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Prophecy 126

GOD’S Wrath to this World is About to be Sent “Do not Harm MY Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones & Elect!”

Written/Spoken under the Anointing of the HOLY SPIRIT (RUACH HA KODESH)
Through Apostle & Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu
Received April 12 – Released July 12, 2016

This is the first Prophecy live and in real time as it came forth—with both Prophet Ezra from Israel & Elisheva Eliyahu present. YAHUVEH GOD anoints him powerfully to protect and cover her, and stir up the Anointing to Prophesy.

The following includes their blessed, anointed conversation, on April 12, 2006, leading up to fiery Holy tongues against YAH’S enemies, and Prophecy 126 coming forth. The conversation shows that Prophets are indeed normal people with a sense of humor too!

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Below is the Prophecy as it came forth

—with Prophets Ezra & Elisheva’s “Holy tongues,” as GOD’S SPIRIT gives utterance (Acts 2:3-4) of heavenly or earthly languages (1 Co 13:1). Elisheva speaks forth in tongues bringing Prophecy (1 Co 14:6). Ezra begins prayer with intercessory tongues (Ro 8:26-27; 1 Co 14:15).

It contains the HEBREW NAMES of GOD.

as in “Alleluia” or “Hallelu YAH,”
which literally means “Praise YAH”:

The Revelation of “SH’KHINYAH GLORY”
in English called “The HOLY SPIRIT”—is also on this site.
Additionally, ABBA YAH means “FATHER YAH”
and IMMA YAH means “MOTHER YAH.”

Scripture quotes are KJV or NKJV unless otherwise indicated. Right click footnote numbers to open a second tab.

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YAHUVEH’S Words to Elisheva to be added before the Prophecies:

I warned you a long time ago Elisheva,
not to name this Ministry after a man or a woman.
Even before there was a Ministry, I put it in your spirit.

For none of this has been done by your hands.
None of this has come forth from your mouth.

It is from the Mouth of YAHUVEH that has given birth.
It is from the Mouth of YAHUSHUA,
your MASHIACH, that it has been given birth.
It is from the Mouth of the RUACH HA KODESH,
your IMMAYAH, that it has been given birth.

If it had only been by your hand, it would have failed long ago.

that blows across this earth, the HOLY WIND OF REVIVAL.
It is not by your breath, or it would have failed.

“I AM the LORD YAHUVEH: that is MY NAME:
And MY GLORY I will not give to another,
Neither MY PRAISE to graven images.” Isaiah 42:8

(Prophecy 105)

In July 2010, YAHUVEH GOD also said to add the following as a warning to those who mock:

But they mocked the Messengers of GOD, despised HIS Words,
and scoffed at HIS Prophets, until the Wrath of YAHUVEH
arose against HIS People, till there was no remedy.
—2 Chronicles 36:16

Then, in July 2016:

Woe be unto anyone that dares to try to harm—these two anointed ones. You will regret the day you ever were born. Touch not MY anointed and neither do these two Prophets any harm (see Ps 105:15; 1 Ch 16:22). It would be better for you if I, ABBA YAHUVEH, would tear out your tongue!

(Prophecy 128)

And from Prophet Ezra:

I warn you—all those who are coming against this Ministry AND PROPHECIES and Elisheva and I, all the Ministers of AmightyWind Ministry—I warn you now, Touch not YAH’S Anointed and do HIS Prophets no harm (Ps 105:15; 1 Ch 16:22) lest the Wrath of the Rod of YAH will come upon you. But for those who are blessed and are a blessing for this Ministry, and faithful, and who receive the Prophecies, much blessing will come on you—all to protect what belongs to YAH in the NAME OF YAHUSHUA.

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Background: Elisheva had been under such spiritual attack, persecution and abuse, she didn’t know if she would every prophesy again. It took this anointed Prophet from Israel raised up by YAHUVEH GOD to mend & heal the shattered wings of this butterfly Elisheva and release her in the spiritual realm—all in the name of YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH.

Witness how YAHUVEH had already joined 2 Anointings together as one. Witness how the Anointing flows between them. Witness the love YAHUSHUA has given them for one another.

We apologize for any difficulty hearing Elisheva’s voice on the audio/video. The Prophecy begins after 7 minutes.

Elisheva: This video is the first live and in real time Prophecy I received with Apostle, Prophet Ezra from Israel present on April 12th 2016. Little did we know that within two months by Shavu’ot/Pentecost June 12th 2016, our love would continue to bloom and grow to such new heights and my beloved Ezra would be announced as the co-leader of AmightyWind Ministries on the day we proclaimed to the world our love for one another. [LINKS COMING]

He is now the male covering of the Ministry and me, and my true soul mate, the love of my life. He took the place of a reprobate who is now nothing, except for a distant memory. Ezra walks in the mantle of an Apostle & Prophet and never shies away from good old fashioned hard work for the Kingdom of Heaven or from the Anointing!

We are now equally yoked in leadership and love, where there was only an illusion of a male co-leader before. Both Ezra and I put the HOLY TRINITY first above all else. We thank everyone who supported the new leadership announcement!

Today, 3 months after it was received on April 12th 2016, Prophecy 126 is now released July 12th. 2016.

On March 7th 2016 on what I thought would be the darkest day of my life, instead was the first day I first spoke to Ezra. GOD ALMIGHTY says that our relationship has grown in these 4 months what it takes others over 4 years, and this is just the beginning! We have to wonder, what is YAH going to do next?

This Prophecy was recorded via audio. Here is the transcription.

[ Ezra prays in Holy tongues… ]

Kathrynyah: OK…

Ezra: Hello, Hello.

Kathrynyah: I’m supposed to tell her [Elisheva] what you’re wearing.

Ezra: Oh my…

Kathrynyah: [Laughs] Oh my…

Ezra: Let me put my clothes on then.

Kathynyah: He says, “Let me put my clothes on then”—he’s really funny.

[ Laughter ]

Kathrynyah: He has on a blue T-shirt.

Elisheva: Oh I wanted to know what he looked like in blue yesterday!

Kathrynyah: Dark blue that says U.S.A.

Elisheva: You must have heard me in the spirit because I just wondered… remember yesterday? I said, “I wonder what he looks like in blue?”

Kathrynyah: And there you go. Now he is wearing blue. So there you go.

Elisheva: I know, so you’ll have to tell him I said that when he comes back.

Kathrynyah: He’s here. He heard you.

Elisheva: Well I can’t hear him. Talk to me.

Kathrynyah: Oh! I just dropped my phone! [Laughs]

Ezra: I, I—I’m trying not to interrupt—every time I hear you.

[ Kathrynyah laughs ]

Elisheva: And I’m over there trying to tell her, “No. Text Ezra. I need prayer.”

Kathrynyah: I did!

Elisheva: It was like, “I can’t talk to him. I don’t have a voice!”

Ezra: Yeah…

Elisheva: And as I read your email, my voice returned right in front of Kathrynyah!

Kathrynyah: As she read your email her voice returned.

Ezra: What I was writing to you—I mentioned in the email—I never shared it with anyone, until the LORD revealed to you that your spirit is mingled with my spirit and if it’s the same spirit, it’s the same spirit.

Elisheva: You’re precious. That’s all I can say. You are not only precious to YAH, you’re precious to me too. OK?

Ezra: Thank you, thank you. So are you.

Kathrynyah: [Repeats] So are you.

Elisheva: The only thing is, when you set your butterfly free over there she’s really got tattered wings right now—eh, by faith I believe I’ll fly… how is that?

Ezra: Yes, I… I actually… I actually imagined you—I put you… I put that butterfly in my hands. I’m actually—you’re gonna see it on the video [that I made for you].

I put the butterfly in my hands and I was binding [mending]—putting the [broken] wings together, and then I was blowing—[ Makes blowing sound ]—a little wind, for you to pick up the wind and to fly—and I was releasing you.

Kathrynyah: That’s so beautiful.

Elisheva: So precious. Did you pray over my picture too?

Kathrynyah: Did you pray over her picture too?

Ezra: Yes, I see your picture all the time.

Elisheva: Which picture did you choose?

Kathrynyah: Which one?

Ezra: The one she sent me last, the recent one.

Elisheva: Now I have a man who speaks life over me and sets me free to fly. [Laughs joyfully]

Ezra: That’s right.

[ Elisheva laughs joyfully ]

Ezra: Didn’t the LORD say in the Prophecy for us, “Ezra, teach her how to fly”?

Elisheva: Yes, yes.

Kathrynyah: Thank you for your prayers beloved brother. Thank you that you were there, just like that.

Ezra: I’ll tell you, I was supposed to be out today and everything was delayed and I couldn’t go.

Kathrynyah: Oh wow, GOD delayed him. He couldn’t go so he was available here to pray.

Elisheva: Well, I praise YOU ABBA YAHUVEH for that because I needed you Ez[ra], I needed you [to pray]!

Elisheva: Yeah HEAVENLY FATHER, who is the one who sent that curse FATHER? [To Ezra] Would you, will you just pray in the SPIRIT please?

Ezra: Yeah.

[ Kathrynyah binds the devil in YAHUSHUA’S NAME & Ezra prays in Holy tongues… ]

Elisheva: We just wait for YOU ABBA YAH to speak forth the Word now in English through beloved, YOUR beloved Ezra. You’re precious Ezra. What is it YOU want to say ABBA YAHUVEH? What is it YOU want to say YAHUSHUA? What is it you want to say IMMAYAH?

ABBA YAHUVEH as YOU spoke forth a Word, [speak again] through these lips of clay, of mine—and YOU anointed them—and they were YOUR Words ABBA YAHUVEH, the CREATOR of everything.

FATHER what is it that YOU want us to know? What is it ABBA YAH?

[ Elisheva prays in Holy tongues becoming more and more fiery, full of YAH’S Fury until YAH speaks through her ]

Elisheva: Holy, Holy, Holy, Holy…  Oh my! HE is so furious!

Prophecy 126 Begins:

April 12, 2016

Touch not MY Prophets! Touch not MY Anointed and neither do MY Prophets any harm (1 Ch 16:22; Ps 105:15)! He [Paul Hellem] has ignited MY Fury!


WOE be unto anyone who touches the hair of the head of MY BRIDE! Do you not know? It is MY Anger, MY Rage, MY Fury that keeps hell ignited! This day the flames have only grown hotter! Do not harm MY Babies, Bride, MY Chosen Ones & Elect!

WOE be unto this world! To call evil what I call Holy! WOE BE UNTO THIS WORLD! Woe! Woe! Woe! It is not gonna [going to] be long now. This world is gonna to feel MY Fury! And it will not just be the Foot stomping of ABBA YAHUVEH—but it will be I YAHUSHUA & IMMAYAH!

Stop testing! Stop testing MY Patience—how far you can lean over hell and not fall in—STOP TESTING ME!

I do not speak this warning to MY precious Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones & Elect—those washed in the SHED BLOOD, those who receive MY GIFT at Calvary. You! You! You! I embrace! You have nothing to fear.

I speak to the enemies—the reprobates (2 Tm 3:8; Tit 1:16), the spawn of satan. I speak to the “lukewarm” (Rv 3:16) who call themselves “Christian,” but even DEFILE the Name of CHRIST.

2 Timothy 3:8 [T]hese also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith.

Titus 1:16 They profess that they know GOD; but in works they deny HIM, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.

Revelation 3:16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of MY Mouth.

You take MY Ten Commandments and you wad ‘em [them] up in a ball and then say, “This is just trash. It was all done at the Cross of Calvary. You see my soul will not be lost. He paid the price! Now I can sin all I want. There are no rules. YAHUSHUA whom we call ‘Jesus Christ’ is all love. He’s all love! He’ll not cast us into hell!”

Oh! Oh oh oh, you foolish, foolish people!

There is a price to pay—for all those who trample the BLOOD OF YAHUSHUA under your feet. There is a price to pay—for the curses, for the hatred, for the lies and slander that you have sent this Prophet in AmightyWind’s way. There is a price to pay!

You had better repent!

For some of you it’s too late. You will hear this message and you will only return to her more hate!

BUT I HAVE A PROPHET! And she will boldly speak it forth! So, you cannot say that you were not warned! My true Prophets will speak forth. You will not muzzle them.

And Ezra, I have called you forth. You too shall take MY Words. And where you once just humbly turned away with tears in your eyes, I SHALL PUT FIRE THERE!—where it’s not been before.

For I joined these two Anointings together. And no-one’s gonna to tear it apart! And it doesn’t matter if anyone understands. I know what I put in this woman and this man.

You just speak forth MY Words. That’s all you’re responsible to do. You’re not responsible [for] what they do with them! You just speak forth MY Words—that’s in the Prophecies, that’s locked in the Book [Secrets of the HOLY SPIRIT (RUACH HA KODESH)].

Those with true eyes to see will unlock the Truths in that Book—by IMMAYAH. SHE will give the Wisdom. SHE will give the Revelation for all those who seek and desire to hear from ME.


And I apologize to no woman or man!

It will be done MY way!

And I warn this earth!

For your rebellion,

you are going to pay.

Those who receive the Words of the Truth of this Ministry—are set-apart will be protected and blessed. For you see it’s not a woman or a man’s words. But they are Heaven sent!

Be warned for every curse, every spell, every ritual, every demon you tried to send—be warned you who practice the occult—a million-fold back to YOU it shall be sent! I said, a million-fold back to YOU it shall be sent. But it shall not only be on this earth, it shall be in hell—hell combined with the Lake of Fire!

It is better you cover your mouth—it is better you run the other way if you don’t like the Words I say!

OH, OH, OH! OH, OH! For MY Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones & Elect! OH OH OH! For MY Bride, MY precious, precious, beautiful Bride—it won’t be long before I, YAHUSHUA, draw you by MY Side. Hang on tight to the Hem of MY Garment!


Sometimes you’ll think you’ll have to wrestle ME for blessings but this only helps your faith to grow! I will not leave you, I will not forsake you! Just cry out in MY NAME! For I love you with a love you cannot even begin to comprehend! And your rewards are waiting for you right here in Heaven!

Kathrynyah: Praise YAHUSHUA!

Prophecy Continues:

OH I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU! You’re the reason I went to Calvary, so you can return back to ME! All those—I speak to now—in the LAMB’S Book of Life, you were the reason I went to Calvary!

And no good thing will I withhold from you—if you just hang on tight and don’t turn back—I desire to bless you!

And you who labor in the harvest field, you who labor at AmightyWind—HANG ON TIGHT! Don’t you dare let go! For you do a labor of love for ABBA YAHUVEH, I, YAHUSHUA, & IMMAYAH.

And I AM so so so pleased with the prayer intercessors, “YAHUSHUA’S demon stompers.” And there’s more than just those that the names are known. For they are spread all over the world—500,000 warriors on that wall, just like I prophesied long ago! And they are the strong warriors! In all kindreds and tongues!

For the word of mouth has taken this Ministry all over the world. And it shall be even more as the days ahead—you reach people that you had not been able to reach before!

For the BRIDE OF ISRAEL cries out! There’s a BRIDE IN LEBANON! There’s a Bride! There’s a Bride! There’s a Bride—who cry out to ME, who walk Holy before ME in more places around this world—and some you have not yet even reached who wait for you.

These are the Words I have to say as, Ezra, you stirred up the new Prophecy this day. This is the reason why the devil tried to kill this Prophet this day—he did not want this Prophecy to come forth from MY daughter’s lips—MY Ringmaiden.

So Ezra, you keep doing what you’re called to do.

For now there’s not just one, but there’s two.

And there’s more on the way!

There’s the Hebrew translators! You keep your eyes out looking for them. For this Book is meant to be in the Hebrew language, just like I prophesied it would be in the Asian language.

You keep your eyes open for all those who receive this Book as Truth in Israel, all those who can speak forth the Hebrew language and knows the English [language] well. They will stand by your side. They will be honored to help you. I call ‘em [them] forth this day.

I already know your names. I speak it into the spirit realm and I call you forth.

Well done, well done, well done my faithful daughter! Well done, well done my faithful son!

You just stay on that path. You stay on that course. For a new adventure has just begun. You keep crying out to ME. You keep asking for that Wisdom! And I will faithfully guide, anoint and give more Wisdom to you liberally.

But woe, woe, woe, woe, WOE be to your enemies! I put you on notice enemies. Woe, woe, woe, woe be everyone who stands against MY Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones & Elect!

And to everyone else who hears this and says, “Oh! I don’t wanna be YAH’S enemy,”

then you better quickly repent!

Because MY WRATH to this world is about to be sent!

You better get on your knees and cry out to YAHUSHUA before it’s too late! Repent! Repent! Repent! Accept HIS GIFT at Calvary so the SHED BLOOD OF YAHUSHUA—[HE] can be your MASHIACH—and will protect and forgive and deliver thee.

These are the Words I have to say as the devil rages in fury, trying to silence this Prophet once again. Instead, I only have her shout louder! You cannot silence MY Prophets.

Oh enemies of MINE, remember this!

A Prophet is MY friend! Whatever you do to them, it is as if you’ve done to ME.


This day you’ve heard from not only I, ABBA YAHUVEH, but you’ve heard from MY SON, YAHUSHUA! Now what are you gonna do with the Words I’ve spoken to you? All spoken forth because of IMMAYAH. What are you gonna do?

For now you’re held accountable for the Words that have been spoken forth.

End of Word.

Elisheva: [Takes large breath] That’s all.

Kathrynyah: Praise YAHUVEH! Praise YAHUSHUA! Praise IMMAYAH!

Ezra: Thank YOU! Amen.

[ Elisheva laughs ]

Kathrynyah: Thank you FATHER!

Elisheva: You better have gotten—heard that—Ezra, did you?

Ezra: What did you say?

Kathrynyah: Did you hear that?

Ezra: Yeah. [Laughs]

Kathrynyah: Yeah.

Ezra: [Laughs] Praise GOD.

Elisheva: [Laughs] FATHER I just thank YOU and I praise YOU something really great happened today. Wow, this is a new Prophecy. April 12th, 2016. This is a new Prophecy.

Kathrynyah: Praise YAHUVEH! Praise YAHUSHUA! Praise IMMAYAH!

Elisheva: And it’s all because a man came—who’s now in Israel.

Kathrynyah: [Repeats] All because a man came—who’s now in Israel.

Ezra: Wow, incredible. Incredible!

Elisheva: You see I hear—I can’t explain how this gift works. I can’t explain it. It’s just that… sometimes HE will… There’s just so much there that comes to me at one time. There is no way of explaining it.

But Ezra stirred up the Anointing—and we waited and we waited and we waited for a Word to come forth. He spoke in Holy tongues, [we] went before the Throne and I said, “What is it YOU [YAHUVEH] want to say?” And we waited and we waited and he [Ezra] prays in tongues again.

And then we wait… and I said [in my mind], “Oh my! There’s not gonna be any Word YOU have to say?” And YOU’RE the ONE who told me to pray, told me to have him [Ezra, in tongues] pray—and of course, we know how that happened—

I just had not a clue, as usual. And then when HE spoke, HE was so furious…

Ezra: Yeah.

Elisheva …at the one [Paul Hellem] today who hurt me so bad. And um…

Ezra: Wow.

Elisheva: I just want to put this on notice. Yeah. Woe be unto our enemies.

Kathrynyah: Amen.

Elisheva: That’s all.

Ezra: Amen.

Elisheva: Woe be unto those…

Ezra: Wow.

Elisheva: You’re gonna answer for every one of the words you’ve said. You’re gonna answer before the GOD OF CREATION. You don’t know me. You don’t know anything about me. And yet you have said the most… You have put my face… and you put it in a porn [video]… you dare do something like that? To take a porn star and say that it is I? You don’t even can com—

Prophetic Word

You can’t even comprehend—ABBA YAH says now—the TORTURES! …that you have waiting for you. You who dare say, and make videos, that I am “an apostle of the satanic church,” you do not even begin to comprehend—ABBA YAH is telling me—the tortures that you have waiting for you because with every word that you spoke, it went before the Throne of Heaven.


Ezra: Wow.

Elisheva: THEY know, for over 30 years I have belonged to THEM. THEY know.

Ezra: Amen.

Elisheva: And woe be unto you. Woe, woe, woe! Man!

I hope, my prayer is—and I say this before the whole world—I wanna [want to] know the moment that that torture begins. I wanna know.

I don’t want to look upon it long, but it was just like Lazarus and the rich man. He saw the rich man beg for water—just a drip on the tongue. I wanna know what my DADDY YAH does to you.

Because you… You think you got the victory. You think you humiliated me.

But guess what? There is nothing you can do that my DADDY YAH didn’t allow you to do. And that was for your own judgment. You dug your own level down to the pit of hell [to where] you will descend.

Kathrynyah: Amen.

Elisheva: So you people who want to keep making these videos, keep slandering my name, keep speaking all this evil against this Ministry… You’re stupid.

Kathrynyah: Amen. [Laughs]

Elisheva: You should’ve just ran away.

Ezra: Yes.

Elisheva: And for you who are hearing this, and you’re gonna get angry, I suggest you shut up.

Kathrynyah: Amen!

Elisheva: You better run away.

Ezra: Amen.

Elisheva: Because my DADDY YAH is not playing games. HE knows who belongs, and whose name is written in that LAMB’S Book of Life, to Heaven.

Kathrynyah: Amen.

Elisheva: That’s the words I have to say.

Ezra: Amen.

Elisheva: On April 12, 2016.

Kathrynyah: Amen.

Elisheva: YAHUSHUA is on the way.

Ezra: Wow.

Elisheva: HE is on the way.

Ezra: Wow.

Elisheva: [Prays in Holy tongues] Hallelu YAH—ABBA YAH! Thank YOU for strengthening me this day. [Laughs] Oh yes… Thank YOU for strengthening me this day. Thank YOU, thank YOU for this man of YAH that YOU have brought our way to help us in a way no one has ever helped us before—as the desire of my heart is to reach Israel.

Ezra: Amen.

Elisheva: And the Hebrew people, the Jewish people that are spread all over this world, but we’re not stopping there. We’re not stopping there.

Ezra: Yes, wow…

Elisheva: This is an international Ministry and we love all people, kindreds and tongues—

Ezra: Praise GOD.

Elisheva: —whose names are written in the LAMB’S Book of Life, and YAHUSHUA is not gonna lose one.

Ezra: Amen

Elisheva: [Laughs joyfully] That’s our first Prophecy together.

Kathrynyah: She says, “That’s our first Prophecy together.”

Ezra: Oh… [Laughs]

Elisheva: It is after you let the butterfly free!

Kathrynyah: [Repeats] It is after you let the butterfly free!

Ezra laughing: She was free indeed!

[ Elisheva laughs ]

Kathrynyah: [Repeats] She’s free indeed!

Elisheva: It was my first Prophecy since I didn’t know if I would prophesy any more

Kathrynyah: You say that every time, I’m sorry but [Laughs] you’re always saying that.

Elisheva: [Laughs] She’s right. I do that every… well, not every time. But it was after you mended my wings and set me free [that I prophesied again]. Thank ABBA YAH. Thank YOU for showing me.


Kathrynyah: …and then you started to pray and I saw [in a vision] that you both had baseball bats and they were crossed, like you were getting ready to use them. You know, like you cross your swords and then you start to fight, sort of.

Elisheva: But a baseball bat?! [Laughs]

Kathrynyah: Hit ’em [them, the enemies] over the head I guess.

Elisheva: [Laughs] OK!

Kathrynyah: And then when GOD was speaking forth fire in Ezra I saw fire in his hand, like you lifted up your hand and there was like fire on the end of it, you know, like a flame. That was what I saw.

Elisheva: Wow, praise YAH. See what you get when you wear blue!?

Kathrynyah: [Repeats] See what you get when you wear blue?

Ezra: Yeah. [Laughs]

[ Elisheva laughs ]

Kathrynyah: It’s about the colors. I’m just being silly ABBA YAHUVEH. YOU know that.

Elisheva: Alright.

Ezra: Yeah [Laughs]

Elisheva: This is just the beginning of when you and I come together in the Anointing.

Ezra: Yes indeed.

Kathrynyah: Awesome!

Elisheva: When the devil thinks he’s gonna break me, [she’s hearing this from Heaven] ABBA YAH said, “The only thing I did today was bend.! ABBA YAH said, “The only thing I did today was bend.” That’s all. The reason why I only bent today and didn’t break, is because—there was a man [Ezra] who has a Rod and he is my other half of the Anointing.

Kathrynyah: Amen!

Ezra: [Authoritatively] Amen.

Elisheva: And that’s what I have to say. And all of hell trembles right now.

Kathrynyah: Good!

Ezra: That’s right.

Elisheva: The devil was defeated.

Kathrynyah: In the NAME OF YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH, good!

Ezra: Tell her I’m giving her five [high five]. “Give me five.”

Kathrynyah: He’s giving you ‘five’, give him ‘five’. [Laughs]

Elisheva: Well how about a kiss on the cheek?

Kathrynyah: [Repeats] How about a kiss on the cheek? [Laughs]

Ezra: Alright.

Kathrynyah: Alright, he is putting his cheek up to the screen.

Elisheva: [Laughs] I don’t wanna twist your arm!

Kathrynyah: No he wants to give you a high five!

Ezra: You have been twisting it let me tell you. [Jokingly]

Kathrynyah: No, he wants to give you a high five!

Elisheva: What’s a ‘high five’? Oh! Give me ‘high five’! [Laughs]

Kathrynyah: Okay now she gets it!

Elisheva: I put my hand up. Our anointed hands are joined.

Kathrynyah: She puts her hand up for a ‘high five’. She says— Okay now she gets it. Now he’s got it…

Elisheva: Now our anointed hands are joined.

Kathrynyah: Amen!

Ezra: Just remember, with all this turbulence/tribulation there you went through, something good was coming out of it. Victorious day.

Elisheva: Amen.

Kathrynyah: She always used to say, “I’m five and I’m alive!”

Elisheva: Well, we got actually more than that now! We got Ezra! You know! And he is way up there [spiritually]! [Laughs ]

Kathrynyah: Almighty.

Ezra: Now I understand why my whole day was delayed and I couldn’t get there and… it was for that reason, absolutely.

Elisheva: Thank you for being there for me.

Ezra: Oh, you’re welcome.

Elisheva: And FATHER thank YOU for having him there for me. Because if you had been out—you wouldn’t have been there for me today. And this Word would not have come forth.

Ezra: Just like I said everything we do is ordained from “before.”

Elisheva: Amen. Amen, amen, amen. So now you… you have witnessed the first Prophecy with you. [Laughs]

Kathrynyah: She said [earlier] we’ve waited so long for another Prophecy and she has Prophecies that have not been released—

Elisheva: —because of him [Paul Hellem].

Ezra: Well—there we are. Yeah, sure.

Kathrynyah: Because of ‘butt-head’.

Elisheva: Yeah.

Ezra: Sure.

Elisheva: Because he…

Kathrynyah: I can’t think of a name bad enough for him [Paul Hellem].

Elisheva: [Laughs] I can’t either.

Ezra: I thought ‘cheese-head’ is good.

[Recording cut-off, but the women respond saying, both these names aren’t bad enough for the reprobate Paul Hellem!]

Elisheva: I need to see your face. I need to see my man in blue over there! That anointed color! Stirred up the Anointing!

Ezra: Oh, OK.

Kathrynyah: It stirred up the Anointing.

Elisheva: Stirred up the anointing…

Ezra: Did you know, I’m gonna end with this, if you take the name “Jerusalem”—if you take the name “Jerusalem,” U.S.A. is right in the middle of “Jerusalem.”

Kathrynyah: Yeah.

Elisheva: Yes I know.

Ezra: U.S.A. was only blessed because of Jerusalem. Because of Israel.

Kathrynyah: Yeah…

Elisheva: I believe that…

Ezra: And now they are forsaking Israel.

Elisheva: They’re enemies and yet they don’t want to admit they’re enemies. Beware of the Trojan Horse [Prophecy 57]. You have [YAH has spoken] Prophecies to Israel. I could not reach them with those Prophecies, you can—warn ’em.

Ezra: Yeah.

Elisheva: And when you get to the United States, you warn them there too.

Ezra: Yes. Indeed.

Elisheva: There are so many Prophecies for America. Okay?

Ezra: Yes, yes!

Elisheva: Well, I’m will let you go. And…

Elisheva: All I can do is say thank you. There is nothing else I can say.

Ezra: OK.

Kathrynyah: YAHUVEH bless you!

Elisheva: YAHUSHUA bless you.

Ezra: Bye bye!

Kathrynyah: Bye bye!

Ezra: Thank you.

End of Recording.

So it is spoken, so it is written in the NAME OF YAHUSHUA,
April 12, 2016
Apostle, Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu

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