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Rickey Williams

Rickey Williams (aka Avi’el): does the most evil Kabbalah, necromancy, witchcraft, channeling (channeling is only performed by the darkest forms of occult in which they summon demons that trick people into believing that what is being summoned/channeled is from heaven but it is not.), added a false goddess, the goddess of urine to the trinity they worship. They call it the quad family. (they don’t worship the HEAVENLY HOLY TRINITY), thinks he can control the element of earth, death threats, dark magic, claims to be a god

There is homosexuality all over these photos! They are all over him in this image!

Rickey Williams Parents:

Mother: Rosa Phillip
Father: Wayne Phillip
Parents Employment respectively: Social Worker with the New York Department of Education, New York City Department of Finance

False Prophecies:

01/08/19 by Rickey Williams, Alias: Rickey Cameron (Aviel): “The battle proceeds on the earth as it happens in the hollow earth.”

03/17/19 by Rickey Williams, Alias: Rickey Cameron (Aviel): “The power, the power you shall not fail.”

04/12/19 Rickey Williams, Alias: Rickey Cameron (Aviel) “I am not a God who plays games, choose this day which God you will serve Elisheva.”

You claim Rickey Williams, Alias: Rickey Cameron (Aviel), that I will refuse your teachings when you say that you all remain “nameless, faceless and opinionless.” OF COURSE I REFUSE RICKEY WILLIAMS!! In Isaiah 43 it says that ABBA YAHUVEH calls us by name, John 10:3 speaks of how the Good Shepherd calls to his sheep that knows HIS voice and HE calls them by name. If this is the case, then how do we remain nameless to GOD ALMIGHTY YAHUVEH? We are NOT nameless.

04/12/19 Rickey Williams, Alias: Rickey Cameron (Aviel) “I AM Not a GOD Who Plays Games Choose This Day Which God You Will Serve Elisheva”

We are NOT faceless, for HE is the one who knitted us inside our mothers wombs and we all have the hope that we will be able to see YAHUSHUA again face to face! To be faceless is to remain anonymous, we don’t want to be anonymous in the presence of YAHUVEH YAHUSHUA and IMMAYAH!

We don’t want to be opinion less for how can we test the spirit?

02/25/19 Rickey Williams, Alias: Rickey Cameron (Aviel) “Woe to you Elisheva, woe to you.”

Rickey Williams (Avi’el)Received on January 8, 2019

I call you little Elohims, as all of you first started as a thought in I YAHUVEH’s mind eons before the foundations of the world.

Rickey Williams (Avi’el) Recieved on March 17, 2019:

Great darkness and evil shall descend upon the Earth and the Universe, even the layers of the realms in between. It all must be redeemed, thus I call you little Elohims.

Rickey Williams (Aviel): Received on January 8, 2019:

“I call you little Elohims, as all of you first started as a thought in I YAHUVEH’s mind eons before the foundations of the world. I had to remove Elisheva so such revelations of whom you are can come forth!”

Rickey Williams (Aviel): Recieved on March 17, 2019:

“Great darkness and evil shall descend upon the Earth and the Universe, even the layers of the realms in between. It all must be redeemed, thus I call you little Elohims.”

They believe they are like gods walking the earth with their power rings: