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Archangel Michael Appears To Elisheva In South Africa!


Have Been Blessed And Honored From Heaven!

On June 27th 2006 I went to my favorite seaside restaurant. We were sitting there when I looked up at a dark-haired, tan-skinned, very handsome man who stared back with a look of recognition and love. His huge smile was focused totally on me. Because it was so unusual, I am going to try to explain that look on his face.

I didn't smile at first because I was so shocked. First, he looked at me with a spiritual connection and as though he knew me. Also, he was exceptionally handsome. I quickly bent my head and thought, 'I don't know this man, why would he be looking at me like that?' I said to myself, 'I must be imagining things.' So I looked up again.

The man was still staring at me with that big grin on his face, totally focused on me as if no one else was in the restaurant. Not knowing what else to do, I smiled back and mouthed the word, "Hi". The restaurant was so crowded that you could barely hear individuals speak. He stood inside, on the entrance way before the tables.

I quickly said, "He must be one of us and sees the Holy Spirit on me or anointing." I don't even remembers his clothes or the color of them. (I know it wasn't a robe--I would remember that!) All I remember is his face.

Later that night during prayer, it was revealed to us who this man was. YAHUSHUA said to me, "You entertain angels unaware." YAHUSHUA reminded me why the man looked familiar to me; I had seen his face before, not only on earth but also in Heaven. Many years ago during a severe time of crisis in my life, I was walking down a sidewalk in Hammond, Indiana. (I had not yet given my life to YAHUSHUA, because no one had introduced HIM to me).

I was walking on the sidewalk in my own world of pain when I made eye contact with a man. He stopped and stared at me. I stopped and stared at him. Both of us were smiling, looking into one another's eyes, never saying a word. It was like I recognized him, but yet I had never met him on earth. I couldn't get over how exceptionally handsome he was and didn't understand why he would want to look at me like he knew me.

I now know the man was the same man I saw in the restaurant in South Africa. The same thoughts were in my head recently in South Africa. Afterwards we parted ways; I just continued walking, but to this day I will always believe I saw my angel. Back then I didn't even know the name of any angel.

During this prayer time, I was told that the man in Hammond, Indiana, was the same man in South Africa. The angel's name is Michael the Archangel, in Heaven! I just have to wonder...did anyone else see him? The place was packed and we had the last table. Where did he go?

The next day (June 28, 2006) as confirmation, Brother Conrad from Africa contacted us. (You can read about him in the "Hello from Africa"Open Letter further down in this message. If you didn't read it please do. He is the man who YAHUVEH led to this Ministry in an unusual way. The name Elijah was written in the most unusual way on electrical supply boxes hundreds of miles away. I have no doubt Angels wrote the 3 words on those separate boxes. Very shortly we will post the pictures he sent me of it to prove what he says is true).

Brother Conrad called me and asked me--as a prayer intercessor--how everything was going. This was the first phone call I have received from him. I told him about the angelic visitation. He surprised me and told us he had seen his angel appear to him in the form of a human about a week before. He has seen the same man about 20 times!


I truly believe the Bride of YAHUSHUA is seeing, or will see, their personal guardian angels appear before them in one way or another.

I know that some of mine include Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael. Michael is always sent when I am in dangerous situations. Lately in Africa, I bet I've keep him busy fighting the evil away. I know that Michael is appearing to me for a very good reason. He wants to let me know that this ministry and those with us have an extra covering of protection. Remember Michael is the Ruling Angel over the other angels. He will personally throw satan in the bottomless pit and lock him up. Only one angel will do that--not an army of angels! This is how strong he is.

Michael is also the main angel that protects Israel. I am honored that one of his tasks is protecting me. He was told by YAHUSHUA to appear to me; I believe he has also come to deliver an important message. Will it have anything to do with YAHUSHUA'S return for HIS Bride? Has he come to give me a message for Rosh Hashanah 2006? Only time will tell.

About a year ago on May 24, 2005, holy angels came to our bedroom and stood beside our bed. I touched the wings of the nearest angel and I saw the wings sparkling with embedded jewels. I was healed of something life-threatening by touching the wings of an angel. (I still have to write more on this miracle but it was mentioned on the site when YAHUSHUA's Demon Stompers was birthed. In the book soon to be released, I will go into it more in detail).

