1) Why it is important to use the Sacred Names
2) Sabbath
3) Who is the RAUCH ha KODESH
4) Gift of prophecy
5) Jewish holidays
6) Passover
7) Hannukah
8) Yom Kippur
9) 10 days of Awe
10) Sukkot
11) Rosh ha Shanna
12) Purim
13) Pentecost
14) Year of Jubilee
1) Unequally yoked marriages
2) How to get out of an unequally yoked marriage
3) What YAH has to say about them
4) If you are in one and you CAN’T get out
5) To the heathen spouse
6) Soul mate
7) How to tell if you are unequally yoked
8) How to break free of being unequally yoked
9) YAHUVEH doesn’t want you unequally yoked
10) Unequally yoked friendship
11) Parents protect your children
12) Families with holiness and unholiness