beloved. I
didn’t do this to you MY sheep, MY lambs, MY Children, MY Bride! Oh the wolves
will pay, for the ROD will come down upon the wolves in a mighty way this day. I
will show forth and I will expose the wolves and I shall use this vessel now
speaking and she in MY power shall rip the masks from your face and the sheep
shall see you for what you are. First you say you are a sheep and you put one
mask on, but underneath you have another mask and it is the mask of the wolf.
But I tell you underneath that mask the true face lies for it is the face of a
demon that speaks these lies and it comes from the very pit of Hell!
Oh, oh, oh I say unto you again before you become totally possessed by the
demon, wolves in sheep’s clothing, get deliverance now. Admit what you have done
before all of Heaven and earth RUN, RUN, RUN for I am the Lord God ALMIGHTY
YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH who you have MOCKED! You say you are not a ministry and yet
you pretend to minister or you claim to be a ministry and yet you fleece MY
flocks. I shall be the one that chases you with MY ROD and I am raising up an
army of Elijah’s and Jeremiah’s and John the Baptist’s and they shall come after
you, in MY Name and in MY POWER for MY GLORY ALONE!
You say I do not speak of judgment. You say I do not speak of wrath. You put MY
Holy Prophets down and you say, “The RUACH ha KODESH (Holy Spirit)?” Oh you poor
dear, you lack!” But I say unto you evil ones this day. I speak of judgment and
I speak of wrath and YOU, YOU, YOU who have spoken in MY Name. YOU, YOU, YOU who
have abused MY sheep and MY lambs YOU who have abused MY Bride, MY little babes
in YAHUSHUA! YOU, YOU, YOU, YOU shall feel MY Wrath in a mighty way as judgment
comes down on you, this very day.
Oh yes, you shall learn a sorrowful lesson. Oh yes, you evil shepherds you shall
learn it well if you do not repent this very day. This is what I do tell. This
is not a game that you decided to play. You fleeced MY flock and led them
astray, but I shall make you pay. Oh, are you going to pay. RUN WOLVES RUN!! Run
away from that which you intended to do. Run away from that which you have done,
run away, REPENT! Get on your knees, and cry out for mercy for that which you
have done. Cry out for mercy that can still come. You silence MY true Prophets
and apostles. You say, “If you can’t speak good and make me feel good, that if
it doesn’t edify, and exhort, and build you up,” you say, “NO.” You don’t want
to hear any prophecies from them. You call them false prophets and say, “Go
Truly the RUACH ha KODESH is not speaking forth from you today. Although I send
them time and time again and WARN and WARN and WARN and you close your ears and
you pretend that I am not even speaking, yet in your heart you fear that other
people will hear. How many you have led astray. How many have you lied to? How
many have you convinced that they are a god and they stood before ME, and I had
to say GO AWAY! It is because of you, you evil leaders that I have had to say,
“Depart from me ye workers of inequity I never knew you and to Hell you’re going
to stay” You take MY words and you twist it to mean that which I did not mean.
You evil leaders, you fed them poison when instead MY Word is as a Honey Comb,
Sweet, oh, so sweet. It’s meant to be pleasing and yet strong meat. The milk is
meant to be simple, even for the simplest babe and yet you turn it into poison
with the lies which you have said. You teach them that I will not come again.
You tell them since the time of Noah this has been said. Instead you teach them
to mock and you teach them to laugh at all MY RUACH ha KODESH is doing and all
that is said. You teach them that abortion is right and homosexuals are love and
that I will not judge this sin, but can’t you see that I alone am pure and holy
and that the abomination comes from below and not from above. It is true, I love
the sinner. It is true, I hate the sin. It’s an ABOMINATION in MY eyes and
everyone who is listening can hear MY RUACH ha KODESH (Holy Spirit) within.
OH! HEAR ME! OH, HEAR ME! OH, HEAR ME, you preachers and leaders who have led MY
flock astray. OH! HEAR ME! OH! HEAR ME! OH, HEAR ME, wolves get away from MY
flocks this day or I shall strike you down in your prime. I shall strike you
down in your pulpits. There are going to be deaths. Among those who have dared
to defy ME this day. I will expose your secret sins in a greater way if you
think that you have seen it thus far; just wait for I have just begun.
You who are unequally yoked I say unto you this day. LISTEN CLOSELY! Incline
your ears to every word I say. Oh there are so many marriages that I have not
ordained. There are so many marriages and in MY eyes I tell you this, I cannot
bear the stain of the sin that covers MY Bride for they are the ones that have
done this. I tell you this, listen close to what I am about to say.