I never looked upon their faces because I was focused on the wing. However, I always knew Michael was one of the two angels that visited me.

Keep an eye out for your Holy Angel because I don't doubt you will also be seeing him. (Let me know if you think you have). When you see your angel, it may come in the form of a man or a woman.

One time I had my angels come in the form of two women and I've never forgotten that experience. Again I was in a crisis situation. This time I was saved, sanctified, and filled with the Ruach ha Kodesh, although at that time I knew nothing about the Jewishness of our MESSIAH...and I called the Ruach the Holy Spirit. My identical twin sons-–aged five-—were with me and I was trapped in an abusive marriage. If you read my testimony you will see I am divorced.

I remember they had wanted to go out for pizza. Depressed, I chose the closest pizzeria to the grocery store we were shopping at. As we entered and sat down at the table, I noticed two middle aged women sitting at the table across from me. They were focused on us and smiling and quietly talking.

I thought to myself, 'This no big deal, they just think my twins are cute because they are identical.' I ordered a pizza and the whole time we were eating, the two women-–one was white and one was black—-kept starring at us. They continued to smile and talk quietly. I knew they were talking about me, but I didn't know why they would be. The kids behaved very well.

When we had nearly finished our pizza, they got up and did the strangest thing. Without even looking at me, they approached the table and bent over to my twin sons. The darker woman said, "Now you take care of your mother, you hear?". The lighter woman said to the boys, "You promise?" After that they smiled at me without saying a word and left giving me an expression like, "Don't worry! It will get better." All of a sudden I knew the Holy Spirit revealed to me that I had just had a visitation from two holy angels. The same scripture mentioned earlier was given to me, "You entertain angels unaware."

I thank all of you for your messages of encouragement, love and also for all your financial support. We especially thank the prayer warriors who are interceding. We can feel the anointing power in your prayers. We want those who are praying for us to know how dearly we love and appreciate you and that we also pray for you. Although we can't name all of you, we know that everyone who is praying blessings upon us, the same blessing will come upon them also. YAHUSHUA said, in proportion to the way that you are blessed, I will bless others who are praying for you.

Much love your Sister in YAHUSHUA,

P.S. To those who are our enemies and your sending curses, etc., is it any wonder now that you are feeling the effects of those curses? Be assured: your curses are not touching us but are returning to you. We wear the Ephesians 6 armor of YAHUVEH and it is never removed.

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June 19, 2006


Elisheva Now Ministering In Africa!

The following is an update and open letter to Africa from Elisheva. But first, it is URGENT we get prayer intercessors. These email warnings nearly came back to back and these prophets do not know each other:


from Joseph in Hong Kong:

Satan and the anti-Messiah have a lot of booby traps set up to trap you. It could be something of complicated design, so please watch out. As we step up our service and work and warfare, so does our adversary. The anti-Messiah is a person of amazing competency, for I saw him in a dream once. He sure noticed us in the spiritual realm. I think it is a time when it is necessary to consult YAHUVEH for every step that we take.

from Lorraine in South Africa:

Dear Elisheva,

Here is the message I sent to you this morning somehow it came back to me l don’t how...

I greet you in the Mighty Name of YAHUSHUA MESSIAH, I pray you are having a blessed time in South Africa, and hope you find time to read this message.

I feel a strong urging in my spirit (I am not feeling 100% sure, but l feel it) to tell you that the blood covering of YAHUSHUA must be intensified around you and EVERY child of YAHUVEH that has come on this trip with you. The prayer covering by the prayer warriors must be intensified as well; l feel the enemy’s agents in South Africa rising up against the message you have come to deliver. Call for prayer warriors to begin to INTERCEDE WITHOUT CEASEING, l will begin to intercede. May YAHUVEH that we love and serve, protect and encamp around you and yours.



Shalom beloved Family in YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH Hello from Africa! I never thought I would be saying those words!

Elisheva Eliyahu

I am told by YAHUSHUA to let those who are truly Holy, who YAHUSHUA calls YAHUSHUA'S Demon Stompers, to COME FORTH. We truly need you in a way we have never needed you before to intercede for us, NOT JUST CASUALLY, but truly for hours at a time. We need your prayers for divine protection, direction and loving support from our Brethren. We didn't ask to come to Africa. In fact I cried and begged for days for YAHUSHUA not to send us here. He said to me, "Elisheva, don't be like unto a Jonah". Of course we obeyed.

Now we are here and so many invitations are coming. Even a Pastor from Nigeria wrote me yesterday and invited me to be part of a 3-day crusade in Lagos, Nigeria, where at least 300,000 people would come. He even said he needed to know before late July because he wanted my picture to start promoting the Crusade. However, we also know the enemies now know we are here and we truly need those who are Holy to cover us in prayers, love and encouragement and financial support, like never before.

I have received a prophecy for Africa that will greatly anger the servants of satan. Praise YAHUSHUA for the increase of anointing and the warnings from the prophets who know we have been sent here. So much is happening and so many invitations are coming to various parts of Africa: Uganda, Rwanda, Zimbabwe. I can't name all the places, there are so many. We have been sent to be a blessing to Africa for the Holy, but the evil will also feel the wrath of YAHUVEH, especially if they try and harm us in anyway.

The first morning we awoke in our new high security townhouse in Africa, I remembered a dream I had on 6/6/6 I have only shared it with one other person. Now I share it with the world.

I hate it that even the enemies will read this. Don't think I don't know that we even have our enemies, servants of satan, read to try to learn how to try and defeat us. We even have been told by YAHUSHUA who are our enemies on the email list that is sent out over the internet. I know you by your silence, how you never offer encouragement and your presence.

We don't remove you from the email list because we were told by YAHUVEH that HE prepares a banquet table before us in the presence of our enemies. Psalm 23. We know and it has been proven more times than I can count: for those who attack us or pray to satan for our harm, Vengeance is mine saith YAHUVEH, HE will repay you for the evil you are doing not only on this earth but for all eternity.


I dreamt I was sent to rescue mothers and children and women from "the daughter of lucifer’s house." I warned them this is a evil cult and of satan and I was helping them to escape from the house. However the fathers to the children did not believe me and refused to leave.


PLEASE if you know other Holy people who believe the truths in this ministry, especially if they are prophets, will you ask them to write me please and pray for us? Please PRAY we are hidden in the shed blood of YAHUSHUA and a Holy wall of fire where the enemies cannot come near us or touch us or they will be consumed with the fire of YAHUVEH'S wine press of wrath, in the name of YAHUSHUA.

You know YAHUSHUA gave me the strangest word after we arrived here: HE said HE would not fault us if we ran from this land and did not finish what HE sent us here to do. Thus far, we have chosen to remain. You will understand more why satan and the servants of satan want to silence me when you hear the prophecy for Africa. It will truly bless the Holy People in Africa who have waited for this blessing! It will cause the servants of satan to hate me more. Holy people who love, worship and obey YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA, please contact me NOW, let me know we have not come to Africa in vain, that you will stand with this Ministry and lovingly support it.

Africans, this is your land, we are only sent here as a blessing to you, so your land will no longer be called a dark continent but an anointed continent of light! Isn't that what you prayed me here for? How many over the years would write to tell me, while fasting they received the name of "Amightywind"? How many have invited me to come? So many, I have lost track. We are here. This ministry is here. So now won't you contact us? Bride of YAHUSHUA in Africa come forth! In the name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH!

One last thing, where YAHUVEH has given us a temporary home the view from our backyard is a huge Orthodox Jewish Synagogue. It turns out we are in the midst of a Orthodox Jewish neighborhood. It’s very large one where even the store has an entire Kosher food and meat section. I grieve more then anything else when the Orthodox Jews refuse to accept YAHUSHUA as Messiah. I grieve when any soul refuses the shed blood at Calvary, the only remission for sin.

The gift that YAHUSHUA gave was His life and blood and arose from the dead on the 3rd day. The grief that is the greatest is when I know that the Orthodox Jews accept YAHUVEH, but deny the only way to Heaven, YAHUSHUA. PRAY & INTERCEDE for us please. My prayer is that we will reach at least some of the Orthodox Jews and they will accept YAHUSHUA Ha MASHIACH before our lease is up.

