Don't Give Up And Quit!
Elisheva Eliyahu Tells YAHUSHUA, "I Quit! Go Find Someone Else To Minister To Your Sheep!"
Updated on April 10, 2009
Beloved Family in YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH,
I am so grateful by the mercy and grace of YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH I didn't give
up and quit and because of the determination to obey YAHUSHUA, I repented of the
words "I Quit". This Ministry that the devil tried so hard to destroy is now 21
years old as of April 10, 2009! I say this with a humble heart because only
YAHUSHUA could have helped me survive all these years and not give up being the
A stranger wrote me and sent the Teapot story mentioned in the "I Quit"
testimony I wrote sometime in 1995. I never heard from him again, he just wrote
me an email that said "YAHUSHUA told me to send you this story and to tell you
don't give up and quit!" I never heard from this man again. I don't have his
email any longer and I can only pray he is reading this now.
There was another teapot story included in his email that touched my heart also
and helped me not to quit the Ministry on the Internet. The other teapot story I
have lost and it's a desire of my heart I find it. If anyone can find the story
it is about 3 teapots sitting on a shelf one made of gold, one of silver, and
one just plain looking teapot. The master came by and was choosing which teapot
to use, HE did not choose the gold one, although it boasted of its value. HE did
not choose the silver one although it boasted of beauty, YAHUSHUA who is the
Master chose the plain teapot because HE does not call those who think they are
qualified, HE calls and chooses those who know they are nothing without HIM and
so HE qualifies the called and calls the humble because HIS ANOINTING will be
evident to all. Ok, thats the best I can remember the story, and if anyone can
find it on the internet I will be eternally grateful. I looked and can't find
Between the two teapot stories I wept tears of repentance and said "YAHUSHUA
forgive me I don't give up and quit!" The 2nd time I nearly quit because the
persecution of being a Prophet was getting to much for me to handle along with
the pressures of life. YAHUSHUA had a woman email me that I didn't know she said
"I am one of the lurkers that am blessed by your Ministry, we are only allowed
to write you when you need encouraging, and I send you this song to encourage
you, don't give up and quit!" I never heard from her again. The song turned out
to be my very favorite song, that so many times has brought me to tears crying
at YAHUSHUA's feet when I feel so overwhelmed with the problems that face this
Ministry. The title is "This Warrior Is A Child" by Twila Paris. This is such an
anointed song, and it had to be written from someone Holy who knew the meaning
of suffering like me. I hope you will find it and listen to a demo of it.
It has been 12 years since I wrote the testimony "I QUIT" where I share my pain
before the world. I cringe to re-read something I haven't read in very many
years. I would just delete this part of my life that doesn't exist anymore,
except people are still blessed knowing that I survived this time of deep
depression and so can they. Just don't give up and quit! Hang onto your faith
and love for YAHUSHUA and hang on to the measure of your faith and don't give up
and Quit! You will win the battle in YAHUSHUA ha MASHIACH's Name!
In YAHUSHUA reveals a secret and HE says I
was on the verge of quitting again, but through the Name and the Blood of
YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH not only we have the victory but all those who listen and
YAHUSHUA didn't mean I would quit being a Pastor/Prophet, HE meant that I was
constantly praying to be taken to Heaven and I was praying like Elijah of old
prayed, let another prophet take over for me. The depression had returned
because of a custody battle for my child, going through a divorce, plus the
persecution of the enemies who wanted to silent this prophet, and destroy this
Ministry with slanderous lies. Add to all of that going through a divorce with a
man who proved he would rather see me dead than divorce me. My ex-husband in the
worlds eyes not YAH's eye's, always said when he married me he bought me with
that marriage license. In his eyes I was a trophy like the deer heads on the
wall he killed, and he would say to me constantly thats what he was going to do
to me after he killed me. Stuff and mount my head on the wall.
He would brag that he would do to me what OJ Simpson did to his wife, and he
said he would get away with it like OJ Simpson did. So many times there were
death threats and attempts made on my life. The struggle to survive in so many
ways became overwhelming before my beloved husband from
Israel came into my life. YAHUSHUA gave me the the best in a husband where I
only known the worse like a curse.
So, since the "I QUIT" testimony of 12 years ago when YAHUSHUA used me to give
birth to the AmightyWind Ministry on the Internet, these things have changed for
the glory of YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH, and precious RUACH ha KODESH (HOLY
I can feel the love and prayers from all over the world, that combats the hatred
directed at me by the enemies of this Ministry. I know the secret is in what
YAHUSHUA taught ume and my beloved husband, in how to have a happy
marriage. The secret is overwhelming Holy love, combined with overwhelming
laughter will overcome every trial. Yet we have also learned human love is not
enough to make a happy marriage, it must be combined with YAHUSHUA our
MASHIACH's love also.
YAHUSHUA took what was just a small seed where I was ministering as an
Evangelist/Prophet 21 years ago in Churches and made it grow into a world wide
tree with branches of the Ministry stretching all over the world! The prophetic
messages cannot be silenced for they have been recorded on all forms of audio
media, and even the radio airwaves, as well as computer, and printed paper.
YAHUVEH has given 110 Prophecies since 1995 and the Prophecies posted are
translated into Polish, Spanish, French, Afrikaans, Dutch, Indonesian, Finnish,
Russian, German, and of course English. We wait for more translators to come
forward and volunteer in the love of YAHUSHUA.
End Time Prophetic revelations given to me from ABBA YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA our
MASHIACH, and the precious RUACH ha KODESH where YAHUVEH has shared HIS secrets
with me that no other prophet has been given before. One of them is secrets
about the HOLY SPIRIT. I am honored beyond words and so humbled because truly I
don't know why I was chosen to share this knowledge from Heaven. Now people all
over the world have a deeper intimacy and love for the HEAVENLY TRINITY.
I have been honored to hear the voice of YAHUSHUA audibly! I have shared these
messages on the internet over the years. I have seen YAHUSHUA twice with my own
physical eyes, and in a vivid vision with signs, and miracles following twice.
* * * * * * * * *
Michael the Archangel appeared before me physically twice. Once in a restaurant
in Camps Bay, South Africa in 2006 and other witnesses saw him also with me, and
Michael came just so I knew he was there watching us.
Read Story Here.
* * * * * * * * *
May 24, 2005
Michael the Holy Archangel came to me with another angel and stood over my bed
awakening me. I had been very sick for 3 days, exhausted from the pain, then I
saw Holy Angels standing next to me. Michael's wing was hanging over the bed and
I reached out to touch it and stroked it between my two fingers like a child
would, marveling at the softness of the wing, and beauty of the gems that
sparkled all through it. I was instantly healed of my illness when I touched
Archangel Michael's wing. PRAISE YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH!
I was also given a message from the other Holy Angel. He spoke to me and said,
"All of heaven is rejoicing and preparing for the Bride of YAHUSHUA!" The next
time the Angel visits me will be to tell me when YAHUSHUA is coming for the
Bride! (since I am the Ringmaiden of YAHUSHUA I will know, just as the cryer did
with the parable in the 5 wise virgins.) Also the Holy Angel told me that
YAHUSHUA wants me to give birth to a new branch of the Ministry and it is to be
called "YAHUSHUA's demon Stompers."
They are to be "Holy Prayer Warriors like none other" (As a group they cover
this ministry in prayer 24 hours a day in different time zones and individually
each pray for one hour a day or more). We call them our Spiritual Sons and
Daughters and love them very much! Our YDS Front line Prayer Warriors are very
anointed Holy Prayer Warriors they know how to do spiritual warfare and they
give all Praise to YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH. I am honored to be called Momma R.M.
by them even though I am only 25 years old, lol.
* * * * * * * * *
April 5, 2004
YAHUSHUA woke me up and it was after midnight and said "Elisabeth you are MY
Ringmaiden." (I didn't have a clue what a Ringmaiden was or what I was suppose
to do, but each day I learn more, and a prophecy basically explaining it the
most is given to me from YAHUSHUA) I am honored and pray each day I
will finish all HE has called me to do on this earth for YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH'S
YAHUSHUA says millions of souls are being reached with the saving, delivering,
forgiving, resurrection power of the Name and Blood of YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH. We
have gotton thousands of emails of gratitude for this Ministry because it
mentors and leads them to YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH. Is there any greater calling
than to be a fisher of men? I think not.
No joy can compare to anything in the world than when you know you have just led
a soul to YAHUSHUA and they accept HIM as God, Lord, and Savior!
5 Books will be released including my auto biography and the persecutions, that
few know, that this Ministry has been through. Also all the prophecies will be
released in book form. We have just finished one book and getting ready to send
it to the publisher. The translators YAHUSHUA has chosen with HIS own hands and
drew them to this Ministry to translate the Prophecies into other foreign
I can't take the time to name everything YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH has done all
these many years or this will never get posted today. YAHUSHUA gave instructions
to me while posting Prophecy 110 to make a Miracle page for HIM giving HIM all
the Glory that this Ministry is 21 years old, and as you can see just from
briefly reading here the few miracles I have written, it is a Ministry that Holy
signs, wonders and miracles have followed us because we do believe and give all
glory to YAHUVEH, YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH, and the Precious RUACH ha KODESH!
With love
A grateful, humble, Child, Warrior and Bride of YAHUSHUA our MASHIACH
Apostle Elisabeth (Elisheva) Sherrie ELijah
* * * * * * * * *
This is what I wrote back in 1995
Forgive ME YAHUSHUA! I was wrong! I don't know very many ministers who haven't
at some point wanted to quit. A few years ago I reached that point. Then someone
sent me the Teapot Story which ministered to me and bound up my wounds, giving
me the strength to go on. Please read about when I went through one of the
lowest points in my life. YAHUVEH has said to be not ashamed of my past, but to
use it for his glory. If this has encouraged even one minister, then this has
been worth it. When your done read the Teapot Story to see why we must suffer.
Below is a graphic, property of this ministry, again no one is allowed to use it
without permission. Carol Waggoner, is the graphic artist, we hired her to do
this beautiful work. We are waiting for more finances to hire more work done.
The bare vine is US, before salvation! When we don't have YAHUSHUA Messiah as
Lord (ruler of our hearts and lives! After Salvation, the Holy Spirit comes
(symbolized by the dove), and brings us life which is YAHUSHUA Messiah and draws
us to the saving arms of YAHUSHUA Messiah, through the price he paid at Calvary
so we would be saved from HELL!

I received a story about a teapot today, from another prophet, Rick, who doesn't
even know me. I don't even know how he got my email address. What he sent me I
needed, for it encouraged me! I am posting the article and this confession in
hopes this will encourage others who are ready to give up and quit! Maybe even
have. I am humbling myself before ALL of you and YAHUSHUA Messiah, obeying him
by writing this.
I pray it blesses you also if you are like me and wonder "Why Lord YAHUSHUA are
you letting this happen?" I was so discouraged recently that I said "That's it,
I am NOT going to get my pastors license renewed! I QUIT BEING A MINISTER!" But
I have since REPENTED! I would sooner quit breathing than quit ministering for
YAHUSHUA Messiah! This is my sole purpose in life to obey YAHUSHUA Messiah, To
Love HIM and to bring other souls to HIM! To bind up the wounds of the broken
Sheep! To preach the good news! To be HIS mouthpiece and speak forth His Holy
Prophetic Messages!
My Prayer is "Dear YAHUSHUA, Please use this broken vessel of Clay more for your
Glory! For I admit I cannot do anything without your strength, anointing,
wisdom, and guidance! Without your Love and Mercy! I am ordained by YAHUSHUA
Messiah and licensed by man. Partners may come and go, but there is one partner
that promises HE will never leave nor forsake me! HIS Name is YAHUSHUA Messiah
of Calvary & Nazareth! HE is the only True Love of my Life!
Forgive Me YAHUSHUA as I confess before others, I sinned for 24 hours when I
told my Lord, I QUIT! When this Clay says to the Potter Almighty, "Go find
someone else to suffer under the financial load! I QUIT! I can't take the abuse,
and ungratefulness anymore from those we try and help! Preachers that should be
standing by my side, other Brothers and Sisters who attack for preaching the
entire Gospel of YAHUSHUA Messiah! Partners that come and go like ships passing
in the night. I am tired of the loneliness Lord! But now I REPENT! I repent
before YAHUSHUA and HIS people!
This is what I am! I repent for I let the spirit of rebellion for 24 hours and I
said I will just sit here and be quiet and stay saved. Who needs this hassle,
especially the financial burden! I QUIT! I only said this ONE other time and had
a nervous breakdown for a year after I said those words! Nearly 6 years ago. You
can't run from what you're ordained to do!
Everyday satan taunted me to just kill myself, I had given up my only purpose in
living, and that is ministering! I was substituting the peace that passes all
understanding with Zoloft 200mgs. Now I started out with 25mgs and got lost in
the grocery store for hours! Yet 8 months later, I was taking 200mgs to 250mgs.
and it wasn't touching the deep depression and hopelessness or suicidal spirits!
Those that I had ministered to saw their pastor no longer having faith to pray
for them or barely herself, lost respect for me, but since that time it has been
restored! Thank you YAHUSHUA!
Other ministers, when I lifted my hands up for help, shot them down with their
mouths like a machine gun for daring to ask for help! What I was created for, I
had given up on! YAHUSHUA brought me out of that despair 6 years ago by
reminding me I can't give up what I was created for! It is my identity! Who I am
through YAHUSHUA Messiah my Lord!
Now satan was trying to pull the same trick again, it appeared to be working!
But Almighty YAHUVEH had other plans this time! Praise YAHUSHUA!
I heard YAHUSHUA tease me and say, "Aren't you even going to give me a 10 day
notice?" I told YAHUSHUA, "OK, I will give you a 10 day notice to change my
mind!" That night I had these dreams that showed me the future, and confirmed I
am to minister to YAHUSHUA Messiah's sheep! Most of all I repented for allowing
the devil to put the spirit of rebellion on me!
A whole commercial plane will come to YAHUSHUA Messiah, and I prayerfully will
lead the entire plane to YAHUSHUA and HE lands the plane safely! It will be
headlines in the newspapers one day! Newspapers will be forced to glorify to
YAHUSHUA Messiah as the passengers and pilots admit only YAHUSHUA Messiah could
have landed that plane safely! Want to come fly with us? :)
Many MORE souls will be saved because of the evangelism he showed me especially
Jerusalem! He will use another lady and I, and showed this ministry's part with
all of the souls getting saved! Devout Jews becoming believers in YAHUSHUA as
Messiah! I will recognize the people I met in my dream!
I called my friend so fired up yesterday morning, I knew I couldn't quit! For
this is my identity, this is ALL Sherrie Elijah (Elisheva Eliyahu) is about, I
can't stop preaching, talking, praying, ministering. I will die if I even try! I
will have no purpose in living! OK, this isn't everyone's life, but it's my
Leading souls to YAHUSHUA is my Sole purpose in life! Not anything I have done
special, just the deep calling, and anointing, gifts I have been given for the
sole purpose of giving mankind a choice, salvation or damnation, but they must
know their choices!
I must intercede for the lost sheep, the abused sheep, warn where the evil
shepherds are, the false prophets, the wolves in sheep's clothing! This is who
Apostle Sherrie Elijah (Elisheva Eliyahu) is! This is my identity. I have no
Child, warrior, bride, minister, prophet, and anything else HE wants to call me!
Most of all a sinner saved by mercy, and grace! We all have a divine purpose and
this is mine!
Please pray for me. I am attacked by the enemy for standing against evil! Yes,
even by the brethren who don't believe a woman can be used like this.
I was reminded by YAHUSHUA through the dream the only thing that brings me
pleasure in life is helping others, leading them to YAHUSHUA Messiah's cross at
Calvary! To the only Good Shepherd! There is no greater reward than being a
blessing to others, at least attempting to be!
The only thing I get to take with me to Heaven is the knowledge we are used to
lead others there! Praise YAHUSHUA! I get to be used to bless others!
As you are! While YAHUSHUA Messiah gets the Praise, Honor, and Glory! There are
others standing with us.
A woman who wrote me New Years and said YAHUVEH used this broken vessel of Clay
to stop her from killing herself! What price can I put on that? Everything in my
life I would do over again, just so this soul would be saved from hell!
This site is used like a Church! I love the souls YAHUSHUA has me minister to,
or fellowship with. There is no greater reward than serving YAHUSHUA!
Before my family, I humbly repent I ever said these words to my dearest Lord and
Master YAHUSHUA Messiah! I repent, and now before you I repent, even if I only
had these thoughts for less than 24 hours, I sinned by thinking them at all!
I didn't have to acknowledge this sin, yet I do, for only YAHUSHUA would have
known, but this gives the devil a black eye when I confess what would have been
rebellion if I had done this!
A member of my congregation told me she wanted to confess a sin before me
because the devil was taunting her. She did confess to me, and I said remind the
devil your sins are washed in the shed Blood of our Lord and Master YAHUSHUA
Messiah of Calvary!
That's when the devil started tormenting me by saying the same thing, so to shut
his mouth and give Glory to YAHUSHUA Messiah! I confess my sin of rebellion
before the world and Heaven listens and all hell shudders as satan is defeated
See when I sin, YAHUSHUA has me blast it from the housetops, in this case, the
internet! Rebellion is a sin! Not our will but YAHUVEH's will be done! This life
is not my own, I gave it to YAHUSHUA Messiah, 23 years ago, along with my heart,
mind, body, spirit, and soul! Confessing ye sins one to another, keeps us humble
before each other also. More ministers are needed to do this, it would knock
them off their self-made and media-made pedestals!
YAHUSHUA said to me (Nov. 20, 1997) something he told me long ago when I told
him "I don't want to call myself a prophet, they kill the prophets!" YAHUSHUA
said, "It doesn't matter what you call yourself, it only matters what I call you
and I call you not only a prophet, but my minister that will continue to feed
and lead my sheep to me!" That's a thus sayeth YAHUSHUA Messiah!
He said he is not letting go of his ministers so easily! So I encourage you when
the devil comes against you, don't give up and quit! Recently my brother above
felt led to tell me to read again (No More Crumbs). YAHUSHUA spoke it
through me, and now I was told to reread it again! Read it! What a blessing!
These prophecies are not meant to be read one time and thrown away, or say "I
read that before", it is alive, the words took on greater meaning to me then
before! If you believe the prophecies are YAHUSHUA speaking then HIS Words are
YAHUSHUA didn't panic when I told him I QUIT! HE just said "Elisabeth, you can't
minister with this attitude," and I said "Don't worry YAHUSHUA, I won't!" If you
are running from what you are ordained to do, listen to my words! Repent before
its too late! You know you are miserable there is a void that only obeying the
will of Daddy YAHUVEH can fill!
In less than 24 hours, YAHUSHUA got my attitude back the way it should always
be. Not my will be done, but YAHUSHUA Messiah's perfect will be done!
I make my enemies rejoice at thinking they almost won! But by posting this
before the world I say to all those that sent out that spirit of destruction
upon this ministry and the leaders, vengeance is MINE sayeth YAHUVEH, HE alone
will repay you!
We forgive you, for you're nothing more than a puppet satan has used against us!
With me confessing this before the congregation, together we will cut your power
in YAHUSHUA Messiah's Name!
No weapon formed against us shall prosper and every tongue formed
against us is condemned! This is the heritage of the saints!
I am back more angry and full of hatred for satan and his workers than ever
before! More determined than ever! I have decided to follow YAHUSHUA Messiah! To
minister for YAHUSHUA Messiah and there is no turning back!
My name is Rev. Elisheva Eliyahu, and my title is
about who I revere, serve and who I teach others to revere, love and worship,
and that is YAHUSHUA Messiah! But its a reminder of my calling to feed YAHUSHUA
Messiah's sheep!
Warn the sheep where the wolves are! Warn the wolves get away from YAHUSHUA
Messiah's sheep!
Blood of YAHUSHUA Messiah is against you satan and all your
demons too and all those that send evil curses in our direction! The
Blood of YAHUSHUA Messiah is against your evil spirits of occultism, voodoo,
witchcraft, new age, satanism!
When I was going through this time of testing, and I know its not over with yet,
anyway a friend and I were praying and over a cordless phone with voice scramble
we heard, voodoo tin drums beating! There even was a cymbal clanging! I changed
stations and it was as if I did not change anything, it only beat harder and
louder, and my friend heard a howling wolf!
We prayed in the HOLY SPIRIT tongues and YAHUSHUA had a prophecy for the one
listening and praying to their gods against us! Believe you me they had better
shudder in fear, for they weren't coming against us, but YAHUSHUA Messiah! The
noise stopped!
Back off devil! You have no claim on this ministry or I, or those who
help me with their prayers, and support! We take back forcefully now and demand
back seven-fold, satan all you have stolen! For we caught you stealing satan! We
rebuke the devourer! Bind it up and cast it away in YAHUSHUA Messiah's Holy
Name! And the bible says seven-fold must be returned to us!
We rebuke the devouring spirits and the spirit of poverty and lack you have
tried to send to this ministry and the ministers! And those trying to support
the ministry through prayer and finances! We bind up all evil spirits sent
against us and this ministry and we stand on the word of YAHUVEH that says
"Whatsoever is bound on earth is bound in Heaven! What is loosed on earth is
loosed in Heaven! We loose the spirits of prosperity and abundance to this
ministry and the ministers and those praying for this ministry!
We send the evil spirits back to the senders a thousand-fold! In the
name of YAHUSHUA Messiah let it boomerang on those who cursed this ministry and
the ministers, and the finances, the curse is now upon the one who sought our
destruction! You will reap what you have sowed! So BEWARE! Repent before its too
Victory In YAHUSHUA Messiah is ours! Eternal defeat is yours who serve satan and
try and destroy YAHUSHUA Messiah's Servants! Those that stand with us on
YAHUSHUA Messiah's side will stand.
Those that stand against us on satan's side will fall! Immediate
destruction shall befall those being used of satan, repent! The evil spirits of
destruction you sent shall take you off the face of the earth and into the
bowels of hell! The Holy Spirit writes this through me under the
I prophesy this in the Name of YAHUSHUA Messiah of Calvary and Nazareth! Under
the Holy Spirit's anointing and direction, e-mail and repent before those you
have harmed so you will be forgiven! You know who you are!
We already know who sent you and your purpose, there is forgiveness at the cross
of Calvary, but you must repent before YAHUSHUA and us, who you have wronged!
Any curses sent our way, (beware witches and satanist), will be returned
seven-fold upon your own heads! The bible says they will boomerang! I cut the
ungodly silver cords that you use and lay lines the Blood line is drawn and
satan you and your cohorts can't cross the Blood line of YAHUSHUA Messiah of
Blood of YAHUSHUA Messiah is against you satan and all your
evil spirits and those you send to destroy me and this ministry! In YAHUSHUA
Messiah's Name I stand! So for your own sakes those that wish to harm me and
stop this ministry, be warned because I serve a God that will protect me even if
it means taking your life! Vengeance is MINE sayeth YAHUVEH I will repay! I
forgive, he repays is it really worth it????? This has been a warning to my
enemies spoken under the anointing of the Holy Spirit!
Vengeance is MINE sayeth YAHUVEH, I will repay! It is a fearful thing to
fall into the hands of Almighty YAHUVEH! Almighty in love and mercy, Almighty in
WAR! Beware enemies of the Cross, the Name and the Blood of YAHUSHUA Messiah!
It's not us you have offended but Almighty God YAHUVEH who sent us!
Write us,
Contact Us. Let us know
someone else cares please because it's you we are ministering too! Please let us
know you're standing with us. Even YAHUSHUA was grieved when only one leper came
back out of ten to thank HIM. Nine were healed and they never even said thank
you! Are you that special grateful one or are you the one getting blessed, but
never returning to say thank you? Never even offering a prayer for this
This candle is in honor of the many women whose lives have been affected by
Read my testimony
and see how I can identify. Place this image on your homepage to keep the Candle
Light Vigil alive.