I speak unto the heathen that they are married to, who cover them with every
kind of perversion, evil, guilt, and sin. LET MY BRIDE GO! You have contaminated
her with SEXUAL SIN! You are out there whoring and then you come to her. I tell
you this; you husbands who have been led astray. I tell you this, those who have
husbands who have gone a whoring. Satan seeks to contaminate MY Bride, that
which is suppose to be Spotless and White and I tell you this right now. I WILL
ANYMORE! I am taking MY Sword and I am dividing marriages. Those who are Godly
will stand; those which are not will fall. I am not in DIVORCE it is only more
I come to set MY Children free and that is what exactly it’s going to be. Oh you
who claim to be MINE and are married to Godly women, and yet you surf the
internet for sin and porn. You contaminate your eyes, and you commit adultery
with your spirit and soul and yet you think no one is going to know. Well, I’ve
got news for you and believe ME I am telling you and it’s true for I am a God
that cannot lie for this sin if you don’t repent, YOU ARE GOING TO DIE for you
have contaminated MY Bride! Marriage is meant to be holy. Don’t you understand?
Marriage is meant to be holy. It is between a woman and a man. The marriage bed
is meant to be HOLY for it represents the ONENESS in ME.
For when you are together, truly Mind, Body, Spirit and Soul then you are one
with ME and the Holy Trinity. But how can you be one with one that goes whoring
around? How can you be one whose mind thinks of every kind of sin? How can you
be one that hates MY very Name? Oh I tell you this and I am going to make it
very plain. I will no longer tolerate MY Bride being contaminated by sexual sin.
I will no longer tolerate this and you better take these words seriously, for
you see, I am not a God that can be mocked and you know MY very voice and I tell
you this, be you the husband or the wife, you are not betraying them you are
betraying YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH! Especially you so called Christian husbands who
claim to be MINE and yet MY Spirit you cannot hear and your spiritual eyes are
blind. You have not just betrayed that husband and you have not just betrayed
that wife. I tell you this, once again you have betrayed YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH! I
am going to hold you up to open SHAME! It was the beginning when this President
of this nation went before the people and said, “Although I have done wrong,
it’s none of your business” and the people agreed.
Well, I tell you this, this day. It is the Lord God ALMIGHTY’S business for I
warn you this day. Church of the pretenders listen closely to what I say. Even
if you pretend to be MINE, even if you pretend like the leader of this nation
pretends to be MINE I will hold you up to OPEN SHAME as I have done this leader
and I will do it again. You who claim to be MINE, you sneak behind the spouses
back and you go into adulterous relationships and sexual sin and lust, you have
no lack. But I tell you this when you’re in the very act of adultery the very
next time, remember this, the very breath you breathe, the very next heartbeat
is MINE, you won’t know what day or time. I am going to let the spouse know
exactly what you’re all about. The world is going to shake their head and
they’re not going to understand why PROSTATE CANCER is so prevalent in man. But
I am going to show exactly what I think of sex sin and I am going to show and
you have been warned this day that you are held accountable for what you now
You had better REPENT and fall on your face and knees and you had better REPENT
not only before your Almighty Lord YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH and I will forgive you
today, but then you must confess to the spouse you have offended and betrayed.
For I tell you this, I am not going to be mocked, no not another day. You may be
in the very act of adultery and think you got away with it. But I tell you this;
I the Lord God will drop you DEAD and you know not when I am going to do it and
you will slide on your own SPERM right into HELL! I am telling you this for I am
a God of mercy, you listen and you listen well. You’re taught, “Oh well, I am
just a man. I can do whatever I want as long as my wife doesn’t see it then all
is well.”
But you forget you have a Heavenly Father even if you’re pretending to be MINE,
I know you oh so well and you so called Christian women who claim to be MINE are
NO better. You slip away how many days and you think as long as my husband
doesn’t know then everything is all right. But I tell you this day, I am holding
you into account and you too know not when I will take your life! You too will
be plagued with cancers and there shall be no cure. Take ME at MY Word for these
words you know you hear are of MY RUACH ha KODESH and fear has come upon you.
For you know who I am speaking to. It’s YOU and YOU and YOU! You can pass all
the laws you want, and try and say same sex marriage is holy.
