Given to Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu on January 23, 1998
This is from Prophecy 105, YAHUVEH said to put this up on all Prophecies from now on: I warned you a long time ago Elisheva not to name this Ministry after a man or a woman even before there was a Ministry. I put it in your spirit for none of this has been done by your hand, none of this has come forth from your mouth. It is from the Mouth of YAHUVEH that has given birth. It is from the Mouth of YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH that has given birth. It is from the Mouth of the RUACH ha KODESH your IMMAYAH that has given birth. If it had only been by your hand it would have failed long ago. It is by the SHKHINYAH GLORY’S Wind that blows across this earth, the Holy Wind of Revival, it is not by your breath or it would have failed. (Isaiah 42:8)
In July 2010 YAHUVEH GOD also said to add the following from 2nd Chronicles before every Prophecy:
2 Chronicles 36:16, “But they mocked the Messengers of GOD, despised HIS Words, and scoffed at HIS Prophets, until the wrath of the LORD arose against HIS people, till there was no remedy.”
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Beloved Daughters of Destiny, walk not in your own peace, but YAHUSHUA’s peace that passes all understanding. Walk not in your own strength but in the God you serve strength. Stay not in the boat MY Daughter but walk out on the water, with ME. What you think is impossible, I will make a way. What blocks and hinders you, I will remove. Though the waves will look like they may drown you and the wind will roar, keep your eyes on your Savior and you will not drown. You are ordained to be a water walker not a boat sitter.
Run towards Goliath like a David. David did not run away from Goliath though he mocked, threatened, though he towered over all men, David ran towards Goliath. David showed no fear for he put his confidence not in man or a king, but in the great “I AM” and I did not fail him, nor will I fail you. Fear is the opposite of Faith. Hear ME. Fear is torment I do not send. David when he was mocked and threatened did not reply what he would do but instead what his God would do.
David did not expect to slay the enemy with the five smooth stones, for they were not even sharp stones. But David knew his weapons were not going to kill Goliath, only the wrath of YAHUVEH would kill Goliath. I put MY wrath into those stones. I slew Goliath by a young shepherd boy that people mocked when he came against the enemy they said he shall surely die, he shall fail. How can a mere youth slay a giant? These words they say to MY Daughters now.
The enemy speaks forth in many ways and says you will fail. You will die if you go against this enemy. You are weak and not meant to minister in YAHUVEH’s Name. But MY Daughters of Destiny I have chosen you. I have ordained you. I have strengthened you. Men are right; if you do this in your strength and power you will fail. You could die, but you stand not in your might, strength and power. You stand in MY anointing on MY Word, in MY Name, wearing MY Holy armor, washed in MY shed Blood of Calvary. MY Daughters, I call you MY Daughters of Destiny this day. For am I not the beginning and the end? The Great “I AM” is the God of Prophecy.
The Alpha & Omega is the God of Prophecy for I have prophesied the beginning and I have prophesied the end. Who but “I AM” can do this? I will reveal MY secrets to MY Daughters as well as MY Sons. MY Daughters I have chosen you to do the same as David. The enemy will mock and taunt, he will use others to threaten and harm. You will be slandered for MY sake. When these enemies come against you fear not what to say or do, it will not be your words you will speak but MY words you speak.
MY beloved Little Ones, do not think ahead of time what you are going to do. Do not have any fear when you see the look upon their faces. They think you are to be controlled by man, and instead you are not controlled by a king of this earth, you are ruled by the King of Kings. David threw off the armor of this world and stood instead with the armor, MY armor God Almighty. Thus you shall do also. Weep not when the enemy falls. I am with you and no one can do anything I don’t allow. I love you MY beloved Daughter.
Be warned all those that rise up against MY Daughters of Prophecy. For just as surely as Goliath fell, so shall all those that cause MY Daughters of Prophecy grief. BEWARE! For I am watching, I am listening. I will judge those that judge MY Daughters for speaking forth MY words. As men protect women and I put that Spirit within them to do so, how much more will I protect MY Daughters of Prophecy? For it is prophesied in these end times I would pour out MY Spirit on MY Handmaidens and they would prophesy.
Whoever touches MY anointed and do these Prophets harm, I shall surely quickly judge, they had better repent before MY wrath kindles against them. Now I am not speaking of the false prophets for they come in the form of a man or a woman. If they be false then this must be exposed so others will not be contaminated. But dare not touch or discourage or put your man made ideas of what I would do, and who I would use on MY Daughters of Prophecy. Do not say YAHUVEH would not use these women for they don’t have the appearance they should; they have not our permission to speak.
Who are you oh men of this world to silence MY Daughters of Prophecy? I choose those who are the most not likely to be chosen. I use those that would say to ME, “Oh no YAHUVEH, you really don’t want me to speak that, or do that?” Yet, MY Daughters hear MY voice more clearly than MY Sons. I grieve for the pain MY Daughters of Prophecy will suffer for MY Name’s sake. Remember I suffered for you. Being MY Daughter of Prophecy, you will bring so many souls to ME, and have already.
Not all of MY Daughters of Prophecy will have a so called license. You have done more for ME than many who call themselves pastors, and are no pastors at all. So do not grieve when men will not ordain you. I have ordained you. This is all that matters. I will guard and protect and bless all you do and say. Be ye not unequally yoked in anything you do. Remember if they are not for ME they are against ME.
Your eyes will see that which you rather not see, hear that which you rather not hear, but it will not be your eyes, or your ears of the flesh that will feel the pain, it will be your spiritual eyes and ears. You will know blessings that are beyond your wildest dreams, and you will know sorrow. I will use you MY Daughters of Destiny to nurture the young, encourage them and teach them. As you already have this instinct I have blessed you with. I will use you to rebuke, for again I have already put that Spirit in you as a mother rebukes so shall you rebuke this heathen nation and all those that are led astray, and those that lead MY sheep astray.
MY Daughters of Destiny you shall have boldness like a mother lion defending her cubs. I will use you to bind up the wounded, for what mother does not have this compassionate Spirit I already gave her? You shall use the gifts of a mother, teacher, warrior, and all the gifts the RUACH ha KODESH has so generously given you. I have saved the best for last. Because men said you can’t use a woman. It will be the women that have the most powerful ministries in these end times and the last shall be first. I will be with you. I love you MY Daughter as you read this you will know it is for you. If you don’t know it’s for you, then you’re right, stop reading, it’s not for you. For all of the others who receive this message I put MY arms around you, whisper in your ears and tell you, listen, this message is for you. I have given MY Daughters of Prophecy the Spirit of David. Now go forth and take back what the devil has stolen in MY Name. Thus saith YAHUVEH, God of hosts.
Given to Pastor Elisheva Eliyahu, Bride of YAHUSHUA
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