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Prophecy 22
Beloved, Don’t Become Your Own Worst Enemies!

Spoken and Written under the anointing of the RUACH HA KODESH through Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu
August 7, 1998

This is from Prophecy 105, YAHUVEH said to put this up on all Prophecies from now on: I warned you a long time ago Elisheva not to name this Ministry after a man or a woman even before there was a Ministry. I put it in your spirit for none of this has been done by your hand, none of this has come forth from your mouth. It is from the Mouth of YAHUVEH that has given birth. It is from the Mouth of YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH that has given birth. It is from the Mouth of the RUACH ha KODESH your IMMAYAH that has given birth. If it had only been by your hand it would have failed long ago. It is by the SHKHINYAH GLORY’S Wind that blows across this earth, the Holy Wind of Revival, it is not by your breath or it would have failed. (Isaiah 42:8)

In July 2010 YAHUVEH GOD also said to add the following from 2nd Chronicles before every Prophecy:

2 Chronicles 36:16, “But they mocked the Messengers of GOD, despised HIS Words, and scoffed at HIS Prophets, until the wrath of the LORD arose against HIS people, till there was no remedy.”

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Elisheva All of us are sinners saved by grace and mercy and if this were not so, why would we need a Savior? It is the accuser of the brethren that accuses you and puts this guilt trip on you. I hear the Lord saying to you;

MY Sons and Daughters you have become your own worst enemy! Judging yourselves is not your job but your Heavenly Father’s job! Stop telling ME what I have forgiven and what I cannot forgive, repent of the past, yet those sins have been thrown into the sea of forgetfulness. MY Blood washed those sins away long ago. They are as far away as the east is from the west.

As for your recent thoughts and transgressions the greatest has been the beating you have given someone that I love far more than you can dare dream or understand. Someone I shed MY Blood for and gave MY Life for and would have if that someone would have only been you alone. Someone I was beaten beyond recognition for. That someone is you. Now stop trying to tell ME I made a mistake when I chose you. Are you trying to tell ME MY business? Are you trying to tell ME I make junk?

Are you trying to tell ME you know more than ALMIGHTY God your Lord and Savior? Are you trying to tell ME I make mistakes? Are you trying to tell ME the Blood I shed isn’t sufficient to wash you completely clean. Why would you take your life when it’s not yours to take? Why would you even consider robbing ME of the joy of proving it’s not the proud I chose to speak for ME in this world, it’s the humble. It’s those that feel unworthy that make themselves worthy by knowing this. You know this; I am only reminding you of what you know. I choose not those filled with their own strength, but the weakest for then the weak are made strong through YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH alone. You can do anything in YAHUSHUA’s name. I did not make a mistake when I chose you to speak in MY Name, I am ALMIGHTY God and I don’t make mistakes.

How long must I say this to you? When will you listen to ME? I chose you and I knew what material you were made of and yes what transgressions would tempt you before you were even born. I knew what demons you would wrestle even before satan sent them. I also know MY grace is sufficient in all things. I also know, as Shaul (Paul) said, “The harder MY son you try and please ME the more satan sends his demons to attack.” But be on guard against these attacks. Don’t put yourself in position to succumb to these attacks. Use the wisdom of the Lord that I have given you. You know what I am speaking of, if not ask ME, for this prophet speaking to you has felt all of these things in different ways. All MY true Prophets, even in biblical times, felt unworthy. If you didn’t, then I would deem you unusable if you think you’re sufficient without ME.

Hear ME MY beloved Sons and Daughters. Stop trying to kill what I have given life and life more abundantly. Stop receiving the spirit of insanity. Those that judge you insane understand not what I have spoken and shown you. For MY purpose I chose you. This is not a tug of war. I WILL WIN and you will lose if you continue on doubting that which you know to be true. You have been warned because I LOVE YOU! I have called you and there are those that think you’re insane for believing I speak to you and show you things that others don’t see. The only thing insane about you, is believing that I am punishing you for sins that have been long forgotten and forgiven. Only satan and you go fishing there, not your Savior. Stop trying to wash clothes that are already clean. Don’t you think MY Blood is sufficient? You preach it, now BELIEVE IT!

I have many more things to say to you and I shall, but for now digest what I have spoken for it is truth. I have given you MY armor to stand, MY Word to stand, MY Blood to cleanse and MY Name and Blood to heal and chase the demons away that torment your mind and body and Spirit. Now satan fears this power for I have given you the anointing to pray. Why aren’t you believing what you are praying? Do you think I am deaf? Do you think MY arms are too short to deliver you? Do you think MY Blood, Name, Word and armor is NOT sufficient? You, MY darling beloved, have angered ME for not believing what I have spoken.

Now you know these to be truth’s, so hold on tight and stop watching the waves on the troubled seas of your life, for this is why you’re drowning in depression and sinful thoughts at times. Instead keep your eyes on ME your Lord and Savior YAHUHUA ha MASHIACH and come and let’s walk on the water together. You’re smart enough to know I don’t mean physically but spiritually. Come take MY hand and believe and do not doubt. Leave your past behind you once and for all. Put your hand to the plow and labor in MY harvest field and don’t look back. One last thing, you seek reassurance from some that you have sought and how can they help you?

For to remove the splinter from your eye they must first remove the log in there own lives. In this world you shall have tribulation. YES, but I have overcome this world. NOW BELIEVE IT! As I spoke these words to MY handmaiden Elisheva Eliyahu I say unto you now, again preach it, teach it and believe it. Need I say more? Stop surrounding yourself with JOB comforters, for like JOB they did not help him they only hindered him and made him fight for the faith he believed in and made him defend his God. This is happening to you also. I give one more warning and take it literally if you die by your own hand, you will appear before an angry JEHOVAH (YAHUVEH). So stop trying to kill and destroy what I have blessed. You have been warned; stop being your own worst enemy.

For you have been doing satan’s job and he sits back and laughs. Now it’s your turn to laugh again at satan. Not in your strength, not in your power, not in your anointing or name, but in the Name above all NameS, YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH of Calvary and Nazareth and Almighty God YAHUVEH who has the earth for a footstool. You are MY beloved children whom I treasure both as sons and daughters, warriors, and Bride. I am coming again. Will you believe that again? Will you believe I am a rewarder to those that have given their all for ME? I have MY rewards with ME and they have your name on them. Do you really choose ME to give them to another? I have chosen you but the time is so short, no more time for self pity. Pity those that are not ready for MY coming.

Pity those that don’t believe I will provide for them in the Great Tribulation and save them from the great wrath that is to come. Pity those that think they are saved because of a religion and not a relationship with ME. Self pity is one of your greatest enemies; rebuke it today in MY Name. Get back to feeding MY sheep as I have commanded you to do. This day you have heard MY voice, now heed to it. Spoken this day by another prophet, Elisheva Eliyahu, who has felt all of these things herself. But she knows faith is a fact not a feeling. All of you get busy and feed MY sheep. PREPARE MY BRIDE! Help her to be without spot of wrinkle by proclaiming that which makes satan shudder with fear.

For the truth is YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH’s Name IS VICTORY and I am coming again to prove it! SHOUT IT FROM THE INTERNET; SHOUT IT FROM THE HOUSE TOPS! Proclaim it in the streets and churches, radio and television YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH IS ON THE WAY! Gabriel has BLOWN his TRUMPET! The sound waves have been blocked with the raging battle that is going on in the Heavenlies now. Michael and satan and the angelic hosts fight, good against evil, but good always triumphs. There are those that have heard the shofar horn and those that have not.

Yet I tell you I have given the warning to those that have heard the horn, though Gabriel’s horn has only been heard by a few, thus far, it was only to prepare MY Bride for her GROOM DOTH COME! Do not be concerned that you have not heard the shofar horn of Gabriel yet for it is yet for an appointed time. Even the sound waves can only be blocked for an appointed time. Am I not the one that knows how far Heaven is from the earth? Even the calculations of this I have preordained. Quickly do what I have ordained and called you to do.

Much love in YAHUSHUA, a handmaiden, child, warrior, Bride
Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu August 7, 1998

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