But oh, these states who pass this law are going to regret it, because I will
not be mocked. For the institution of marriage was set up to be Holy! It
symbolizes the unity of the Father, Son and HOLY GHOST. We are one and when you
marry, you are one. If you marry a heathen there is always going to be a
struggle whether it’s lightness trying to take over darkness, or darkness trying
to take over lightness. But I have heard the cries of MY Children who are in
unequally yoked bondage and I am telling you this day, through this Prophet
Sherrie Elijah [Elisheva Sherrie Eliyahu], I am speaking it forth in a mighty
I am going to require the life of the one that continues to contaminate MY Bride
of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH! MY Children those that truly know ME you are to live in
this world yet not become like this world. Be ye Holy as I am Holy, live Holy,
talk Holy, think Holy and act Holy! Separate from all that is unholy. Unholiness
should have no place in thee. Children pray in the Name of YAHUSHUA for I will
set you free. Then have faith it is done and just believe.
So it is spoken, so it has been written under anointing of RUACH ha KODESH
8/26/98 10:42 am
To this Child, Warrior, Bride, Handmaiden
Apostle Sherrie Elijah (Elisheva Sherrie Eliyahu)
Spoken under the Anointing of the RUACH HA KODESH
Through Apostle Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu on August 26, 1998
Urgent - SOS
This is from Prophecy 105, YAHUVEH said to put this up on all Prophecies from
now on: I warned you a long time ago Elisabeth (Elisheva) not to name this
Ministry after a man or a woman even before there was a Ministry. I put it in
your spirit for none of this has been done by your hand, none of this has come
forth from your mouth. It is from the Mouth of YAHUVEH that has given birth. It
is from the Mouth of YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH that has given birth. It is from the
Mouth of the RUACH ha KODESH your IMMAYAH that has given birth. If it had only
been by your hand it would have failed long ago. It is by the SHKHINYAH GLORY’S
Wind that blows across this earth, the Holy Wind of Revival, it is not by your
breath or it would have failed. (Isaiah 42:8)
In July 2010 YAHUVEH GOD also said to add the following from 2nd Chronicles
before every Prophecy:
2 Chronicles 36:16, “But they mocked the Messengers of GOD, despised HIS Words,
and scoffed at HIS Prophets, until the wrath of the LORD arose against HIS
people, till there was no remedy.”
* * * * * * *
Anointed Holy Eagles come forth. This is an Eagle’s call. Baby Eagles come
forth. Attention all Hindu’s and Buddhists and all other religions, The God of
creation calls you to listen to this prophecy. We stand together or fall
together all our religious freedoms are at risk. We worship a different god but
in this area of religious freedom, when one is taken, all will be take. Anointed
Holy Eagles, arise. Come forth in YAHUSHUA’s Name! Fight against the attacks of
the unholy vultures! Anointed Holy Eagles of MINE, I have hidden you safely away
from this world’s eyes, away from the church systems. I have hidden you and
taught you how to fly and soar for such a time like this. You have been out of
the nest and are no longer baby Eagles, but you are mature spiritually,
discerning with the eyes of the eagle, and you know MY voice.
Those reading this that are still baby Eagles, don’t worry. The more spiritually
mature anointed Holy Eagles shall nourish you, and protect you, and even teach
you how to war in the spiritual realm, in a higher realm then you have soared
before. Anointed Holy Eagles be warned! The unholy vultures are gathering
against you and are going to try and devour you as prey. But you will not become
prey if you will seek MY face and humble yourself and pray for MY instructions
and soar higher when I tell you to soar and dive bomb the enemy when I tell you
to dive. They will be the prey in MY Holy Name, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. Anointed
Holy Eagles of MINE, I have hidden and taught you for such a time like this.
Seek MY face in a new way. Believe that you have heard MY voice in the
wilderness for I have called and you have known what to do when the time would
Anointed Holy Eagles, I have given you the keen eyesight of an Eagle. You can
discern your enemy and prey from afar off. I have given you sharp razor talons
that carry MY double-edged sword. Use it for MY glory! Think nothing is
impossible when you call upon MY Name YAHUSHUA. What was impossible before will
not be any more, if you can just believe with your own eyes you shall see. The
unholy vultures gather against you and seek to take the necessities of life away
from you water, food, heat, shelter, finances, electricity, gasoline, oil,
clothes, communications. The unholy vultures seek to take your religious
freedoms away from you. They look at you and mock the God you serve. Anointed
Holy Eagles, they seek to destroy your nests that I so loving built with MY own
hands. They seek to devour your young. The unholy vultures now devour your young
and you have stood by and watched as you lost more freedom each year, as your
children are taught that which I have not taught them. Not all knowledge is
profitable for the young.
Your young children are being force-fed filth that has polluted their minds,
bodies, spirits and, yes, souls! MY anointed Holy Eagles have said, “What am I
to do, for it is out of my control?” You have called to ME, the Father Eagle,
and I say to you, take back what the enemy has stolen. Take back what the unholy
vultures have stolen and are stealing. I have given you the foresight how to do
this. You have said it is too hard. Is it not hard to watch your children be led
to hell? You have lost your right to discipline your children and you stood by
as the states dictate how to raise your children and what morality to give them.
