Holy Memorial Page
As long as we are on the Internet this will be posted in a special place for people who touch our lives in a unique way.
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"Goodbye Bill Lively Until We Meet in Heaven!"
Aug. 22, 2007
IN MEMORY OF BILL LIVELY 47 years he lived on this earth and we got to call him
a Partner, Brother and friend for 5 years of that time. He wanted to fly out to
meet us while we were in Idaho in 2005 and he lived outside of Macon Georgia.
The one regret I have is that we didn't say "Yes now is the time please come" We
would have laid all our work aside if we had only known we would never meet him
on this earth other than a phone call, postal mail, or email.
It is with great sadness that I tell you that Bill went to be with the lord on
August 22th 2005. He was on a sand bar with our daughter and he was pulled under
by the tide. He was concerned the night about a Tsunami. Not really sure why
because there was none or what that meant. His funeral was one of praise. My
oldest son said that if you could enjoy a funeral then he enjoyed his.
In Christ,
Ginger Lively
YAHUSHUA spoke to me while I was sleeping on 8/16/07 HE reminded me of the
scripture how our rewards follow us to Heaven when we leave this earth. (Of
course this only applies to the Holy who will enter Heaven, people who live
their lives to please YAHUVEH and not man, putting YAHUVEH and YAHUSHUA first In
their life and love and striving to obey Them, rebuking sin.) Bill did all of
YAHUSHUA told me that HE wanted to surprise Bill as part of HIS rewards in
Heaven and show Bill that he has not been forgotten by this Ministry for all he
sacrificed and did. I am obeying YAHUSHUA so he can surprise Bill.
My husband and I call Bill not only a faithful partner in this Ministry, but
friend and Brother in YAHUSHUA since 2000. If you wonder why we did not put up
this Memorial page sooner, it is because his widow did not let us know when this
happened. I grieve it took her until Feb. 4, 2007. I kept hearing to ask my
husband to write Bill again even though our email had been bouncing back. I was
shocked when my beloved husband read his widows letter to me. We would have been
honored to speak at what the world calls a funeral. The last time we had heard
from him was nearly 5 months before he died and went to Heaven. Our emails to
him would just bounce back and I thought his inbox was overflowed. I always
wondered why we didn't hear from him about prophecy 76, Bill always let me know
how blessed he was with each prophecy or teaching.
We truly miss our beloved friend Bill and look forward to seeing him in Heaven.
YAHUSHUA wants me to introduce you to our friend Bill Lively and why there are
certain people brought to us through the Internet that will always be remembered
with love and gratitude. So if you get to Heaven before us you can look for him
and tell him that Elisabeth and Niko sends their love. Now Bill will have his
name in the Search engine and hopefully souls will get saved because of this.
Bill is beholding YAHUSHUA'S face daily now in Heaven. What a day of rejoicing
that will be, when we can see HIM face to face and sit at our Abba YAHUVEH'S
knees and behold HIS Glory! Bill is able to do that now.
PRAISE YAHUSHUA! He is more alive than we are here on earth!
Bill Lively is one of our blessings who wrote us and truly encouraged us and put
action behind the words of encouragement by financially supporting this
ministry. Now that may seem like a small thing but when you see how he
sacrificed to do this, even against his wife's objections you will understand.
I tried to find a picture (we had one on another computer that crashed) to put
up on this Memorial page of him. I wrote his widow Ginger but she did not reply
back. This doesn't surprise me, Ginger didn't approve of this Messianic Hebrew
Pentecostal Ministry, because she is Baptist. But Bill supported it and
encouraged us anyway. I am honored that I was able to be called one of his
mentors. He did all he could to send all the prophecies to everyone he could and
lead souls to YAHUSHUA and to the Ministry where they also could be taught.
After I found out he was in Heaven, when I am going through a crisis I think of
him in Heaven and realize I don't weep for him I weep for me, because Bill is
home in Heaven again, his suffering and pain of rejection is over. Bill's job on
earth is done, although I am sure his widow wouldn't agree to that, because now
his widow is responsible for raising the children as he departed to Heaven. I
will never know if he got to read prophecy 76 because he died so soon after it
was released. I have my own opinions why YAHUVEH took Bill to Heaven, and I
truly believe it has to do with prophecy 76 and the arguments of his loved ones
concerning this.
Bill was a man torn in half, and he also was a man that refused to compromise
what he knew to be true. Because we travel so much we don't have one building we
can call a Church. Bill was blessed to find a Messianic Jewish Temple he
attended and it was his hearts desire that I and his other spiritual leader
meet. Bill called him Rabbi Greg. I wrote Rabbi Greg and introduced myself but
he did not write back either. Oh well at least I tried. When the book is
released that we are writing Bill will be part of a chapter. Many of you now
reading this have also become a blessing we will never forget. So when we honor
Bill this way, just remember we also treasure your friendship and loyalty,
prayers, love and support. Only in Heaven will you realize how much you mean to
this Ministry. Only in Heaven now, does Bill know how much he means to this