Prophecy 130
YAHUSHUA Comes to Elisheva Eliyahu as the ROSE OF SHARON!
Miracle & Word Recorded on Audio, July 5, 2016
YAHUSHUA came to the very bedside of Apostle & Prophet
Elisheva Eliyahu, manifest as the ROSE OF SHARON.
YAHUSHUA spoke to Elisheva after this miracle happened and told
her to look at the picture on the front page of our website (at
the time), July 6th 2016, and reminded and showed her that there
in that illustrated image, she is surrounded by roses and that
those in the picture, including herself, carry HIS fragrance.
YAHUSHUA said, "When I came to you Elisheva, the same time also I
was covering [the then AmightyWind emissary] with MY Fragrance and
PRESENCE and giving him even more shalom, so when you need it he
has more Anointing to calm you down."
Without even physically knowing what was happening at the time of
this miracle, the now former emissary said, “I physically felt that
something [was] laid on my hand and I looked at my arm and at my
forearm and I said, 'Goodness that’s a very strange feeling I’m
feeling right now,' and I knew something was laid on me. And on my
shoulder—I felt something was laid on my soulder. You know when
someone lays some clothing on you, you really feel it, and that’s
how it was. I really felt what YAHUSHUA had laid upon me.”
This also contains a warning for those who may be standing firm,
even taking part in the experience of miracles, signs or wonders
or being used by Heaven—that they do not fall whether it by
because they take heed to enemies of their soul, become puffed up
in pride or by any other means. "Therefore let him who thinks he
stands take heed lest he fall" (1 Cor 10:12). That's how important
continued humility, gratitude and obedience are.
* * * *
* * * Below is the Prophecy as it came forth
—with Prophet Elisheva’s “Holy tongues,” as GOD’S SPIRIT gives
utterance (Acts 2:3-4) of heavenly or earthly languages (1 Co
13:1). She speaks forth in tongues bringing Prophecy (1 Co 14:6).
We use the Hebrew Names of GOD: As in alleluia (hallelu YAH) meaning “praise YAH,” YAH is GOD’S
means GOD.) The Revelation of SH’KHINYAH GLORY—as the Personal
Name of RUACH HA KODESH (in English “The HOLY SPIRIT”)—is also on
this site. (HA SH'KHINAH {SHEKINAH} is Hebrew for ‘GOD’S ABIDING,
Additionally, ABBA YAH means “FATHER YAH” and IMMA YAH, “MOTHER
YAH.” In Hebrew, the SPIRIT OF GOD is feminine, referred to as
“SHE,” and reflected this way in Prophecies & Scriptural
quotes below. All direct references to GOD are uppercase.
Scripture quotes are KJV/NKJV or CJB unless otherwise indicated.
* * * * * * *
YAHUVEH’S Warning Before the Prophecies: I warned you a long time ago Elisheva, not to name
this Ministry after a man or a woman. Even before there was a
Ministry, I put it in your spirit. For none of this has been done
by your hands. None of this has come forth from your mouth.
It is from the Mouth of YAHUVEH that has given birth. It is from
the Mouth of YAHUSHUA, your MASHIACH, that it has been given
birth. It is from the Mouth of the RUACH HA KODESH, your IMMAYAH,
that it has been given birth.
If it had only been by your hand, it would have failed long ago.
It is by the SH’KHINYAH GLORY’S WIND that blows across this
earth, the HOLY WIND OF REVIVAL. It is not by your breath, or it
would have failed. “I AM the LORD YAHUVEH: That is MY NAME: And MY
GLORY I will not give to another, Neither MY PRAISE to graven
images” (Is 42:8).
(Prophecy 105) In July 2010, YAHUVEH GOD said add this to warn those who mock: But they mocked the Messengers of GOD, despised HIS Words,
and scoffed at HIS Prophets, until the Wrath of YAHUVEH
arose against HIS People, till there was no remedy. —2 Chronicles
* * * * * * *
Prophecy 130
This was recorded via audio. Here is the transcription. Kathrynyah: We love you! Prophecy 130 Begins Beloved daughter Elisheva, I see you. You are trying—
Elisheva: —oh my gosh! It smells so good!
[ Kathrynyah laughs in joy ]
I’m gonna cry—
Prophecy Continues: You’re trying to do so much at one time.
[ Spiritual daughter crys & Elisheva prays in tongues through
tears ]
And you please me so much. I AM here! I’ve walked in this room.
