Prophecy 95
YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH Says, Pick Up Your Weapon, I Am ALIVE!
Written/Spoken under the Anointing of the RUACH ha KODESH
through Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu
Received Sabbath April 12, 2008
Released Sabbath April 19, 2008
This is from Prophecy 105, YAHUVEH said to put this up on all Prophecies from now on: I warned you a long time ago Elisheva not to name this Ministry after a man or a woman even before there was a Ministry. I put it in your spirit for none of this has been done by your hand, none of this has come forth from your mouth. It is from the Mouth of YAHUVEH that has given birth. It is from the Mouth of YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH that has given birth. It is from the Mouth of the RUACH ha KODESH your IMMAYAH that has given birth. If it had only been by your hand it would have failed long ago. It is by the SHKHINYAH GLORY’S Wind that blows across this earth, the Holy Wind of Revival, it is not by your breath or it would have failed. (Isaiah 42:8)
In July 2010 YAHUVEH GOD also said to add the following from 2nd Chronicles before every Prophecy:
2 Chronicles 36:16, “But they mocked the Messengers of GOD, despised HIS Words, and scoffed at HIS Prophets, until the wrath of the LORD arose against HIS people, till there was no remedy.”
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Elisheva praying in Holy Tongues and English:
This is the reason why, because the COMFORTER came. YAHUSHUA you didn’t leave us alone, YOU sent the COMFORTER. The MOTHER of all mothers. YOUR own so Heavenly MOTHER. Thank YOU beloved YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. Oh that we be counted worthy to be called YOUR Bride. Never, never are we smug in that. We see how many fall by the wayside. Hold us tightly to YOUR chest. Don’t even let there be breathing room for satan to enter in. Draw us closer to YOU YAHUSHUA on this Shabbat day. Honor us while we pray with YOUR presence. We are yours. Satan has no claim on us. It’s all because of what YOU did at Calvary. This is truly our only weapon we have in this world. There is no other weapon but the Name and the Blood and the Body of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. There is no other weapon. There is nothing, nothing, nothing that can combat the evil in this world but one thing. This is why YOU said to do the communion with YOU. Holy, Holy, Holy, Holy. YOU’VE blessed us so mightily. This Ministry is no longer in lack. Just show us what we are to do ABBA YAHUVEH. Show us the land that we are to buy oh ABBA YAHUVEH.
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Prophetic Word:
Now you’re getting it MY Children! Now you’re understanding why I said that this is a weapon like no other weapon when you do communion unto ME. The words you have spoken Elisheva are not your own words for MY Words are higher than anything you could ever think. Every time you do communion, every time you become one with ME, I do give you MY ears. I do give you MY eyes. I speak forth out of your mouth. I circumcize your heart as you offer your hands unto ME to do MY will. And your feet to ME so I can lead you in the footsteps of the Holy.
Now you’re understanding Elisheva. Oh how much satan hates this. Have I not said the more you need blessed, the more you need deliverance from the enemy, this is not just about forgiveness, this is about victory in all areas of your life. Tell them MY Children. Tell them for ME.
How many organized religions will just put a wafer in their mouth? A dry wafer that could be nothing more than styrofoam. They forget the price that I paid. There is no repentence of sin first. They drink of the wine and they said words of rote repetition. There’s no heart given to ME. And the audacity when another puts the wafer in the other’s mouth and he calls himself a Bishop. And he calls himself the pope. You cannot do this for another! A communion is one on one. Now I don’t speak of those who are invalids, those who need the help of others to put the bread in the mouth or the cup to the lips. For their hearts are in the right place as long as the one, who is giving the communion, heart is in the right place. Tell them, feed MY sheep. Tell them. Pick up this weapon that has been long discarded but do not do it with unclean lips. Do not do it with a spirit of unrepentence. Do not do it as a mere ritual. Words written by another man. Give ME your hearts. And I will speak forth MY Words. Do not do it while you’re in sin! Otherwise you’re drinking damnation unto yourselves! Where is the fear? Where is the fear?
How many I see and they no longer fear. They stay in their sin. They take the communion cup with sinful lips. I am faithful to forgive. But never do this with an unrepentent heart for you’re only drinking damnation. You are only drinking of curses. Come to ME with a repentent heart. Ask ME to forgive you of your sins. I am faithful and I am merciful and just one drop of MY Blood, just one drop of MY Blood can save all of humanity if they had just received ME. Just one drop of MY Blood. And look how much more I gave. This is what I want you to tell them. This is the new Message I give you. This is the Message that is meant to be before the world. This is the only weapon you have. Tell them, “Thus saith YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH,” as you see the weapons pointed at you in so many different directions, lift up the only weapon I have given you.
Those who belong to ME. Those who have given their life to ME. Those who have asked ME to come into their hearts. Those who strive to obey ME. Those who strive to please ME. Those who worship ME and put ME first in their life and their love and in their marriage, lift up this weapon before the enemy. Only MY Name and MY Blood, only through MY Body, can anyone be saved! Only through the Blood of YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH, can anyone be saved! There is no name on the face of this world, on the face of this universe, can anyone be saved but through MY Blood and through the price I paid with MY Body, as I laid MY life down.
No man took MY life! No man could murder ME! But I willingly gave it. It is I that said, “It is finished.” It is I that commended MY Spirit to leave. But you do not have a clue what I did during this time. You do not have a clue for though yet MY Body died, I did arise. And I made an open show to satan, the once called Lucifer and I let him know and I let all of hell know, I am alive! And I took the keys of hell and death from his hands! And he cannot send anyone to hell unless it was part of MY plan, unless their name is not found in the Lamb’s Book of Life before the foundation of the world.
And I cannot lose one. I do not lose one. All, all, all whose names are found written in the LAMB’S Book of Life, before the foundation of this earth, all, all, all, all shall be in Heaven. The ones whose names are blotted out! As they betrayed ME in Heaven, they betray ME on earth. But even that name was blotted out before the foundation of this earth. As they betrayed ME in Heaven they betray ME on earth. All of you work out your own salvation with fear and trembling for your soul knows where you will go. You’re only repeating what’s already been done.
You see these preachers fall by the wayside. You see them betray the sheep and the lambs. You see them preaching another gospel than what I planned. But as they betray ME now, they betrayed ME then. For I tell you something in Truth that you did not know and even now Elisheva you struggle to speak forth these Words, but there is no such thing as a new soul. For all of earth and all of earth’s time have been filled with old souls. This is why I know the number of hairs on each of your heads. This is why I know each one of your names, be they friend or foe. This is why I know when I chose MY Bride on earth, I already know who was loyal in Heaven. This why I know and I let Jeremiah know as he was formed in his mother’s womb, as each day of his life was charted out, I knew that I had ordained him as a prophet because I knew who I can trust.
Beware! Beware! Beware! Beware! Beware oh Sheep and Lambs of MINE, of those who puff themselves up with fame and fortune and fill your airwaves. Beware! Beware! Beware! Beware of those who refuse to preach the Message of repentence, who do not live the life of repentence, refuse to live a life of Holiness, refuse to warn the sinners of sin. Beware! Beware! Beware! Beware, oh Sheep and Lambs! For these are not MINE and as they betrayed ME before, they betray ME now again! Oh pastors of greed, you know you don’t belong to ME! You are a farce! You are a fake! MY SPIRIT’S not in you! I’ve named the names before through this Ministry! And there’s so many more that I have not named. But watch them oh Sheep and Lambs. Have they sold their soul like a common whore just to get the tax exempt status? Beware, MY Sheep and Lambs, of those who try to put all the religions together as one! Of the One World Religion! There is but one YAH. You have but ONE CREATOR. YAHUVEH is HIS Name. Others pronounce it YAHWEH. But there is but ONE. There is but ONE MASHIACH. MY Name is YAHUSHUA. Call ME YAHSHUA. But don’t take the Name YAH out and think you’re hearing from MY SPIRIT.
You who call yourself Messianic Jews, so many things you got right but where you compromise and you no longer have MY light, you have taken the Name YAH out of MY Name to pacify the Orthodox Jews for they know the CREATOR’S Name. They believe the Rabbis’ lies. But read your own Torah. Read the Bible. How many times is it written, “In MY Name, you shall cast out devils. In MY Name, you shall lay hands on the sick,” only in MY Name. Does not the Bible say this?
And in the Torah, in the Tanakh how many times does it say, “In YAHUVEH’S Name”? What will you do with Psalm 91 you Orthodox Jews? You read so faithfully the Torah and the Tanakh but you take away the power when you do not say your CREATOR, your PROTECTOR’S Name. And you have no protection when you do not receive MY Body and MY Blood for I am the only begotten Son of ABBA YAHUVEH. I am the only begotten Son and MY MOTHER is called the RUACH ha KODESH. SHE is MOTHER of WISDOM.
The time is so short now. The lambs become sheep over night. I pour forth MY Truth. I grow them up for there’s not time to remain babies for long. I demand Holiness more than ever before for evil rages all around. I look for the sparkles of gems when I and MY Father look upon this earth. See, those who belong to ME, they sparkle as the brightest gem, as MY light shines upon them. But truly you are in and you are surrounded about with the feces of inhumanity. And I look for the sparkles and the gems and I know just where they are and even from Heaven I can behold the most precious of MY jewels. That’s everyone of you who put ME first in your life and your love, who strive to obey at all costs. Who rebuke satan and let him know he’ll have no part of you. You are MY precious jewels.
Oh the stench, the stench, the stench that’s coming from earth! Oh the stench, the stench, the stench of humanity, surrounded by inhumanity! Even MY own Holy angels cry out, “Can we not yet leave?” But they’ve been sent there to protect those whose names are found written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.
Some of you have your greatest battles in your own homes. You can get along with your spouse in every way except when it comes to the Truth of what I say. This is your test. This is your trial. Who will you love more? Who do you desire to please more? Who will you obey? Will you listen to the words they say? Or will you obey the Words that I say? What is the price of your soul? For if you cannot make this decision now, I guarantee you, you will not make the right decision in the Great Tribulation to come. This is your soul. What woman, what man is worth your soul? I gave MY Body and MY Blood. I arose again from the dead for all to see that satan did not have victory over ME. So you’d no longer be unequally yoked.
This is the Words I have you say this day. You said, “Give me something to feed YOUR Sheep and Lambs.” Elisheva this is what I want you to say. This is what I want you to write. This is what is to be transcribed by Katherineyah. YAHUSHUA’S Demon Stompers, oh MY precious Little Ones, Intercessory Prayer Warriors, Holy before ME! Oh you struggle like anyone. Temptations come at you from the left and the right. But you know to put the Ephesians 6 armor on. You know to stand forth in MY Name through MY Blood. This is a Ministry that I have given you to be mighty prayer warriors! Shield bearers to cover Amightywind Ministry, to cover Elisheva, to cover one another in Truth.
Seasoned warriors come forth! Join them in the battle lines. MY Bride of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH come forth! Join us in the battle lines! For there is victory there. The more you need deliverance, the more you need blessing, the more you need healed, the more you need forgiven… the more, the more, the more, do not discard your only weapon, that which you call communion. And I tell you this, do not take it with a sinful mouth, a sinful heart, repent before you do this and repentence is not merely words that come out of lips. Repentence is turning away from that which you know is evil! For I am faithful and I am true and as you give ME your heart and you lay this repentence down before ME, I will forgive you. And for those of you who are listening and reading this, you haven’t given your life to ME yet but you come here and you read the Words that I speak forth out of this Prophetic Ringmaiden, I remind you of this, do not wait to become perfected. Do not wait until you think, “Oh now I’m Holy.” For it cannot happen like that.
First you accept ME as your MASHIACH. First you ask forgiveness of your sins. First you ask ME to live MY life within you, to take away the evil desires in you, to cleanse you with MY shed Blood and then I clean you up. It’s as a baby being birthed. When that baby first comes out it is covered with the body fluids of the mother. It has to be washed off. It has to be slapped for it to breath. Breath oh little one, come unto ME. Let ME wash you off of this world’s sin. I chastise those that I love so you can breathe in ME, so MY SPIRIT can live within you, the RUACH ha KODESH can live in you.
MY precious, precious, precious ones. I desire, I desire, I desire to deliver you. Do not, do not, do not allow this world to tell you there’s no such thing as sin for sinners cannot inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. But forgiven sinners can. Come unto ME all you who labor and are heavy laden with the sorrows and the burdens and the sins of this world. Give them to ME for I will give you rest. This is the Words Elisheva I have you to say this day, on this Shabbat.
Tell them the Ten Commandments still stand. Written by ABBA YAHUVEH’S own fiery hand. They were written on a tablet of stone, not written on a paper or scroll to be erased or changed. What is sin then is sin now. And beware of any leader that tells you anything different. I have more to say but it shall be on another day for the Holy shall become more Holy and the unholy shall become more unholy and who’s who in Hollywood is truly who’s who in hell. Do not mimic the ways of this world for although you are in this world, you are not to be part of this world.
I have more to say but the Words I have to say will not be for the world to hear. It is for you five. Oh MY beloved Little Ones, you need a Passover. Those reading these Words, those who will hear these Words, you need a Passover. You need to be delivered of your burdens, of your enemies. No matter how humble of a Passover that you do, just do it. Just acknowledge the fact you need a Passover. You need a new beginning. You need miracles from Heaven. You need deliverance from the enemies’ hands for I warn you of this, your worst enemies are your own governments and your own land. I warn you of this. America, you are doomed. I prophesied it again and again and again and again! So America, I’m going to give you a leader after your own heart. You are a bully. You are brutish. You once were so blessed and now you are a curse unto ME and all who follow in America’s footsteps, all you nations, I speak through this Prophetic Handmaiden, so you shall be a curse unto ME. So you are a curse unto ME. I warned you Canada, don’t follow in your sister’s footsteps. But you sold yourself, the government of Canada, oh Canadians, for the price of gold, sold itself. Now embraces immorality, embraces the spirit of atheism.
Oh England, oh United Kingdom, there’s nothing united about you. Once you stood for morality, there’s nothing moral about you anymore. Everything I abhor, you allow your politicians to embrace.
You Holy ones who sit in America and you say for the first time there’s no one to vote for, I already gave you the only candidate that stood for morality and Ron Paul is his name. So even though, your vote won’t be counted, cast your vote in Heaven. Write your vote on earth for those of you who can. I know your heart. But do not compromise. Obama is an abomination unto ME. I’ve said it once, I’ll say it again.
John McCain is the son of Cain. I said it once, I’ll say it again. Hillary Clinton, your soul is as black as black can get. There is no lesser of evil running for president. All of you are evil in MY eyes. And the only hope there was, the media will not even give attention. You see I always have a people and they are the hidden ones. Oh how few Judge Roy Moores I have for they will not speak out like he does. America, oh how different it would have been if the one you call Judge Roy Moore, your president he would have been but there’s no desire anymore for morality or Holiness and it goes from one nation to the next!
I prophesied through this Handmaiden of MINE, what was in the minority, would be the majority if you did not fight this sin and now look at the spirit of homosexuality, where has it not invaded in because you believed a lie. Long ago I told this Handmaiden of MINE, in the beginning it was Adam and Eve, it was never Adam and Steve. Never, never, never, never, never, never, never was this to be and so the boiling black blood plague shall be loosed. You do not have much longer now. All those who condone the spirit of homosexuality or who have stayed silent and said, “Just let them do their own thing.” You shall sufferrrr a plague like none other! Those who partake in this abomination unto ME, you shall sufferrrr like none other! And those of you who know it’s wrong, even if you don’t belong to ME, from this sin you have fleed and this shall not come upon you. Speak out now! While you still got a voice! You pastors who have embraced the homosexuals so you would not have to confront them, watch and see what I do to you for you shall share in the same plague! Dream of Boiling Black Blood Plague
Those who have embraced abortions, not spoken out against it, pastors, you who call yourself leaders and are no leaders of MINE, you shall feel the painnnn of that baby. You shall hear their screams in your ears for all eternity as it will feel like your very skin is being boiled with that saline solution. It shall feel like your body is ripped apart and asunder. Your very heads will feel like they are being cut off. You have not a clue what I am going to do to you! You mothers who abort your babies, you have no excuse before ME if you do not repent of this atrocity. The blood shall never come off your hand! For the screams of the unborn echo in Heaven’s ears and although they’re safely taken home, they still want judgment down here! This is what is spoken of in part when you read in the Bible the souls underneath the altar want Judgment and they cry out and they say, “How much longer? How much longer?” (Rev. 6:10) These aren’t just the martyrs who laid their life down for ME, these are the unborn that would have been born who would have been Holy before ME. This is what I tell you in secret that other prophets don’t speak. This is your fresh manna from Heaven. Now chew on what I’ve said this day.
And all of you, all of you, all of you listening, all of you, all of you, all of you who receive, don’t forget you need a Passover and for so many of you, if you can but just do the most humble I will honor it as another Passover approaches.
You organized churches, I laugh at you. You have MY Resurrection before the Passover. Foolish, foolish manmade religions. Foolish, foolish manmade religions, how many souls have been taken to hell because of you? But not one do I loose whose names are found written in the LAMB’S Book of Life, again I say, before the foundation of this earth.
No other planet needs a SAVIOUR but one, the planet that Lucifer was cast down upon. Think about that, for you walk on top of hell. Think about that. As satan strives to make earth as close to hell as he can, to conform you into his image. Think about that. And praise ME, for if I hadn’t given that price at Calvary, where would you be?
For those of you who have not written this Ministry I speak forth out of, you’ve known, you’ve learned, you’ve received the Words I’ve spoken, your lives have been changed! You desire Holiness where you used to desire sin, what are you waiting for? Why have you not introduced yourself? Why have you not become part of the Holy warriors on the wall? Did I not say long ago, through this Ringmaiden of MINE, “There are no more lone rangers”. You need one another. Believe ME. Satan’s bride is complete. You can go from one end of the world to the next end of the world and you can find them. They are scattered all over, his networks. I use this Ministry to assemble MY Holy Bride together for they are Holy before ME. What are you waiting for? Oh you say, “I wrote them once, they didn’t write me back.” See I’m keeping track. What are you waiting for?
End of Word
Elisheva: Thank YOU YAHUSHUA. Thank YOU. What’s the date today?
[April 12. Started at 2:40 p.m. Ended at 3:40 p.m.]
Elisheva: Wow, it’s Shabbat! Saturday, afternoon and I was praying. I woke up praying and I knew there was a Word coming and I kept waiting and waiting and waiting for the Word and I rebuked the devil and praised HIM and then all of the sudden HE gave the Word, “Obey ME, and do communion.” We never even got to do the communion yet, and the Words came forth! So I could hear and that’s all it was and that’s how it started. Totally unexpected. And we praise YOU YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH and this date YOU have fed YOUR Sheep and Lambs. I know the sheep and the lambs have been going without for so long and I know they needed a Word and I was praying for that and until we obeyed and we got that communion bread and wine in our hand, HE did not speak through me and that’s a lesson in obedience. That’s all I have to say. As we
look forward to our Passover Day that’s going to be like no other Passover before, in the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. Amen.