Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu
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February 13, 2003, starting at 1:00 a.m. until 4:00 a.m., I
had the strangest experience. I fell asleep in our new home away from home, the
SHKHINAH GLORY Bus, in the most comfortable bed and anointed Bed Room. I kept
awakening because I felt this ten ton bus swaying like it was a
cradle in the wind. I wondered whether this was an earthquake. No one would be able to rock that bus like I was describing and there
was no strong wind. I prayed and YAHUVEH told me that in the spiritual realm,
things were really rocking and reeling. I was feeling it in the spiritual realm.
I wasnt going back to sleep
easily when all of a sudden a big THUMP was heard right above
my head on the roof and when that happened, the bus started rocking back and
Then the bus rocked again hard and I was hearing strange noises coming from outside
and then I heard what sounded like heavy footsteps on the roof of the bus. This
happened a couple more times, the shaking of the bus and yet again there were no
cross winds to cause this and no human could have climbed atop of the bus for
its too high and there is no ladder.
I started praying psalm 91 and I prayed that legions of legions of warrior angels of YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA would be sent to us to protect us and our partners and the SHKHINAH GLORY Bus as well as the house where our son was. What a battle in the spiritual
realm it was that was manifesting itself in the physical realm. As I prayed in
Heavenly Tongues, YAHUVEH told me the names of 3 Arch Angels that YAHUVEH
dispatched accompanied with legions of angels to battle not only on our behalf
but satan was angry about the new baby ministry bus named SHKHINAH GLORY Over
the Road Ministries and the enemy was attacking the bus as well.
YAHUVEH also told me that the rocking and reeling in the spiritual realm is
what is going on with the impending war, when hundreds of thousands of innocent
people would die, and already the angels of YAHUVEH were defending the Holy
Children of YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA, fighting demons in the behalf of the Holy
Children that would live and be protected . For some reason this battle was
taking place on top of this Anointed Bus right over our heads!
Shortly after I prayed the battle stopped manifesting
itself in the physical realm but continued in the spiritual realm. The bus still felt like
it was swaying and rocking back and forth but it really wasnt. I know it sounds weird but
it is true. I had other experiences like this before that I will share with
you later.
This is URGENT to our partners who hear the voice of YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA
through the prophetic messages. Please get extra water and provisions if you
havent already. Yes, YAHUVEH will protect his children who obey and are
seeking Him as they put YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA first in their lives. But that doesnt
mean that you dont use common sense and while you are able you are to store
extra water and canned food. Pray and you will know how many provisions to
store. Beloved Brothers and Sisters, I am telling you the truth, the unique
anointing I have allowed me to FEEL and HEAR the footsteps
on the bus roof as warfare between good and evil was taking place. I felt the
shaking in the spiritual realm and very quickly now you will feel and see it in
the physical realm. Be prayed up! Do what you can for YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA today
because tomorrow may be too late.
This country is sending so many troops out to fight
Iraq when there are even more dangerous nations pointing their missiles in
Americas direction. Who will defend this country if we keep sending out our
troops? I wish I was free to speak more freely but there is no longer the
freedom we used to have. All we can do is beg for mercy from YAHUVEH in YAHUSHUAS
name for America, although she doesnt deserve mercy, the unholiness of this
Country is a stench in our Creators nostrils.
We continually pray for the spiritual peace of Jerusalem which can only be
when Jerusalem accepts the only Prince of Peace YAHUSHUA the KING OF KINGS and
LORD of LORDS! The only MESSIAH and begotten SON of YAHUVEH.
Children of YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA, our weapons against the
enemies are not carnal that can be confiscated, or taken from us. Our most
powerful weapon is PRAYER, it is not just buying duct tape, it is DEVINE
DELIVERANCE from the enemies by the hand of YAHUVEH and hidden in the shed blood
of YAHUSHUA. We have a woman partner in this ministry and she is a Sergeant In
the Armed Forces. She knows it is only a matter of time when she will be shipped
out. She asked me if she would be returning back to her children and husband
alive? Tears streamed down my face as YAHUVEH didnt give me the answer at that
time to tell her. Afterwards I called her on the phone and the HOLY SPIRIT gave
me prophetic words for her. One part I can share with you, for it applies to all
of us. This world is not our home, we are only passing through until we
accomplish the job that we were sent to earth to finish, after that those that
have accepted YAHUSHUA as LORD GOD and SAVIOR will return back to Heaven. The
Bible says none of us are guaranteed another day. Make today count for what you
do for the Kingdom of Heaven.
Please forgive me as I am behind in answering email and making phone
calls and also writing postal letters. This doesnt mean I dont appreciate
your support. Please dont forget to have a FLEE bag prepared for each member
of your family. This Government is determined to go to war and our prayers can
only delay the war so long. Everyday America is not in war is an answer to that
prayer. Dont forget to thank our Creator YAHUVEH and Savior YAHUSHUA for each
day of delay of World War III. When you hear the words World War III, know that
the antichrist is at the door but so will be YAHUSHUA coming for HIS Bride.
President Bush, with all due respect, has not listened nor
obeyed YAHUVEH. Prophets have warned him not to antagonize this war. This
impending war is not about threat of terrorism although terrorist acts will come
because of mans inhumanity to man.
Write down the date on your Calendar. February 13, 2003, 1:00 a.m. Mountain
time in America, the spiritual realm started rocking and reeling for what will
happen to earth and between 3:00 and 4:00 a.m. the spiritual warfare was the
most intense. Pray and intercede like you never have before. If you attend
Church or have prayer groups, dont let a day pass that you dont insist and
initiate prayer for America and Israel. Dont forget every day you awake to
Praise YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA for protecting Israel and America. PRAISE YAHUVEH and
dont forget to THANK HIM for every blessing you have. Dont grumble or
complain or HE may take away the little that you have for an ungrateful heart.
Please copy and send this to others. Please email me if anyone reading this
knows of anyone else that had anything strange happen to them early February 13
in the a.m. hours. This includes dreams, visions, or prophesies.
Love and blessings in the name of YAHUSHUA
Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu