Amightywind Downloads


The Geneva 1560 Bible

Download the Geneva Bible from 1560, the first English translation of the Oldest known Bible, which is most accurate translation of the Word of YAH.

The Geneva Bible was the first Bible taken to America, brought over on the Mayflower… it is the Bible upon which early America and its government was founded (certainly not the King’s of England’s Bible!) The Geneva Bible was also the first English Bible to break the chapters of scripture into numbered verses, and it was the first true “Study Bible” offering extensive commentary notes in the margins. It was so accurate and popular, that a half-century later, when the King James Bible came out… it retained 90% of the exact wording of the Geneva Bible, but unfortunately also removed many of the original text and verses.

Download Geneva 1560 Bible PDF

Download Geneva 1560 Bible APK

Hebraic Roots Bible

Download the Hebraic Roots Bible with Study notes (3rd Edition)

Download Hebraic Roots Bible

One Single Offline Android App with 10 languages included.

Once installed you can view the compact version of our Websites WITHOUT internet. Only the external links to all videos, animations and audio are taken out in this OFFLINE version. Remember to check monthly for updates of the app!

Languages ​​included in the app:

On your Mobile download the APK file and then click on the file to install.

Download Amightywind Android App

This is the OFFLINE version of ALL the Amightywind language websites with all the 3D views, sounds and YAHUSHUA animations. Only the external links to all video websites are taken out in this OFFLINE version. Because when the time comes, "What will you DO when the Internet is GONE"!

Languages included in App:

Works with all Windows versions.

Because this App is not Microsoft Certificated, the FIRST start of the App takes a long time because many antivirus programs will scan the whole file for virusses. The second start is much faster.

The App is slower in opening pages, due to that all pages and files are loaded from the EXE file into the PC's internal memory module.

Tested and works with the following antivirus programs:

Works NOT VERY WELL with Webroot Secure Anywhere:

1. You have to temperary shut down your Webroot program.


2. Wait for about 1.5 minute when you get an windows "Application Error" because webroot scans the whole file. (There is no progress display)

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What if you got a warning from Windows Smartscreen

You can disable the Smartscreen filter and you will not recieve those annoying warnings from Microsoft for every unknown program or app.

Click here how to disable the Smart Screen filter

You can also disable warnings for a single program or file by doing this:

1. Right-click on the AmightywindMultiApp.exe and go to Properties.
2. In the General tab, click on the "Unblock" check mark/button at the bottom.
3. Click Apply and the warning should no longer appear.

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Download your OS version:

Download Amightywind Windows 64-bits App Download Amightywind Windows 32-bits App

Bible software ISA3 basic

Greek / Hebrew interlinear Bible software

Download ISA3 basic