I also thought you would be interested in hearing the most beautiful way that YAHUSHUA led another Brother in YAHUSHUA to this Ministry. The most unusual way YAHUSHUA ever brought anyone to this Ministry has to be this way thus far. A Brother from Africa wrote me and gave me permission to share this with you, to give YAHUSHUA all praise honor and Glory! Since we have had trouble with the search engines getting in top pages again, but it is being worked on, we rely on the Ruach Ha Kodesh to lead the people and HE does.

YAHUSHUA has his own way to let Holy People know we are in Africa and to trust this Ministry. This is so spectacular that we are going to include it in the book that is now being written. The book will end up with our experience thus far in Africa and what it took to get here. Please pray blessings on this Brother in YAHUSHUA and his family. Here is his own words that will be included in the book we are writing. For the GLORY OF YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH!

Also, his wife had a dream of the meteor showers that will fall like never before, flaming black rocks! Read about this where it was prophesied through me years ago. Dear Elisheva Eliyahu,

I'm writing this letter to you from South Africa. I have a very strong feeling of urgency for writing this letter to you. I have found your website on the internet. In the past few weeks my wife and I have experienced some amazing events. I really want to share my story of how I miraculously discovered your website.

Two days ago, I was driving my wife to work. I'm currently working at home. As I stopped at an intersection, something on the right side of the road drew my attention. I just had to look. Turning my head way backwards, I saw an electricity supply box. I noticed a few words were spray painted on it: Two words were in the color white: "take" and "trust". The other word was spray painted in an orange color. But, I could not make out what the word was exactly. It was something like "Elia" or "Elisha". The paint was flowing downwards, which made it hard to read clearly. I felt much urgency to read this. Very strange.

The next day after fetching my wife from work, I thought I just had to go back to the same box and read the words again. And there it was, the same two words in white paint: "take" and "trust". There was also the word "Elijah" spray painted in another color in the same spot as the day before, even spelled out very clearly. But, this time the color of the word "Elijah" was in purple in different handwriting. There were no signs of any orange paint on the same spot, from the day before.

Then a wonderful thing happened. My wife and I suddenly looked at the sky and saw the sun, reflecting rays from behind the most beautiful clouds. The rays were so bright and touching the ground. It was a sight that we have never seen before. We both felt so calm during that moment. As we looked, in front of us, we saw the name "Elijah" written in two places. This time spray painted on the walls of a building across the street. At that moment, I felt that I just had to search for the name "Elijah" on the internet.

Then I remembered discovering this prophecy a few days ago: Prophecy 67

It was late at night when I read it, so I did not read everything. But, after reading the name "Elijah" on the electricity supply box, I just had to go back and to the home page: http://amightywind.com.

So, this is how I came across your website. I would also like to share something with you.

A few weeks ago my wife had a dream. She dreamt that she and her family were standing outside an old white house next to the coast, here in South Africa. The house was abandoned. In the house there was one room in the middle and several rooms leading from that one. All the people around the house were very calm.

Suddenly the sky became dark red and black. Dark clouds were forming. They started whirling with black and red colors. The sky went really dark, although it was mid-day. The next moment, there were pieces of black rock falling everywhere. Each rock was covered with fire and a smoke trail.

Some of the people ran into the house. My wife and her family went to the middle of the house where it is safest. The rest of the people were in the other rooms. The black rocks were striking all the rooms of the house except the one in the middle. Luckily, no one was injured. Then all of a sudden everything stopped. She went out. The sky cleared up and the sun was shining.

A few moments later, the sky became black and red again. This time she warned everybody to follow her up the hill, but only a few followed. There were two paths up the hill: a gravel path and a tarred one. The tarred road seemed easier to follow, but not very safe, as it was lower than the gravel road.

She and her family followed the gravel road, which led higher up the hill. The black rocks were striking buildings next to the coast. Everything down there was demolished. She and her family took cover under a few green trees on the hill. She shouted the following words. "Please Lord help us". At that moment, she woke up out of the dream.


Immediately after Elisheva wrote the previous letter, the alarm in the temporary house went off. I Elisheva heard a door slam. Even though the alarm was shut off, or disarmed in seconds, armed security arrived in less than 5 minutes! We need faithful prayer warriors. This is a whole new way of life! We truly do not know the kind of evil that the princes and powers and principalities and rulers in dark places have over this land. We need someone to come and mentor us to know more how to fight this evil. Please contact us.

Holy people who love, worship and obey YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA in Africa please contact Elisheva NOW, let her know they have not come to Africa in vain and that you will stand with this Ministry and lovingly support it.

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June 1, 2006


Beloved Family of YAHUSHUA we greet you around this world, HAPPY PENTECOST! We celebrate Pentecost because it celebrates the day the Ruach ha Kodesh filled the disciples to overflowing and signs, wonders and miracles did follow. Read the book of Acts and know that the same Holy Spirit can fill you the same way.

YAHUSHUA had to die for our sins and arise from the dead for this to happen, but HE did instruct the disciples to go to the upper room on Shavuot, the day of Pentecost, and they were filled with a new anointing like all of us who are Holy before YAHUSHUA can also expect. I love the precious RUACH HA KODESH. Without the comforter, also called the Holy Spirit, coming to us so we are drawn to YAHUSHUA'S loving arms, who could be saved? Without the conviction of the Ruach ha Kodesh reminding us to stay Holy, and to encourage our faith, where would we be? I am so grateful for the anointing of the Ruach ha Kodesh. Nothing in the world can take its place.

We have been traveling all over Europe and even Africa. We have met with some of the Bride of YAHUSHUA face to face. We are trying hard to get the time to translate 4 new prophecies and get them posted. There just hasn't been enough hours in the day it seems.

The newest prophecy is an African prophecy full of hope and revelation. It is the newest word from YAHUSHUA and is full of anointing and power. Please intercessors, we are trying to get settled down long enough in a house so we can catch our breath and give you fresh mana from Heaven! We are also trying hard to find time to work on the new book that is being produced and about to be released. We receive so many invitations to minister in the international countries and we are trying hard to reach all who invite us, but time is so short now. The Great Tribulation is not afar off.

Never did I dream I would be traveling in so many countries so quickly. I kept saying to those who invited me, "I will see you in my glorified body and preach in your church at that time." Wrong! We are still in our mortal bodies and although it is taking a toll on us, we are trying hard to go where we are invited by pastors who believe what this ministry stands for as well as with the Bride of YAHUSHUA!

I must admit the stress level has been at the highest we have ever known. We really need and appreciate your love and support and also intercessory prayers like never before! We took the greatest leap of faith, including financially, when we left USA for the last time.

Bride of YAHUSHUA, pray in Holy Tongues for the Ruach knows what is needed, or pray and ask YAHUSHUA how to pray for this family. We are in need of urgent intercessory prayers. The countries we are taking this Holy anointing to has princes, powers, principalities and rulers in high places that do not want this anointing released where the people will be saved, delivered, and healed!

Remember this, only what you do for YAHUSHUA will count in eternity. Only what you do in HIS name will stand. Don't use your finances for selfish purposes or it will be like stubble and hay. Ask yourself...are you building up your treasures on earth or in Heaven? I know we only have treasures in Heaven, for on earth we don't even have a house to call our own or furniture. Even our vehicle was left behind. We have laid everything on the altar of sacrifice for the glory of YAHUSHUA.

Have you also done the same?

Our special prayers and love go to our partners who faithfully support this ministry around this world. You know who you are. Most importantly, YAHUSHUA knows who you are and we will share the same rewards in Heaven. You are the answer to our prayers, and you are the ones we call friends of this ministry. You are the ones we tell our secret prayer needs too because you have proven how much you love us and we can trust you!

HAPPY PENTECOST! And much love to our family of YAHUSHUA around this world.

Love and blessings in YAHUSHUA'S name


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May 6, 2006


We are now traveling in Europe to gather together the European Bride of YAHUSHUA. We greatly appreciate your prayers for our guidance and safety during this time!

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These prophecies will be released together shortly now that I am safely out of America. They are the Exodus prophecies which follow the Passover, just as the exodus of the Jews from Egypt immediately followed the Passover, at which time the first-born in each household was taken EXCEPT in those dwellings with the Blood of a [spotless and without blemish] lamb put above and on each side of the entrance door.

OBEDIENCE of the Bride of YAHUSHUA to the leading of the RUACH HA KODESH has never been more important! IF and WHEN you are instructed to flee America, you are to FLEE and NOT LOOK BACK [remember what happened to Lot's wife!]...and IF you are instructed to REMAIN, then you are to remain and obey YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA when they lead you to a place of sanctuary! There is NO EXCUSE for disobedience and it will only put you at the mercy of the enemy if you do not follow the instructions of your Commander-in-Chief!

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Please use the following address for all correspondence and gifts to this ministry from now on:

Elisheva Eliyahu
4209 Lakeland Drive, #375
Flowood, Mississippi 39232

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We have left EVERYTHING behind as we now travel in Europe. If you believe in what this ministry teaches and that you are part of the Bride of YAHUSHUA, then contact me at the email address above. We will be led by the RUACH HA KODESH to contact those as He instructions during this time of ingathering for the Bride in Europe!


The needs of this ministry have never been greater, and if you have not done so before, NOW is the time to get serious about laying up for yourself TREASURE IN HEAVEN! That treasure is everything you do for YAHUSHUA as you are led by the RUACH HA KODESH. Nothing else will matter. As you are led, help support this ministry, as we not only work for the ingathering of the Bride of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, but also to reach lost and hurting souls! We encourage you to put it ALL on the Altar of Sacrifice so that what YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA desire to accomplish through this ministry CAN BE DONE and QUICKLY! Whatever you sacrifice for His sake now will be to His Glory, Praise and Honor and can you even imagine hearing the sweetest words ever spoken by YAHUSHUA when you stand before Him soon: "WELL DONE!"

You cannot imagine HOW SHORT TIME IS!

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When you read the prophecies directed to America, realize now that THEY ARE ALSO DIRECTED AT CANADA! Even though a border separates these two countries, THEY ARE PROPHETICALLY TOGETHER UNDER THE SAME JUDGMENTS previously reserved only for America! Do not presume that fleeing from America to Canada will take you to safety--unless you are being led to a sanctuary by the RUACH HA KODESH which will be wherever you are led! Remember, if you do not FLEE when told to FLEE and go only where the RUACH leads you, you will be like a mouse ready to have a large, red cup dropped over you. Without the protection and covering that comes ONLY with COMPLETE OBEDIENCE to YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA, that cup will find you, then come down and then there will be no place to go except right into the clutches of the enemy. You have been warned!

OBEDIENCE! OBEDIENCE! OBEDIENCE! Just Elisheva you have done...you MUST be willing to leave EVERYTHING behind and NOT LOOK BACK and walk forward in OBEDIENCE to YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA! You cannot have it both ways. If you expect protection, safety and His blessings, you must do it HIS WAY!!!

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Oh, how many will hesitate, grieving over beautiful homes and families and jobs that they are being told to LEAVE BEHIND. And in so doing, they themselves WILL BE LEFT BEHIND! Because they did not PUT ME, I, YAHUVEH and My Beloved Son, YAHUSHUA absolutely FIRST IN THEIR LIVES!!! IT CAN BE NO OTHER WAY! Heed this warning!


What you do for Me, do quickly! For time runs out quickly!

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Bless you all. Thank you for your prayerful and financial support. And most of all, thank you for your OBEDIENCE!


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Beloved Sister Joaninne,
I seen a vision of a huge, powerful red magnet today [April 28, 2006] and YAHUSHUA gave you the magnet along with the others like Lydjusca and Sandra, Lyda and those I don't know yet in Holland. Now I see a ring which symbolizes me as the Ring Maiden and I am being pulled to the Bride of YAHUSHUA in Europe! This is a new mandate given to me after FEAST OF UNLEAVEN BREAD! Now I will be shown how to assemble with them, face-to-face. I was told today, "Elisheva, you have tarried for the American Bride long enough! There are other nations who have the Bride of YAHUSHUA, who need the truths I have given you and the anointing!"

Holy Prayer Warriors and Bride's Prayers, COME FORTH!