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Prophecy 105

I, YAHUVEH, Say, “In 2009 I’m going to shake everything that can be shaken!”

Written/Spoken under the anointing of the RUACH ha KODESH
through Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu
December 29, 2008

This is from Prophecy 105, YAHUVEH said to put this up on all Prophecies from now on: I warned you a long time ago Elisheva not to name this Ministry after a man or a woman even before there was a Ministry. I put it in your spirit for none of this has been done by your hand, none of this has come forth from your mouth. It is from the Mouth of YAHUVEH that has given birth. It is from the Mouth of YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH that has given birth. It is from the Mouth of the RUACH ha KODESH your IMMAYAH that has given birth. If it had only been by your hand it would have failed long ago. It is by the SHKHINYAH GLORY’S Wind that blows across this earth, the Holy Wind of Revival, it is not by your breath or it would have failed. (Isaiah 42:8)

In July 2010 YAHUVEH GOD also said to add the following from 2nd Chronicles before every Prophecy:

2 Chronicles 36:16, “But they mocked the Messengers of GOD, despised HIS Words, and scoffed at HIS Prophets, until the wrath of the LORD arose against HIS people, till there was no remedy.”

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Note: This Prophetic Word was given to us as part of a personal Word to us. YAHUVEH said to post this part of the Word for HIS Faithful and True for 2009.

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[This 1st paragraph was added on January 8, 2009. The web manager forgot to add it from the original word that was given on Dec. 29, 2008.]

I warned you along time ago Elisheva not to name this Ministry after a man or a woman even before there was a Ministry. I put it in your spirit for none of this has been done by your hand, none of this has come forth from your mouth. It is from the mouth of YAHUVEH that has given birth. It is from the mouth of YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH that has given birth. It is from the mouth of the RUACH ha KODESH your IMMAYAH that has given birth. If it had only been by your hand it would of failed long ago. It is by the SHKHINYAH GLORY’s wind that blows across this earth, the Holy wind of revival, it is not by your breath or it would of failed.

In 2009 I’m going to shake everything that can be shaken. If you are not built on the Solid Rock you are going to be built on sinking sand. It will be as is it is quicksand and you’ll go under. I’m testing MY Bride. When I told you to go, you went, you did not say, “But why do we have to go?” you but just obeyed. I am the Commander in Chief, you are not to question MY orders. You are to go where I say go, you are to stay where I say stay, you are to walk when I say walk, you are to run when I say run, you are to speak when I say speak, you are to be silent when I say be silent, you are to war when I say war, you are to be at peace when I say peace.

Never say I will not do something for I, YAHUVEH, will confound you. Do not assume you know MY will, instead find out MY will. For the Faithful and the True, these are the Words for 2009 I give you and although it is not 2009 this part will be posted before the world. Only through the Name and shed Blood of YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH will you be able to stand.

Again I say everything and anything that can be shaken will be shaken, so be prepared now as I warn you in 2008. Take nothing for granted, take not your water for granted, take not your food for granted, take not your income for granted, take not your house for granted, take not your family for granted and the family are those who belong to the body of YAHUSHUA MASHIACH. For you will find your worst enemies can be found in your own household through your own bloodline but not through the bloodline of YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH. This is your true family, these are the ones who will not betray you.

You are coming close now as to the date of the holocaust. Learn the lesson well from those who survived, to those who were not caught. Your allegience is to I, YAHUVEH, not to the laws of a man. If they do not line up with what I say throw them away. You know what the Word says. For I will tell you to do what you think not, I will tell you to say what you think not, I will hide you in a way you think not.

Given through Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu
December 29, 2008

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