Shalom from Apostle Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu. Welcome to our temple without walls! If this Ministry is a blessing to you please we invite you to please write to us and let us know!
We send out a special thank you to all of our supporters. As the scripture says we are all one body in YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH, and the world will know we are of YAHUSHUA, by our love for one another. (Romans 12:5, John 13:35)
– Apostle/Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu
Please note: we are not a tax exempt status ministry. We have not taken the bribe of the governments to muzzle the truths that we speak.
We do believe that YAHVUEH GOD will greatly reward all who help this ministry even if it’s in the smallest of ways (read 1 Kings 17:7-16 about the widow who gave her last meal to Elijah).
While we know YAHUVEH GOD does provide for us, and reward us with physical things, we also know that the greatest reward will be given to the helpers of this ministry by YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA as you stand by our side in Heaven.
The greatest reward is knowing when you leave this earth you helped a ministry to reach hurting and lost souls for the Glory of YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA and hearing THEM say “Thank you” for your service.
Donations may be sent by international money order or personal check made out to “Almightywind”. For donations with paypal you will need a paypal account or credit card.
YAHUSHUA bless you!