Prophecy 3
Beware of Satanic Plants in the Churches!
Given to Rev. Elisheva Eliyahu
January 17, 1997
This is from Prophecy 105, YAHUVEH said to put this up on all Prophecies from now on: I warned you a long time ago Elisheva not to name this Ministry after a man or a woman even before there was a Ministry. I put it in your spirit for none of this has been done by your hand, none of this has come forth from your mouth. It is from the Mouth of YAHUVEH that has given birth. It is from the Mouth of YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH that has given birth. It is from the Mouth of the RUACH ha KODESH your IMMAYAH that has given birth. If it had only been by your hand it would have failed long ago. It is by the SHKHINYAH GLORY’S Wind that blows across this earth, the Holy Wind of Revival, it is not by your breath or it would have failed. (Isaiah 42:8)
In July 2010 YAHUVEH GOD also said to add the following from 2nd Chronicles before every Prophecy:
2 Chronicles 36:16, “But they mocked the Messengers of GOD, despised HIS Words, and scoffed at HIS Prophets, until the wrath of the LORD arose against HIS people, till there was no remedy.”
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The plants are what the satanists call them. An occultic spirit has risen up in the full gospel churches because of these plants. But when you see them you will know them! For I, YAHUVEH, am giving you the true church of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH (Jesus Christ) new eyes to see, new ears to hear and a bold mouth to speak and new hands to drive them out. For they are MY hands I have bared MY right arm, the arm of Holiness and as MY Son chased the evil from the house of YAHUVEH so it shall happen again.
This year some evil pastors, the plants, will die during their sermons. For they preach MY Word to mock ME. But they know not ME, the Word that was made flesh. Satan knows the Word, do not be deceived, and does He fear it enough to stop his evil, No, and neither will the plants for they have sold their souls to satan and they will reap the destruction they have sowed. Some are evangelists, yet although they say they are leading souls to Jesus Christ, it is a different Jesus they are leading them to, to the feet of the antichrist!!!
The people then start to worship the leader and this is your sign. They stop seeking ME and MY rules and Word and seek a word from a mere man. They care not about offending the one and only YAHUVEH Almighty the Great “I AM!” But instead worry about offending the pastor who is a plant for satan, to bring confusion, hopelessness, rebellion, destruction, poverty, lying, deceiving spirits and to steal the little faith MY sheep once had.
When they fall under the power while the plant is praying for them, they fall not at YAHUSHUA’s feet but at the feet of the antichrist and they don’t even understand they were seeking ME, and yet a mind control spirit has them finding another shepherd, the evil shepherd that tortures his sheep and slaughters them knowing that they will join the plants as they are offered up to satan as a sacrifice. This may sound foreign to some but it happens in Assembly of God churches, and Pentecostal churches, and in all main line churches.
But I am going to prove YAHUSHUA is the only Good Shepherd and this year I am coming to rescue MY sheep. To chase the wolves out of MY Churches, and I will use you to do it. As I have poured forth MY Living Water and New Wine. Satan has poured out the counterfeit the vinegar that I refused the spirit of lukewarmness to have a form of godliness but no godliness within.
I grieve for MY Children and MY Elect that are deceived. I am a God full of mercy for those that are MINE, but because they are led astray by itching ears to hear, only that which they want to hear, they have been led to slaughter. I am raising up a mighty Gideon’s army to take back MY sheep with a new anointing some of you have already noticed.
As you read these prophecies the gifts I have given you will stir one another’s RUACH ha KODESH’s (Holy Spirit) gifts up to a high degree. Now those who have intellectual and logical spirits this will be like the Old Wine and the New Wine trying to mix. This gospel of YAHUSHUA is so simple that even a baby can understand how to get saved.
Don’t complicate what I have purposely made simple. The reason being is I never intended hell to be for human beings, it was created for satan and his fallen angels. I made a way out for you; he is the only way out, the only truth, life, and way to Heaven and into MY waiting arms where I have longed to gather you as a mother hen gathers their chicks.
I don’t want any to perish or be damned, please warn them. Sound the trumpet blast that the anointing I have given you. As a mother or father warns before they spank their children, I in MY infinite mercy and love say, “Warn them.” For when I let loose MY anger it will be hard to appease ME.
If you are warning them, though they mocked Moses, he obeyed and warned them. When the earth is shaken in all areas only MY true Children who hear MY voice and know MY RUACH ha KODESH, and are covered in MY Son’s shed Blood at Calvary, and calling on the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH, YAHSHUA MESSIAH, by whatever language you speak. He knows HIS Name and the Spirit from which HIS Name is spoken from.
Only these shall be saved. Call on the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH and thou and thy household that calls upon the Name of YAHUSHUA shalt be saved. Listen as once again; unexpectedly I have written MY Words through MY Handmaiden, MY Prophet, MY Child, Warrior and Bride of YAHUSHUA!
Elisheva Eliyahu again did not know I was going to use her to sound this trumpet blast along with others I have posted around the world in different sections of the world. Hear the warning trumpet blast, before the war proceeds I send the trumpet blast.
Warn them, and you will be doing your part. All those who are receiving this have a part to warn those that have ears to hear and listen, and yes for those who choose to remain deaf. At least they won’t be able to say they weren’t warned!
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1/17/97 given to Pastor Elisheva Eliyahu
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