Spoken under the Anointing of the RUACH HA KODESH
Through Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu
Received April 11 – Released May 17, 2018 Sefirat HaOmer Days 12 & 48
Yom HaShoah | Holocaust Remembrance Day | Nisan 27
Day 12 Sefirat HaOmer 2018 | Evening April 11-12
Sh’loshet Yemei Hagbalah | Three Days of Separation | Sivan 4-6
Day 48 Sefirat HaOmer 2018 | Evening May 17-18 | Sivan 4
Exodus 19:11 Prepare for the third day. For on the third day, YAHUVEH will
come down on Mount Sinai before the eyes of all the people.
Prayer Begins
Elisheva: Gather the troops we have here together.
Elisheva: [ Elisheva prays in Holy tongues ] Rise up, rise up, rise up! O ABBA
YAHUVEH! Wake up, wake up, wake up! O YAHUVEH!
I know YOU are a GOD that does not slumber! I know YOU are a GOD that does not
sleep (Ps 121:4)!
Rise up, rise up, rise up! O ABBA YAHUVEH! How much more of this must YOUR Holy
[children] take? How much more will YOU put YOUR Bride through? Rise up, rise
spilled, WHO shed HIS BLOOD at Calvary! Rise up, rise up, rise up! O SWEET
IMMAYAH! RUACH HA KODESH! I’ve seen YOU rise up, I saw how tall YOU are!
Rise up, rise up, rise up! Rise up against these enemies of ours! We have done
them no harm. We have been quiet. We have not attacked.
And all of a sudden this man—rise up, rise up, rise up! In the NAME OF YAHUSHUA
HA MASHIACH! And tear out his tongue! And cut off his fingers! And more than
that ABBA YAH, I PRAY THIS DAY: he is dead!
Rise up, rise up, rise up! Assemble the troops around the world!
Rise up as they declare war on this world right now from Heaven [skies], from
under the earth, from different planets and even from humankind! Rise up, rise
up, rise up! Rise up, wake up, wake up! Can YOU not see we’re crying out!
Rise up, rise up! O Holy hosts of warring angels! ABBA YAH, I ask that YOU use
YOUR Own Holy angels! To stop this now! Stop this now!
Satan,you will NOT take what belongs to YAH, you will NOT take what belongs to
YAHUSHUA and you will NOT take what belongs to the SWEET HOLY SPIRIT; you cannot
shake the Kingdom of Heaven!
Rise up, rise up O MIGHTY YAH! Show that THOU are the SAME GOD WHO destroyed
Sodom & Gomorrah! Show that THOU are the SAME GOD that protected Lot & his
children, and yet turned his own wife into—YOU turned his own wife into salt
because she refused to obey (Gn 18-19).
Rise up, rise up, rise up! In the NAME OF YAHUSHUA HA MASHIACH!
War cry from Heaven this day!
Protect America from the attacks coming their way! Rise up, rise up! Don’t do it
for the reprobates’ sake in America! Don’t do it for those who hate YOU! But do
it for the remnant! Do it for those who love YOU! Do it for the Commandment
keepers (Dt 6:1-2; 28:13; 1 Jn 2:3-4)! Do it for those whose names are written
in the LAMB’S Book of Life (Ex 32:33; Dn 12:1; Rv 21:27)! Let not America be
attacked this day by Russia or any other country.
Rise up! Rise up, O YAHUVEH! Rise up! Rise up to protect the YDS! Rise up to
protect the Bride of YAHUSHUA! RISE UP! Rise up for the sake of YOUR remnant!
YOU have always protected YOUR remnant!
YOU ended a war in Israel in ONE DAY! YOU stopped this world from spinning, YOU
did this. YOU stopped—literally stopped it FATHER (Jos 10:11-13), the sun.
[ Holy tongues ] Rise up, rise up, rise up! As we cry out to the GOD—YOU
YAHUSHUA, WHO was crucified on a cross, WHO gave YOUR last [drop of] blood, WHO
no man could kill, but YOU said “It is finished” (Jn 19:30), and it was
finished. And then YOU died, but YOU rose again on that third day (1 Cor
Rise up, rise up, rise up! Just as YOU did! YOU rose from the dead! So too, YOU
will rise up the Bride of YAHUSHUA (1 Cor 15:42-57)!
They will know now to fight, fight, fight—anyone who carries the Anointing of
YOU, PRECIOUS RUACH HA KODESH! Even if they don’t speak English, even if they
cannot hear me now! They can hear me in the spiritual realm.
Rise up and tell them start praying in tongues! Whatever they’re doing, tell
them to stop now! Rise up and tell them, start praying in Holy tongues!
And have in those tongues: Tell them to pray for the Two Witnesses (Zec 4:11-14;
Rv 11) to be protected! Tell them to pray for the people, in America, who belong
to YOU! Tell them to pray ABBA YAH! Tell them to pray ABBA YAH and give them our
names in their own [tongue &] in that Heavenly tongue.
Rise up, rise up! Rise up, rise up!
Oh decree a war in Heaven right now! Decree the war against those who try to
destroy YOUR Ministry! Decree a war right now against satan and those
reprobates, who are putting their English videos up! DESTRUCTION TO THEIR
everything they’re doing!
Rise up! We are listening now to the warnings that have been given! We are
listening to the warnings that were given by the visions of those who have
spoken it forth.
So many prophets FATHER are trying to give a warning!
We join those who are, together, around this world! We do not fight against one
another! We ask for mercy, mercy, mercy! We ask for mercy YAHUSHUA!
Stop the sirens from going, where the war sirens are giving a warning in
America. Stop it now, stop Russia now! Stop China, stop all the Asian countries!
Stop everyone, FATHER, who is trying to come against America now!
I don’t ask for it, though, for any of the reprobate! I do not ask ABBA YAHUVEH,
for any of those who are unholy. I don’t ask for YOUR mercy for them. I ask for
YOUR mercy for YOUR remnant. I ask for YOUR mercy for those who worship YOU,
YAHUSHUA. I remind YOU: We are YOURS, we are YOURS, we are YOURS.
Stop the war right now—satan goes before YOUR time. It is not yet time to
destroy America.
Stop with the war coming against Donald J. Trump, the President of the United
States! Stop it FATHER!
Shut the mouths of the enemies! Forevermore!
OF MERCY! That goes for the HOLY TRINITY!
Now ’tis the time for Heaven to say CHARGE! Arc Angel Michael! I call upon you
who have never failed me, who is the protector of the Bride of Israel and the
protector of the Bride of YAHUSHUA! You are the protector of those who are Holy.
Rise up! Declare war, oh! O Arc Angel Michael! And Uriel & Raphael & Gabriel!
And all the Holy hosts of the Heavenly forces rising up right now!
Rise up, I ask you! Rise up and stop the war! Stop the war right now that has
been decreed [by evil] before it is [YAH] YOUR time on America. Let the sirens
stop that have been heard in America! War! War sirens FATHER!
Let it be stopped! As they’re “warning,” but they’re not telling the people
what’s going on!
O ABBA YAHUVEH, I don’t ask for mercy for America—for we were to repent that we
were, we are ever, anyone was ever called an American—we cannot control what our
evil governments have done.
And that goes for every country around this world. The governments are evil, but
the people are not. Now I’m not talking about the reprobate. I’m talking about
those whose names are already written in the LAMB’S Book of Life.
I’m crying out for mercy only for America for this one time. For YOU have
decreed for me to say RISE UP! And I am asking now that this be done. This very
moment, this very second, this very hour!
And ABBA YAHUVEH everyone, everyone who calls himself [enemy]—of the many
They come to us in a form of a human. They look like they have the face of a
human. They will even quote the Scriptures! And yet, HEAVENLY FATHER, I speak to
those who call themselves a Christian; they have no CHRIST in them. They are all
pure demonic, “ALIEN” (Enoch; Dn 2:43; Eph 6:12; Rv 12:9)—ABBA YAHUVEH—for those
who do not even have the human DNA that I have the Prophecies [24 pt2, 49, 60,
61, 68, 99 etc] that warned [about it].
ABBA YAHUVEH in the NAME OF YAHUSHUA, now they have the synthetic DNA (Is 45:9,
11-12). ABBA YAHUVEH, stop the war against humanity! Of those HEAVENLY FATHER
who belong to YOU, whose names are there written in the LAMB’S Book of Life.
Oh ABBA YAHUVEH, I cry out for those who’ve become so very sick! I will not name
their names. YOU know who they are. One right after another, after another,
after another!
As these evil ones cast their spirit of death, LET IT GO RIGHT BACK IN THEIR
FACE! And let the Holy angels chase them in 7 different directions, FATHER (Dt
Prophecy 140 Begins
Death shall pursue you, and death shall tackle you to the ground (Ps 35:5-7)!
For I speak, and I AM ABBA YAHUVEH! And I speak through this vessel of clay, who
[before prayer time] just moments ago could not even speak and now she has MY
Voice to say: I decree right now and I AM ABBA YAHUVEH. I will always protect MY
remnant! I will always protect Israel! The only time Israel will ever feel the
wrath is going to be when I, YAHUVEH decree it!
And I tell you this, I’m warning you this—satan you are crossing the BLOODLINE
OF YAHUSHUA! BACK OFF! BACK OFF! You war drums! You war drums right now, you
must cease and you must desist against America.
Those who are coming against Alex Jones! Those who are coming against—WHEN HE
Yes at times, he’s made mistakes! But what you saw last night, as they paraded
to the White House as you watched that video YAHUSHUA told you to watch,
Elisheva, Alex Jones warned about the truth.
Rise up & protect your president, Trump. He is doing his best.
You who call yourself “Democrat,” you know—if you belong to ME and your name is
in the LAMB’S Book of Life—what is being done to America, what has been done to
this man, no matter what you think of him, care enough about America! And rise
up, rise up, rise up and defend! Defend against the evil that’s heading your
I warned through this Prophet Elisheva, I warned so many years ago: that in 5
different directions America would be attacked—at the very same time—the United
Nations would come in and they will say, “We’re here to help,” and yet they will
turn against one another to see who can take America first!
Rise up, rise up, rise up!
Every Holy, Holy angel!
Elisheva: I, I am a child of the MOST HIGH, of ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA & IMMAYAH!
And ABBA YAH has told me to tell you to rise up.
Prophecy Continues
Rise up, and fight your very best against the evil forces of the bride of satan,
against the most evil forces right now of those in this world, who are full of
greed and who only care to take over and own this world.
And now I don’t even speak of humans. For they come not of flesh and blood, but
they come with synthetic blood. They come with “shapeshifting.” They come in a
form you know it not. They come in the form of a beast, like Nebuchadnezzar (Dn
I tell you this. I tell you this. [ Holy tongues ] I AM YAHUVEH, and I tell you
It will not only just be a short time. [ Holy tongues ] But those who turn into
the beast, and the “shapeshifters,” and the “reptilians,” and all the different
breeds and different species of the “aliens,” I tell you this.
I AM YAHUVEH, and you think you can control what you have. You, who are the
blood drinkers, you are the flesh eaters. I tell you this. [ Holy tongues ] Now
is your time. I, YAHUVEH, have risen up! You will not be able to hide! You will
cover your faces and run!
Just like Adele live! The singer appeared in New Zealand, trying to say, “I’m
one of the good ones, I’m not one of the bad ones!” As she appeared to be 8 ft
tall before audiences, and it was in the newspaper! And yet they ripped it out
the next day!
I tell you this is real. And I AM warning you this is real.
This is a war that is sent from satan. And they come, and they’ve been here
(Enoch & Gn 6 etc). They are underground. They are under the sea. They are in
the sky.
They are in the world disguised as humanity, yet there’s no humanity in them.
There’s no human in them. Over half, over half of this world—right now—even
though you think it’s your own family member. They have come in disguise.
They have “shapeshifted” to that which you would recognize.
So I tell you now, those who will believe that they are hearing a Word from ME.
Why do you think this Ministry comes under attack now?
After 23 years on the Internet, I have used this woman as a leader -
It is because, now is the time. You will fight back, like you’ve never fought
before. You will pray, those of you whose names [are] written in the LAMB’S Book
of Life—even if you don’t know what a Prophet is!
You will pray for President Donald J. Trump. You will pray America will not be
attacked this day. You will pray for the Holy Ministries. You will pray for this
Prophet who is speaking now, and those who work so hard.
In over 45 languages! Yea I say, now it is 50. Over 50 languages! For even as I
speak, another has shared the Word! “Underground” churches is the way to go, not “on top of the ground” anymore.
Listen, if you’re in those churches.
Listen & run if you’re in a Baptist church in Texas. Listen & run, listen & run,
listen & run!
Go & shut the doors until MY wrath passes over! And hold your sanctuaries inside
your own homes, with your own families!
Beware. For no matter what denomination they call themselves beware, beware,
beware. Beware of the Sunday churches.
Beware, beware, beware! For the HOLY SPIRIT now speaks forth, the HOLY SPIRIT
now speaks forth! And gives a warning even to the very core of your soul.
You know this Prophet, is not a mere [normal] woman. You recognize the Voice of
I, YAHUVEH. This is the warning that was coming.
This is why her voice was taken, so this warning could not be spoken. BUT I
Anointing. And I YAHUVEH AM the CREATOR of this flesh & blood now speaking.
The Ministry of AmightyWind.com has warned. For 23 years they have warned. Go
back, go back to their website.
Go back and you will see, “Proof Behind the Prophecies!” And it’s only now just
I tell you this, O America, you whose names are written in the LAMB’S Book of
Life, you are the only ones who will even listen to ME at this time.
Fall on your knees. Humble yourself. Repent for what your nation has done. Fall
on your knees. Repent, ask forgiveness for what this nation has done. For what
you have done to offend the HOLY GOD OF CREATION!
Rise up, rise up, rise up and fight back! Defend your president, and I will
defend America. Rise up this day, I will defend America. [ Holy tongues ]
I’ll have no more of any more attacks like you have done, you reprobate, you
scum. The worst level of hell, where the fallen angels are, as in the Book of
Enoch, I shall take the chains and wrap you even tighter, not once, not twice,
but 5 different ways. I shall have new tortures come to the fallen angels as
they cry out for mercy from ME.
There’s not going to be mercy for any enemy of AmightyWind.com.
I warn you when you see a video in the search engine, and you even see a word
spoken against AmightyWind.com. You see any kind of a ‘warning’ and you go to
that website, I warn you now. You even so much as listen to a word, that someone
wants to say and to ‘warn’ how evil they are, I warn you the same fate shall be
yours, if you so much as even listen to the video!