Is it any wonder the younger generation is now is in rebellion? Did I not
forewarn you this would happen through the prophets and apostles? Did I not
forewarn you this would happen through MY Holy Word? Why do you not fight the
unholy vultures? Is it because you think they out number you?
Anointed Holy Eagles, you must gather and fast and pray for this world. The
unholy vultures seek not one religion as prey, the unholy vultures seek not one
nation or country or province. The unholy vultures that gather against you seek
to corrupt and control the ENTIRE WORLD. There is no religion that believes in a
God that the unholy vultures will not seek to devour as prey. It is not only MY
Children that the unholy vultures seek to devour but warn those that do not
worship I, YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA and the RUACH ha KODESH! The unholy vultures will
also seek to devour and shall devour the Buddhists, Hindu’s among other
religions although they do not submit to MY authority as they lose their
religious freedoms so shall you if you don’t gather together now and fight the
unholy vultures that gather together against you all.
When one loses their religious freedoms, you all lose it. All will lose their
freedom to worship. Now will you care for one another? You have the gold and
silver to create idols, use it to fight the unholy vultures. The idols can’t
speak or war but those that oppose you will speak and war against you. Use what
means I have given you, not only spiritually but legally and financially. Satan
seeks to go ahead of MY timing. Satan seeks to destroy before the time I have
set. I will allow this if you do not gather together and pray that you will not
become food for the unholy vultures. Do not let race, creed, tongue or religious
beliefs stop you from fighting this beast that comes in the form of an unholy
vulture, but is a beast of great proportion. For it is like a fatted beast and
it has been eating little by little at your freedoms in all ways until the word
freedom no longer speaks of freedom, but is bondage in disguise.
The unholy vultures come in this form to mock MY RUACH ha KODESH, which came in
the form of a dove. The unholy vultures even poison the air that you breathe and
will mark you in ways you least expect, setting you apart from others, for they
know who are MY Anointed Holy Eagles and who are the young to the unholy
vultures. Beware your very blood will betray you and will be forced to cry out
and identify who you are. No race or nationality will be kept secret once the
blood is forced to cry out. Be cautious of all surgical procedures for your own
body will cry out and betray you. Learn of MY natural medicines and seek the
hidden Anointed Holy Eagles I have trained and nurtured and raised for such a
time as this. Scoff not at their wisdom, for it is I, YAHUVEH, who has taught
them how to save your lives when you can no longer go to the physicians for they
will not be part of the Holy Eagles any more but will belong to the unholy
vultures so they can practice medicine.
It will be rare when the doctors will not do what the unholy vultures command
them to do. You have been warned. Beware of any type of injections for the
unholy vultures have plans to use this as a weapon against you and your young
Eagles. Do not be dismayed and have faith when I tell you to soar as the Eagle
soars and to fly somewhere. Do not question ME. Just move when I say move. Can
an Eagle stand still in the sky? NO, neither can you. All MY Anointed Holy
Eagles shall follow one another and not even understand what they are doing as
they fly in perfect formation not one wing overlapping another wing all will
circle the same prey the unholy vultures and will discern who is an anointed
Holy Eagle and who is a unholy vulture.
The baby Eagles who cannot fly alone will have to be carried on the wings of the
more spiritually mature anointed Holy Eagles. I will speak more on this when you
retain what I have already spoken here. One more thing, remember this and do not
take this lightly. You must ask MY Blessings and protection from this moment on
for every morsel of food you eat and every beverage you drink, thank ME for it.
Get in the habit now for there is coming a time when you will find it necessary
to eat what you rather not eat and drink what you rather not drink but all will
be a blessing to your body. Yes even that which I have forewarned you is unclean
MY Son YAHUSHUA’s Blood will make clean when it is necessary!
Learn to be grateful in small things now and take nothing I give you for
granted. Even your fruit and vegetables have not the nutrients that I created in
them. The water and air has polluted them and the soil is depleted of minerals
needed. You don’t even know what a fruit or vegetable should taste like anymore.
It is rare if you do. As for meats, again I say you do not understand that which
you have eaten the unholy vultures have poisoned in so many ways. The water you
drink you don’t even know why your body doesn’t crave water the way I created it
to thirst. It is because even the water is not the way I created it. That is why
you must pray blessings on all you partake in MY Son YAHUSHUA’s Name. Ask ME to
bless the food and beverages so it will be a blessing to your body and not a
curse to it.
Lastly, I tell you this although all won’t understand, but MY Anointed Holy
Eagles must honor ME on the true Sabbath! I will speak to them on this day if
they will acknowledge ME and worship ME in a special way on this day. On this
day set your work aside and Love and Honor ME even more than all the other days
of the week. Let this be our time together. I am so jealous for your time. Even
those who do MY work, set this time aside for ME. It is healthy for not only
your mind, spirit, and soul, but also your body. Ask ME what I want you to do
that day and include ME for that is our day of rest together. Everyone has a
different way of resting in ME but on the Sabbath just include ME. I am the Lord
of the Sabbath and don’t forget it! I shall return on the Sabbath! Not the one
the unholy vultures decree either (Sunday).
Now take these words and digest them as food for your mind, body, spirit and
soul. More will be forth coming but listen as I speak forth the words through MY
other Anointed Holy Eagles, for no one Anointed Holy Eagle has all the answers.
You need one another and never let ME see an injured Holy Eagle be devoured by
another Holy Eagle. Help one another to soar high in the sky and have faith.
Psalm 91 is your secret nest where I dwell.
* * * * * * *
So it is spoken, so it is written, given to one of MY anointed Holy Eagles,
Elisabeth Sherrie Elijah [Elisheva Eliyahu]
On 9/9/99 I was in Quebec Canada and that is when the Lord told me that
everything was set up for the Mark of the Beast system! It is only waiting for
the right timing! We are now one year later and GOD is telling me to sound the
alarm and prepare for war spiritually and stop the vultures and their plans. I
am no one special believe me don’t think I am. I have no idea why the RUACH ha
KODESH gives me these messages to give to the people when he could send someone
more popular and well known that people will listen to. I only obey and speak
forth because I know I will be held accountable for what I know GOD has said to
If you agree that these warnings are important then please will you ask for
prayer intercession and pray now that martial law will not be implemented, also
our property rights not taken away, and also no one world government meaning
United Nations taking over school, lands, police, utilities etc. and cashless
society will not come into effect Oct. 2000. I can’t go into this much detail on
the web site for obvious reasons. Please also pray that GOD will stop the
utility company’s we depend on such as phone, water, electricity, sewer, gas, to
raise the prices to where the average person can’t afford them. This is URGENT!
Read our guest book. A Sister in YAHUSHUA, has informed me that it is already
happening in California. In South Carolina, another Sister told me the water
bill is doubling. Read the dream on the Red Plague Dream page about our Sister
whose husband is put in jail for being accused of NOT paying his water bill.
Now I understand YAHUSHUA will protect us but I also know that he has safe
havens that will be protected for a time from the reach of the beast system.
Since I am Jewish I think of the Holocaust and the Jews sitting there believing
YAHUVEH would protect them. I grieve and wonder why he didn’t. Others he did
protect by telling them to flee. You see dear one when GOD sends the cloud of
Glory we are to move by day, and when GOD sends the pillar of fire at night we
are to move, we are not to just sit there and no nothing and just assume that is
what GOD wants. There are safe sanctuaries of land for a short time. I am trying
so hard to find out where they are right now. I know GOD told me where the
mountains and oceans come together…not much of a clue I know…climate that is
mild, not too hot or cold, more of a secluded area, and someone is coming that
will have more answers than me.
Believe me I will know when that man comes for he is a warrior in the spiritual
realm and full of the RUACH ha KODESH wisdom in so many areas. For all of our
sakes please agree that man will come forth now. Strange ’cause GOD says I am
like Nehemiah on the Temple wall and I am not to come down because of the
enemies’ attacks. I felt led of the LORD to share this with you.
For those that believe they have spiritual revelation and discernment,
instructions, please email me quickly our time is short to do what we must.
Please pray also for the release of finances as I have been told to help take
care of the prophets and those being sent and right now have no extra finances
to do this. If while praying you believe you know where the safe havens will be
for a short time away from the Beast system being set up please contact me right
away. I must confess to you I am so busy fending off attacks coming from every
direction it seems that I haven’t been able to focus totally on praying for this
the way I should be. I now turn to you for intercession not only for this
minister, and ministry, but for wisdom of the Lord YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. For the
bible says, “If any man lack wisdom let him ask and I will give it to him
liberally”. So let’s ALL ask together and that someone will hear what we need to
know and may all the gifts of the RUACH ha KODESH be stirred up as you read
this. “When the enemy comes in, like a flood GOD will raise up a standard
against him.
Love your Sister in YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH
Rev. Elisabeth Sherrie Elijah [Elisheva Eliyahu]