Stephen William Rossi (aka Natani’el): does the most evil Kabbalah, necromancy, witchcraft, marine magic, death threats, channeling channeling (channeling is only performed by the darkest forms of occult in which they summon demons that trick people into believing that what is being summoned/channeled is from heaven but it is not.), believes he is the “true heir of the kingdom of water,” his wife is believed to be the “queen of space,” believes he can control the element of water, added a false goddess,
the goddess of urine to the trinity they worship. They call it the quad family. (they don’t worship the HEAVENLY HOLY TRINITY), dark magic, claims to be a god
There is homosexuality all over these photos! They are all over him in this image!
Stephen William Rossi’s Dad: Stephen Rossi
Parent Employment: Licensed Professional Counselor, Houston, Texas There has been a confusion because his father’s name is Stephen Rossi. Stephen Rossi is a counsellor. He is not to be confused with the diabolical evil of his son Stephen William Rossi. I do not want to confuse Stephen William Rossi with his father Stephen Rossi senior.
False Prophecies:
04/02/19 by Stephen William Rossi (Natanel): “Urgent warning beware of planet Marinearia, pray for protection.”
03/01/19 by Stephen William Rossi (Natanel): “YAHUSHUA is your anchor in life.”
04/14/19 by Stephen William Rossi (Natanel): “3 days of darkness during passover week April 19-27 2019. Beware.”
And you Stephen William Rossi (Natanel) or shall I call you mighty Aquaman? What does your so called wife Shengya Pu call you again? Oh yeah, the true holy king and ruler of the waters? You Marine Demon from hell I rebuke you in YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH’s name.
04/08/19 Stephen William Rossi (Natan’el) & Shengya Pu (hannah) “3 days of darkness are coming!”
Stephen William Rossi (Natanel) Received on March 15, 2019
All of you are shakers. How do you think I will shake everything that can be
shaken? I will use you – MY 7 and MY 7 – to shake the stars, shake the Elements!
MY Elemental Shakers, Prophets of the Elements, to the Elements.
Stephen (Natanel) and Shengya (Hannah):
“You shall see your mother Elisheva survive the first hit, the second hit, the
third hit, the fourth hit – she will be in coma for 8 years. You don’t know
when, coma for 8 years.”
They believe they are like gods walking the earth with their power rings: