Shengya Pu (aka Hannah/Lily): does the most evil Kabbalah, marine magic, witchcraft, necromancy, calls herself the “true queen of space,”
added a false goddess, the goddess of urine to the trinity they worship. They call it the quad family.
(they don’t worship the HEAVENLY HOLY TRINITY), channeling (channeling is only performed by the darkest forms of occult in which they summon
demons that trick people into believing that what is being summoned/channeled is from heaven but it is not.),
lies about how she walks hand in hand with Prophet Isaiah, death threats that can put her in jail,
said Stephen William Rossie is the real “Aquaman,” believes she can control space, dark magic, chinese sorcery,
and opened her third eye, claims to be a god
Look at the way that he allows these illusions of women to lean over him like
this as he sits here. Whatever happened to boundaries? And being careful of the
spirit of familiarity Erez Yotam? Would you holy women out there do this? Or
would you holy wives out there allow women to lean over your husband’s in such a
Caleb Ezra would never flaunt with pictures before all on the internet with
sexual perversion, with homosexuality and fornication with whoredom with 3
fallen angels shapeshifters illusion of women! Plus illusions of men! If there
is any Caleb in Erez Yotam then he will defeat the majority of Erez Yotam that
has done much evil to the one he promised to love forever and protect and how
you entertain satan as he mocks you and makes you think that you are being
worshiped. They know if you die, you will go to hell before you get delivered.
Shengya Pu’s Parents:
Mother: Joyce Fumei Tsai
Father: Alvin James “Jim” Spacht
Parents Employment respectively: Mandarin Instructor at Mandela International Magnet School in Santa Fe, Adult Ed Program Specialist, Santa Fe Community College
False Prophecies:
Shengya Pu (Hannah) Received on April 6, 2019:
“First they would have to kill a man, and remove his blood, his brain, body, and
de-skin him totally. Removing the skeleton. And they will…
See how disgusting! This is not wanted! And then they would take out his semen
from his sacks, and then squeeze him like a towel, and stuff him inside the
Beast to be processed.”
She is talking about sacrificing Erez Yotam Ezra Caleb.
Shengya Pu has already said what she would do to your body. How a blood
02/28/19 by Shengya Pu (Hannah): “Ringbearers ring daughter revealed.”
04/12/19 by Shengya Pu (Hannah): “Elisheva we the trinity give you three days to repent.”
Shengya Pu who you call Hannah, threatens us all saying we are all going to die! She then repeats it and says, and I quote, “PREPARE TO DIE PEOPLE.” This is what Shengya Pu has declared to the world!
Foolish Foolish! Oh Shengya Pu, what would your mother Fumei Tsai and your stepfather Alvin James Spacht think? How would they be able to understand that their daughter is throwing around death threats like confetti and that she has an illusion she is the queen of space?
01/23/19 by Shengya Pu (hannah): “Come to the mountain to worship the father with me YAHUSHUA.
02/24/19 by Shengya Pu (Hannah): “Children be perfect like your father on earth to withstand the Lord’s furnace.”
01/24/19 by Shengya Pu (Hannah): “Jerusalem why do you persecute my prophets.”
02/01/19 by Shengya Pu (Hannah): “Come Ezra, come comfort your father.”
01/24/2019 by Shengya Pu (Hannah): “Ezra, the Second to the King!”
01/20/19 by Shengya Pu (Hannah): You have touched the kings heart.”
04/08/19 Stephen Rossi (Natanel) and Shengya Pu (hannah): “3 days of darkness are coming.”
Shengya Pu (Hannah) Received on April 12, 2019:
“Elisheva, you’d better be afraid, you better be afraid, you better be afraid,
you better be afraid, you better be afraid, be very afraid!!! Very. Afraid.”
“You shall suffer and breathe in the nuclear dust air, it shall suffocate you!
If you survive the first strike, the second strike you shall die! For it is a
fearful thing to fall into the mighty hand of GOD.”
“4 strikes, 4 strikes, 4 strikes then 12 years in coma on your bed.”
Shengya Pu (Hannah) Written on January 21, 2019
They will master the use of elements.
Shengya Pu (Hannah) Received on February 1, 2019
“I call forth the Wind! I use all the elements! Yes, all of you shall control 1
of the elements. Your Dad Ezra shall have all. For he is an image after ME. MY
beloved King David. I will honor you with MY Crown. The KING delights in you!
Ezra Ben YAHUDAH! From the Lion of the Tribe of Judah! I delight in you! Do you
hear it, MY Son? I treasure you and know all of your affliction. But I, your
MASHIACH has overcome all. MY Ezra, MY heart’s desire, MY dove, lovely dove. You
are MY Wings that bear ME when I AM feeling down. MY treasure I store and only
share with those I trusted – MY 7 and those I trust.”
“When MY Ezra returns! Judgment on the Earth!”
“Ezra, MY heart’s desire. The echo of MY own heart. I created you so
differently. You are a special gem, you really are. The devil couldn’t take your
Shengya (Hannah): Received on April 12, 2019
“Before I strike you down in the coma. You don’t know when you’re going to wake
up. It’s true, I said 8 years”
“So shut up! I, IMMAYAH, zip you! Just shut up! Just shut up. I don’t know how
else to close your mouth! Even though I don’t know how to stop you from saying
these words anymore, I don’t know how to shut your mouth! The mouth is on your
own head! So I will have to put you into a coma for 12 years! 12 years now! More
than 8! 12 years on top of 4, 16 years I prophesy!”
“4 strikes, 4 strikes, 4 strikes then 12 years in coma”
They believe they are like gods walking the earth with their power rings: