Written/Spoken under the anointing of the RUACH ha KODESH
through Apostle Elisheva Eliyahu
Received May 9, 2008
Released June 3, 2008
This is from Prophecy 105, YAHUVEH said to put this up on all Prophecies from now on: I warned you a long time ago Elisheva not to name this Ministry after a man or a woman even before there was a Ministry. I put it in your spirit for none of this has been done by your hand, none of this has come forth from your mouth. It is from the Mouth of YAHUVEH that has given birth. It is from the Mouth of YAHUSHUA your MASHIACH that has given birth. It is from the Mouth of the RUACH ha KODESH your IMMAYAH that has given birth. If it had only been by your hand it would have failed long ago. It is by the SHKHINYAH GLORY’S Wind that blows across this earth, the Holy Wind of Revival, it is not by your breath or it would have failed. (Isaiah 42:8)
In July 2010 YAHUVEH GOD also said to add the following from 2nd Chronicles before every Prophecy:
2 Chronicles 36:16, “But they mocked the Messengers of GOD, despised HIS Words, and scoffed at HIS Prophets, until the wrath of the LORD arose against HIS people, till there was no remedy.”
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Word regarding Nico Arnold
Brief explanation about who Nico Arnold is:
Nico Arnold wrote this Ministry the end of January 2007 and offered his services with the Ministry websites. He said he was a believer and was learning the truths at Amightywind. We were hesitant to let Nico work on the sites because we did not have a clue who he really was, so we took it to prayer and YAH told us that we could trust him. So Nico started working with our Web Manager Coenrad in South Africa. Nico is a computer web designer and he was chosen by YAH to re-design the almightywind ministry site.
Nico and Coenrad put a website together and put it on the internet in South Africa which promoted and was linked to the Amightywind Ministry site but now Nico has taken the South African site down when he could not convince Coenrad to leave this Ministry. Nico also did a preliminary design for the almightywind site and we gave him some changes that needed to be made to the new design but he never finished the job he was given.
He started going to websites that are enemies of the truth and this ministry and even though he knew this ministry teaches nothing but the truth, he let the enemy in and that opened the door to many other demonic spirits that attacked him and now he IS an enemy of the truth and this ministry.
A few months ago Nico emailed us and said he no longer had time to do the new ministry site. In fact here is his last 2 emails to us.
Nico Arnold wrote at the end of December 2007.
Hello Katherine;
How are you doing? I hope that everything is going exceotinonaly (exceptionally) well over there. I am on holiday at the moment and not online as much as I use to so sorry for this late reply.
Would you and all the demon stompers please excuse me from this prayer group, I have a new business venture going on and I can not commit to my full hour per day. I would still keep all of you in my prayers though.
Thank you for everything you guys has tought (taught) me and for the revelations that has been brought to me via this ministry and the prophecies. I hope that we will all be meeting one day soon in heaven and that the Lord Yahweh will bless you all graciously!!
All the best in Yahishau’s (YAHUSHUA’s) name!
Your friend
Nico Arnold
Katherine wrote him back this email.
—– Original Message —–
From: Katherine
To: Nico Arnold
Sent: Friday, December 28, 2007 8:13 PM
Subject: Re: new word from MOMMA
Hi Nico,
Thanks for updating me on things with you. Are you still working on almightywind? I remember reading a Prophetic Word that said you were as a “midwife” there, with the website and the new allmightywind website. But I never heard back from you re what you thought of that. Does that mean you don’t take on that role as “midwife” over the websites? Please let me know. You know you don’t have to pray 1 hour, it can be less if you still want to commit to praying for the ministry. Please pray about it and let me know what you decide. YAHUVEH bless and guide you.
In YAHUSHUA’s Love, Katherineyah
This was Nico’s last email and the last time we ever heard from him.
Hello Katherine;
Unfortunately it also means that I would not be able to complete this website as originally promised. When I commited for this design I was in the position to be able to do it but now, over a year later, I am not that flexible in my time anymore. Sorry for any inconveniences I have caused. I think it would be best anyway to get someone that can sit next to you personally while a design is being done to avoid misunderstandings on the expectations of the design.
Your friend in Christ
We knew when we received this last email from Nico Arnold that there was alot more to what he was saying and he was NOT telling us the truth regarding why he was no longer going to do what he was called to do by YAHUVEH. We were going to email him and tell him we knew there was more to his decision than his new job but [we never did get around to email him. As you will see we never said anything to Nico, yet he could not leave this ministry alone and has tried to lead our web manager astray.
Now, this all leads up to this email that we just received from Coenrad, which said this.
Hi Katherineyah
I would like to tell you about Nico Arnold.
He contacted me and asked me if I want to meet with him to drink a cup of coffee and just chat a bit. I was very sceptical and I asked YAH many times if this was the right thing for me to do. A few days later I felt that YAH wanted me to meet with Nico.
So we met at coffee shop and I thought he just wanted to talk about everyday things. But as soon as we sat in the chairs he took out his laptop and started preaching to me, telling me that I should leave the almightywind ministry, because nothing being said on there is the truth. I then tried to connect to the net, but I think YAHUSHUA didn’t want him to connect at that time. After trying more than 10 times, he got so frustrated and his face turned red. He wanted to show me a website which he was studying. I was shocked to hear what he had to say. He doesn’t believe that there will be 2 witnesses one day, he doesn’t believe that there will be a great tribulation one day. He doesn’t believe that the RUACH ha KODESH (Our Precious Beloved IMMAYAH SHKHINYAH GLORY) is feminine. He doesn’t believe the rapture of the Bride..I was shocked beyond words.
Then I opened my bible and I started showing him scripture that these things will come to pass. I tried reasoning with everything I showed him. I asked MOMMA to guide me. Later on I could but only laugh at his “facts” explanations. He got so frustrated that he ran out of the coffee shop. The next day he send me an sms, telling me that if I do not want to believe what he was telling me that he will shut down a website we started together. It’s a South African website, on which I tell people of the soon coming of YAHUSHUA for HIS Bride and I added many links of Amightywind to that site. Unfortunately the website was hosted on one of his own web servers. So he changed all the usernames and passwords. And later on he deleted everything. I can see that he has been taken over by some e-v-i-l s-p-i-r-i-t-s.
Afterwards I realized that it was YAHUSHUA’s will that the website was closed.
I have learned so much from the Almightywind ministry and it is a privilege to be part of your special team!! Thank you all! You are my true family! Praise YAHUSHUA!!!
Blessings in the Name of YAHUSHUA!!
There you have it folks. That is what happened to Nico Arnold. It seems like it never fails, those who were once partners in this ministry and then become a Judas always seem to get hit with the spirit of insanity and try to destroy this Ministry and now Nico Arnold is hit with it too. Here is the Word given to Nico Arnold.
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The wildfire must continue MY Children. Relight the torch in Africa. The enemy thinks he silenced that voice. But the African site shall go back up! For it is a branch of this Ministry.
Tell Coenrad to search out the ISP at a reasonable price. But what is the price of a soul? Why do you think satan had the one I told you that you could once trust, Elisheva—why hy do you think satan mocks and put evil in his soul? But the voice in Africa shall only speak louder! The Prophecies will be like a wildfire revival for it has already begun. This is why satan used Nico Arnold to silence that voice. But it shall not be silent for long.
I allowed this so Coenrad would have no doubt of the evil spirit within Nico Arnold. I allowed this because evil can never touch this Ministry in any way. And as long as Nico Arnold is full of satan’s spirit he cannot have access to this Ministry in this way. He is as a man that’s gone insane. For you cannot touch nor to try to destroy anything that is Holy, anybody, any Ministry, when you are full of evil for that which they seek to destruct they only reap destruction. Now he has reaped destruction upon himself. Instead of blessings you once prayed over him. Now he shall walk in the Deuteronomy 28 curses of YAHUVEH. Instead of having a sound mind, now he has received the lying and deceiving spirit, that drives him on to insanity. Look on him no more as a man you once knew.
Beware! Beware! Beware! To anyone who seeks to destroy, tear down that which is Holy, and this Ministry is not of you, it is not named for you [Elisheva], does not lift you up, so when they attack this Ministry, they attack I, YAHUVEH, MY SON YAHUSHUA THE MASHIACH and your IMMAYAH (RUACH ha KODESH), MY SHKHINYAH. They attack the Aleph and the Tav. He is hell bent to destroy what I have decreed brings ME much Praise, Honor and Glory! So Nico Arnold you shall reap your reward. MY Children, the evil grow more evil but the Holy cling to ME. The Holy who strive to obey each Word I say and their hearts only belong to ME. They are as a lighthouse guiding the ship so they do not crash and I place these lighthouses as branches of this Ministry speaking forth these Truths in parts of the world that you know not of for it only takes one and it doesn’t take a building for you are the temple of the RUACH ha KODESH.
But one cannot just have the Holy Fire, one cannot just have the Truth for as they take the Truths from this Ministry, there is a driving force from Heaven that compels to share that light with everyone. They can no longer keep silent than you can keep silent for truly it is Holy Fire shut up within their bones and the Prophecies are like a golden chain and it wraps around this world to bind the enemies for it is the Truth, the knowledge of the Truth that sets the captives free when it brings all Praise, Honor and Glory to MY Son YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. So light the torch once again. And tell Coenrad to only shout louder and do not underestimate the power of this enemy.
Oh MY beloved Son Coenrad, so few men have I like you. Look what I have brought forth from your hands. On the internet there is no greater site to behold. The Anointing through everything that you do and the Words that I speak forth from this Ministry, none can compare. satan gnashes his teeth in rage because Coenrad you only come back stronger with more determination that you will continue to serve ME in this way for you are part of the Amightywind Team. Let no one stop you MY Son. Let no one say, “Turn your head this way. Go work for another Ministry.” For Coenrad I have not brought you this far to tell you to turn back now. Although well meaning friends whisper in your ear, and say, “Come on over here,” they do not speak with MY voice. And they are not part of MY plan. So beware MY Son, those coming at you with good intentions, can be your downfall. I have told you from the start. I gave you the sign that was written that you could trust this Elijah [in Hebrew, Eliyahu] that I speak forth from. So silence those that would speak against the work that you do now. Even if it comes from your own spouse, know this, you are held accountable to do what I tell you to do and I have yoked you together with this Ministry and you have put your hand to the plow. Now do not look back. And one day, you shall see MY beloved One, in Heaven as you stand by the other side all the souls that have been reached and I have plucked out of that which is called the dark continent of Africa, you were as a torch and you have joined together with other torches and Africa is ablaze with MY Wildfire Anointing! And Nico Arnold will not succeed as anyone else has not succeed(ed) in putting this fire out! For it is the RUACH ha KODESH Wildfire Anointing! And no one shall quench the good work that I have begun and the good works I shall finish for when all of you have left this earth, the Wildfire shall still go forth! Souls will still come to ME on bended knee and when they are not repenting now, they will remember the Words and they will repent then. Well done MY good and faithful children. I am pleased with all of you! There is not one prayer said in vain. You cover one another in the YDS’s (YAHUSHUA Demon Stompers, Prayer Intercessors).
And when you pray, picture a lighthouse with a beacon so bright. For each time you pray I look upon earth and I see your light. I see you sparkling like the brightest of the gems. Oh how much I love each and everyone of you who are determined to do it YAHUVEH’s way. Oh how pleased I am with you and all of you, your rewards shall follow you to Heaven one day! Keep on! Keep on! Keep on! You’ve put your hand to the plow, do not look back! Pay no heed to the enemy other than to rebuke them. You know the Truth that sets you free. Not only now but for all eternity.
End of Word
Elisheva: Thank YOU.
Because he took the website down. Coenrad had a website up speaking to all of Africa and we saw the seed coming forth, and new partners coming forth, mainly souls coming forth and Nico Arnold, since it was on his internet service provider, well, he just told Coenrad, “Either you leave Amightywind Ministry or (I’m) taking the website down.” And he took it down! And guess what folks, it’s going back up again and it’s going to be louder than it was before! So take that devil! You don’t have the victory in the Name of YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH. That voice is going forth and the Wildfire is only going to grow stronger all over Africa!
Go find us an Internet Service Provider.
(laughing) Amen!
We love you! Every YDS we love you so very, very much! I just have to say thank you for the birthday greetings. Forgive me, forgive me, forgive me. I really mean to write each one of you. You know I love you. You know I appreciate you. The ones who gave me those greetings, I wept. They were so beautiful, so anointed. It was like the words were coming from Heaven. Just to know? as hard as satan tried to tell me… that my life was useless and worthless, YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA especially showed me on my birthday that there were those celebrating my life because of what I have been used to do. And I just thank you and I love you. I look forward to hugging each and every one of you. So instead of writing that, can I just tell you with my own words, how much I love and appreciate you? I mean songs were written that were underneath the Anointing. A young girl named Sini, my beloved Sini, you were so shy and yet you wrote so anointed. I can’t name everyone right now but I just feel lead to put this in this Message right now because you’ve been waiting for a personal thank you. And I thank you, everyone, everyone, who just stopped and thank YAH that I was born. I thank you. I just thank you. I love you. Bye.