If you’ve done it accidentally then now is the time that I will forgive, I will
have mercy.
But I tell you this, if you’ve done it on purpose and you’ve taken the [evil]
word and spread it—beware, I, YAHUVEH now declare you as MY enemy. I YAHUVEH
declare you as MY enemy!
When you have done this in ignorance and you want to fight on their [AmightyWind’s]
side and you’re fighting on the side of YAHUSHUA and all of HIS Bride, I promise
you this: I YAHUVEH have forgiven you. I wash you with the BLOOD OF YAHUSHUA.
You are forgiven, but take your orders, and take the lead from Elisheva. I’m
going to instruct what to do.
Do not listen to Mark Taylor. Do not listen. For he sold out. Do not listen. For
he will not tell you to live Holy. He will not tell you this day, the only way
America will be spared is if they humbly fall on their knees, THOSE WHO BELONG
He just says, pray, pray for America but he does not care which god they pray
to. He does not warn them to repent. He does not tell them to be humble. He does
not tell them, he does not tell them.
This is how you know [that] a true Prophet is [a true Prophet]. They will only
speak of Holiness. They will warn where the wolves are. They will protect the
sheep and the lambs. This I have made a Prophet to do.
I speak MY Words through this Holy vessel of clay—right now—
I, YAHUVEH, speak the Words to those who have sent the curses against the
Ministry, and against those who belong to the Ministry. You think you got away
with it [judgment]? Ah, but I’ve been toying with you!
Yes, “aliens” are real. Yes, every kind of different species of what you call an
“alien,” is a fallen angel. And there is—no “good ones.”
They have now intermingled. They are now strange flesh. They come to the women
as they sleep, (those who don’t belong to ME). And they have interbreeded with
them. And there is—over 120 different species.
There is so far over 120, I will not even give the number for you would not even
For I tell you that not only has dog and woman [combined]—not only
has—scientists found a way to be able to transgender—not only has—satan showed
them ways to pervert everything that I have created!
Everything, even the water, even the oxygen you are forbidden to get. And they
pollute it, and you think that you are breathing oxygen and yet it is every kind
of chemical that can kill.
They want the earth for themselves. The fallen angels want the earth for
themselves—lucifer wants the earth for himself. Under the sea, there is another whole breed. [ Holy tongues ] Under the
ground—and I’m not speaking of just hell! They have hidden in the clouds—those
are not true clouds.
You warned and you warned of the ‘chemtrails’ [geo-engineering]. That [“aliens”
& planetary engineering] is oh so much worse than any chemtrail!
You look at the sun and how many of you say, “My! The sun has changed. Where is
the yellow, why is it so white?” [ Holy tongues ] The moon has changed and the
sun has changed and the stars have changed (Is 34:4).
And they do not tell you, NASA do not—tell you the truth. NASA you do not tell
them the truth. [ Holy tongues ] Then you laugh and you mock when you say, when
NASA finally admits, “Why of course there is aliens!”
Have you not already been warned through your movies! Through your books!
Hawking now burns in the deepest pit of hell. Hawking is now chained with the
fallen angels. You see this is not just the End Times. This is the End of the
End Times.
This is why this Ministry has the name the Last Chance Ministry when you come to
AmightyWind.com. And you better come this very day after you hear. Go and read
what is there.
[Sarcastic] Go and show ME and prove to ME, there is anything “evil” that leads
you away from I, YAHUVEH or I, YAHUSHUA or the SWEET HOLY SPIRIT. Go, I defy
you, I defy you to point out and accuse these whom I have called Holy, this
Ministry who I decreed is Holy.
For how can it be anything but? It has been birthed from Heaven. It has been
birthed from a mere woman 23 years ago on the Internet. And it was birthed
before some of you even heard the word Internet. That’s how long ago it was
You do not know what tongues are, I understand that. Then go and look up a
YouTube video that will tell you that tongues are real. These are Holy tongues
that come from Heaven, a tongue that is both of men and angel (1 Cor 13:1), Holy
You hear the word Prophet. You don’t know what a Prophet is? Then look in the
Bible. Grab the Bible while you still can. Before the truth is taken from you.
Memorize [it]—after you’ve repented, after you’ve truly given your life to
YAHUSHUA WHOM some call JESUS CHRIST, but I give you HIS HEBREW NAME. I order
you to start learning to memorize that HEBREW NAME.
For the woman who gave birth was a [Hebrew] virgin but the TRUE QUEEN OF HEAVEN
is the [HOLY SPIRIT] SHEKINYAH GLORY that protected the children of Israel for
40 years as they walked around in a circle. SHEKINYAH GLORY is the one that a
woman—and Eve was made in the image of.
Right now Elisheva is being fought even to speak, as I speak through her, but I
will [speak], I YAHUVEH promise you. You fall on your knees and you repent for
what you’ve done when you’ve accidentally come against these Holy ones, this
Look closely at your family, those who tell you: Do not believe the truths of
this Ministry; do not believe when they teach Holiness; do not believe when they
teach the Holy Sabbath.
And it is not Sunday (Gn 2:2-3; Mk 2:28; Lk 4:16)!
When you are forced one day, and the law is down (Rv 13:16; Ps 94:20-21) that
you no longer can go to any church but on a Sunday (Dn 7:25)—beware when you
enter in for it will be the last time you ever “enter” out.
For it shall be a “communion” like none other for those who take the mark of the
beast. Get in your Bible, and read Revelation and see (13:7-10; 15-18; 14:8-13;
16:2; 20:4). And look at the warning sign that YAHUSHUA gave (Lk 21:7, 16-23; Mt
24:15; Mk 13:14; Rv 1:1; Rv 12-18).
The new communion that is done, in these satanic churches who even call
themselves “masons,” yes “masons” (Ps 2:1-2; 83:4-5; Rv 2:9)—so much higher than
the 33rd degree. The pedophilia is nothing, [compared to combining it with
cannibalism] (Mt 18:6-7; Lk 23:29, 31). They drink the blood of the martyrs (Rv
17:4-6, 15-16) who are simply Holy ones. They eat the flesh (Ps 14:4; 27:1-3; Mi
3:3; Rv 17:15-16).
And beware when someone forces you to go to a camp, and say, “We’ll give you
free housing,” remember Japan. Remember what happened right here in America [to
U.S. citizens of Japanese descent]. Remember how they promised them sanctuary.
It’s all a trap MY children. It’s all a trap.
Oh hide yourselves MY children just for a little while ’til MY wrath passes
For those whose names are written in the LAMB’S Book of Life, I AM going to find
a way to protect you—if you truly fall on your knees and repent and become
Commandment keepers this day! I [will] remember the woman in the wilderness (Rv
Read the book of Revelation. Look it up in your search engine. You are so close
there now. You cannot even believe.
Why do you think satan has declared war on this earth like never before? And
tried to silence, even put in jail, the Holy preachers that I told to speak, the
Prophets that I told to warn?
Value this Internet. Protect this Internet. Speak up.
Listen to the alternative news! Not the news media you’d see on TV! Not the one
that is controlled by the government and the “aliens,” and satan himself!
You want to know what the truth is? Read the 10 Commandments. For the [full]
Torah is too much for the babies.
For those of you who are not babies, you are not babies, you are [more
mature]—you spiritually grow more each day. You are not only under YAHUSHUA’S
Covenant (Mt 26:27-29) but you are under Abraham’s covenant (Gn 12:2; 17), so
you have a double protection there (1 Pt 1:2-5; Gn 15:1; Heb 11:17-19).
And read and memorize Psalm 91.
Hold it tightly.
And Psalm 23. And Psalm 32.
There’s the Psalm, the Psalm.
Calm in the storm, is in the Psalms.
Wisdom, great wisdom is
in the Book of Proverbs.
There is not two books. There was never meant to be two books: an Old Testament
and a New Testament.
For I, YAHUSHUA, WHOM some of you call “Jesus”—but I tell you to learn of MY
45:23-24; Phil 2:9).
O Israel, listen to ME! MY FATHER’S NAME is in MY NAME. And I cannot do anything
but what MY FATHER said to do (Jn 5:19)! And that is YAHUVEH!
Do not fear HIS NAME (Jl 2:32; Ps 9:10; 91:14-16; Pr 18:10)! Read your own
Oh so many of you don’t understand!
I use Israel to protect the Holy things that you must know (Ro 9:4-5) such as
the Torah (Ps 12:6-7), and the Holy Feasts (Is 66:22-23) I commanded you to keep
(Lv 23, Is 22, 23).
And how many churches are teaching you the Holy feasts that I commanded that
will always stand (Zec 14:16-17; 1 Cor 5:8)?
O Israel one day you will weep and you will wail and you will say, “Blessed is
he who comes in the NAME OF YAHUSHUA” (Ps 118:26; Zec 12:10-14; Mt 23:39)! I
said YAHUSHUA! Blessed is he who comes in the NAME OF YAHUSHUA!
You know the FATHER’S NAME, but you fear to speak MY NAME. Now speak the NAME,
have faith in ME, even as the sirens go on.
And pray, pray, pray for the safety of America this day—not only today, but
every day until I no longer will protect it. And there’s coming a time and I’ve
warned you 5 different ways, it will be attacked.
And those who call yourself “illuminati” and those of you who have sold out your
soul for fame and fortune—and I do not need to name any names, you now have a
true president who wants America great again.
But he forgets, it is not about the economy! It is about Holiness! It is about
Humbleness! Even the ones that surround him, and I now speak of Kenneth
Copeland, the richest pastor of the world—beware of him!
Run from him—and I will hold everyone accountable who gave him so much as a
penny! The smallest amount of your currency! And that goes for those who have
followed after John Hagee, and Joel Osteen—I will hold you accountable!
If you do not repent, and fall on your knees and humble yourself! AND RUN FROM
And the churches in Texas called now “Baptists” dare to call themselves the door
of wisdom, dare to defile the NAME OF SOPHIA. You, you have done what no one has
done before.
For once the name Baptist stood for “Once Saved, Always Saved.” But that’s only
because they knew [without that false doctrine] it meant they were forced to
follow the 10 Commandments. For this is the Laws, MY Laws! Otherwise, they would
warn you there is a hell!
Now Texas, you mock? O Texas, O Texas! And you who follow in her footsteps!
Those who have the congregations of 64,000, you dare call yourself—and I speak
of Texas now: How many will you raise up that will have a congregation of 64,000
and mock ME?
When they walk in the door—you belong to that who I used to call lucifer, and
you have a circus [on Christmas] even though Christmas is not MY SON, YAHUSHUA’S
birth, you dare to hold a circus? You think the cross is a circus?
You think the spikes that were nailed in MY SON YAHUSHUA’S Hands was a circus (Lk
23:33)? Or the crown of thorns that was forced upon HIS Head (Jn 19:2) And as
HIS garments were ripped from HIM and gambled over (Jn 19:23-24)! And HE was
beaten (Lk 22: 63-65; Jn 19:1)! With a whip made of every kind of torture device
to rip the flesh right off of HIS Body!
You think that is a circus! As spikes was driven in HIS Feet! And HE was spit
offered HIMSELF to cover for you!
As Adam & Eve had sinned! And ate the forbidden fruit! When I had called them
not son and daughter, but they were [MY] best, best friends. They were the ones
that I walked with in the evening (Gn 3:8). They’re the ones that I
fellowshipped constantly [with].
You call this a circus on the day (that even though it wasn’t the day MY SON was
born) Christmas. Yet you hold a circus! And you laugh, and you mocked when all
YAHUSHUA did was come to save your souls, as HE poured out HIS OWN BLOOD at
You could not kill HIM. But HE could say, “It is finished,” when I said, “It is
finished.” HE poured out HIS OWN BLOOD so you would not have to pour out yours
for your sins, so HE could say ONE TIME—one time for never again will HE ever be
crucified, but one time HE said— “FATHER forgive them for they know not what
they do” (Lk 23:34). For HE knew they crucified GOD ALMIGHTY IN THE FLESH.
It is war, it is war, it is war. The Holy will raise up against the unholy.
You who have kept silent because you did not want to get involved! And you think
you can sing your little Christian songs or even reading the Bible alone is
enough, but you need not confess with your own tongues—that you belong to
YAHUSHUA—that you also believe in the Messianic Jewish Ministry, you agree with
AmightyWind.com, you agree with the leadership.
For you do not want to get involved. So you silence your lips. You don’t want to
speak against anyone who [claim they] believe the 10 Commandments, who follow
the 10 Commandments. So you stay silent.
So I tell you this, and I AM YAHUVEH. When you cry out for mercy, do you know
what you will hear back? SILENCE! And no mercy shall be there!
Now is the day of repentance. Now is the day of salvation. Tomorrow may be too
And Russia, I speak unto you. You call out in the name of Jesus Christ, you
claim that you are so Holy.
And oh America and I speak of the one now called the President of America: It is
I YAHUVEH WHO put you there. It is I YAHUVEH that prophesied through this
Prophet, now [speaking again] that you would be there. It is I YAHUVEH.
But I did not tell you, and I did not promise you that this man would be saved.
Just dragging out his mother’s Bible and his baptism papers, is not enough!
[Nor] surrounding yourself with the hypocrites who say they are Christian but
they are not!
[Yet] Ben Carson, I call you out, you have tried to warn them! But you are too
meek & mild. You are a man of peace and you never could have handled being the
And I call out Judge Roy Moore. I love both of you so much! But you are meek and
you are mild. You point to the 10 Commandments. You defend the 10 Commandments.
Ben Carson, you defend the Holy Shabbat, the true day which is Friday sunset to
Saturday sunset.
But Judge Roy Moore, I sent you a Prophet to warn you—about this Ministry and
how your name is even in the book of the Secrets of the RUACH HA KODESH (the
HOLY SPIRIT) that this Prophet speaking had written, of the Prophecies contained
[therein]—I sent you a little girl, a young woman.
And you and your wife were warned on the phone, get that book out and read it.
Anyone who knows him, tell him to read it. For his name is written there.
Do not, do not go into the Sunday churches. Turn, turn to the truth. For
YAHUSHUA preached on the Shabbat. That is—again, I’m going to tell you—not a
Sunday, that is not a Sabbath.
“Honor the Sabbath day and keep it Holy” (Ex 20:8; Dt 5:12) is so important I
put it in the 10 Commandments, the 10 Laws. I made it like—simple for a little
child to understand and only gave you 10, instead of telling you to follow 613.
And I speak to the tiny babes now.
(I don’t speak to the spiritually mature, you already know how important the
Torah is. To study it, to obey it! To the laws that apply to TODAY, and I mean
today! Of course not all apply today. For there are different levels in the
You [enemy], you are not even human. You are a “werewolf.”
You don’t think werewolves are real? Where do you think the fairy tales come
from? Think of the stories you told your children. Even warning about the big
bad wolf, in [Little Red] Riding Hood!
Cannibalism has always been there! Vampirism has always been there!
And you who call yourself Christian—and enjoy the zombie movies and vampire
movies (Lv 17:10-14)! But you say you belong to I, YAHUVEH [YAHWEH]! Or even if
you call HIS name Jesus Christ—do you not know that the antichrist will use the
name “Jesus Christ”? But he fears the NAME OF YAHUSHUA!
You better learn now. Go back and read every one of those Prophecies.
Put those videos back up. It isn’t as you want it to be yet. But they will know
where to go. If there is any Prophecy that does not have a video, I AM going to
raise a video up.
And Elisheva you must, you must put it in, the Words, as you hear me speak. For
you see you are unlike other Prophets. This is why you know when to shout. This
is when you know when to speak softly in love and gentleness. You hear MY Voice,
you don’t just write words down.
And I warn now Benny Hinn, you once carried a mantle of healing but you turned
over your soul to satan. You have a “walk-in.”
Beware of the walk-ins. They will come to you and they will look human. They are
“shapeshifters.” They have a new name. They are “alien.” They have a new name.
They are demonic fallen angels. They have a new name.
They poison you (Rv 11:18), the people of the world.
Those of the government—even not, even not one country has protested, of the
highest governments, has said stop this: Stop what you’re doing, polluting the
sky, poisoning the sky, lithium in the sky now, the worst poisons, mercury.
And the 5G wasn’t enough for the Internet speed, you had to go higher and higher
and higher and higher. And the radiation—you wonder why you’re so sick? Well take a deep breath and
you’ll find out why.
They kill you softly by giving you what you want.
The Internet. But I use the Internet to get forth MY Words and I protect MY
children who use the Internet to take MY Words and warn the sheep and lambs,
warn the people to repent. I protect them in a way that satan cannot stop.
And you who buy your smart phones, which one is the best each year? Which one
should I trade in? Now you no longer care if the fingerprint is there. There
used to be a time you would fight against your fingerprint being put on a police
For you were innocent. Why would they need your fingerprint? Why would they need
a face scan? Why do they need your iris scanned, your eyes? Your very eyes! A
record of your eyes? A voice analyst? You’re too lazy with your new cell phones
to even push a button on?
And where are the ones who protest? I will tell you where they are. They are
cowards. They have joined those who are the worst of the worst on this earth—the
very “aliens” I have spoken of, the very ones I have called the fallen angels.
They make you think that you are missing something but the only thing you are
missing is hell.
For they want your records. They want your face, DNA.
And your DNA is so precious (Ps 139:14), but it cannot really be duplicated,
([‘duplicating’] it is synthetic)—but they want your real.
Those who are still human, remember the days of Noah. It shall be again and it
was prophesied [through YAHUSHUA &] through this one speaking now (Prophecies 24
pt1, 91 etc). Such as the days of Noah, so it shall be again (Mt 24:37-39).
Even down to human women mating with the fallen angels, the fallen demons! And I
say demons because that is where—those who followed lucifer right to, earth,
satan (Is 14:12; Lk 10:17-18; Rv 12:9).
Oh and you who laugh at the Bible, “It’s outdated, it’s too old,” you laugh at
the old books of Israel like the book of Enoch.
You mock now, you pay later. You mock of Heaven, you mock of hell.
You mock of what gender I made you. Be you male or be you female. You
transbenders! You didn’t want the sex of the child that was born, so you give
them the hormones—where their own child, does not even know they were meant to
be born a man or a woman. They instead—you change it before they know the truth.
And they do not understand.
I have not changed. I AM the CREATOR.
A woman is a woman, and a man is a man. You who dress up and mock and pretend
that you are a woman or pretend that you are a man and turn your children (Mt
18:6-7) into that of what I call an abomination.
And if you want to know what an abomination is, LOOK IT UP in your search net.
The search [engine] that is going to blot out Holiness one day. And all you’ll
see is that what satan wants you to see.
So look while you can. Copy the Prophecies I’ve given this Prophet. Copy them
and hide them. Read them and study them.
For not one word is amiss. And you who think that I speak through Elisheva in
fragmented sentences, and don’t put the commas or spell the words right, who are
you to question I, YAHUVEH?
I speak through her so I can speak through the children, so I can speak to those
who do not speak English the way that you do, so fluently! [Sarcastic] You
educated, Pharisees!
I’ve had enough, but I’m warning you.
Pray, pray, pray, you whose name, you believe that you truly belong to ME—that
your name will be found in the LAMB’S Book of Life.
For there’s also a Book of Damnation. And there’s more names in the Book of
Damnation than you could ever, ever, ever believe (Mt 7:13).
And the Book of the Blotted Out, is the worst of all (2 Pt 2:21; Heb 10:26-27).
For it’s worse than the Book of Damnation, those who were created only to be
DAMNED (Ro 9:22) for the decision they made in Heaven (see Prophecy 71), at the
battle between lucifer and I,
YAHUVEH and all that are Holy in Heaven.
Remember where it says in the Bible, you work out your own salvation with fear
and trembling (Phil 2:12). Your soul already knows.
If you tremble and if you wonder, you’re not right with ME (Ps 32:3-7).
And you who are in the Book of the Blotted Out, you started out right—I once
gave you a chance, I once gave you a chance: You could have repented. You were
told by this woman speaking, “Repent!” when you turned away from YAHUSHUA.
Repent, repent, repent—even though I already knew there was no chance for you.
Now you do your rituals. Now you drink the blood and eat like a cannibal [you
eat human flesh], you send your curses.
And now you’re a beast of the field (Dn 4:31-33; Acts 20:29-30; 2 Pt 2:12; Jude
1:20). You’re a “shapeshifter.” You pretend to be human. You are a fallen angel.
You are a fallen angel.
There is so much more I want to say, but I will not today.
A Prophet prophesies in advance, years in advance. They do not just read the
news. They do not make up dreams and visions. They know things in advance.
For they are called “Ascenders”. And they do come from Heaven. And right now she
does not even understand one word. She will not remember one word after she has
And the Ascenders know things in advance. The Ascenders know revelations that
will happen. And they will prophesy in advance. They will not just copy others’
Prophecies. You see this day, this is revelation day.
Just like John was called the Revelator. Elisheva has also the gift of being a
Revelator of this end time generation. So now they are attacked.
And now this [evil] man rises up and speaks all manner of evil. For he is a
fallen angel, he is sent of satan.
For so many Jews have come to YAHUSHUA because of the salvation prayer. All of
them, all of them, all of them and yet they do not understand. It’s not enough
to just believe. They must confess with their mouth. Confession is made unto
salvation (Ro 10:10).
And you who are Holy—and I only call Holy to those who belong [to ME], and I
will even allow the name “Jesus Christ” this one time for you are now learning
of the NAME of YAHUSHUA (so why would I condemn you, why would I punish you for
what you do not know?)—just do not believe the lies.
Instead with what you have been blessed—I command all those who are blessed when
they hear this brand new Prophecy that I AM putting above so many hundred others
(for there’s been over 1000 and I always say over, because the next day you do
not know when I speak)—you must speak up. Defend a Ministry that you know speaks
the truth or I’m going to hold you accountable on the day of judgment.
And if you know you have been blessed this day with the truths that have been
heard, do NOT look up the name [of any enemy].
Never, ever, ever purposely look up anything evil on this Ministry. For all
you’re going to do is find lies and slander from satan and the “aliens,” who do
not want [ME] to reveal what she knows and what so many other people have
Look closely at your family. I warned you the spirit of fear had been loosed. I
warned you the spirit of insanity had been loosed. She warned you they would
make murderers out of innocent people. She warned you. I warned you through her.
Look up the Prophecy, The Spirit of Insanity has been Loosed and you will see, why
those who seem so innocent, all of a sudden turn so evil and they murder. And
the mental asylums, beware. There are sound waves. Beware!
The groaning and moaning that you hear and you do not know and recognize it. I
speak it to this Ascender, this Prophet this day! Elisheva Eliyahu! It is the
moaning and the groaning of Earth (Rm 8)! Of Earth! For what has been done to
it! For the war that is coming to it! Even worse—
The sun weeps! The moon weeps! And I speak of the true sun and the moon that I,
YAHUVEH created. The stars fall from the sky (Is 34:4; Mk 13:25; Rv 6:13 & Lk
10:18; Is 14:12)!1 And it is not I, knocking them out or blocking them out (Rv
It is the worst of the worst, who curse this earth (Rv 11:18)!
Did I not say the earth would mourn (Jr 4:28; Ps 46: 2-3)? Did I not say even
the animals would know (Jr 12:4; Ro 8:22)? Did I not foretell all this? In a
book that you call The Bible, I call the Holy Scriptures.
And I warn in the Books of Old, and when that Day (Zep 1:14-18; Ezk 30:3), days
of darkness would come (Ezk 32:7-8; Eccl 12:1-7; Is 60:2; Jr 13:16).
I warned through her already, the 3 Days of Darkness (Prophecies 36, 60, 115
etc). The two weeks—there shall be no electricity of any kind. You can call them
EMPs (Electromagnetic Pulse). You can call them whatever you want. But there
will not be any electricity, in any way. Just like when MY SON died (Mt 27:45;
Mk 15:33; Lk 23:45), you will not be able to see a hand in front of a face (Ex
10:21-23; Is 60:2). (See also Zeph 1:14-18, Ez 30:3, Ez 33:7-8.)
But oh for MY remnant! Oh for those who follow the 10 Commandments! Those who
repent this day, those who fall on their knees and beg in the NAME OF YAHUSHUA,
“Please forgive me, please forgive me for all I’ve done against YOU! Please
forgive me, I do not want to be in that which is called the Great Tribulation,”
(Dn 12:1; Mt 24:21). I do not want to be [here] when the time of the Wrath of
the LAMB [comes]—and I, WHO SIT ON THE THRONE! (Rv 6:16-17).
Read the Book of Revelation and you shall see.
Fall on your faces and repent! I mean literally, fall on your faces! And if you
cannot do that with your knees, then cover your face and repent! And cry out,
please forgive me! In the NAME OF YAHUSHUA, please forgive me! In the NAME OF
THE MESSIAH, YOUR ONLY BEGOTTEN SON, please forgive me, and teach me right from
Please SWEET HOLY SPIRIT, please consume me, please anoint me. Please help me to
discern the truth from the lies.
I will forgive, I AM faithful to forgive and I will provide a way of escape. And
if you have to give your life as a martyr, then know this, if you have said this
prayer and you truly have followed it, there’s blessings of Deuteronomy 28—and
there are curses in Deuteronomy 28 and the curses are [for] those who are of
For Jacob I loved, Esau I hated (Ro 9:13). Get out your search engines. Look it
up if you don’t know. I, YAHUVEH hate the reprobate (Pr 6:16-19, Ps 11:5; Jr
6:30). I repeat it. There is no forgiveness, when you blaspheme ME, the HOLY
SPIRIT (Lk 12:8-10). And WE are the HOLY TRINITY. So it’s not just blasphemy,
it’s mockery.
You mock now, you will pay later. You ask forgiveness now, I AM faithful to
forgive as far as the east is from the west (Ps 103:12) and your sin will be
remembered no more.
But you who have blasphemed [the HOLY SPIRIT] even once, you’ll never be
You witches and you vampires, you—all forms of occult—I’ll not name them all.
You think I do not see you. You think I do not see you looking in your mirrors.
You remote viewers, you are going to pay if you do not repent. For even the
government uses the remote viewers to spy upon those satan tells them to.
And you astral projectors, you astral travelers, those who brag, “I can lay down
on my bed and I can appear in another place, I can send curses, I can harm
anyone who belongs to YAHUSHUA.”
You do not know it, I have led you to this Ministry AmightyWind.com so I could
DESTROY YOU! DESTROY YOU. And toy with you. You will see your loved ones drop
down dead. You will see your pockets full of holes. You will see, you will see
what I have to do to you.
You scientists who invent these inventions like robots—only now you want to call
them humanoids. You think I do not see you. You think I do not know, I, YAHUVEH.
I have a special surprise, as your own creations turn against those who think
they [are creators who] “created.”
Those who tell of the Nephilim, the “reptilians” and yet are one themselves, you
think I, YAHUVEH will not tell MY Holy [children].
It’s already been done. It’s already begun.
And those of you who say—wake up, wake up! Look and see what your government is
doing! Wake up, wake up! Look at what the [U.S.] Congress has done! Those who
make makers of the law, those who are the leaders of the country—wake up, wake
up! See that they are trying agenda 21! See that they have different agendas, by
different numbers [of years].
And they only get worse.
Those of you who are finally awoken, you are like unto the 5 wise virgins and
the 5 foolish virgins (Mt 25:1-13).
Only the 5 wise virgins never believed the lies in the first place. The 5
foolish virgins, you have no oil in your lamps. You have no intelligence when I
look at you. You are asleep.
Now wake up, wake up, foolish virgins! [Still] that doesn’t guarantee you
Heaven. That just guarantees you, the truth, that you will see [it], in this
That which was science fiction once, is reality now, what was in the comic
book—characters as heroes, as villains. Where do you think the movies come from?
Where do you think the books came from? Orson Wells’ War of the Worlds?
Where do you think it all came from? Even he, and even those who write these
scripts, are all part of it. They will not be found in Heaven.
And oh you false Prophets, you who only want to name the name of this Ministry
and Elisheva, to tear them down, to take their reputation as Holy, and turn it
into like unto you that is unholy—you are Esaus to ME.
And Jacob I loved & Esau I hated (Ml 1:2-3). And even David warned, “Should I
not hate those that hate YOU?” (Ps 139:21) And I answered YES! You shall hate
them with a perfect hatred (see Ps 139:22)! And that means the reprobate: those
who are destined and written in the Book of the Blotted Out and the Book of the
Only those whose names are written in the LAMB’S Book of Life will even bother
to believe a word that has been spoken.
All the rest of you, go your way. For very soon hell will claim your soul. And
for the aliens, I have a special place for you. I have a special level for you.
And for the fallen angels, who once again come to deceive—there are so many
levels, [more] than you cannot even begin to believe.
To those now listening, I’m not speaking anymore secrets. But I will protect MY
Bride. I will protect. I will protect the Guests, who are even—try to be the
Bride. And continue to try to be the Bride of YAHUSHUA. Blessed are all who are
invited to the Marriage Supper of the LAMB (Rv 19:9)!
And these are the last Words I have to say as I speak forth.
In the times of old, it was about sex that made a marriage—it is no longer a
marriage in my eyes—just because you do a ceremony, and you have sex! It is all
about Holiness. That is what being “one,” is. Are you part of the FATHER, I,
within? Those, I call a marriage. Those I call “one”.
And even if you claim all that, if you so much as mistreat your wife, remember,
there’s no disrespect to the Bride of YAHUSHUA.
Be careful, be careful who’s in your family now. Be cautious, be very cautious.
And you who are listening and believing, have asked forgiveness [of sin]—and I
AM faithful to forgive. YAHUSHUA is faithful to forgive. For HIS BLOOD, is the
BLOOD ATONEMENT for your sins. Remember that.
You who have a website, and put videos up, I command you to put this video up.
But you make sure that you do not change it that [it appears] it comes from you.
You are repeating a video that came from Heaven.
Woe be unto those that a book was written called Secrets of the RUACH HA KODESH,
the HOLY SPIRIT—and “Happy Yoyo,” you won’t be happy for long—you who think that
you can take what I have given at such a high cost to this Prophet. For the
greater the suffering, the greater the Anointing. And all, all, all [MY
children] are persecuted for MY SON YAHUSHUA’S NAMESAKE. And they must be
willing to go through any trial or test that I put them through. It is not
because you have done anything wrong, it is because you have done what is right.
And the trials of your faith is more precious than gold (1 Pt 1:7; Jms 1:3) to
ME, I YAHUVEH. When you suffer, do you turn away from ME? Do you curse ME, do
you shake your fist at Heaven?—as is warned in Revelation (16:10-11, 21).
When Israel, when I’ve already foretold of the Two Witnesses coming—where you
will shake your fist at Heaven for there will be no rain and there will be no
food, and blood will come to a horse’s bridle (Is 63:3; Rv 14:20)—what will you
do? What will you do?
You must listen, just listen to the salvation prayer, and believe it. And say
it, and confess it—even if it means your own family forsakes you and they will,
they will count you as dead. But remember YAHUSHUA was willing to die for your
sins and spilled HIS OWN BLOOD. And only one drop of it, would have been enough,
but HE poured it all out for you in Israel.
So I, YAHUVEH call forth! The Bride of Israel come forth now! You go and you
listen to that salvation prayer and you get on your face before I, YAHUVEH.
You have always known the truth of WHO I AM, but refused to believe WHO MY SON
was (Pr 30:4). Ask forgiveness, and I AM faithful to forgive. Ask forgiveness,
but remember who is your family after you have done this.
YAHUSHUA answers the question.
It is those who do the will of the FATHER (Lk 2:49; 8:21). It is those who will
accept ME as their BLOOD ATONEMENT for their sins. That is your family, that is
your family.
So gather together, and do not mourn that you have lost your blood-born family.
But instead rejoice that you have joined with your Heavenly Family, and you have
or called the HOLY SPIRIT.
It is your choice, but it has already been decreed. For the LAMB’S Book of Life
was way before there ever was even a mention of the word “earth” (Rv 13:8;
17:8). It’s already decreed. Your name is either there, or it’s never been
there. Or it was blotted out, when you knew the truth yet you refused to give up
what you hold so dear. And that is your blood family.
This is a warning to Israel. For this is the first day in this time of Countdown
of the Omer that I AM calling forth the Bride of Israel.
COME FORTH NOW! No longer be ashamed! Accept the BLOOD OF YAHUSHUA as the
ATONEMENT for your sins. For there is no forgiveness, without the shedding of
blood (Lv 17:11; Heb 9:22).
So remember this. For these are the words, this is a Prophecy for the [Sefirat
Ha] Omer. And those of you who do not know what the [Counting of the] Omer is,
go and look in your search engine.
This is a countdown, just like the countdown before YAHUSHUA comes for HIS
Bride. And it is a countdown before the Great Tribulation. It’s a countdown
before America will forever be destroyed. It’s a countdown before this earth,
this entire earth, will be recreated. And New Jerusalem shall come down from
Heaven (Rv 21:1-2). It is a countdown. You are on a Countdown of the Omer. And
I’m not saying which [Sefirat Ha] Omer. But I AM only saying, it is as a
From the time you’ve heard this Prophecy, when you see anything evil, even
mentioned of this Ministry, you better be careful. For you touch not MINE
Anointed, neither do MY Prophets any harm (Ps 105:5).
And MY beloved you make sure that they know when this Prophecy is now done, that
it is you that have given your lives to be able to warn everyone who will
And when they don’t listen, they can’t say, as they stand before the Judgment
Seat, that they were not warned before I cast them either into the level of
hell, in which they will descend for what they’ve done on this earth, without
forgiveness, and cast them into the fiery Lake of Fire. It is not to be compared
with any fire on this earth.
And those who have heard [of this] for the first time, the last level of hell is
where the fallen angels are chained (Jude 1:6) and they cry out. And they are
giants among giants and yet they are chained and they are tortured. And they are
forever in I, YAHUVEH’S Ears screaming for mercy where there is none and never
will be, because you attack this Ministry, because you attack those who have
tried to warn you.
This is the end of the End Times.
It is not long off. The Great Tribulation, is not long off. Do not take the Mark
of the Beast (Rv 13:16). Do not allow them to chip you unless you know what the
chip is for and it is necessary.
But beware, beware the chip that they will try to put in you, in your forehead,
in your hand, is the Mark of the Beast that there is no forgiveness of (Rv
This is I, YAHUVEH, and I have warned on this day. So it is spoken, so it is
written from Elisheva.
Write this date down. For it will never be the same after it.
Mark Taylor, you have been warned this day. And yet this Prophet holds back a
Prophecy that warns the people about you, who you are, and why now you sold
yourself out to the government. You will hang with the fallen angels for what
you have done—if you do not repent.
If you do not humble yourself, the sickness that you had before will not only
return again, but will return worse than you ever dreamed possible. But if you
agree with this Ministry, then I will bless you with, Deuteronomy 28, the
blessings of YAH.
Someone get this Prophecy to the one who calls himself a Prophet, now, so full
of fame and fortune, Mark Taylor.
End of Prophecy
* * * * * * *
Elisheva: That’s all I hear.
Elisheva: So it is spoken, so it has been written on this day and the date will
be written down.
Please hear me. I am a Jew. Not only by the BLOOD OF YAHUSHUA, but I am a Jew by
my own birth, blood. But that will not get me into Heaven, just by my own birth,
blood—only by the BLOOD OF YAHUSHUA.
Please give your life to YAHUSHUA, ask forgiveness, do not…I know you love your
families, but do not, do not miss Heaven because of it. YAHUSHUA wants to
forgive you of every sin. There must be a BLOOD ATONEMENT of sin.
[Prophecy 132] “Oh Israel, I love you, I rebuke you.” Please go and read it.
Read it and if you do not understand it, then ask questions. Ask and write our
contacts [form]. Come to AmightyWind.com.
It’s not worth it—no husband, no wife, no mother, no father, no sister, no
brother. YAHUSHUA spoke the truth (Lk 2:49), when HIS mother came, after looking
for HIM, and found him in the Temple preaching at a very young age, twelve years
old, preaching, preaching in the Temple. And she had looked for HIM and she was
worried for HIM, and they took the family and they went to go look for HIM.
And [another time] when the disciples said, your mother and your father have
been looking for you. They want you to come out now. HE said, “Who is MY mother?
Who is MY father? Who is MY sister? Who is MY brother? It’s those who do the
will of the HEAVENLY FATHER” (Mt 12:49-50).
Hold those words in your heart when you are threatened because you accept
And I am so sorry, for Auschwitz. I, I truly, I truly, truly am sorry from the
depths of my heart and my soul. For what they had done to you, who call
themselves Christians and have no CHRIST in them. CHRIST means ANOINTED ONE.
There’s no Anointing in anyone who hates the Jews, who hates Israel.
Now you Jews who hate the Christians, for what they’ve done, remember, remember
this. Not all of them hate you. The majority, I will say, believing in
faith—there are Christians who truly love you, and your tours prove it—the ones
that come and bring the economy to you, prove it. We love you and we apologize.
And we shake our heads, as even you countries who claim (you countries who took
part in this) and you say that you’re sorry—
And only one named America right now…
Prophetic Word
Donald J. Trump & Israel
President Donald J. Trump is paying a price because he defends you in word and
in deed. And he comes to Netanyahu and he apologizes. And he wants to be of
help, and America does help you. But the other one Obama, he stabbed a knife
right in your back.
So watch your backs, Israel. You see cloning is real. “Shapeshifting” is real.
Elisheva: If you ever see our president act against you, (if you ever see anyone
who once loved you turn against you), YAH is telling me to give you this warning
at the end of this Prophecy.
Remember who they once were, and what they once said, and compare what they do
They’re even making robots. And they have made it and proven it. [So sometimes]
you may be speaking to a robot and not know it, you may be speaking to a “shapeshifting
alien” and not know it, a fallen angel and not know it.
End of Word
But please, please know this, those of us who truly love YAHUSHUA—truly worship
[YAH] and follow the Torah, truly worship [according to] the 10 Laws that were
given that Moses brought down—we love you, we want to be a blessing unto you.
And that’s what this Ministry is all about. I am not a Christian. If anyone
calls me a “Christian,” I will say it is a lie. I started out a Christian, with
a Pentecostal Church. I thought I was taught all the truth. I was told HIS NAME
was Jesus.
But you know that GOD THE FATHER, even will forgive those of us—that the King
James version Bible taught us the name Jesus, a Greek name, given to an Israeli
baby. And yet HE forgave us because there was no other version of any [other]
Bible that we could read in English, that would be taught. And HE forgave us and
HE accepted us, when we asked for forgiveness. And those who now know the NAME
YAHUSHUA, they know it because of this name of AmightyWind.
The name of the Ministry is [Aleph & Tav] AmightyWind RUACH HA KODESH Last
Chance Ministry, because it is a last chance. And the AmightyWind is not named
after me. It is what happened in that Upper Room (Acts 2), the SHEKINYAH GLORY
is the AMIGHTYWIND. I want to explain this. I want to thank you. If you would
just go and read what has been written.
We observe every Holy Feast. For 23 years I have taught, but I have taught them
the majority of the time to obey the true Shabbat. And to obey, always obey the
10 Commandments. I have taught them the SACRED NAMES that I know that you hold
so sacred that you are afraid to even speak them.
But again, please, in your own book, in Psalm 91, “Those who have known MY NAME”
(Ps 91:14)—"those who have known MY name” and they speak it, they’re not afraid
to say it. They speak it. So please? That’s your FATHER. But only if YAHUSHUA
I started out a Christian. But I was able to get saved and full of the HOLY
SPIRIT. This is a Heavenly language. This is GOD THE FATHER speaking through me
this day. Just as your Prophets of Old, I am a Prophet of New.
Prophetic Word
LIVING ROCK will Protect Israel
And HE promises, when everybody turns against Israel YAH will stand up and HE
will defend Israel for what they have done. For those who accept YAHUSHUA, HE
will protect you. HE will feed you. Water will once again come from a rock (Ex
That rock was the LIVING ROCK. That ROCK was YAHUSHUA! That wind, the SHEKINYAH
GLORY was what kept the Children of Israel, and those who followed after Moshe.
THEY kept them cool when the sun blazed.
End of Word
Elisheva: The temperature would have been what 128, 130 degrees Fahrenheit. I
cannot even imagine such a temperature. But the HOLY SPIRIT is the SHEKINYAH
GLORY. And SHE kept them cool during the day. And at night it was so cold and
This is how it happened. And this is the story that nobody knows. Nobody knows
other than those that I have told. It’s not on the internet. We know that there
is a WHOLE, COMPLETE FAMILY. (See Prophecies
89 and 90)
That’s why HE [YAH] made the complete family, here on this earth. That’s why
satan tries to defile it.
There is a FATHER, there is a SON, and the HOLY SPIRIT is IMMAYAH. And SHE’S our
HOLY MOTHER. SHE is the ONE WHO helped create (Pr 8 22-31). SHE’S PART of the
When GOD THE FATHER said, “Come and let US make mankind/humankind…” (Gn 1:26)
King James Bible, says, “Come and let us make man in OUR Image,” it was in the
TRINITY’S Image. Me, for instance. Whose Image was I made of? HE said come and –
it would have been mankind/humankind in OUR Image. Therefore I was made, you
were made, Momma, Sister—and every other female listening, we were made in the
Image of the HOLY SPIRIT. Eve was made in the Image of the HOLY SPIRIT.
In Israel, you already know Barry Chamish. He was a friend of mine at one time,
[now deceased]. He was a journalist—gave warning after warning of what was
coming. And he took a picture of what we would call a spacecraft that came from
another [dimension]—well they called them UFOs then, Unidentified Flying Object,
and it was in Israel.
You should know because you have [had] a Goliath. Goliath—when you look it up in
YouTube—is a Nephilim.
Prophetic Word
LIVING ROCK Defeats Giants
They are giants. And they will—they are here. And they are in Antarctica. They
were underneath the sea. It’s been broken up. And they are taller than any tree.
And they will—just like Goliath, he was a cannibal. That’s why they could not
find enough food for him.
Started sending their own soldiers, until a young man named David, was sent up
against him, and ABBA YAH told him to pick up 5 smooth stones, and only chose 1
to knock Goliath down. That smooth stone, was like unto the LIVING ROCK.
Elisheva: I am getting this Prophecy straight from Heaven right now, this
revelation. I’ve never known why YOU’D tell him to pick up 5 smooth stones and
yet David only used one.
That’s because YAHUSHUA is the LIVING ROCK. And all it took was to hit him in
the head, and Goliath fell down. And you know, David cut off the head.
End of Word
End of Transcript
Apostle & Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu
So it is spoken, so it is written.
Received April 11; Released May 17, 2018
Need prayer or Salvation? Do you have comments or questions? Please Contact Apostle Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu!