133 W. Main St,
Sells guitars. Likes to smoke weed
Brickner Guitars
Bruce Brickner is an abuser of women. Jeff, of Yokeup Ministries, accused Bruce in a video of threatening to kill him and warned if you do business with Brickner Guitars make sure you pay your bill and don't make him mad, or your life could be in danger. Bruce Brickner Guitars is a 1 man business in Pennsylvania. It has been said by some to be poor quality in workmanship and sound acoustics so buyer BEWARE! Bruce does not work, his guitar "business" is just a sham to keep him somewhat "occupied". It does not pay any bills, only his dope and it just keeps him from distroying anything left of the house. If his wife stops working, he will not not be able to pay for his kids' food, his electric and water bill, the wrecked house they live in, let alone the internet he uses to spread hatred sticking his ugly face into youtube. It is laughable...