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Prophecy 75
I, YAHUVEH, Will Sanctify And Meet You In Your Sukkot!
[I Command You to Keep and Honor MY Holy Days]

Given to Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu
August 27, 2004

This is from Prophecy 105, YAHUVEH said to put this up on all Prophecies from now on: I warned you a long time ago Elisheva not to name this Ministry after a man or a woman even before there was a Ministry. I put it in your spirit for none of this has been done by your hand, none of this has come forth from your mouth. It is from the Mouth of YAHUVEH that has given birth. It is from the Mouth of YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH that has given birth. It is from the Mouth of the RUACH ha KODESH your IMMAYAH that has given birth. If it had only been by your hand it would have failed long ago. It is by the SHKHINYAH GLORY’S Wind that blows across this earth, the Holy Wind of Revival, it is not by your breath or it would have failed. (Isaiah 42:8)

In July 2010 YAHUVEH GOD also said to add the following from 2nd Chronicles before every Prophecy:

2 Chronicles 36:16, “But they mocked the Messengers of GOD, despised HIS Words, and scoffed at HIS Prophets, until the wrath of the LORD arose against HIS people, till there was no remedy.”

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Oh Treasure of MY heart, do you not believe that I, YAHUVEH, and MY Son YAHUSHUA will protect you as you observe this Holy Time? Am I not able to keep you safe? Even in Jerusalem, where the danger is great the Hebrew people make their Sukkots as it is written for they trust I, YAHUVEH, to protect them and I do.

Who are you afraid of offending I, YAHUVEH, or your neighbors? Do you really care what others think of you more than what would please I, YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA? Do you not know that MY People are called the peculiar people, for they walk not to the sound of this world but to the sound of Heaven. Why would you be ashamed of this, MY little one, for this would be a witness unto ME for YAHUVEH’s Glory? Pray that your neighbors will take notice so you can tell them the story of why you build a Sukkot in remembrance of MY Word. This would be pleasing unto me for those who do this witness for ME before their neighbors and I ask you to do the same. How can you witness for ME and be an example of your faith if you hide your Leanto in your bathroom?

The Sukkot is to be outdoors where you can behold the Sky. The Jewish people don’t even realize why the Sukkot has a opening in the roof. It is to fulfill the scripture “Look Up your redemption draweth nigh for YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH will come in the Eastern Sky” You need not fear the enemies harming you for I, YAHUVEH, will bless and protect those who are MINE and confound those who think themselves wise, as they ignore the ways of this evil world and ignore the snickers of the enemies. I shall mock those that mock you in their time of trouble.

Create a Temporary shelter that opens to the Sky. Ask ME and I shall lead and direct you how. Take your meals in this Sukkot and rest your head in I, YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA’s loving arms. I shall meet you there. For those who say they must work the jobs of this world, I say unto you then sow that seed into the work of the Kingdom of Heaven and see if I will not pour forth a blessing so great that will give you reason to praise I, YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA. I put it upon your heart, MY Daughter Patricia, to ask these questions and write this Ringmaiden of YAHUSHUA so she will share this with others who are new to the Jewish Festivals and desire to fulfill them also. You serve a Risen MESSIAH. Should you not do what He did also to honor and keep the Jewish Holy Days? Those who have been chosen to be YAHUSHUA’s Bride hear what MY Prophet writes as I, YAHUVEH, give her the words.

What is good enough for YAHUSHUA is it not good enough for those who follow after YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH? Blessings shall come to you MY Daughter for obeying and writing Elisheva with these questions, for now others shall learn along with you. This word is meant to be shared to all with Spiritual eyes to see and Spiritual ears to hear. All others remain deaf and blind as the evil pharaohs and Pharisees of this land.

I, YAHUVEH, give MY Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones and Elect, those who feed on MY Spiritual Meat to eat and recognize I, YAHUVEH, speak forth out of MY Handmaiden and through her I give this mandate to you. You are to celebrate all the Jewish Holy Days and the coming days of Sukkot as a reminder you are only living in a Temporary Dwelling place. Earth is your temporary dwelling place until you come home to Heaven. You are just a traveler passing through until you accomplish the job I have sent you to earth to do. Destruction is coming to this world, along with it death and disease and weather disasters created by man playing God. You are to observe this Sukkot even if you have never celebrated it before. You are to Keep all the coming Holy Days. Where your faith is your Passover will be. You are to fast on Yom Kippur, humbling yourself before I, YAHUVEH, and fasting for the evil in your land so you will be spared when death visits MY enemies who set themselves against all that is Holy.

You are to remind yourself, as you build your temporary Shelters so very frail, how any shelter created by man, how frail it is. A mere wind can knock it over but when I, YAHUVEH, and MY Son YAHUSHUA are with you in the midst of that fragile shelter, even in your fragile Temple called your body, I am easily able to protect those I call MY Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones and Elect.

Test I, YAHUVEH, and behold for MY Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones and Elect who do this, see if I do not bless and protect with a more potent anointing, those that diligently love, serve, obey and seek after I, YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH.

What is good enough for YAHUSHUA to honor isn’t it good enough for you? I, YAHUVEH, put you in remembrance. You do not worship and serve a Christian Messiah but rather YAHUSHUA was born from a Hebrew Virgin Woman on Hebrew soil, walked and ministered signs wonders and miracles on Hebrew soil. YAHUSHUA kept the Torah and was found without sin. YAHUSHUA ministered as a Rabbi on the only true Shabbat (Sabbath).

YAHUSHUA was not preaching in the Temples on a Sunday. Those with Spiritual ears to hear, listen. All others remain deaf. For the Sabbath is perpetual and for eternity will stand for I, YAHUVEH, created the earth in 6 days and on the 7th day I, YAHUVEH, rested and commanded mankind to do the same. MY Son YAHUSHUA kept the Sabbath Holy and HE is called the Lord of the Sabbath. HE is an example how to keep the Sabbath Holy. MY Beloved Son YAHUSHUA was tortured and crucified with words nailed above his head no devil or man could remove and YAHSUHUA died and arose again on Hebrew soil from a Hebrew tomb.

Having said all of this, proving YAHUSHUA is a Jewish Risen MESSIAH, follow not the ways of the pagans and keep not the heathen festivals that YAHUSHUA did not keep. If it is not in the Holy Scriptures, why do you anger I, YAHUVEH, and add to MY Words and teach that the pagan days should be honored but shun keeping the days I, YAHUVEH, decreed as Holy and to be remembered as in the time of old?

You invite ME to your man-made holidays and yet why do you who say you follow, serve, worship, obey YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA and make excuses why this is only for the Hebrew People? Are you not Hebrew through accepting MY Son YAHUSHUA’s Blood at Calvary, as HE alone became the Blood Sacrifice for your sins?

Do you not believe HE lives now in you through the RUACH ha KODESH? To really know MY Son YAHUSHUA, you must get to know the Jewishness of your Risen MESSIAH. Why do you insist on calling YAHUSHUA ‘Jesus Christ’ instead of by HIS Hebrew Name, YAHUSHUA which is a constant reminder to satan that YAH saves. Why do you insist on twisting scriptures in the Bible to make excuses why you do not Honor the True Sabbath Day and keep it Holy before I, YAHUVEH?

Is it really too much to set apart the time of Friday Sunset to Saturday Sunset and acknowledge this is the Sabbath Day and keep it Holy? When you do not know better you have an excuse, but after you know the truth and you do not let the truth set you free and say you are not under the bondage of the laws of old, what other commandment do you want me to toss out simply because it inconveniences you? Simply because others may not understand, if you are attending a Sunday Church and are not there to let the Pastor and congregation know they are in error for not teaching the Jewishness of the Risen MESSIAH, then I, YAHUVEH, call you a coward and you are held accountable.

I send you forth to warn others and you compromise what you know to be true. Worship ME 7 days a week and gather together if you desire but give YAHUVEH the Honor of especially acknowledging the Sabbath Day and keeping it Holy and rest from your labors on this day and enjoy it with ME. It is not meant to be a day of burden but of joy. Is this really too hard? I give you Holy Feast Days to feast and celebrate with the exception of Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement when you are to fast and remember the price YAHUSHUA paid for your sins. Is it really too hard for you to learn of the Hebrew Holy Days?

I could have chosen for YAHUSHUA to be born from any nationality but I, YAHUVEH, honored the Hebrew People by honoring their bloodline. You who accept YAHUSHUA’s Blood transfusion now are no longer gentile and you should not follow the gentile pagan ways or their holidays. Instead follow the Holy Days as I, YAHUVEH, have decreed to be a blessing unto thee. You are held accountable for what you now know, what you do with it is not MY Daughter Elisheva's responsibility, her responsibility is delivering you the words I, YAHUVEH, speak forth from her. This she has now done.
Will you be a help to her or a hindrance? To those who read this and the other words I, YAHUVEH, and YAHUSHUA have spoken forth and have been blessed as they learned from this Apostolic Prophetic end time Ministry, yet do nothing to be a blessing back unto her and this Ministry, you have become a hindrance and I, YAHUVEH, will hold you accountable for making her job harder and the burden so heavy. How many of you ask her to lift your name before I, YAHUVEH, and ask for I, YAHUVEH, to bless them and intercede for them. As she does this I, YAHUVEH, look upon the names she mentions in prayer and I, YAHUVEH, take note. Did they take the time and offer sacrifices that would be a blessing unto this Ministry?

How ashamed I am to see how few offer to help in any way. They take the time to ask for blessings and yet don’t even so much as ask what they can do for her. For each time know this, every time she has prayed, “Please send us partners to help us in this Ministry,” and you were able to help her in some way and you refused, making excuses, this is how many prayers I will deny you when you ask of I, YAHUVEH. Each time you heard the needs of this Ministry and you turned a deaf ear, and some I have sent to this Ministry have the riches of this world, and yet you turn a deaf ear to this Apostolic Prophet of MINE, you cause her to weep, so I shall cause you to weep as I, YAHUVEH deny your petitions brought before ME.

How many of you put your children in your wills or spouses, family and yet care not about the Ministry that feeds you? How many of you reading this now have the luxury of a job, more than one home, lands, property, antiques, boats, planes and incomes you just store up for greed’s sake to satisfy yourself. Does not MY Word say, “Where your heart is your treasure shall be?” You have showed ME where your heart is. Everyone led to this Ministry could do something and yet how many do nothing. Why is it you so causally tip a waitress who serves you physical food and give nothing to the one who suffers, to have the anointing I have given her to feed you this Spiritual food. What is more value to you? Physical food that only satisfies you for a few hours and then you hunger again or Spiritual food that you will always remember and savor, especially in times when you need to be delivered or encouraged.

What will be your excuse when you stand before I, YAHUVEH, in the not too distance future? You have been warned; those that bless this Jewish Handmaiden bless not only her but I, YAHUVEH, and MY Son YAHUSHUA. Elisheva is the one I call MY Elijah of New [in Hebrew, Eliyahu]. I, YAHUVEH, have sent her to the Widows of Zarephath and they know it not. You who refuse to help in this worldwide harvest field have no financial needs now, but you shall. I sent Elijah of Old [in Hebrew, Eliyahu] to be a blessing to one widow, though the land was full of widows from the drought and famine. I knew in advance of a widow that would need a blessing and was willing to share her last meal with a prophet named Elijah [in Hebrew, Eliyahu] even though she believed she and her son would eat it and die. She lived and was financially blessed and her cruse of oil did not run dry. I, YAHUVEH, desire to do the same for you. It is no accident you have come to this Ministry and are reading these words now.

I will bless you and protect you in ways you think not, when the time of destruction and testing comes, if you will obey all I, YAHUVEH, say this Day. Keep the Jewish Holy Days Holy before I, YAHUVEH. Remind ME on Passover as you celebrate and remove the leaven from your houses as I protected the Children of Israel as they put the blood of the lamb on their door posts, how much more will I protect those that have the Blood of YAHUSHUA covering them and their homes. On Sukkot as you set up your temporary shelters, it will be a symbol to ME how you depend on I, YAHUVEH, to protect your Body, for in it dwells your Spirit and MY RUACH ha KODESH, the HOLY SPIRIT, as you are a stranger to this Temporary Shelter called earth and just passing through to get to your Heavenly home called Heaven.

Lastly, those who live in America, I have given this Prophet of MINE a warning to give to you. I gave her a mandate to also share a dream I gave her and it will be done. I know those with the gift of discernment look at George W. Bush and you know he has a form of Godliness but no Godliness within.George Bush and John Kerry I, YAHUVEH, say to you, George W. Bush is the lesser of two evils. You know what is wrong with George W. Bush, yet he has not compromised in some things, although the pressure is on him to compromise his stance, as Vice President Cheney betrays him again. Cheney knows no shame and defends his reprobate homosexual daughter like his name says he is chained to the prince of darkness.

George W. Bush stands against abortion, partial birth abortion, stem cell research, filthy abominations unto ME which is homosexuality and same sex marriages. Do not take it for granted George W. Bush will win the next presidential election, for as I told MY Daughter in a dream, if you stand by and do nothing and do not vote or intercede in prayer, the Democrats will win the next Presidential election and the blood will flow in this land and the innocent will be in prison, for they will be accused of crimes they did not commit. John Kerry and his wife are servants of satan, make no mistake, and they will not even feign holiness. You have been warned. I warn you now John Kerry and his wife will make you regret you did not listen when I warned you through this Prophetic Handmaiden of MINE. Picture the most evil and reprobate rejoicing on Election Day. The wolves in the white house now try and disguise themselves but they will rip their own masks off on this day, there will be no limit to the evil that will be done and to the loss of freedom to those that fear YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA.

Make no mistake; this affects all religious freedoms, even the Moslems. All those serving a false god but desiring to be of a moral character will regret they did nothing but stand by and watch. Those of you who are prayer warriors, start insisting your Pastors stop compromising and speak out at all costs.Ellen Degenerate

The greatest mockery of MY Name yet will be done by Ellen DeGeneres by the ultimate blasphemy to portray I, YAHUVEH, the God of Creation. She will pay with her soul for this and all those that take part in this film. I, YAHUVEH, will send forth MY wrath on those that call themselves the greatest to the least. This includes not only the Studio, Producers, Script Writers, Actors, wardrobe, caterers; make up artists, even the stand-in actors and actresses. I, YAHUVEH, will pour out MY Wrath on even the State this is filmed in. I, YAHUVEH, warn any advertiser I, YAHUVEH, will command MY Babies, Bride, Chosen Ones and Elect as well even those who do not serve nor obey MY Holy Word but know there is a God YAHUVEH to fear, to protest and boycott your products.

A woman named Ellen Degeneres will openly mock ME, portraying to be Almighty God. Ellen Degenerate She is not only openly gay but she is the first in America to be embraced by the White House which included the President of the U.S.A., as they held a dinner for her and her same sex partner she claims to have married. I, YAHUVEH, call Ellen DeGeneres, Ellen Degenerate. She is reprobate and knows no shame as she is rewarded by satan with fortune and fame for she was the first to claim same sex marriage and knows no shame and is proud of her name. Start protesting and boycotting and warning all who will listen anyone that watches this film and listens to her mock I, YAHUVEH, and does not protest in fear will reap what she will sow.

I prophesied through MY Daughter Elisheva, and that prophecy has been posted for years now for all to read [Prophecy 20], Ellen DeGeneres spoon fed the children and people the spirit of homosexuality while laughing about it. Because of this I, YAHUVEH, prophesied she would be the first to taste the Boiling Black Blood Plague when she will beg to die as black blood will spew from her mouth. All the sexually immoral will suffer this end time plague. I, YAHUVEH, prophesied this through this handmaiden of MINE because I knew what Ellen DeGeneres’ master satan would have her do and that is to mock the Creator of all Creation.

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So it is written so it is spoken this day of 8/27/04 given to this Child, Warrior and Bride of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu.

Need prayer or Salvation? Do you have comments or questions? Please Contact Apostle Prophet Elisheva Eliyahu!

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