I’m sitting on your bed as you talk and as [your daughters] do
what you’ve asked them to do. And you’ve called and you’ve given
MY Words of rebuke to protect MY beloved daughter, and undo the
evil that was done.
So Elisheva I want to give you my peace and I want to tell you
I’m here. And this is the first time you’ve ever smelled MY Scent.
And it is the “ROSE OF SHARON” that is here (Song 2:1). I’m
sitting on your bed.
The Words today—you’ve heard the Words I’ve said—so many will
hate you because of those Words [in Prophecy 129]. And they’re
gonna raise up, but do not fear because Elisheva—I’ve proven this
day—I'm here. I’m here. I’m never far away.
For the first time, in ALL of these years, you smell MY
Scent. And the Anointing covers you, —and MY Love & MY
So many sacrifices you’ve made and yet I tell you this. I only
multiply the blessings on everyone —not just the leadership but
all who bless this Ministry.
So I give you a new sign, wonder and a miracle and it’s recorded
even now with [others] here —when you least expect it—expect the
For you are walking in my signs, wonders and miracles. And the
“YAHUSHUA’S demon stompers” are about ready to go up a new level
as I send [an emissary]—who brings Elisheva wherever he goes.
So get ready. Get ready. Expect the unexpected from Heaven.
And get ready. And even the Scent of the Roses—increase the
Anointing in you now! And I’ve come to tell you: Just calm down. I
give you MY Shalom, I give you Peace that Surpasses All
Understanding. And I give you a new Word!
I told you you’re going to have to race to keep up. I set before
you are banquet table (Ps 23:5). You are in the midst—and you
smell the Scent—of MY PRESENCE in a new way. And there's no
perfume on this earth that can compare with MY Scent.
And [another spiritual daughter], I have forgiven you. I allowed
this to let you know nothing had changed. You pray and you wait
for a sign, “Has that biological mother changed?”
No, my daughter. She seeks to snatch you away. She cannot change
her stripes. For she does not choose to. You know who your mother
and your father is (Mt 12:48-50; Lk 8:21). You know who mentors
and who loves you. You know who leads you to Heaven.
It’s not just MY Elisheva, it’s not just Kathrynyah, but now it’s
also—for you always wanted the love of a father and now—[the
emissary] very shortly he will embrace you. And remember you don’t
just get one, you’re getting the love of a mother and a father
when you behold him with your eyes and he hugs you. And do not be
ashamed to cry.
End of Word
[ Holy tongues spiritual daughter cries in background]
Elisheva: Wow! And I’m still smelling the Roses. YAHUSHUA! YOU
come to me!
Here I’ll make room—more [space] for YOU. I’ll have to get my
makeup out of the way. This is like—wow! I’m like laying in a rose
garden! And I want the world to hear this! This is awesome! This
is like—oh no! Do I got it [my recorder] on? Yeah! Oh I didn’t
think I had it on.
Kathrynyah: BELOVED YAHUSHUA, thank YOU! We love YOU! We love
YOU! ...
Elisheva: I just feel like my, my— my everything—everything I
feel— This is, this is—I didn’t even have time to put perfume on
today. [Laughs] Yeah, I was even sweating underneath the
Anointing. I confess! [ All Laugh ] Hey world! Okay? [More
laughter.] I’m so hot.
Kathrynyah: HE loves you so much.
Elisheva: I don’t even know to say! I’m like gonna cry. I don’t
know whether to cry, I don’t know whether to laugh. We’re going in
like—what? Five different directions today! And HE says, “Just
calm down.”
Elisheva: Praise YAHUSHUA! Oh yeah I forgot!—BELOVED YAHUSHUA,
thank YOU! I’m so honored. I never smelled YOUR Fragrance—and oh
my gosh, I have been YOURS since [I’ve been] a young teen and I
never ever, ever—it’s like laying in the most fragrant rose
garden. YOUR clothes have this—it must be YOUR clothes.
ANOINTING. I don’t even know what to say. I’m so shocked. I—I
really don’t know, even know what to say. I’m just so honored. Um,
I was just talking to—about shopping! I was trying to!
[ Laughter in background ]
And I mean, we’re doing a—Prophecies back to back. We got a mass
[i.e. large] deliverance coming up and we have to straighten some
confusion out. We—I, I, I talked to the web manager. We’re trying
to translate things—ummm, new Prophecies. We’re—what are we
doing?!—we got so many things going at one time and in the midst
of all of this, YOU come and sit down by me? And YOU say, “Just
calm down”?!
[ All laugh, some clap ]
Kathrynyah: HE said—HE said [paraphrasing], you’re gonna be hated
for this new Word [129], but HE said don’t worry, I’ll be with
you. And HE said, “Expect the unexpected!”
Elisheva: —and “Expect the unexpected!” Oh I surely didn’t expect
this. Okay . . . . But I sure am honored and when [the emissary]
hears it—wow!
Every single time, every, every single time that I speak with
him—and Kathrynyah has witnessed it (as your faith level is able
to . . . to receive the miracles that we are seeing with our own
eyes)—there’s never, never, never a time that a sign wonder and
miracle that YAHUSHUA, isn’t doing. I’ve never seen anything like
And you guys are gonna see it with your own eyes, but first
“YAHUSHUA’S demon stompers” are going to have to come up to a new
level of faith and—because in this End times, the people have got
to believe.
They do not chase after signs, wonders and miracles because the
devil's coming with a counterfeit and we know that—called the
antichrist. But YAHUSHUA! You chase after YAHUSHUA And the more
you chase after HIM and the more you embrace HIM and the more you
obey HIM those signs, wonders and miracles are, all of the sudden,
a part of your life.
And today is just proof of it.
I’m just trying to do something normal like go shopping, but
there’s nothing normal in my life! And I have BELOVED YAHUSHUA
that was right here. I think the Scent’s leaving though. YAHUSHUA
don’t 'leave' me!
[ Laughter ]
I don’t want HIM to leave. Awwww, YAHUSHUA! HE can’t stick here
forever. [Joking] I understand. YOU got other things to do.
Kathrynyah: HE said the YDS are going to step up.
Elisheva: Huh?
- The YDS are going to step up.
- Awwww I don’t want HIM to leave! I know YOU’RE still here
- What a surprise!
- But HE came. HE came for me in a different way. Aw, now the
Scent is leaving, but thank YOU YAHUSHUA.
Elisheva: You [daughters] both! I mean you are— you’re going to
be on the audio, you know guys. [Laughs] I don’t know if your
voices will show up... What?
Daughter: I, I—she . . . um, I just, I’m—I’m so honored to even
have heard it and, you know, when YAHUSHUA brought up my whole
father situation—like wow!—I can’t believe [Weeps] HE loves us
that much and HE knows where it hurts and we don’t even have to
talk about it! [Speaks through tears]
Elisheva: Nope. No you don’t. And not only that, I have a
[special prayer partner] and the world don’t understand it! I’m
just waiting for the celebration in Heaven, but I have [2016] a
highest prayer covering that you can have. Okay?
And I know that why this rose garden—I don’t know what [the
emissary] was doing today, but he certainly was praying in a
different way, is all I have to say because—I couldn’t believe it!
Kathrnyah! I thought you were spraying perfume or something over
there and I go, “No! It’s coming from my bed!”
Kathrynyah: I saw a light on your head!
- She sees—she saw a light on my head when I seen this. See,
she’s got—
- I saw it just now.
- She’s got—she’s got gifts too. So okay, I suppose we better get
to practical stuff again. [Laughs]
- Back to work! No but we've peace now.
- I have joy! I have never— I mean look how long I’ve been saved
and I never smelled HIM like this.
- That’s awesome!
Elisheva: And it lasted until I started—until HE HE had to, you
know—unfortunately HE can't just always 'stay around' and do that
but thank YOU! I’m just liked shocked— I’m like shocked. I’m—it’s
so beautiful There’s nothing stronger. There’s no rose that can
compare with that Scent.
Kathrynyah: And it was a Gift for you because I didn’t smell it.
- I was in my bed. [Laughs] I was in my bed!
- Wonderful!
- The bed that I keep saying, it's so lonely —it’s not lonely
- Amen!
- What she say—what she say? What'd she say?
Daughter: [That’s the anointing oil that she’s been wanting to
get, the “Rose of Sharon,” and YAH just gave that scent to you.]
Elisheva: Oh! Wow! That’s why I got it! Thank you! I don’t think
I’ve ever even smelled the “Rose of Sharon” [scented anointing
oil]. Have we? ... And now we have to get back to practical stuff.
So I’m gonna shut this off. Kathrynyah: We love you!
End of Transcript
A sign given to Apostle & Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu,
July 5th, 2016
Need prayer or Salvation? Do you have comments or questions? Please Contact Apostle Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu!